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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1902)
THF. HORXimi ASTOKUN, SI' XI) AY, JANUARY 11), I90J Good Goods Sacrificed Cost Not Considered AT D, SEA NAII A N ' S When we make the lovc arti,n. IJOOP UOOUS AKK SAfKlFlCKP ai..l TOS T NOT t'OXsiUKIJl'p, the ;.uUu- will imt'.ralh i.,.rtire the why. We .1.. m. U TWO MASONS I n-t W e have no BASEMENT (needless to tell Atorians in which to .-tore away our surplus stock, nii.1. s u.lly. our,.rn luneM !,o,. .u.vh t-e. f..r SPOT S th,. regular Spring Supply, and in some eases have already shipped. WE Ml 'ST IIAVI! KOOM and that soon for "OIK NEW VKUIV.U.S" a short tun l.ll tor this tiBEAT I 'LEAN IT' SALE of our- NOTE OUR PRICES iV C 0 M l I: T I T I 0 N W E I) E V Y Corset Values Notice cut! This la full boned corset with protected front, full lace trimmed top. These we can supply i drab and black. We think It the beat "ic corset we hare trtr carried. The sale pries now la 49c Our better grades Thompaon'a flove fitting and R. G. Corsets-fcave alto been reduced. 5J (snour nip) Only 4o. Storm and Rainy Day Skirts The "talk of the town" ever alaoa ttus rrund clears nee ante waa Inau gurated has been "lAi you secure one of shar.ahan 'a rainy day aklrts fur I.' 05 " A month ago the, could nut N- purchased for less than U TS Our next priced I'i'rra aklrt-the ISM grade his been reduced I t l.t.W. Only M few djien left. Ami' as cut Price. $2.05 Purine rate Those Two Large Tables low in Svik.'gh T"h, remnants f d"s so vis ar,d rnlil end f d n:ts:c ,! lowing, taking In price from 10c up, according t quality ant qi amity. Th- vis, tors tttl! ., ! til- f Wool and Cotton Dress Goods Fancy Cotton Press Goods High Colored Scotch F.aids Clans, Checks, etc., etc: Curded Dress Gooda. go-si ma terial. neest colors and pattern. Climax Dr-sa Plaids Itres and Outing Flannels. Fine and Fancy Prints Llt-etlan F1n Portv! Kl.inn.-U. IJt-wrty Shlttir.g Trims Arvtlc Tn !:;, Iliu- Prints American Grays; Turkey It.-J itintf. It-imam ;1 .,!.,rvd Prints; German Indigo Pr.nt- Pi.-.,h.-nt -'h-nots Capes and Fur Collarettes KV furriers tan quote prirre In fura to bt uura Capes that f-rmoilr are marked II :j nre reduced to II H (same aa a IJ-lnlng cut. otir t nine l.ytn S. ar.'i now It :i. Htone Martin ip.wum .vltareltea. It s. former price. ! I'hltu'hilla Cdtatett'S Si-. rruulsr price. i 'X. Klevtrlc Seal iVll.irettrs. : -6. for merly, i i0 Children's Halsts and Dresses i '! 1 sls-a In IV w.H"t re'u.vd to l.vs Nv.'U iritjunl 1 e?,-. ,v h 115 I. o v :x-u Only M Lace Curtains and Portieres An uni.iri .. 1 lln- or t.. a-. d-MT:et T.t stl . Uei , :.: !..! - (''irt-ilm .1 ,..r 1 an 1 Special Offer ' ii )J l.i. e i' ;r .n I .o : ;..r.K' it a.e eatra wl 'e . i I ..'if ' 1 1 1' t-T in-. -ir ) 1 iirtjiin f..: ! ft f r iuir, n a I- In a n w lflj .11 - i e Notions tiir n per c. nt r'dut'il n on all not. II. .ii, on llarca'.ii Ci uuirr l s l'l In c-rr.rt; I'l-l a la. a I n -nt.iely . i-ftie l ut. See the Window Display l-r va'ii-a In Mens ant U.iys' Fur. nutiliiK t ;,. ill sr.- the nind. w .'Is I Uy. hi- l.ettir still, rail an I limine. REMEMBER Only Fifteen Days More to Secure These Values. CALL EARLY Society Events H-rz Th- only tt-n-ral satherlni; of the past w-.-'k th- ''o'.i'lion 'iult dan"h i'.ir'v whi-h was hell at Han thorn tiail un Friday nurht. The ha',1 was i-r-t i i : l-.orated anl the- large noiiil-r of'-rs i)r-s-nt thorough- ' . ; I-' --j"-ni a I'l-asant v- nine Th- foil. .-.v. mi? program iui r-n-l-r- l: :- j.n Alfrl H lmtn-rs-r-on Ki Mi-x M-i .iil- M .rti.n P-t-r J .lir.- .n I' M I. i;i u. i I, I 1 ty -r.J.iy-i rh-m.-i-lv-s. Th Columbia orrh-stra fjrnish-d ox'-ell-nt music. Thos- T-f..-r.i were: Me anl Mrs K. J. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs W T 'lu r..r Mr. anl Mrs. G. C. F'j;; .n. Mr .ml Mrs W. J.. P.-.lih. Mr .tn-J M- . t. W-tt. !r . ; nd Mrs. A. A. Fimh. Mr an-l Mrs. P.. G. Pra,-!, Mr. anl Mr? Al P.iikards. Mr. and Mn. Ar-hur Ira-ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harrs.ti A::-n Mr and Mrs. P. A. Sti k-!. Mr an l Mr. It. M. Stuart, Mr anl M--.. i'. Ii. Thomson. Mr. an l Mrs H G. Van Dusen. Mrs p. A. ''..plin-r, Mrs. Granville P.e.-d. Mrs. NV.wnan, Mrs. J. C. Mayo, Mrs J Tr.-nchanl. Mrs. John H. Sini'h. Mrs W. G. Ilow-11, Mrs. R. A. Tayi..r. Mi--; Mi- l.ll -oV. Mls T..1- lant. M,.-s Florette Kitnonrt Miss Tren- hard. Miss Ko-d, Miss JU-ax itd. l!-rtha Ifobson. Mis." Duk-hart, j of ..r:!and; Miss Pct-rson. Miss Maud j fit '-kir,n, Miss Gertrude Stockton. Miss Ha nil Miss G-rtrud- B-rry, Miss Now. 1-tj. F. II. S-.ok-s Walter Slnnott. Walt-r May., T V Long. lall P. ed. I:. I. Mills, J .hn Kopp. Jr., Charl-s Stock In i'. I.. M'-'ab-, Frank Peterson, Charl-s H-iiljiii-n, Dr. C. A. Cordlmr Ge.,r.- W. Hark-r, Charles Gray. J. . G-..i);c ohler, Janus Tay lor, Frank Sanborn, LeConnle Stylm, of, ('liarles W. Halderman, Frank W. Woodfl'-ld. Cuptatn Harold F.. I.i-u tenant Weeks, R. Cas- -II. J. P. lia'lullet. The boj s' choir of Grace church gave a ery pleasant entertainment at the thurrh during the week. The mem bers of the Ladles' Guild assisted the boys In making the entertainment uccesg, and the boys and their gueta nt'o CtziriK-r ..Krn-.v H.--1 ; . r ivi 1 Hi Ivlb-rt 'Jrilfiii , . . Hol.b . . . . Four liovs ; A'-r-ordian solo Maui- tri'-ks Kdtvin .Sinn"tt and solo at In sp-i-ch ; K.ddl-s ! h :iI solo i '" James Itbb, Grover t.'tzing-r. Har ry Ge-ir&- anl Arthur Van Imi.-n. !:-! Littl- Orphan Anni- Kuiiy H.inim--:-,r"n. S .nt; 'Man. ma Say- I Ki.o-.v Th.tnk.-eivins" . . . . Mari;ar-i i r!' r. ..riif. h- l.l'tl- ''abins All Ar Krnpiy N-.w" i;rn--t i bri! s A pleasant surpris- party sas tcn dered Miss IMith Kimball Friday '-yn-intr in honor ..f th- l.'th annivrsary .f h-r birth. Thos- pr-s-n; -.i-r-S'anl-y Yourijr. H-niy I ;- I : . n I . Ar-hur IS'-Iland. L-.ter Uilla.-id t, "is-n, Willie Morton. Frank WrUht. ly.tus Jhanson. ;n- Morton. '.-rt.!ia Mor ton. F.lla Paint-r. I !a Pi.rr-r. Annie Paint-r. rate Jjavis. i;iai- 'A'nod. An n:n Knuts-n. Ft-r And-r"on a Mr. Harry P..-11 r-tn, n -l Thu -'lav to Seattle, after a f-w -.v-eks' Uit vith A"tori,t friends. Mrs. H-ll .'.ill i' main in the .lty for an fx'-ndl visit with b-r mother. Mrs M' K-an The Thursday Afierno .n ''lub m t .ith Mrs. A. A. Finch this we'-k. Ifon lno n was played during the afternoon, Miss Tallant winning the first prize, and Miss Hellborn the booby. Mi ll ,(.-. V -k. M : I:- i... !l ib- Mr F.-a.-.K - M - I :.a S', Mr J.i - ' r it. :.'i. '..P'.t.r. M. . I'. : la v i - f ; ; - I. i: Arl. -: Paul !'.i.-i a on ,t .1,' in-. r,,:,-!!' ,,,, . M,.,.k p ,,.,t,.t ; H.-i-.i -n I'r-sl l-nt ,ii. d - :n..o.u .,, ti- i; n. r "- I A .-; .- i.i t i;- .it.h t . 'h- S' P.oil I !! ' -il h. -a ! .in I t-irio- 1 ' 1 l r . . -1- l'r--s k : -. -m '.oioAiim- '. in- , n; i.iii a:!s .,f ii in, i.i ,,-r.i.-.-ru: al.ili tlia ' Me..m. htl.-, a th- ' ss-tnb:.-l . -n, , .s -a. l to li.ii- t.ik. n l.i'- In the pi. i- ptotv had h.-, ft ,. if with wi nt , ,,m. l-ti'ial in.iiisl.tii. ii.roi'.. t r.itild . .inriian l un . r tli- i T i thos- !n u.-i.. I . ii.-. h "f a tt.n rd.n in- p. urn o.-inr-s. ri- i . 1 1 . r-in.irkuM- sr-n.- in th -itvurh.- Mil-s b!ttis.-lf had to.,. r-l fad ! in in"!..!! and to 'h-- f--.i ivho Imve bu: r. -n - i fol t .. -r- t .- Hi,- , ,in,, i,,i,. . : n t.ik.-n into th- . -"iitld-ni-c "f and i.-i-iN.- .,f hi- -mi-r r . .r!! . r ' til ho b.-h-ld It, th- .ifTloal n-pn- and pi .-n d-t.t Th t - i nty .Hi-fnu . j in. ml of Mil-. I,y the s.-.ti-. l-'h-d p'-i-oi- m Ii., 'vpn.S'.l ihn un. jtnv of a a i Is d aif-d bv th- uti"lll- .t- 1-ri t - I r.ulnian. nf a i.;.-il i-pri"f mid r-ptoali he r.i.'dv.d lOi'-nan' x-n. '..miniindinK the j fi 'in Pi.-s,i.-nt Un v. It in the pres- annv in and ili..s- t.,wti, j n. .. of th- inns' i-pi-. -.-n'a'lv" and in- tbe liav ritld-d th- d-'uils ,.f u,,. I'l-niial piililn- rt i -ri and priva e , . "'m- h.u l,.,n ,, i-nsHnk- p ,,B t,,. -r.s in the I'll,"-! Sta'-s "-', "" I"11'"' nr- In WnshltiK- wo aniioiiiicu it jn nt .at- in afteirio.ii 'heie v,-r- ton: ml. ,! ! K Ih I. Mi n-i i ii.ii-:i,(, .r p .ty, r-i?i-t.-,--l .,: 'I). G .i."- Nink iir-l v.:,... ar- -.o'l'o-s I A J If,-, arl .-li-et, i-y Koiir-." was in t day, niakintr anaJK-tn at?-r S.-liir f.,r the ap if M Ma f ornpfiny night. in Him ii i- . y rrs v. i' "a: at,'- ,,r V ri-x- 1" !-:, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ''all-n.;.r have issued Invitations for a danc- t . be if pi.,p..,iy planned and given at Knapp'on on Friday evening, Prose. ute. January HI WHAT AltVKP.TI.sING JKiIC- 'er :!. li-lv s pi tit in th- Iriii'-r Maitlni.' room in- . x-' ut n e oilii . ,-i.J ...ning i I. n: pir. ii- tootn. some tivt-nly sen- .i'oih. r-pi'i-sen'atp, - .m l private rlll ns vtaitittg I ' tli- pr :d in by i .p 'llll llietl : h tl G'll'.irl Miles ,i- .''I, and Join.., u,,. . ti-ral in iini :n,.!... otr. ei sat ion A f-v. minutes ap . .ifi'nt-ni, .-inn '.-n-iil MlleH en- I -. .1 t: oiii h. .-v. , j j t : V i te room ..- ti'-d and t'-- pi'sid-nt 'am.- in 1 ur- ;l-d!y. Imi li..P I- a tesji-i tfu! hush f-ll o ,-r ih- disrim-iiished ' "tnpatiy u hli-h a, i-d expe. lan: ivph the eustumary i"-niion of tin- cbi-f magistrate of the A rntn.-nt. Kvery on- in the latge 'ot'i uns startled l.y the se.-n'-, iihli-b nin'-dhitely follow. -d: 'Glan-ing hastily around Mm, and at. hinir sight ..f General Miles, the pi-sld.-iit walk'd up to htm rapidly, and with evld' n-es ..f ext-pem-nt in his whole demeanor. Placing himself "lliar.-ly befme the nge. and while- bestof lverything In a W'nr.J Th.H T-i: ..f iht I xHi- iit- r Hervl t i ! ii If he Norlhweslern line. jKU:lit T:ams Iiniy lloMi H: ',i I aril Chicago, cotnpilsing The I.1le.n Pllllni-li, Hieep fs, l'eerl-ss iJ nuig Cira, ; Library snd hs-rv i don C im I Fr-e iP-clitnrig Chair Curs. ,T!ie ;Oth iVniii'y Trains ' -Huns Kve-y Day of tn- v,r ' The Finest Tram in tlw Wotio earance To ( 'i OIIIIIH'III'P o f.lfcfta laijlitnl ttentttl TIIK HADGKH MTATK KXPItKHH. 'to Fmaet iJaby Train ll-tA,-,.,, Ht- Paul anl Chhag., via :he .sn,;i Ijine Cuiniectlons from the West Mad- via The NOItTHF.HN PACIFIC filtl-JAT NOItTIIhMtN ANU CANAItlAN PACIFIC IVY A. A U-eK fliro llerrr.f.n 'A'U,. ,1... Miss Parthenia Ituk-hart. of Portland i.r.n-teiv. ,.t,.M.r ,..... '. I w as In the city during the week, the i ' al earnest. Me is overstr. kei ari guest of Miss Lou Cole. concluded that the only way to -.-n . , , the stock was to ""ell"; so he de termined to iu.,tf, panic on Mr. LaConnie Styles, of Portland, Men's and lioys' Goods, and to let returned home last night after a brief everybody know- It. As a tesult he has visit with friends a business and looks for , , , better buMiness. as the els b.-t- , . ... l"r known. Ixause, as he pu's It orico Mrs. Frank J. Carney and Miss Good- knoun, they can t resWr. haired lieutenant-general of the nrnry he waived bis arms r-iiergetlenlly and 'hen raise.) his finger warningly un der tiie nose of C-etieral Mll'-.l " T will have you know,' said :he president In a loud voice, that I will not allniv von In criticise f-xefiitlve nn.l depat tmenial mis. don t care n-ho. U U l I von are t will not siand It and von 1 I MP Nfl rlfl WPQlPfri I inQ -- - ". u.iiuoiui ll klllb a ill find that I am going to stop Ibis sort of thing.' 'The distinguished wlm-sses of this vigorous reprimand before other per sons were further astounded by what followed. The president had grown Hushed, and was visibly restraining himself from a violent outburst of ",'SX"V''y'WV ti i-.r'li.,! l-i:;:g-!.e.i.,.k. j CAS TIMS PF. I-.SSIHI.F. , , ,.v e,p..,n.- , -ff..i - T!,.-,, I si- ti - fr.en !- ...... ... i i ii- "iiii... i ii;. .n '..-ii, - ii ,i.. s 'i ti i TO IHAKE ROd Fiirmir lar'i" Miit-k nf S.iin Chi.U ,,!-, tmliTi'tl frt'in the Kipd is (hp ,,ni r, wlV Sale THURSDAY, JAN. 1 25 Per Cent Cut on all Clothing 20 Per Cent Cut on Furnishings K. it V. Collins ami ('nils, Oil n i j I Knl,!,, - (iMls Kxicjitiil, This la also the ISF.HT LINK b-twe.-n Omaha. Ht. Paul and Minneapolis. All Ag-nt Hell Ticket, via W. H. MIC AD, n. L SIHMCH. 248 Alder Btrest. Portland. Oregon. Cream pure rye, America's finest V'hlskey. The only pure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L CAHLHOS, Sole Agent. Tlii.s it ii I'.ONA I'M I I : S.AI.K r,- . reason iven. "Kvpi vtliinji fon s," ,.x. erjit as slaU'tl. Our stuck of i-lniliin is un.siirjiasscil for style ami ijiiality. P. A. STOKES The Clothier