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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1901)!'' i KvKY 4 Shmm VOL. I III ASTOKIA, OkT.GOX, SI M)AY, JLXK 80, 1901. XO. 136 he 1) 0ftt!1t ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Steamfitters HOI. 12 ACIIJINTM lOI S27 BOND Diamond IN GREAT VARIETY Bats, Balls, Masks, Pads, Gloves Ami overy thing el. in that line to mule the Uys lujjy. If you tlo not j.luy lull we run idiow yod un elcgnnt lint-of FISHING LINES. FLIES, REELS. BASKETS, ETC. GRIFFIN FRUIT, STRAWBERRIES, FRUIT JARS . . FOARD 8 STOKES CO. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of nil kinds ut lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners uud Iiggers. A V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets W.J.Scully, We Rent New Typewriters. -v, Many new improvements added. vV See our latent ) No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter f ' ,V New Art Catuloifuo Free . . . - lhwC-:tw,:bL. L mmmm' Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES HTRI3BT Outfits AND AT ALL PRICES & REED WE ARE SELLINQ AGENTS 1 OR. . . Moore's Steel Cooks CARLOAD JUST RECEIVED -r.1 431 BOND 5TREET. Ninth and Tenth fll. ALEXANDER & CO. Kiolimivo 1'iioilU' Const Dealers 2 IB Stark St., Portland, Ore, F W. M'KF.CllNIE. 1 oihI Agent. Custom Houae Broker. ASTORIA, ORE, Afeol W. P. A Co and Paolno Kxpreu Co t. FOUND INSOLVENT City National Closed by Controller Dawes. MAUI; INJUDICIOUS LOANS Total Lliblllllct Arc SJ.R02.I0J Suicnsral ol Iki Controller - National Rank miner Vsubn Pal Tempo rarily la Cbift. WASHINGTON. Jim.- .ii'.r .ll. r .if i- I'uil ii' ' !'. !ali- t.iiilght ap n Ihi.d j r.-nii'..i .it ) r. c-h.T f.,r Hi" ritv National i.f llufr.ilo Til- follow llg l.ll'llU'll! W.H Iliad" I')' Mr 1 .i I m:n,i! , '"I'll.- fi-ni ii!i.ii,..ii ..f the "i : -N-i!l ! Ila'ik. ..f :.,u.1.. Iy a i.-i-iil ' X.iriiln r. shone I i . n u con .li'.l 'ii "f ifT.iln x.: Iiik In iln bank In order thit UiW t.-i.. rf mlrril I'' Dior uglily r i n l. ill.- i ..mi'"'.!.'! .mi F'ri t.iy a.-nt A. I.. l.yiN li. "f i tun i.rhYe, l.'K lll'r nit'l .in (Hit i-XamimT, !.i Iluf f:i'.o In in.ik" it lar-ful r -- un'fmtl .n ..f Or r .ii Hi... ii .f ill.. Friday, I. m.Ii !... r. .ii'h d I ln i uii:r il.-r tint Ihi' f..tin -r report w.n sustained In :il ( r t 1'iiUr '. in I h' r..ili'.n the cntrol. Irr Ir d n full iwa: " Til" c .ii'lll! m "f ll.l l a; k I, so eri iik I cann n consent to It re. ..iMiliiU huuis Mnulay morning unl'. as-! t i (my the J" l.H ..r In full nr- nlbf jrt.inly guir nnti"..! " Tin' b-ink i cTinlnly Inmilvent nj I hive n rlittit. iin.l.'r thi-Hf -lrrum-utitni-ri.. i, (M-rmlt thr wlthJmwal of d.'!i.l! by J.-lay In nctlun. If tin- ll-ri-rt.irit Hunk :ha'. tlu'lr fffortu from thin ii'ii- until UinklnK hour Monday m irnlMK r urfi. li nt to prnvM m"nii l, fluiliilllAV thf bank, notify me i). t t 1 1 1 in: a riTi'ivor Imnn'.t'iHi.. ly ' " In ljn.-,. with th- u-nor of thla .l".iit. h mut ; ti- rainr(M fnnn Huffilo, Him i-oiitr ill t ha U.ilnti',l P. J. Viitich in, im'in'i il bunk rxainlnrr. ti mp ir iry r h i-r "f the Imnk Th, fiilturr- uf thi bunk Ik 1u,- to Injii'll el'iiiK Imn. Til- t .Ul ,.il.l!l!i.- ir- 1.ifJ.tJ. ! I'KIN'i'i: I'llf.W IS I MM IXC. I'lilth . V 't.l "iiiiii inilmc to Ib rminy (in, I Tli. iii .' t i America. WASIIIN'IT. N. June 29. The st;i d.'t.unin.'iit h.m re.-ehcl a ,t;, h from Mr. It.H'kliill at I'.kln. saylnu that I'rlnc" i 'hu in. brother of the emperor, sails for ti.rnany July IM. on a cpec lal nils"! mi. He will return by way of Anierl. i. The mission Is pnb. ably to up il.'K'ae to the liermun g 'V I'rnni it for ;he murder of lis min ister nt 1'i'kln. The trip of I'rln.-e Oman to fiermany and Ani'rlca will lie the llrst event tir.iken (rn lltlon of t'hlna that mem brok. n tardltl m of I'hlna that mem bers of the niperial family ahull re main wlihln the bmndiries of the eni lilre. UKAlHjl'A ItTKItS AT SALT hKK. Affairs of Harrlman an 1 tlould Inter est Will He Directed There. SALT I.AKK, June :;-The Deseret New today any: From a winl-otlU lal source come the IntelllKeiice that within the next thr.'e years Salt Lake City will become the railroad center of the liiter-inounl.iln region. "A so n as the Hiirrlmnn and (ioulil Intei'i'! have perfected their plans," no in authority stales, "and the lines controlled are In (food running order, the I'lil in rarlllc he.idiiuaiters will be transf'Ticd lo Salt Iike. and the iitTairs of Orefrui Short Line. Ore. Iton Hallway & Navltiatlon Company. Southern Paoltlr. and I'nlon 1 ioltU system can be dhvctd from a central point." ALL WBUH PAVKP. Kxcnrilon Steanvr Sink at South Nor. walk With Seven Hundred Passengers. SOl'TH NimWAMC, Conn.. June 23. The sleuner Mohawk gank this after noon, near tilei Island, with 700 peo ple on board. All were wived. Seven hundred employes of the John W. llroeii hat factory left Piuibury this morning for an excursion to Ulen Isl and on the uteamer Mohawk. The party started on the return trip about 6 o'clock. The steamer had been under way about ten minutes when the excursionists were startled by a tre mendous crash, the ship having: struck a rock. A pa.ilo followed, during which every one of the "00 passengers on board scrambled for Mfe preservers. In the cradh which followed, women and children were knocked down and trampled upon. Two children were sr olusly Injured. The, steamer bad been stadily settling and ten minutes after Hi" i-nnii, the llrt 1" k w.i imlini' rK-.l. T!iri'- liiiui'li" h.i l Ly tlt. tint.' ni-arly r. ii lii- Hi.. iiuli-'l KHiiini r. Tb'-y Ini iii.iliiiii'ly w.iit l'i thu r-ni-uif ut Hi i.i ai'HK"i , M h jurii"'. i)V"rb'iiiril, Tiii-tt.ii-r wan I) kuiiiIiik .i wauli 'vrr Ihi- ilii k w li' ii an rl urnl.iii bum ur rlvi'l fi'iin ii:..;i Inliful uri'l to.ik "ii li.'ur l ih" r.'inuliiliii( 1-j-vi-nn. r. OITKNPKD A WOMAN'. Hbitf In-i.irlni 'nt I'm tin ( nut Offln-n to l'r'il".-t Italian U'n-'or. V.'AKIIINOToN, Juiif .-Ai itu- r-iiui-ni i. tli., ItatUn i liar if.- ilaffairi', ih" I.I.K" li-purt rri-nt h.iji UH'-'I ltd ko 1 ntfli r, d prutvl frim vl lcm-': Dr. Ot i i.m.i, an Inilliin faiilniK In Wyoming". Tlii' il .ctsir U ni'i-uw.l by the I ical tu'hurit ! if an iff'-nit" aKtlrit a wo. man. Th-r- with f'-ara that the afcuw J wuulJ Ic HWAt.I'WKH iAltlKMC A''II ) a:h of I'r I'liln- nt H m l -ly 1j ly In llutd-, M .ntaia ISl'TTK. Jilii.-19 Mr Ann i' O llr -n. a .r iniiniiii ....'y, wlf" of Wni. n'Hri.n. .I!.-. this i'mmiiik iiihIt t.'fu I'.ir -Ir. uin ani- Sh.- mvall iwl a ...,..,... J ,:.r'...l,.. ... I I II. r M.ip .. M. Im. ii i 4.-1 ! it f'-.v il.iyx UK' i a.'i.l l-ft all of his l.irh',.- j Hint.' t i tin- viIihI .w. rh: t iiu'tKX','1 t i Inn-.- i.ry.l u;i hi Mr, (i llrii-n min i. Tlii- ,'.ir iji't'h Jury p-turnc a v. r II. t of .i''.'l.l!-nt,il J -ath. yn vrnrtruvvni wrnnni w uv rwp 1 1 1 ' 1 1 T. iV Til I'.J 5 1 II .11 i I..".' i IMHTIjANH. Jun.' 29 Thair Hurt.iii. of ;he nvira uji'l harbors nmimltiii? of thi- hou'?. took mu -h Inter ( In the trip up in Wilam-tte vill.-y today ihmah he frankly almltte4 In an mt-rvlinv toniifht that the Improvement of the Willamette rtvr waa .lot one of the hard problem before hla committed. "I have taken arreater Inter- 3 eat In the improvement or me 5 rulumbla river." aakl Mr. Bur- ton. "than In any iwher navlira. Hon projis-t north "f Califomli. I regari itu Improvement a of flrat Impnrance. I would put the Uike Waahlniftnn canal at Seat He e,-on. In the tlw for ihe I'a clfle Northwent. The third In my estimation I the propiMed Jetty and revetment fir a harbor of rofuaie at Neiib bay. "The (re"nt Intention Is for a majority of th committee to make an examination of the tppr I'olumbla and Sn.tke riv ers, fr im the mouth of the Will am 't 1 1 Ix'w -innvi. 1 hall b am Hi them, and p rhnpa we stnll ti up by rail and come C down by s:e imer." p Kn AAAAAAin , mnn uuvxaiiu- uvd MAY KB Ql'AItANTlNF'D. Transport Kin'.uk Arrives at Port Towns-1 1 With Two Hundred Sol li'T. IMIIT ToVNS:NP. Wash.. June 29. The I'nlte.l State transport Klntuck arrived this morning: from Nagasaki with 2on .idler on b.ard, and Is held In Ih-' stream pending the division of Surgeon fieneral Wynian whether she will V sent to Plim.nid Point quaran tine atitlon. While at Nig.isakl. a cas" of bubonie plague developevl on the Klntuck and the victim was taken ashore, where he dl'l. The veas-'l was fumigated and detained len days In quarantine at Na. gasakl and thu allowed to proceed on the voyage. No lew oases developed during the voyage. FOCKNIEU WINS Al'TO UACFI. Winner Glvn Orrat Reception After Cnssing Finish Uno. ltnilLIN. June The arrivi here of th Purls-Herlln racing motors, with hiurnler the winner, was generally recognlj.M as the greatest sporting event of the seasvi. The stands were decorated with the French, German and lielglan colors. When Fournler crossed the tlnlsh line, the nand. pi tying one of Sousa's tnarelies, the victor was taken hold of by a aenre of lusty young French and German athlete, who lifted him up on their shoulder and carried him acros the field. CYCIWU AT DENVER. DENVER, June :!. V mlnature cy clone struck the roof over the belting ring at Overland Park this afternoon, and. Ilfilng It from Its supports, crash ed It down upon the crowd below In juring a number of people. -It was thought at tirst that several had been klled. It was soon learned that, though several had been severely hurt, none had been 'rnisly Injured. WILL RELINQUISH COMMAND. SAN FRANCISCO, June 29. General Shatter will formally relinquish com mand of the depirtment of California to General S. II. M. Young tomorrow. LVLIT GIVEN TEN YEARS. KANSAS CITY, June 29. Lulu Prince Kennedy was sentenced today to serve ten years in the penitentiary for the murder ot her huaband, Philip II. Kennedy, tn January last. NEW YORK SUFFERS FROM TORRID HEAT nieven Deaths and Twenty-Eight Prostrations Yesterday. EVERY ONE IS SUFFERING T Hssdrcd Horn Dies' ass Proalrtllos, Were Legion Five Dctthi aid Elevea Proitratlost la Brooklya Tie Heal ElMbere. NEW YOU':. Jun.. i'J-The people of this and n"arly rule anl villag-s ar? anxl uily awaiting the arrival of re l)i f frm ih" prea'-nt hot ';l. which la pm.-his-d by the wv.i h-r bureau In the nhaie f ihu id-r storms. Today's h'-ut. ulde 1 t that of the lant f.ov lav", caused an Imm'-nsi' amount of suffering to human ty while th-r. w re num'rous j rostraiions and several deaths. Among the list was on" case of sulci." and two a't-mp which w r. at least indlri. tly, chirg-d to th-' hot wave. Th" record up to 9 o'clock tonight show eleven deaths and twenty-eight pro: ra'.lo is. In addition 200 hores died anl the lu-nbi-r prxtra:"d were legion. Nin'!y-:w.i legree was the highest point the government mercury reached during the day. In Rrooklyn, there Were five deaths and tw-.'lve prostrations. WORK SUSPENDED BY HEAT. Many Fa.-tories All Over New England Shut Down. BOSTON. June 19. Temperatures ranging from 100 to 10 are reported In many plaoes In New England today. while IH was reported from Nahau, N. H. Work was suspended In many factories all over New England. Miny persons were prostrated. Two deaths occurred In this city. AT CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI. June 29 -Three death an l eight prostrations I the heat rec ord for today. The maximum tempera ture was 97. This mak" eight deaths and fifty-two prostrations for the week AT PITTSBURG. PITTSBURG. June 29.-Two deaths anl many prostrations were reported today. AT CLEVELAND. CLEVELAND. O.. June 29.-Four deaths and four jr.stratlons were re ported today. THE VERDICT CONDEMNED. General Davis Says Acquittal of Pitt Was Trav.-s y On Justice. MANILA' June 29.-The military court, composed of volunteer officers. which June 26 acquitted Harold M. Pitt, manager of Evans & Co., government contractors, on charges of Improperly nurchssing government stores, which verdict Provoft-Marshal Davis ordered to be reconsidered, has reiterated its acquittal of Pitt. The latter's ignorance of the law. and the uncertain testl mony of Captain Barrows, were given aa reasons for Pitt's acquittal. The volunteer officers who composed the court whirh tried Pitt completed their service Jnne 20. General Davis, w ho. w hen he ordered a rv msideration of the first verdict, considered that Pitt ' convicted on his own admissions, now characterises th? ver.Hct as a trav-wty on Justice. MISSIONS IN CUBA. Prtest ints to Begin Religious Work in Havana Soon. NEW YORK. June 29.-H is the in tentlon of several mission boards in this city to begin religious work In Havana this fall. The Presbyterian board of home missions Is one of them and the Congregatlonalists and Episco palians will enlarge work already be. gun there. All Intend to bulM churches. Jose Eugenlo Marx, a prominent business man of Hanava, especially In terested In the religi us development of the RMado district of that city, has Just sillej for Hamburg after several conferences with mission boards here. Ho suggested ihat a stone church erected In Havana twenty-live year ago as a olace for Protestant worship be used by some one of the denomina tions. Owing to complications under Spanish rule this building was never used. The building cost J75.0OO. Dr. Marx, speaking of church con ditions in Havana, said: 'It is a mistake to assume that Prot estant effort in Cuba means of neces sity injury to Catholic Interest ther?. Conditions In Cuba axe about the same as they are here. The Catholic church. under the pros nit bishop, is making commendable progress agiinst tre mendous odds. I am not In the coun sels of either the Catholic or Protes tant church, but am in a position to know a gunl deal abiut bith. When the overthrow of Spanish rule rut out IJ.V,' of the Catholic church' In come, p a ly m'mry came from Euro; to tide matters ovT. Just now an ?t fort 1 bing .na le to pay some of that m.m.y bick and .he effort Is being rr.iwnd with sure." THE VIATKA RAILROAD. Probably That Construction Money Will Be Borrowed From Rothschild. (Oorrepond"nce of Aaorlat'j Pre.) ST. PETBRSBU.'IO. Friday June 14. Thtf determination of the government to construct th much tilkd of Viat ka railroad which U to connect 8t. Petersburg directly wl'h the S.berian railroad on its own account, seems to have been rei'h"-d as a last resort. Th concession was off.-r.rd with more or l"is official anctlon.' to half a dozen American capitalistic groups. owing to the sparxene and poverty of th" population in the province to b traversed, th? interest aroused was nsver more than iukewirm. One group repr-sente.. it I naJd. by Mr. Crane, of Chicago, made, a conditional off-r. It w.iul I discuss matters provided two-4 thirdji of the road bed. brldg.-s ind rolling stork m l othi-r materials might be Imported from the United States. This condition could not be consid-red. The Idle Russian manufacturers would have protested most strongly. The talk of inrher foreign loan this time it is a German loan I?, the cor respondent f the Associated Pres Is Informel on .rood authrity, somewhat mlsleidlng for the reason that th? min ister of finance pledged his word to the Roths-'hilds. when the last loan was made, not to further engage Rus sian credit at prssent This precludes the Issuance of guaranteed railroad bonds. The French loan Is Insufficient. It is only a drop of water on the parch ed tongue of the Iron Industrialists whose main stay Is government orders. It will have to do for the present, how ever, and it is not expected that new railroad work will advance rapidly. The Vlatka road will probably only be sur veyed this year. NOW A SHIPPING TRUST. London Advices That Morgan Is After Trans-Atlantic Lines. NEW YORK, June 29. A dispatch from London to the World says that J. P. Morgan's friends say that he Intends to present the famous Gainsborough portrait of the Duchess of Devonshire for which he recently paid J125.0OO, to the Njw York library. Tha lionJon Dally Express cliims to have It at first hand that the forming of a Pan-American shipping Company will be discussed In detail by J. P. P. Morgan- President Griseom of the A.r.irican line, and President Baker, of the Atlantic Transport line, during their voyage to New York on the Peutschl.ini Mr. Morgan Is convinced, the Express asserts, that a nation's merchant marine like Its navy should be under one hand. S. P. OFFICIALS ORDERED EAST. Believed to Pressage Consolidation With V. P. Department. SAN FRANCISCO, June 29.-The Call says: The Call recently announced that there would be a shake up in the an nouncing department of the Southern Parlfie Railroad Compiny. It is now generally believed that some important charges are about to be made. Several officials in the auditing branch of the service have received notices requesting their Immediate appearance at Omaha They leTt las: evening, among them be ing E. E. Helton, ticket auditor. What the outcome of their trip east will be Is hard ;o say. but the close Rfflliation of the Union and Southern Pacific roads seems to point to the fact that there will be a consolii it! in of the Union ar.d South 'rn Pa.'irte ac counting department?. CONFEDERATE OFFICER DEAD. NEW YORK. June 29. D.ivld Hirseh. president or the Defiance Cigar Com pany, is dead at his home in this city. His death was due to a bad fall a week ago. In 1S4S he came to America and made his home in St. Louis. He en list?d in he confederate army as a captain in the civil war. Mr. Hirch among an Interesting collection of sou venirs of the war had a number of let ters written to him by Jefferson Davis. He was born 73 years ago in Baden, Germany. He enlisted In the French army before coming to America and served for a number of years In Africa. STRIKE AT PEORIA. CHICAGO, June 29. A special to the Record-Herald from Peoria, Rl.. says: All members of ihe Plow Workers (Un ion employed in the large plant of the Kingman Plow Company at Ayervllle. have gone out on strike and will re fuse to return to work until some non union -nen, who are working In the ma chinery department are discharged. This strike was ordered by the Federa tion of Labor with which the union Is affiliated. Abut 230 men walked out. DECLARATION OF KING MODIFIED Language Objectionable to British Catholics Stricken Out. ITS EFFICACY MAINTAINED Ustsifc sf Declara'lsa Will Still Protect PrsleiUatSaccculsa-Aaericaai Bar Isj Dlaaaes's-Bocri Scattcrea' at Brsiiprslt BIjM. LONDON, June 29. Tbe report of the select committee of the house of ::.0oo for it. slon declaration of the sovereign In re gard to transubstantiatlon. finds that the language can be advantageously modiflej without diminishing its effi cacy as a security for the maintenance of Protestant succession. The form of declaration suggested by the committee does not contain the phrases relative to idolatry, etc., which are so objectionable to Roman Catho lics. AMERICANS BUYINO DIAMONDS. Londoners Sees Proof of Genuine Amer ican Prosperity. LONDON, June 29.-Proof of Ameri can prosperity la illustrated by the ac tivity of American gem buyers. In every diamond market in Europe tbey are seeking to secure precious stones for the American market Tbe climax was reached In London this week When a New Tor buyer se cured the Prince Edward of Tor dia mond, regarded aa one of the most per fect diamonds which has ever appear ed in London. The American paid 20,000 for it. BOERS ATTACKED BLOCKHOUSE. Scattered by Armored Train and Four KIDed. LONDON, Tune Lord Kitchener in a dispatch from Pretoria today, says: "The Boers attacked two blockhouses on the Delagoa ,ine near Brugsprult Blgfet. June if- An armored train ar rived and scattered the Boers, killing four. It is reported that twenty casual, ties were carried off. "Field Cornet Deprieih has surren dered at Pietermaritzburg with forty four men." CHARGED WITH LAND FRAUDS. HELENA. Mont., June 29. The fed eral grand Jury has returned several indictments against R. G. Cobban, a prominent real estate man of Missoula, who is alleged to have been concerned in extensive land frauds for which so many Indictments have Just been re turned. John B. Ca'.Iin, once an officer in the Missiula '.and office, ba also been arrested. Both Cobban and Catltn were released on heivy bonds and deny all charges of JriuJ. WU WILL SPEAK. WASHINGTON. June 29.-The Chi nese minister has not taken cognisance of the reported protest by certain indi viduals against his delivering the Fourth of July oration at Philadelphia. The authorities In charge of the cele bration have not brought the matter to his attention and In the circum stances he ls going to keep the ap pointment which was made some months ago. STEAMER ASHORE. NEW YORK. June 29. A dispatch from Halifax to the Evening World re ports that the steamer Armenia went ashore about nine miles below St. Johns. N. B., at 10 o'clx-k this morning. The Armenia, of the Hamburg-American Line, sailed from Philadelphia last Wed nesday bound for St. John. INJURED IN JOB PRESS. . ROSEBURG, Ore., June 29. B. W. Rates, foreman of the Review office, sustained quite a serious accident yes terday afternoon, by having bis right hand caught In a Job press. Although no bones wer broken, his hand was severely bruised. CAPT. REILLY'S BATTERY HOME. SAN FRANCISCO. June 29. Captain T. Reilly's battery of light artillery, which took a prominent part In the campaign in China, arrived here today from Manila on :he transport Pakling. BASEBALL SCORES. TACOMA, June 29. Tacoma, 2; Port land. 0. It took ten Innings to decide today's game, Tacoma scoring two runs In the tenth. SPOKANE, June 29. Spokane, 12; Se attle, 3.