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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1901)
TM1'. MOKXIM; AsroKUN, M)W. .UNI. :. 1001. LITERATURE OF 1900 REVIEWED Three interesting papers read at the ust session of the Astoria Women's Club com menting on new volumes in the literary world during the past year, by Mesdamo Bairy. Finch and Wingate. SOME lhXMS OF l'.MXi. The Ural yxptrs of the century tha; j has Just have scarcely Ih-.ii brilliant titles so far as tur national 1.;- I erature Is inuvmi'l Some topu:ar; ri!vr have ben fortunate en um t tv attract attention, but not many of those I are likx'iy to take H-nn mem place In i Ameiixau letters, l.i ract -.hi- dcnimd! fur fresh reading matter Im tuvn : much stm'.it than th, dx'tnestle supply fh.. w.. I.-.-., lt 1.1.1. I-,.-.... ... ......... ixf fnrtMim atx.l esix.-oi.-il v k'lii-1: rl... 1 tinn. During '.he lust twelve months, it is true, the tide has ti a certain x;. nt et in the opp-vve direction. The ceit tury would luxe tlat;e, ltifuiiv at It' rlcxse had It n.'t Wen fr :! uW..ked forapiviranceof thive or four of xxhatl re knaxva ;n the Parlance of the hkj trade a. "liM-cl.1. s-llep..- and i: i : " 'r, -; '" " !V ' . "V? " in these "selU'i-s" -.hat tlie U:e-nv i , a: '7' ''' T'-' ' ; '": " h-?ayer t"s K-I.leii premise f r th ' -centurv that is .la.x:iinc noxv i 1 ; a.": i-. The Uokn-.a af-.r rvrin:m : V r- port or th.: mo; ivipu ar book f r i eeh mon'h makes some comparison.! J ohnst.-n's "'To Have and To Hokf lead a the nu.t xxi.l lv real fcMk of havmu been e;ir!'.: :Im-s mentioned In the monthly report Amvmc bxk mention! d six times are 'Janice Mer.vli.h." "Uiohard x'arvel." "When Knichth.Hxl xxas in Kloxver." and "lied Pxxttas.." X xt rxxme ' Til-1 fan,-. I; s a story or r!i- r cv.Miu, leavened Breid." "The Kexlemption of'trei vn1. xx h -n liiith y forx-s xx.-r- Ivid Orson. "The KeiKn of Uixv Mentioned thrv times are "TMv 1 H.irum." "Via Onii-js," and Tolst "The Resurrection." tHie of the most cheerful ftature of the xvhole matter la the fact that :h-.-irrovxth of Americanism is becoming nnre apparent. if the 73 place held among the best selling Kx-iks. all but 15 are to the credit of AmepYan au thors. However, some of the American authors have laid their scenes in other lands, and of tha 0 bo-'k that may bJ called American oniy 49 treat of dis tinctly American subjects. The his torical novel, despite the fact that It had already enjoyed n unusual lease f life, was. during the first six months of the year, extraordinarily opu!ar. During the later summer and autumn months It seems In a meisure to have lost Its hold. For the whol year the historit'al novel has been inc.uded in the Bookman's list a times. It may also be if interest to add tha: of th 75 times these b-viks are mentioned .14 are to the credit of those written bv n-n and 21 to the credit of those xvnt- ten hy wor.en. . A recent article in the Prv.dn.--1 Journal, rela'ing to the n-xv American rcnooi or nction. the renasan e : r'-, mance. the xvriter Px.nts out. ".. "ne: r rne noieworiny uct "t tn pas: i-.v I-.X years. After a long period, in which: r-adi-.l r. th- ! ..f th M n, realism and phys, hologioal analysis dt- opi-s: an ! h . x. uM n. t bv pr ,u I vid.d the field of fiction betw een them, j xx - ir jl n 'tis . -min-r . il r-ix n ' the mass of readers have turn-l with Th- su -es ..f :h -s ;xx. !' -.t- - . a s;sh fo what promis-s) ;o b-' giwl j iiith,,ut s:g.i ri an, - .it th- ; :---n; stories. But there are sign that th ; ni,m-n:: ms. as :: ! , th.; n.i quick chang arl.s:s of the n-xv a:, 1 ; r.v hum t. h is n.'t x-i .,t i.v. gory school, denominated ' h.s' , .r ., , h.t-n. r-r hum- r s . :ir-'l:k romance." have over lone their work I ,..-- :n th it t'vy ar- u-r . if 1 n..; And the romancers ar- i -coming mi tna.l-. -V.. man -a-i -i-:, i., 1- fun : turn fully a wearisome a th- r-a.ists H- ni.iv t,, I.nia.-n-r :': m It Is a kind of gl Tift -d dim- n..v-! '. th- inj-j li-ou. n :l. fi,- ..f ;i- tact that they re imt.irig f"r:h and it n ay ;ha: mc.u.'t -n -1 ''P. - f in a ill fairly b a.-k-l hoxv I ng th- puW.c w,l! 1 I..r-r lunn i;i - I I ' .,( , jr- i to stand this .'t: of thing? Th-r- is jti' hav- hum -r ,, Iv -: -r i r-,i. ini.ate lov- of nubile fabl 'n 'Im ft verv min i, an I a narrative that mov-s swiftly and -x. i'.-s -ither ruri e-.ty , r is pre;ty sur- ,,f a:i a'ld.-n Hut is it n-'-esary. -yen in rotn.m to .'.iseard altogether the t- c. h- !-f cnaract-r. th- d-ii-av ' thought and f. ling? If that !- -o. then r 'tiiaiiiV hardly b-b-ngs to l.t-ta-tutv at all. anl th- a Imirer of M., Johnston might as x-,l ,1-xot- he r tr tenti'.n to 'i iid SI-u::i.' Now I cons;-r tils t-a h-r s. ath.- g I noi-o conf I -ni ,y.-.i T .. Hat ,'t.l to H 'lil." that is t , .1 c-rtjin -x.-n . That critic mus. hav- b n th- g r-i of "t 'artier" xv h 1 a,,p-ar d in t u- J'j.y Muns-y as folioxxs: "Y-s." 1 "t'p- er to ev-ryon-'s surpri'. "it is an :n-t'Te-tltig book; but th- -hapt-rs ,h negi.-i-t-.! to write xxould hav- leen -h- most in'" un-s. .-i a sr. I -x-; tract all the Jub from b-r ituatioti. Two or tiir-e :,m-s in tti- 1 -uts.- .,; the st iry my h-ar: go- all r-aly t, h'-at trio hammer s'yl-t hn all of i sudden she hung th- r-xt adv.-ntur-th lin-, and my h-art wen; -m b-i:ing norma!. I h-r- xx-t- ,,n r txx i -:n dx t i,'- -. t;,k- .1 li- ..f b sc.-iies she miifht haw g.v-n us but r-vi.--.. s .t-ntlv g.i-l-ihe didn't, and -h- by right, th-1 I ;., '.-, t.k. h-c -. -r. book should hav- en,",l xxnn Joe-lyn's : ef,-n.-e ,,f h-r hu.-buti I -.ri i th-: i,org'. .Miss j-.tms- .n : hav. r,, .... k 1 1- i-' -rd. Whv d . ;-.. xvour.d iii uui- kly af;-r tlia-. !,u- -:i-: ntiu-iily .-..miur- K.p.'h.g . had over I hundr-d pag s "f .nlv.-trur-1 u-,,i-:, --' xt i i, ti"-. ..' II. it- ' UP her sl -ye. and i ,st-a 1 -.f '!':. . 1 ps iti. and 1 1. -t :: 1 :-.- a, u them fur a :i-xv book sh.. hik--s :!i-ii th-s- m-n .f i-' ig n .iti il "'a'- Tn-v ar- xvor'h b-.-'ig t:ik-:i Tii-r- .- "1 s.m:. it.'y. . - p : if-"i- the shaking, in: th-y a"- n ti- -h-y 11 .-..!, ab u- ,;n it. il n nr- of an ant.-. 1 ; ri ax." I ! i.c- t,n.;'.- tinig:, 1. M More imp'irtant. h'c.i v -r i- h ii" t-; ill- d-gr- - If tit -r s w.hi-h ! 1 ; axx ak-ti-d i.y "Jjiii.-e M-'-.-!ith" anl "K h.i: 1 ' irv-i." li ,f,i ar- hl-M,r., -il ; ruv-ls an'l i; may b- that M-sis. Fori! and i'hui"ii!i hax- st-ui-k a v-.11 a i' h s---.r- -f "I'n-r v r.t-rs w.ll I." abl" ti xxo-k xxi'h proli: dunrg h--'il .)e.-ti.,-s ,,f tin- pi. -..tit ..-ntni'v ll'i il the- n.,y-'s b il xv;tii tin- I'.-vo-liitloi iry period. Th-r- ir.- ..'h-r P' M'o,!-- as yet ainio-i utn -U' i.-d by th- literary toil-r. xv hi-h pr -nii-- t . yi-l I i no !"s fr-:-lx-. In- histoiy ' "'ir; cili'try ea.'i b".i-t ,.f n gi-a 111.11, y n- t'-io-tii.K p-ri-sl.-, -1 in- y-o: thi; ha-'. Jus, b-.-ti os-ned rn-iv pr-.v- to cold-n poss:'iiiIi"S. I rinrio' say I'll' ' I car- particularly about -,:h-r of 'fi-s- I books. That -omparis, .11:- at- o il iu :s a 'mo iv. II kn 'XV. 1 fac ba. I ' 'ti-.i -'i ' J ini.-e Inf -ri, u- t . ' h,,r I.oc- 1 1 oiin- try." by Cyrus T.o x't,.sctid Itridy. an I : rin-r oi- s-,.r...-. an I 'hat ;t ' iii ' lit huvl "Itieh.i I" is a pal- n.y of Thnk-I ,'i -.- u.;i-g.. -h .xrlt-is "f -1 h erv's "Virgitil m-." In as I ! 1 : r i 1 1 r - . did. nrmy d.ff-r-n: t-vi. xvs of . h 1 Tti- a-ic tig x .111 j Atn ili iii n ,v' book, I am nu 'ting larg-ly ft ,111 those I w t ,,, ,(,.,! y r.-.-i.i t .,1- tan ,- a- tn-st that mist n"arly approximate my oxxrii -,. xx.n -puk of i; sti'-rlngly .is pr.iof way of thinking. S- v-rd y.-ar ago I , f ., , luldish mid innb-ye! ,,, . mi ,d. real in a reputable magazine that If- H- ,xiil b- xy,y-r to -olac- .villi llaupas.-a-it vxfw tint )right-st ari'lliin- t!n,!i,','iit ttiat hi Is a -.,un!ry 1 lever -st of 'he rnod-ren French si-h'i"l and men'lon-d one in particular of hin novls. claiming that it fairly i-cin-tillHt-d xviih xvit. I had bn r-ading largely translatiois from the lierman. whinli are delightfully cl-an and pure minded, and the contrast be'w-en them and the first fexv iages nf Jjc Maupiss ant was is-rfei'tly appalling. Since th.-n I have taken book reviexvs with a large jrraln of consiieratlon, as th-y are col- I ! In '. hi .1 ;,:). ..II I t in. e ; i". vs. ,,. n.-t :t i-i--r:-. . 1,-1.1 n u.ei.:- i; m, a .... :(... i!'.;r.k -v 'i:n.i.'!i ..f ! .'- :.:ui- . .lay. li iU.m; .: lt..!i i;s : vi s ; m .I mi i'i ; --n ! a::.! . 'ir.'m -ju:..' i. M 1'..: k :u t.:i Ii.h : 'niiK.vf t.' 1' i'i - :i- .: .1. . :i:.;i'.' tu n f , r a .:. a i'i ;!i.. rr.i: -! S. i: s 1. . . I ; ' sin;-; i; : ; .i : !i . ,n..l '.; -i . .,f hn i 't ti.u.,l i. ;. : ," j Iia: .i:n -n.- !;.'ii., ! .nil I .n.-i v. m .i s: :y . " a, .n .'i-m ;.i. . a.i ' i n; ." Ani ". ,.tii ':, 'ii .al ii:.. :v. iv :i. : l', ir.u 1! ,-:: i; lui: - l.i- ; .V.r.i: iiU;; ir '.li,- l:n '.i'1 ' !:,: '''.'JMC : .1 .' : v,'v ; ',c ' "" ' .,' J '"' : ,M!! :v, 1 V y " "'' f" y ' : " . 11 '.: "," ;V " ". ' ' ..n:-,!ip.rarx hit,; r.i. a sr a: ' I un h- - "i t of : t ;a:i J i:r. s li:'- A". :i, .in i :' i: I- a ;. Mr f A s-i 1.: rary :ft . Hi'..' ' '.: f.r: u a::.-:i :. a a ..:i i k :i an I ijiim'Kv ! x- ..f a niv .in I a : 'n.l : fu ix .:!. 11 lit-s -!" " Th K.-.i.i :' Uixx. a i. -f I K-:i:u ky h'-m;. ! I. u -vor am bitiou than :h xx h.. h nu I. hi a: in.i ::iitir- r- raxx. a :ras: 'fi th- pl-lv .a::.. xx h :u conies the her, and th- arts'.-, lats t ifi .1 by ;he h-T'-.n.-. The c.i: -vr ,'t ,h, you.-j; man. han l:ca, -I by btrth -ml ctrcumtanc xx Iio -titers c-'lbf ". ' studv f,r the ministry, only to have his rel.gious h-li-fs axxay. off-rs opoort'inity for a strong story. lint Mr. Allen is n, i t str-ig ex.'-pt in a most d-licat 1 and r ttn-1 xxax. r r, -al'.y he is a strong an ! v:g rou man. and his friends are always preoure ! :o combat the cfca-gv that ins .xo:k lacks vig..T. f-rce and vrility. hy .I-'.! ir.r.g tha: he man possess- the-- mii ito-s tj a marked deer, hut tha; h- ixan:s t i k-vp n:s o.i a ,'.ane .ilvue them. I rath.'r think '"-'''A v-ntuallv get his writings on such a pl.ihe that they'll he nuite out "f the reach 'hJ ordmiry m.n.l, He nay tn-n write fjr i stt'rity. Y a rem-tn'- r "'harlcs Limb's threat to xxrite f-r antojuity? The ra,-e of Am Tican hum rits) xxa though: ;i hav i-ri-hei xx:th ' Itill Nve." I; has been re-nuarnat-.1 in h person if .Mr. I -l-v. viho a s-.:er ; to the rxten: of thousan Is of c .?:,-. n t only hero but i:: .-verv KnCash j sivakin? countrv. A!, Paxil Ilar- I um. xxn:en : ir 'Hitsrri; .xir. i"':-y, um and is still pursutng his ,'ar r of pr.xs- r-ri:y wtth u .aUf.-d z-ai. having r.r .. oh ., -.I.... I f-nii ; but :t s. 1:. t . tr; u.i .ti hi; "t,- b " k. I iviyttting h i' -" 11 k iv flat :j ' M"!lv ! ' -hti- . 'rs if .. h. h a; p- 1 r i Horn- J It. , t hi ; ar futi.ty xx 1- ;i s: II n. y -u ti-x-o- rili the .ltrh - r . ;.. , tn---t -uv ,f tiu-ii r " ;- .1.. 1 .: .ni -.': rn.-n.b-r 1- ' r.l:r.g s , , ' x ,.i'p. 1 !:- I.i.l -s' - tt . : .it- v ' 1': fill k ' i tvli. -h V:."-, t-i !y tired voit? I' -'. 1 - l r '. t pu til !, -k 1 ','--i'.' 1 .vi -: ,, ti n ii-- s''-" P-i wrtting "M "liy " . ti th. : 1 -f ;!: ri-ilt':i. bu; I sl'ia 1 1. ay. -:tik 1---r.i'js-- h- .'"Hi iti ti.i.-h - I- .ugh; to I a rt ' ill i- ..ttr.g -itig tn-n tt ho ".x r: - d ..'. ti'' h- ..f .voir.-ti. !: ,x as t-t u- ti.- -o -, Ii .iv -t'ii su e- i. ir 'h;;- :' :,., im;- u-ak- r and xx -,ik-r ut.-'i th - -.-iti ,-f hu n-.r iln.ii.y "i- 1- 1 ' - :'. Th it's a m.n -1.1 1 n : -.' ti I I .1- i pur, .rn- Mr. I'urin-. If -h -r-' i- any hr.g a irthy --f rum -n I., rmist I)., th- aaii.-y. ,;' . ix hi !i I j'itnp :r rn n-- h-r. Itn: tli-ti ,t .x - P-ip-r i.nk I; . .h -, in- n 1- mu r.! -1- k- a 'hit d iho'ti-r tn Mr I i.-ix-n oU'h ' li,.,rv ." ,, 'i' A k " .- .1 jnrt a h In -r" I. K p- Tli nip- t:'- - .'i',--m ,-. f ur !. ,,i . ,1; ruiiv i'i - i f ,. . Tn- .1 mgl l:,,..k-' rt- rotn.i .---. W ! I An mil ! hav . Kn ot " - , . v. Tn : noil I '-- ui r' 1! f 1-:. -' l'l the -.-I'! "f S-l ' Ml- .-f ' t.-'l'h at, Tin , I file 1 a I, -11 : ii-r.-- I ff-l tin I ti.i- '- oll'l-l fill I n- ts 1- of t-.e '1 '. kti .wi-'lg.- c .,, nn-i-' I'i -1 .told 'in i,- 'lltf' r. n-o- I- ,t - ti II r i i .it. u k i it-- o-.x ri .'.ay at. 'I ti- ft-.,rn a-l !- :. 't - ,,h-r. Th- -Id - ry ii-.-i.: .-' ; 'hat if ix mi I i- 1 Hrii.sli ;.ii!.!ic I k-d. ,s , - ric.tii ;.u'il'e v. ill nil 1 k-s i: -If: se.--.n-l. im ,: ,f for-tg , ,val . -r.-r-' l.ys -m-.- 11 oin. A -n- re-ill t: v y. I,., t 1 n -1 -. Th- Arn ' ; r - '.x hit it '. na h tins h Atnl th- le..,k , k ilry tha 1 n s h-r m- 1 ii- - ri I , id u-on- tal-s. hu ab'Hindi.'i g in materia! f-.r Jus; t-ui ,h li'- -rature as his coiin'i vrri -n enjoy, and that its history, full of stilling it.'id.-nt and h'-rolc acilnn has by no means b -en cxhau-b-d by th- r-i-ent effort" In that dir-'-tion. And xvh'-n a book like ".Itinb-e M r -liih" lias reached a -ale of 'IM.Wi copies, surely a publ.Kh.-r may be pnrd 'fi'-l for taking chances with any thing that looks. l:ke n novel. As to the ultimate iint nitaric- of i -i 'X v if t : xx,, cm sax nothing. I; i Pm a, ton. The num., ton of i i'll .ir. IV i ! on tl-oi - and it is rather itit.-ros,. I tig !. a.t,c lioxx they vai; from o niotrh. MAI! VVItKT illiAXT It AUHY. AMKHIC i-vU.t.A, 1 1 IS l'i K Y IN FICTION t'F l.tW j T t.. w i of tl.l.M urn tig in .in r. ''.x tel. tig iho i'ii! ' . mil. i:h i h f BM.IliP . ni not! -' - ttgtt a- : i xx li.ti HI 1 11. of '.I p 11 Itt.lX I .' ; XX I II tic gr ate. J pr v l .m l stn -s, l.o x,.-ik ,.f j iv. .: xx ;h : i.' .i ,s i ' i; . r jv j r.- ip'-s cuM in, I i inn -;,i, i s'ni'l I .tlltIV .li:U ;h'"r -clll'l-i toxxat I l.--l p I ng i simtlai- ut., : vv .:h i h",' of .1 I i k -ill.-. ,' I ,x a . a Pom in x as I i'i ;h : ;-. -f ' i! 1 1 . -ii :-. 1". ."av.'r a'l.l -in, . tti... I'll'ii- I ! !';: ta!-. .mi M- -i t ' -uli . , 'uive j.i-.'Wi.l Hi., n l'ii i.i- I. k- : '..p. I v a ' ll v 1 ;hn t.. N's .-I ! in; ! . 'Ks .-. . Ill'-- ,1 m'.i:;( .:li : !i 1 ..' .Ut i' i'i- ... -IT'i; ,f nt.-i .. ' K-'is'Kh .ii:,-. ,it.. ..In. I i,. . ,. . I V. I- ill l!lU 1.1- .i X . l.'JUlli l, '!' 111. i -x' '. lui: ; s Ta::- n itu' il ihat oro'.h rs a.!',., th,, , ..,u! r. : ll:i. any cm: f-i-vi . ati-n in the , x. n.. a: t. I i,i s th,. A'li-'i lean 15 'x-''ii!l -n, xx !i 1c til ' o , Ill-Ill , ... Im ix I X .111,1 x ictoi ot en:- f n -f. i In- 'v; i ilxx av li'i' .i! ;.. us as An :..-. ins in.-tv i. x niani iiv t .lU'ir. the ol, x.vl) spl -ritoi. . ointe'i-.l xx.:l the xxll-l im. mi s, .1 c -i'-liii-n- ot :li- n-.x xxorl I. mil its i:ip'ift i '"i li.i". -1 bv :h fa.-; thit our Piiag.n i ::-'tis ;i', g x-n ul! t'l.n -oxirg t' tli ch.iagl en-. Ii;i. ti of ;li pi-.,-!, .l.ix Tile adx' -1 : vi ,s .f :ti , nix lixs ii- n x :h- oiilv attractive .-I me.,; xcliich hi iiad1 I'o'.ir.i: n o .on lar To I. siir-. ban-bio i l:h ip,-. from In I .i its .ni l h-r . s xxh.. b ', u . - i--n, l " xi x ! r -i-.nist. n. xxh.cii a ,v .e.liiu. v iii.ii al xxou'd -il. - . Il-eb .1-,, , ll-.g'y l is. n.ltlllg I'll' :h.'-e hook. ha-- .m a -', .i; -i':n- n; xx i -f , -.pi i( i i i-'-t It -: ': il l-er:M ar- .n.i I '. ' .1 .is ll'-h en 1 I'I od and ir n .ir I xxo i im a I of ,m th- .U ix- h n t:ir-l tti sin- 1". In In. ils ; , tr.oii -iii- h . i lay stu It -s. I'h !', li i.-a pi--bi- m : '.he eai;v -lix. i-. tu - i . u st-1 I ,f ,l--i- f.i,. s l-'.:'t'.r . xx have n t l-arn .1 ,,; -i .nir ini't,i"i! f Am ri.- in 11 st-iv ate - l-.n x ::i !.. j ni i. an.i xxj.ti st-.irv-ty a -nv i.i ng : 'i- x here tlction end -in I h st 'i v h en s e:i,-rta.iimort an. I mt miction ar ploa.sing'y , onilniie 1. The h. r,,,ne. these -.irlv tat.. are i cini'Ui- conibi nation of wlllfulne ,.ni-iy an I sxx vt .x n inl.nss. They ar- nu l neA to make us dou'v. ih- xvor I of our gran Imothers xxh ' fr,.tten!!v tell us that chilirm a: :'ot what tti v us,.l t-i be. i.i.plyliig tha: the fr I 'in -f r-- isn! time has ,le rov--l filial ri-rt and kin Ir 'd virtues. I; xxoiil l be dif ficult to fin I many young xvnien t,.liv more capricious or!l- than the h 'rom's ,.f r,,l nilai day-, if x may lepnid "U th- auth.s as d-pi.-ii i; th m true to life "llugli Wynne." the ...irb-jt of re. -tit i'olotra.1 fiction, an. I ;.r"lubly the tin s; ex imple hl-h ha. ippeii:-,! is par ticularly attrn -tiv- b.-au-e of it por trayal of s.K'ill life and .ud.tioiis in the ciloni's during the K-xclut; narx xvar ail th- fine n pi.-tnr,. of Wash, l-igtrn. "Itichar 1 "arve" is in. l. 1-! perhaH th- most e.-ver if;er 'Hugh Wynne" of iiny of the ! -nt-il While es-nt;al!y a story ..f ',,on..ii ,!avs it repr- s nts the s -.'la! life an I extra vagince in 1 a' tini-; an iivuii't of l.fe in a ,.-ti :nr pru :i is of particulir titer,-:, xxh IV Charles Fox. Horace Walfl' and John I' ml Jon en ar- th- .n-al p -r-n ig brought to nir notice. T.i II ax- and T . II I I." -;.l -4 :h- ary days in tie s. - ,,f ,(,- .-, oihs. The sfrllggl., '-f'.x..ti 'he .v'l t anl Inllfis is a p-otein- . : fitu:-' , I he st -rv. ti nvex.-r. : nn ,-1 th- j , listen ,f s. n-litu' sh p',M.I ,' mi: l-tt' to the n-.V txorll to II. "II" line. 11, th- pi in -r s.'t .I-ri "Fr s .ti-rs "t ! ll 'l-" and "J.i tie M-r- l: h" l-ai '.x.;h 'h- su' vt "f .xtiit- siav-rx. '.x In ti 111. tl 1 from! trtd "ith-t- 1 .: -r b- - j cause -f , rim b"i- cite ;h- pr .p-r'y -f I h- xx-i-rs r subj ; f larg. pla.:t:i 1 'it . and I t-. all tl: I. "f .ill C 'III - I M 1 Y.n -,! . " 1 ...,rv . 1 II th- an, i- tu t n .,' Wo i- g ;-x - 'In 1 1 iry -l.i x Th , lait -s that ni 'in- iv t -.x n ': -:-1 -s 'I'll - I .ni 11.. r ' f Y.ti- . , -nn-s th- l.nid ni-k. J x.,- v ,,. ni irk :h- p'a i!:--t- , rt 1 , : .-i s in his s; ,rv ', . ;r- I Su-h ar- th- hl- u. -ill, a-- m '.1 !u- ii I'-doiiial tie:: n r iii.-t: 1. -1 n I xx .ill- w- ar- 'hr I I With I ir ng pi- I s'id-S ind mirv-l u- a s . ( h h-r , and ar- , h 11 n- I bv 'h-- ,"'i'i.i : I id n.i.v-t:- f th - h-r , .ti.-i -f ti- ;. -w. w--ir- b-arn't'.' f -h- -v-ttts and r--il p-r--onag s f oil- n c.unttv iti -u ii a vv av that - -.v il i.-v 1 forg-t ih-m i;i:uti:: ik .m iN.m li, fin 'h I'lOilHAI'lIIIlS "F TIIK TIIKNTH ''KNTl'ItY NINK- I'.ejlizing xx h it a d-ad 1 r-ad about, iind that ai: 1- I .nn '-. I 111- :-g"n! rait xi ill I b-- 11 'd' I 10 ,x isi a'.xav th- dust and rn-.1-1 ,f rh -ubj-'et. 1 wiii foigiv- y-u if y-.ii -xaik -u:. Y-t ui"-: of von would. I think, h- in 1-. ih Mrs. Julia Wa r I H-.w-'s It rn: ,:--ii'ii'"". H'-r - xt ,-r-n..- m th.- an'i-slav-ry ml 11.11.11i -uff-ag.- ui.,v--in-.-i's gave h-r in ' p-r-oiiai k-n..'1-lg- "f th- I ad- r- ,.f pi ln- .IIC of '.hose .aVS. liishop Wlilppl-s ''s in 1 Sh nl-I o.x s "f a I, 'iig l-l,".s, op it " -ontaiiisl much impafatr '.i.-t-, , m.i-.-na' of I 1 te-iin in-o v.-ilu--. ' II 'i n - Itu hi- 11. I'r iH'h-r and To"-.! .g,.m" ha; n p- ciilnir inf-r-st as a -tudy :h thought and w u k - f --in- ah', a' -I- of a '-nnity ig , v. .1 m th- l,-g,n. nitig of .nlvat I ih oiog.. In -In- r-minis-iiees ; 'h- if- ,,f '. 1' Ii ,-. pr-.n h'-r a id nov-li'. 1- to. t'n-- stoi v ,.f a wtIpt w ii-i .n-1.1- x--d uniistiai -u' - c-s i, the fa f g. in i iparig-- rii- nt fr rn all tti-' -ut-p.-' d in:is' -r- ot lib-rarv r 1 1 i --is-n. His pov-ls nor only had phenomenal -u t -lining I f-, nut ire st. II s,,, in latg iiiiiub'-is atil various laiigu-ag-M, Tti- ;iut..ti,.grapti ica sk-tch (,f .Mis. John Iin-.x,-s oy,-r T'i y-ars of ae'iv- and f ti'iifu! ! -Votioii lo th" dra-na.tic; -h-.x.-ts always one ,,f tin- sliimug bglit' of th- stag- in it- high."! ini-rpi-: 1 tion. "Th- art lif- of William Morris Hun''' lon'alriH much of Hum's titerta.nit.g ;in'l s'imul iting talk im pik 11 do.v:i bv Mis Kno.vlton. on- of his put.ils. II. s fattmus wok In ih- X'-.i Y-.ik ia'e cit, it il lit Alt i ry Is fully d -., iil-d, and b-sid'-s portrns 'h- lllu - tr 1 Pons In' liid" r--t,"'!u -t . of h f rn'"l ; oaintings. Frank I'r"-n,n Steariu has written a rn-.x life of Himriark ill whl-h be his ind-rt.ik-n to give Arrirl r ans a dear sta' -m-tit of the charai-b-r of Hismirk, with th- prine.p, ...nt" of his lif" and an expiaiiat.on of his life as r-lat-d to th'- iii.-fMiir al .-vents of the stirring time in xvhl h b" did I1I.1 life work. Prince KraMo'kin's ' 'Metiioriej, of a ItevolutlonlU" is .-xtr-m-ly ifit.-icsting for the light It throws on pulillcal and socla.1 condl'.inns In Jtus-la. The in spiring life of the n-venth Karl of Shaf tesbury has bn related by Jennie M. Hingharn, giving an arc runt of hlH ef forts which ted lo the abolition if child l.ib.'i' In the 111 11 tig r at, us of II.ikI.i.i.I 'ii 'i .-'t'liig of hell ot labn in Moor. I' s .111,1 IIUMX -1,1, r so III all, . , 0110 inic 1. M01 in-. iii Ph. I'i 11,. wili am I'- id ' by Sx.lii n iloig l''i.h r the .-eiiino 1 cnio pii 'n ,f ;in ,m (',-nti as pious. , .11, -nip at x . . ic ,n ;;g x,bi.,kir. !u ,1 bioil b i ii.i:,.l ha' .11, I I .1.11 dial! . I .!!. who f mad ,1 I'e.lll--.xlx.ll.'a 1:1 1:10 ;no. :-t. ,c-vtul ina.inei '. 0 out lul. -l -x o', 11, p: me p, ' . (i ll, k: ' In, vs :, th- lu, I alls. t. 11 -t 11I1 1 ,1,-stp ,- I liir Mr I'i-h 1 im - tig u 10 sh 'ix that tli- ! il I'. 11". th. lutli o. a x.'x t.ig.'i's mm u.1.1 , , :i. a :tx .1 - 1,1 oi a. : i, 1. r .1 - .s a--., I , .it 1 -I .:-it ' t n -m a c- ci' e- an I i-.' i :. 1 in. h . .-x . , li s in . , xx -I .,' 1 , h iu',i h iri.i eili. Hi k 'p. Ill f 1 :ti ix ..h ill. r Im it l'. .1:1 - a 1 a ix 1. , :e ;.'t :n "t ,M i:- ,,1,' in -in: . Ii - : - , n : 1. 11 , . ( 1 'i, ,' ! r ..11 of 1: .1. o 1 i K, ,(pi . ,.t Kllll-ll. I'll '11 -in. .'e k 'I-- -f 11 I It. II I I'i , ! I k l"li;l.s .1 -li 1 t xx 'i. ,'',! .1 1 1 Hi s n hi 4: ,,o . xi . 1 .;. ,i is II 1 t '. 1 -1 r '.i l, . . 1. 1 i -l '. 1 11 " I l i. I'I II i, ,' sh. I, s, 1 it, . h ax i'i '.' 1 x ,:'!' I ill 1 . ' s : 1: , I'h 1 ii" : - in 1 j To o a tl ;,g -. an I I j : ,'l.tll .'I, I , 1 ... , . h- r n . ti . IX I. Il I' .IIM Of in 11. 1; 1 tV ,1 ili:'i ll . ,' 1 - : i-i ti ix 11 II 1. al', Il I. '.I Her Mi s I-'. :,l . I 1 'I'M x 'iuiii :-, 11 I I Mi ; : no . i-i . . i n il-- - i i'i. pl i. c I In Iti n, 1 -g' . it. an 1 :i x t m r 1 1 n f - 11 'i . 't !. t . 11 it" I i-i -ti a, x f S itui 11 I' M' in.! I i t'i .t .:: a, l . "he u .; 1 . I . ..M.I 1 - 1' - I .-ir - 'l I. . ! of h 1: I -t ig.i -'1 -.! - :mV . . i' 1 'l i I', 1 .1 II u- S-c- ''1 I - ' ,1 M I l 1.1 l I - ' s .'! I X , -1 - ' ' I ' X ' I -1 - 1 "'. Ill I X. I I'll 11 it . I M Ml i-m I s, I 1 1 ' x 1 i - l,x -.' .1 in.'. ! It 1- . :ig . 1 ' r: is 1 , ,- p , ., f M ''- -a 'b n ' - I .! I i r u M' M I ' ' I . 1 , I '; I I U PX :- a id mi nix Ill, I'I ' ' ' 1 ' 1 1 -' 1 1 Ml r.i 1. 1 ! i M Ta A'.r 1 as !' 1 1. I.; I'i - h .1 :, 1. 1'. I- h . in i". II iX W ' I : im.- im. ! ng Ml Ii ,11 I I 11' 1 e I ' 1 1 : : 1 1 l ' I.-- 11 1 ! - - t . !i ii , in i:'ll and '.!, tiax e b , 11 - 1: ( u:. j g it!'- r- 1 "g " 1 :' bv M:.. I'aib a 1 I g .- I .'1 IT "1! II II,,' th, X ,l- -, t . ' b- , . ail- ' f tli. ii- ; '- main i". x ihi ' Tti.-1 life ..f I'hai! . l-'-.n, i.ut-. .'in. : tu- 111 -tic: r t!ie I'u t.-l S a ,, the ' ".nt of S J a 1 , s !, ,- -11 u 1 ten bv h, so.i. an, 1 as h - r.uh. i'. .-, lollll'',- - -f, i- S II T' S- .,! '!-, I 'llllll'g ta," li' :i:i'-s of ill.- t'lxi; xar 'h-- Xollllli' Is ,.f lll' l'' I-' ,1- O -. I p, r: , of Mf x th- . 1,1 1 A l..:n- k-pt 1 l .ny an, I p.os. ii-i .1:1 h. ,--r- iv.m!i, 1 baring on pulili, affair II- uj i h- las: ,.f tti,. tini'tis ,am. fan lly ' '- 11,'X a pr 'inln- nt 1 ii',! i-os.ti ,n. In ' ll' tirc KttoX t S ! I . r of b- I'.eX'.llltl'll. ' th-'le has II ,-M XX llfell th- lif- "f a :--r!liig Am- rica , pitn-t xxh., r-n I i' i 11 m . oiintiy sin ,! ..-rxi,.- n tti- struggl - fir llv-r-x anl x.- is but litti- knoixu Aiii-n,-a:i. of t "Lu ll 'tux Kn .x held Ho- rank - f niaj.-i xx. is eh: f ,.f a:- Il-iv 11:1 I r Wi.ti ng t m a'i'1 tX'.i s ;h- tli .11 x ..f w .11 un-'er th- ,- em: ;t II ,, pi .- x .'time of 1" " '11 II It , -, 1.', t OI'S f..e, 1 '..' ( I lssi' by Sir A i u -t ti II W--C. ix no i .0 f r many y-ar. pr.xa'-- .,- t : 1 -x t .Mr ilti ti -, -h-o a; ; ais 1,0; ,i,:x in: -r i-.--ii 1 11 . s -!.'.. f hs . hi. f but ' o ii,.r .a , i.iii- n ni- ii in I ix -- III- tl "f "le l-l-t e II II' X It -mi 1: I, .11: i t II I'' '11 I I 1 I' '-.-, !' ' lle ' I' M M.. I 1 I llll i,.r-" bv J.iei -s Wv lift H a l1 , 1 -.1 1- I a'tn ,t .1 I v f"i '! . il, I -. .,'.', i t'i- ! rh ,f t'i ll ll 'Mali' I -. .1 :i I tnpi im g ; h- 1 - - k : 'i-- ot i-o :i., - -ak i: , Ixant tg ,f ' :--h -li- ll.--ruk ml I,, s. . M.lle ..f I'll put 1 l' "1 of :-h -s m -r ir It .'. ' uii. . -il. r -r th - Fr -1 it U-f pt.c, -i It x. x -us Fr--n h Ih . -t.iMt.tii .1 ,-. f . ,- Hard f..r ii l.-i,, ,.. h- s , ,11 Tti t Fr tn--!'-I "iir - -I : n! .f t'i lk 1: g - UU : 1 I I-..I r f II- 11 t f n: 1. - : Il 111 -'.ix ., ml -,x o a .11 1 I MU - in ; l : 1 1 l'-"lo II 1 - . ti -h - in Th sis ", tl I .- - i.i ; , ,- g -t -r lc. MM Th.. It 11 ,;, 1 ' r 1 -I- n ,11 i- 'long t.m-. xx.,.- 1- , ;.i.. Ft, ,,f r.x In ei. , 1 M"l- -lt d I S I I.: ,r I to Ip li t- S f og". ,1- ti'-c ' "tr-lll II- I in 1 r 1 1 a -, il 1 ' -1 f r en 'h- 'I- ma n I x .l--si.. Haxti- s ir.u-i niinxi' i-ciil r til III;.,-. I, -s of ! II. 4 .-. w 'hi '!,! 1 x ho il ' h .1 11 h ! l-.i.s I an I I. v.. I ' 'ri"fiiM tin- 11 .111 a 1 I h . mil-'.. bx .I.nin-i iluu k-i. lie -x 11 kn-xn Vox null mus . il 011.1.. 1 !n ;vo , art.. th- tli-' 11 .I'ing of ch'-nti, h. uiin an I th- s-c ei I if hi mus , T-.x , I. 'gi.ip-ii' s ,.f imp 1. tin-- h x . Ii -1 1 igtn .' ii.x'git I.. M-oly u ci ,1' -Vang I -i. ,-.J.,ns and F.n t- ' by II ,rv I irti 1 111 ml ;s tin 1--ul: ,,f .111 mt im n- a.- - . in; ,m -a I h Mi Moody f r ..vt' la-iiy -. u .n-l r-gir l--d by in mv a. -In b st xp -1 1 ,11 of th" ... r- ..f Mo .','. ,,xy 1 : 11.1 ha - I..- -ii xx nt t-n . In a - -u d 1 ti. xx lib -n- i- 'ii'i of In- f 1 ' ' 1 - r V I ..uu It. .M. ."P.. s .11 ,.f tli- -x.init-l j , iia. .Ve-t.-tl 1 biag: oorix- .-1 .-.iil'i) hi'i-.n , ti.M b -:i I d -x n I : a pi nil. s r.i ofht -f -i" , a r in iin , : h V i lua bi - and I i - P-s'llig fa-t - ' "la i ;i ng ' I M m M, ! ' i n.iii lu: ni' 'n 1 i.tri- a ii I h - pin i for 'in- . -, 'Itiii ..f hi ll. ms a : t'-r ! ti h. I- n ' en'. irly In : r ii ni ig .-t... il f ,r I'lu-.-t -, ii .-, 1 1. ms 'i oi, in. tl m i ml v ,if ,,s p-i s ,tia I f unds Th ' I. f- of I-I l.iar I Win ,. It. n. Ar tib s.-io, , f i mii rbui v." bv ti.- .on , ,11 ' A', x olu.u i rt. I .ii ta i ns ...ri,-. sp .ti l 'in . xxi'li a gr- n nuuib-r ,f .-m, ti--nt III gli-lnie- i of t'i-. past e. ti'uiv. ! ,g, th, i xviih . - p oil- xtr.n-ts fi,,ii, t i--Ar hi, s-i ,,' , v. ' S.iin-'-oit ' c um. an I th- 'hi si, i , I,, !, in- ,,f N..-.v lln l.i'id." by I r. I,. ii -s. l,.-g. ns ,i ,!(, th '.'. .-ik of llli-it ami Wt !'..!(. and 'h- f iiinditii: of Pa -i n ni c, w In, h e. i s origin illy an Iml .ui , h n.'v , h.,,,1 Tin- I mi m i',.- of th- N II :;-l i!,, :,.i nn t i Wi o-oti.-iu ! r i a:-d.a - i- ai-.. id,- f. n-t of tn-ir Hub-e'pn-iit adtpniiiou t,i , viliz iti mi to su-h an "Xi -nt l,.ii th-lr il -s, i-tnliiiiis hax- "at ,ti tin- Wis-on' "iti I- g -1 ihti an I th.- nn .- I ui .u-.'!,-1 a lllge -lUOol of the If idg.'f slat.-'H sol li'-i ' "f tin- ''iv. I '.ar. Although .1 ' rrt "H I'.r , iW "-I ye, but a dmr. tin,.. ;,.s a Itrlii-li of llcini in Horn o h 'l 'l nun h to tabli-h a triod-l -vmP iii ,.f cl'inial ad in i n i - I i-;i t ' - ti among lb .Malays ind Ills -uei-.-ss mak-'g tin- :n ly of bis carver at this tini- i'-"-u Inly iipproprlate. III-, lif- and work , ihoioiighly and In tobl In "It.ij ih Hp,ke." by Su- Sp.-nc -r St. John. "The Flest Am'-i -li in. Ills llomn iind I lousv-bold," bv Is-lla Herb-rt, daughter nf cl-v.'laiid'H ss-'T'tary of the navy, Is a group of delightful sk-tc'-i h of Washington's home lif-, with an introduction uppioel. atlve of the auihir by .Molly Killoi S-awtll. In th" opinion of Frederick Han croft. William II Sewiird was the ablest secretary of st it-t i-vcr ocupylng ihal high olllc 1111, 1 Iii a blogiuplix leciiillv publlsh'sl. of h. clt Mi. Ilau ,-t 'tt Is l!le lllldlor. the lfc and public . 11 el- of Scit.lid lie .itlia.-:U Ix t i-' Mis. Sarah lt.iiiiix,- Mllop.'s ' Lite cf Sain ll'iii.I'Mi Is 11 gia.'h'. ac. mm of the a, lin xe 11, "i s 01' II 'lis ,1 xx Iio xxus ,1 In line,, II.IK Ill- Will' of ". I'.i ii xx 1 r f 'i liidep.-n dci'ce 1111, 1 the M Vein xxar T'n' nil "ii-s.'xe .1 id silii'lng ,-.'H' . ,,f .ae ,i','ii nig of th' i'IxII xx an al a .Initial X d .-!V. an, I p 1 r:l. iihu Ix liu. 1, - it llle ,'j,,i.. xh--le It Mlvon ,1! tit,. i;ox ei'lor's , Ii tli of ill- -l.i ,' ot T i. be l ame b' xx. ml, I in, 1 .H'-ai an-K an. ! , tin- 1 '., nr.-, I-i a :.- .1 at. "!;. -i.-cii "is , f a 1 I'.-nni bx i;-i ii-.'l I!-'-. 1 rt Hunk rh IT 1, th, tv ,"-l of 1 x,-ix I, usx In'-Mui .'. He xxa- a gicut philaii.hi .p.-, , In- 1: -1 :-ixxx r, .-It r, '!li"i an I t it'-s run II-- mix be .i 1 .1 1,1 !l.H.- Xl.l'-I ! . - 1 , 111,1 , ei i -, tlon.11 insii in:, -us than u-x oili'M man ni .Iv xx all II- mtx.-l,',! in ex -ix nit'1 Ill th- llll -'I. ,'X' l't "He ind in t'llltl.l M- V , o .111,1 West, III lllll-'t"' N tp 'le.oi III at the h'"liht of hi" p lit ,1 lX lllthel ; .1- Si A 1 111 1 1 Iia . for p .1 on 11 11' clioid that iiualxsl" .f 'lie lis of '.tie I in-l s of til- lions' of It "i.ipai .,- 11. xxhl.-h li tx as s.t'.l .bat :i' Hie h gi'i'iing ? h s i. igii In b ' I x I Mtv his , iir' so.iiel ab 'xe the lightinuK. an, I In- sin nothing ,r tti, : lllll (111: XX 1. , c .ill.- 1.11,1 1 'In el 1 'roti xx. Il bx Tu , 1 . ,- It 1 . ! XX oil' ! be !-l ; ' si U l If I ix el ,- oi.lx from the fa." .' 'i lining been nil. 'en bx .licit .1 .! mil' nt aii-l p M'tl 11 Am .11,1111. .1 ri I the story of tin- I f, -xx, uk 0 the I 11 hi- 1. ipx. -n tl- (:oin a .listii-.-i Ix Ani-'i n a" l" ii ..f x 1, xx ' 1' ml .1 "i -s K 'im I- 1 f th X" 11 ,-a 1 N ix x " In Atigu. tu. 1 ' I'm I is 1 x , 1 x . - 1 !.-: - - 'i x '' f i' f 1 ""0 ste't ml 'i,. , o,j. t( n,x, I-., n ,i e.' -, n Mu, '1 -f h 11. a., i it ix i. ipiih- r 'I fr en l't im, l:u--a im I ' ' in I An .1!. x 1 1 I In-. - x "1 11 ix at 1 1 . ' 1 . 1. V. I '. r -ni I ' 'x u. T-'XX n- : IP tlx. . ' nun I 1 I' nn l.ei , ; , m -i i-. 1 t'i g "x h -f h- l"l I ,..a.-i -. bx -I "', . li k I' I k II- k 1 I ' II l'l. - ': - I X 111 "I'h r t h.- 11 'ik " : l ' - 1: :,i'u- i-i 1 a- ''- 1 " k ' f - ' ' lt .. n. "11. ' k a . I' x i'u I I'm I'm. it M -i . ..( M 1 I 1-1 It 1 1 I bx 1 !,x 1-1 ; ti- J .'nx. i ; 1- m 1 ' I'i :' ' - 1 I 1 . it x I n'' -'' I mi II '. a', I r -i mi 1. 11 x 1 . pi- : his !, M oil f .'I -l'l I'll.-' llll ''c 11 ' llll I'M- -n 'I ' '. ' ' .11 ill ' .1 llll -s M a - . - I ' 1 l ix 1- a 1 n a ' lb -nan ,'i 1 hi- ! 'g' ipn-i A W .Ink- -1 hat tlf -ig-'x ,,-t f - ti 'it. ' ib .1 . i-i I t'i, xx -r: ti tit if g i,u, . f .1 h :n th p'u, -t! -M of be :'. g tti g- a I'm tu l'l pi'-l h-r .f !i . Mm-- Th -l't, I'll-k-r. I'l-.i. ti i ni l l!-f 'ini'-i bx Join, W li'te t '!' 1,1 x k '. 'is "',. ,..-: i.i by til-' listing!! .tie I . I 'lgXM'.l: XX llll '! UrT -r it 1 -f m 111 . tint; st'i ' - ! th" iiii f rx in li s -lax II- xxa- i-omiti e"lv In leiltltl -1 ix th :ln- . ' r ell inn,. ,l:.. ii.s 111 of ih.- "I ix--ix .in'.oii ami afterxirl !-. I mu h m th" ,atis,. ,.f telnl'er.tle.. T!i--' in agf remark- on th,- -I (T 1 ,-nt xx r!x 1 -u.,1 have b.-'-n 11. a. I,- 1 . .t-r-s'itig !, stu Ix but tinn- and -l'l'-' f 'lti Is Ttle X'Mr 1.1"' seems , 'tu' b.' -n X'-ix pr il'fl.- Pi the nuiub'-r f bi g -.i.-bi' S pie nt.-I. Inn the coin ing X ' ir XX li! ht;:ig t. solll." of p. ')i (4 nior xpa nt -r.-si Ani -ng th h-'ii! 1 !' "'i l--ria. lie W ' Th,. xx ip , 'u!o .x .tii h. kii 'ixn h i n 1 mi' tiiss',, 1 f,,r i,-,i ! r in -x - rx -ti ng itiat .'.it gre.n and .lot,! - t...:h s i.ilt) and Mi 1 r I ' I X' ti r ' gi 1 .1:1! p.,!:'!, 4 Itu! I n il not tr, (!- !oiig--r ,,n x-.ur t,nn' M M'.Y " A U 1 WINiiATK Nt'.IIT WAS I1KU TKItlP'U 1 11' I i-.iiigh t'-' ariv ait n-gh- '-.. g " ix: t s Mrs i'h 1 Appl-Kate ,f Al t-in-ltoi. Inl, "and e Mil l haid.y g,-t miy I-p I had ,- -nuuipt. 'ii .0 bid that f 1 a a k- I a block I would cough j fngtfiillv .ind "i'lit bi"".. but. xx lien all I "1,. r tl, . i;,e, f , 1-d three ll b-Ot!-, f l't' K ng' N-xx I's.o.-ry wholly ' : 11'- I , nr I 111- anl I g.un.'d .',x .,iiids ' ' ni- '- f j il.i'.'.ii'-ly gu.ii -nn ! to eili" I'.i'igh. l b I ' j r .s, !.i i;,- -lut in, I all 'inn - "M Thr-11 111! Lung i'r"iib!.' Frl e :.o ' '' n'-i- ' .in I IPs' Tr'.a. t'.'it'. -s f,-...- A Hart's I bur. Ii ; I n ,,K. St ,r -. ' g-.:. I . '' " 1 ,"f i 'ill, ' I'MXI.. o'llv i:l tin- in- was 'I 'M. I'- I I' , ., ., , ,, . i i ii - n in.i'i I". mii.i. -altrn u u. tetter, chafing. Ivy pi.scittig and all -kin torture ar I'li, kly . iii.'d by I "Witt's Winh Sane Th" c-r a n pll- cure, .'HAH IP " I I'ltS. luugglst. T'i' idiiiin -irafoii n,i liar Pj van In .x- lioii-1i to .nn, ttnit iiiatrl mi--:.' il iiini-r tli-.- In Mr 1 1, pox's r-'.ir A surgical op-ration Is n-t n-e -sarv to i-ur- (cbn Is-W'ltt's Wit, h Hax"! Saix- "axes all that expense nil never ft;!- It-ware of counterf-l' ("HAS IP "Wilts, Iirtigxr:st. I in v-t kn. xx the mil!) win, c illld Hot h-at- the misfortune. ,,f uti .ih.u- p,. f f I v lik- a ' 'hrlstiati S , if f WuI'.lx'INK :i Il'irUS A PAT. Tli t'i no rest for lh"c iVeb's" lit tle worker- Pr. ix'ing's New I,lf Fills Million ar- always busy, curing v .rpi 1 llvr. liiiitnllce, hll!..itsii-s, f-v.-r and agii-. Th-y l'.inl-h "Vk h-ad ich -. drive out iiial trli. N, v r gripe or wak'n. Small, 'art" nl work Wotid-rs. Ti v tli -in. l'",c at Hart's drug store. Tl. i 'hi is-la n mini. II :i nl . but lb- b. ,olM , Mltl N-Wloll x i ' i - ix r -: ,.: ' ,.f ali .! of. s Pysp.'P'i-s cuitnt b- long live! h"-b-.-iiu.-- to liv- reipilres noiiri-hui"tit. I'- I n not iniiiriahlng ui'fll p ii ilig-st- - I. A -lis ,rder-"l titomach lilg-st food, p mus' have assifitan-''' Kodol I 'ysp-n a ' 'ni e dig ! s all klmli of fo-ii vltliou! -i d from th - noma h. allowing It to ren and regain Us nitural func tu ih Us -b-m.sim ,r- ( x;n-tly th- tun is ih- iii-uia: diK'-tlxe tluld-i and It "iinpl.v can't ln-l(. bit! d, y Hi good, i 'HAS. ItmlMHis, prugglst. A ni-. i- grous rich bv .--nntig r; y'lavagant man grow iior by : liniilf li'll SIl-IIHlolie Pnig'-r. dl.t-.-M" and il-ath follow tio gl"( I of Ihe bo.V.-N. ffse p. 'Wilt's Mi ll" ll.arlv Hii-is to r-gulitt" th'tn and you will a,, years to your !f ami life to voiir years. Kav to ta!'", n.-vr grls-. ''HAS, liOc.KIt;,, prugglst. S ci.nd MoM'i'ilio-fioodness' it's ,m awful thing I i die hungry.-Fuck. A FI l! KM A N'S (TiSK CAM "I stuck to my engine although every Joint acti -d and every nerve was racked with pain," ivrltcs C. W. Ttellnmy, a lo comotive llremnn, nf Iturllnglon, Iowa, "I w"tik and pule, without any ap petite and nil run down. An I Wus about to give up, I got a bottle of FJee trlc Hitters and. after Inking It, I f"lt as we ns I ever did In my life." Wak. sickly, run down people alwnyi train new life, stPTiglh and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaran teed by II.irt'H Drug Htnre, Price 60c. Allen llalveram of W' al I'lrtlrle, Wl ins "1','opl,. conn, ten mile to buy l''ii,ll"S IxlliNl-IY l'l' UK." Willie J A Sp-to, ,.f ll'l iii'i', lu.l, says; "II l the iin, txon It of ihe min." Ilail't I'uig Sims,, Too 111 lay 11 11 .i iexx up Un it cour age X III, ,v c, ksC' xx A o lili'ich.n-i, e,t ltngx.r. N Y, s ivii "I luxe In en troubled with kid ney dli'iisa f if !.i last live veai a. li n e d, H i ll ed n idi several pin l, lana and I g ! no relief utuii u.,-, t,, ,t. lb-, of Kul.tlY'S KHiNKY l'l 'U l'l." H tt t' I h ug Store When nn often !, r . lined ""' in p" lie c-nii'l the .11 .011 - begins 10 xx ,1 1 y about i xv t ran UH ,,n leu loihir bill 1 li 1 11 ,1 no as not 10 Hp box 11111, ti lie nas x Inn be is miking t h,, x'oni,t' 1111I. e Wlllliim Woo.laid. of !.v.ttiir, la. "rile. " mm troubled xxltli kidnev dls.-n..- f,,r sever il vein an, (,mr 11110 d'llir ! bolil-s f hl,KY'S Kill NI'Y l'l It'; ciiml pi,- ,.u;d re.oui. m-'iil It o .iiivo'i.' who lm kl.lii v ti "iil'l " li nt's Prim Sioriv T.m 11111, h Idleness, I luxe ..,. U'-'I mi up a mans nine mm h mue , mil pien-ll .III ! ,. MIX' S III II e. Il n "XXII master, ill 111 any sui t of emplox in, ip XX'M'V' r Ulllke Cxi ling lias It , up dtnl doxxn. Af 'r tl - . ixxns ipe II WNI U SAI.Vi: It voti nie cut ,,r bruin-1 It lien I. the hurl oiiieklx- Take no tib-tiiuie Hail I'rug Store '!"d takes nn Ml . Ii.mii-u ,1. -II", and XXIII. III. lea I of the ,!,-,, I. nh-le th- x !l IX llol p., XX r t., fullltl ; but I,,, n, -xe, lake l.lllglllllg for I' Joelllg the .Ml ,,f 11 1. ixiibtii ami Ih, lie. 'fill 1 Inn It. fe.'t lie-. the 1, -, 'lull ,H of nun I Hut Ins foi'tiu uu. I, 1 S.'iif-. a Mr J uno Itr'xin of I'utsmouth Va . oxo-r 't ,,f ng- suffer.! for va-n with a Im-I on h: f ice Fhy-I. nt-is c.ui I n.' Ii,.;. I,,,,, Ji- Wltr Wl , Il ll i- 'l S tlx- ciii.-d b in penn in it! y. i'll Vsl IP "lll'is irtigg!s II II Tin, ,t Y ui , b'.l k Site -p of the f.tlllllv The Ink of energy ym f.-i. the hack ache nil .1 run down condition g.'n eriilv, nil inen kidney ,,irdi, lsi. Y S lxIISl-:Y Cl'ltll will im.ore votir s'retigth and vtg.r by making be kldi'-y well Takn 110 ub:ltui. Hart's Onig Store. Th,- p lit'.. Ming of 111.-. -ra. kers is lie ' .nil g m .re fi.-'iu.-ni itiKtit t v I: .lily rem inn f. r sonic li..y .. lake undue llb.-rtn wil'i Hie t'y and tlt.-n xx- shall tie unit., sure that the ..ib't, lar l r.glu and the glorious Fourth ! il haul The I.I I :ii . tired, nervous tnnti i-annol u,s'essfiiliv eomis'te with his h-a;:hy rival tvWIfi'xi little l-Mrly ltlrr the pills for cotttl(uit oti will retin-vv III caue of your trmblei ("HAS Iti M'. Kit's, prugglst. A 'liough'fu! trnle ) 'iirnal Mining in) M-tnlbi-gy. is ,.f th- opini.'it thai tfle I'tlll -, State Sh.,. II ! It',it; , " il. and ink.- out a k ',! i t. N-v rth'l ss. the I'nlte.l Slale, ,x!l , , .r, oml. ,.r mix otli.-,- pi.lii, : f,,r w It 1. It -hete u a b-ii!iiu-t iitiroii,!, tin, xx ill b, P xxlib .111 ,- to the pi,.. .t ,, The f 11' nr is .1 thing for which 1, , miner,. has little , ui. id ration "Th I'M't.tts tol l m- my fi'Hh xv nf in. iii-abl iirif .Minute rough Cur., ma I" t,i.. , v e! man" Norrts Stlv.-r North Stni ford N II - II, n ails- y,,u've tt f fuiiid r.-pef frotti n tut. born c nigh. , .ti"' d-snnlr, tine Minute Cough Cur,' lilts cured thotlSilltll tin, I Ii xv. II elite V tl Safe ilttil .lire CHAH. U'K.KU.H. Prugh-"t I K,w ,,. sax . In- ... i minor: il and , lam -rs for In f 'M ix ," i s n. pr-v nt h s be ing kill 'I II. i 0 and "f 1 1 u m : i ' r i ill', -hows sign ,,f not b, ;hk ;! n a: thing "A foxv months ago, f sxd will, h t rite for breakfast xx"til. not remain cn mv atom, i.-li for half an hour I u"' I .,n, b ctle of troii r Kisl il Pyspcpsin Cure am! ran t.oxv ra; my brenk'nsl and oth er meal with relish and my food la thoroughly digested Nothing rqu'l K" l l Pysp. su-i Cure for at .um. h troubles. II S. F its, Arlington. Tex K'slol Pvii'psla Cure illgesta what y, u eat. CHAS U'lUKItS. Pr-iiriris' An ..t.-l nitre pi'-sx- nt two surprising "dltollals llll,. Is ill defense of P,W iinl th- other In def .., se ,.f 1-M ly An I tneie are so many things that ,es.-t v defense! Im P. Iteciiard, Puncoinhe, la, writ's: "My little b ,y a. aided his leg from Ihe kri'-e to the ankle. I u"l SAt.VK Imm dlatelv mid In three weeks' tlm It xv,is iilin- e' entlpdy heal ed. I warn to recommend It to i-v.-rv family and advla" tlnen to keep Hnnner Stlv on hand, a It I a ur- cine f,,r solids or any aires" Hurt' Prug Stare. r - v hi, b :h,. Ihoiiitbt wd b-gln to H-i, .,la',. ;,i ih - Jinln lul ma-shun-i v of llnxtlind. ihal ,i T icnntn. hx lug in Tacinia, - I . I not ,axe I, en gillby of a inii'd'-r -urrnig thousands of miles aw iv. s vs hi-: was ti ntTi'iiiin "I suffer nl sin-h pnlns from corns I roiild 'mrlly walk." write II. Hoblu s,in, lllll-bor nigh, III., "Im! Uuckle.i A nil -a Halve completely cured them." Acts like innglc on sprains, Ionises, cuts, sor-s, scalds, burn, bolls, ulcer I'.'if 'i'l beil t of skin dlsases ntnl piles. Cure irmir mt ", by Hart's drug spite. Colonel Sml.h. who -nn in lin- I'l'il-Inln-s In cointuiiinl of -j,,, Fu-si Ciiln foiiila, Is now on the supreme h-ndi ovr there. (in,. ,rf"C of 'Ills xvill b to cut off III" old privilege i f being designated as "Jim." HLOWN TO ATOMS. Th" old Idea that the body ometlines needs a powerful. dra!lc, purgative pill has b--"'n exilol"d; for Pr. King' New Life I'llls, which are perfectly harm less, gently siti mill ile IIvt and bowel to exp"l poisonous ina'ter, clcunae the sy t"tn ami nboutely cure Coiistliiatlon 'iml HI 'k H.'.irl iche. Only 25i: n't Hart' Prug Htore, TIhtm seems lo be a growing senll tnent. that the "knoi-ker" should be brain 'd wl'h his own hammer. F.dwar-1 huh, a well known hulnes man of 8allbury, Mo., writes: " I wish to ay for the ls-n'flt of other, that I waa a ufferer from lumbago and kid ney trouble, and all the remodle I took gave me no relief. I wa Induced to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and after the ue of three bottlOB, I am cured. Hart'a Drug Store. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVtR RAILROAD. Ishiv IMItVIJIN'O Arrl I lien 111 ll'iirlluinl 1'nloii lirpotdl I'la m. il M I' 111 1 for Astoria mid Inter IH 40 p in. Imedlal poliila, I AIITOIUA I T 4J a.m. I For I'nriland, e to i 111 lt.-i in -,iuit poplin it so p.m. rkahiph pi vimoN lit h. III. I AC 'I 1 1l I A I 7 III nut X .41 I, III H. ' 1 s ' IM I ' I1 I Hi p. 111 SI 1 III 'I'H III II il' In SKASIDK 1 II :m tin .-xilll.l tilil) All triilti nmk I'loae coninv-lloln al Uu hie with all Northern I'aclllii Ira In to and from the I lnt nr Hound poliita. J. t MAYO, (len'l Fr l and I'm. Agoiit. ..Portland Astoria l(oulo.. STR. " TAHOMA." Pally Hour ! TCpi , pt SuinUy 1 1Mb CAHO leave I'-rU iinl I .I'd VP Ast.Ul.i , 4 III I p 111 Througti I'ortUinl c-uinecttoit with steaua r N tlicot (nun uaco ami l,i lie l, h point. While Collar Line , k ts liiien-hange. able vt HI, n It .Vi N t o. and V. T. I'a tickets T-l -'ll Si I',-, k T, b-l'll..lie 111 IHE DUIIMIUID ROUTE STR. "BAIl EY CATZERT." DAILY HOUNO THIF liciPt Mokoir Cascade Locks. Hood River. White Salmon, Lyleand Tec Dalles TIMfc CARD ls-v I'ortUinl .. Arrive The Palb-s l.cavs The I'albr Airive I'ortluit.l .. 7 A M 1 I'M i V M IU IV M MtALS THt VtHY BEST t THun,av Trl a I.ra liiig Feature I'Thla H.iutn ha Ihe (Handel: Hx'nlc Atlractlona on l arlh. I.ANPIN l AND 1FFI"K -MIT OF ALPKIt HTIIF.KT IHiTH I'lluNI-S MMN 311 I'CHTI.ANP, UUI-,' E. W. CRICHT0N. Agt fonlnJ JOHN M. FILL00N. Aft The Dalles A. J. TAYLOR. Aft. Ailorli OREGON Siiot Line AND Union Pacific T1MI ', Si 'I I l ip l'l. IIS Fr mi l'"i thin, I I "part Arrlv: t'llu' 1UO I'ortlanl Social Suit I sike. P.-iiv. r. Ft. W,u tli. i Mini " '" I via Hillil- ha. Kansas ' 'ity i Iii) p. in, St l'tila, i 'hi, ig , nu t K ist Salt Like. P. liv. i Ft. Worth, i una tin. K nils. is ci: y s pi ,i m St. U'Ula. I'll, ng" iind Mast Walla "Walla. Ts'Wlalon, Sni- katle., St Finn. 1 Mi I ti t li : ; on a. m Milwaukee. Chl-I cugo nn. Fast lllgloll Atlantic I I pr. SS 'J ISI l. 111. via Hunt. Illgtoll St. Faiil Fas: mull 0 p tn. VU Sp,.k all" "2 hours from 1'urtl.ind ! i "lilt 'ago. No i 'liange ,,f i 'urs. iii'KAN ANP IHVKU SC;PFJ.; From Astoria - I All sailing date. .c-MhS subject to .-Im ng. j For San Fran, Is ?o every llx d i) a 7 a m. Columbia Itlvr Pailvx- 'I',, I'ortland and cn,'. Sun. Way Landings. i a. ni, eXC. Monday Sle;im,.r N,i,c ipa leav.- A :1a on liib. al a I ly for llxxa-), , -oiiiieci ing tli.-te with triins for I-aig li.-ach. '1'1,,-n. mid North Heiich p.intM. Heturultig iirrlxa-ai at At irl.i sain,' cvjilng. O. W. UiFNSHKUUY, Agent. AMtni'la, A. I.. CltAIU, fi'licrul I'tiKs.nigef Ag'tit, l'oriiaii'i, (i, gi,n. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Tills pivpurat Inn coMtiiliw ull of llm (llKfritanU itnil (lljjcsis nil kiullH nf fiiod. ItKlveHliiMiaiii,rclii'f mid mtver falls to cure. It allows you to rut, uil tho food yon want,. Tim'iiHitlvo 81,0111,'iclm can tako It. Ity Hsuso inuny tliniiHitiitlH of flyspc,tlcH liavo been cural after everyt lilng- clsp failed. It lu unt'iiiiulli'd for iilltxitmiaiih troubli It can't help but do you good Prepared only hy pv. lii'AVirrV Co.,()lii'aR Tliell. Isitiliiciintiiliis'j Hiiii allii tiOL'. all. . CHAB. R0QER3. Drufjlft,