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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1902)
1111 MOKMXd ASTOUIAN. Sl'XDA Y, JANUARY VX IW2 M5 I Telephone Miin ($1. TEH MS OP Sl'lWCKIPTION DAILY. -.line;'. It is cimp:ii.illvcly easy t s.-itlnfv tho owner of a stationary pow er piiint In thisi respect, but th c;is ! is n lit.'iO different with siMtml.ip eoni ; p.iii)e. Am yet there .ire not so many dep. .is v.v.tcrod iilvmt the world ! -is iherv are oIinic sMtton. No cr- ,-,' uimii oniMmd i '' iw:n cr I ! nawgniion would like to citiip Us v'HILlMvl'N KSI'l'.VI.U.t.Y I.IAltl.K. livirtw, l-niPes mid iiit- are extreme, ly painful and If nculcciet often result 1:1 blood Noiiini. ri'lldivti itrv cpecl .il'.y liable to such mishaps Uc:uisi not so careful. A- a remedy IvWli-'.i Witch Hard Salve is unen-iaic.l I 'raws c.ii the ipc :.', s the tarn, M-oti heals lv- wound lb-ware i ountorC'lts Sure- on r for I'll" IVVt Ill's Wiieh teot by null. rr jrx st,i by m-.U Per momh gsrwd by carrier. per .too . .40 . . Iimhicm oil burnlnc, apparatus tl;Ui-5 Salvo mifJ " la'.y of eel m.i r two ph v;.ins i- ue: nr. ! Jmi-ics M vi.. N WcMrr. tnd. SfMl-WKKKI.Y. by m!l. per year, In advanc. . The Astoriin guarantees to lis Kr tiswrs the largest circulation of any osrvr r-'Mlshej on th Columbia rTr. CKOKKKS RESIGNATION. anVs-t it was sure that it i-'ill. I rind .lid .1! i'ViTV Tt WcoC'l Idlest' Vf-W v sited, ll.wi'ior. o t.s; lr: able head ; is .t'evady Iviiis made In that di tvoiion The She'.; Trans, Mil Ai Tiad ii.c r.'mi'ain. for itn.a;i.r not only o; !.: alvii; n sooro of tank stoain t is jo .iis'rtbut oil. lu! t: m ttiAn for.y s.oracv s'.auonj in .litT.r-i-:;t fa'rtu of tht worl.l. notly m tiif Orli-nt. re Is an cvamplo which will In1 A ipian .1;- fio la I .lao so l .1 two s. s a .1 ..y " v'll S li.M- in's (h.- I;h !rl.'..-!s Ntonr was ' vi; tk';uoh. I woni.l i-oiuh loarly all nlclit il'iU" writ.s Mrs 'h.. A'tl-t . il AI.-iiiHlri.i In!, "an I o'i:l I lianlly in t inv s!o-t' I lia.l ivnsntn'tnn o loss , x:.-nsU. :y In I hn.l ihat ir I al.l 1 1 ;k 1 woiiM oniitu rriciiMiinv a'' i r ' . wh.'ii nil o.h r iiii-IU,:im f.nlf.l thr Sl.iH" NittW of Pr f 'V Piit-ov. ory wholly .-uro.l me an.l 1 tJ'tifJ M iviin 1 " it's ni's.o.u:.'!.' nuirnnt',l to ur- t'oim-hs. i'o,s I. i Inn. Uro.v . hltis nni 'l Throa; a i ! I nns Tnu- for iblos. J'ri.-.- nn 1 t )Mal tmttlrs :ion. Is reRaHtM In m nieinro- j stramshii.s. For lh hem units w huh xtHT WAS MKI! Tl KV.OR il contains It Is ghout half as bulky . If Ttn II" is welcome to h.iv It all 10 himself. hi 1 n ' 1h- follow cl m r or 1 i 'time. It will iihally no: le long be- I .... The resignation of UlcharJ Oroker ; fore cru le peiro.eum "ill be oiuam- able almost as ea.ily ewl. Oil. if sufficiently cliei Is a lartic- uUrlv Jeslrable form of fuel from the chairmanship of the finance committee of Tammany hall, which carrk' ulth It tvntrcl of the mganli as coal. The ijac which Is saevl in this wy haves mote room In a mer- Thls 'chant vessel fr freight, anj thus In- f..rj.s hr .rtniinf raili'iiv A w AT tan circle as a temporary arrange ment. to continue In effect on'y until Tammany recuperates sufllclently to aicain win In New fork city vIhw of the situation Is forcibly pre. creases h-r earning caacny . . v..., Tork Tr-.bune. Just !essot also enjoys an aJianuse. ' v ,'.hiehrnthatMr Croker h-UKh it is of a Jllterent charact-r. wther. tWltfs I.lttle Karly Utsera at han.l. which recalls that Mr. crv-Ker .i promote easy action of Hie bowels re,i,eJ- In is, when Mayor Strong r sn otl Instea.l of ..v. she a!,tress. I have been tr-u- I ......... i ...v.. . .1. . ...'.. K i elected and Tammany beaten. In i pra.n. any uom..r r !,rtt BlIn ,.,,Mxeness nine jears." says can coxer Nfore takinn on fresn j 0 (Ireene. lV,auw I POX-T I.IVK TAXUTTHKR. "onstlpatlon and health never go to- sU on i: i: ic v r iuii TABLE LINENS NAPKINS HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS NOW 1 - I II h I I M I " s X X M i N t V. A I I' I It Great AnnualSale N tl M li il l N 'I C. H. COOPER ?gig iUiHtll1lil til II It 1 II II I li I HI I I ll II I i I l' 1 ' .li l li i l" 1 1 li 1 li.l ill tit I llii ll H. LtLil iLilil till jlit THE L K A I I N ti II O V S V. O V AS T 0 K I A fisher's Opera House I . R, tl III. I r nii.1 Mant(r. FRIDAY, JAfiUARV 24 lUihl.-r Ik Mann llllllli'line I'pnlllillon V I. IIOMHIITH' rtclilleNille I'ololllal tMallia. , I AT e vaiiey e ; FORGE ! i ii m i I u to I 1 1 m i in W i I ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. IK.UK I'lllll'l AMI I in u I I'l'illmnl I'M nil ! I ; iK' ii in 't ai '' I'nlnla -riiiu. 1 4 1 in I f i I'.iiilnml u.l W-j 0 It1 l IN : I'l'lllt hi : ipf im Imiiin I'. ,iu iiii.ii 1 1. r .on ii. .ii, : T in a Ho aw! K.ii "i'.iiiv ! i iv i ui i'. lUniiiM'ii l an. I ,ii."i I'li'lism l n in ' mill' M aririil.iii, . U Nl p m i m i ... IUk . IIimiih u.l, Ion I i , m l.Ui in lrii mi. I ,1 t r I I N Xi m Hiuiliy oily All iral uuli i !.., cmnacil n at il 'Mo Mruli 'l N'nrilirii Pacillo Uslna In n, ri xiii tlie ICaal and Houn 1 poiiill J r. M.v iii. tlfil'l Ff glil and Paaaen(ir Agont. i she In.l . I have ran had been left "In chanre ' with the eltvtlon of Mayor Van YVyok. s Kr ih n.lltlcal outlook became , , . , 1 supplies. Given, then, a low pru'e and 1 tried many remedl-s but l.lttl- Karly hrifht and Mr. Croker returned rrvm ul 1 wL to New York, iohn O. ,hee- j us distnlu,:,,, of de,,, all j've 1 mj. oer ine kioi'. ai to..- ' . j petroleum by shipi'in is sure t come What can !'' done ' - O'l.Mtf,' 1 -.. T.-.l.n.... .,' t-i- .ov Will Mr. sheenan vu Jepoetl and Mr. j Tha. ,h1 miU;.lI V law was p.rm.t- a . .. .v t i ' i i di . k-r once more reiene.1. When he j . ((. (( (VHlr , , t!l.. c.,. f Vr-a-.k IMkowskl the Volt r-!utr.bia MVKIN'I MoKV IN '"U S X soldier, speaks volum-s f.-r the p od ju-k-men; of the n..pV of this ! i m. Uakow Ki siair d in a public re rt r'stsned" in la Mr. Croker a!d he would never BRaln enter the political arena, f-m whb-h the Tribune cn plu1e -hat the leader is r.o: n .w in earnest. yir hernan has been anti-Tammany ever since 1S3T and his utterances can lie said tj represent the Dom.Kra'lc ,r.-vijtition to Tammany. When Mr. Sheenan learned that Mr Crker had resipned. he laughed loud and lonR. and said' With Mr. Crokr In Wan-ape. and with Lewis Xixon. nice man thoueh he Is In the saddle In Tammany ha'l. the voUe that bosses the actions of Tammany may be the voice of Nixon, but the hand will be thJ hm! of i"rker." Mr .'h.enan went on o say that .Mr Cnkr would probably be our for four years and attributed his t:lre-"t.-nt n ? i mu. h to his pi-nt defeat in the city as to the probabl- vb-tory ..f h P.ivi 1 B. Mill D-m in the r.-xi s'a. envention l..-.v:a Si n :h r.ew 'kar.' I'af-fai-.-s ..f Tammany, is like Mr Sh. t ard iTammany s la'e mayoralty can-or..- ! th cl-anes; and al.!-t n'.ei: in it-r New- York. H- Is a a-r i pj - ..f the Annap lis naval a- a i-my and one of the ftn-s; n -i s in America I "em era's are elated over his accession, and there is a e-r.epil fet-lins; among them that the party h.v b-en strengthened by Mr. Ooker's reHr-ment. whether I' b temi 'i: ary or permanent. A eam; 1.. of . imiilni! has b .-n utearthe.l ri on- .V . ur larce pr. A in'.' 'a I jw f.-et.d a tdt" an 1 wa niaki'ii: s Ive-- d-.Tars l'.i.l..m M.-k-ielev des-rve.! I ' dis'r butmir -h- m 'h-..iKh .i.c-n- that fate, and that he w u! 1 s 'o It , I that President lo-is,.ve;: was al. as- I FINE TAILOR-MADE SUITS To order durlim- the month of January, at TWENTY-FIVE PKU CUNT KEinVTION Cleaning and KepaltlnK at lowest prices. Tin' Till lor. A. Kll..ll'M'.N, '-'-I niniiii tiliil-Nt. A plnV of Intenae llllel-rat Stupelidotia A rule Production, at of l'nc.U.ilrl Hvelkncv. l!eiKrel aeaia 7f'i Kalbry. Sale oprna Tliurwlay mornliig at Ui1f llu X Keel a TICKETS T all. Points East C. J TREINCHAIp, Commission. Brokerage. Insurance and Shicpin?. Cimloiii llouiio Hooker. ASTORIA, ORE tml W f A i'o.. ami 1'a. lll.. Kmrraa l n a time when popular feellnp ran hlsh ':. es .-n :'ie out-i I-. Na'u-a 1 .oi, i i:i n -r inn 'i s;;-iirs-'.l at he lis.'.er, tnif n nvie 'han he iu.r.j.n w ill( r". ."'..'H a c'iiri,." f It sassinated. This remark was made a! .i-ti,!e in place f 'he cmilnp It ' ' h.-ref r . rv irni...-" tnr h.-n y oi n"k j or l.sTe'er ' S- iin.i.'h r,i('."N s.-e against anarchy and its t.ellis'a e- .tha their Pivr -t m.p over the j . , . ,., in." k is unbr.-ken if v 'U v ilue v Mir ponents. and in many a commun.iy pir .,, y.,r, ,.,.. , M the life of the man Hiving vol. e to!.-en r-s n1 i.d as the heo i....,ph . . . , ;:v:ik-r In existence and If von n,. ii such an utterance wou.d have been U,,(t..rer frotn Indiffestl .n. dys-.-p.l.i worth mithty little, lie it said t" the ,'"l''"!'a'i'''' run. v .- n-rv u n s i Iwi'iiik' vn have never tried it credit of the people of Ch:n.'k. they i T, y n.v refrained from taking the law in their j 1. vi;:;.ei .ml I..;';Ver inav 1.., .1 ,in',..r. -ta'. sni. n wi'h HQTijiL. PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORICCiO N Ttio Otilv 1'lrMt-ClnMH Hotel Iti lortlnml VI l ,vn hands, permittins the authorities ! to JeaJ with the culprit in th- manner s-; .loan in military r-R-jlati t.s. In Phillip, the 'c.rn klnir' has t-cn off the financial slate attain and that he will rvinitln erased will l a tieneial and cor Pal w lh The Phillips brand of it.unhlint: ' '"1 industrial disturber. A KIltllMAN'S rt.OSi: CAI.I. a measure, the .unvictioii ,f ll.ik ca ki j . ,...i f ,e !... Ah.. aioT.......! 'lie 'I axa wh-els of jo.s'sc,. to turn n th. Ir In- ' 1 led ;.n!-l e.iur-e. Wh-n the mi-c v.iunir s..l :,.r , .ir.-s ,.u: of th- AK i traz milita'-y ,r:s..n i-n years h.-n. ie 'ail! I oi!.'l -s have i ,st ni'i h f In Prom n- T il.l. ts cur- : or- day N e-ire. Xo Pay. c. n-s. I ' a ;t r ti.'ni: itnpu: !! I..- I- . I ! T'. ' iii.'in. in 1 I !: i j "I sun k to my c-wme nltlioutjh ev- Stor HlfCoufhund Work the Col.t I'll "ry J"'1" "'h'''1 nn'1 v '"'rs" i ricked w nn iiin. vvri' -s r i . n-.-tni. a Mre-uan .f l.urllnt;- Ion. Io-va. "1 a.s veak i.ud pa!.-, with nut any ajpeti;.- an I all run d ,wn As 1,1! ,, ; I win abort In KU'e no. 1 k'C .1 Lome f Kl-' tn Hi te.s and. af'er taking I It. I fell as well as I evr dl I In my ' li'e " Weak poky. r..n .!..-. ti .eo Iiliivavs nun 11. 'W life jlfl.s'll and ! mi,'": fr.on th. ir u Trv ther.i Sa' li-I.L. '.i .n guarantee l.y liar 's l'rug-s'nr- Prli e jo cents. N tioi:. I Hi r ilk" the absence In I'hina of Ah I'ogg. senior partner and geneial man ager of the Hop lllng I.ung t'uiiipniiy. ilhe affnlra nf the flrtn will be managed by J il I'.ung, through w limn all busi ness must lie transacted. lb r III V. ; .r n'i ; a (M. I I llond ft . Astoria MITE rOLLAK LINE ..Forlland Astoria Houle.. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT," Pally R.nind Trips K.H Huiiriar. IIMt VAHU l.rVe V irllalld l. v o A'oti a 7 a in. ! p. as. ;s p .pu ,, .pi. . w '.p.kin. ; :i ic a ri.vv Til- u.n , u- :i a i :' ! .ir r.P.nyrisn V K fF FI'KI. OIU Largely In r-ins-'if'-nee of :h rent d;s.-everv of oil in Texas, .-f-n-; ,n is b-inif g:v-n In America and in Knzlan! Jus', now to the p-isil,l.. u- f tha- - tmm'Hlity for fuel A vA -: ha' b-en done alreadv in an ex "'ay f d.-m n-tra'e the f-astbili-y "f the pnn'tice: there can it- n l'ng-r any doubt on th.v score, lint ex.-ept in the Sfiuth've' an I In ''alir .rnia 'h- employment of liquid i-l has not been permanently stab-lislc-d in this country, even on a small s ale. The.'-e :h it (rood reason for such a s-at- of thlnirs. The ,il produced by tt-,. ' i s of Pennsylvania. Wct Vir and hii yi-ld n han l. ,rt:'-r p,-, un:a''y return w hen refined for illu mi riat ;:i'-' ,u:',cs-s thin when .ill as a sui -t. 'iji.- for '.ul Kc-n in We' "i", iluroj.e unill very r.-cendy P co -t i, s t., i.'. n. !'r:te k'.ciiu with s .lid than wiib li.oiid rti'-l. Hut th" a !. an"- Sri th. prb e of coal 'here, siu.iil'.'.n..-.ns-ly vyiUt ... ....enirie" of the IVj nn oil lie!-.-. t;,eat"n to M'Verwe "he'e ciiri lit i.oic on r,'V).-r si.f- o' lie- A' latitir; Tlie discovery of 1 1 .l-uin in Kij.'-fii in I icc.-uner may al? . , ale in the sain- way. In the natural course of evi-nta oil in I first emjiloyed ,-ik fuel in h,- vicinity! of the ivells whl'-h yield it The ex perlem e of California and I'.us.-ia II lustratea that fact. The nr-xt Hte;, Is lo develop and demarid ebewhere, and thus to build up an export trade. The permanence of his supply, how ever, must be guaranteed to the con- s i.i'js- for c nT t :1a': c, n ;t., ni- tit of ;h - 1 1 11. N. effof w ill ii.. mad.- l. i' ' i iy the -rale of As;. ma m.-r. v! dr.ert i-l !' .rtlan.I firms. iu: s.- vv tul I. a." M-. Louns-ber-,,.r r- suit if. arititif-.n.zin al. h- t.u-.ness of 'his . i:y. and ,'i-- a falling off in the company s i n a! freight 'hit c ul I n. v.-r lie made u;. by n-v. 1 -a. ';ulr... bu-lti-s- from N'o.-'u .-h .i -,ir,'.s. Iiout,:!.-s th- A ,cii rn-r'!an's w oil d hae sn.'es ruiiy'ed uch eff ,ri h id it r-aliy 1 n it.ten !--d. As'orii I- al'o. ta.-:.icr t.t ini; ortan; a pojn' , b ti th- men y of any 'r in.-i ot ta' ion or h-r cm; a nv a fi t trat is n ' I s s of ev-n in the k-cn !ih-. f r f. ight .. .vork-ri - !' K g's N v 1..: 'M'M:ot ;ir. a wa lu-.v , ; i pi'! I.I- -r. .la'i'i 1. - !: , , at: I Ac;; . T ,.v ; . , r J - I He ati ! i:a . . o ; M.i' -,i . . . ' .T '..eak-n all n. .. I ' ii'l-r-' Trv tt.-rn , :" . -t:' s a-rrugsore. Wh-i f I I s, lU'C.ri .' or-1 J" Itc'l- c I'.l'S Tor Kevr a !ach. -tripe liar' s t l'e A PI'.. FIT.M:i.K inv; I W-i- fo'il,' TMBN'T J.o V. Wa le has i:",i,iri I all' riot ,'i a h . lire.l trie "hot ; r .rni.sing ( ii. e.-r .Monnv.'. :.s-:.,;, V.'a 1 i.i I 'll '.a- I ' than .'inf. ,, 'he - 'hat it was he that ctj' !-h 'I" the f yojnir .lames t-O'll. e ', r about -P. en s ' !':i ' stoma, h aril in b-d ;,.. n.y 'it::-" .a-.j I .etna k Sfiniervole, It. I ' I vp.-t,- aboil- 1 an :ln, t....,.r . el ! g.. r.n-.-h'i.g i help ii... unMI I tri- d K ,1 i ryse..H,a '.'i.r- I have ak-n a fe-.v lo",..s and am e,,tr.y '' - ! " V-.ti .'l-'ti't live ,y vou eat, 1:- hv what vo'i d'g-sf nnl ;tf'lrril!ai If y. ur rorn.ah '!'n 1 your 'o! v..ij are r-a'y s'a.vinL' I: ., i '-. - p -t " a ''u-e 'he "'omai h's 'rr. ,,. t,I:.r:r. me too; y,,,, ,, ,,' ha-e to tli-t ;.c,t an y,, want K , .. .yvp..p-ia fiire eipe- all ..,ltnn,,h r liMc ''II AS. fPMJKI'.H V.uj Kipiin. ti.. muddl-l 'ti. tr.e 'line o.riy main'',).. f.,r rio rtior.- '' ') la ' ad- i I a f !.- en-:iiti-l -hath- rnut-i:,;- c-!rn h-'i hut '! llk- Trilt-iii- .vs i ik was r')i;Ti:i:K.. - if-r -I -it Ii pain ftorti ot im I I let' !-. !'( " W,-', ii Cohll,. Hiil ,ot ai -i. lis 'i in i. ii-k .-i, m ' r:, i ..m. 1-t v .. i -1,.. .,. .ti ' : r .a 1 irr.i I iU ri -il avc-l ' I i and i J in i- . ho S-. . lt,.'i,od -n. k . I 'h I dt'il! Ml 1,1.1 h ,U', Gpeastlcs Will do uiin h to develop ,i tiiiiv i r Univ. Hut the strt-tii:-,:i of the ..- : not to le uii-a'.te'l !.v its tun-., le. i t.; I i its i.ii x i. i: tin. .',.,,'i -s i.iMo :... j tusly, in spite ul' it'. Imi ai ! !.: i ii ' .. an ca.v pn y to c' I'.IMV Tiler-' :s I-.) t-.':. ! J 1 '-'I'' ' " , f.S I bl-e-; II -..r: lc- ..: rjCJ th' t .; JlV i n h i '. Cotl!.,tlll!lat. til- 1 fluid It l-li'f, .se ttle llctlVltV 1,1 li , hi rfni-lli .Kill); ol,,ti at'ei io c tl.r ' i ; . all 111. :i as. d . 1 1 ,i .. v of Jilirc, boil . ' . 1 liv; It 1 1 : ! -'.I i I ll e w -si i in 1 . hcaltliv II !. instead ul flabby !ai, p.onio-e.s. file appe. lite, feeds the nerves, anil so ylr In weal: , nervous J.i-opie vital it y an.! vi"or. 'I'hi-te is no alcrdio! coiilailied in " l '.nld'-ti Mcdlial IlisciiMtv," and it is absolutely free from (ijiiuin, cocaine ami ail oilier narcotics. "I Or! it -tiv'l'i'vlo wfllf- In you nl the Wo'i il'rful cijr.itiv p ,-.rts i, your 'e I"!- I vi I , ai inv ..v r. " v . 't, s le oie S 11, -i.l H. .,1 ll.-M a;.! 1." I l-'l-ai !.. " I a.,-: , I, rats, on i-iv nht .11 a ti i le , I.I ,-.! v. t, rlii o-.t . I , a t I I i.e. 1. 1 !. to-- I a will, ic. ii't- I cillv I "' .... ' - ;,:ir". al.: i .'-,., . a i ; ! . i,...,mi !..!. . , .'.. Ic I, I I,, r ' I'-.Ing II 1 I . -1 t-'A; - Vv .1 V tJ DIAMONDS A!' kim!- i-l' ; ;. .'i..tis sf, p, .t -' I mi ! n: !. a' i r nn"l - l. it- r. . I i - I. if. s j.r.t. ilia li. ii- Hi tlit it Wi ll i's alt I '. i o I v I h.l Ii li, s, I 'mis, Iclo-c ,!, Vllilic oi, 'i 'hit ii.'c ! iMa!:lv iii -till. 'i ll. I V.llt. Ill ill.. I I In. ks I" I Tis- i I nil . .'.-. J. H. SEYMOUR. SMURTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.l'aul, I)uluili.Mii)iH'Hiii!is,l'iri;ii and All I'.ln:a Vis: Thp-ufh t', and T nir : .ierprs. linln ant HurTi". Hiiiakni Ubrary Can PAU.Y TRAINS, FAMT T1MK; Kit VP "K AN1 Si'lOMlItY I N KyfAldlH. F t rata. folders and full pifor-i-llon re.irliiia' llattcrii trip, .-ill in ,r d Jreaa il i hk . N. J W I'lIAIiN', I'liy Tb ki t A"t Trav. I'na At I'orlUnd. A II ' li:NNIHTi iN ii W 1- A. il.- First Ave Seattle. Wah The Dalles Boat STR. " TAHOMA." Iii-lnctiii I'milaiid. Ttve lialls, nd way I'olDlS TIME CAHD l,i Portland, aluiidays Wrduradsys and Ft liny alia III Arrive Tho I V lira the same day. t p IB. I.emra The Italics Tuesdays Tnuts- ilats un I Ha(ur.laa at .' a in A'r.vri l-oriiaiid, aaiit day, l p nv This r ule haa the ran.1i aewnio a( lia. II nta on ar'. h ln lln Kuot of Alder airet IMh I'll lira Main Jil A J TATI Alt Ail-i'U J'HIN' M Fll.l.i'oN Al. The Ialla ritAVItKIt ItAltNICS. AIS Mnl ltiver Wil. Ft Mill A WThillS, Whit Salin n J i- W T AIT. Aft Vany-uv-r V. V -ltl.- IN. AS I Par 1 1 and C. W. BARR DENTIST Moiiaell lUilldHK SI! I'l.iniiier. isi 81. A-T"11U. L TrM PItONW Hl 4I T ! J. I. ai. i t luiporlalloiis 111 TKA. Hit "i: Slid all kinds of ClIIN- .V M I 111' I A N I 'IS1C. i '.uitt scliirt for i 't in e LABOR PRAI:L & COOK I kan si i:k comi'amv T"icu n :n. DRAYING AND EXPHtSSG A'.l e.c,, W.ll It". ill. pe hi our i'r M' .'lal APenb li S a I.' I'll Hie S' A't al Hie W J t'litiK Msr. Ilea Tel 1131 DR. (DATTHEW PATTON I'livnl.iaii and Hiita-Mii Hop Hingr Lung & Co nim.u reiimb- I 'lu aaen a S. ecial'y llond Ulre. t. rt'l'.lscr. ii. , re. , ,r,t Ic .vli. a .-pan; '1- ran. if. -hil.-- d 'ii.i: h- bl '. en atioth-r jolt eld .loub-l' -s ha nd it,' l ' ' ' ' v up ih Main 'it I '. it i le- rfi.'tri a itlit' d ti:.-r h'- I iiiiil' th- I, i-il-sh!i. 1 '.-indi.lateM f.,r hiith nlhc.- ar las;ly nifsifted r.-.airin(.' th'-ir fi-n'-x, Indieat ( a h. alihii-r d. inand for carpeo'ern ii '. ot" for the candidates. is v.'-c th rnlll r,,, , t., -l.'ia y i'.l.'d of ( in ,,s ...r- ' '"' I '.Colll'l I.- Ve ) .s. (,,.,. ,y rout, h.Tl I not ,urchaed a t,.i' .f 'lie- M niiic I'oiurh t'ure " iij.i M n "' ' '' "Uli 'ur Is sun- , u- . ;., . rai.fhn. - r ,u . aril ihr',ai arid pint; iroiii,',". ti absolutely cafe 'loui-h cure a- s Irnmedia'ely The yourufeHt i hlld 'an fake p, ulth wiMre HaCeily. -p, ,. 'ittle ones like th- tant and remen.her hu.v ofiei. I; lir.i,i., fh,., Kvrv fam ilv should have (, ,,ttli. of ,,. Minnie '.'.iiitii Cure han iy. At this sean en pee. ally It mav be needed sudd'-nlv '.HAH. VSSiEHH. ' K. V. li .1. Prompt Deliveries OI' Cllliicf st I' l'i -I, ;in, Ciind MEATS Nr-w .SIio. I'i -t (,( Sri vici., I'lione Main Ul. BOSTON MEAT MARKET Till: .N.T',I masquerade Ball 11 ill ,c Tin: sons or II I T I' I H M'VVM I III -.: , i H. : , f Mcnday, February 10, U KHlVI) i STOKI S IIAI.I . v V.v A I IMISHH in ell 'lin'll, Id -li" ' . II ll f I lour mliinhlc prlrs it ill he sanrdril litr heal loslumrs sna four lor bill uitlnlnrd iliursilcm. Pclrcf hmeiiO will be ftrvctl CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMfPCIAL STREET. IKOPP'S BI-CST ' ADelicions 111(1 I 'nhitnble Drink Al)sohitcIy Pure The Niiith'Tti P.i Iflc Ilr'ivery, nf vMil n Mr John K 'pp Ii pr 'prlrtur. maki b'-r for domestic and lp.ul tin I - I lull b-l 1 r fur family unt ur ke h.-e, auppli, , ,,nv. nine. Iidlvfy III the , l!y free, North Pacific Brewery . (.)!' New Cenlnnd W. P. TM0A1AS, Mki-., Am l:rnncisco. UNLIMITED MAIUI.ITV OF SIIARKHOI.DKKS SiiliMcrilicil Cniilul, I'iiiil-iiji ( ii'ilnl,, AsHfl.S ill I'llitl'll Sliltl'H, Siirjilns tu I'dlicy II'iIiIitn, $.",()( 1(1,01 in 1,000,00(1 ir, :,,i i oOO.UOO l.7lM,7!i' Ifiis limtii IJiiilcrwritiii cm tlm i'm-ilic (, ovi i IwpiiIv-Iwo vpiiiu We Rent New Typewriters. Mirny new iiiiiioveiiiciit.i uilili-d. Sti fu r lutost No. 2 Smith Premier TvDcwrlrcr i 'ift New Arf Cntalotfuo Fro. . . . CTA. Ll M.ALEXANDER I CO- vr-snw.- i rr I i"l-ii a cl .v. . , ' . ' w-.t i .. i7... , .. .o.i.o,,,. , Hllllllt UOSHt JICHIITS 215 Hitark 8t i'ortlnnil, Ore,. F . M'KKCIINJK. 1 1, 1 1