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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1901)
T THE MOKNIXU ASTOKIAK, AATLKDAY, JILT 13. 1901. The Morning Astorian TKLIuPIIONK Ml. All contracts for uJvcriimnu In Ilia Antorlmi urn Hindu on h Riinr itnldtt of circulation lour time Urtr (linn (hat of uy piper publUlicd or circulated in (-!! nop Count y. ToUAYH WKATHEll. I Mrrt.A N 1 . July 12 - Oregon, Him nil Waalilng-toii and Northern Idiho, g.-u T ill? fair; Wea'crn Washington. Kiimilly f,ni .-,vn riliulily hoWi along lli. vinm. AROUND TOWN. Ha n. M. Onion abul harn. 1 1 rr tniiii iilrn la vtalllng friends In rkamukawa Wtntsd; a wuiiiMi la da washlnf CH at 420 Echng St. liset U--m mvsl-nismf lun taurant, 111 Commsrolal 81. ! Japanese good of all klnd, rlirap Yokohama Iraaaar; 1:4 Commercial Si I Mr milk dllvrd twl dally by the M Ik tk'ixii .corner Tmih and 1 uan HI rests. The Hr lutik Argun waa ,ml up Itir rlt'l yrl'- -lay Slid will I '.id Wheat I t Rurojie. Mra Auiciia! lani-lao:i and .-till tr.-n uit- !.- ) 1 1 rid amte 1 1 in with Mends n John Imy 'ruahl atrawtierry lea crm am laoltta llr Hint, will SWaat 110111 10c itnt al ths Parlor. N' I' tforenaen left I' i Unti l .in a t.uaius laal light fr trip in t Mi. I ! , in- kkdI day Yur M may ba. k I' our M'-nd MM tm ami Java .fT ( li y.iu - J hnn Uro. perfection f dt not Wanted Snl. iiii-ii rieryw here . ' of iMrtinii"tm. ptitwrint llruwn llr.a, Nura.'l)UKIl. lbrtetrT, N Y iuatav Alolph. of iliiy. was In the 'y Friday and reported th cnltdlll itn i, I" hl -.-ttn i if th omttty Mia Kl' K who Ins bism vialllna; '" :h rrlllhr ami friend al KiiainM. rturn.l hoin ye I'lLiy MrS. Jewell Im a opened rt"T msktrg pirlolts at ltt Hevnth alraM. Tha la dies of a ar Hull, J lo nil lrv sictlun. dr. iv of i .1 allrli :-l wh.if l.'IIIK .l Uo' ll. gill h.-li f it 'hilal.i. ll A iMTtt aM-iit!oi UiiMimll ill.- all rl V 1 'll'l l ( ll I llll 1 J l .1 ir in oii v ! k or .IT. ..rf.Tll.m til 'i.l ,. u ll .UM'.' ,).. n .( I'l'1 1' John. in llr." T'le fllllel.ll of no h aa h -M i ' Hi.- Lit John Shore- ! I iv af:in oi from i un - rtiiklng p.n i"i Interment III I lie Wood ii i ' r e mi pur- rve. Amerlei'a fill' ai whlakev. The only pin g iodi; RU Ir ani. I rich ai, mellow JOHN I CARLSoN. S..I The irl.nea of the t'oeihllld olHg la- ,1, i, i I- o.- I on regiiita iiie. ii will he .inn, 'MM .'d I might (ogeth'T Willi the llletliol of lliell l'-'ll"tl John A. Mon goinery ha opnd .h. p at Hmd airae: and la prepared to do all clan a of plumbing an 1 tin ning at th lowest piwaibl ratM. .M.iniai r S' llg baa lux'ked th Wled-i-imin ltiirlolie I' now play lift In Porllillld. f 'I ll week' engilge- infill In Ihi rlty heKlnitlng Monday, J'lly 22. Mr. II. Ingleion a now dlplaylng full line uf the bit -at alylca In full mil linery at th ratihllahmont recently npennl by her at C.'iR Commeri'lal alrei, oppoalt the Hudnt ome. Mra. mule ton aim rarrlei a full line of liidie' and chlldran'i furnlnlilng rnoda. P.IC3T 15-CICNIT MEAL; Bl'N RESTAURANT. RISING "Bike" Suits Immense Variety to Select From If you aiijoy a good cup of ciiffes try our perfection blend Mocha and Java; your money back If II dot Hot plea-"" you, - lli .w, Tli nuti'in f-a'turant la d-arvUly pnimUr. Tlx b.l thai h market f fori la alwaya rund on tta bill ut tat, and lint "rvlc la flral-clnaa. Opn until 1 a. m, Tim Aalnr i'lul MV a il'ilfhifiil nii'iy luai iilaf lit iil.onr.l the ali' 'nlli li'l-r. I.uii' li u a.-rvcil on board niid a (ili'iianiil .viilug waa crula. Ina; alr'iiil t lie rlvrr. In Dm (irnliatit rmirt yratrr lny Ju'lk" (Uay aranlr.l Tinlalmi u J. W. WHi'li, guiinlliiii of Kamui-I l", Wli li. i'l al , In itioriingo otIuIii r iM rly Ui-lonalna to (ha ralitlv. Itoalyn roal laatg loner, la rlan.r and makra loaa iroulil with atovra and i I'liliuiixy flue than xtiy other. aor ; W. Bantwrn, afnt; trlvphimt 1X11. Tw.t low bo,, t.rtnif built In Port- lan.t r r.iv io lu. i.nnrit within a .hort tin.. ',1, ,.wnra ar. th Wll- iB'ii'lt- ami Colii-nlrla IUvr Towlna; , Ciitupany. mil th Hhavr Tranatwirtii Hon OmiiMiiy. Knit HI mm. of Hkamokawa, I hi Hi. Mary'a hoaplial r-Wlnf tr'atini-ht for blooil h. Lulling i,f Hi ,(t arm. Ilia ivndlilon I ili rraull of an arpd'iit whii ruiiing iimi.rr, th lacih f a hiivtng rul into hi arm. !r H K ll-ii l.i,,n haa Irft for an rfiii1 liiatiTii iriii durliig which h III u'l-'i.l Hi., Kit) h r ln of tin- l:ika al Mllnaukr. Wl. Iji. r It II. ii l. i..iii w i poliila mi i tm AtUulli- ai-alinrd i Hum T Hhaw who fraiju'iitly vlil- i ! I Aai.uu ai Un- brad of a r ix-rloirx i .'tiil' iny iK.irinif hi :im illnl r. nlly , in ihfirnla Mr Shaw waa :rlrk.:i "vi.ii in.. n Hi .ig i with m-rvoua pro I rill in ami ln.niiiy Jrvlnii1 Th.' t.inl.liig In lug .-tn-vl fir Hi- ).ia(,i fro, mill la about romili'td and lh u.iik ..f Hn' lh i:i. liln.-ry will k iiiiniiii-n.vil ii'-il "rk. Mr. (iaal .tt .'iiMfia to hav lh mill In nwr ail Hi bf ..r tlir Hmt of ni't monih. Th ."li-iian ahip WundaUk. whli-h wat 1. 1 ha i4.i grain on th.- Will- ' anirltit itvrr low iml In al Hun Krun rlaoo. an l hT phuy naa bn lakTt by ihi (1-rm.ui Lark, lh Cram! Diu hi aa oigi. hli h a.iil-J rrtim St. Nniarin ' Jun It Th- f-aniahlp IMlmliia, wlih li r'Si"- ly ti.vk ijii x ptnUI vr;.i at Porthinl nnl wnt around lu Vanoouv!", B. "-. for id r( of It. hna Wen rharterril bv ih.. goiiiiiin-nt on Ikt return and will I f.irnt ;-nd aiipp'lca f r th.-riii'l;-!' ii; r-'i-t) in.1. The IN It al'imtlon la richer t. Iter foi i p.m few ditvn ill I the rol l 'o . tl .hi t ur working en'rn handn to ear Ih.-r I n thi. :h,- aoii fr the The fear ihit would he no nh thl y.-ar h.ia li..i,(ii. d .did I' la iiiw Though: h. I:i;.-r i una will roinpen-iite for ir- v id the opening of lh a -a- Tic o It ,t N. c.i hna male a in: of fv1 ft-ti Aai iri.i and Portland for I Pn i -American e' anion nt Huf f '.i TI. kta tt 'll be (n lal dial m l loo 1 Tilead-iya, .lull to IVlober, Inelii-an,- Tli"" Mekva tnut b ur ' : t c intlnii ma pn.aaag g.unrT. but t over -vill be .tlpta-ed within flnal limit returning Tw i , loy. Charlea I :iaee and Curtia M aged 11 and S i-efipe.'tlv, ly. weiv drowned yeaierdiiy In the Willamette while playing on a boom of og icmi' ih Smith Portland mill of lh I'orllu-id Lumber and Manufiitui uit Cinip.inv. A ihirl boy who enenp- ed. give th'in but Ihe nun who I llia'iet ti the i-eiie could N' of iv a- ' awlance Some p,,.ic figure Unit coffee I an compel the tel-phone coiiipmy to pav expeiialv.' luxury. It tuny ! for mie "e .-"Ml penally pr.ivi.l-d in the and for that rcaaon we have been ix-l ":lll'c Imt'oalng a i.tx on telephone for pei-liticntlng Willi the Idea of geiilntf aj good blend of coffee within the reuch I of all. We have, we think, auceecled. .,,.1 hnv.. hv blendln Hire kind I ten u very g.Mid cup of coffee for the j m ice. A."k for our Utile (Hunt blend I ai Ij.i per found. R.m. Hlggln A Co. I BICYCLE CLOTHING In order to reduco our stock wo will make ti reduction of 25 PER CENT All. . . . BICYCLE SUITS. BICYCLE PANTS, STOCKINGS, BELTS, CAPS, ETC., ETC. S. DANZIGER Tti annual I'nlon rwi(f, "tntliAn dr" Jua lMiiit dvnt"ii 'ria1dritl)l Muii'j t,j a "wrltj-up" of Aatorli, ai'tllng forlh ailvarita(-a In an illr.irtlvn rrun-ni-r. Tin- alali'iiiirnt la maitv thin ih I'lKV'-al llp 'tint flouia ((nil. I iIm k nt III wharva h-r. It wmilil t In-1-r-ailtiK If (ho ('. . olfli lula hml u.1 . 'l mi rilniiutlon aa to why llx-y lon l. (Yi'l.ilnly tliry know. Th imhit KMr, whh h U ft out VHlPnlaV for Hun Fiatirlaco. Ini'l un uiMiauiilly laigi- puaxiixir Hal, iiioiliitlona for mr of ihiu li.-lna nr ruiiK''l in Ih uiolii. Ani iMK tin' il' pirlill.a r lh.' IIi-V. flpiaKU fiiiv.a, f Houtli Mini, an.1 th ltv. A. II. I.ana, b ud of whom ,trc n ruut lo 'li Kpworih lyju i oiivi'iiilon to ! Iild inn wi'ck In Han Fnim laro. Th I'la'akanln (orrfaixiinli.nt of Ihi- I'uluriibla Coiiniy NVa la a fxaalinlai AIo h la a dlai ovar-'r and an axpoarr II aava tbnl th tlnrtwr' bawbitl t.-am which playd In that town on th ! rr,urlh ut uf '"hl" W"'" m h nnpa of nin a rium am for ! '" thf" r"klr" ,n """' ah'kfl. Inatii(l of rrrtwlna ovr th vlotnry of ih riatakanl aKKrfltatlon h Intlfnatp that th a-itm- wua thrown I An orIUia:n-r will b ln:rolu iil at ilv ni' tlii(t of th counrll M m lay nlglil itln-ottin that a tlt of property hld for dllniUiit tx- ! pn-puri-l and turm-d nvi-r to th" ti,rllT fur th ail to b hrld Augut l ll la i'cl, thai th pr i;r!v owiii-r ffv!.- by fh 1 -tifniUTt y will .'!tl th tax lalma Iwfor lh diit of th anl So xr th property to h aolt will I. putiliah il, th lw not reiu!rltig inh nolle. Th . an :.)at' for th two ban-hall t'-.itn r preaeiiilng the prof.-nalotiiil men nnl the nor hu'iiM w ho will , .'.l" for aujir 'tnin y a week from t.May are prartli'l:i( nightly on Van Ilua.-na I.e. Whll looking for ener.-i.. and wl:li h i diHial'ioii lo alilrk eXi-rLon. at. II lh player d.vlllic th long wilk to the A K. i'. grouiida and prefer i.iklng i hiiTn ea on lir aking the neighlirn' win. I No aaiint'lt'4 have b 1 report I u v:. Ivluarl An.leiaon. w'l known m A i m.ii. win-re he ha folliwe-l lh nr rnter'a trad for avral ynr. do I yegirJ.iy !irnng ,if blo.Kl pulannlna; af ter an llr of iwo wrka Anleraon had been nitloyd by Com motor J'alm. Iierg Tort t'-ftia until Hbw-aa , .iiii nrlle.l him o milt w ok. Th lreaa w.ia unmarried aiKl leivea a brother an alaler. J W. An 1 -raon, of i'nlno"k. and Mr. TUlic An.l'iK-m. of Fort Sleveim. Th funera' will b hell :oiii..rro,v un- .Vr th whl.-h aiiapii eeJif J of Ihe lle.lme w is a nini'"r. of t'r. II. nry I'i.unie.l. ( he ? ' f th- B-v-einin.iii'a f.i,;iy d' part no nt. -:i-iniiiia th ii .i i . - mi ii ' a hie iiinh.-r n :h H'aie f Wa-h ngt :i c. Mo l.un In I hl'.lloii feet, whl.-h !-,. aaya w h II- Hrely i iiin.,l at the ixi. rail. !i of ' -i iri I - iaiinoii Iha; :h r- : .Cioii! ih.- a, mi,- .i in i n it t f it" r ii or. g..i but for '.. k .f ptop. r tl-.lliapoli.llloil fie:.e ;he i n; la tt t ia much Th" for. :iy pet : j,r - dl. t.a that Oregon :ll 'l!loU! linn lie I na to, i ia pl.ic thi- W.-h;l'g!-m ! Notice la hi r. hv gn . : rii-r wi-ek isi: h iitall w hi -lling bu y ,p ! Ill 1 1 k llorirollt ll Ml;p a -'w iii k" In l.u ge w i lliai fe, aou'h. an of ;h th pir r.i I wlth ,-he May Ituoy. a ,i mte.l : d an I with th-' word !. (tela, ll-ooie I wr.-i-k "f :!! ! alt'o May Flint. San Krancaeo bay. i 'nlifornl.i, m not .aoiin the wh!:l" having hen damaged. I: will he r. j pnii-d aa a.voii a pr.-i,-:iciih'e. This n-'-I lice nlTecta the Llai of Helena and ltuova Picllle Coa-I. l!Wt. page '.'I I v or.l r of ihe lighthoiiae board. C. SK- I'ltFK. Commander. I. S N . Inapcc i tor Twelfth Llght-Houa I' !rt. City A'loiiley A. M. Smuh hna cum I inonced aelhut In the nvin! inurt t non-compliance Willi he law. the pa l"'r ete tiled In the clerk offloe ye t'Tdny and the title of the case I th, Hty of Aarorta v. the Ptioltlc StUfa Telephone and Telegraph Company. The Innanc cited In the petition in which pnymont of the lax had not been made I ataie that a lelepii tnj ha.a been In onerntlon In the atore conducted by Ch.lileg Olaeli .it SS ' immervlnl Street, in which the quarterly lleemv of thirty cent I unpaid. A acparatt action can ; be commenced for each Instrument on I which ll may prove a costly test for : the company In Ihe court hold the , illy' iioaliion to be tenable. Ciovernor litvr his received a tele- j gram from .he committee representing ! the crew of th biittlinhlp Oregon, ta: Ing that next Tuesday had been fixed upon is the Jny on which the colors ' flow n hy the battlshlp on her homeward ! trip will be piva'iited to ihe slate. Prep j ar Militia are Mug- made for iipproprt ; ate ivr mo lies and a comtnlt'ee h is I been appointed to the details. ! Tito c.mimlttiH' will meet th,' visitor i i ul tie? train ntil a: 2 p. m. a pree slon will be formed. Including the I Fourth reg-lm-nt. O. N. 0.. Captain 1 Walter Lyon eomandlng. veteran' ' ctetles, Indian iniplls, civil bodies j and citizen. The governor will receive j lit.' guests at the c.ipltol and the cere monies) will be hel I In the chamber of the house of representatives. Ciovernor will d.-llv r an address of welcome, a member of the crew to be aelccted will present the colors to the governor wh j will uei:ept on bt half of the state. A national salute will M- Huprlntnnd-nt J"hn Mcdiilr, of th A. f. K. H., Ift Uat idKht for rW atth', whr hn will altnd h m-llnM of Hi ronilv formd dinurr4K aawi rlailon rmbnioln; all ln In Waahlra ton and Ori'nn. M. V. HhMda. of Clil rui(o, a promlnrnt rullroad man, who wi'upla a poalllon In lh rnirnl lrf- fl- ImriMu rrriitly onalllhi-d, will pr aciii ami lli uliji't of 'u1imIiI ihiiica will y k'hiii Into fully and om.f ilflnlt't urrl"nt.iiidliig r-tf h -d. HAI.MuN I'llK'KH NAMKD. Uli -Nil orl-ra rla""d In NVw T irk for Hl' Hi mii .1h. "peliliiK prliea on th" Columbia river pin k of aalmon, aeaaon of PjOI, have bn iiniiouiiceil liy Itehifl.-Id. Me(iovrn V Co., th na.x lailoii a .-lllng ag-nia, aaya The Trade. The Ilguie4 named ar. Tall. .': rtna, 11 .(Hi; balf-pounda, f, . all f. o. b Aaiorla. Theae prlrea ar k' under laat y-ar'a tlgur-a on on poun I g ioda, and 12H under on half pound". Th prh-ea ar high, but ow log to th fart that only Vi.ViO rai"t hav len pakd through th iaon they appar to Ih- Jutlfled. No outaldc (la.-keia are now offering flah at any price. Th lat man to av-11 at 11.50 ia rntlrely rlard out. Th trade ahowa now apei !n agr-M'-aa ti buy. and iraile la. lhrfor. alow. A good trad In apeclal brand" la trted, aa a number of Important buvera have alreidy placed liberal or d -ra for the bran la. For their own bran. la. "Clover La-af." "Tuxedo" and Sovereign." and on the Kinney btandaj pel ifleld. M -Cover n It Co. aak 5c ad ditional. Th regular aaaoclatloti branda of fancy chitl xik, nuotecl at 11 65. II. K0 and ' ire aa followa. Royal Sea!. R'acon, Hollv. Whit- Star. I'ln liurr, Ooldm Age. Illu" lllrd. M-dal. dlall'ila, Kpl- ctire. Clifton, Manlhnrn, Magnolia, (i ll Kdg and HiIvt Croat. .i For rhoi nualliy chlttieika '.he price ar 11 tii. II. Sil an I Sc nupeollvv. ly. Th. ar-' the bran, la: I'hieftaln. r3a iilmau. Weat Coaat. Commeri-lal. R !l anc. M rtnald. Violet. I'nlo.n, Olymp'.c. Arrow. Sunaet. Portrilt. Ivlmonlco, Ar gonaut and Point Adam. Quotation on the .ihov ar the anm .1 laat year'a. Silvra ,.-a are offered at 11.10. 11:5 and sic. Th brunda or": Pride of Co lumbia. Autograjih. American Fimily. P-' iind llumea Plciure On ch'ima :he fjuotati aia num-M are 75.- for talla. N.V for Hat and HJc for half pound. Th" lt of bran U mra pr.aea tri.i f olow-lnav S.,lu. Fall River. Kigiro. Kink, Hon llin Langue Point ntul Sun, wall Jickson. PALM' 'N TICAPI-: CoNPITloNe Sta', of i he Market In the Large Cities .f the World Show Strength. T'le following comment on the cotidi li, m of the salmon iimrket In different cities at home and ubr aid are reprinted fr on. trad.' papers, a an lu- thor'tv on 'he subj.vtt 1. ltd -"'ii Th" mirk-'? mu; again be r. p !:' 1 un. hang d. there iR-ing only a '' rate Imaineas passing either on the i 't or for forward delivery. I.'i er.i ' ,: The cinisuniptlve demand for sa'm .n is better and prices are f.nrlv w.-ll ntaitti ilii '.I. Tt 'dio- Canned salmon still contin u i lit active dent and and a good luil n a ,t bemg done, p irticularly in fu tures, which are uuoted at 11 I." a doz ei f..r Frvaer Hockey in los than pi ens, 'o'.s, .ml 11 t's In 10-iase lot anl o t. Nor hern s n ktye. $1.30 and ll".'.. ('.inn .1 -a I in .ii prices remain the same. Montreal: Retailers are .pilie willing to ,.r lor ahcid on lln. s on which they tune not lost money c.itd c.i.'iuenlly anliu m future are receiving a good deal of cons! tori :i ul a; $." for Fraser river red s.vk.'ye; H.:, for Northern tlsh in 1 ;i.;ki for pink. Chicly : Salmon of all kind is in rather bett t d.'iitand. led Alisk.i In-ing un. liattg,' 1 at Jl 274i and 11 tin. There are some rumor of sale at a slightly lower llgiiiv. A fair inquiry Is re.irled for chu ns at 1KV. Sales of a car of Co lumbia riv ! is reiirted at H.S0. t.nt :t: The salmon situation Is un exirent 'ly sir ing one. both ns regards snot (fools and futures. Prices of spots have advanced milte materially during the usi lit i weeks, and every thing iiolnt ti still further advance. The prices on future are al i advat'e lug. Some brands have advanced 0. A case during the week. SALMON SHIPMENTS. The shipment of salmon from Francisco by water lust month since January 1 were as follows: San and For May. iiii 2.8.'.! 230 374 l.STi!! :.2 21 2S.1 lrtrt 5iH 210 Jan. 1 to May 31. 92.315 2.572 1.077 2.S7C 7.S70 225 317 1.173 2.075 500 210 13.S00 C.reat Rrltiln, cas Australia New Zealand China Japan India Smith America ... Central America . Mexico Souih Sea Islands South Africa (Manila Egypt Now York Total 4.499 Package 333 Value $20,840 In 1900 Cases 7.048 Packages 349 Value $2S.23ti 129.531 1.479 $541314 104.3SS 3.fii'..' $tSl.271 Trained Nurse Young lady, you mustn't ring the bell for ice cream every time you think of it. Young Lady Mustn't I? You forget that I'm paying $40 a week for my room lu this hospital. ClII'IKH KKHVICr TOMORROW. rr-aliytcrliin-Tornorrow will b the laat arvl ea :h pairtor w ill rrmdui't un. til AuKuat. Mornlnic topi,-, ''.;ac;"; vnln(f topic, "I'romla and Fulfill ment." A very cordial Invitation la ex tended to all. Kirat I'oiiKreg.itlonal-l'aual iwrvlc morning aii.l i-venlriK- Hund.iy achool hi 12 1 r. . mi.w"k prayer mtlna; on We.ln. a lay eyenlng at I o'ebx-k. Itapllat - M .rnlng; topic, 'Th Natur and CoiiaKiu.-n.'-a of Adam'a Sin"; evening topi,-. -What Paul Preached." Th Junior I'nlori aervle will be omli- le,l. ItKAL KrfTATK TIIANHFKKH. Thornia Llnvlil' -hu unllvl l-l anerlff, to park'-r ar one-half of .t t, block 31, rihlv!ly,; WMM. (irlrnea' Crov Ijtnd Company to (10. Nuland-lot II, bl k 5, Urlm a- fJrove; 175. '. M. II to Mary P. Mc Klnnon -W) a r ,a section 15. T 4 N, R W; 4ort .L.w.h (iribh-r to Pet'-r Liender (0 acre ja tection "A, T N. R W; 1110. HOW HE WON. tllliy for? -What did Hwlpaey g-t gent Up Jimmy Pitkin' wlnn-ra at de rice- track. P.llly Tain't ag n de law to pick win nr. Jimmy-Yp: Iv way Swlpsey done It. j pick" ) 1,. poi ketg oh de plunger dil had won. our :eamr fitted with water tight conpartment.a?" afk'd Mrs. Stay ath mi". " i. Ind.-ed," declared Mr. i oabroad. "My atateroom waa fliodel several times " TKLirjIUPHINO TO MARS. TIh ei'rimenta In wirf-leaa telegra phy hav met with uch Hucceaa that we can so n holl communication with our Planetary neighbor. 6cltnc made wonderful atrideg in the lat half of the llth itilury, anl probably will advance further in the next few year. There Is on thing, however, that ience can not impriv up-in. and that Is Hotitet ter'a StJinich Hitlers. It Is the best .-.ii.-ly in the world f ir atomach, liver and bowel complaint. Fifty year of cures stand back of It. and a fair trial will convince you It has no qual a a cure for 'nd!g-tlon, dyspepsia, consti pation, biliousness, or liver and kidney troublea. It aUo prevents miliria. fe ver and ague. Be mi re to have the Hitter always on hand, anl thus avoid any rijua nines. PROPOSALS WANTED. Otllo of C racks. Wash., posaN. .n tr: here until 11 Q M., Vancouver Rar July . 11. Staled pro .'.i ate. will be received o'cl -k a. m.. Augast 6. an I then opened for furnishing forag' and bedding at the several mil it try : n thl d und at Camp at Sk igvay. Alaska, anl Fort IJscum i Port Vail. xl Al-'ska. for fiscal yea- June Co. l. Informa tion furnish 'd here or by niartermas ter at posts. V. S. reserves -Igh: to r-'J-vt or a- p: !;. .r iU prpoal or any part there 'f. Envelopes contain ing pr p .sals should be marked: "Pro- ;.-a.s for F .rage and P.edding at " an. I addressed to undersigned. J. W. JACOBS. C. Q. M. NOTICE TO STl'DENTS. Tj fudents of International Corres-ponden.-e Schools I will make the fol lowing special offer for June and July: To th.' student who secures for me the largest nunb'r of nrollments, I will give a bonus of $10, and to the one securing the next large: number I will give $5. The tn nlmum number necessary to secure the $10 Is five enrollments and three enrollments to secure the $5 bo nus These bonuses are In addition to the credits aj'iwed. by the schools. Hoping there are ome -ustlers among you, I am. Yours truly. LOUIS a. SPIES FOR SALE. The Columbia River Packers Assoc.! ntion has for sale, two schooners and one hunch. A description of the schooners follow: Schooner "Kinney" Length. 3o.a; beam. 11.3; depth of hold, 3.10'i. Schooner "Battle" Length 31.9; beam, 99; depth of hold, 3.8. Offers will be received at the office of the association, where full partlcu '.are may also be had. CALL FOR BIDS. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wash.. July 1, 1901. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received at Depot Quartermaster's Office, Portland, until 10 a. m., Pacific time, and at 11 m., Central time, the 13th Inst, for fur nishing and delivery of 280 standard cavalry horses at Portland, Forts Ri ley and Leavenworth, or other prom inent railroad points, subject to an in creas? of twenty per cent. Preference given to animals of domestic produc tion, conditions of quality and pric being equal. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or alt proposals or any part thereof. For further In formation ace circular to bidders or apply to Quartermaster at Portland or Chicago. Envelopes containing pro posals should be maked: "Proposals for Cavalry Horses," and addressed to De pot Quartermaster, Portland or Chicago. r ml ItaM TaRf faaoCI . M. C4M'I. HOW TO ECONOMIZE. OME men econonuzc so clo&elv nn tfi number of words In a telegram that the receiver can not understand it. This is not sensible economy. Neither is it sensible economy to ruin garments of value with cheap soap or powerful chemicals that eat into the fabric. True economy uses Ivory Soap in the laundry. It is the most of pure soap that can be sold for the money. Chemically it is as innocent as water. Yet it does everything you can ask of a soap. Try it I Fjotball rules for the season do not Include rib. one against the breikitig of COWS FOR SALE. Being short of help, f r one week 1 offer from six to ten young, heavy milch cow for sale for thirty dollars O30) per head. Sound in ever respect and possessed of good dairy habits. Trma to suit the convenience of res ponsible purchaser. JOSEPH WEST, Clatsop. July 8. 1S01. SHERIFF'3 SALE. By virtue of an execution anl order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, on the 15th day of June, 1901, upen a Judgment rendered therein on tje lV.h diy of March. 139$. In fa. vor of J. T. Row. J. E. H ggins, H. C. Thompson and E. Z. Ferguson, partners doing business under the firm n ittte of Ross. Higgins & C .. plain tiff, and against S.las B. Sm th, de- j fondant, for the sum of 1365 4 and i ots or said acton taxed at a'.w. ana wiilch said Judgment draw interest from date at th? rate of 10 percent per annum until paid, and upin which there was reahi'd upon execution and order of sale Issued hereon nnd cred ited hereon. March 4. liKil, :.V sum of $9.30. leaving a balance due on said March 4. 1901, of $410.00 with interest thereon from sail date until paid at 10 per cent per annum, and the costs of and upon this writ commanding and re-iuirmg me to levy upon the property of the above named defendant to satis fy the balance of said Judgment, in terest, costs and ail accruing costs. I did on the 15th day of June, 1901. duly levy upon the following described real property, to-wlt: All that portion of the Salomon Smith Donation Lani Claim s.tuated In the County of Clats'p, State of Oregon. I described as follows, to-wit: ! Beginn ng at the southeast corner of rht town of Idiewi'.d according to th map and plat thereof, recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Clatsop Countv. and as laid out and recorded by Silas B. Smith and his wife, thence In a westerly dire-.'tin following the south line of said town to the north boundary of that certain tract of land in said Donation Lanl Claim now owned by Iriulg Kirch iff. thence easst to the north boundary line of that certain tract of land in aid Donation Land Claim own ed by the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Company. thence easterly along the said north boundary line of sal.; tract of land owned by said As toria and Columbia River Railroad Company to an Intersection with the east boundary line of said town of Idlewtld If projected, thence northerly on aaid projecting line to the place of beginning. Alsti all of blocks numbered 1. 3. 3. 1, 6. T, s. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26, 27. 2S. and all of block 13. excepting lots 9 and 10. and all of block five excepting lot one, all in the town of Idlewild, in Clatsop County. State of Oregon, as laid out and record ed bv Silas R. Smith and his wife, according to the map and plat 'here THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT - FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. KOPP'S BEST. 0 ADelicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of whl ch Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade.. Bottled beer for family use or ke g be-r supplied at army time. Delivery la the city free. North Pacific Brewery "The flight of lime cannot be arrest el," remarked the Wise Guy. "No? oueringly rejoined the Simple Mug; "I thought anybody could stop a minute." of on record In the office of the County Clerk of Clatsop County, Orejron. Also all that portion of the Solomon Smith Donation Land Claim altuated In the County of Clatsop, In the Stat of Oregon, and lylmr west of the west boundary line of the said trwn of Idlewild. aforesaid, excepting a certain tract of land owned by The Flarel Ho tel Company containing 13 arret, aa per deed recorded In Volume "38." pag IS!, Records of Deeds for Clatsop Coun. ty, and a certain tract of land owned) by -aid Flavel Hotel Company aa per d ed recorded In Volume "38." page 18$, Records of Deeda for Clatsop County. Notice Is hereby siren that I will oo Monday, the 22d day of July. 1L at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of saJd day, In front of and at thej Court House door In the City of As toria. Clatsap County. Oregon, sell at ouWIc auction to the highest bidder fcr cash, the above described real property to satisfy said Judgment, Interests, costs and all accruing costs. THOS. LINVILLE. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Ore. Astoria. Ore., June 18. 1901. WHERE DO YOU HAVE YOU TRIED A. W. SHIPLEY? 656 Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives the best there is to be had in the city for the least money? Place an order once and see. ' C. W, BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St., ASTORIA. OR. TELEPHONE, RED 2061. J. A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will . Receive Special Attention. No. SIS Duane St.. Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr Rea. Tel. lllL (