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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1901)
THli MOKXIXr. ASTOKIAX. SUIKDW. .11 U W. I01. DEMOCRATIC CLANS ARE PREPARING seal:;?: lib1 of inipai'o'-l en"!'" from iltn port ..: . a t'VnjvM-.iry m. asir o. i:i f.iv -r of i;.':.n. Kill m.'i' or ,tli t ; ,j :s ar 1 .! rs.t't.. ! .-. htl n of t!V !).! .1. ' ! " b- ;:t r. i t ay i : . . v : . ,a : a :':'.. TV' it u : of ;!t. n" ; . .i ' -i:t',p.'..l : W .ls'1 "it.-u . li : i '. ! nu.t r. .' ' . - .! r ,v v.. : .".il I M: -1 : 'i a . al ' - .. M !V :i :v'.i: '-' :::::. tt AT : f.; .vi " !. :n : ! ! I , V p, w :., ; ) . k. ; in r MACARIIIIR TO OTIS Ilia minNlcr of linti.v In lu- -otli Ml- Mil'. Ii.m li.-i'M lllolv n-:n,. Iliati Ins li mcu-m, satcr ti lia- bcu It con sul I.'. It u. tit III,' ml'tUal .'III.-' t - p.vt.'l,; . -l imp.'! il . o.l' t ,( .tp;""! ,1'ul M . K. Ii a li.w a-- li i I It '..( 1 ,.i I,, Tit,- r iit. ,.f ;hi v t - t tt of I'.ui' ,i. .ri in n:s . i s .,il ; i',- .iiipor-taii: M- M ::- !.. : -. v i ! Ut.- n- ,i imi; . , .f ; v -iik--: n : .m tm. ill. ..,i-t : r : I'll 1 'ta - - V .1 !:.! '1 il-,.-" '..lli l I "I-1 ! u-' miiy , i, x .1 ;.. bo' 1 1 i- t n I 'M H i' i :. i. . I : i- i . w " K in I' I i WILL III CI HI CROWDS j I'll I I OH K HONS IN Ull S rimiiTiM: i: v.mivvu.n SIN IKAMlMO AKKANtilNti i 'ok I rutin i ii i i vi. i i u-v Conference of Anti'Tammanjitcs Held in New 'ork. i loUivMini; Tclcurapliic t'oi ic viiulciicc llcttxccn the Im (iciki.iU. lift) I hoiisaiul D.U;,iU. I 'cvtcil at ( uiMoutinii liih (ip.ns Next I uc-.kl.n . TO SELECT CITV HI I'lJlRf I Condition of the Scicrtl nii-Timmn i Belie Will He Held H Soon the Coitcatioa Afreet on ! Cindidalr;. : ,' i '.. .il' r At .1 : v !..-, I - w h :-' .1- ' Tiii" l.ATrsr t::'.'i Ill,' '- ' I :i. J a y : A i , :,, , 1': ''i;.i 'i 'I'. V.l!i:ti.Kon .. l !-. u'..i'...i ! .1 i.'i'.'i : ,,f (s,n 'i .il j I .i ' i.' , ' ".'K Irs tl.-M .';....i:i,'H , I '.' !,'!. ! iii'rv iH: as i;. I -".I n : : v ri Til' 'I HI '' .1. .i I- ,- . r' , ii w i- I I! r. i U Mr-ir.i .r-.l V ') I M'. T .1 T'.i.' 1 1'.: ;n " '.i M I.--U-u:.v 1 . N -v Y -k - : : r !. 51. T' i::;a ' i ":'U.i!l . X K V YORK. .Ju:y UV-T'i jays. l'r it'ably a i-;rly j tho las: w.vk i-i J Aucim: ' I .,f ., s.. i, i..,, i. r i i4 I NI"V ,"i';i. Ju ur.g.njlly hKOn lo.l, i!u' .uu:-Ti:rii.i:iy f ' '"i"1 -" -' r'imm:t:v -f I'M to Svl.v; o.m.l .l.c i j ,V:'!' - '' r A ,v " for ol:y offlots will be eailej t.V--'!;T. !n .::- -f a l ite r: K .'' - '' This annouiicnion: aa Just b-on m, If ;: " ' "' : V-K :'r K 1 at citito:. union htaJ.tuartr.. in I'n'.'H I ,M"' K"''-" ' ':,! N 'A Y mm-, j "vi'i'iT'i: t!:- X Kil.ii' I !".' k ' So many conve r.ions ate to lv V.J ; I -l:'- " !l " " ' ; ' sfur the oity ti,-k.'! has b--n ,,vi I, A n x' n' I'tiu' i "'ir-r- iii'on and so tmny f the orgtJn:t.t: oas ' Massa lui- :s iPiVsiNl to Timminy mus: R-t thoi can lvlats .Mt the offl,-Uil ball: bv ::! ti.-n. that It uo'iM e a!m, t tmisl-! '' Hli"V. with i . .r il s .vk -f t Mo to tec .mplUh all the preltrnitiar. ! '';'"1 i " '" ir the !.horr time plan4in.r ,'vvr,n S ii- i i it'ii ir .v., I iia t.niber IS ami el,v:io:i Jay The I'lti- ; "-v:i ' v-h 'he I il -i fa lens Union, the Oreat-r Sew York f !l 's: t!r..wracy. the nJeHn.:at ivm.vra-j I'r v s'i ,a,..: :.':. JV rv anj o:h;r iis all tvust . ,,: 'K ' !' ,r it -ra'ti ite th -li- by ivtl'.i 'n ' h an I the wark -.'f obuinins V' -r . '' ' m t signatures 111 take mu. h :;ni- i ",,:!: -- The oenf 'pe.ioe has been a,lj 'urn J ' l:" "1T1 i siilijeot :o -he call of the chair ar.J it is likely to be caliej together for bui- ! nr?s hefire Sep; -triVr 1. As s-on as! th- conf renoe agrees on the oanJI late f ir mayar. controller an,1 presib-nt 'f j the boar l of al lermen, all the vr:ou' conventions of the several anti-Tarn- manv l-Kidi-s will be heU. R Fulton, Cu'tinp sai'J that no namj of dat s for any of the principal ofrWs ha-1 teen sugste,1. i There was a conference of inJepenJ- , ent tvhlies in favor ,f g.W'l governm 'nt , in the Oitiiins t'nlon ha,l.imrers last night anj del 'gitions nvere present from feveraJ organisations whose work ! o;her than political. Mr. 'utting pre- ' si.lej over the ."nfrenc which was ca'led by the Citizens Union. The es- ; sion was secret, and aft-r the meetittg i Th mas A. Fu'tort. the secretary sea-l: , 'We invite every 'rganiiiti. n that w thought woull tike sraif lar: in the campaign as well as 'th rs that know would not. Some orcanis itions s in K-tters of regret a: their inability o send ret'r-5.-nt.v,!v-- as th-r cn:. tuti tis prev-nt th-rr partL-ipat ns in a nartisin .-am:'.a:gn a.- t b"dy. We want t) arrmge " tl;-rc nil'. V; was: of f-ffirt. F'ir -xamp t lk - -h I'ity Club. They will s--r. J ut ' t ature. We too. Hy . .,' r -.f a -tion muc'.i b-tt -r -v.'rk m I-1 l""-"' Lv having th's ill sn' from urr ' THIl'.n HAIL SYTIIM ' Klrctri v W-il V - la. a:v. -i h-- X-w York i'-Tt:-.::-i XEW T-'RK. Jan- U.-Th- Tr b-.m-avs: According -.. th- -'at, m -nt nta 1- bv I ol- i ll of !'! X-w Y -:k '' ti-tai II lilr '.i.l. it will n-t lie ' -tg l.-'.-v - --!-. -trl.'itv w.i! r-pl.i a'ii i". 'Ii Park av-nu-- tunn-1. Th- .Ian pr-.f sel i o i'.i- r.i ".- I h-;,-.-ti s-.nie i--i!it " : :''.::''.: u:!i ! than Y -nkers a t I th i station bv m- a - -f th . rail wh h. for :be ; v-rc: oi i ii s. w. i b- !a. I ic l.:; t r t p.i'en.el ni-th'!-. by hi -h :.! f.-niiltw 1-a I itt":! 'h ir i-- - V ir.-ejs i- ...I- -' I -x !- ' n fgir-.-rs '. it r ; - "- r.i. !....-., ' , 1 ! tit ! . ! I th . -i' '. I : II- A ,'h " i v i- -' !.M"N SVS;'!.' rK !'l.lvo -a' ; !. - W ' V v 'i t. ii r .he rh;llfpim- ,n M ly Niiw i i r II :-.M i-. y :. "liica ha. jus: Ihc!! pub-I -' I I V .can'.' VII ,.f I.iinitt'ii ii-,;- j vi ic', '. '.' a rat war i.i "' fr I " til M -' annual r.'Hrt. presi'ii!' j 'i.iv :' ;'i,- i! i'latii. s a- - it.'; : I 'gra I'luo corr. -pn-! .;,, ,i.n , n I I i ir- ticit Tn.' Ill': of tli vc nic-s.U' s - ,,t .vi. ,i;, ,c ': .Vr -:'l.!.;. ( .1... s :' I'ows r i.'r . i is i :'i i' : . I'll b is I' ..'.'! Ktat s Military Telegraph. : ! " ;a k f '.-tiii'-an i:.i i tuba tig. Xoxemb'r IS. l. a. in th mi .!,. w n I "'ii Ii and ''us ".' ;-:t.'i'.il Schwan, 'hief of S'ilfT. m. .-h si !. t- ha I I" n a M m.'.a g-..v ,i al . f l a- - '. v th- ta'k Th- - -ciil.-d K.lsiiino republic is l - Tii- -r of ' ' xt ti-ci of .If -" -!. The'ex has .l!S'lv.d ! rate :r !! .f w - :''' i.i- ' r l"'i p: . I ir the s-'-called rcpulOic i koia of . i- n - it l"-. - : . . Xc-.-cu!' u .s i fag :t-. as at,- also ail ,,f his , ab- -.-. tie ' ml ; - i- lie ,:i t tli. ts. , v p: on- i-i , ur hau l-, (n-i l:v ;p n: . r . 1 I v . o -I Th X'ii:,. . ;:n.nt is the 'f-foi'. an I t.i - . g I I-i' - ' "'"lis. t i ly ! -ken up. The genera '.s at cu I. - rite with. -ut any ;iovcr ,f , J K. T.i. k :'. .' i t ft ". ' ' t- "" T e .;t, -titrated a. 'ten. Th Truth.- A-- , i -! 1 M'-u: .ri'.'.itiv u:i.!-r w h., h an army was fni ,.(' cii w - i ii ' n laiie-k- . : ;n the II !d n longer exists. Th- Th rM Is al' "".-"'I 1 v.i,.i.s it-t : j .in "t'gai.lz.u.on has .!;-. and th- w i- ! 1 ' .- utiy "' app a" I. A- a cotis.-ni,.t,Y ,.f ail . puiion .!ii. no x x - c I '. J :h -.. r.i, i. h:ch ar- now of 'i.s.ov. . org :a:,. A - I I .1 -f I" u---' crl. th- in 'ii who prof-ss to !-a I j wis f. n:i I -i s- i n v i ( "i -tr.a.l b.'d. for : t- of guerrilla j nn li'.:.- . .u' I !- ! I I i ' j a: far :v.u-t a t withnit even tit. a,i-. m p. I tiiat -a 'ion Si le-m- ' h t:'y '. in a ,ef.ict governineni an I j an I Oh cag 'ill -iirr-:-! n. li-s-li , .r i' from this time on will .ml !,.-f i th- n- ".'ok.' up a b - I ; .. -,,, -e-ult of individual In . s on lia I I- r ; i I; I t i 'lilanj ill- r wor Is. r-n who now try :o en- s,-h- Into tig if- en' I v, i" t wi-h i if th- sirlf bv individual icti n b-. July I.'. :n-' s mply leaders of handitti. In this After in l':es.'!"t t M K h -a ..iii. i: do ;o ifsue a pr.-- Iigal'.-. of t;i- 1 1 l-'i;'. i . n ml ' iin.r: , a an early date offering com- m respons . , i pi"' ' "ill : ''.- i:ti'-s:y t ail w ho surr-n b r 'Th- . n. . i i . ci ' wi'ld a. tbi" i .-'at. I time with a paym-n: of '.ia' h.- w i t war il x hi p. -os : .- y Iter w ho gives ii" ' -: , on: .r T 'ii ing .1 r.'l til I- hiring with einph .s' hat ! was I'.iin ti u- X ha I any af-' .ii. dat- rl x 1 tii killing of Am-: .-m ' r i l ill " i- ' I '". , : -1 l i If I Op,' H .'I'I III! el II p- ! - . - t niii'ig a ,i S i I b"-o SN I'liVX T- I' n: .'i"0 .i-i. i n i. :.. s i, i ; a I . a k a.- .-in iron , l: X'. I'll -.1 IV .' a!' I ! t - ' - and at i.ow 0. i v ' 1 1 . ' .1 - I'.I It s ,.f ii.- . , ; J ma:. I ft 'in i .i.i w i i -,:: I . i i ii .ha: '. .1- :. -a;. -s I l-'raii lco . Siri i it ii -li lll.'l ' bt '.il, ! o.i :li Tl'.llisln roll ing Tee : ., ep: i ,l ,1 a t ii : I ,.i li in. r i .'Ml -nit ' i- t i, it f 'f ill w ti o coal.- tm I l as I, ' k- I la .too a, ,-oinin,i.taii":is in 'ittat- lion-, s an enuii mi nb r m hot Is ot er !li , n t ! , j,, -co ,1 "ia: ,li-s- a, I! at'ie -iiai a 'inin..ue :b - w It . t :l , p-, : i . i- ; -. k I afo t bv th,- e .niiti :t An ar nt -f in.- i is a' w oi k il 'i M - il III. - I'.,, I.': :, !, -,, :,. .. ., ' -'. w .'! " !-'' I li-u . t i t i h ti- ' ii" :.- th ' ' a I Ing I Ii it 'p , at 1 1 . ' 'f in 1 ti I I . lis, i ot li , ., ii . . -'i 'I s ill I .ft.- s '1':,,., . ,t .;- ... t w . i a 11 ... I ill . n o .1 ss 111. p - I "'I ' tw . v!-gr ic i eli- " an 1 a ! '.- '' I I.I tl ' "I S..l - . J tt IH 'til- ' HI I "1 " II I'. , j,,-,. ,' b ii I. .- xh lie it rt .Hi,- in ' p:l..n r , .in. f , th n s :', ; . : .ik i It lit i - i- i i r w i: v . i f : in. i t .ii i:: . .tniii. I il - ! ii rs u ill he r-garded as rour- 1 an I all xT-ons , otic-i o l n , ' r.. L.I us tmii. .rs' 'Iratt! r-rti i! 11,1 tr-it-l accrd ngly. Sti. h a proc -l-. tr.c thirl ' in a'l i w.e.iil hiv- the ..ff-'c; of for-- lbs ot)...r th- Xi- - g- lh"t i.;. il I ii-,- - ii li I.OU.S III co r.'.i I- Tii r n t I nt titi ng a hopeb-s strtig- i to sha I , ii . t . oiuiiii i i n-ni in --t . P Ir X I xi:w V"i; T . !.V TJKHM F-: N It P. I V I X ' Pi p: -f.-' -n ' 'I I ! i:h r t i llf-long expatrt i- 1 II - n "f : i t I. I th: ik null hav- a po.-tr-i s . t f i : ,r 't .1 ! - it a time when it is appar- i " It s ,i t i i :: - f ii"t all of th- l-a-b-rs I s id i n - i : t i-ss doubtful i,f ttiia'j 1 "v '' '' i r s 1 1 .-. T-t.y is a sugg sti,,n ' W ' i i : I-' - til . oils, letat. nt. to b-j ii h - -' i - ti -- !': I -parim -it . "tini in 1-r t n- - t s. ... ; .11 I re - -a a- f - ' Ma.'AItTlP i: ' ; . a- .: ,- : i -.1. ! -i"il :t "r-l-r-J f.d- 1 h-w. ; ti J hi! ' ...plv --p. Mr l-.-ti'l- - i I S a- s M hiary T- I graph. .-. x .. M r i !' I . I..'. :.. I :'.. II ::". ' 1 I ' 'it; Mi A.'hiir; Y-mr t-l-gratn i may ' - ' .- ;. ti- ;.i. y r- ' .v-l. Your .':':'' . - i' : ' li-.-.s oi -Hi;tig p i. m la mi a - i nii.:, s. iiiii'i'i.r. I' 'fist it an. i . ;! . -H tii' i 'ti t I : I'll i -r-.t t to-pi -s-nt.-d 1 'HI' 'A' i' i. July I.' -Tn- f ii''. in s, , .i,!. ..f I'ti.t.-rsity ..f riiicig.. for .Ii- , 'inti.g season iu. Just b. . r. i-' i: n ein - I V t-ani ft. mii th- I'ltlv-ts in s' .'t 'f I'- in. tit '.in. a will be th.. ,.iii, '" .I.--I.IH- . th- Ma mem ,, ,!:,, n ''"' ; "i !- ' ' g-' ii-. in:- K-'i: . g " I j s 'ti- ..-a-. III. '' i i ' : 'b i imi -X '' IcK , it Miiisba): 1 '"' I 1', 'I I j ' v ob r I; Par I i- at M ir-h id I'l.-.d 1 !,'u'' I " t ! r la l;:,n .u ,. M uso iii r.. . I "ll"v 1 ' ""li r :' I'-'-'i'.st i , anl.i Mai-liai. r-s-ut- ; j.-,.... i l Is r,ri"g . a M ir-h ill PI ', I I t -.-! .,- M i' - lottll 0, I'.llt s. I- ti k: 1. I Atvn la-.. it Xat: n.T l: jtiJ.--:' -s W II- Uirs-r Thnn Kv-r !' ' r- -I' -tX IU.VI. '.'. J'llv :h Xau in i! Ht 1 -f - .. h cii: n-.xt S'iri.y at - i I ;-' i; in tb.i-' c.t v at: 1 a : : "i ! i ; : s.- to - iat'L- ' than ' i- ci' Th - .-"-ru ir i-- r- n '.;:) In'. ' -tupe.'t d th- ran-'- i: h II M un I j -X;T ih ' "' ; -r ti- d ith"; targ '-- . r, 1 rt- .' r t ni ti'.s for th Tlrs ii' ini :'i ir vtl'j'- I'i".'"i u .M i'iud. tt h-r- 'h-y !.ibi:l. n in a sir..:. . f gifts Tr.- i ,' at oi il! .rr - pr mr!i nt .-'! 1 is :t a-- P. .b-r' We'.: h : zehl. ..'.;)"':! M T i f. H. H Ti.h if Frml; P-'h. '. i: : d out: legal lillicul- j v y, ; : " i ' i n i! h i r:i' b-r. J.- l it- ... J ,y y,,,, f, ibid i I - ell Ills llb t !'- i ' :. tn ' n I' ng g-n- r ii. II WAX. '.hl-f -'f Staff." I i - i ; i.' M i--. . liu r. , ! I ' ;-i,eral i i;s bv !' - i -r M. K. I- V. .-sue 1 . a n i . .ii to th- Fdipi- 1 IN ' -' ! X o ni'.-r 1 l X . i. ": .. N ii i:; f. : i X v-:r.b " !'' M oh g i ' r Ann )-' : Thit.ksg.'. eg W - C.II , '-!. I !' II ' Mil. .- I I' I'll l.N.--. 'I.i' I INT ' . VKI.AM' ' a .Li t I.' Th f.irn ic - a'l I .: -si- -1 1 .1 tr ' . ! I.t I'" -.-'-: ' i ! . Y.i : i o si, i !,a b n - .1-1 i ' hi. ' . !., ' i' ' . . : i . 1 1 r , tu oi t ; l '.in. i g i .-.g I I'.V-M . A i, I -I " I I sun: 1 : ill: I ..f : i - I i I '. w. :.T M MiKliT V .1 ! ifn.Mi : un a l.-'t.Ilg '0"- ' e h . - .U'-f L' 'i b- fi.f - 1 r: ' -.'..a- 1-1 ' .... - i K.i!- - n- r. W'.lh . m II s IC ! IT.-, .r. 1 V ' an in ' r" --tuiif , ,, ti th- t g -ii-r-; . ,. id. Ti gr un f: 'in Mac- I V- ir UiAXTisiX (,'ATTIsK 'jl'ARAXTIXF. uri"- I)it'-'i''i;ig Hu-in-s-' Fr mi N".1 York Prov..k-s Storm of I'rot I' f" 1 il-s Nil' xi-: w . I, '.'!: XICW YORK. -July U Th- Wh.: Sur . Atljntic iran-port National and o h'-r1 si-umsiiip companies w h i-h nan li- . .it- I il have be.-n n.tifi-d that th- it vr. - will tike no more imp'jr'ed ut- , tl- jt th national iiuarantine grounds u Garfl -Id, ti-ar Passaic, N. J., and that ( ' " '' : nil hign blo'jd' d ani.iials purchas-.j , ' ' abroad and destin-d for the vicinity j ' ni.g-.: - nf New Y'ork will eiiher have to "jme 'h- hur I througli Bostun, Baltimore ur Qu-b-c. j I i, i oala -h- lh(, oii ra ntinp- trrnlinds ' .ha'.oli.ii u at Garfield are to be abandoned for irn irrounds at Athenia, six mil-u north of, '"k Newark, and that until the new grounds are open no cattle will be received at Garfield. Agents of the steamship com panies held a meeting- and protested V : ' ii.v.XF i"i:-' i ; . t . capture 'f a pari , i i:i ay. I: it as ...n ' ; '-!.. F.rj'inos ,). not ! - r .y ;.i .-r:y an 1 j -ir - ii I th il tins a . : l "I ' a p. a in - j j '. I all I, .-Pone, "f 'he ' 't, in-!:- .f ii.faniry. v bo j , -:-, - a:,d act'-d as ;,. , nun' ri b-1 the .to "f- I I 'm illon. :n replying, r ill" 1 l"ii i's att.-ntton to 'lie law ia- in .rl-r to be eti- tb" oflle-rs' if. must I,., pr-s- nee of the l'.'it'- ,tar department Inter In the ra'ige of th- en '!' ' ' 'M S. July U - 'ii. r Lai b m. S N I HAN'T.-!' ', , July .' V. ,,l, I' mli -r. l"!'-,. c.i-ii, !: 1 1 1 , I . July I J p-iiiiig .I ;7 1 1 Wli-at, .s-pt-m-'losing ''..'.'a', In' ''HI'W'lM. July : i r. a- :,v-,-. : i i' l:v I p. Ti'.KAsri!i:i: s X' ti i : ari" l"-i -e. i-iii -i Stat d .un' I -,i r, -I I I i n.- b 'hi I I X. Is h'-p-by given th r ;b ,. are I I' I.I. Pears' No other soap in the world is used so much; or so little of it goes so far. All Mils pek M FmiV soap, all urt I urm sell H, mptcudlj tiuggwu. It ;s -l I tii.;t .' I: lir. bunklr.g ,,'',. jt.'.i. A::. -n . l;-,r.k-i- I- I'-' t: A - hanks .r, :. WA N'Ti.i. I 'I.'.i.T- A.- :. 1 -Jl J ' I ' , .'.,', ,. -. j .r '. i. Il . I M.i Arthur in r-ply saal: " , I j. n.aik that the position of .. i' !;, irtm-nt amounts to a dec - r ih- m .re derisive the vl-I.- ' hane.- f recognition of i- s-rviec. Th action was not t. 'ic pr-s-nre of the enemy but I. n. belli of fair construction was fc range of the enemy's guns. tiian have thone highly n eritor ffi.ers humiliated by the publb a- ' this correspondence, I respes:- .'.o'j.-st that the application oe i Ir iivn." h .ui making any comment, Oen- o-is complied with General Mac n's reouest and ordered lhat Ihe ..a-i'.n be withdrawn. I: .July ! 1. 'Ih- i, ly . ' . a's in a r ' i , : ;..s ut n-ifht by This pro - t jri-;..-rJ neie-siry in or- d-r ti ,h' ai n ii- eiitet-n biili-s wl.i' h :h-y !:-) .ntu ti.e man. Th'-y will ii-":! ,-, .-vidence in the of J,k Le". iill'ged to be one of th" .'issjs- X I .-II, I.-- W n, a hi. .;. .. !'-: i hiv, M;,.. f, -,y ; h ill- ! ,n nn Iron n :: !. 'I'I I : 'h' r; ,' .,,;:. ,rit! AXAMAX r-OXFF.RENCR F5NDBD. Irirnlnion MiniHters Have Been Royally Entertained In Ivrtidon. XF.W YORK, July 12.-A dispaich to the Herald from Indon says: The Informal Canadian conference In ly.ndon is virtually at an end. 8lr Henry Davles has nailed for Canada and Mr. Fisher, the minister of agri culture, will follow him next week. Min isters Fielding, Blair and Dobell will return about August 1, and David Mills, sal s at- li r.i r-o-.s th Issil" of I'm!- I Si i ii if a: I 11- end of Jun and of t ,ha' on inn Ic iii!',,i:'-'.;:'i. Thl.S .IllloUtil .1,11 b- iil-I :H.. lie purpos- being :o pip a . ..nsi I tabl porlion of tin- I'mp-d Siai-s rmt-s in $IOs, allow ing to.. -xpiiiisi'Mi i f the small-r Issu-s of sily.-r -r. .i i -h. 'Ilie act of March 14, limn, pi,,yid-l mat not ovir i'-n p.-r e-nt ,f th - silv.-r .eril-flc-atcs rtliould b- over ll'i In d"nornina tlon. Since that I i in" il Ii:ih been im poHHibb; to flire a aulli-i-nt .nnoutit of the cer'Ifl.-i'CH a'nove that d-no'iiiniaion to reduce Ihe to al to : n p-r cent m below, but this in being done as rapidly as the larger d nomiici.'.ii.ns come In. On June 29, af this year the sliver cer. tlficates outstanding aggregated tlH-,-014,000 of which the following amounts were In denominations above 110: In 20s, J45,82I,C.V); in $r.0s, Is.slS.llS.',; in JI0f, t2,817,S20; in YifH, JH.1,000; In liOOOs, 1304,011, a total of nearly i.',0,-OtflM- or close to $ 1 3, 000,000 In . xrfun of the ten per cent requirements of the Jaw. funds In !h" 'I'y treasury : , lily ,1 ,, . : Wa i rants drawn for ; iim .r . v n n of '' 1 " """"'j H-tenteenlh stre.o, Fninklii, . nu- t,, Irving avenue, iin l , prior to August 27, 11""'). Ninth -ir -:, Hon to Astor. en lorserl prl. r lo . itin-i' !i, I . T-nlh str-'-t, Mxchnng - lotiianl avenue, etidors-d prior o M.iv l. liml. Iir.-r.'St will cease f,ir lh:s date F. J. CARNEY. City Treas ir- r. Astorli, Oregon, July 3, Jixil. I.V el '!"! ill II. '. all I .1 - :ll 111 I I II i ' i Slabs t :-! ,s r ip... m- u-- ii .1 -s . i ii i ,s t a : i I - in. i..i;i-m.'iK. .1 ii ,,f tl'is was PRESIDENT IJRRAZCRIZ KlytAIJ. BUENOS AYRE3, July 12 H-ti.i Frederlco Errazurlz, preident of tlhlb-, who ha been In feeble hralth for more than a year, Is dead. Editor liryan d.s not ink- Ija-k un s... copb-M of tae i ' .inmonef. I'.y ibis siiecl.-s nf Imp. -rial sin he is i,ij,ly los inir Ih- (iff.'ctlons of Hie new s.h .ile-s -riil.-iigo Tribune, BABYS I ATT M l MILLIONS OF MOTHERS USE CUTICURA SOAP ASSISTED BY CUTI CURA OINTMENT THE GREAT SKIN CURE For prtstrvinj, purifying, And" btaotiiying the ikin ol InfantJ and children, for rashes, Itchinet, And chulintix, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales. And dandruff, and the stopping ol falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and tore hands and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women u Culicura Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations. And excoriations, for too free orolfensive inn, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. No amount of persuaiion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others. Cuticura Sup combine! delicate emollient properties d rived from Cuticura, the great skin cure, with the ourest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. It unites in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap and the BEST toilet, bath, and baby soap in the world. rnttridTK rHTRW. A1t MTHIIX.I. THHI1IXT lull IVUlt IH'IOB. r..n. i.t I in' ef i'i tici m h. . ti . i.i tt.. .Lin - if cni.ti ,1 sli' ji,.I...II.-ii I le-II, i- lea..- I . .: -..- i i u i m l H tf M NT, t" III. Unit atUt In Im a- It. it ,h. i. ,' - t., .'xi II f lt (em. nn, I H,iiie mi.i Ikmi. ai. I ii i ! i 1. 1 It. ..a t rt r. to mr T r""' '"' rl"a,'w H" I'I ""! A Ms. i I -I I i. ..Ilrll (ii III- 0L I I trail tm-lire I lip lll'Ml I'Tllir lllit. ', II , I, , . It, III I' it, l"ltll IllLT lltlil fc'Ulv .kin ti-slp, nlel I' tiiiin.irs, wlttl Im. of luit,Hli.-li ll rl, falll. Hold ilir.iiifli..iil Hi" "tbl. l-s-i-.i : '. Nrwiiriiv ,v t.i.s, r. :: ( lirter- iif Ssi l.tiiloli, I on l-ll I'Si I'Ui iim.. oiii-., rsoie i -t" , , n-imi, a. liinri.riit iiiei'i (Tilicura LEA & PERMS' SAUCE The Originul Worcestershire IIWARI OS IMITATIONS. Tin only zti' shiicc; t-nriches the iiiir,ei, t.i- ii.- of .ill Meats, Fish, (i.-inn,Salatls, . etc., aii'l jfives tt llavor (hat imitators ' utterly fail to jircf lttco. joiiMtTs. , Aifott, N. Y. rOUlNOIEU A. 1. I710 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OK I.ONIioN nu: oldi si ii ki:i.y i i hi-, oi i k i: in hm. wiiki d, Crllih A.aOta, ... Sii.n,,,, ,,,, Cb.Ii Aaaata In Unltsrt Hlnira, j.o.r,.,, C A. HENRY 8c CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 21.) Snnsuinc Street, - - Sun I'mm Km. Cnl. m m n n n Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ThU prt'paratlon contains all of tin diKestantH and (IIkchU all klnils of food. It (fives Instant relief and nuvt-r falls to cure. It allows you to cat all the food you want. Tint most HctiHltlve Btomaclm can take it. Hy Its use many thousands of dystxiptiits have been cured after everything- else failed. It Ih unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. f . IirWiTT A (.'o., dlili-ago The II . Iiottlv co'itiilnaii'i tlnin tlie&Oc. tii. CHAS. ROGERS. Drurilstt SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AGENTS. f(lKKim PRIMIMi BIllErS AD TRASflllPTS PRINTING ALL WOBK DILIVI1EI AT TIII IT IS rROIISEI Cor. Tenth and Commercial Streets Telephone ftel.