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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1902)
T1IK MORNING ASTOKIAN. IKIIUY. JAM'AKY ;t. 1V !! SHAMHAFS GREAT SUUGHTKR OF DRY 7" Gr OOD BEGINS JAN. 2. Dress GoodsPartial List LASTS OO DAYS NotionsPartial List Domestics Partial List . V Our Regular 25c. Plaids now All Wool Cashmeres worth f0o. and 7.V now 15 act ranpv Krociiiies worih .-(V. now o Heavy Venetians, all colors, Sale Price ... W Perola Crepons, formerly I l.-i, now ' v French Broadcloth, 4" inches wide, regularly sold $'2.1 f, now $l.'2f Storm and Rainy Day Ladies Wear Special Values Our 25 cent .... Our !." cent .... Our 7." cent .... Our $1.50 Our $2.50 Thos.- $l.oO .... This Skirt we guarantee to and made expressly (or us. Special Yalues Special Values Yt.- U'T . . l: v Hose lor ... ic ('.nit- ;'"! . . '' c L'ndi r-kir:- M' . !IN c JtiekcN ;' r . . 1 . 1 v " : rt I -I . .' be all ;. thriMu'tiy shrunk, t'..: ni r i : i v U :.'. n !." 4 Special Values Remember the address .7!-5Sti 0 miii'-rcial S'.ivt !. (I00J5 that can hmght for ic each One paper Kent F.nglish Htm i.'OO In i a. kag. v t'ne large spool while m hht k Hasting loi'.on One colored bonier Handkerchief I'm- card black or hl'.e Hooks mi l .vcs One tlatr linn . One yard No. : Satin Hlhlon .my cd,., one yard Pillow fuse One Aluminum Thimble. v'ne ps'l v'lnrk s Crochet Cotton Goods thai can b bought for 2Z each One .rd Valcm lennci I are tine .l.ij.'tt Sn'.'tv Pins, hi. k. l plated Une vnr.1 wide Fmbroldery Une yar.l Insertion to match. vine'ii Kan.-v llemme.l II. m I'.-'t hi.-f une v.irl No .' All Silk Satin ''.ros : t .1 1 n KiM-'ti Kne fomts'Sltl 01 It.sijk. floods that can be bought for jc each tine ..'. Kvath. ti Iti -he. I'1 'tie (mil I 'rochet Silk. ove hull Ktilttiiik' ' .itton on- y.,r I No '. All Silk F.:hl...ti i "tie liellt's II in Ik-T, l.i. f. 1 it).- roll Skirt Ural. I 1 'Te dor.'ii Hair Pins 1 mi.' .ir l T"t' h-.n I .ace floods that can be bought for 4c each I 'tie H"fl-' collil' T'M t'l. 1 tto K . u.- K id ' 'tir'er. OTl,. I'uvlltlK lion ui" .lor.oi " Puttotis ''!: pair St kinet I itvii Sin I 's one vail Satin , r i'.rs vli 'n Pitb-.n n ; 11110 I.' II. inlv Sti.iip I tut t TU. one Sh.ik.'r I'iann.'l. S0i Ynrd ('iiliiii; I'laniifl. rt'oiil:iil Id Oc , mm e Al'iiMi vJinoli.'inn. iiortid I'uttiru , ri'oiil.'tv I'l'iic Sr,itil In Mill Kiul' simk.T Kluiitirk worth 12) . n..w ... I)1' lili ili lii I MilMlll, lnl tlirrl S Jc in i I ' Kvlr;i ide I..u i I'urtaint. .'! i.ds lone ivdii. l. to $ I I.'., f 1 . f r.'" Koi 'iu r I'l icfs $2.50, $ I im niid $ ! " Ilmw H!aiili'N mid t'oini'orli i-loi . ' CHILDREN'S m WEAR V..i:-M".;': . 25.- KiMn.l llo- u.n'ili I.'.,' Klrn I'd t -t o. l'li 2."i.- I in i -. n "I t i . 2.V J.i.-k. l. W"ii!i 2.5i' I in -. uoi:i. fl - ' SPECIAL VALUES I SPECIAL VALUES FOR MAN AND BOY M' il'- a!! i ! : -.: ;!i l'i. $ V i,' . i ri!.: r ; Mi'!l'-:l!i U" I p. Ill's ill til 1, l.'.'i Mill'- I'll,' I'Vdor.l I, llS V" -. II'' o'-nf 2 i'.'. s - h ..; (..mi-. M!l. (!;! I i :t m i i i.v i n i.i.i. A GOVERNMENT IS IN DISGRACE jmenl. Captain Burrow iorroh' tate.1 the statement of the American mls- slonaries to the effect that the officials , employed 50 c annibals to a horn thy Issued rifles to ' massacre an l cajiture unarmed natives who had rebelled Inhuman Conditions Said Prevail in the Congo Free State. thir brutal methods." "I have sworn testimony." said Cap y tain Burrows, ' of Belgians handing over natives to cannibal tribes for the I express purpose of being eaten. Forc ed labor prevails everywhere and 'siiut ! gun rule' is the truest description of 'the present administration." Tin: ri:Mi!KKiiui:i: M il l, i.i: M(. is ll. Sunn- Dilliiiillv r.i-i'ii'iii'-il ill Kei iin I lie vssi ' llolil Hear id' ulT. Th.' damage done to the lliittsh stearii'Mp IVmtirokehlr-. which grounded last Tuesday on her waydow n fp'tn Portlar.'l on the 3v' ti d" ilrasse tn.ts of I 'Mil. ao f: on the meats ar the iaili".cN ordiiiK to r p" The men l. HI eXiei.HH 1 1 il ..u'.hcin lii h i-'iiii" thai other atlet' flelgtit i r express chargeH are pa, 1. C"tise HUently I he l!d lints., hi. in takes pUl'O freillently, the being plentiful In the region l tw, . n .Milf .r l and '"ulletites. The men say tli" is not bad. I'sp'elally wh.-n t Is tli.- . . ri I v fr-sh meat nhlalnable. MANY INSTANCES REPORTED TO oKSKP.YF. ST RM.- Two Weather lished at Statiot.s to Yellowstone He F. F'ark. r-"f sin:, i Pa. k". ,.f iT. lad-n. Af'-i I "-' I t und-'term Iving at 'h. A.s. l.iti .11 -"!. and led Th-- .iieam- 'oIlliT'l.l.l P.'v.T h:u-f a' th- foot pari inly ' h. at Horrible Atrm-ilici Said t H lrrM'trati'il n afis ami Whiles AiiHTican .li sionarifs' Statt'iiK'Ut. LlNIXiN, Jan. 2. Captain Guy Bur- j rows, who has Just retired from the employ of the Congo Free State gov ernment after six years' service, de- ; clares In an Interview today with a representative of the Ass:lated Press that the conditions prevailing In the i Congo Free State are a disgrace to civilization, and far worse than ever before. He pictured atrocities of the most horrible character perpetuated on the natives by officials and whites who had concessions of rubber land. As a typhlcal Instance of the means employed by the Free State govern- 5IFTTK. Mont . Jan. A ; lal to the Miner from Helena sas the gov ernment weather bun-ail will establish two stations in the Y.-H'.wstone Nation al Park next summer. One will ! loiated at Mammoth Hot Springs and the other at the lake. The bureau will undertake to solve a problem that has been puKilng the department for some time. Many st'irms originating In the Northwest, although head-1 directly for Montana, never se-m to r' n this state and It Is desired to investigate the phenomenon. Storms striking the mountain range between Montana and i Idaho follow It to the park and are there lost sight of. sometimes again appearing In Wyoming and '.'.dorado, but Montana escapes them, observers 'in the park will make this phenomenon 1 a .articular study. 1 .If. hilt ' h" -I ' . ..( ' was sup "I ! una-.".- ' a I Ik en i ,''.r o ... , :.,,.v.-red bad'v i-.iking. A hasty i";. n Ic' a .I:v.-r revealed the '!'.!' M:" 1.:' -t.-ain-. Ip U.'lS le.ik- i' .n-:.. '.i!. v in f.i t. at ihe rate sixteen in. he to 'he ho'ir. The '"ti-'.-infly in se. day an I it was with mil. h difTl li dl A,.- kept rj.-ar of the IH'.I :h 'l l: V 'il. N i:W Y' ink. J in J ' in -Pastime Alhleti.' I'luli. has I" . it-r fr .in "lei ll. itiet k". th. ..( J.-rry u I Ki.oik Ph t- t feet that th'-se f a In o 1 1 s Indian .1. ks. .' a I r. lin.-r 0. ' ef ii'in'Ts 111 IM. I H;Ml I. IIH Will ll.n. Itrniii lii's in On Oi ii nlol .mil Simili iiii I' ll mi i 'null- I cult i v Ni:V YolIK Jan : T'i- i ti. . f the international banking i .ro. .ki -ii m hi 'h has Ih'.'ii nai I '.y in.- .--i dent as resisit..iy f .r the p o ,. n t the i ' In I'-omity Jae , ,,. ( ,.,( . "I Slates have I. I . '.' ,l I .y I,. . i; Th. on. it II ilnl hai I, il... pi,-,, I'lH of Ihe I... aid ..f , III. '.I..IS of til- llll l I '11. THK FKKUN'J IN' KSf,L.SlJ. ears What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure; no free alkali You can trust a soap that has no biting in it, that's Pears'. Established over loo years. ! NBW YOP.K, Jan. 2-In the city j quarters whh h were com erm-d in In dian and 'hlnese banking a great deal : j of interest is taken In the Am-iican' i scheme for the aciuisilion of bank- I ting Influence in the far Fast, says th ' I lyjndon correspondent of the Tribune, i At present the Hong Kong and Shang- hai Banking Corporation enjoys a mo- j Inopoly of the Chinese banking busi- I ness. pun;. and nigh njity th w iter. !,.'is' ev.-nlt.g v. h se.-n by an At. Ih .' r -fiis-.i to k.'h te.n ion. erninir s.'oit.K trial it '.v:ij that it would take th steamhit. oiild sail " Fr..n: 'I ".0! that 'he -A.-i. takint of i-ir'een in- h'-s t.i not 'h" p .nips he. '.Vollid f.:,v. ard par' : h : r-;t - u ;,.,ye y,u dl'e'lRg III. art' , nor- n- ura ai );' rr. ad- I. golIlL' -. T'i. f,. and r.,r Were e, nigh' ! a i;." hat. h damn in ..ih.ers were an representative on' any Inforn:" d image, merely considerable nnd s me time iK-fore h" rr.Tle ready to s i' was Pained wat.-r at the rte h" r.our, nnd had :, kept constantly sunk at the dock, s most damaged, n ' of nien ' r lay and last . 'ogo As so.m ' the forward siimnte of the w ho are aet'iist-iiii'-d t . ioI.o s ,f th- Pasiliiie A ' (il ill not take pan m 'h- day go-av y.i.p.-ai" in. to Madison Sonar.' ilaiden M says thin Jerry Pierce Is anvl .11 break th" re.oid of his famous 1 1 .r. I'e-rfot. for making oil" hour be fore lie l"iivcs the amateur ranks. II will attempt to break thl- record the near future. to i in If' 'l.F.I: A I! r;iNV D-atr, IP .id In On.- h"r f r. er I IN .TWA. .ty for Novcin-ToVi I :V 1 Ai i K. M l-.'N T ANN' if N ''III 1. rfN JoSK. 'iil., Jan 2 - The cn gagemeiit of Miss Abbie ' ampled! of this 'liy to I'rlri'e 1101 I fanawakoa of Hawaii, has be.-n formally antiounc ed. Miss fiiini.bell is a native of the Hawaiian nlonds v here ,cr father, Jatri'-s . '.iinb"ll, u ho di'-d a few years ag". aiiia-...- I a fortune. . IS MISS STONM riKLKASKIl INIii'N'. Jan. 2. A dlspai'li to the 1 'en tral News, from Vienna, says 11 re. port, has been received there, via Holla. I., the effect that Miss I I'l'll M. Stone, the American captive mi-'slomiry, has been released. Th" report lacks con-llrmataion. I Dir:r of KXpoSfiti:. TOBACCO TO SMOKE CIGARS TO BURN PIPES TO SUIT YOUR FAVOR TO EARN With the Largest .Stock in the city and the- new est goods we can jili.-aso you every time. Two (-tores. WILL MADISON. 1 SKA-ITI.K. Jan. -- 'olouel P. .Hand, who arrive. lore yesterday from Java Island, states that cholera lis raging more severely than ever be fore thi y ar. he ,. ath record. In the ciy of Sioirahava during the month of November, h- states, was over 70oft. i'olo-iel Hand Is returning from a min ing expedition to felernes Island, ! wh-re. he .said, gold .".bounds in great ' iuantitle. Staple HOIiSi: M MAT AS FOOD. Article of fjiei I,, flections Southern f Trah. of SALT UKK, Jan. 2.-Wild horse meat, is the principal article of food for the section men on the desert dis- SAI.T I.AKIT, Jan. 2. William ". rjreen, an old resident of this i lly was found lust evening at Oittonwood, frozen to death. The body was found on the banks of a pond. It Is supposed that flteen, who was "a years of age, had wandered Into th" pond, became thoroughly chilled and unable to find shelter, died of t-xpo-ure. WORKIN'r; 24 IIOITPH A DAY. There's no rest for those tireless lit tle workers Dr. King's .-w T.ife Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Tor pid IJver, Jaundice, Illllousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache and drive out Malaria. Never grl or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them; 25 cents at Hart's Li rugHtore. iien coi porut l"ll II'' that lift' I the Philippine Hu'ell" Is rstabllsh.'.l. other bliill. lll be Instituted III the 1 1 Hi' I tot 1 iltles of the ne insular ....M. -!.. tin of the fulled Mat." The ultimate purpose Is that the enUfe Oil- lit and South and lYhttuI Anurliiin shall be . olllpli'll. tl.le.l PC the opera- 1 ion of the bank. VII of this Is Inn Ihe natural mil - gr.mth of the commercial nnd tenlt 't 1.1I expansion "f the fulled State"" ciitltni. 1 lieiieral Hubbard "Hereto fore tlleie has been II" piirihubii' teed In ihe fulled f.rn bunking In Million doing an Intel national bind- the , Pit) o'lllllg "IX II" h"ld III ' P.i'ill' i k" j TO ilHAK ROOil For 1 iii r Iiirge s. k n' Spring ( imids nln inly nidi lid Iroiii thi' Ln-t is (lie mil ri'iisuu why we aiiliniiii. i' ;i j;ri ii( Sale earance 'I'n ' 'mil UK-lid' id! THURSDAY, JAN. 25 Per Cent Cut on all Clothing 20 Per Cent Cut on Furnishings K. & W. Collars and t'ulls, Oil and Kuhhcr (i'HIll.S l'!('l'lt('d. This i- a I'.OXA FII)K SALK for the n asiiu jfivt.n. "Kvcrylhing g''s," ex cejit uh slated. Our stock of clothing is unstirf KtHi ( for style and ijiiality. P. A. STOKES The Clothier He "I I'll! "ill, r h. 'l.i. I'll .11.1 I he t I 'III. II h .11-, I f .1 e ..f . . i I . .1 t -t with South Vinerl.u an I lie ir-o.i f ii t on..'anli In. i . a-diii; . ..iiiiiiei.e I'.llh I'hllia and lie- iMIriil ihe iihv. "itv Po plil sii. h .ot Institution a. (Ills hll developed II. H P if . re all of It,,- , ,. b.Hige 11 I'll foiclKli lolllllllei hll beell litlldl."l t.J the blink, of lietini nd l...ii...n Th. ie ai" a liiiuil" r of inl.'i n i!..ti il t .t nk n In II" ie Hies II III be III.' PHI pi'He of the lutet iiatloiial hanking oiora (loll (o S-'l III." IIS ion. h as l 111 'll.ll' of Ihe i I. halite hllsllleii, h.'l' li lli d!' d hi II f INK lotlilti I'll , hl.'h this i ..null i Is , on. ... ni il " So far i oinpai al 1 1 , I hill, hai I.e. n I .lie bv ihe io n Lank. Hi .huii.-r , spe. . 11,1. 111,. Ill of Ihe ' ..I, lie, ttrllt I'KlHlatllie hiiviim been .. hi, iln.d oil l.iil Inn. i ;. ti. i ,i l,il,i u,, aid iti,kt a bniii.-h w..uld n..t l.e for purpose. of d. posll. i x, hllllKr lllolli' being hall died This Ne y,,,k bank Is to ,e .1 Sol t of I I. a I lllg house for the ,11 lolls loan, lies .oiiirolled bv lb.- main In Hlltlllloll The tens. in I;V le ihllller " ii obtain.. I In i '..nil. , th-ui, accord ing to lieiieral Hiibliird, m r,.uu. In Ihe fa, i ihiil the laws of that stale are unusually liberal to hanking Instl- tlltlolis Tin: I'AitiNirr i'ii:n WASlliS'il l'o.s' j,,,, 2 I Inner to the cilblll. t. Ihe II, Nt of the hu for mal fun. lions ,,f the M ai at l lie While 1 1 ohm.', was given bv Ihe presi dent and Mi l:.i ,M. v ell i nlitht. HAYS III? WAS TollTirilKII. "I suffered such nln from corns I mil. I hardly walk " writes II Robin son, Hillsborough, His, "but liinklen's , Arnica Salve completely cured them," Acts like magic .m- sprains, I., i cuts, sores, seal. Is, burns, bolls, ulcers. I Perfect hciiler i,f Viuii ,11. cases and piles. I Tare guni aiii I bv Hart's I irtiif.'lorc 't , .. cents. Fisher's Opera House I . K. SKI III, I . , , Hlx Nights, Com nclng, MONDAY NiSht, Dec. Fischer & VanCleve's Company of Players. Change of Performance Nlghtly-Ni'W Specialties. Street parade and Hand Concert dally. I'HMHH-Kir, 20e and 80c. Ks-nt sals oiiens Saturday morning at (Irlllln A Heed's.