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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1901)
I HE MORNING ASTOMAN STlKAi. JllY IS. IWI Tt)phon Vain ML TKKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Bt by mail. pr year $100 Sent by mall, pr month M Brrl by carrier, per month (0 SEMt-WEEKLT. Srat by mall, per year. In advance, 12.00 All communication Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Aitonan." liuslness communications of ail kinds and remittance! must be addrwed to "The Atorlan Publish ing Co." The Attorlan guarantee to Its ad wUaen the largeat circulation of any ftewapaper published on th Columbia Adrertlalnr ratea can had on ap hcatloss a the bulnea nanacer. TH E POSITION OP PORTLAND. In all pibabmy Portland has been a greater city thia. relatively. It can ever again be. It has had la day of trial, it time of passing triumph.' and now It must retire to a secondary place. The Pujjet Sound cities an outstripping it Thi.-e is not ;h slightest iwed for retting excised jv.t a palpable truth. Portland Is not so situated that I: can in oceaa traffic compete with ocean port. It is situated on a river, that, in the fashion of other rivers, run to the sta, but the channel cannot be expected to accommodate the deep draft carriers that are now demanded. The trip up and down the river is dangerous and ex pensive. Tbjre U a perilous bar to be crjssii. and there are towage charges too gr?it io be .igiitly regarded by car riers who do carrying for the possible prod; involved. Any ship that sails the ocean can come into the harbor of Taeoma. Here is sife Mnchorage and ample dock room and all he railroad facilities that Port land caa command. Therefore Portland is destined to dtvp out of the clasa. It may remain a good town fir certain commercial specialties, may be a mart for the handling f home products, but the great bulk of traffic is bound to pass through Taeoma because to do this is jj follow the line of least resistance. "The pta- for in lid Cf railway and ocean trifflc to mtrje I the place where j ral't rea h deep wa;r. Thee u. no advantage in bringing ships inland when the goods already aboard the cars can as well go to the coast to meet the , ships. As a port Portland ha? advan- j tase over Chicago, but i: cannot con- j tipue long in be ven a theoretical ri- j val of real s-apir.s, There i ni .vc as- , im 10 quarril over it. The work rig of; th- fact is a certain a? th.? coming of, Cay. Tac.ima Ledger. Ticoma may Junly be aeou.'-l f ;-or- t'sinship in pre lie :mg :ha: th eXp traffic div-rd fror. P rtl n 1 f it unnatural .si:ion. will b-shlprt-d from that i-rt. 1 ! servers h caa r-aj what th- signs ' the times port 2nd know that th-- "nl ..f P-irtlaads "pr-'stige" as a ' a,"":" is In sight. H-n.e the scram hi- t b-- in at th death that wil! -Hsu- b -w-n oth-r ports on the northern Pa-Mfl--ioat. The farm-rs of th- I .Ian 1 Em- pir who are vitally in:rr-s:e ;n :lu great transpirtatlon iniquity, are awak ening :o the Impirtance of '.he situation. The astounding inju?tie -f the piltcy pursued oy the I'nio.i Pa.-iflc raiir al and Its allied interests in maintaining the seaport one hundred miles inianl from the natural harbor will soon be ended. Portland w il still be. the in tpipoli of Or'-gon, but Astoria wiil be Its seaport. Surely the citiz-n? of Port land will not sit idly by and see the export traffic of this state go to the Sound ports. Although they have storm ed, and bulldoxel. anl threatened the most dire consequences sh uld the su premacy of the Willamette river s-i-port be destroyed yet there must be a latent feeling of loyalty to the state that will be aroused at the right moment. And the right moment ia now. Through the edi torial and news articles published in the Influential Journals of the East, Port lands rnuee of cards has been toppled over. Shippers and others interested in ti ansportation problems are alive to the i!iadvantag-s of Portland as a seaport. Millions of dollars spent yearly will no: maintain a BUfflciently deep channel for thr ships or the near future. Portland b-.asts of her one lonesome ft"s) ton car go. Hut it In silent "n the fact thai it dar not attempt to s-nd out su- h -ar- g i.-s except a: the ti.r.e ot year w.nn the river is highest, and the fr--sh--: ! minimize the dar.g-r of grmnling -n j Uo- iharnel. "One swallow lo--s r,--t ' m.ike a summ-r" runs the adage, and , i',ii-ton cargo does not c-mstitu e ii gr-'at wiport. The harbor is her -. j Astoria if the natural s -aport of Ore gon and will be fo in fact. All the i- llii'tic-'s Portland can wield, till the manipulations of the political marhir.ery iontrollc.1 in th- office of th-' Oregon;.m, cinno. continue a wrong when once file People are fully alive to its injustice. And they are waking up. The scale have dropped from their eye, and whether or no: a campaign of i.lucnllon is waged In Portia id, it is being wag ed elsewhere. 1: is a catnpilgn of fcl an 1 It will hear results. It Is not, as Portland ys. the tearing down of one locality to build up mother. It is 'he employment of the bos: fsourc.s of the stat? to build un the ent'ro common wealth. Por'lnnl n: no: 'oc its popu lation, 'lor will, it I to V hoped, the OrVfonia.i ',, . single subscriber. f!Oil KXAMIU.K New York Tribune. I M-. rhfl s it. Pae. controller of th curr 'n.-y, ha s: an admirable ex- i ample :, offt.v-holder with political ambition. He cherishes (he legitimate an 1 ootnme ul.thle wish to be I'nited S:at senator fram Illinois. The cam paign on the part of aspirants for that office will take olao the coming win ter, though the election Itself will not be hi'Kl for more than a year. With a delicacy somewhat rar among office, holders. ,:e recognitor that she import ant duties of the controller of the cur rency call for un livld-d attention, and. monvver, -.hat ihere should be no sus picion that Its great powers are be.tig used for any ulteriir purpose. Aecrd ingly he has placed his res.gna;:oti iti the hands of the president. This is the right course for h:m !' take, and he is ;o be specialty om- mende-1 for it because it has not been the usual one. For yars n-.en In both partie holding high of. fice have ussl a considerable part of their time, and Indirect ly such intl'j.'nce n.s ;he:r official ;.'si tion gave th-'m. to :he acc impli-shment of polite 1 objects either partisa:: r persnil. Mr. Dawes could d-'ubti.'ss have remained ortro!ler of the curren cy anl a: the same time .aave N-en a candidate for senator without exciting Public protest. He has set a standard which ought to be followed in such cases. bo;h for the sake of :heir s-'rvice and of administrations, which houl 1 bo free from any possible criticism that thjy are bicking any of their subordi nates in contests with other members of Jhe party n powr. Mr. Dawes hiljl -n an -fficien; controller, has cn 1u't ed his office with the sole object of d -tng Its wx-k well, .ml .1:1 he n-?t pre. f-r t- -n:-:r ;-'li::..s the i-sirj w ui!d bt general for his continuance in plae-?, I ? -me w m-n will as!f baby m.'.k i pet o.n.lic an! '.:'. won-l-r why th cnilirert 2rv -Jp to b.. jo w -rthV-ss. Tm a", n-v-r ure '.vp'; i by di-ti.-.?. What y .ur b!y n - L- i pienty -f g- ! f-.-l pr- p-rly d g-s'-! Tren f -ur s;..Tia--h w.'l n 1 c--' I'. K---1 : rysp-ps.a rUr--- wiil. I: n. tains all the naturtl -l.i.-e- ir.ts. h- n - m-ts- !;"-: v-ry . Ia-s f ( I an 1 .- . ;-rr ir- ' -ha: natur- an u---it :n -our. h:ns th b dy ,i:-,l r-pi -e-ing tli - n iv i -;ssu-s thus g i.f . h-ni'.h. ?tr-ne h. a-ritii:: n. pure M .. ar.-i if i I h- ai" IP! e- !!A- "Whv is :h The :r. ir.-.- ' I: wv ; io Y -i -.- v-r -1 sh- TH r.-ANI.r! SHNT INT" kxii.i: . Kv-ry a larg-- niimb-r suff-rrs v.h lungs sr- ar.d ra.-k- l w.-h e.-ugh ar- utg-! c-. ,. an .th -r iitna'-. fin' ti- ' an i not al . a-. - sur-. D-n't ! .m ex.i-: wh"t. Ir. Ki.'.g's N'-'-v .v-ry ! -r I 'ns'impt. -n w.l! r-jr- y ,u ,t h m- , rh- r. eJ'. .tif.ii! '--!- n,-!.e ' ' r 'ughs. '''.-is ar. I ai. Thr-.a' and tain.' ; di-asi? .-ar-b. Th- first los A-: ejr: i : g eU,e. r-iii' ': -ri i r-Tsfstert us-". Trial b-'-rle fr- at' Hart's Drug S'-T-. Pre- Me in-1 J1 I Kv-ry bo;:! - guar.! n '-- . Mr. Wu Tine Fang sm " lie un l-r th irnpressivn 'hat .he fram"rs ..f tr D'claratiol ..f !n l-'-:i 1-m c :h-.r ld-as from '.o.ifueiu. HE KEPT HIS r.EO. Twelve y-ars ago J. W. .Sullivan. f Hartford. .an.. s'.riUhed his l-g with a rusty wir-. Inflammation an l bloo-1 iw.iiriii? -i in. r or two y-ars n-1 surrer-d int-n-ly. Then th h-! doc tors urged amputati-m, ' but," he rit "I used one be'le -.f Elef-tri.: Br:r,. and IS li"i ' of Buckl-n's Arn..-a Salve and my g -ca-s .wun.l ar.d m-i as fv-r " F--r Knjptions. K- z--ma. Tetter. Salt Ithum-. Sore, an,j ,(., j disorders El- 'r Hitters ban no on earth. Try t-'icm. Hal"'- Drug .Store will go a.-i:i.--e saii.fa.- -.n r fund mon"-v. "roy D'ic. "D'in't pl.iee i n mil' h mil's fount-'. a ri .-ays vunk philo-ii.h-r. An watch 1 e-S i'i nl-.s iv- l-i . . ii r. Mam !-(,!- DON'T LET THEM SITE oft irg at i.s. a-h-iU t; oi. ; J in KooD ''II A' I'll' r--!'vn f lU' f-S "ft -' S it. V. King's N .-. r-o.sor, '.: Dili ,'usf -. ,, i'. ;i . i I:-..- I-'. I r.ui.l Liv.-r. Ki-r Iv -i-'o at H WHAT TWO CRNTS WILL DO. it wni oring reuer to sunerers from asthma or connumplloa.' even In the worst case. This i about what one dov of riley Honey and Tar coaui. Isn't it worth a tritl? Hart Drug Store. Nell-What Is a floating debt? IVllc oti, I gutiu it iimsi be when a man hai a a, ht he can't pay for. Mr. John Ttppa, Oolton, Ohio, ay: "Foley's Hon 'y mul Tar cure.1 my lit lie girl of a severe cough and inflamed :oni:s." Hear:' Orug Store. Itiobbs-New rich i emn to have a 1m..I look. SloMw-Ve. he made hl m -'tiey in o.l. Thos W. Tarter, of Ashboro, N, C. bad kidney ;nuble and one bottle of Foley s K.dr.ey I'ure .-(tectcd a perfect cure, and h. says there 1 no reme,lv that will compare wlih it. Hart's Drug The sultan ha.s lost one of his wives. For a business man with some idea of b-uig careful the ultan I a very care less man. Hut perahps she Is not lost. It mav bo tht she was mislaid some, where about the harvm. Science has found that rheumatism Is caused by uric acid in the blood. This poison should be excreted by the kidneys Foley's Kidney Cur always makes them well. Hart Prug 8tore, W eg tat the hall game) That urn pire sivnis to be very unpopular with the crowd. Wagg h. he doesn't mind tnvt H-- used to be a weather man. Pr i"!eo-g. Ewlng. a Practicing phys ic. an of Srdth's Orove. Ky., for uyer thirty years, write his personal expi"rl nce with Foley' Kidney Cure. "For years I have b.en greatly bothered k' ln-v trouble a id enlarged prostrate giar.4 I used everything known to the ;r f -wion without relief, until I was in- '.uced t use Foley's Kidney Cure. After using :hi l":ties I wa entirely : re'ti'el and cure I I prescribe It now i la Iv in my practice and heartily I rcvnimend its ut to all pbyr.cian for such troubles, for I can honestly state I have prescribed il In hundreds of casjs with perfect sUv-ces." Hart's Drug Store. N-il-Mv new bathing suit is utterly ! ruin-M' d.d that haPfH-n j N il Why. it s; to rain and I ' was completely drenched before I ! coupld reach the h m- I Jas r, Anihar:. of rd!a. O.. r1t: i "I ha 1 an ots:lnite tore on my face which everything ete failed to hetl. A.':er one applleatlon of Banner Solve it beg in to heal arul after three, appli eatl r.s it was entirely healed lejvlpg no .-car. Hart s Drug Btor. I: .s also w-Tthy of notice that tV ni'isly rirecra -k-r whinh cost ont ;Th of .1 ,vnt is Just as potent jn starting the fire that burns dowa a building as the H rocket. Any advertised dealer Is au!hor!ld tn nuarante Banner Salve for tttr. eejorr. i. p strnins, scaiu, uunw. u!, er Hart's and Drig open or od ort, ?: r." Tl:- rrr-r .1-thin vhrn 'tis hot? I rTh-;.a-S'l-n appal, i 1 -'U- ' J -A-r,. ., I .'.: 1 w r- :i-i . lathes a: all. tr i' -t h-a'-r of midern t'm s I' ir - 1: 1 i" e ' r ' uts. woun is, eores. k n il s- as-fl. It Is r.uar r ut):!!ule. Hart's S M ri ' i- would not advise i :l on a kitchen trn y yu si will be itv n 'Iv healed If you h Hazel Silve. P. , un-.-rf.ts. CHAS. Falls'""" ' r.iv aue I by some h ii-i a ::t ins '1 Posit. r:,; 1 x i g neral'y results -.- ! . -r a-d h m els. In all D- V.::'s Uttle Early Bis - g-:,-.fying r- suits. CHAS. Drutrg st. itussin faii-i for rirm.m I th- eiishb-r U said lo .t.i y (., the bizarre mural ? :ie- city f"nce. t - ., v- r w-'ll 'ban Ret D-W.-fs Little Early Rler of! w li fa'ovays keep x ,n i-'-rfe'.': r ler. Tbv r ; - but prom ce an (By g'li'le 'HA P-oijEn", Druggist. Mr M '.Vh.r '.s your husband? it -. h-'s taking a rest ;iv-Whln was he arrest- l: -- - -.-' I? Thos- am ijj I. t'le Deto'itt's I. Early It rs compel your liver :'l li v-'a to .I. their du:v, 111.; g'- ..'.g y-.u p-ir. r.-?h bliod to recur erate y.ur b .idv. Are easy i.i lake. Nsver gr.;,- ("HA.. P.O';r-:in, Druggli-t. lt is a ah-.b-some sign to ee King K l-.Miri dropping the American Jockey fr.m 1 1 i .- of bos.,m friends and tak 'r.g 'ip w -h th" Amorlcan statesman. U' i -hif.srton S'.ir. ' t ar:- indebted to One Minute Cough ar" ' r my present good health and v i f - f w as treated In rain by doo- : t .r- for lung trouble following l i grip;-, r t eik One MInate Cough Cum ! ..r. 1 re-.,v r-.l :ny health." Ur. B. H. i T.V. -. M'" Oa. ClfAfl. ROGERS. Drjgrl.f Mil-! 1-ir. you can't open a ran op Tier. I.-',V pr-.n H'i'.a Hazel Salv t.hOUl'1 iy a.pll-d to cuts, burn anl so 'th -s and quickly heals ! r-'""- Th'-re are worthies J. b- "iiro to get De-Witt's. "ililtS. Druggist. '!(. -'. I- ! had set n Shaft"r he ti -lorued the American :ba- .ualiflcation as to -i 'r -rbful y ftate to you and M f 'i, s - f.-w lin-n that your . a- a '.'ur- In without ques and only cure for dys I nave ever come In con - I I hay,, used many other .'. - -I .h'i re-am. West Mid i. N . pr-piration eriuals Kod-tl ''u as it contains all the i? Uin. It will digest all -I and fan't help but di II AS. ROCJERS. Druggist. oe firnine will doubtless :. i Wati-rson to labor wl.h I i-i-n for the municipal own " i house aat well as mint '. -r It -.lullb an. 1 1. t g Stories of M'S ANP t.VTSS The coatles man puts a careless arm Uound the waist of a Initios g.rl, As over the duties an.l roads! In a horseles caniae they whirl. Like a h -a.tlovi bullet from a harmless un- lly smokeless p w I i dr.yci, They ll to tale lb. -pe cbli ss j. y lty endless union i; veil. Though th- only lunch tits eolnlcss purse Affords to them the inems Is a tasteless menu of boneless co, With a "side'" of stringless bear He puffs a tohacvolcss cigaro.te, And laughs a nurtlil 's laugh When icip tries to coax her back Py wireless telegraph. - II n n tlvia J HAHIT3 OF T 11 K i" AH. From 1 to 4 O'clvk Is I 'voted to I lit Family Oo.-s : It.-; jt M dnlghl. The ear of Uussi.i m s a; s o'c,,k. His toilet IrtJils till near'y K aid he then sits down ai h:i wrltltitf inble to discharge Important .l'att-rs i f state w hich do not admit of leliy. Fr m 111 to II o'cI.h k there l a hort puis--. i'ur ir.g which tune the cr.u- pir'acs of a I ght lunchion. Th tunc from U to l! ed Io half of he treasuio in cue lir s again levot,-d to work, to 'he clgn. ! should be so fortunate as to lln.l i. The ing of ibvumems, t!i,- nu ly of b lis. or: cardinal n-pltrd that lie woul.l. and that the reports of the in;:: e -is r jovi m- j evening the young man n.arti-l for J I -ors, to which he j l,l ucn r nu nur- tela. nnnl mnarks. li s majesty drinks In due he arriv-d .it the convent, meanwhile one glass of :,a uft-'r jnoth- j and. after a lub f search, li foiiu I (lie er, only very rireb taking a if: :r-.isuie. y cii:ils(ed of n largo pit - of wln and cavler in I . : !(. From 1 to gold and s.lvir. and it is s.i.,1 i.i b- o'cl.nk Is .i.-vote-l t . Ins 'amilv endj worth ai bavt fran. llilf f to the Joys and sorrows .,( -he domestic , It. It Is claimed, belong h light to Hie hearth. Occasionally the aid .le i amp ihurvh. but the other half will -ilrjiy on duty Is sum noti I. anl the caar , be awarded to the Im ky stulrnt. then desires to hear ' 'here Is anythtrg new or interring in th.' pars. Hsl .; I'tl'ltlllt'S I'NI'M majesty 1 a very Iriegular renb r .f the . pap-'rs to say no'hmg .'f h,.,.ks From; rollier's Weekly tells this A t'.iney 4 o'clock the w-.tks again, some-: sl.i ,-xeuniloii strain, r was leaving timecs only till . but often till at ew York with hut f ptu'iif -r which hour the principal i ,al of the aboard. The boat had Just cat off Jay Is taken, ine or ;n,. evening. until W Is spe it w th the men, of his family, and till H o'clo -k fhoUid the' tnpr u be present. After this ,f re. ( tires M his study nil punctually at , ,, ... . , , ' , midn gh: go,, 1,1. reur: baa....-- and fe,tly:e9 Interfere ,w n, th, " ""'JU'...eof life-but the I - t,w Urg tht party? ministers try as much as possible to p.,r mstatu the fat man h sitated keep his h ut unint"rrupt''l. i The oftiei.ii.s in att- ti la ce are highly atls:iel .; h heal.h. His f j. - has bee.,n full and has a to ii;!iy . -t V. th- , . stat- I'HIII 1 nor 'f ''l I i ; A ST'tKKT lNi'It'KNT Th- pi i- - w is . .! ir.- 'A :! 1 ghts. an 1 a lolly, "ir -t.g J .: - an I push I as .t p is 1 fi Mb .. .able. Ah mi: 'he : oil- '- - i : i! a er ir.' th-re I. ikifg : .- r in v 'h" (a;itl- .. ..f ', l.t i 1 '. - i - 1 1 i s. ly, s.ini- anx --tl-1-. A' a 'ar '.il-i- -o' four. '! k"--'!tg i- in i I' --al.y wh'l- the I.-ai- r i i ilv ' a i"' -I !'i" n--- " - 1 . ... '; . -n I- k- I 'a co-s I . " o - l I -ii.i r with e.i'ial n..n. h i! in In 'be other -"I of 'lie "On '. tn.n sat at a ta .le playmg p-.k-r "r I them had b' n a h-a v l-io.- r "Olve no- fifty, " lie -,u l. t tig a greenbu'k ii'tm '!! :.i ii- "When that's g ::.- I'm lip air iai-- . It was a Jin kpit The man at his right opened. T!i-y ,r.-w and th- evi dent loser raise. I. Th.- betting b-gan qul'-tlv. II.' saa an l taai-.l r-'peatedly, until ther- r-Miatn-l --n - hip. On ly he and tie man m hl light were left in th- Kim'. "I want to sav- th-s ',iv .-hip." h said. "AH right. I'll call you. E-iiirs." Th? other threw down his curls -n full house on klngs-pl' kH up the lone chip and dropped it into h s bf. upji-r vest pofk'-t. "Tou'H s-.' that - h!i again," li said, and walked into the street. "Ry Oeorge,"f-ows." le-gin one of th, men at the table, whn a shot ring our In front of ihe club house. There was a rush for th front door, and th"y found him lying on the sidewalk with a bullet through his V-art. And in his pocket they found the chip with a hole bored thrUrfh If. -Denver Tlm-s. COLDS f'OST MONEY. They Cause Innurinc.- I'ornpaiil-s to Ie Millions Each Year. A leading insurati-.- journal says somew hat path. -tli ally that colds o! the life Insurance eompanies i million dollars a month. What they cost those who catch cold Is. of course, quite le yond cavil or reclaim, but th ( go's ,on t'l w arn th- e,r"l)w who ap pen to own polii i'-s lio.v to able to keep on paying premiums a wlitl long er. The gist "f th" a Ivice is to avoid exposure, keep .,ut of draugh' and flght a i old from s ui t to lln.s'.i. "Thy grave is ftill very liuiigiy." .' add.-, "ftt-sid-s. th If" lll-OIKince on pa n i'l. would like to sav- a miilion -i :n . .th." The highest medical authority in Journalism gives tin- folio-.'. The phiMophy of pr-'V"tii.on Is t" jii-s-iv-the natural and liciithy u- i ni '. lie organiem as a w hole, and of th -m i i e In particular, whil- habitua ing the skin to bear Hevre ill- rations of lem perature by Ju lb-ioiH x,)i.ure, anl natural stimulation by .ur- air atil clear water, and orderly habits of hy giene and health." All this Is import-, the Hour ant at this particular .n.m. People are changing elothiw, nnOtiug nut uihmi g,,f fiebU. lukliig long ridM on wheels. siee,ing In automobiles, swinging along m eon ilry rambles, and ,vur.l-g the lM.eli air and Its hteee. In its wn h ,Vl,; ,IU, Xl.nn ,),.. ig .--I'hllndelphla Kinl:ig . TALK OF Till-: VSI'liH TlioVI-i A young student was recently lookuig ocr an oK ummiscilpt In 'lie braiy at Vienna w hen u l.b-nly hi eyin f. II n a tasage which sinrtle.l him con siderably. imy the New York l'ris over and over again lie read it, n:i, dn. allv he took nut his aoo-booU an n-pled word for ward. In thl passtige the wrller of ihe man uscript, who was apparently an old monk, said tliat a large treasrro nf mo. Id and sllvsr hud brrn hldd-n In a con vent In Ualkla. He described Hie loca tion of the convent, and told In what part of It the treasure had been co.icenl- I. He wrote. Indeed, as though he himself had been an ey,. witness of (he occurrence. Conf! lent that th- old monk had not told a fairy tale but the actual trmh. the y ung slud'iit went nt oner to the i lardlnul archbishop of U-nibeig aj ! laked hllll If lie would ! legally ,.u:l!i wh-n a stout geiitlemi.i with a very rvd Uc0 ru,ht.(, JuWn (ho nourishing hi llck. .hout.-d "Hey va,.,u,' j.. baVk-0a. k i..te 4ul,-k ii.,..'. , ! j , . .... 'Ms 1 large party WYmt to J T, n tt, M flrrt ,,.,,. ut rt,y ,, , fr:n w ,,..,.h.w.. Then he veltrd back l.-tieen sixty i I anl seventy. t As soon as (h captain h. .itd this j number lie instantly or !! I 'h steamer bi.k anl male fas: again Th j man wadded -be gang plank, ; .rid picked m; a n! k -at. I mil" 1 himself ith bis striiw ha'. M' am inl ine , a; Min n I li - . r- a it:.- I for 'b" parly irt li Af' r w i ting tit. minii : - and m -te :h - - a:: a in : u:ti- I ltlli:.- ti ly tlAt'l lb' - -oil i;e:it:-'nan n l ,k- l W-e-i -he .i:y b ia - . :i : x ' y an I eti'v ' Tie o'c: i)l -I iv f r t'l- in " " Oi ' s all r'gh: ." i i' P ' ng r with i bland smil- .-iii'i I the f,' I 111 !!l ' f it itv-flv- .l.iy. -Ii " j Til - ip tin's fi.-e -t.-w re bl'T eV.Uj tin- -.. ng -i s is fiiieiiiisly rang th" It. li to steam ah-.i I. but 'b fat gen- ! : 1- in t n it ..ri. b--iiiii-- th" h.-r i of tli" l, i A FAIR EX''1!AN;E i i'ol .n-1 l.nv -II J.-r .ni", who lias broul shoulders an. I n e.-p .Inst and who stun h si x f- -I II, it in his "to. king f.- t. was r.ding up town In .i Fifth ave- mi- -rage 'list evening with a party of , frl-n Is. They got Into the stage nt Tenth s're.-t and It was som" time b--! fore any more past-rig-i got aboard. Then a v-.uog w-nnin look a s.-at and I soon aft'r several of the passengers ' i lamber-'.l in. A.nong them was a man dr-ss d in the latest fashion, H.i al down n-xr to th" young tv.ini in and put his arm on th- back of the seat so that it rested on her shoulder Then lie moye l a nig so thil he was sitting very close io her mu -h closer than there was nnv need and very evl lently much closer than she wished. Colonel Jer ome rof and walked lo the young wo man. "Won't you fake my scut?" he asked, taking off his ha". 'Thank you, I will." she said. The exchange wan nude and the coin, n.-l snt down on the scat that she had b ft. Part of him sat on th- young man and not very gently. "Now, yiung man." said t'olonel Jer ome In his most Agreeable tone, "you i an hug me for awhile." N. Y. Hun. ALA R A MA JI'STh'E Sl'MMoN... Tin- following Is a ropy of a warrant lei-. ntly iHsu-d by an Alabuna Jusili-.-of the p.-iec: "to any lawful oflle.-r of th- S ate Complaint on oath having li !. mil.. Ii.-fore un- that the uff-iiee of a Itiising E. .1. U'lii'liir lly I'oinln in ll'-iir H-.uH fuming Ib-nr and ting to Kn-ie h'-r down & f..i In-r to sh'iit h.-r tumuli diaiv.-l link IiIh ii rm an I Send he wold Kno.-k lo'll out of Ii r ti ili-n Jump mi i'liapp-1 ali-l got out inrs Dis'', f..r on" limn and t'onie I'.a k a gine Ai did Kick Inr Dor e Ittoik III-- lock ft IlllSte,) till' Dore In too "la.-s A Send If She did not op.-n ihe .1. ,r.- ,.e wold liiake hit Down to any lawfu-l nllli - r of (in- Hint'- you ire ' otnin. in l-i i.i lliing frank Kl' v- e-IIIS I'-efile ML- .lllH Apr'fll III" 1.1. 1H. I". M. I'li. e Jusili " of Ihe r-.-Hf e." When some men can't make money ul anything else they break Into politic. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. MFFBOTIVB JULY 1901, I.K AVR I l-OKTI-ANI) Aiv lil rorllauil I'iiIiiii livnni I 11 io. ' M i III 3L' t !S in Ksr Anuria and Way Mu I'olnn in AHTl'ltl A Vwr ISinlsiirl and Wsy " I'olnu T m (I IK m II vim III p m 1 m HiAMPK IMVIMI0N Atlorit fr Wrrnim, (earlmrl ml Svui It N I III 11 III IIO. in ? in lii .v, m li p m S .Ml p HI I V p III ' .1 IV h tin in a ' i n .UH'p III v nu a in U.K) i III I p in T .V in Neaslde, ftif W.rrrnloii Slot Atorlt . X) p in Dully except Haturlay. II Hilurilay only. Trains leave Attorl for Flavel. Ham in m,l nn, Furl Htevrus tl I II a. in and t !0 p. iu. daily. Lv Kurt vni for Alorl at 7 (X , ni and 1 li p, in otiiy. All train make close connection ai tjobt with all Northern raollKi train to ami frxn the Kt and Hound point. J. C. MATO, Out. Freight and Pamenvr Agent 1 .Fordand - fetoria Ijoulc. STR. "TAHOMA." Dally lt.Hin! Trips rx.-ept Hundty TIME CARD lave Portland . . I.emo Astoria .. . . .. .7 m . . I p ni Through Portland onnctlon with steamer N shoot. from llwaco and Lung Hetch points. VTilte Collar Un ticket interchange, able with U. It. St N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. Telephone IVK-k: Telephone 111. II DALLES-POBTLASO ROUTE SIR. '"BAILEY 6ATZEHT." DAILY HOUND TRIP (KEPT H00 1 1 Cascade Locks, Hood River. White 1 Salmon, Lyle and Tee Dalles TIME CARD I. rays Portland ... Arrive The Dalles Leave The D.i.l-1. Air. y- I 'or land .. . 7 A. M .1PM P. M 10 P M Mt ALS TMt VrHY U18T I 'Siin ,y Trti s a leading Feature fTbls Hon;., has the ilinbt Hcenlc Atlra lions on l.nrtb l.ANDIN 1 AND OFFICE Ft MT OF ALDKK KTREET ItoTII 'PHoNES MMN 311 Portland, ore E. W. CRICHT0N. Aft PonlanJ JOHN M. FILL00N. Agt The Dalles A.J.TAYLOR. Aft. Astoria OREGON SlIOT LINE and union Pacific TIME rU'H HAM Depart f hleilgo Portland Special 9:00. m. via Hunt ington Atlantic Express 9 :0 p. in. via Hunt ington Ht. Paul Fast mull ULUS From Portland, Arrive Salt I aike, Denver, Ft. Worth. Oma ha, Kanas City 4:30 p. ai, Ht. Lolls, Chicago ami East. Rait Iike, Denver Ft. Wurth, Dina hs., Kansas flty. 8:10 a. m Ht. Inils, Chicago and East. Walla Walla. T'wlston, Hpo- kane. Miuneapoll, Ht. Paul. Duluth p. in. Ht. Paul. Duluth 7:00 a. m via Bpoknno MilwaukeB, Chi cago and East 72 hours from Portland to (Tlilcago. No fining nf Cnra. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria All sailing (Into subjeci to cliiinge For San Francis co svery five flays Col u mhl a River To Portland and Way Landings. I 7 a. m. Daily ex cent Hun. 4 n. m. exc. Monday Steamer Niiheoltn leaves Astoria on lidn dilly for Ilwa.;.i, connecting there with tnnns for Long lle' li, Tioga and North Ili-uch points. Returning urrlvt at Astarl.i same evioalng. O. W. IiOUNHBERRT, Agent. Astoria. A. L. CRAtO, General Passe-nger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Foley's Kidney Cure maka kiincya and bladder tight. 1&I Jso LAvjo & Mo HIIERIFI'-M HAI.K. lly vli Hit of an execution lud on Of ill t'lrt'llll Colli I of III Hlul nf Orogg) for ilm Couiily nf l'Ut,p, or lh7lrt day of June, ltM, upon Judg. inont rendered tlier.ln .si III Ifth ilajp of March, (su. In favor of H H llairl. plaintiff, and against Ueorgw Hill, d. fu.iiUni, fur the aunt of I -'-' 31, Iha fur ther sum of I'.rt attorney' foe togetn rr with Interest I hereon Iba lsg4 rain ri aim III 101 h day nf March, h'-'f and fhs e-xls of mid upon t hi writ notnmatn'liig and requiring llio to yy upon Ihe property of ih abnv nsniid d. fendiiul lo satisfy III" Jodgllieiit, n t.-ient. costs an I nil s. ciuliig ooai. did iilta. li Ilia following do. rlbd l property, lo wii : Lot . ;, block I. First Alt, a I'omi iliove l-ils .'. I. I. !. i. 7, lil-tt'kj I, I n. I bt .'. incliitue bl-H k J Int to 3,', iiiclualve. block 1. Ins I to 3.', In. elusive, bio, k . IIIII All 'o Ocean Oioye, ,,t( i (,, is Inclusive, bl-K'k a, lots 1 to 11 It to V. it to tl. Iiicliisly, I. lot 1. I. 1 .1. " ) i 4. ill liislvo, lilivk 1 ol I ti. J1, .ne'U'lVe, tio,K JO. lot 1 to .'A. incluslv. hin-g II, lie .M, Inclusive. 1,1. s-k It. Illll'srVtrond Add, 10 ocean Urov. lots I. . J. S. I. 7, L . K, II. D, II t'l k. I. Ion 1. i a, , 7. t, , 10, II. i: l.l 'ck t. Ion 1, lo 11, bi s k 7. lot I to J, In. Cltlalv. bl s k 10. lota I to . Inrlijalv, IS, l-ts t t,. 31. Iii'lasiv-i. ItlocH Id. lot I to ;. Induslv., I.I.Kg U, l)t, 1 to :l. inclusive, bbvk Is. a I, J, J, 4. i. t, 7. V i. Ui. II. 12. bl.K k 1 1, lota I in 3.1. Inclusive I.I s k M. lot I. I, l I H I, . 9. ID bisk 21, S'ln.x m 1 1 1 ti Hscond Ad I to 'K-r.n lrov; lot 1, J. J. 4. 1. s. .', , , It II. I. l.xk I, lot. I. J. .1. 4 . 10. I M block J. M I. I. I. 4, t, 1 T. a, (. UL II, U, ttkkk 5. Iota I. f. I. 4. I. a. 7, i. . io. bi k 4. lot i, i x i. a. a. t i , io. a. lot i. i. i. 4. a, a, 7. I. V. 10, . 1, . lol i. i. a. 4. a, io. it. i.'. pi.vk f. lots i. :, i. 4, a. . :. . .. m. n. u, biA-k a bus i. 1. a, 4. a. t. 7. 4, m 11 i!, tisM-k 1. k-ta 1. 7, J, I 9 t'l II I'. I.I.. k 10, lot i, 3, 1 ,. d. :. in. 11 11 block II. lots l. :. j, 1. j a 7. I, , 10. bl . k 17. Iota 1. .". J. I. 5. I 7. . 10. bbs-k II, lota r. . 7. . . Mock 14. lot I. 7. 3. 4 7. s. 9. 10. II. 13. hl-x-k IS. I" 1. I. 3 4 6 4 7. I, t I II. u, hi H-k in i,.i. t. : j 4. a. a i. a. . 10 II. 17. i,.h I.', k'l, I. J. j. Ill II. 17. olJck J. ta 4 5. I, 7. a. t. bl rk II. lota I. 2. 3, 4. J. 4, T . 10, M.irk 70. lots I. 7. 3 4. 3 I. 7, t, a. 10 bl.x-k 71. b.ta I S. s. 7, 4, 10 'li. I?, i.t.-k ::. i-.t. i, 3 j 7. i. in. II. 13. bbvk 7J Iota I. 7. J. 4. 5. 1 T. t. 10. Il 12. bi.s k :i lot. I 3 j . 7. I, 'J. bi. :j. I?, bl.s-k 23 Li I. J. 1. 4. a. 4. 7. , pi. 11. 2. block It. lot. I. I. 3. 4. 6 T . , in. H. 124 hi.Kk 77. i,.ti i. :. j. 4, u i ;. i. t i Work 74. lot I. 1. 1. 4. 4. I Ul IX Nock T lot. 1 7 3 4. i, I 7, I 10. II. 13, hl.k 3o l,,ta I. J. J 4 &. . 7. . Id. It. 13 hi... k 31. lot I, I, 3. 4. J. a. 7. 4. . la 11. 12. block 13. i'- ciflo i'ark near Fori Or ; lata I. J. 1. I. 5 7. V bl-h k I. lot 1 j 34, Inclusive, bl s-k 7. :.' I to 37. Inrlu. sly., l.!o,-k ..t I. i. a. 1 1 4 1 1 1 10. II. 1 bl.Kk lot i to K la. clualva. bbk 5. lot, 1 (., 37. uc.lutlv lot to '.4. '.tirlus'.vr. bb.-k a, lot j to (4, iiiclmivf. bi '. k 7. I -it i to 14, in. nluatve. I. I..I. i i 10. II. 13. 11 14. blook I. lot i i.. :-i. Inclulv. lot J" I ) 14. Itic!us!r. bt ek pi. p, 64. Itlclil.lie, bl.vk II. 1. a 1 t 74. In. Iu. SU", bak 12. , ta 1 tfl 34. I0clu.lyj, bl.s-k U I ds I lo M. H rUnira. 14. lo' 1 'n li In ,-:un ir lol 3k In 64 In. liHive. bl k li !''. I lo 14. Inclu sive, bl k 11. ! -Is I (. 14 block 7. ,.ts I : i I I tn.-ltiau. bbvk IS. boa 1 t , l, ins v. !,' , k I its il ti 74. iitchfh" l...,-k '" bt.' to 14, ln- lu'ie. I.: k .'I. ' I t . 54. Iiiciu- sii. bl u r:. i -t. I :-4, inclusive. .'I. loo I y U in, ,,.iir ,f 2. ..' I la II. in. ii. lie ',:..,-k 2'., lot I !., '.4. in. Imiir. I.I ., K . Lo. !. 14. l' K. h. :n. ;i 2,. ?4. 7s J.) 1'. ill. II '' l'l . 4: 42 Id'. 4,' Si! .vi. :.4. k .'-. '.a. I t bl-s-k 7v I e I , .: v- i.e. i. .. t -. ii l'i. I.'. IV .'". .1 t, 3'- Iv. I'. 41. (2 II Pi '2. '.4 ,: k ' I i , 22 lllelvi.lvi. uslvi. bl.rk 13. U. II, IS. .'. 31 3d. 4 I'J. :-o. M. .1 Incliiaiv. l'i. II 13 . d. bl - k .11. . k 34 I o-i I ' m I I . II. I'.r A I tc. 'le N V block :t. l...n I : block 33. lot. i. lol I to 27, , i. In- t i .'.', indii'l - tc - I Incluslv-- t.i i k ', II A.:.. 1 1 1 . h s i : t, anl It. :: '. -!.., in 1 1 : i - .rr lot, t. ',. .; i , ,' , Tp V N ,,f i; -, a and the N I' ' ih- W 1 i of I e ' , It I't W ,.f W o above ..-eii'i. i i a : f lllls-.p l 'oimtv. i 0 -- N-i'lc s ,..r In -o. Monday, lb- : ,1..-, th- hour f l'l -. '.-: .. 1, said lav In front ,.f House ,o .r. In b -i 'lui.op i '.nin: y. i.i auction ' i the iUb.--o th ul,. iv ...-nl.e, .f ; i atr.. 7 l.t M si b- of Ml I ". I n S c 23. i -r W,a M.-r,. '- '; E. i and I'P H. N of nil of th l I' I .'ity la la oi 'lot I w ill on ,f -lull. !:o. at I 'II. f-'le,,n f in I at tin- Court ' tv -.f Asl.,rtn. ' 1 t public bid I't for cash. property ! sall'fy sai l lu-lgnient. intr-a, ,-imI mill nil '. i til r.r ' TIMS I.INVILLK. HIienfT , Clu:.., County, Or. As'orln. i n . g n. .hine In. 'ai, NOTICE For pril,, riON'. t'nlbd Htite, Uml nffl,,, or.gnn flty- Oregon, Mav ;o, li- Koilc Is h-r-by glye,i ,,U rom. pbanw with ihs to ovlni, ,ns ,,f tbe set of congress of Juno 3. 1H7S. , ntltM "An act for the sal,, of iiinl.r ,in,t , 1)m Hlate nf Ciillfnrnl.i. Oregon. Nevada anil Ten at.u ,' H extend ed lo nil lh inililh- .up.. ,y act of August 4. ISII2. Wlllliim w I'op, nf Olney. t'ounlv nf ( rintnoj,. mMt of Oregon, tins this day In ibl. iifflrs his sworn stuiement. -t r;i fw tri purchBs of lot 4, 3; lois ,' 2, j nd 4. of "cllon No. 4. in township No north, range No. 7 w-srt. and will offer proof :o show that the ini wlUt,t n more valuable for iis timlier or sum than for agricultural puris., nnd to establish his claim to sm, nn,) i)(.fora I he register and re,-..ver of this offle at Oregon Hly., TlniislBy th! Nth day of August, piiii. n,. r,attifi as wltnsssos: Mrs. Mary D-nek. ,,f oinVi cinlsop County, Oregon; H-lmstln (ilnser of Olney, Clittop County, Oregon; 'Mrs. Appolbinlii Johnson, of oincy, caion Ciumlv, Oregon; Sidney imi, of Asto ria, Clatsop County. ir' goii Any and nil person duimlng a.lvrins Iv th" alove.,,.m., . HIll1 ln, M. ipiested to III,, their clnims In this of. flcr on or before snbl H'h dav of Au gust, 1901. CIIAS. II MiiDRllS. Ileglsier. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nolle In hereby Kv,.n ,lt ,,, . derslgiifd hrw be,n appolnti-.i n.ltnlnls tralor of tli einle of Thos. o'cnnor deeeasod. All person bavin; claim against said esliile nre r,-,iii,,., irfl. sent the same to him duly verified ac cording to law, within H:x inon'lm from this date. A. J. KLAFFKW Administrator nf the Es1;,t,, r Tl0 O'Connor, Deceive. Dlt of publication, June 21 1901