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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1901)
0 THE MOKM.NG XSTOKUN SlNUl, dTNP aft. I'HH Telephone Main KL TEKMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. teat by mail per year $100 Bent by mall, per month 60 Served by carrier, per month to SEMI-WEEKLT. j tent by mail, per year. In advance, 15.00 ' All communications Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Astonan." Business communications of an kinds and remittances must be tddrensed to "The Astorian Publiah tof Co." The Astorian truaranteM to Its ad vetieere the Unrest circulation of any ewspaper published on the Columbia ttrtr. Advertising rate can be had on ap Hcatl"" Is the business manacer. AS OPEN LETTER. To the Members of the Committee on River and Harb-ira. of the House of Representatives: Gentlemen: It ia bes?n sail to you through the columns of the Oregoman. and you have doubtless heard the same statements from other sources, that there Is concerted effort on the par: of Astorians to do Injury to Portlanl and the whole Columbia basin. Tou bave been toM that there is a feeling of antagonism to P.artlanJ centering In this city and. In furtherance of that enmity, effort is bins made t J retard Improvements, made at the govern ment's expense, on the Columbia river. Tou have been tolj that it Is not loy alty to the state and to the Northwest, tributary to the Columbia and Willam ette rivers, that prompt the utterances of the sentiments that Portland believes to be hostile to that c'.tys interests. Tnut that it Is a conspiracy on the part of the Astoria & Columbia River Rail tray and "town-lot speculators" wh.w sole purtve is personal gain and the upbuilding of Astoria at the expense of the entire s'ate. Take a map of Oregon. irnilenvn of the commirte. and -nark the region of the vast wheat fiel! of the fertile Co lumbia hasin. Tou rvill notice rhat there Is but on water lev?l route through th Cascade mur.ta;i.- in 1 that i- the gcree of the folutr.bla en route f A.--' tori bay. Kailroa 2s from tne sim. mints to Pue-t sound no- rru-' e'imhl th rascae? on s i ner in- c-i Tet wheat is worth a '.on h 1 furmer delivered at Satl!e "t Ti. eni than It is delivered to Portland. Whv1 Because terminal ra-e that tr gran 1 1 ls;c by railroads from eomm.?i p.'in: d liver the araln 'o the wihiar on the i Pound. At Portland there still r-trsai- I (inn hiinrsid miles of river trmsr'Cr'3- ' tion. The price of wheat is rgulatl In Liverpool, at a fixed pricJ -nd- for Its delivery In that market. Th-refor in- wm-r ran i- -""r rreed rate, based on 'he Liverpool I market, th cost of trnpor:a-' tlnn and the broker's margin of profit. The average difference In the charter i rates to the T'nited Kingdom from Pu get sound and Portland Is from two to three and one-half shillings in fivor of the former ports. This additional cost of transportation means a corres pondingly lower price for all wheat shipped via Portland. The supremacy of Portland as th seaport of Oregon has been maintained through :he efforts of the Union Pacific rallroal. the channel that his b-en dug out by the government for deep ."-a I ships, together w ith the determination t make Portland a comnvn point of deliv ery Instead of to a seaboard harbor, ha-i put millions of dollars Into the !xk ets of the transportation company mag nates, and each dollar has T.en takn unjustly from the farmer. But you are not hre to discuss railroad 'tu-sttorj'. perhaps. Still you ar- herJ to see That appropriations made from the Federal treasury are exon led where the m": good will bo accomplished. Th rha-i-nol of th- Colu nbla river from Astor'a to Portland is sufffclontly d-ep 'n, th reiulrements if riv r mm-pi,r;it! n Th upper rlv -r is In neeij of improve ment and the state is h arrlly in f vir of aoproprlations for this work. Hy all means there should be an op.-n r.vr from Lewlston to the s-a. Bur if h:ps should go one hun lr-d n.,1 -s inb, n 1 f .r cargoes why not two hundred r hi-e hundred? Why .Pd dig mit a ! for deep .-a ships to C4li:o. . n tli princlple that the ships must go to the grain fields insteal of the grain com ing to the seabiard? Th- railrot-js would thn stop at upper river "s.-a-ports" and where would Poitlarid'. vaunted supremacy be? Wherein, gentlemen of the c mxitti-i;, lies a menace to the vari-de stale !n en deavoring to obtain for the farmer full measure of value for the product ef his toil? The Or'sTonlan has kno.vlnn ly male a mls-tatement when l: jays that "this demand Is that nothing more houM be done for Improvement of the navigation of this great river " If you find that the ,r'-M: ohann-i is quad 'for river transportation, by all tnwin provi.le for It. The upper rir and lower har'oor issure.lly ar In n.v.l of further Imprv, upon examination liopvl that your , ment. a v u see. It t ommittce wll will . Ic lea; 1:bra!ly with the approprlati . s for th f purpos". The prvest is not agiinst im provement of the i'olumM.1. but a.iin: i the looting of the Federal treasury fori Improvements that bene ft: i..-pj the stockholders of a railroad com lib a thin, and redu-vs the price pa d the farmer of the state for his (train. Else where in this isue is reprinte I a:i edi torial from the Nev Tork Commer-ial. which Is a thoughtful, earnest ni!y of the situation, and appended 'hereto is an editorial published at a iim- when Eiitor Scott spoke what was m his hart an J was not subservient to an.l dominated by a-tv other inrlu-'noe tran his own of fairti." and rictit. FACTS' FATS'! FATTS' ' ' The -New lorn ommerviai : j-.i:ic M publishes the following editorially ; If the editor of the '(re- i pinian would labor, ore-half as liar 1 j to tell the filth as he .-s to ,l:s n the statement of others, and if he ball the courage of his ow n c-v:ct.on Ions j enough to tell what he believes if.-1 stead of trying to support a h-' knows is injurious to the commerce ,-f j nis own state an,i city, it wou.j r tuvi more credit on hs honesty of purpose and the dig.ilty of his Journal. No careful an 1 intelligent raJ-'r of our editorial of May :9 can Justly ay that it a.s an "elaborate and mal g an: attack on the Columbia river." Th ouroose of :his article was to show how the present transportation policy on the river was d-vlinmg and :he t-ade drawn away from that natural gateway :o othr and less natural gate way routes. The Oreg nian's Hierpr tati n. or misrepresentation of our statements and itf sneaking insinuations as to the motive that prompted nir article are in keeping wi-h this narrow guagied policy to which we have refer red. It seems to them that there :s nothing on the Columbia river ex--pt ; Portland, w hich. In fa. t. is no: .n tne I Columbia river at all. but -"i t t'.v-lv-.-j I miles from the Columbia on ;n- Will- j 1 amette. j The Or-gor.ian ?.iys -hat the . ;.j;Tl i bia river is no: .,nly g-tting s' of foreign trade, but .ncrea.-in tna I share. W-.-1I. h-re are -.he flgur-- .':' n the treasury d-par:m--r.t ;n Wash. -" n They sp-ak for thnt.-lv-s. pUi;-'t S'un 1 Irr.r rt lx'VI ! 1 7 ...i.:i l:d 10 mm umb.a River iWillam Im' rt-. F.xt. J 1st-.! l. !. 'Mi lv;( i.:;i:."ao 6 -,: i l.-.'l 'IV III iie.i-i . i-i-.. -ii D--s thus l.i. .k as if the iu.i.ia..Ua I lieI r.-,.., thus lck as ,f the M'jmb .i '.v a- .-ttir- it share? In l -h- ,m n Pug-t sound w-re wly ;.. d in i:i they were .,Hs,i an in. r-a-e of ove- 22 pr cent wh.U it- exp .r s were in;r--a.ed ovr liv-f-dd. !n th- Wilam-tte d'strlcr for th' sam- per. 1 the i:r.p.irv inrr-as-d ,,nly fr .m ;';'' to Jl.TSt.'X") or l"ss than ') p-r rr. while th experts ln--reasd -nly 'rcn $;-3:i.0-j0 ti l.:20.00 .,r l-s than :w, and a half fold. Notice, too, how th- imi'Orti t.av steadily jtic reas-l on the S-un !. xhi', on the Columbia :her- is no -uh sh.jw irg: in far t, one year ilSK) here i; only I0o0.0,) w.rth '' X' U lo-nugh: In. And what does this rn-'-an? It mans that liners w-nt the full arg an 1 th to the Sound to uriliad. and 'he -mpty tamers and the . ::: g vsstds went to Portland f-.r wh-at. I" that good buslne-is? No wonder the rrg nlan shr.k that "Portland will maintain her riant:-; to the ea and do the busings ,f th- Co lumbia basin in spite of ai! '- -nii-s of the riv-r and Its commerce." u the business T,n of Portland l:k- . , facv such fa'-ts as the above? D . they -.van: the truth, or do they prefer b- p eh winked by a newspaper is the r - -ognlzed organ of the in'.;e.t.- tint ar holding the jusineas of the'r city and state by the ,hrit? And, by way. th editor of it knows h-- Is wror.g. anl he hasn't the ba kle'ne s-;,n by his convictions. When the J-tti--s ar- ' pletf-d at he m.u'h f 'h- Columl. a th- eng-ln -r in e.,a:ge says tiot .Tor will be from 'hi.'ty-fi' e to r r t y f -: of wa;-r at Astoria. ..-. of tn- fi'.--t If not th- In : harbor ..n !i- I'.:, .ti coast. If the railroads -x i -j. mon poit.t rate to ' .v.'t.s oi 'n . .i (and they wll!) a by. -he! ..I,. ,, -v.i, be -,-irr-l :h-te as ;.- -ip n- , -r : -land, and th- ";iiip-.i-. u -h . riv- r will (fij iratit-e iie 1 nt-.'. W.tii ut ii a harbor, a d- :: n-gr cl- t;: u! at. ) an equitable rate all iio.-t.hl.- a;, tagen the i.'oiurmV.i riv-r r or- -.' i,e the arrat o'J'l-t to th--- .--a. Ast . t.i wii. be the port, Portland. !j,.. i.inuri ci-nt-r. and the -ntli- state ,f r. and all -lis rbds tributary t , li :, lumbi.'i will b- tli- pal.-.-.-r-. Every dollar It. ' tn- .r -t.-ffi-y h.i' it cos: a vo'l to pass Astoria's decks and so up to Portland and return must cither come out of the vessel's owner or out of the fanner. Would it take anything older or vvls'r than a 10-yeai-old ivy to see the ut;er foollshis of such mi arra.gvmetn? It simply onves ve'ls to other port. If they ran g. to Portland, why not to The iles? tf titer.' Isn't a:er enounh. ask I'n.le Sam to put .! steam shovels t, . k. We say, In all kindness and trank ness. to the business ien of Portland, isn't I: about time to iall a; an.l to stop a few intlu ntial and misKtiided p,vp!e from nuk.ns r.o of .'UT why n ; .in n and lake of the ! r.souiv.s a: your very door steps to pla.v you in a position t. mot tiny a-d ail coinpe;tors? Th s plea that :he ship must c 'tne to vour d-vks is a phant m. lone sine exposed In .'ther lH il:t:es. Pu; up vour are- noun's ;i; a.iii'im, i'n-n urnoon's 01 jour bank and transact your divk business there. It lll brinj the pods to Portland, and vhre 'he B'ds trv, the buyer vlll cvune. Ii will opi up th commerce of the entire Columbia basin. Your farrera will nam by the lower rates and increased ;ranp illa tion fiivlities. It will g:ve a Uom lo your busui-M.4 and pu; new fe into he entire state. Appended is an editorial which ap-p-arel In the ircitmlan October 1. t. wh .h w is a written repetition of statements pr'viouly made ma public speech : "Astoria is the scart ,f Or.'on. I; ' always t. s.MlMrt ,.f n't.:i i Nature has so ord- r.'l it that th sta: can have no ,.: ,,:,er consider ib' t the (,,.t ,,. prducts of th 1 (ttv c, .,1, .r; , se.roort. We -hall sill's shipp :u I'.'iumbia w ,: rh vl : the a till cars may p. throuh Ast ma n ith.nit trin-shipr..'nt an I th rih.mdl ng of their oonte-:t Then w h ill hue an advantage in :he cm m. railway rate to the s.-rtb-ard. f . re n.ll t- no a.vount .( r.v-r charg-s thetvifter. though many slips' wii! still go io Porlland. Put till th:J shall b,. aiwmpllshed. there kv j ; 1 j. ways tv grund for diss-nminat on against th.s route, which it will s. !. essary t me .4 and cover through var ious methods ef indlrs'tlon. niilriad to Astoria is not a Portland, nor an Astoria scheme, but an On-g-.n h- m' using the term Oregon in the larg sense firmerlv embrace! In ;he g.,i graphical exprvssiai when Oregon p clale.l the Pacific Northaes; ,.f t'n.tej States." The effort of 'he Or-gnian : he! ttle the Importance of the New York i"'in niereial is P-spite the "ft-r-iterate-l s-at'ment bv Fd t r S-.;: that It Is of no cons-'iju-'nce ngnifi ant a.-il nnknon .i. it will t-r-biblv 'm- !' publ "a:i'n at y-ars t m-'. th-' ,.u s-mi Y!"I.Ie".V FKVKP. AT MINIMFM -1 n i a r in M h Is iffl. i . by n- ait'i IIW Y I-., n 'lib.1. : i'.K. j.i .- : 'lib It 1 'V i -u ii n i uc I s n.-l i r- rt-! as r-u!- ng fr-ei, i -ail .v diy n th- 'I m-l J It. II; k-y -T.'-i ll-iv.-'a o .ldj'1 mo t iff ,.f ' 1-i-r il W I said: ii h Th- r-as-m that y-llo-.v f-v-r has n ! su- es.-fuiiv n -r om-' s be. ' b- i a'ts ,f the -ffli'i -nt sani ary nv-th ls ' : -T.J.loy-d by he I'llit-'l States l..l!'h i ials. Havana has b-n -v lut;..n-! li- i n r -gar Its san ta-v i ..nd.r.ons ! j it'--n: exp'-rim-nts i.avi-.g i r iv-d I -nit y-ll iw f-ver wis to a. trr- trasmitte 1 by np'S'iulTo brl in! : th- Tioir al swamfts and th- , -s-iods. dra--tic means were employ ! to kill j th- -- ine-j. As the people ..f N--,v . I .I-" ; have found out. k-roses.. nil or I ! r-T'r -I -urn is a p iw-rful -rm n.ifoi I I f m'iuitosi. AecTd.ngly, the str-ets I and e-wers in Havana and oih-r . it- I i-s on the Island were sprinkled wl'h j k-r r-ene, with the m.t sa'isfactory re- suits Tru. rhe tim of grer-st in I f-ction from yellow ft-v-r la lat-r in th - y-ar. between July and Ofi,b"r. hut I f-el assur"! that this y-ar will -n-l with no deaths from this srouig-- This means In many ways ihe salvation of ''li'iji for If th danger of yellow f-ver is -limlnated thousanls of Am'rlcans who now hold ba k will settle In the Island." KEMPFF AT f AVITK. WASHIN'OTON. Ju.e 29-Tn- navy d-l,art nert has receive J a cablegram f.-'.m B-ar-Admlral h't-mpf announ. Ir,g li s ,-irnvil ahoird h" K -rittj-ky at ''l.iTt-. where he will hav- charg- of tt.e s ation durl.ig th" alisen of Ad miral li-m.-y in Aii'ti'lia anl A imiial P.odg'T. in Jajcin. h" Mo ll, an arrived u Honolulu Jon" l.. 'iLUKfl liRFTrs AT P'lItT SAID WAf-'HINOTO.V, June 29,-A cable gram rec-iy-d at 'he navy .p-purim-m: atoiofiu' .s th-' Tirr.val of 'be colii'-r 'trutu- at I'or' Said, tlius indicating tiiTj- diffi'-ul'i'-s which nri-e nice: h-r iitnvil a' Su"Z on Wedni--dav with I'gar-J to th" piyni"nt of anal toils hav- len satlsfVoriiy adjuw-!. itOYAI- WINK SALK OVIl!!. INDO.V. Jun- 24. Tn f-ale of :t "iirplus win'- from the "oyal liars h:,s b'l-n ompl"t"d. The bidding f .r th !a st lot was s-ns ltional, ;ev-ral IoLh of sh.-rry from Windsor . a.sie, bot-II-I in !20, febhing as high as 23, 10s. ;e-r doZ".n, Th- total pro'-eds from ill- fal- amount : CIS, t". ANTI-VlOK I'HCSAPK STAI5TKIV Women of New York IVploie Oonll lions and Plan Kcllcf, NKW YOI5K. Juno -The Woman's a'ommltieo ,.f Now York at a miss meeting at Prohibition Si.iten Island, bclioi nig u d.vlaivd thai any atlempt to , gii-gutc or regulate lie Is pernk'lous l prlncple an I nils chiev.uis in practice. il-dgo.l l:ef lv resolution, "to the support of pilnc pie without ivgar.l to panics or in livid uaN." Mis .;,na M Ja k n IliM v I. e clia.rman. m her op iiltn; i Idiess sp ke K'.iMiigly on the prt'siiiott for the reg ulation of the s v al evil a.ul urged the women t, work sir 'iiuoiis'.v again-t it Keports of tlie various sub coiiimltie, nhowAl what bad aln be, n done an, I what It Is ptvp.w.'d . ,)o. I!y far the groat -st of ihes,. was Mrs Mary i". Annible's .i.-xmuih , f the r vie n eh l I saving In 'he eighty. two unsalarl'd deputy .sheriffs appointed in 100 by the Kings cunty v C T. f . who ha I the consent of the nhcriff for the ex;vrlment She showed statistics in support of her statement that child vice had hevn ,me half The preen: effort of the union i, eMa il a proh,r.ionjiy court similar to th,. Tiicago children's coui-t iromls,si .uc reus. Itoth projects w ill be t iken up by !li . New York women Mr, niarle Itus. sell I.orteil's municiiMl committee has already w.i:t, l upn the magistrates with a vi-vv ti se.iir'i'g the appoint tnent of worn n pr-bat .m.irv otl,-'r he i 'he tioo charter g .e in;,, f,Ve j Th worst pla.v that . v.' tn this '" Mi l M's Sanli J Kit, I. ,,f ;,e rescue ,-.,m:i!,f .... is . ,w m ab.mi th-; neign'iorh-' I of l.-r .,:i I I'.e, i street. If . -thlpg ,1 ,n ' '; ' 'I' roy.-.j I k.. S. h. .hi and Horn- ' or'-ih Mvtmgs in hails and . tiun ti, s ' do not toir-h this tenement h-tue l.-e ' and - it an I bl is want-I down,' there as well as n :i . W, pr 'po, ' t i .ip- n a o ke- : ,,(.,.., trg,t and day and I. have a w-lcm,. P-ad for all h.i come " ST I.nriS FAIi: SITK National For mmissi,,ii Ai'ir.v-, Park Site and Th-n A IJourne. I he ST I.oflS. June :'?Tlie Worlds Fir Nation i i',.mnii;,i!i at Its -s. n lwt right approved the For-st Park sit- and idjourn-d There w II not bo ano'h-r s-ssl .n ..f the b.y until the iues,i,,n ,,f pi.m uu i ,.(- ,,f tio exposition have made su, h progress as to nevssiti-a an ith-r me'ing. "wnm ssi-.n-r Mill -r. I B.-fs. 'Uynn and A'l ti left t ,.iv f.-- 'h.;r -ene.-t!ve h,.ii-s Pr-s but r.irter an Mr So :t will r-ma. i .ml a.-c-p- t'i-'nvi- it: n of th- 1 s al c n Ttio ... , , . -.mpany :!i-m ;. ItufT.ilo . n Sim l iv Mr Thurston will r- mam n 'h- ,-i!v until -..m rrcc a Vti ' .11 ,. i v f r hi- h.-in . It w .is s- i I a ' . - h- in ' ' 1 1; h.r ' -v il ,..; , . . th.. , m' . ,., '-o- ' ll ! ', o . I - . inn h -., ... 11 ' "f st- is , r i at ' r ' I- .-! o s h i' '!.. in. .; o t... ., -roil y i.-i - j 1 1 - - - -. .n s n .- -!i- I g il IUTII. fe- ! t- . ' 1 1 1 I . : - - I -1 . X.I '11 ! TI - I ' h-- to '! p k and 1 ! ,-:'..!, f h ' -'it"' ''.it t d-tir: 'ig ' Ii- Pur .-.-s i - u h . h -h- p it k nnglit I, 'S-I S-T. I' of L.tlLsiV, ..tie ..f 'be le. Til otnm.' ' ". aim ein. 1 that lr oil I of b- ,riv a- 'l fo,,ii . , ,,ppi-i-Ti..i) :. the park f r the n ,.f ),.- -x-psltion and that th- law in the w as ;m;.- and w.-ll .l.-fln. -I. Th.- eon,. .' 'li-r-iitiofi appr.iv-d th- sue an I after f Tmu'atiug an "ftl-Mil d-i l.'irjti 'ii f th- i otnm ss..e, -iw-r- and hi h .rry. a IJotirn.-d subJ-.-t t , tli- c, of th- i hairman. np.xNK p.rsn Tiiii.w. All H m.iitiitig Sold. era at th- Pr.-ll o W.U lb- S-nt Horn-. SA.V FltANi'lSfii. Jun- 2'i-H ;s the Intention of th-' military niithontl.-s 'o out all th- remaining r-i,lm 'tits at th" Presidio .m Sunday, w h"n it Is .Tp-cte l there will le- a big rush of sol diers for poit ts -ast, south and rp r t h. The Southern Pacific tli-k-t otllc.. ex. n-cts to sell on Sunday th.. largest number of overland lit k"ts evr sold In its history In one day. Four Ihousinl soldier are cxpi-cted p, purchase tl, k ets to the east and smith, aad a special staff of clerks has b"-n ordered to b on hand for th- The su. treasury will he opened spe, ially for ih- soldi-r- at 10: no a. m.. a-id tick ets will lie sold from noon until mid night. Special trains will await ihe soldiers at lb.- Oakland Mob- and h"y will b- abe t,i start east as lale us 11 p m. This Is jhe first time that soldiers have received th-ir money ami b f t for Ih- ea-t un ihe same day. FINNS WII', MMI'I rtATK. I'.aih-r Than S Tii"lr I'otintrv Hob-b!-. by I'.ijssia, NKW VOItK. June L'!-Ttie n-t pi th - seri-s of ;iggr.-s-i'iiis ii'ioii F nland bv P.ussl.'i, It s thouitht, ly th- Wadi intrOon orr-s'ind.-'.t of til - TirtO. tn.'iv cut Home flt'iiri. In th- Itu i ia ti-A i rl an tariff dispu'e. T'o- czar's g'ivern-ni-ii' has. I! is r-ioi tel. tak-n t. e in in-ciire contrd ..f l:i" f-ustdm houses, with the vlle.iT tiurp.e-e of making lb" tariff uniform with Pus. sla's. This is no-rely on'- -t-p more In th-Itus-ianiz itiuii of Finland, but Its im mediate effect will il- Hi III' 'Ill'ie Flllhlfld in tli" tariff controversy. At prese-nt h Finland has control of her z.-wn tar iff, sh'' is no: opposed to 111- flnil-d Stat-.s in ijiis' iii'ti. ' i.f Itussia's dis- pule with this countiy. The American Irnde Willi Finland la considerable. The Finns get practically all their Mgrloul luril machinery ftvn the 1'nled S!nl, and agricullliiv Is one of h princi ple Indiistriin. There Is a general movement among Fliuvs of the uper class,- fr Imtnlgra Ibm to the Fulled Stales In view of the, lessening of their lllhn tles The Finns who aiv now coming oyer me llllgely of the we. t, i. do , I ss, . Fin nish .nlony In M'chlgan Induced Seiialor M. Mill in of that state lo pies. m In coiigiess a p.iltien asking the I'niled Siat- s to protest ;,i Itipsl.i .utains; ih thr o'ened exiiiicil n ,,f Kliland roNFintiiNi'i: 1 1 1: i i a m ni v Will IVt, r nine ISuoi. is of Italli. Accounting ! tvirtiio'iits Merge,!. a I SAN Fll W.'ISi'O. June .9 - The 'hr.oilcle savs: There Is -i p- i-slslenl tumor to the effect that the a.. ounllllg ettlceis of the I'nloii Puclrtc. South 'rn P.i ltlc. Orcgoii It.illr a I . Navlga'loti I'omisuiy and the treg ,:i Short Line ,u,. pi ts c in solidatcl Na an heiric Inf irmnlion nf ll.irrlniiin s Int'titlo ia is IC-iiiiabl,- at this time and 'f ihe accounting itn.-ers sre t.i 'v cans id;i:,sl. iher is no on h-re who ' aware of the fact Soin,. local ottb Ials -f the Southern Pa otic are Inch i,d t.i the ),.!. ,-f i,at the scheme ,f .Mg.ltria'lo-i apt'l.ed t th.- irartlc depart, n.'iil of 'h hllt'S III IV b.- -' -tide I to pat 'no tits Th jppr I Oihig -if r- la: r mini eh",- de. it ha at which thr-.- .icmiring m. . is from this ,-lv will be p-esont , li ght b-cons.d-r.' I a i.s e.s u y pr 'tiMona rv s-rp to 'hi' en, However ttiis ;S all sp-,-ii'.iti.oi on .e o.,i! ,,f rah -id .-m .it Th I'm. ii Pacific a. c.-llh lug '11. - l- wh will b- pr-s-u' it 'h- .,' r- i". "i'i il Vulit.r 1'iastus Y-'img Fre ght And tor I! J St'i'li g i-i I u I : c .-f pa-s n-. r accoip ts V H S nth ard It is ep.v!.. that Wilii.,-n M ill! ciiT 'll r of th-' Soichern Pact! - w I'M lo i I'm i -ters in N.w York, wi'l .its. Ii- preeoit an I c uniting ,.rt), -rs .V N.-iv igitlou hat s,one ,.f tn - i, . f th- ' ii'it -ii Itailroid uipativ and the i"!" gon Sh tJne w II llk.'wls,- I gath-rtnir Tli- . ..(. r nce is , M 01. lav Ilex! it th. d for tip x rs wii, i. i:r.M mn i i 'iili.i Will lie ;arii.ofie, 1'ntil Na!.v"s' Assume Actual 'cvei ntn- ,t ! NI1W Yi'ltK. June lll-s-uha having il.'. -pt-' 1 th-' I'la't am-n Ifiietit. -avs the Washington eorr.-sp .nd-i i ,,f 'h.-Il-rald. ( Mil-s hiw ottl.iaiiv ,,- i ortim. n, ! to Secret uv K...t that .n.--half of "i" Am-rlca i f..:, e n ov .. I .- ng ' '11- Isl rid '.. a ph li aw u .ii I -lia' ih-w-'tk b- 'urne I o.-r I . iil..ui a ,. I I-: tti it 'h v n.iv pi.- ii!- I . .!' full ! s n . '. to p' s rv il; .."I r I- : ! !. il Mi'. .' b- I r nt h i - won' I . " I- i i ;. I .. ,,',: O;,. ' t " ' v of ii'. ' i .-if g '- in ft! II" I ' .1 '. '. I -"I . . I " - .f. ..lit ; r .fit .' r .... ii . v 0,. . i 1 T .11 -1...V I -s ' b i "'"". i.. i tt ' II" : ;in I V ' W "l - I ! I I g II k I TO -II. I.V left- 111 Ml S ,' IS 'I b ll 'hi! I V pr si I it a S... i . in I ;. , i w .1 1- em t i-lv I - I'll.- . .e.l'i. i ii.- pn 11 a ti f-.r n V. i ii'i ' :l n- x- -pr! g w lo n a oaluil "i 'ilre.cil .f -j.-oos w .11 In g n. riie mom ii 'ii- ' 'ill. in ir .v etn niefir asorn-'s cotiir .l te- la-i Am ii- in r-Koneni will b-ave the 1-1- a-d. M M'llli' illtAI'S PLANS Will Itiing I p.-r.i 'otnpany II s I. is: Y. ir In N.-w V uk Ii.NIhiN. June Mauri, e ijr.iu li.H inf-riii .I i rept' s.-n! itiv .f ih-' Ass.ia!-d Pr. ss that I p-c. . !.. n tite fr mi the naiiag.-uieiit and pi.-s- "lit l-a-e of te .etpiiol; III llpof.l' House of N".v V 'I k In Its.'. Mr. iliaui lia ..ft London for 'ai Islmd. wh.r- he1 will t.ik" a month's r-st. Mis ll-rn-i hat lt- ' iqiell:i s-as,,n leoe has ln-n m.s; sii-ci-ssful, the r-ceipts e.-.'ug tho f any irevlou mui.iii of either iMU"lin or ll-nihardt. Ilefore leaving lindmi Mr. i.tmi e .n. j eluded nearly all his i-ng igemeiiis fori the coining season In Am. He I thinks the company he has seci, . . th" str.mgest he has ever taken to the I I'nlted It Includes as primal donnas: Soprani, .el,imes rulve, Karnes. T'-rlla, Lu'l'-nne. Poeval, (lid-j ski, Sur-atme Atlams and Fltsch-IT mi- ) traltos, Mes.lam.-H Schumann-H"lnk. I lirld-well anl Homer. The tenors In- elude Alvarez, Van Iyk. la,. M.inl. 1 'iilln-rt a new comer from th- op-ra ''on ltliie and 'irand i ii-ra, I'arli.i! Iii."l and Siillgniic, Mr, 'Iran has also -iii.., Alb-il lielss, a Tl.-W light buff .-tenor, who! seop d an unequall-d siic.-s ln Ihe r il- of Mini" at folly. -nt (dard-n a" barl-j tone. Mr. ("Iran has S. otil, 'atnpa -ilar. PiMphaui. M 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 : 1 1 1 and he i 'l".. y hi ii-W'. omer, and as ba-sos 1'lain . n. Join - ln-t atid I'.lncs. Tor conductors Mr. 'irini has (Ion. Waller h and I Z. illl. N' g it ati uH which will prdia-l lily li- si,..,.swfui i,.,. n progre.. vviihj M'-sdani'-M ' inbl'ich, Si bil Sand- l'.,ll and I.llli- le htiiati and '. i ii Van f'.oy an ! KM-aid de I'.eszk- j U'hl'iU' Olthllltlih To ''AI'ITAI, U'ASIIIS'iTuS, .Inn.. l!!i.--Tlie secre tary of mi,' has tel. -graph'-d Krigadb-r 'i.-ii'-ral Ln lloiv e t inisOoti cntn,. tu Washiriglori for me li.-al xutnliialinn and ir--aitii'-ni. ibiii-ral Ludlow has Jus I arrlv'-d at San Fin nc,s,-,, fr,,m the Philippiti'-s II is oiff.-rl-ig tul,i-r-.-uIohIs. TO PUKSFHVK FiBICST(t. Foinsli y llinvstii to II lb gaiilscl - Hiv relary Wlls.m's llcpoit NKW YORK. Jim I'.t Sscreliu y 1 1 ttclii-sHk mill. .lined after the cabinet in. 'cling, sum .li-pitcli to tlie Tl'lbune, thitl he Is pl.palhiit o oiginUe n forestry burciiu In the In li'i l -i' d 'piirtiinuii lo , ,it rv nut mi ,-. teiisivi" s.s.,-ui nf ri foi.sii'iitlon, soui, what .si the plan suet wfullv Ulii.'.l In Uoiinanv It was too r-itly to go In lo it.'ialls. he siid, Inn ihe pi' sldent and his colli aitues wi i - .,t,sid with tli,-piacii.-iib uy ,.f ihe schi'iiie a i I Un pix'ssed with the lesitlts which could be achi.v. .1 In lesicilng the i.ipld'v ,1 iippciiilng uo.isllrtiid of the ciintiy S.-i'ietaiy Witsim isi -I'M ,,n (he w hi k of Ills dipaitinent nt ih,. .iihum me,.( lug likewise Afterwards ), ""Id I told my nss.H-Utes hn( r wer,. do ing Now. Ill t.illl.Vil this C-'UlltlV S''ll liii.isxi.iioii worth of lobaco and buv Ill.HiSimsl worth ,,f high pried vnil elles We have lo pav $.' itiWi. ittta) f,,, Sumatra wrapp-i-i Now our d.'Pit. Illelll I Icu lllllg tile American people how t,i produce thitt in the l'iii(.- We l,vk (he U 'I.I iin diil nt the Pails exposltliiii f.H- the tliienl Siimitui tnha.-co We have been paving t rtM ess) for rllli-r l"lv.i p-cr year, mostly 'iiban We are o.iii.liictlng i-xpei liii.-nt now in ihls line of pr.sliu lion with Ihe result that ve buv I . r ino' ,,f the filler tobacco .r '.ii.ed In he I niisl Slatx Ft .mo ,.f 'he v.rv fliii i vu i sti.s we may have to go p, t lip l.s. to Porta I!. co. Hawaii ,.- the I'lcl Ipp.lleS. but It will nly b- ., .,,!' , !! f time vvh -ii :he I'n lM Siiii-s, w I produce all ih" fob, uc. i it w.itii, 'We have tieell I ! ' p. . 1 1 Ii g heats improve our own crop, m the I'ihi-I Stat.- Am.-tl. iii mn, p. ma. . an. u m, 0 .01 though! infeiior to the liiicii'd iu I the r a .ii f..r Hi s is t'u: we did ''ai'' SIIIMlCe lllil,,i. Ill wh.ilfi We hive coir -de. I l,L s.i !hil I'l'l issl bush. Is Will be grown iii iliis ...iiiitrv i!u v. i- ..bdv for ;h.- m.iivu,i it ml1' It Will tie Mllv . f.'W V -I'S ll- f ,e We link- all our on -i mi,., i - -1 1 ! The ag rlciiltiir.ll b-p art men! s now loidieg l mill to the rice gl oving c"iitiii:-s .if th- Fast A self litis)- who his ah. a ly i -hit 'i-d from J itun has brought p.vl-iii.-ns ..f rue t.i much mo,,, suit,,!,!,, for the eillf cms! 1I..1H . .- f .ruielly hid I hat We ai,. now t'l "III. Ilig ir..t of the rice we nes-, and sli,i!! 'on ( . lu. all that we us.- Th n I .pi iloy ,.f broken rice we a-- ar.-alv - nling to Port. i Itl. o There Will V oy ..r f m rv !" sugur fa. t .tie. in! oi :tn year They h iv,. thrown out th- Imp-nt. I nu, h n iv .tin i dv boih in the ti ll in. I fa.. I. .rv in I are using m i final. nal nr.- so mn. li sup'il r 'ba we ,x I" ' I I . '-at ,1-v e,,p,,.' in ' h" bu ! h'-s- The sun, ii n n ti n , , : ,,y , ,n i-le I f! Oil lie ,. I . '1.11. I Me V I iii t,i n , f tbt- "1,1 - i r f . Ill- IH ' iu. -In hiv. 1 1 11 11 I lie . , ci.iv. ! i .1 i, r r i-i ! , . , i' 111 Is ! .1, , n; 1! !1 111- PIP M T1' N s N'. ii'N. I- ii N un. ' nib v in. I a A t fnv , It .e. to y 11 I I, W ASIIIVUTi N. .In; b in h is sign -,l : h- f ."I I ,w I N'av v lot II Mind.- k . itiuii i d o John 1 , 1 low. lieiii.-n i n i .m l aii b r John It I If Ii'in- ' in" Wat ii 'all .try I l-:,w ,n I s '1 ifi-v. . ololl-l. Joseph l ( 'I '. ll. lit II I col'Slel. Second Illl-III'I's I, .ii. h Andiews, Itiiymoiid S llamle ig -i . Wd hum II Iti ll. Ir , I'ld'nau'l .,. I'.u h- an in, Si-th W. i 'o.'k. ' 'I. i-,. A I ui gherty. Kl lieit C Fngl -Ii. Thomfi It I'Mey. I-I. Fis,,-r, i'. Iv Hath iw ay , Mn i.ei ; llolllday. It ib.-f I It ,v ., Frank ,. din. till, haac Sinariiii. Alb-n J Mohn, Horace N. Mum H' lin-n ij Meads. I1 ui It. Pariildge. Dm, I , Itosce-. hlltllel ) Tllolllp ill. !ol,-, II. Wiggins, Wl, Ham F. Hotti.y Inf iltty: S fid It. uteiiatits V I Er ylxxly knows that Mer cury is a danger ous medicine evro when administered in very small doirs, and few conititutiotis can stanil it for any length of time. Potash prixlures inflammation of tlie itomuch and bowels, and a Unerom form of dyijieiitia and often chronic diarrha-a follow its use. Kow. tlie doctors will tell you if vnu have ContaKious Blood Poison you must take Ihctae minerals for two years or lunger first, a course of Mercury, and w hen your teeth ct so sensitive and sore that you can't eat, ami the kuiiib nave a signify, unnatural appearance, you are told to ston .n.l r1.ns,l,t l'l ..ll ! ...A,!. l't. .1 l.l. . . I ii. v,ui,0i- - vu,, a ittH.i, ,1, u,c bkmiiiii ii icuciii jou me nii on jiicrcury afjain, nnd soon flz infinitum, or until the system liecoinci so thurouglily saturated wtlh tliCHC jKiisonous drugs that the most disKUstiii soirs break out oti the body the bones become diseased, nnd the muscles uud joints ure rm ked with the mi(t torturing pains. Mercury nnd Potash drive the eruptions and blotclirs from the skin, but the vims remains in the blood and the reaiicaraiice of the old svuititoms and the occasional sore mouth show that the poison is still active, und'you can never hope to completely eradicate It by this method of treatment. c c I. ,1 i When I was about twanty-ona rears of or 1 ... .' . VI 'V " '? lghtafln ysars ago, I contruot.d lilooct Tolson In a ",r " le- bad form, and am satisfied that tho rapid progress I"' "'' virus, and mi the dlsnasn was making would soon have made ja a life-long Invalid or ended my life. As my system eamo unatr ins innunnce ok tt. n, splotches and pimples gradually disappeared and soon no evidence of the disease waa loft. I am now thirty nine years old, and have soen no signs of It during the past eighteen years, a). 8. 8. dons all you claim for it. WM. EMERSON; Pevely, Mo, S. S. S. i the only.purely vrpeUibl. , blood ,,rif,cr knowiul VeX ; for proof that it contains any mineral ingredient whatever. The t-.-.u-rid hViltli improves as the tSi-ccific pnrKcs the system of impurities, nn,l , ,.w ridl bI' begins to flow in the veins the unsi-lufy sores nnd other evidence., of b k.1 rW disappear ; strength returns ami you nrc forever ri.l of this loathsome disease Our IfomeTrcatuieiit lloolc on i Contagious Bll Poison ti lls you all about the .ynir. oms, different slnKcs, etc., of this ifisease. We will mail you n cony free If you nee-1 or social directions write oiirjihynician, ; it yill c'lt vou Bothing and may haatcn your cure. THE feWIFT SPKlhC CO, ATLANTA fa 1 1 tt 1 tt Aslilnlilge, William A. Alfulle, Itoy W, Alitirook, Francis M lUm, A ri tin i' K lloyce, Joliu A. IImh kman, (leorge I'. Ilt'ldy. John F. I'llilpliillll. James I. I'nilg. Arthur T l!ilion. I'liiiiiillng K. lelii(inii.-, Frank W, Paws. si, ll.'ii)anilii l Kmilnrs. I'lar eiic II Frtinhini. Samii'l II Fl-lier. John II ilii'iii. Chailes W Hani", lien iv lli'solatid. William St J J.i vy, Jr. W It I i hi. I. limner II l'wl., John J lliidg.'tl. Pwiglu l I.IWtoll. liilpli II l.eiivltl, Uiwi. ti.e il Malllii w. ti-oige r Million. Isin.-y M .'lov, ' Mullet. I'lllll. I N 'bill. I. ana, eb't M I'uivll, ileoige W Sa gei, II. IP's Tu. k. r. I'hail. s W Till., on, Jim.s I ' Wine I'l' d. i .k II Wll. n K.-liii tli P Wllliirm Aitllleiv '-"ips S.c uid ll.-iltnanl.t TP. .inns W Holly. lav. W II Peek. VI licit I Ithoa les. Jam.-. K Wll. ui 1,'ll.u lei masl. l . i auk of cap nl i l.illle F liaiiaid, p- HANK Wll.l. Itlliil'IIS Step Hi-lug Tak.-n lo Item g.inl.- Sey. fith Nslimial NKW YoltK lue :l Tlir T ill.' Sl vu At a conference of a number . f . ad lug '. kh.s l'T of 'he Hey mil Nstiaa al Hank lul l ai Hie Wcil.lm f i I bl-t li ght I! via. d '. l b I o K-ol g lale the hank w III. h .1. .-.! .' Ih.,. Thur.. day an I col t ip' busi-n s-i pi"y . . ui b tl,lll III- t with ' he .ippr 'V ll of the !." khold'-i" as a i.v I' w as de. I I- I I . I! I cut I ' ' ' tr III.'!!! ipllll liK 'be l -:a Is .' 'Tl - p'an f the pi .p s, I t'-o s I i I I d I I lug upon ! b iokli.''iil..i fe ..ti s HI of pSl , . , il' I ,, M ' . t !ol lings Wi'l Jin 1,-n .'iciW'-I, i oiin-.-l f-r the ti k in id.- h . tn. ii lis! nU 'r T- I i 11 s! -. 1 1 !. 'i i s i - - bit . .In. T.-l it ihe banli ii.- !. is, u i-l I. i. ; b- pt sin! Itu ui . o. I t s h ot 'l, t b lb- 'l.i! ! .c i! ' i!-l III. !.f an I the I . , ,-lye-. M- It I) I I "'lie pt . nt a I nlii s'r itioti is ol 0. u.;h 'y fatn'l.ui uilli 'be nfT. ios th bulk Pi -ii h i unit o-.. . o 1 s . 11 - - up-l.s.- 'list .my o-h- w -uld v -;.'-ii o fu.ia-it as lo Its f.i'ute whi! nr fill Pi lb.- .. of the ' k'i I I ' if ' nt t ti,. . it wi'l fue W- i e . r ' in our nv "stln r . oi ... 'i -ur on m ,'tt-r(s " hl'ATIIS IN MINI! PIUM Two M.-'i Smoili.-r.-.l White I'iii'i g the Flames I. All Mill. Wv . !., 'i -p. a ff.cti tjiatid I'll, inip ti to aw hift holl-' ! 'b" ib.- i-lt I .pp.t '.tnpaiiv s mn- in :hi' imp i.n o -'t ! ,1 ll'v b s ,y.- l.y III.- V It -fli. f I tllel ' V of I ,.l I I I, , ll, I . 111,. II. . k i -f I., i Ii !;. ...I . , . 1 ,i 0 - - : . - v -1 1 i,--. i -' i -. b. i in - - i -on r I T'l. fit ! i' -I i 'i . i i !' I b I s w i k . -: i 1 1 -1 . : ,u . I'll " ! .f ". c'l '. V -k - a i; if .- 'i- ' . ! ' ''!' - . I- ,' n .,' I ii .:.;i i-.t v - 1 1 i it - N I W Ynl: I i V 1 . tl. W ' I le oi:.n c U i an I -el III o'l, - :t .- -, s t . ,- . ! , s '.l I ' I ' I !l I P I It II ha v y .I .li'i-.c o .Mn il,-. i , ,u i, ,. b -l i a ' ' li ,i ' t. i' . ' 'i i t. ,n. k "" a n ' ll 1 1 I 1 1 ll.l -.Pi ' . !. I'll '.i"t and "l i' be -i ll , i b ; i in .ml .1:1 I r 'i - .1 - . M f ii t ui Wat i ' ' U 0 'e oil ;h" ' ' It- n i , 1 'a i -f ih- 1 1 - iiil . i ' li i -. of Wat. r 'il - io ! -' li-.. Ln .1.1. bled III Ml 11 Iggbl pin 'iiniin r i'"i.rn iN' ioivh SAI.INA IMC In - .'I F, ,1, .. i It. tb. oik. f. I'm ilv a pr .tulii in N. w V..i k p"l.'. bin, Is I id .it II lsw ) th. K.llis.l". .Ig 'd i'l V al II- III. I I lie n unl!ia!ing - p h at h.- . ii .n w !u. li iio iiinai I i 'b v la .1 f . h i -t nor of Ne v Yolk If- ,il... ., d. , - Vile Ill -.I'll of th" n.l'loitll , lllefl- tons which ii. i, n ii i ..I i' ii-laiid lot pr. .1.1 'ill. Tin- body will b,. sii;p,.- i. Hoi nelln ill-. S. V . f or hill I il. infallible remedy f,)r lliiHpcciiliiirptiison, It o.t tlm lnr.i. irstroyniinl eradicates every particle of the jioison, and inukcs tlie Itlisid ns licaltliy nnd pure ns before the dis- Mm