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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1901)
KfW; ..,-,o,r.rals.M.iKfinJ ;.,in L.' Taken Rom me ASIOBU PUBLIC I1BBART ASSOriATIf.- i Any it. i ,u...y A ,,i in: hablo to proi 1) mm VOL. I III ASTOKIA, OKECOX. STl KDAV, Jl'LY 13, l'M)l. XO 16 If . ar -w I A A EjEJURDgRE CO. Plumbers and Steamfitters HOLH ACJI21NTH I'OI BOND FISHING TACKLE Tennis, Croiiiet, and all Kind-, of GRIFFIN Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies if all kind nt lowest rnUw, for fishermen, Fiirnu pf mill rt. A, V. ALL.I3N, Tenth and Commtrdiil Strccts llStl raj Bgi- W. J. Scully, We Rent New Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mjjr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Subscribed Capital, I'aid-up Capital, A.sHeta, Ama in United States, Surplus to Policy Holders, Has boen Underwriting on the Pacific Const ovei twenty-two yonra SAMUEL ELMORE 4, CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. c. Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shaping. Atot SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STREBT Hascb;ill, Golf, SjMu tin Goods & REED WE ARE SELLING AGENTS I OK . . . Moore's Steel Cooks CARLOAD JUST RECEIVED 43t BOM) STREET Between Ninth and Tenth Typewriters. Miiny new iiiiirvenioiits added. Sett our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art ('ntalogiiii Fri . . . L- M. ALEXANDER & CO. Kxi'liiHivo l'acillc Coast Dealers 215 Stark St., Portland, Ore. V W. M'KKMIMK, Agent m mm OF SHAREHOLDERS 15,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,75)2 Custom Houmo Uroktr. ASTORIA. 0RF W. t. ACOn tad Pacific. Kxpreas Oo'l. ASSAULTED BY Dastardly Crime Perpetrated on Kansas City Girl. Tllli TOWM IS Al l. EXCITED Vkllra haockttf Senseless tatf Duties' to 1 Prime Park Ske U It Critical Condition - Mob Saaiklii .""fjro Ta. KANSAS t'lTY. Jul) l: A . r , 1 ..f ;. i-i, ,!,! I,,,.,, ,y, u i r -u i! I I Hi'1 -un ! y J ill !n !lil city !,,nl;hl Hti'l claniore I f .f ! .'gain . til". rvitr .."i hIi.i criminally a-nauKe Ml., tin,., t ii v . W.iiiKlav ii. Kh:, n .i popular mi I IiIkIiIv r.i..-,-t, e,,,r. llool. light iMIpect. (,, .f Ii ui- !' n . ii!;n , up. i,,.. ,,. i. Jill Tin- r.iti'. Ii Hi. i t,-. I Hi. . .Hi" n f U: !! u ..n- ..f -ii,- in ,: I ullage, - --r "-ii-:i.i:.-. h.-r- Ml. Iul ii:i I Ii t . -..r-. " ti : - N'. v:..n. .-r.- walkltig l .!. a".1'.- hav i.g spent tli.- ,-vei.lng .it T: ': At X.n.'- i!h Kin-.-l .iii.l W.i Cm.) .ivi-ihh- ilii'i-. n k r .i.iiii; u. 'ii iln'in from Ii hlii. I N'l '.'i w.i. kimki'l .k .ml Mi 1 1, UN in ilr.ik'K"! fi f -t ini.i i private jii k iii. l ii.iul:' I Wllel! Kill- l.-.o fi.1 iI IiiIK"..I llIT .'.rt wan k'.iU 1m'1ikIIiI -. Tli'-y ri. (I'll In 4 rrl'l.-ll iMr:.l'.l 1 l't a in Hi,- m.'b k,.'Iii huV'1 )mii.1nli '. iIk !"ii'lilii)f piarm Klv-Imn. ilf'l nn-ii an' riU.IHiK th m-irro niiartiTu In thr rmrth m l. rhunliir m. l-ollng nrirr iih an. I uniaiina; ln1'K. llllAIN MAHKrTTS ICX' ITKD. Il.irli 1Ti.- hi tin' N'w V.irk PpmIik' Kantiana-". XI-: W V i ' I ; K . July i: -AM :h- a-riln iiifki-'.. .ii th i-Xi-liniiK' t . i-i ii .ui. I v.-iy imii !i IiIkIiiT. Th- tnai'ki-: i-ii utinwi-.l In.-T. ,i..-. a. :H ', mi Kill liuyniK l)"'Hlt j tin- f.-atui -b f.r i!i- il i-m t tinii' fi: ii' '.In' l IU'li-.- Ill iril .rf.l!l I'll. r. Il.'i,. i, i ii Ii sti'-t ituriiiK f T-n Mm. 1 Tin- f ir-iisn m irk " .ill .-am- trnii ' a;: I tiliflii i an I ;1.- . r 1 in-. Jr in 111-' ' X.rllm.-ji; was i-ins: In alily Ir's favnr-I ali!.-. i-.-.ii! lii; l.uiiiiK" t-i wln-.i; ill Hi.' : It.-. I liiv. :a:l. y Tli. 1 1 1' . . -1 i-nt iii ,iS iiit L' - " - ii'.- j a I m - in! ..ti ;!i" ,i i-i't :ha; t : i . - wii.-.n , in. Kill I' - H"'-'l f-'i f--li' K 'iir;.... . .i.j iiii tii i'i.. Im I , r..i . ull.i .k I M:T1. KM'i.IITS INi-KKASI-:. Stall. , I, ,,f S!i ,!iii nt. I.i"' h.i ll'il.l.v (li.iwlh. WASIIINMToN. July IJ -An in, leas f; nr -'U I T cell! In (he ahie uf iiiuniiracture,! iron un l iniiirt i,l Into the IihiiIhT l'.KHI l liii:i In a i',ini;.vt-.iiive nt it.'in .nt nunle imbllc livliiy ny the llvls'on 'f Itmu lar aff ile, war t)ei,irlnient. Iurnu I'-''1,1 lhee Imp n't were value I at ll.O'.tfui a airi.ii.n $;i'.'.6:!6 for l!9!. Tli' Impoi!. of t!iie c.immoilitlcs from the Pnlteit State-i lmiei',l from J.10, :'st in piiw to $,.i:6 in i:w, Mot of the ma nif.icluir I .r.oi an.l ativl iie,l In the Phillpi'ln com freni the I'nlU'l KitiR,! im with r.ormany next. IIAXNA AS (U'AliPIAX. lilvcn the I'ate of Tluve I'hil.lrca of Ills I ivor, c 1 Son. i'I.KVUI.ANH. July I.'.-JUiIbc Plsset, of the lommon pleas court, this after n,Hiii ap.olnt.vl Setiator M. A. llanna Kuanllun of Hie three clilllreti of his n, Iiiii It. llanna, by tho latter'a H vorce.l wife. This action wa ruUen a the result of an Injunction lue,l ycstciil.iy prohlh Uliiir Mt. llanna from rcniovl"B the chlUlren from the jurisdiction of the I'levelan.l courts. She, however, left the city for New York with the children before :he paper were sorveil upon hor. T1IK MIXNKSOTA iMNOKMNKP. Secretary of Navy Onlorn Famous OKI Vessel Stricken From War Register. WASHINGTON. July 12. The Secte tnrv to.lay ordered the famou old Mlnncaota to be stricken from the naval reirlsitPr. The bo.tnt of condemnation appraised her nt I15.0O0 nn1 she will be sold nt public auction I" Hoston. The Minnesota was the flagship of Admiral Goldsborogh In the famous buttle between the Merrlmac and the union fleet In Hampton Roads the day before the Monitor arrived. GRANITE FOR ENGLAND. Denuding of Scotland's Quarries Cre ate Demand for Maine Product. ROCKLAND, Me.. July 12. An Inno vatlon in the granite Industry of Maine, tlin Itini irt.uirt nt w lil . li c;iii lutnl'y I i. I ni 1 1 -. I an I wlil. li niiiik n "-r In tin. ki.i iII" tntl.. nil ov. r lh' f iiinti y i!l In- lnlrn Iiji i iI lii r- cli irtly. A .alio nt Krui.K- Hill niii.i I In Aiiiiik 'rum tli" iUttrrn nt Cru'rh .i:l! V !" !!;iii)K, H; nilni!'iii un I llur-rn-tiric iI.iii.h t Llvrji nil. T)i;k Hill In- III" Urn; r;ir'' f Aniirliiin irin-!ti- i-VT ulilii,) In any ICuMii-an ( irt anil will l.- lull .Imn In IJvrKi a'. II a t"i r II a Inn l-i than B'.'AlH Kianltii .-art tic wu ;! !-J . KiikII'J )ia bwdn- alurm-l n-r tin? ii arclly of ItiU liull.linK mon tli.- H'-u'lun I (juiirrl? bi-ltig almniit !' iiui). uii'l able wily ti auj'jily atnjll 1! rni'tiM ifi . rU'irri-J a: a Kf-! il'pth. IIiikI.kIi IiiiIIiJ'TX have lati-ly tx-i-n Irn l iriln! atone frnm rcln an. HuaiLi a: 'iimi. 'riiblt nM. The flrat ari(.j will nM f n.-arly i..n anJ will hi- ii4.i) dlrrvt at (M'-WHt.-r. CI.M.MIHA A'iAlX WINS FIlM iXSTITt'TI' N. (' iiii-n l:i First In Ia: i,t Trial I'.acM In i-I-n J.-nr- Mi-: Witti an A-i-IJ. nt NKWJ'c UtT. It. 1, July IJ - T n- -.-lutnii.ii iiituln ii-fi itc I thi- '.niK itiit n In txlayn rail by Vir tiuiririn, in i"r-...-i Him-, of two tiunu'.-ii n ul!i 1-tnlK. th In I ji..-i.!i. .- .mo. in .r.- liutt afti-r I i-r t itinia't .It tli- vry iilirt. The It wMn ya. lit. h.ivv.'V-r, -a lcl ucli a r-ni irkaliiy aft-r 1-Ii.i alwrn ..f lur t"p tear, that It l (ri-tn-nilly Inlievl h.-ri! that Hlii' U'iul'1 Imve mm :lin uf but fa- tin- aivMent. Fur twenty niln u!r after t.he atari a.'ie .mil-, I wt-.h ttie re. k "f h-r cluli-t ifsall trathtic an-ti-rn. tthlle f.iralx mure niinut-n a lie wa tnntl.inl.iin, luffej In the wlnl while the rr -w learel away the tannle-. All this time the .Khera were Hii-ellng bI uik un iler all all. yet :h IndejienJi-n. e k beaten unly even mlnuti-a and forty twu at-oiril at th Unit mark ani irit! eil the a-oonl in e.i time tlian eith er ol the other yaohta, although they carrlel rlub-lopaaJH, In the run home the two Bristol boat, under (rrea pre of gai!. beat the I aw. win yacht a little over iVur minute in th t.-n n.ll.-s. Th-i r-ult ..f the four ront-din be. tei-n thene tli re.. Ima: much to be .!.. ermine I, a i.l i.e-a!y as to thi-.r r l.itlvc nn-rita In anything ex- -: IIrIi: alri. T i lay's r.iiv a !".:; 1 ill a (If! ' In 1 The race mlay c,i-. the fff an 1 the yacht will n-.t im-.n uKitn f ir a: : it tin .1 iv. 'AI'TAIN STKiiXi. IJKSIt'.NS. l:.-hr, I t,i H. ,,f nt l-:sca-m I" With Horv. SAX PKANVIS.'O, )U,V y. .-f.,.,;., n Putr.un S:r.iK. ,,f lie .1 'P iniii.-nt, I'ait.- I Stat, army, a-!-n ni'ii-, I t 'tiiii: that be had rcs.giii-d fr.-m the army for personal and finan cial reisons and tliu: his tvlgnatl ti ha I ben ncceitid by Sii rerary Rot. I'd- ro.tfnatlon followed the publien t:..ti of a i ecupa,l,i In this city In which I'aptiln Strong and Lady Fran ci ll,pe. formerly May Yohe, are the principals. t'aptaln Strong and Iady Hope ar rived h re from New York July 4. nn.l register"! as Mr. and Mrs. II L Hast Ings. of liostoti. COXSIDIN1XS OPT ON HAIL. Held to Superior iurt for Murder in First Degree. SKATTLK. July 12. John and Tom Oonsidiiie wore I hi morning bound over to the superior court by Police Justice Ueorge to anwr to a charge of mur der in the lirst degree for the killing of ox-Oiler of Police Meredith. Hoth were admitted to bail. That of John Consullne was fixed at i;'0.iM.w un.l that of To.n at $25,W. secured the amounts named tonight. RATTLE AT HOUTKOP. Five Piltlsh Soliders Killed and Seven Wounded. LONDON. July 12. A dispatch from Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, and made public today, says that the R,iers at ticked the constabulary pi; nt 'Inn. kop, July 11, capturing a seven-pound gun. They were eventually driven ott'. The British lows was five killed atid seven vvcund!. WILL AFFl'XT GENKltAL STK1KK WASHINGTON. July 12.-A the headquarters of the International Asso ciation of Machinists here. Prcsllent O'CVmnell ndmlHed that the vollapso of the strike at Cincinnati was likely to have considerable effect on the general strike as Cincinnati has been regarded aa the center ot teh fighting, but re Iterates that 'there wma no Intention to call off the general strike. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. DETROIT, July 12. The National Educational Association tonight nt the last session of ttg fortieth annual con vention voted a declaration of princi ples declaring that the problem of cle mentry education Is the most Important one with which the state must deal. WORST DAY OF THE LONG HOT SPELL Most Discouraging Outlook for Drought-Stricken District. ALL CROPS BADLY INJURED Wtalbcr Bureau Give Nt Hop ( Reiki in Ft Crops Will YlcH Ose-Half-Vtituiios Birsinf Is Crisp. KANSAS city. July U.-So rain U ' lay In any jur; of the drouth strick n i:tr,t ctiiting of all Kansas. Western Mis url. Oklahama and Indian t -rrltory. rvcr mu' b of this region this was tli- worit day of the long hot spell, the i-nifi-riture beltg mire than W. d-irr-i an 1 n iin-ez- Ktirr.hg. Corn, "at", luy and potatoes are j badly Injur-! that even with rain the y-'A woiil 1 be short, an i the weather bu- n au g!v- n.i h t ,,f r-L- f the outK'k i di-Kiiriglng. A: ime places in Kan. m th-T- ha h-eii no rainfill what.-v.n f T n-arly tl;r"e months. The pr-s nt Is th- wors: drouth since 1', when New England s-nt fo,"d to th- H.-tti.r of Kansas. However, the pa: few y-ar hav b-en very prosper ous nr... and even now Kansas farmer? :ir harvesting one of the largest crop of ht-a: In the history of the state. A great mmy counties send word that with rain corn will be a half crop; with out rain soon, no yield. A few say th-r- is yet hr, for a fair harvest. Al falfa has yielded well everywhere and will be the aalvatlon of many farmers. For the pan seven days 110.00 hogs have ben received at the stock yards, breaking all records. These heavy ship ments are due t ) the scarcity of corn. NEW REVORD IN KANSAS. IPirh"-: T'mperature Ever Known Vegetation Burning to a Crisp. Ti'I'KKA. Kis.i July 12. All records f t li-a: n the thirry-fonr years that ib--tvi:i ins have been kept by c llu." Snow, of the University of Kan si, w -r- !,r ik n today. :he mercury r a -h.nir a maximutn average for the it of l.i5 5 d"gree. In F-it S-ot: th" nien-ury registered lto degrees. Tlie h. .r was a.s- .mp.iti! -d by a light breeze, wli. -li ' mi., as iir-Mihs from a red h t fii'ti !'. I'lavii and withering veg?rj :l..ti of all kinds. Tr-.-s are showing the effects of the If , utl'. The leaves are falling Mike late -. sii-mner. Half grown fruit is dying at i dropping from th? trees. Quoerly nomth. the usual order of things has t, - ti rev-rsed this time and the west- n i.;r: of the stjt- I In a much n-ire f 't'.'.ble en lit ion than the hitherto fa-v-r.-l cistern part. HOTTEST DAY YET. KANSAS i'ITY. July 12. This was th- hottest day ever exprlencel in S tithwes:em Missouri. In Kanssas Citv for f .ur hours this afternoon the gov ernment thermometer registered 103, wh le on the street (t soared to 10S and 110 degrees. WARM AT OMAHA. OMAHA. Juiv 12.-The thermometer reiched 104 today and ranged from 100 to b'T throughout the stata, Street thermometers In this city were as high a ll'V ANOTHER CARNEGIE LIBRARY. Leak tile. Colo., to Get JIOO.OOO Under Cert.iin Conditions. I.EAPVILLE. Col., July 12. At a meeting of the City Library Associa tion a letter was read from the private - ii-.'tary of Andrew Carnegie dated Sklbo Castle, Scotland, stating that he wuild donate $100,000 for a public li brary for this city providing that the citv would furnish $2000 a year to main tain it. The offer of Mr. Carnegie was n response to an appeal for aid from tli.' association. REPORT MADE PUBLIC. Relates to Capture of Aguinaldo Funs ton's Plan Approved by Mac Arthur. WASHINGTON, July 12.-The war department today made public Briga-dier-Ceneral Funston's report of tbc capture of Agulnoldo, May 2. This re port ptvs'nts In detail all the facts re lating to the capture of Agulnaldo, which was made public at that time. General Funston shows that his entire Plan for the expedition was approved by G'neril MacArthur. SERVANT GIRLS' UNION. Formal Organization Has Been Ef fected In Chicago. CHICAGO, July 12. Servant girb ard working women generally have taken the preliminary step for the formation of the union -h- y b n wishing f r so I mf. Las: nlg'.i'. trie Working Wom-n's t'nion of Atn- rlca wan organ ize 1 un I -r tb-- tiirtrt.oii of the In'crr.a M'n.'il I' Labir lejgti. Fixl hour of work, more freedom and liett-r ronsld -rations generally are the oBJ" sought by the Working Wo men's t'nln of America. Another meeting will b- held next week at which it U expected ;he irgailiatlon will be le'rfei-t?). Mrs. J. Liuchridge, presi dent of the Womin's International Un ion lbor League jal It "One of our prime objects will be to gain set hours for household employes. Girls should not be compelled to work from X in 20 hours a lay but should have s-t hours and time off for amue ment and recreation thi? same as wo nin empliysd In other occupations. We intend to show housewives that the mi.-.litv of their servants will be Im proved by giving their help more time for rest." FORTY-SEVEN JAPANESE ARE MADE PRISONERS. Frav-r R.v -r Striker Give Out Offi' iad Stit'in-.-it Two Union Leaders Arrested. VANCOUVER, 15. C. July 12.-Tii-r ar now frty-seven Jap prisijners guar-led by :he salmon strikers and maroor.el on a small IsUnl in the Gulf of Georgia, according to an official stitemen'. of the union fishermen this ev.'tilng. The provincial police are trying to as certain the location of this Lslani. Oth ei; will be put on tfce Island as cap tured, provide! the present ilan of the striking union men Is maintained. Frink Rogers, a prominent member of the fishermen's excutive committee and ex-superintendent of the Fisher men's Union, was arrested today on ac count of the allegation that he had been mixed uo in the marooning of the Japa nese at Bowen island, on Wednesday night. Joe Desplae, another union leader, was arrested for the sime .rea son this afternoon. OFFER PEACE TO BOERS. London Dally Mail Says English Gov ernment Wants War to Cease. NEW YORK. July 12.-A dispatch to the Tribune from Lon 1 n says: Referring to :h? governmnei's admis sion that they had Information respect ing the shooting of British wounded it Vlakfonteln so long back as June 11. the Dailv Mill, wh e corr-pon len: was the first to make the news public state that I only a sra ill portion o' the pol icy of concealment n v being carried on. It professes to have abundant evidence that almost the whole theater of war is in a much w irse condition thin the public Is allowed t) know. The state of affiirs in Cap? Colony in particular is said to be in a mo serious nature, due almost entirely to the belief among the Dutch that the constant efforts of the British to rr pitiite '.hem prove that they are tired of war. While the government is con stantly saying in public that the war will V fought to a finish, they are. says the Dilly Mail, continually mak ing offers of peace to the Boers. EXPORT OIL SHIPMENTS. Philadelphia Has Made a New Record In Despatching 173.359.SA3 Gallons. PHILXDELPHIA. July 12,-Shlp- j ments of refined petroleum from this port to Europe were never before, as heavy or as frequent as they have bjen within the last ten days. From the first of the year up to last Saturday. 175.339.SS3 gallons had been shipped abroad, against 135.S26,71S gallons for the corre-'poiidiing period of last year, an Increase of 39.533,163 gallons. Local shippers argue that these large shipments of oil are proof of the su periority of the Amerl-an article. There are now in port, waiting to be loaded, as well as en route to Europe, a great fleet of steam and sailing craft with a capacity of many millions of gal lons. FOREST FIRES IN COLORADO. DENVER, July 12. Forest fires are raging in two sections of the state and it is feared that they will destroy a vast amount of property before they can be controlled or extinguished. One of the fires Is on the banks of Chalk creek, In Chaffee county and the other In Larimer county. Both are said to be in timber on school lands. RICHARD B. HUBBARD DEAD. DALLAS, Tex., July 12. Richard B. Hubbard, ex-governor of Texis and during President Cleveland's adminis tration, minister to Japan, died in Ty ler, Texas, today. EXCITED OVER OIL DISCOVERY. GUTHRIE, O. T.. July 12.-The peo ple of Granite, O. T, are wild with ex citement over the discovery of oil near that town. The oil was found at a depth of 107 feet and spouted to the surface In grea.t quantities. SILVER MARKET. NEW YORK, July 12. Silver, 5SH- THEIR EFFORTS ARE UNAVAILING Pittsburg Conference Failed to Accomplish Anything. WILL MEET AGAIN TODAY II No A ret meal Is Resckea Ike Otsersl Strike Set lor MoaJiy Will Proceed -Skilfer' Hopefol lor Set- " tlemtot. PITTSBURG, sly 12,-Th second day 'of the c -nference between ths Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers and Steel Manufac turers came to a close tonight without an agreement having oeen reached. Another session will be held tomorrow and fr m Indications late tonight, a settlement of the general strike will be deri il upon. When the conference ad journed nothing definite could be learn el. Lite tonight, however, President Shaffer, of the Amalgamated Associa tion, consented ti be quoted In the fol lowing statement: "Nothing actually was accomplished today. No proposition wus submitted by either side to the controversy. No time limit has been set on the confer ence, bur it must come to an end. To morrow must settle It one way or the other. If no agreement Is reached, the general strike which was set for list Monday, will procsed. I am still hop ing for a settlement. GOSSIP IN LONDON. Asquith Dinner Will Not Be Postponed at Bannerman's Request. NEW YORK. July 12. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: Lord Skrathconi was the principal fig ure at a dinner to Sir J. A. Cockburn and Sir James Willcocks received the freedam of the city and a sword of hon. or at the Guild Hall In recognition of his sen-ices in West Africa. Th? Duke and Duchess of Fife were employed In laying the foundation stone at Passmore, King -Edward's sailors palace In Commercial Road near Ume house. The mont interesting political event recently was the reception of Sir Wil liam Vernon Harvour: by the Eighty Club at a smoking concert with Lord Tweedmouth behind him. Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman has Intimated his willingness to attend the As.juith dinner if It be postponed to sine indefinite date. Mr. Asiiuith's friends after considering the suggestion decided to adhere to the date original ly fixed. S. P. RATES ADVANCED. SAX FRANCISCO. July 12. The Southern Pacific annountes an increase in rates via the Shasta route effective Ju'.v 12. First -luss rate to Portland la advanced to $25 with a rebate of $4.75. Second class $15 with $1 rebate. AMERICAN LOOTERS SENTENCED. TIEN TSIN, July 12.-James A. Ragsdale. the American consul herei has sentenced three American looters caucht in the Chinese quarter of the city to four years' Imprisonment in the American jail a; Shanghai. WEEK'S FAILURES. NEW YORK, July 12. Dun's Review tomorrow will say: Failures for the week numbered 20S in the United States aaginst 1SS last year, and 27 In Canada asalnst 24 last year. HAY SELLS HIGH. KANSAS CITY, July 12. Hay today sold at $20 a ton, the highest price ever reached in this market. M'HEXRY RESIGNS. ST. PAUL July 12.-E. C. McHenry, chief engineer of the Northern Pacific tinlay resigned. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baling powders are the greatest menace r to health of the present day. OVl PP.. WtW VQ4W.