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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1901)
THR MOKMNG ASTORIA., SINDAY, JIXI. 30. 1901. The Morning Astorian TinMCPIIONII Ml. All ciiuliticia for iidwrimiiiu, In llio AmIoiImu ni t uiiiilti on it Kinir iiiitvu of circulation four IIiiicm InrKvr lliiui Unit of uny paper publlxhcJ or circulated In Clnt. nop county. T"IAY'H WKATIIICIl. I'l MT..VNI. hl.ic V.H''tM in." . .11. Hun. I iv r.i ' i iin.l ! I u 1 1 1 1 V n.iim r . . i lt llim III.- Cell!, Wral.'lll V.-i!. ,ii(ji" i. full. ."llly .r ceded hv fli .w iia In lh.. .'illy ni.irnlMK. t -i . life lt"'t. fnir; K.ia'cin Wii.-0i1iik"Ii mi I Ni.rth.'i ii I bill '. wl tly c,.uly nil. I Ml- llllllcl i'.niI AROUND TOWN. H- It M I). n txui liarnM. Wniit'l M woman In do warlilhtf Call at 4:4 K. hull Hi llrm 15 ('in meal Itla'ng Hun lira, taurniit. (13 I'niiitnntcial Hi. The i lr. nil .-..nil 1. 1), in ii.'. I y Irtilnv until i - t Wc.lneday, Thrrn flrt-claaa haihera al the (Vol Ortu tiarlirr atmii Heat .if aeri-ic. Jaliaa" f.ntU of all kill. la. cheap ni Y.'ktihauu Unanar, -''rrlal Ht Klral ciim 'iiili'ii ..i!.i wre niaiili-l e.i-..i) !) J. lm Ti utmir a n.illvi nf ttllMlA Mia W.i . !"!. I'.Milmi.l ! ,. II Unit II n l.t y II III.' (il"'Ml "f Mlc ll.l.l. diet I" r x k'."l I a il 11 I'll' " I' v Win'.- t -it v 'f JniM'i. mi. 'il.'l l.y J ilr ..n Hi i th" I'-.i i i Mil- ii rim .n i.-v.- -ill Tii" ln in-n 11 1 ii tr a! "VI i, k f.ii 'I' ll.iiti....k li.iv W -ire i !r ..-.ilr ! u'k l.i iili.-u: milk A ! t fir Milk li...'l. ...rnrr T'Hth an. I I'linnr tirei" i'nili.-l niml-iri' I.' rrrjm n, .nlll I'm I'lTlt. HI1.I rrl clea'fl 1' (:( al Urn Parlor Mia JnWII hit n(H-nr I .1' llii-k'l it III I.!.' Melelllll .11- -I III- I.I .I,. ..f A .( i nr.- Hull. . I I., mi in-l.-."' Mim olwii tvill h l I .i lr'. am a li V f"i- l"uit io mi iniln. I-, iu-mi liiif Ju:r Ul I 'Hiti.rria have '1'ir- ut A"! ii. n ..m.-i- I 1 1 ; n i t la u r mu nil an aim. live !llli af rviitit I t 111-' I'.'llltll I" .1 I' . I. II. -II (.) a IIIIMIIIttoll! I'UI.I-le, ttl'ic Villi I... -y. I.- hi. .-i., i .Kinit i' .i l.i an t "iti.-r ainua-nieiiia l'".iilar .'vui". on I,. S. .!.- ..n July 4'h Tumi have A'l na al .Hi .i m t'-liir unit ni p ii It'- lil. ' . iut "f 7". , . n' f .r . . 1 1 1 1 nti. I 40 i .nl" f r . Mi l. -n. ...iin.l lll. i'i-jiu fiit- r.-, Anidii'i'ii flu."! luik.- "ill.- ."ily fnir t; .!-; ituir. ;-.-i t .ti .in.i it..-u John i.. ' UU.S' iN. SI.- Aifiit Tli.- f .i-k-ii . h.i!. ..f . .i:i-i..l silmou .- ifi'- I'll"! i-.K I'l .. !l T 'll .'A Soll'll Am. r : a '.n N . il.iii I M Vin t il i 'M r.m fa '. 1" A;o.i ' III i i. .'o Ml VT f. i'KNT Mi: M.. UIS1N'! si s iti-:TAfUA.vr LAST in and This sale will ilnsf Sat Do nut inUs this ti'iui HALF Kneli nnil cvory iirticlo iiit lutli'd in this sale will he sold ut t'Xiictly oiu'-luilf prii'o. Just look at THIS PRICE LISTt $!.'$ .'() Men's Suits at Hull' Price . I( 00 Moil's Suits at llalflW ii (Ml Youths' Suits ut Half Trice -I 00 Hoys' Suits at Hall' Price : .".0 Men's Shoes at Hall' Trice . 2 .'Il Men's Jlerl.y Hats at Hall' Trice . 2 (Ml Men's Overshirts at Hall' Trice . .'(I Men's Overshirts at Hall' Price .Ml Straw and (.'rash Hals at Hall' Trice vS. DANZIGER S I'ur a itonil lii at a low prlrr try Wlilln l.lly (if J.ipin, luiiurl'l ly Jiihnnoii Hi. ji. . J (tin A M ni'gniiiiTy lua wnrH linp at 41 II ilnl I'rwl and In r-arl In do all i-lnii' nf I il in 1 1 it ir unl Hn ii 1 ii u nl I lie liiwrat ikiuiIiIi. rale'. Il U i- i ( i -1 ilwil vi-iul hiiiilii-d nf On- I.'II.T mi i l.i" a Hit Ihi-lr f rl.-n-l-" lll In. .ii H.-hkIiI.i ivrr V lh k"i Im.l Ii 'ii ""I'l Iiihi iilulil "'l ii nili la ii.'C.,. llila in .iiiIiik ll.inlyn r.w I InaU InMicr, la (lenn.r an. I imik.' lew Moiilil.' with l.i.- imd ililiiiii-y lima limn my other. l''oi.- W. Halilioi II. UK 'Hi. i-lcilH'iiB I'M. I'.llllik I illll.lKll' T Il'lH Hlli -lliim-il II" II.M.t.,:i i-.Kl.iiii.iiil from l'-'iic lloi.m an. I will ink- ii. hvi- . Iiiukc July I Mr Uall.iuii.-r hm i IHi W. W Wlili til.-, .if Ihc Till I' r.-aiain mil. fur v-.-ml y.-m Til" lt.NJ r.-' Ull.llll l (rn.TV It v iM.IMiiar Tit" tn-al !h'l lh1" ini'krt Bf f,.ll a alwaya f 'iin.l n Ha bill of In-. bimI Ihc aTylc" la flrat-rlaaa. !"'" un'il 1 a m. ArKUin.-nl haa lcn aiil.inllli-il In the I pa l .aa.- Iiioiiiihl In I'orllitn.l to ilrl.-r-mliif tin' coiiUHitl"inillty 11"' l I ,r iliililtlnK liai her ln. r-inalnnB np-m Hmi'tay. unit tin- i .nc a liiki li un-bt a lMa. iilriit hy the rmiri. In ih iinuli .'ir I vMifrday JikIk' M. llill.' aua'aliml ihc itcnunicr Id d"' f.'ii.l.ini a artur iii' unawi-r In Ihf i av .if J K IHkk" va. Hllna II Siullh. Hid tin. I. f -ll IaiiI allonr.t uiilll Wi-.ln.-a lav. July 3. to a''cr The ..Itlrlal lii-'amit '.nclita cf l'.i'lnln lt.-i.l a n.' limn, h Hyl.h u' td l.iwa I .-n tri It. 411 In- tin. II IV .1' pill ..f hi!'. 3 ( Ki.v toiiiniec 14. ii'l Ionium-. I1' Tli' iiiraaiiii'iniiila .-r.- k "ii y.-a,. i..iy '.v i.-I'.iiv iV.llf. I 't Me I..' in. Th ' S' li otnl I'.tu. ail auil ( on-n'..n ai i il-. 'I Jnlv Ihc " It S u! Min i.- a r.'ii'i.l I ni. ml.- (r.'in A"l" ii.i if in "' Ti. k- .hi Mil. Jil'v '.' nn.l 1. r.-tin Init lun'l. AuK'ia 31 I'm: a: ! k.-i .m. r ii I! S .I'M k. Ir fllt'll i :nf 0111 hi n Ml. II IiikI.""!! a 'low .H-l'LlVOiK ( full lin ,f Pi.- I.ii a! a:y-. In f ill ml' In, .-it -it Hi" ! i'.l"hiiiciii t.- nt'.y ,, iic, l.y h. r n' ' 1 ' i.'ik r. '( !. ......ll" lh' IIiiIk-i .II" Mra I : i 1 -ii iii. .-.iiitca .i full Ilr - of 1. 1 d mil n'a fnriiiniilnif K .o Ir A I'-'l'11 1 "f ihc 'l"'t ..lllll 'II in, nk I in iin.l -Il iWa Ih-it ihc tolnl av.illil'l" !-a uiilll h.' ii' ' ..i. k huh,- la 4":'.:t. will, h t l'.''f. roa.-a l. aa than '0i l vai iiic Aa i i.u'i a aiifr.-iiinit Hunk"! f.-r th" t.-at l.f th" a- .ia.0l ' l.rv lll l'd I' .r hr 'h"il. n Kndrynr inr-.-t in K at ("in liina.l. July 1". Ihc n II A N haa ma I,, a rnind-irp latr of $T 50 fr mi A a I . i Tl(k"! n Jtilv I. ; ml 3. ij.i.d f' r-turn tip nn il Hep. i.-inli'r I ! .i."V' .-ti rnilir ('all at' tl,k.-t ..m.", It. N d'k. f'-r oir. il ulnra In .nd-r l slic Aain'.iiia .1 oiint'i Hm" il lh" L'.K'h ,,n Sunday. Jnn" in. It li.m h n ati.i'i.. to honor i n'l'.ir S.-a-l ! M k. !a "ii tin- r. 'iiin trip ill" oiil.ia' . ii-ioci, l.-iivliiit S.aal. I' ll . p ii. an tiliK lit a! 'I ll lU'lll C. . in. ull'f" It Will at.ip l":iT ""llKh I i i" I nil! . I"." . t'O . to H"! off Tv 1 1 It A N ( . h.ia ina l. a i' ,,f tof. (a .in Aai "-.a at) I I -t t l.i il I f 0' III,. I'.i I 'll. ii. Ill cp a 'ton al Hot- Ti. k.-i 'I I n .!" ' -I 'ii I hit I T I it a. Iiiii.- t,. i vnln-r. oic'.n t 'Ph. -a.- l. k-'a Hill"! he II". I for - m'tti'i ila l.,l.lil" (To'.'i. oll "'o ni..ii till Ii" .ill i.f. I iiiihln lliiiil linn' i.-luriiitii; WEEK End Sale unlay nilit, Juno 'J'.'tli. (unity to sivim jjoutls ut PRICE ." (HI .'J (id 2 (id i I 2.". i (in The ain.t?n'iit tlmt heavy alurka nf Hi. I WK pm-k nf a.rp h"ld Ihp "oaal and thai 4",'KiO i-aaoa arc hHd (in th I'olintilila rlvrr, m m oil1lali c l In the Flailing ()ucc, la d"til"d ly l.icil . . ti ri--f--tii'-ii. M ho any Uiat 'lie atnik of left-iyora la llnhler limn ev.r Infnrc An emly ni'irnliiK rriiral..n Irulii w.ll .'t" Aainrla nn the 4th uf July ! w ruiiitiiiid ile the who wleli in iil lelid lh.- Ktnnd i el..iriillun at Hcia ! iitul a(-n. (In- holldiiv lit Ihc Inn. h 'I'll., v rv I iw mi" "f "f- iciim for minim mi. I 4 i'"-nl fur rlilldr'-n haa Im-cii ! iniid" f..r the rmin I Irlp KimukIi " i will he tak. n In i any all the crowd' ! W l'ik- A "(, have hi.-n In- j a 1 1 il. .1 in tt'.lhd'aw nil (loiiliiil,a ' i ' iliiiiihlii river new m a.ilin .n, ay i lh' Kialilii (iiij-ll", Thla U 'ill'ie' I I 1 hat" h.-eii lime uMliiit l the I Of In pa' k I, i ,r n..' IMialiiii.llnif the total Ii. it ia am ill No iiptalloiia are nut ..ut , f.. 1'iiKt amiii'l. aa pin k ra are wait I till fi.r develoPtii'tita ii a In lh" probable r.iaat pn-'k. " W. I'ifco A ".. la an d In he ihe unly firm nfferliiK Ala-k.i fu iiir"' Tliey ipinle aa folium- It.-.J Alaaka. nieillU'ii (mho-a) I'd. c I'l tiK ihunii'b ii kai, TV. and rlmm-, Tnc The Tll.iina'k H.-rild wanted a aii,. I plriiini to Ha 'ajit liic t.rliiteil mi l i IUk'-r cf Ihf M'-adl,iflit pla. c. lua plum ai th" illa...aal of hla hroih.'r ' editor K"ll'iltif ' the tu ktiowl.'.lit.' ' m-nt (if th r"iirt"y cll. d fnnn th" hial laaiie i.f t)i" II. rai l "Hlnc Urn It'.k'r amlly i n'i.-tit.-. !., print thla ailpplr'tiefil f.ff Iia. w hl( h la lTlnt"l b l ' ter Hull e 'uuld bl II ulira.'lvea, ( t lihdr.i.y all Hie oure i u-a.-dn. -. , httvr .u!i'l"h "I ale. ut mir r.-aia-.-te l hroiher. arid :ll Irv. if !.aiiilc, to wrlle nore tru'lifully ahout hltn In the fnnn' " The l'"hlii)f lial.-ll" a.iva I: l ihoiiifl'! Dial tln-ri' will he n k .1 ud-tain.- in 'he price "f all kind of i. I alui.'i! 'ha y-'ir Thr r.aidl' o a waitfliit it N'.-t ..nit' at h'-ni" hie In all pur a ..f th" w ld tli.-re la ;i demand f..r . inn I a.iltnoti an n la .n, -re.ialiiK. Thla ..-.ii Ih -re w re itidi. .ilioii ih.-i- M.iild l- a ifi.iii'r d-inatil than . l.i I.- f o lull nil.'!, ai - Ine K"ol t' till th" ..t.. i-a '' T! rd.'r ..f aupply an I .1 "in in. I .ll 1." Ml" r'Kill.ilor ..f jirl.-.-a llila y.-iir. in.l .1 la the ..p :i. ti . f nil -ltifnli:v titer tlah. iin. n that prl. a a Ii: ha'. ' I I'- a lt' nn I The it .v rnni-tit tranrprt Thyra ttlinh arilt -d fat.-rd.iy fiom Manila mil Niciaili!. aa W'l. '.filed i:h a i h. lua ..f a'.-mi wh::ea ;. tt !i. h th" a llirta r.-apond-d with r..uit.jt iln-.-ia. Th. .hip ( t h-.- .1 d hi In r way to I'orl Iml mid lh" ml Hera wl'l U- tranafcr i. . to lh.- S.iu'h r.i Tu. Ifl. tram and H linn. i-' ly ' Sa.i l-'i .un i''" Tin ..fll.'ia on th" Thyra r" I'apuiitu i I All it. W i P.'ia. hhau r and I!..--" It N.' hO". K.rat l.i' ut'ti.inla A .1 llrottn iin l Kn.-Im m. and S.-. "ii I l.l 'iil' I'a it A i'. Ia. .a There wre nin.-tt Hire mcf.her ..f '. II . Thirty iilnih in f.iti t r v. K 'l'Til paaaa HKera (it d. r. I ilep .rt.-d ,'r on he I'hillppln.-a. in. I I- '. ld i -ra of -, ati.iu. . ..mnianda Th.- ,..iii;r.-aai.n.i .-..';t;e.. ..n ri v -eta and li.irl.ota ni yatenlay In ape, linn the Wlllait.'-:!.- a far aa Al hanv with atopa at '. r t a! I: . Hih'in aid in. k ii ' 1 1 v Th" party arrlv-.l In I'orlland y.-ai rl.iy n ornlni: and Jif l r lu.'iikfaatlni; .it th. II. t.-l Portland iiiiiu. .1 a., .y io-h . .'.1". t. lh. -( tt.i.n wa.i'.iin f 'r t.'i. in Am 'tit,- th"-.-win. Join.d th.- piny i! I'..r Ian I w t,- I t, it . I St.ll.a t J .i, Simon. II oi i: I. i: l it . f 'I' i:.iui....k. an I l -r- M i . I'.i't n " n and I t lticr, .1 - 1 .1 1 , - -1 1 1 T I) It. .- ! .. n-i: Ill'- Uik.-r 'Mt i '"I ui.h.'i .t ( '.'-urn. r- '!.- l.i :. t h" v i ill i .!. .i n I t..m or a I I I t ii nit a: ' .. lo. k tint will h,.arl i h" i i . r I" ':!' r f -i- A-!"i i .n r v. ;iis It i it .' 1" nn i '. iiiitr.'..".' w.'.l lake Hi" I'-" IS i" I'-'i ". St.-t ii- .m l j.. . .il a 111 ...ti.- ttn -it a. fill mil' a . ut . ii i h H'v I ' nn. r a ill h. it . I a ;!i" I lo.. I l-' .1 ,it i'. ".I p in. .i .. an hour :,r i- tti" ".."Ml ti,i!tt mil I Pi I p. p., i hm,! ! TI:,' S.I I - III S ".l-lll -I ll.l- t'l. f-'l.'W- 1 1 IC lo a.iy ref ii'l tih' S-.tei.irv" I 'a , .m ini I. y I r p -.hv'.luti . Th"le I- tl. -ll 'llUti: a., f l! .1- III" pen pie it " , on .-i ii,-1, of j.l.i. nu S-' i -tin v f Sia'e 1'tl.ilnif .l tin- sh'-lf T,n party h.i-a ii'iv .ituili!y ..f ahl.- in. I dr. a-it int: ii"v in. ii. Hut 'h'-p- in no thoiiuht of telllnif Mr, Inuikir that h" lllllat t .. IM'M- tlllll h" ll.l." Het V'-.J Hl"t III, leutly fer a ami;!, term No. Hint ta not itcnrr.illv tli" way Hie people or lh- Itepuiili,-in party do thitiK" Wh,-:i lin y dia. over : !h"y hut" plao I un .ttl. teiii. il.le. .iirefiil. ,-onouiti-al, puiiitiiklti man in oflii-e they like t.. .nd.i!i" him. Th"v 7tv.' him a aeinnil l-iiii Tint la Jii"! what th.y ar- nut pre pin lint t.i dn for Mr. Ihinbar. The t .'i y Ki' ilnl K-nili-men who lire lieitiK "in. -nil. .ti.-. I" , r.iii ll.late." for vr"tarv ..f ai r- ai" oil y.nini; tn.n They will all "k-'u." nut f.nir y-'iir from this .late th alnliii.M of on,- (.f th' in may In a. i Ih.oniiitli'.v ,"d that th' mat" i-imv-oi;i,iti tuny ro-oifti x.- and nominal" hltn. A VOTING CONTEST fnn by the Fhiterprlniajj Merohan's of Astoria by Whh-k a $500 Kimball Piano Will be given nway FREE To the School. Church, Lodge or lauly nf Astoria votenl Ihe moat pnpuliir by September 21. I'M. All bulbils must he markcxl with lutne of inet-hant Issuing same. Other ale they will not be counted. The following inorchanlfj lfue mt vote with each '.Tic c.ish purch.u-'e: PACIFIC BAKERY. Rakerv. SIIANAHAN'S. rrvgflos Spuv. P. A. STOKES, Cki'hlng and Gents furnishing. PETERSON A mtOWN, Hov. and hoes. A. V. ALLEN, Groceries Crockery, ll.irihvure mid Feaxl. SCll(l.eIEl.r A IIAUKE. Griverh. FOARD 4 STOKES CO.. Groceries. I.l.irdwatv and Quernsware. A. W. SHIPLEY, Groceries, terms cash, r.'i" Commercial. WASIIINC.TO.V MARKET, Chrlslcnsen Co., meats. It I''. ALLEN SON. Wallpaper ana Pnlnls. Oltll' FIN RKED, Rock nnd Station ery. BOSTON RESTAURANT. George J. Rums, Prop. MISS SI RAN Y. Slllllnor. II. H. '.A PP. Kurnllure. II. EKSTROSI, Jeweler. Piano on exhibition at F.aurd & StnkcS Co.'s show window. Ellers' Piano House of Portland, Oregon, Pacific coast rep resentatives for Kimball Pianos. KXI'KHT TI34TIM'NV. Pi onin.-nl It.iilwuv Cmi nti Advant-niti-a nf Aatorln na a Heap irt. Th" fnllnwlfiit la reprinted f fun th.. New- Vmk I'nmm 'Cf-lin Jun" 2.1: A f.inn-r (illlrlil uf one of lh" Cat a dlan i nlli .ni. I In an Interview t nl.iv a.ll l -' Il.'l ev.. the I'tllle l HUP' ffiv- eintn.'M' ad mid d" all Hint i nn to help lull) I Up III'1 Plli'lllr i'(.llal tllirle.ra, Th"ie 14 ii Ioiik alr.-li-h of cmal line, rxteti Unit from HoiiiII'tii I'lillfurnli ..n ih" HniHi In Ciipe Klill-ry un lh' N-'iili, with hut few I hub r Thoae nr.- .it Hun il"ifo, Hun Kram-.m-.i lt d Aaini a Wlu-n ih,. Improvement In Hi" pl.'i' are r..ii pMd a! Han I'edr.i Hi.i: will iifTord nn (.nil"! ii I'a An-ife.-a. The hull r a! I'nir ll.iy la a lt one. hut aalde from th" 'hip inetita .f i- a th'-r.' la n i hua.ncaa at thai point. "It ina riiih-r alriinit" to m. Uiat a itreat-T effort h ih not li en mad., hv tllnr' ll.i"l-t'l!.llly ltll"teat.-d lf t.lkllK adt nuliiKe "f th" nr.-, ii . pir unit'. of fered hv tli.. hat hoi' w hl( h th" I'ultjtnhia nvr nfforila H'itle and Tacoma. ..n Piniet a mil. I. hate hullt up u kp'ii i- j, ,rl Mild Import hualn.-aa. an I wh.-n .ti.. e. i,.-a 'u r-ina'dT the lltidvaiit iupa of 'h"a.- H,lni. cmipafel with A'lorli or Porilniid. it ha.ka aa tlmuith lh' InP-reaia "t the two latter rl'.ha were aarrimel In fnater th'lr Northern alalera "Kvi.ry im. know lh denae fotta thai ar.' a i pp't' il.-ni at time off i 'ap- Flat I'ty. and ther.. la tin- Intijf paai.. thr um'h the Htr.tita of d.. Fu. a h.-f ire turning Inlo I'liir't a oind at I"-rt Town ii, (if , .nr.'. th'-re are tv,n I uially f ik 'ilonif th.. en'tte a'ah .ard frm ('.i- pl.iit.-rv t i Han I'U'g.i. hut na y. .ii no a ni Hi th" h'tiauy .-"ma to dlm'nih ('tie ..f lh - iicat n "f tnina porta'ioii la ilia! of fuel and !t ha. ' n ahow n hy it .t'er'.ni'-n'al tenia th it til" (.' , (if . -;K ( II !1 1 i t ", f tl'.P hay a am !l I '.I I hAt of M' la'iiiiK' oi I.eintf .-i,.n. in ll.a inn Mini of i-a-non and la. k nilphilr in tlii! of th Wn:nK.'"i mln-a on '.iiir.iiiv.-r 'alind "The ( 'a 'adl.lti I'.ielil IH Imi hua hullt lp a! the .i-n f ih,. Pni'.-d Sta! -a. thr'.ti'.'h ,t d ff.-i.-n'i.-ila in rat.-. i ri-a' elpori hua.neaa ... th.- (irtent. (I'll h.K illao Ih- It ahl" lo-Upp.Tt II 1:1V ..f al.-aitliTa to All"'! lllll. vh''-l toU' ll : llo'ioliiiu Iia principal p. i r! . Va-.. r.iiit.-r. . rrio! .-nmp.ire with A-tora an I it laa; p..rr of i-.i'l, Vi tor .1 An Vtn ntiv.-r aland, n a h:irli..r w hi.-h It la Imp atatli',. for ..."ii K nit ffeU t" ent..r. and th.-v are .ihliu-d to nn. nt what la .vill" I rh- t. r wharf, n-r- aa't I'niif a Ions haul for all fr.nKhi4 "Th" ( 111 thla rtv.-r of t'l" -II .a; ".ftll" "-!..ll of the I'tll'") St.i'.-a, rnni aa the ' 'ri-'-it w alr.-adv a httK" i' 'iHiim t of Hour, and i!i trad.' I .oi Hie Ii:.'r'i-. the tralll.' fi'mi :hla on.- ti'.'''v al el", ahoiild In. In. .. y .ur itofernm 'lit .'.ir "fully to r .nai.l. r the er.' it ' .idv.n.l.iBea which A."!"- i.i i ;i. a ln:'t of etitrv. "Th" -h i' ehinn.'l a'.ntiir th" water fr .nt of A.a' ,a pta.oi.'.illy d".-ii l-nnllath 'or ".'..111 e"lfl of I (l.- . I. (.; 'riiuirht. .in I bv aofiie nd lillotial drMif Inn of 'he river I' can he mud" on" of ih- line; h'rU.ra ..n th" Pacitl,'. ttltli ih.- allitional nn-jl.-ulahl' - --.. fit "f affordmir a fr-h wat-r har bor at the moii'h of th" ..ltutihia riv. r w ml, I Hi my opinion, lin w.iy d- 'ra. t fi on Portland' huamesa. ,ut im-teal w ..ill I h" a h"lp !.. th i! i ut "I itnd.-rat and that lh-r.. la a cm-irre-a.-.tial c-.m-nltt"' V aitoiit th.. Pa c'll.' . for th" pur" i. ,.f int . -t inn Ins t.'in hai'o.r In or .-i m r- 'iou ti I u.'h a, 'ion ,ei Hi" part ..f ihe k .t ern, m -nt ,i It mat' think it". . -..rv. and un'".- th.. (. .il npy .oi Hi" rir' ..f Hi" :.r!iiiH .in, I Portland--! m.ik.- th--m l.lmd in their pp o-lunny of .-'low "hk Hi" "oMitr"""!''!! '.thnt i: w.ui'.d m-'.m. not o' ty ; i th,. ( "..iiuni.i.i rit. t' di.-in.--. to impt-.t,. the importunities which :!ie Mi .ii h ,f Hi" i 'ol'i iiln i r t.-r . (T-'ra aa a tialural ha rh r it A-toiii aoin.. fitor nhic a. "I ni wi'l i.r.h ihli t n k'-rt hv l-olicr. -a ,! it ncXl .'-M"ll .01 the III" "ll 'II "Th- ('ani llan Picttlc I i-ulti "K Into ;h" 'r:i,l.. ,,f tin. Am. r , ,in. an I roller' -I a. 't'.m "ii th n.n t of 1 1." tr,ina,-oitti. "i;,i roads is n.v..irv to; "inn. t-.i 'i th" inlliienc- . f Hi. -ii Krcat rixal ' WHAT Ol'K FI.AC, STANDS Fi.R Wh r v. r thi' Am.'ri. iii rtii U rais ed in token of nvi r-'lgnty. i: munis for liberty, hidde n. ten. and c-malitv. What -ur line is to Hie nation, llnsp-t-ter's St.mi.irn Blurt's Is to the in.ii. vl.l'.ial. inii-niu.-h as It not vily gives y.iu frr-'loni from ailments, but protei-is voui- syst ni In Mich n manner that Ihey return. When y ur stonu.'h K"t out of ord"i .-mis n you to belch afti r eat Hit. or when you ar s.i ii.'rt Mis ihal you tons about all night, iinalil,. to sic. p. you should cer tainly try i. b.vuus It will strengthen your at nn ich. your nerves. Induce sound, heilthy sleep, and for indiK-'silon. cons'lp.itlim and biliousness Iher" 1 limbing t i e.iuil II. I!li"ii M. tism !s also counter iced by its direct actio:', on the ki Ineys. CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICES. Program ' Sn.nliy School at R.lptiM Chinch TM.Inht. The 'ollottliiR prmtrini ttil! be siven bv Ihc ll.ii tist church Snndav srho 1 tonight in obsei v.incc of Childi-'n's day Song. "Children's Day'' School TnviH'.itinti Mr. Trumlnill Response School Song. "The Summer's Come" .. School Scriptur.' Ri'.nl Responslvelv llynm School Recitation. "Miss Clover" Hii'l lielland Solo mid I'horiis. ' Summer Again" by Henry B.'ll ind ind Class of ("iit'l? Dialoirue. "in Fish Season'' Roy and l!ay FmMyee Recllatiui, "In Rl,-,!iii Tune" Five C.ils Recitation, "Happy .Morning" lacsier B.liatul Pa'sy Crandtuas and Daisy Song.. Six little girls i i costume Solo. "It. iviiuT Song," Fre.ldie McKe.hiiie Excicisc. "A No-'egay" Minnie .Vines nnd rix "Daisies" Song. "Pia'iie In Ni'inv" School Exerclsa. "Children's Day". ..Ten Boys Song, "Summer's Praises" School Solo Sllss Lulu I'Ntes Address, "The Missionary Work of the American Baptist Publica tion S.H-lety" Mr. Trumbull Offering for the Missionary Work of the Society Hymn, "America" School, Cniigregatlon Benediction. PllR SAIaE. The Columbia River Fuckers Associ ation has for sale, two schooners and ono launch. A description of the schooners; follow: Schooner "Kinney" Length, So.S: beam, ll.:i; depth of hold, H.IOUj. Schooner "Hut tie" Length 31.9: beam, 9.9; depth of hold. 3.S. Offers will be received at the office of the association, where full particu lars may also be had. Distress after eating la eoaal from th i'mnayh D'H Uifli.a.iiK rg work luiuiialiate.f . Until it K'lflo work you f'Ml d truawal am to A lajra In yixir tlum u-li Uk a Wright. To atari .lnption to maka th totuo'li do Iia wm you muat aaaiat II If y.ur luuiacb la tuk ut alow to work Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 Ukaa aftarr maala auppllaa th atoa ayb with oawaauiry aanala and Jukaa wblata nlfaat th tvA qaitklr lo a proaair maunar. To t th bast raaultaoaa Balawln'a liaatlth TablaU Ka K with tba L)yaw(aia TaDlata. Tha Dytvpaia TaUau owt Mt aad a iMbtvl M FRANK HART Huccaaor to Th. 01en, 4j0-! tJo. St. HA''ttKI fOVBIiT PHWRAM Splendid Muai-al Pr"irram by M. E. Church f'holr. Th followlnir proirram ha hwn ar-rimp-d f .r th- ;acr-d nrvert in be biv-.i .11 :h- .M.-'.hoillKt Church flight: 1 1 oXnr.(ty Illl'.a'Utlol) Anthem. "I' V" the Father". (Jounod laa li-a' I' Quart'-tte, "Ave Ma ra AW SoloMr. rnnz,it'-r; Ch oru Mr. Middoak. Mi Vk1. Mm. Ml!" Wniore. Mi F. I nil Mi liuM't'. S.lo, "Th" Man of S-.rr.wj" ...Adam Dr. tUrr. So,i and Choru. "The Choir Invis ible" H. Jones 8 -do Mra. Madd"K-k. M il- Quartet. "Nearer My God to Th-.-" Sweeney S . In.Mr. Klmop-: 'h .rua.M-Mir. Il-nn-t'. Mci'u', Thornton and Klrtior'. l:"t.ntve Readlnif. "flloria" ..H"witt Solo. "The H Mvenly Song" ...H. Gray Mr. rhini KT Iu-t!" Mii F x nil Mr. Thirntn Anthem. "Se'k Y" th" IfM". . .Robens Sol". "i'h. Iawd. II" M"rciful"..Hartktt Mr. Thornton. An!h"Ti. "Chrot I P.I"n" .... Pratt illy request.) Hymn, "Am -rira" Th" collection taken will he for the befrllt of th" choir. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice is nerehy given to all i-ani's hoi ling Clatop counly warrants, en" iloraej prior to Ih -ember 1st. 1SS. to pr.'a.'iit the (tame to rh- coun'y treas urer at his . if lire 14 Tenth street, for .aym.-nt; Interest cease after thl date. H. THOMPSON. County Treasurer. Im! -1 Aslorl.i, Oregon, this 28th day of Jun mi. MERCHANTS VOTINCr CONTEST. The f.Il.'inr J.'.oi 1:1 rash on"' of A;.-ria h:tv. ot er: oniot.m:. for the r.-l by the inercha.i; rei-vivfd 4t.i to;..- or Pub'. Librarv ' Tiw: ,v.m.' K.IKI- Elk C.t'.itrcitutinti City Pirk . Church 3X19 StW Commercial club S . Mary s Hospital T'.K Fort Stevens Rending Club "-' Finnish Brotherhovl til- A lulrs School v- F .r.-sters rniontotvn t'hurih ': The commltte" expects a heavy "ote next week, when people will pay 'heir monthly bill. NOTICE TO STl'DENTS. Tj students of International Corres ponden.-e Schools I will make the fol lowing special offer for June and July To th stud nt who secures for me the largest numb-r nf nrollments. I will give a bonus of $10. and to the one securing the next largest number I will give $i. The minimum number neveaTry to secure the $10 Is live enrfllments and three entMllm'n is to secure the $5 bo nus The bonuses are in addition to the creiits a." )ved by the schools. Hoping there are onu -ustlers among von. I am, 1 ours trulv, LOl'IS G. SPIES. WHERE DO YOU lilT YOUR GROCERIES? HAVE YOU TRIED A. VV. SHIPLEY? 606 Commercial Street, DO YOU KNOW That he gives the best there is to be had in the city for the least money? Tlace an order oiic- and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St.. ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED 2061. J. A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone 221. DRAY1NG AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will. Receive Special Attention. No, 518 Duane St., W. J. COOK. Mft Astoria. Or. Rea. Tel. 1111. riKAl, F-HTATK TRANHFKIlS. K. K. 8.Ulrf and wlf in Arthur fla-rrv let I. block 41. Moillday; 11. J W. Walker tn V. ti. i'r -:( .37 acre. In a( Hon I:. T 5 N. It 7 W; ?,. F.dward J. Mc'V.ntieil and wlf. io John K. rn lloln niir'hweat iiuarfr nf nectlun 24. T 6 N. It W; W. V. Curfir to H. II. Hodsfedon t al. north mi quarter nf aou'htat 'luirler of aa.ctiuii 11. T 7 N. H W; II. CALI FOR WARRANTS. Nitl- t hereby tflven to ad parti! hoidlntf CUta.-,p county warrant prior to Novmb r 13, to pr ent tht hh to th" c.ninty treaurer at Hi office. Kd Tenth :ret, fr payment. Interat oa'- after thl da'e H. C THOMPSON. County Treaurer. ti;'d. Anorla, Or'., thin Ust day of Jun. 1901. FOR HAI.K Of. P.E. Two new cottn at Bajild-. location, well fumLahed. Good water. Apply to C. M. Cu'.hblrtWi 177 Seventh tret. Aatoria. or to 8. J. Hubbard. SiSilde, Oreg;c.n. WHBAT MARKBT. 1'ORTIVAND. June M.-Wb.u, Walli Walla. STffM. SAN FRANCISf'O. June J9 -Wh:. December. IM; caj-h. XVi. "HICAfK. June U What. Septem ber, opening, KH965'4; closlni;, LIVERPOOL,, June 29.-What. Sep. tember. 5s. bi. TACOMA. Jun 25. -Wheat, club, Wi: bluetem, 57'-j. SILVER MARKET. NEW YORK. June .-Siiver, 0314. THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES .AND F.ARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 1 ' " 1 KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade.. Bottled beer for family use or keg beer supplied at anny time. Delivery in the city free. North Pacific Brewery Pacific NavigationCompany Steamers " Sue II. lilmore" and "V. II. Harrison" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi and Bay City, Hobsonville Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany and also the Astoria & Colum bia River Railroad for San Fran cisco, Portland and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore & Co., General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE ( 0. R. & X. R. R. Co., Portland, AGENTS A. & C. R. R. Co.. Portland, B. C. LAMB. Tillamook, Oregon. FOUNDED A. D. ITIO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OP LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IX THE WORLD. Cash Aaoeta, ... $11,500,000 Cash Amaatn In United State. a.oi6.Qjj C A. HENRY & CO., 215 Sansome Street, SAMUEL ELMORE HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, The Only First-Class A MERCHANTS' CONTEST FOR FIVE IIL'NDKF.I) DOLLARS IN (iOLD COI.. Tha undersigned mcrchanla of Aatorl for the purpose of bowing' their appre ciation to the'r eujtomeri, have tgrced to atirt a contt under tha following condltlona: We give one vote for every lea (10) cent purchase. Vote may be rat for any society, organization. Public or prlvite lnttu:l"n or InJlvldutl. N vot?a can be fold under any clrcunt etancea. The conteit laate from now until October L The ocltv. Inetitutlan or Individual receiving the hlgheat total of vote will he awarded ihe five hundred dollar with which to buy a piano, or furniture or whatever thy may prefer to by. Row. Hinging A Co., grocerlea, tto. Fisher Fir'-., grocerl, etc. V. H. Coffee, grocerl!i, etc. Johnon Brjs., grocerien, eta. Jamea Crouchley, grocer. Central Went Market. P. Ltwler tc Co.. floli market. Palace Restaurant. 8mde Bakery. Oregon Bakery. Robinson's Furniture Store. The Be. Hive, department etore. The Wonder, department store. Hoeflers' Candy and Ice Cream Parlor. Tagg'a Candy and Ice Cream Parlora. John Hahn, shoe store. J. H. Seymour, Jeweler. Eagle Drug Store. Central Drug Store. Herman Wise, clothing, bats, etc. C. H. Cooper, dry goods, clothing, etc. S. Ijanilirer, clothing, hats, etc. N. Schlus.tell, clothing hats, etc. Will Mad'.son'g Cigar Store. Jack Burns, cigars. P. Miller Son. cigart. Theo. Bracker, clgirs. John Pentllla, cigars. J. L'trnger. cigars. Fred Brown, cigar. ION MOUTH, OREGON DEMAND FOR GRADUATES. The demand for the graduates of the Nor mal Schools during the past year haa been much beyond the supply. Posi tions with from 10 to 175 per month. STATE CERTIFICATES AND DI PLOMAS. Students are prepared for th state eliminations, and readily take state papers on graduation. Strong acid?mic and Rrofeasional Course. Well equipped Training De partment. Expens? ranging from $120 to $175 per vear. Fall term opens September 17. For catalogue containing full an nouncements, address. P. U CAMBELL. Or, J. B. V. BUTLER. President. Secretary. GENERAL AGENTS. San Francisco, Cal. & CO., AGENTS. OREGON Hotel In Portland