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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
THE MOUSING ASTOKIAN, PRIDAJ. JANUARY II, 1901. OUR SECOND ANNUAL SAI NOW IN PULL FORCE Don't miHH tliln (ij'Hii'li)nity to mirchuro First Quality Dry Good at WIlOLliSALB i'lticm . . . . All contrncts for iJvertittin In (J9 Aatoilrtu tti'tf niuJa on h Kiiiir untca of circulation four time luntcr tint n that of uny piper published or circulated In Out nop county. TOPAT'B WEATHER. PORTLAND, Jan. )l-Wetrn Or. Kn nl W'rutnrn Waahlngton, ruin and slightly iimit rxiH'in ni-ur the roast. Kanirm Orrgi.n, tight anuw; ICunU-rn Waahlnglon, light snow, possibly turn ing tu ruin, mill warmer In uth ern purlieu. AROUND TOWN. J. tl. ,tti. of CnUilitmnt, wni In the city Yesterday, mm m -Martin AniM, of' Portland. KM In I ho city yesterday. George Bi'iiK'T, of Portland, I In 4(10 iliy ou business. I Mdurrr, uf IJnm, IVru. registered t the Occident yesterday, A. 1 Iimi.1. of Portland, registered at tli Occident last evening. Come K. Hadg-r. of Oak Point, U Wintered At the l'rkr lloUs. Pwt 15-rnt meal. Rising Hun Ret launuit, II Commercial itmt. K. K. I ti-li h. of Hood River, ar rived in the city lam twain. lion. C. II. Wat in, of Ashland, wan In th city yesterday n business. Jeffs restaurant th Urge tod test. A trlAl will cunvlno you. J I. Going, of I'iirUnil. waa a pas senger down on last evening's train. W. D. Vhaldn and Hay Whealdon, vt Naiel, were In A it tor la yesterday. The Occident barberahop and baths to (ht place tu go (or first-class work. C. It. COOPRIVB GREAT ANNUAL 8 ALU W NOW ON. IJON T M1B8 IT. Whtra do you ft your Bundar din HrT I Ukt tnlns at tbt Central Hotel. Ths steamer Oi-o. W. F.lder arrived In (torn Han Francisco yesterday morn ing. The steamer South Portland la due to arrive In today from Han Fran claro. HKBT 1S-CKNT MEAL; MflINO PUN KRSTAUHANT Proirlftor Whipple of tin. Palar reataurant, la confined to his home with r'l. Captain RoWt Mdnl.nh, of Port land, was In the city on bualneas ym tenia y. KVF.RYTHINO OWCATLT TtEDlTC- Kl Klt THM NKXT THIRTY DAYS at council's. James Flnlayaon, of Han Francisco, formerly of Astoria, la In Mm city v lu lling hi parent. Tho Astor Hub will give a darning party at Foard & Rtokt-a' hall on Thura duy rvi-nltiK, January 17th. Thoa dLrlna- Ifnaona In elocution may call on lra. Franoi larllow, 310 Hixth airct, cor. Franklin avc. Thir will h A mctHlna; of th city lat-tixra' aamvliitkm In the Mi'Clura H'hiH.l bullill"K on Hiturduy inornltitr. Th TolrirrAtn failed to atuw up on laat vvpitliiR'a train, ai Aai-nt Hrown waa cmupxllnd to dlMpxjint hla cu toinpra attain. Mri. it. Clarka la iinpird to do drtoainaklng n fiiriil aewlng In f.tnili!ra by tho day. WO ComimrclaJ atrrrt, upatalra. to the hur of clrjalnit yrtrday nfturntMin Auditor .Ni'lunn lutd provw f( iwcntytlKlit dou loitiiunlty from Ilia poundmaatrr. It. O. Morrow, the wll-known Port land attorney and court records, waa In 0o rlty yeaterdny on lKal buitiiirao wlin tho county court. Cream Pur Hya. menca'a ftneat whukv. Th otilv mire (oode; (var antl rich and mHlow. JuHN I CAKL80N. 8ile Aitmt The Itrltlah aHwmahlp Hraemar will nil from the Hound for the Orient on Buturday with a carfo of flour, bcr and general inerchamilee. John A. Montgomery baa opened a hop At 21 Hond atrwt And la prepared to do all clanam of plumbing And tin- nlnf At the lowest poaaioio ratea. Iloalyn coal laata long-. ! cleaner and maJtea leva trouble witn atovra ana chimney Huea than any other. Oeorga W. Panbom, agenu Tclephon 1311. oniaht Fluher'a otiera houae ahould Im filUd to wltne the performance of tha Colored Arlelocraoy Company in thidr "rag-time carnival." Tha preen and public ak In glowing tcrnia of the company wncrever mey nave ap peared. bvAta now on aU t Urlinn A IteeiVa, 1-3 OFF LAST CALL 1-3 OFF The remainder of our stock of OVERCOATS to. Must Be Sold Regardless oi Price In order to do this we have made A FINAL REDUCTION OF 33 1-3 Per Cent 1-3 OFF REGULAR PRICE 999THIS MEANS: $10.00 Overcoat for $ 0 65 $12.00 Overcoat for $ 8 00 $15.00 Overcoat for $10 00 $18.00 Overcoat for $12 00 $22.50 Overcoat for $15.00 A Saving: of from $3.35 to $7.50 on Each Garment Extraordinary Low Prices on All Broken Ulnco. ..,-DANZ!GEP-.. pendli-ton ha been revelling In aev eral dny of excellent ali'lghlng during tho-piwt we.-k, which haa ten thor oughly tukon advantnge of by lu r cltl- K'llN. , i Paclfle I)d. No, M, D, of II,. will glva a nwia'tii' bull on Monday tviiliig, Jun, (1, at llanthorn'a hall, Admlo Hiuri Wo, Ticket fr ulo by the nim bcra, ' Tha barkentlne Tarn O'Khanter bua fltilMlivd taking on a cargo of lumber at Knuppton and waa taken down tu an nnclioruge In the lower harbor y trdy. h. K. Bellg nclvej n W-grum ye terday Aft'Ttionn amounting thu d'aih of hla coimln, Alpli'iniK I-vy, aa the rcnult of an oprrtion fjr appeiciu'iila at Han Franclaco, ' The Order of WaaMiigton b'ld a pub lie Inetnllatlon of iiilicera at llanthorn'a hull Ittut evening. The aervlcce were followed by a dunce, and a very plcua ant occaalon waa enjoyed, I. W, llJrper la tho "Hold Medal" wlilnkey of the world, HlheHt avarda at 1'arla, 1!MW, Clilcago, W. New Or leana, piKa.' I'nli'iili ii and Unlieuliible! Kourd Htokca Co., Aaturlu, Ore. The work la being carried raphlly for ward by Contractor l'lilmbcrg on the McOowun building on Corntn'-rcliil atrret, ii a well oa on thi building for It'M, HlKglna at Co., on ltind atn--t. Judge Oray and CominlaMlonim peter eon and Yuung go over to H'wilde, Mon day fiT tho purpoae of liiep)ctlng the new bridge Juet completed acroxa the t'pper Nccuiikuin by Contnictor lloua lon. Water ronaumera ahould bear In mind lhat Thurad.i)'. the loth, la the In at day uiM)ii which io pay water rutea, In or der to aold the penalty of 11 cent which la charged all delin quents. On Wedtwaday, the lliththouae dejart liicnt advertlaei) for blda to take the etranded IlKhlahlp at McKenaie heud iter on Into lluker'a bay and bring her MlongHliie the do(k at Totigua Point buoy depot. Tlila section of the coaat etiui to i In for another seg of mriithwent gitles. There waa practically no move ment of the shipping In the harbor yes terday on account of the heavy weath er now prevalent. No, the New reportT looked In the wrong column, the lirttleh ship Scot tlah lalt-a did not get to ava nte Wed nesday afternoon. However, she ship ped nine men yesterday morning from the local boarding houae men to coin nkto her crow. John Johnson, formerly of Atria, now of inys Itlver, wua married yes terday afternoon to Mlsa Anderson, duughter of II. P. Anderson, At the res ilience of the bride's parents In Grays Uiver. Itcv. F. K. 1H H of this city per forming the ceremony. . The atrret llgh's In Uppertown are one more In operation. The Wtst Hlmre Mills Comany having received the new colls from the Kaat nnd re imlred the dnntuge to their plant caus ed b the breaking of their circuit In the storm several week ago. Dr. W. C. McKetchnle. of Vancouver. It. C, la spending a few days with bta brother. V. W. McKethcnle, of the Poa Telcgratdi Company. Mr. McKetch nle Is on hla way to Han Francisco, where he will remain several weeks be fore hla return to Vancouver. , A remonstrance, against the proposed Improvement of Aaior street from the west line of Blxth to thA west line of McClurv'a Astoria waa filed In the of lice of the city auditor yesterday morn Ing, and will come before the council At their meeting this evening. InapMora of Hulls and Hollers Ed wards and Fuller, of Portland, were In the city yeslmdtry to Inspect the little ateam launch Kdlth. The launch however failed to get back from a trip up the river atkI the two Inspectors returned to Portland on the steamer George W. Elder., The library commission and the board of regents of the University of Wash ington have agreed on terms under which the Heat tie public library will be shortly established In the old univer sity building, where It will have tem porary shelter, pending; the erection of tho Carncgto library. . - The O. II. A N, Co. contemplates putting on a line of steamships be tween Portland And Honolulu, provided A sugar refinery can be established on the Columbia to use the raw sugar Im ports from the Hawaiian Islands. It will be neceasary to raise $l!iO,ooO for the refinery to further the scheme. There are three steamships and six sailing vessels now considerably overdue at this port, The steamships ure the Miloa and Kva from the Orient, and the Adantaon from Nanalmo, B, C. The sailing vessels are the Peter Rick- mers, Andrada, Ilertha, Hcottlsh Lochs, Ruthdown and the Otto Olldemelster. The report that wa current that the Alaska steamer, Tillamook, from the Sound, was hemmed In by float Ice at Seldovla does not receive much cred ence Among shipping men, as those who are familiar with the waters of Cook's Inlet say that there Is never nough Ice there to hamper a steamer In any way. 1 A meeting of the board of directors of tho Alaska Fishermen's Packing Co., elected at their annual meeting on Wednesday, was held yesterday after noon for the purpose of electing their otllcors. F. A. Fisher was elected president, and John Nordstrom secre tary. The Astoria Savings bank will retain the othee of treasurer. P. A. Kerglund will also continue as superintendent. The steamer Charles D. Lane, which has had such A disastrous time In try ing to get out from the Sound for Ouayaqoll, having turned back twice, Is nalri In trouble. The Saginaw Steel Steamship Company on Tuesday tlleU a libel in the federal court for sal vage which they claim Is of right due them, for assistance the llbellants, by their steam collier Washtenaw, rendered the Lane when that vessel was In dls tren off Cape Flattery during the re cent storms, It Is reported that a new triple trade alliance has been formed between the White Pass & Yukon Hallway Com pany, the Alaska Exploration Company and the Canadian Pacific Navigation Company for the" purpose of carrying on trade between British Columbia and Dawaon. It Is said that the triple combine has purchased two large teainers of British registry which will be rt on the run cs.r!y In tY. si.ilv.jj and that the nev company will open the eensoh' by cutting the freight ratea to Dawson 15 per cent Tho ttpedo-bot destroyer (Jold'hor ough Is now ready fir her fourth at tempt 19 n.alte a successful trip, 'J he repair to her eccentric rod which she broke on the lust trip have been rn-uJct and ths ved Is now lying at Ihe Northwcslurn Warehouse Company's dock, at Tiwoma, uw.iltlng a crew to take her out on a preliminary rpeed lest. Heversl firemen are linking to nuiks a full complement of men, and sorrMf illll'cnlly has ben experienced In getting satisfactory men. It la expect ed, however, that the preliminary trip will b.; mode some time this week. The veas"l la now under the control of the receiver appointed by the United Mines court, and It Is veiy imp r ant that 'he boat shall soon be accepted by the government In order that the money Jus on the contract may be applied to the liquidation of the Indebtedness.' 1 he many accidents to the Ooldabor ough and the consequent delays have contributed largely to the failure of the firm. A meeting was held yesterday after noor, by the cornmltfe appointed by Ch.ilrmun HlgKlns for the purpose of ciiil'Vli'g on the. boycott flxalnst the O. It. ft N. Co. F. J. Taylor waa ap poip'ed tmiorary chairman of the nectmtr tthfj P. L. Parker, secretary, J. 11, Johannscn, of Heasld', waa pres ent nnd protested against hli nurne ap pearing as a member of tht committee and decllmd to serve as such. W, F. McOregor also declined to serve on the committee for personal p-nsons. Hon. C. W. Fulton was nairwd for perma nent president or chairman of the com ii It tm and A motion. was msdu to ap point a vice-president to serve In Mr. Fulton's absence, as the latur B' to the legislature to be gone for some thing over u month. After some dltcus non, F. J. Taylor, the temporary chair man, waa up!"int-d and Ihe apjlnt meni of temporary secretary wss made permanent with the furthi-r office of tnaauir. It a it then sugnested by J. T. Kois that a commit tee e ap pointed to Ink out for the freight ship ments and to see that the merchants live up to their agm-mcrit, and that en ly ik1. merchants as keep faith with the ignd agreement should be patron ized by Astorians. This motion, with other business was laid over till the meeting to b held by the committee at 10 o'clock this morning. W II. Ilar ker reported satisfactory prore.-a by the committee that was appointed to confer with the Houthem Pacific Aa to rates to and from Han Frincisoo, and the meeting waa then adjourned till 10 o'clock this morning. COlf NTT COL'HT, Second Leading of Repo-t of Viewers and Burveyors : Astoria- Vp r , Hoad Other Uuslness. The second reading of the report of the survey nn tha proposed route of trie road between Astoria and Vesper nesr the county line, took place before the county commis-iimiera' court ys terday afternoon. There being no I. gal objections fJ to the road u shown by the report the original petition for the road was ordered grunted, The rout?, a laid out by the sur vey, covers a distance of forty and seven-eighths miles or a total of 220. 2'A feet, of which a general summary of Ihe grad.-s shows s. distance of 24,W0 feet level, 6a.Msi f.,et at a grad of one per cent; V.W) feet, two per cent; 2a, 810 feet, thre p-r cent; 2j,S50 feet, four per cent; 2Q,(tli feet, five per cent; 10, frOO feet, six per crt!. ni 1J.V) fet. sev en per rent. This shows that nearly one-sixth of the whole road Is perfect ly level and barely one-twentieth of the distance Is at a grade exceeding Ave per cent. Tht bond of bounty Assessor C. W. Carnnhan for WOO, with F. A. Fisher and K. A. Taylor as sureties, was ap proved during the session. A communication from John Larson, supervisor of road dls'rlct No. 19. was read, asking that thn bridges be con structed on the Vine Maple and Elsie road. The supervisor waa Instructed to p"st notices for bids for building the brldgj and report the earn to the court b'-fure The flrst day of Febru ary for their approval or reject! in. Hid for printing Ihe proceeding of the county court were opened as fol lows: News, dally and weekly, I2',4 cents per Inch each; Herald, weekly, 5 cen'a per Inch. Hudget, dally. 12'4 cents per Inch, and Z cents r.e 'rich for the weekly. Astorlao, daily and weekly. J2"i cents per inch eah. The contracts were not awarded and the Judge took th matter under consideration. The Jury list for the coming year will probably be drawn today cr at last commenced if the oth-r vnrk can be dIposd of. Another question to come up 'n today's session will 1-e the advertMli g for bids for the rebuilding cf the Walluikl bridge. JUST RECEIVKD A Kull Line of PARIS EXHIBITION 1'RIZES. The United States received more prlx-a at the Pari exposition than any other nation, except France. The total being l'Jhl. H ts also A remarkable fact, that though the Inhabitants of every other country suffer from dlges live troubles, and though every clime offers aome allevlatlve therefroin. It remains for AmerlcA to produce an ab solutely reliable n-mttly for such con. mon dlseaiM-s. This remedy la llostct' tcr's Stomach Hitters. Half a century ago, It waa placed upon the market. and from that day t this, it haa nev er been eiuallcd. It him an almost unAralleled record for the cure of dys pepsia. Indigestion constipation, sick rheadache, sour stomach, belching. nert burn, nervmisness, fatigue, insomnia, or any other disturbance of the stom ach. Be sure to give It a trial. NOTICE TO MARINERS. I'matllla Roef Light Vessel, No. 67. This vessel which, on December sHli. lsi, broka adrift from her station liout two and a half miles 6W, W. from I'matllla Reef (Flattery Rocks) mak ing off from Cape Alava, Washington and about it miles west-southwesterly from the cape, was replaced on her sta lion on January 8, 1901. Ths temporary oil lights which were in use on thl vessel have been re placed by the permanent oil lanterns Intended for her, and which will give a better and more reliable light than heretofore, but. In consequence of the height At which they are displayed be Ing lessened,, the distance at which they can be seen will be somewhat re. duced. No other change has been made In the lights, fug-signals, or general Ap pearance. Wlllapa Bay Outside Bar Whistling Huoy. This black And white perpen dlcularly striped serond-tlass whistling buoy, marked "Wlllapa Bay" In white, reported aa having gone ndrlft on the 23rd of December. 1900, waa replaced In position on January 6th, 191. WHIarA Bay Outer Buoy. This black and white perpendicularly striped first-class can buoy, marked "W. B." In white, reported as having gone adrift on the 23rd of December. 1900, was re placed In position on the 6th of Janu ary, lf-01. BUSINESS FOR 8 ALE. Good general merchandise business. Best opening on Columbia river. Good reasons for selling. Address, J. D. M'FARLANE. KnappA, Ore. REAL ESTATE. Edward Anderson to Ole 8. Anderson northwest quarter pf section 1, T I N, II o w; 1300. Thos. Llnvllle to J. E. Hlggins tract of land in S. Smltn Donation Land Claim; S325. J. H. Lamley and wife to Bertha Klerbohm lota 4 and 5, block 13, War ren ton; $100. mm iLASScf Baldwin's Celery Soda sarss a headache at one. It Is a pleas ant, ai'uMiiijf, effnrvMosnt drink that atstmmdiatly. Itolanandpur;nlM th stomach, awntiy enlsts ths nsrvas and raliTa all pstn. It oarss slok aod I taljstltue, lc, 280 6pc,$l.00 FRANK HART. Successor to Th. 01 sen, 600-1 Com. St The town of Eatonvlllc. Fla , haa 12M llnhablunts, wltH not a single white among them. Jt has Its full quota of public officials, a bank a..d other busi ness establishments requisite in a town of Its size. Fisher's' Opera House L. E. 8CMO,Laaeaad Manatrr. FRIDAY, JAN. 11 IDE HOI ARISTOCRACY CO, IN A Rag-Time Carnival A refined entertainment of Minstrelsy and Burlesque 25 Ladles and Gentle men. The best Artists In the Profes sion. Band and Orchestra, Novel street parade. Admission Reserved seats, 75 cents gallery, 60 cents; children In gallery, 25 cents. Scat sale opens Thursday morn ing at urimn & Keen's, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT The Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and intention to improve all that por tion or As tor street, in the City of As toria as laid out and recorded bv John McClure. from the -west line of Sixth street to the west line of said city of Astoria as laid out And recorded by jonn aiciiure. by removing All the old planks and stringers from crb to curb and by grading said portion of said street from curb to curb to the estab' llahed grade, and replanking the same throughout the entire length thereof to the width of ten feet on each side of the outer edge of the right of way of the or track of the Astoria Street K&Uway Co., with sound Or plonk, eith er red or yellow, of 4 inches in thick. ness by 13 Inches wide and 10 feet long. which said plank are to be laid upon stringers, two of which on each side of said street car track throughout the length of sold Improvement shall be new stringers and the remainder of the stringers shall consist of the soundest of the old stringers now on said por tion of sold street, and the street cross ings At the Intersection of said Aitof street with Fifth, Fourth. Third And Second streets shall be pionked and im proved to their entire width. All lumber to be used in said Im provement except the old stringers hereinbefore mentioned shall be good sound red or yellow fir lumber, and said Improvement In matters of detail except as herein otherwise provided, shall be made according to the require ments of the provisions of ordinance No. 1901 of the City of Astoria, entitled "An ordinance In relation to the Im provement of streets" and strictly In accordance with the plans and speci fications therefor to be prepared by the city surveyor. That the costs ana expenses of sold Improvement, except the street cross ings, shall be defrayed by special as sessment upon the lots, lands and premises benefitted by said improve ment, which said lots, lands and premises are hereby included within a soeclal assessment district, which sold district Is as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at the northeast corner of block number five (5) and running thence westerly along the north line of blocks No. 1. 2, S, 4 and 5 to the northwest cor ner of block No. one (1), thence south along the west line of blocks 1 and 16 to the southwest corner of lot one (1) In block number sixteen (16), thence easterly through the center of blocks 16, 15, 14, 13 and 12 to the southeast corner of lot four (4) in block number twelve (12). thence north in a straight line to the place of beginning, and con taining all of blocks 1. z. 3. 4 and 5 and the north half of blocks 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, all In the Toun of Astoria. Clatsop county, State of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure. This notice la published for eight days In the Morning Astorlan in pursuance to a resolution of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, directing the same, the first publication thereof be- ng In the Issue of Saturday, the 29th .y of Devcuiocr. awii. II. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judse of the City of Astoria. . . .STOCKFISH. . . Rt'sze's "ilace Aieat. Queen Olives anl al! kin 5s of Holiday Delicacies FISHER BROTHERS, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies fif all kirplsat lowest rates, for fishermen, ' Fanners and Loggers. A Ve ALLBN. Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which J Bottled beer for family use or keg Mr, John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer supplied AL Any time. Delivery beer for domestic and export trade. Jin the city free. North Pacific Brewery Pacific Navigation Com pan y Steamers-"Sne H. Elmore." "V. II. Harrison Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobsonvillc Connecting at Astoria with the Orevon Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria 4 Columbia River R. R. for fac Francisco, Portland and ail points east. For freight and passenger rates eply Samuel Elmore Z Co. General Aeents, ASTORIA. ORE. ( 0. R. A. N. R. R. Co.i Portland. Agents A. k C. R R. Co , Portland. lb a LAMB. Tillamook. Ore. ASSESSMENT NOTICE a NINTH STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF BOND STREET TO THE SOUTH LINK OF ASTOR STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 2572, of the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance confirming special assessment roll No. 36 for the Improvement of Ninth street from the north line of Bond street to the south line of Astor street" approved Dec. 27, 1SO0. will be due and Davable in United States gold coin at the office of the city treasurer on Janu ary IS, 1901, and if not so paid at said time the Common Council will order warrants issued for the collection of the same. The assessment la as follows: ...TTndlvided one-thjrd of lot 3, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure J13 it ...Undivided one-third of lot 4, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure ". 40 ...Undivided one-third of lot 5, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by joru nocture 40 M ...Undivided one-third of lot I, block 9. town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 13 St ...Undivided one-third of lot 3. block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 13 55 ...Undivided one-third of lot 4. block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 40 (3 ...Undivided one-third of lot 5, block - , 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 40 S ...Undivided one-third of lot 6. block 9, town of Astoria, aa laid out by John McClure 13 ...Undivided one-third of lot 3, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure , 13 55 ...Undivided one-third of lot 4, block 9, town of Astoria aa laid out by John McClure 40 86 ...Undivided one-third of lot 5, blocV 9. town of Astoria aa laid out by John McClure 40 15 ...Unidvlded one-third of lot 6, block 9. town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure... 13 55 ...Undivided one-fourth of lot T, block 55. town of Astoria As laid out by John McClure 19 IT ...Undivided one-fourth of lot 9. block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 39 49 ...Undivided one-fourth of S. of lot L block 65, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 1J 25 ...Undivided one-fourth of south H of lot 2. block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure B 99 .Undivided one-half of SV of lot t 1, block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 30 49 ...Undivided one-half of S V, of lot 2. block 55. town of Astoria as laid out by John MoClure 10 17 ...Undivided one-half of lot 7, block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 20 33 ...Undivided one-half of lot 8, block 55. town of Astoria as IcJ ! out by John McClure M 98 ... Undivided one-fourth of lot 7, block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 19 18 ...Undivided one-fourth of lot 8. block 55, town of Astoria aa laid out bv John McClure 30 49 Undivided one-fourth of S4 of lot 1, block 55, town of Astoria ss laid out by John McClure 15 24 Undivided one-fourth of S of lot hlnclt 56. town of Astoria as as laid out by John McClure.... 5 08 Th following la payable In Installments, the first Installment due Janu ary 18th. 1901: CHASE. "W. B Undivided one-fourth of NH of lot 1, DlOCK DO, iwvn CI no laid out by John McClure $15 23 , Undivided one-fourth of Ntt of lot 2, block 65. town of Astoria as laid cut by John McClure 5 04 Undivided one-half of N4 of lot 1, block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John MoClure 39 49 Undivided one-half of N of lot 2. block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McHure II 17 Undivided one-fourth of NV4 of lot 1, block 55, town of Astoria as laid out bv John McClure 15 25 PARKER, F. L Undivided one-fourth of N:4 of it 2. DlOCK UH, town VI .vwiui'a na mm nut hv John MoC'.un; 5 tl is rn ; Cc'jr.c!! cT tt.:. C"r c.T A-t.-.r; BOELLING. V BOELLING. V BOELLINO. V BOELLINO. V BOELLING. ELIZA BOELLING. ELIZA BOELLING, ELIZA BOELLING, ELIZA BOELLING, SOPHIE BOELLING. SOPHIE BOELLING. SOPHIE POELLTNG. SOPHIE BROWN. CHARLES BROWN, CHARLES BROWN. CHARLES ... BROWN. CHARLES CORBETT, H. W. CORBETT, H. "W. CORBETT, H. W. CORBETT, H. W. WILKINSON. ANNA WILKINSON. ANNA WILKINSON. ANNA WILKINSON. ANNA. CHASE. W. B.. PARKER, EVA BELL. PARKER. EVA BELL. PARKER. F. L. r-- -- Attest: II. E. inflltne snfl Pollcp Judee City of Astoria, O Astoria, Oregon. Jan. 5, 130L . . -