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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1902)
1 I 1 .T ' eg? 4 0f u ... i. .. ASIOKIA. ORISON, SIMMY. JA.MWKY I . I!H2. NO. 151 vol.. mv The Eclipse Company W Blank Hooks, Office and Pocket Dairies, Desk Pads, Memorandums, Calendar Pads, Tide Tables, Etc. G RUTIN cc mum Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIC4RS Supi'lir.H uf ull kiii'lniit lowest niti-i, fur tislicriui'ii, Fanner ttinl I'Ejj'Tn- , V, AlwLI3N, Tenth nntl liimmcrilnl Street i THE PALACE IVFRYTIUNG THE COMMERCIAL ST MAHKET AfFORDS Droit Head CITCn Sewing machines i'JU ...AT... FISHER BROS. J Vs V " - - i, Jt How to Hake $1.00 15 ii y Y our II o u s c V u r n -i n li i n (I o ii l s of .... Chas. Heilborn & Son New Line of Chairs just rm-nivoil. Tlnan jtihuIh wore delayed in transit. Wo nro now nlnirinif thorn at greatly .ihIihhhI prici. IKON BEDS. Wo still lend ! Wo liuvti just reinivod nix new patterns wliioli aro atom winders. DININtj ROO1 FURNITURII. Soo wiiidovv display. Wo loud, other fi)llow. Our lino of Hiilobonrda ha boon ,'K""tly onlnrjii'il, llkewiao our lino of boi-scat dining chairs. OFFICE FURNITURH At reduced prioos. Hull top desk, tint top doaka, book keepers' atiuullnK desk. Ollloo olmira of all kind. Chas. Heilborn & Son Hardware A', It K I" II V. V A II K li T II i o .A I, I. K I N l o I PLUM HI NO AND STHAM PITTING i ii u li r t c 1 a h in a n ii ' r H T K A M A Mi f A HO I. I N K II o A T W O UK A a I' MIA I. T V ii i j ii l. . tti it in t iilimum uiiiiiihiiiiiii WWfWV itvimiiff viff iimifiiivvMtviiviiiifi None li II I li r it t r 1 a n a work in i n u in 1 ' v i! (1 InVvVMnnWnAf rflaAWiAAWnArM ffl MMHNWi .v'7 to .vii Iiomi sriti:i:T commercial st.. astoria, oki! Finest Restaurant in the City j Suinlity Duuit-r n Siviiilty c S W.W. Whipple A Hold Up WV hold up our Una of Stoves and Ratine" to the publlo fr In spection. Prices on all Heating Htnvrrt we luive iiliot to piece. W. J. Scully, 4JI MONO 5TKI.ET. Between Mnlh and Tenth Work Like Sixty BIG DIAMOND FIND IN IDAHO Sapphire l iclds Richer Than That of Yogo Discovered at l.cwislon. AKIi OP (1KLAT klCMNLSS I'roiioiiiM'i-il by MIihtoIokInI to Hi- or I'.x.rllciit (nallO lliinlr'lx ol 'roNMM'tiira Alrriidy iuthi'riiiu. iri'IJJN'A. Jn. 1 A llm Iii'li'tHinli'nt fniin l'ulninn. :lio m''n .f thr rfi) (lliimun'l .llr.uv 'rlin, uy that 'i'ir'lln to ''lifYunl 1ih1, tlii dlwiivrrfr. Hi" HH'la i 'iv.T an uf i m llm Iiiiik ri.1 four n llia Uf Hi'tni- nf the tinV tl hi 'rn iminl liy li mini rnln(lt wrn- n-iiuni-tl napi'lilri'ii of cic -Mi ni 1 1 1 . Tin1 ifrirritl linprvnil in l ll. .it llm .Ilia hit)' In mii plilrr fli-l la rl l-r tl'an thul of Yiikh. tihli h la ihi lnu njti J In tin. fi!. HKLIwl 'V liltl-JAT llfi'llMW llft lt.'n li of 1H uvrry iiiillrini i -'r..n.. i turn lY. piirmic in Mi.irt HALT I.A K K Jun H A.M fn-ni tin- in Tlimnli-r Miiunliiin K"l I ili Itlil of I. lulu i, t.r UK li t out m.-r Ilia iM..iint;iini liy KturnliiK, kIiiiw thai a. tlvr il. vi'liipini'nl In In Inn itlt llltM' l In itf of 111- J'l p ntiw. unit riiiirtrni D t wt ri'lmrtu nf thi ( rh hiirM mi l rti nt of iln- fl.Mii. It H iiIim.hii lni..iKlllr to pn. k In r .- l..ii ovr tin. triilln In wlnl. r. nti.l tmt f. w nr.' vrtiturlnic It. At M.ii day. n.l'. TI'V, l .-ti hiiio nn.l 'i'ln.r, h"'i-rr hun ilinln of proapivtori an- alfiily k ' ' -'iltik I" Hi nt In an fiHUl n llo- Ir.ilH nrr piixn.ilil... Tin- rin-Kon Slmit IJni hint nrrniiKf.l fur a lln" of atairi i.ijirhiii fr on Ki'ti hntn to thi- tn S"l.l Hi Mi. to I"- n urtiil ulKiiit Mav !. rAViiKKH It V rit(M!!TVT. I'M fiTi-ni i" In App ilnlni. nl Will Id. Slvi-n 'h 11 War WIit.iik. WASHIVii'lMNV Ian I Tn f... ImvuiK r. rutlM- nnlrr hi ! n K-iii-'l. Irn ti il to i itrh r.'i'iiMvii iV p irimrtit : "Pho uttrntloti of I hi- ilr'tnirtim nt H hi'ti-hv rilllnl til till' proVHlnlM .if lltlVH Klilni: pif'oriMii'i' to viMi-rarw in ap pulMlnii nt iiihI ri'ti inlnn "Tlii- pr.'Mili nt ilmlrt'i" tli:it Iht vi-r I In' nri iln "f the hitvIiv lll .liiMiiry anil Hi" I iw win p.Mtnlt.p . f' r n nhaii ! K I v . 1 1 ullkr In Ihf apKilntt.n'nt nn.l ri'ii.i(l"ii t.i h.'iinrality illHi-hiirit'il vot. i-i iiioi of th.' i lvll w in- li i :u, fit no. I Mi'll ill!l'ltli'i t'l pi'I'f'irill 111.' 'lulli-i of tin- plnii'ii tln-y mvk nnl an- rll'lni:. "Til koi h hk itii m:v i:i.t " AtiltKK ON TAUIFK View a of l'niiicriiilc Mi mln-ra of Phil ippine l'otnmllti'i. WASiriNCTuX. Jan. IS . IVrvvrntle incinberM of the IMilllpplncs i iininltlif were In oonatiltatlon today over the pro posed aubatliute proiKwItlnn for thi Philippine tariff bill. They an aRrciHl on nil oaaentlal frattirra of Ihclr po allloii In Ki'tietul they will recom nicnd Hint In tho end prnvl.-'!nn nhoiihl be nmilc k I vine the Fllli lnoa In dcpenilcnce. but In the tnenntline pro vhllnif for free ti-iule between the Pull ed ritates and the Philippine arclilpel. iiK'i, 'Hi li ii h la inalntainc I between the t'nlteil Suites prupcr .in. I other teirltiii let. ltATI-S US KUH'lt ItKlil TKP. SALT I.A KK, Jan. IS. -The OtVK.m Short l.lne baa a reiluclion In the rules of Hour asked for by tho Oreirnn millers and the o. It. .ft N. I'o. After January 20, the rates on Itntir from all points east of I'ninllllit June lion to t'tiih points will lie 4 cents, the Kame aa wheal. Local millers take n irlnumy view of Hie situation and have bcmir. preim rallnns to discontinue the in inufiicturp of Hour, cliilmltiK It will be Impossible for ihem to make n profit under tho new schedule. TO MAKIO FAST TKIPS. Steanishlp Company to Cut Down Hecord Time from 24 to Sfi Hours. NKW YORK. Jan. 18. To clip from :'1 to 3B houra from the record time for crossing; the Atlantic la the promise of the New York nnd European Steam ship Company, a new trans-Atlnntla steamship line which offers awuranco of a aiieedy futflllmpnt of thla pledfre, aaya the Tribune. Thla company, which haa already applied for pier privileges In thla city and formulated the larger part of Its plana, expects by the substitution of the turbine engine 'or that now In use to secure a constant speed of thirty iiiioln nil hmir In ll I ln.ila Hm h i pi i-i will nii iin tluit piiB. in;i r run In- iiirrlnl from ililn roiimry ' i i:nrn In a llltli' iiion- lliuii four ilnyn. Tin- miiii-iiK tlinA tom aid ti'l' -l 'hi- uif uf tin- turliliiM I'litcltm In Ivir ipi- nil i-upwialiy tin- ri'iinirk.ilili' pn-d thnt him liii'ii m- ur-il tln-n liy, lint mitur ully mlwil tin- iUillim aa M lla iiiliipiuliilliy fur Iran t In tiiU' ntfiiin im to ililn i lly a mrontf r'nnpuny ha lii'.'ti orioinltiil ami plain nn- protly well roinpllnl for thla nrw lln-. To ut off a iloy In lhi linn of ' iolin lha Atlantli- will ti IoIiik .inr moua proflla to Ihf lva'n-lilp fonipuny wlili h aurrwl" In ilolnif I' Mull, not only of thla country but thorn- which urr IM-Klniilnar to ihroiiKh from Australia nr.'l the far Kajtt, will natur ally full to tha an-urnnhlp company thai ran handl them Uh kcat. I-llv-irnl at yiiwnatown thcio- malla couM, ncciir-lliiK to tlm plana of f h- Ni-w Vork ami Kuni-an I'mnpany. b" rarrlcil In thrci ilaya and ai-v-n h"ura, r-luc-tlon of two duya from the prrwnt time, (if the lniiorluncr and value of tin lurlilnp ciiln-. Irofcior It. If. Tlium ton rt-ci-tnly aimkc at h nirih l-f .r Ihc H'Mlciy nf Mi' :nK.Ii'i r'i. INVITKH Ti THE '' NI' WASllI'iTi iN'. Jan. ! Kr n'ua llrulncril. nf Ht1lle, to lAy Invi'e.', i'ri-nMent Itooio-M lt to cuiie t.i S. at tic and I'liKrl Sound tn-xt uiniii-r Th" pnld"iit "aid It wiui hl liilenil .ii l i Mult that portion nf the P.u ifl N'.-rh-.! Iicf.ire the I'lpimtlnii ..f hi- term, lull wan able to d-ter inlti'- wli.-th.-r he c.nil. I it" tin-re licit iniiiiin. r. . IN BMIALF Or BOfRS rin i kn to m: n. i:i iti:roi;i: . i: i Will lt- Aokiil to Na t iiniiil N) input liy lor Imt (hum-. KAN'SAS "ITY, Mi. J.m - Web-.n-r Imm. n'u-tei !'r New V.Tk hist mctu with u ix-Utlnii i-.vryiiiK the hi,;, natures .,f jl.MV't cltlaemi nf the smith nn.l west, whn h eventually are t- U taken liefop- cintress ai-klnw f-T na svnmathv for th- IS-ht. Tlo se lniturs hae Imh-h recvlMl in jswer to an appeal sent nut by Mr. 1 paMs .'iiie f'Hir inoitl! a ai,'". and are ad'lre-sel to the o .nuri-muii. askltitf them tn vote fir a r. s.i.iitl"ti framed for them. The petition asks ."ingress to d.'clar.': tin- pi- of th" ft:lt-l States j feel 11 sirollK -.Miirathv Willi the peo- ' pie of the S 'U'.h icpnblic an I the itr.itiKi' I'Yee Sint' . that they ar pained by the r.-rt nf th" present suf rerlncs of this I'hn-liaii pe.'ple and jthey unite In the hope that this dc lar alliin. which they It their duty t. j make, will be f.iv.irnblv considered by Hie KoMTumetit of Hrltaln In a s.-uiciiieiit of their unfortunate ilif fcrciii c " Mr Ihnls will not deliver the peti tion In Washing-ton himself, but In tends to turn It over to the Hoer consul In New York, by whom It will be put Into the proper hands The documents are In ahoot form. fiMlacap alio and when packed for transit tilled four Mentncr trunks. FA IK cWFni: CHOP. 1'iaill Will Produce from Nine to Fifteen Million Hairs. VASlll.ViTN. Jan. IV Consul (ieiieinl Seeifer at Kin Janeiro, under dale of Iieceniber .1. Informs the state department "f u desire on his part In correct an impression convcvel In pre ions reports from him m ive.ird to the next Itiiitllian c iffee cr -p Mr. Seeder says he Is nl' epinl n that the pessimistic reports n nt - lit at the beitlnnltiK of Novonibcr has been contradlcied by subsciiient events, umont? which were .oLius rains In many parts of the coffee d!s Irlols and thnt Hiaall will have a M'l-y fair coffee crop next yenr. prob ably from nine to 1". million bans. on MY.Tioniors mission. Former British Consul of Orange Free Stale Coming to New York. NEW YORK. Jan. IV Dr. W. It. Clark, ex-memher of parliament for Caithness and formerly consul general of the Orange Five State In London, w III arrive In New York on the steam ship Ivernla on some mysterious mis sion, cables the World s Umdun corre spondent. His exertions In the Boer cans - have evoked bitter animosity among the "liniroes" nnd It la now alleged that he has gone to Washington to Influence President Roosevelt toward Interven tion. This object was attributed to him In an Interview by a correspond ent of the Parla Matin, but Dr. Clark denied having said so. Whereupon the correspondent In a letter to the Times repeated his statement. FRENCH REPUBLIC WAS EXTOLLED Annual Banquet of American Chamber of Commerce in Paris. TWO PRESIDENTS TOASTED I'atriotli- Hi-iitiiiient a ml Warm Sjniintliy Willi Frain" Hip K-J iioti-aortlii-Mf-llii)f. I'AItr.-s. Jan. 18. Patriotic aentlment and warm sympathy with France were the keynotes of tonlKht'a annual ban-!itn-t and me.-tlnit of the American ! ''liamln-r of C.nimerce of Paris. Fran !iis Klml-I. president if the chamlwr, I i-mphajilieii the former In hla oi en ' tni( siHt-ch, profiting a t-ast to Pr.-s-Ident IfiKn-evelt Htld President IiUliet, and wiyinK that all Americans ubnad ' ii.k a pride In di-cUrlnic after the an-:i-lent Homaiis. -Clvls Ameilcua Sum." Alludlmr to the Fr.ince-Amerb an treaty. Kimled elpn-sse-l r--krret that Its advuntiiKea were not y-t suillclent ; Iv uii'b-r:o"l In the I'ni'ed S'ates, 'addmis that he na convinced Its mi-Is woul-l shortly tuiotnc Itinera j lively f.-lt. SIX FIliKilKN INJfKEH. iturl.-d from u Tru. k While It-.-pond-, nit to a Fire Alarm. j I'lrii'Ai'.'i. Jan. IS When inif to an alarm of tin-, aix members "f HYuck Company No. 17 were hurl-d frmn the waK-m by the lin-aklnR of an iaxle. Two of the men were burled jbeni ath the waKon and both w-re h jverely Injured. One of them niav die. j Four were bruised severely. The nn-n . injun-d are: j John Oreen. driver. Ninely-third -treit nnl Stoney Island avenue, in- -temnl Injuries, gnh-d aNmt the head .i;id rlirht hand broken, probably will lie; Michael Canty. 'M Ninety-third -tr.'1-t. rlRht Icr nnl three ribs brok en. Injured Interna'ly, cmdltton s.-ri- iis: Lieutenant Daniel Mi.Nam.ira. t'vuis.-d about body and head cut; Julius Travis, face and hands cut and t-rnised; H- rm.-in Itran lent), re shotild- r face and hands cut; Al ex, in. lor Alexson. bruised nlmut b.'dy. wrist dislocated und face cut. t'lIAHACTEr.ISTt' Sir Thomas I.lpt- n has -i frieiil. an Knclishmnn by birth and a-i Vm-rban by force of circumstances, who baa been in this eountiv Ions -n nig to ab isorb the American 1 1" i of humor. I-ust summer he w as in Lon Ion on a visit, nnd happening to have business with a man on an upper floor of a tall j building, took the. "lift" to r -.i 'h his jnlllce. The elevator was one of those ; excessively deliberate British affairs, land Its snail-like progress annoyed the j Amerlcaniied Briton. The only other .occupant of the car was a middle-aged j Englishman, with a manner of pecu iliarly English seriousness. T ie from America ventured to address him: ''I think I could make a great Im provement In this lift." he "aid. The Englishman lonke 1 seriously in terested. "How?" he nske.l. Why,'' the other man went on. "I'd make It go fast r by a simple little arrangement. I'd Siop the 'ift alto gether and move the building up and down." The Englishman looked slightly more Interested. "How ?" he asked. NOT THOMAS. Hl'T TOM Cleveland's Mayor Has a Very Ou.ilnt Name. If Yo i Plea-e. Now- York Commercial. That thlck-and-thln hich . rotection Ist. one time editcr of th- New York Press and nt mother director of the census, the Honorable Ruber: P. Port er, has had rewsptiper experience out side of the meiri'potis-an 1 one at Cleveland. Ohio, that was made mem orable by nn Incident that "the f-ang" in that city will never nrgvt. Torter was editor of the Cleveland World for a time nl mg baik about IS97. One of his first rules to his sub ordinates was this: ' Never use a man's nickname In the paper unless you quote somebody, and then be sure and quote him right." Soon after this "general order No. 1" was Issued, the name i f Calvin P. Brlce, late senator from Ohio, appeared In an editorial as "Cal" Price. Porter leaped up the editorial stairs three steps at a time, fretted and fumed, and insisted that the next offender in the nickname line would lose his head. The next day some editorial writer had occasion to say things about Tom Johnson, and he said them. The air above the World building after Edl- i' r I'or'cr ahowd up wan van?Ka,d I fur aii-mt five tn I n u ' and the enMr 'dlt'irlul f-.rci- wan In danKT of Mng ! '0ji-I" hodliy. Mr. I'ortcr luM ao much hIk.iii hla orlnra c mo-rnlnK nlcknnmi that th- manatflnit editor :ui una 1,1.- for half an h .ur to Ml him that Toir. was Tom'a full name, and not Thoinao. Then the b'.a aubulded. Tom ! J linnon. f'levi Umd'a million aire roly-poly mayor, probably receive more pi rnonal letiera Juat now than any other man In that big city. On a rot,ih eaMmate half of them are ad ilremed to "Mr. Thomaa I'n" ivojie will never learn that Mayor .lohnaon'a ''hrlntlan name la plain T' oi. and not Thomoa. INVITED TO ATTEND. Newspaper Correwiondetita of Hpanlah Amerlean War Will Attend Schley Banquet. fHI''AGO, Jan. R N'ewapair cor ri pond nta who were at the front dur ing the lat Spanish war have been invited by the Chicago Press Club to attend pa reeeptioD to Admiral Schley next Saturday afternoon. The rooms of the press club will be tuatetuily d.-corated with flaijs of dis patch boats, which were engaged In ilewspar service around Santiago . 1 1 1 ri rur the excitnB times of AIJiS FATAUTrBS. ;i;NKVA. Jan. W A total of 11J faiaht!i- In the Swisa Alps eonajtutes th.- record for and is d uble that of !.). THE RLBEL FORCE WINS i:vi;zi TittMii's aki: ! tw it i: m:i i; ati:i. Another l'iriiii"; Again! (ntro I.ilo-ri.iiliir A";:"" I-aiKls Munition ol' War. NEW Yi ifiK. Jan. IS. According to 'the latest advices from Veneiuela the revolutionary force under General Co deno ha-s twice defeated government troops in the State of Cnnbobo, cables the Port of Spain. Tnnidad, Lorre pnndeiit of the Herald. A new insurrection has been started near Carupanu under the leadership of Va.s Ues. lit-nerais Uataiia and I.oreto have taken u;i arms against Castro in the State of Zajora. ! Thf W-neiuelan revolutionary ! steamship Liberia lor. formerly l.m ' High, has mail-.- two successful land 1 inxs of arms and ammunition and is ; moving around the coast of Venezuela without being molested. It is said thai she steamed dose to I'u no Cu in fuM view of a government gun . t' Mt. who remained inactive. li is reported that the revolutionary troops under General Ducharae have been defeated by a governmnt force, i ' j CEUMAN CREDIT SYSTEM. Will IV in Operation in All Large I Medical ColU ges Soon. J ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Jan. lS.-Dr. Victor C. Vaughan. director of the t medical department of the I'niversity of Michigan and chairman of the na I tional committee for the Affiliation of j Courses, announces that the commit- tee expects the German system will I be In operation in the large medical colleges of the country by September. By this system a siudent can go from one college to another and take i work under professors w ho stand at th- head of their specialty without the I delay that is experienced at the pres. lent time. In other words the student can h ive the average of one c llege containing the best professors of the ! country in all branches. OVERCO.ME BY GAS. Two Miners Lose Their Lives In Colo rado Mine. I VICTOR. Colo.. Jan. IS. -John Warn- lor on.l Gnu Peterson miners, lost tnel.- lives in the May B. mine while being lowered in a bucket to the bottom of a shaft. They were overcome by gas. Roth men were about years of age and single. Reports from different I ans of the district show that the prevalence of gas is quite generally due to changes in the atmosphere. FIVE BIG CONTRACTS. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. IS. E. H. Harrlman, president of the Southern Pacific Company, has authorized the letting of five big contracts for straightening the road of the Central Pacific line. The outlay on this work w hich covers a distance of S7 miles east of Vista. Nevada, will be Jl.750.000. DEATH OF MRS. MTDRS. PORTLAND, Jan. 18. Mrs. George T. Myers, wife of a prominent salmon packer, died today. REPORT FAVORS ISTHMIAN CANAL Panama Company's Offer said to Be Recommended by the Commission. THE PRICE IS 0,000,000 Title Will Ito IVrfeot and All Oli.stacIeK to Nal Are Hald to Have lU-en Ite moved. WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. The sup plemental report of the isthmian can al commission on the proposition of the Panama Canal Company to dls sxie of its property to the United States for IIO.OoO.W), was delivered to President Roosevelt this evening. j Memters of the commission refuse jto discuss the nature of the report and a like reticence was maintained at the White House, but it waa stall ed one en-ellent authority that the re- iport unanimously recommends that the off-r of the Panama company be accepted. The report goes fully into the steps which must b taken in order to In sure a perfect title to the United States, fir. In addition to the present Panama Canal Company the old organ ization and the Colombian government must tie reckoned with. The report finds, howewr. It Is said, that th new company can give a clear title. It is stated that the report says that when the commission made Its re cent report favoring the Nicaraguan route no offer to sell to this govern ment had been made by the Panama company. The offer of $40,000,000, It i said, changed the situation complete ly. It is further stated that the re port shows that little over 109 shares of the Panama railroad stock Is own ed by Individuals outside of the Pan ama Canal Company, and that these can be purchased for a comparatively small um. Other obstacles to the sale, the report says, also have been removed. HUNDRED ARE RUINED. Disastrous Earthquake Shock Fel: at Chilpancingo. MEXICO CITY. Jan. 18. Chilpancin go, the capital of the State ot Guer rero, has had two days of Indescrib able panic and consternation, for yes terday there came a repetition of the earthquake shock of Thursday, razing to the ground many houses spared In the first earthquake. Hundreds of families are ruined. The town government building was so bad ly cracked that Its fall is momentar ily expected. Great Usuries run across the street. The list of gravely wound ed is a long one, including many prom inent cttiiens. The whole regiJn affected by the earthquake has been the seat of mark de seismic movements for several years. MUST BE BETTER SHOTS. Genera! Chaffee to Remedy Defects of American Soldiers in Philippines. WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. American soldiers in the Philippines must shoot with more accuracy. This Is the bur den of an order recently Issued bv : General Chaffee. The general points out that as the unavoidable result of lack of regular target practice, both officers and men In the division of the Philippines have fallen far below desirable proficiency j in this most Important of soldiers' ; qualifications. To the end indicated, General Chaffee has ordered a number of exercises to be performed by all tn- , listed men of the army of the Philip pines using carbine or rifle. j DEFICIENCY BILL REPORTED, !, ' I WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-The house of reproesntatlves was in session less than an hour today. Only routine business was transacted. The most Important feature of which was the re. porting by Cannon, chairman of the committee on appropriations, of the .urgent dchclency bill. The bill will be called up for consideration next Monday. CHURCH CIRCLES ALARMED. BERLIN, Jan. 18.-The action of Em. peror William In sitting through the long lecture by Professor Delhxsch assymlogist, on the Babylonish origin of Hebrew Ideas, has alarmed ultra orthodox circles of the state church who begin to think something u wrong with his majestys theology. They have noted that In '' Goths, three weeks ago the emperor intimat ed that all churches were equally dear to hlra. saying the one great purpose of his lift was to bring about church unity.