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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1901)
THE MORXIXG ASTOKUX. TiESMY. JAM'AKY 8, 1001. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. T4eihuue Main tit TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mail, per year IM Seal by until. per month M Served by crrUr. per month SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mail, per year. In advance. .00 Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication should b directed to the editor. Business communications of an kinds ajid remittance must be addressed to The Astorian." The Astorian gxiarsme, to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any epper published on the Columbia river. Advertising; rate can be bad on ap- Bratlon to the business, manajrer.! Many a foreigner w bo makes a flying trip through America feels qualified to write a book upon Americans and their wars, immediately upon his re turn to his native land. It was in much such a spirit as this that Peter Cumin, the labor delegate from Eng land, made us a brief visit and took away the Impression that the reason why Americans can land their manu factured goods In England cheaper than they can be made there is that ur worklngmen are driven by harder taskmasters to more slavish toil. While America reaps much advantage from the superiority of her labor-saving ma chtnery, it is true that the American laborer performs more work than the Englishman. H'Jt brain and his fingro are alike more nimble and it is natural for him to work more rapidly, no compulsion being required to produce speedy work. The English call us nervous race, and we are. But It is this quality, so markedly in contrast to British stolidity and inertia, which has enabled us to outclass the English In the Industrial world. TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAT Take Laxative Brorcio viulnine Tablets. Ail druggists refund the money f It fails to cure. F W. Grove's signature is on each box. Zc The population of Texas was official ly announced as 3.043.710. Chapped hands, cracked lips and roughness of the skin cured quickly by Banner Salve, the most healing Ointment in the world. CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist, The percentage of Illiteracy In Kan sas Is less than it is In any other state in the Union, or in any country on the globe except Belgium. IF BANNER SALVE doesn't cure your piles, your money will be returned. It Is the most heal ing medicine. CHAS. ROGERS, Drug gist. The total population of the United Slates was announced by the census bureau as 76.S6.22Q. That of New Tork state, 7,263,012. Save doctors' bills by giving Foley's Honey and Tar to Infants and children in time to prevent pneumonia or croup, which are fatal to so many thousands ef babies. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. - The California dry wine product for ISuO will amount to from 13,500.000 to 15.000.ChjO gallons, and the sweet pro duct to 7,000,00 gallons. J. A. Lambert, of Rachel, X. C. writes: "I heartily endorse Foley's Kidney Cure. It does what you claim it will do, and there is nothing equal to it, and I thank you for the good it has done me." Accept no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist, One-fourth of the Inhabitants of the world die before they reach the sev enth year, one-half before their seven teenth year. TO CURE A COUGH stop coughing, as It irritates the lungs, and gives them no chance to heal. Fol ey's Honey and Tar cures without causing a strain In throwing off the phlegm like common cough expector ants. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The little Grand DuchesB of Russia is the richest baby in the world. The week she waft born 1,000,000 was in vested for her. . Tou should know that Foley's Honey and Tar la absolutely the best for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Deal era are authorized to guarantee It to give satisfaction. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. The Vermont legislature has ad journed. Among the measures passed was one prohibiting the sale of cigar ettes in the state. TRIED FIVE DOCTORS. Mrs. Frances L. Sales, of Missouri Valley. Ia., writes: "I had severe kid ney trouble for years, had trl;d five doctors without leiiefit, but three bot tles of Foley's Kidney Cure cured me. CHAS. ROGF.RS, Druggist. All members of the president' cabi net, except Attorney-General Griggs, have decided to remain in office after March 4th. CONSUMPTION THREATEXED. C, Unirer, 211 Maple St., Champaign. HI., writes: "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had the consumption. I tried a great rn.ny remedies and was under the care t:i physicians for several months. I Tar. It cured me. and I have not been tumbled since." CHARLES ROGERS. i .. ' ,'.t. ASSESSMENT NOTICE FIFTEENTH STREET FROM THE STREET TO THE NORTH Notice Is hereby given that the a-esmer.t made by ordinance No, ;:7S, ot the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance confirming special - essmerit roll No. S: for the Improvement of Fifteenth stree t fwm the souih line of Exehanir strwrt to toe north Ivr 3,'th. lK will be due and payable of the city treasurer on January ISih, the common council wnl order warrants issued tor the cvluvtlon of the name, The assessment Is as ".slow: ADLF.R, LAURA BLANCHET, F. X Arena, of Oregon BLANCH KT, F. N, Archo, of Oregon BI-AXCHET. F. N Archb. of Oregon BRACKFR. THEO BKACKCR. THEO.. CHASE. W. B. CHERRY. ELLEN CHERRT. ELLEN CHFRRY, ELLEX CHERRT, PETER L .. CITT OF ASTORIA CITY OF ASTORIA DEMENT. LOUISE DEMENT. LOUISE DIELMAN. L DIELMAX. L, GILBERT, A. GILBERT. A. GRATKE. MART GRATKE. MART GRATKE. EMMA GRATKE. EMMA .. GRATKE JOHN a GRATKE, JOHN S. GRATKE. AXXrB GRATKE, ANNIE GRATKE, TVTLLIAM GRATKE, WILLIAM GRATKU, GEORGE 1RATKE, GEORGE ... GRATKE. R. A.. "Widow GRANT. BRIDGET GRANT, BRIDGET GRANT, BRIDGET j RANT, BRIDGET GRANT, BRIDGET GRANT, BRIDGET GRANT, BRIDGET GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH HIRSCH. SOL HOLMES, GUST ... XOLAXD, LOTTIE O'CONNOR. ED O'CONNOR, ELIZABETH PARKER. F. L. ROBB. JOSEPHIXH ST. SO VET, O SOVEi', O TUTTLE. EMMA WELCH, JAMES W. .. WELCH, JAMES W. ,. WELCH. JAMES W. ., WEI-CH, JAMES W. ., WELCH, D. H. ... WELCH, D. H. ... V.T.LOT7. D. H. ... SOUTH LINK OF KXCHAXOE LINE OF HIVING AVENUE. line or irvtinf avenue. approved IVvfiu In United State o!d coin at the office 11. and If not s. p,id at said time ..Lot 1, block HS. town of Astoria s Uid out by J. M. Shlveley $t0 SO ..Iai i. block S, town of Astoria laid out by J. M. Shiveley i) Si) ..Lot 1 Mock . town of Astoria ns hud out by J. M. Snivel.-)-.... 12 Ri .. Un J. block :i town of Astoria, as laid out' by J. M. Shlveley 41 ..Lot l. bi.vk 115. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J, M. Shiveley 5 41 ,.Ut 11. RUvk IIS. Town cf Amria s laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 1J . l ndmdod half of kt 11 Work 30, Town of Astoria as laid out and r-cor led by J. M. Shlveley 40 .South I'D feet, of lot 7. block 114. Town of Astoria as laid out and records! by J. M. Shlveley 17 0 .South ItH) fee of lot S. block 114. Town of A.-torla as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shivj) -y I J7 . lH s. blivk IU Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shiley U 55 . Lot 1. block 11. TVwr of Astoria a Uld out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 40 $0 .Lot block !L Ton of Astoria. as laid out and recorded by J. M. SMvey t 41 . W. S3 feet of S. SS feet of lot 4. blk 21. Town of Astoria as laid rut and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 1 S3 North 1 feet of lot S. block 114. Town of Astoria aj laid out and recorded by J. M. Shivley .... S J7 North l' feet of lot , bhn-k 114. Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 7 o F.Hith 1 fe t of lot . b!.vk 1. Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley ... 7 0 oUtn i?o feit or lot s. block :. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 8 J7 ;t 11. block 17, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 1 K Lot 12. block 17. Town of AstorU as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvelev 41 M undivided cne-six!h of lot 10. block 5). Town of AtorIa as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley 1 57 1 ndivlded one-sixth of lot 11. blk 2. Tow n of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley J 0J . Lndlvldd :ne-slxth of lot 10. block 20. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley '1, 1 57 UndivldeJ one-slxth of 'lot 11. block 20. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley S 09 Undivided one-sixth of lot 10, block 20. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley 1 57 .Undivided one-sixth of lot 11, block ?. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve-b-y 2 OS .UndMded one-sixth of lot 10. block 20. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ler 1 57 .Undivided one-sixth of lot 11. block M. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley J 09 .Undivided one-sixth of lot 1. block 20, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley 1 57 .Undivided one-sixth of lot 11, block 20, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve- ' ey 2 09 .Undivided one-sixth of lat 10. block 20, Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley 1 37 Undivided one-sixth of lot 11. block 20. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley 2 09 Dower Interest In above only South 50 feet of lot 5. block 114. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shivel-y .... 1 19 South 50 feet of lot , block 114, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 13 SO North Lit feet of lot 7. block 114. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 13 60 North 50 feet of lot 8. block 114. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shiveley .... 4 19 North 50 feet of lot 7, block 18, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. hhlveley.... 1$ 60 North 60 feet of lot , block 16, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 4 19 Lot 9, block 16, Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by 3. M. Shlveley 9 41 Lot 4. block 14, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 9 41 Lot 2. block 115, Town of Astoria, as iaid out and recorded oy J. M. Shlveley 12 55 Lot 9. olock 114, Town of Astoria ns laid out and recorded by J. M. Shiveley 9 41 Lot 4, block 114, Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley J 41 North 100 feet of lot 5. block 16. Town of Astoria ns laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley ... 8 37 North 100 feet of 'ot 6. block 16. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shiveley 27 20 Undivided half of lot 12. block 20, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 20 40 'South 70 feet of lot 12, block 115, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 19 04 South 50 feet of lot 5. block 16, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 4 19 South 50 feet of lot 6. block 16. Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley ... 13 60 Lot i. block 115, Town of Astoria 'ai laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 9 41 North 81I feet of lot 12, block 115, Town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley ... 21 76 Lot 3. block 17. Town of Astoria, a laid out and recorded by J. M. Shiveley 9 41 Lot 5, block 21, Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley 12 55 Lot 6, hlo"k 21, Town of Astoria, as laid out t'.nd recorded by J. M. Shlveley 40 80 Lot 1. block 17, Town of Astoria, ?. lnld out and recorded by J. M. Shiveley 46 80 Lot 2. block 17, Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J, M. Shlveley . 12 55 Fast 15 feet of B. 35 feet and N. 115 feet of kit 4, block 21, Town of Aitoria. as laid out and re corded by J. M. 8hlve!ey 7 85 WOOD. SARAH F By order of the Common Council ot the Otv of Astoria. OTvevn. Attw.i: II, K. Ni;l.SON, Auditor and Police Jude or the City of Astoria, Oregon. Astoria. Ore, Jan. 5, laoi. ASSESSMENT NOTICE THIRTY-EIGHTH STREET FROM XORTH LINK OF DUANB LINE OF HARK Notice is hereby given that the assessment niadd by ordinance No. i."4 of the ity of Astoria. Oregon. rntltld cessment roll .No. for ths improvement of riJrtyrlgnth street from a p.'!"! u itci suutn or the nortn line or rnanp .troct to the south llni of lUnUon .ivenue," appro e J S":h. 1W), will b di- ant payttblo In United Slate gold coin the office of the City Trrwurrr n January isth, 1901, and ;f nt so tvtid at said time the Common Coum'1 will order warrants lued ror n collection of the sume. The K"Mncnt Is as follows: ADAIR, MARY R I BARKER. LAURA ADAIR BRF.NHAM. BCTTT ADAIR BERGMAN. C. M. UUIIAIII. JACOB BUILDING A LOAN LAND CO. BUILDING 4. LOAN LAXD CO. wKwy. JUJiM CROSBT, vkumjx, maki CROSBY. MARY DOOLEY, K. M., Trustee DOOLEY. R. M Lot . block , Port of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded by EKOOS. TH03. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF UPPER ASTORIA FIRST PRESBYTERIAN OF UPPER ASTORIA . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN OF UPPER ASTORIA . FIRST PRESBYTERIAX CHURCH UPPER ASTORIA . GIMRE. PETER GIMRE. PETER G1MRE, PETER JODDARD, ALICE L, HARRIS. S. E. HARRIS. 8. B. MAAVE..N, makia u JENSEN, SOFUS JENSK.N. SOFUS jensk.-v. sufus Jmsw. oo us J.N-5t.., SUt US JENSEN, SOFUS JOHNSON, ANNA JORDAN. MARY ADAIR LARSEX. KNUT LEIFUR, L .., LEIFUR, L 31 EN DELL, ELLEX ADAIR MEGLLR, A. J., Estate of MEGLER, A, J., Estate of MEGLER, A. J., Estate of MEGLER. A. J., Estate of McGregor, w. f. McGregor, w. F. McGregor, w, f. McGregor, w. v. McGregor, w. f. MCGREGOR, W. F. McGregor, w. f. McGREC.OR. W. F mcgregor, w. f. McGregor, w. f. McGregor, w. f. McGregor, w, f. xormile, s. Lot 10, block 17. Town of Aatorta, a laid out and tveold by 3. M. SMiv l'y , I 41 A POINT 1'. FUKT SOUTH OF THR fTRCKT T THK SOUTH l$ON AVENUE. "An ordlt.ance confirming' special as. Utulivid. I oiie-eilith of lot 7, hlock 5) Port of l'ppr Astotu. as laid 1 it and recorded by John A-iHir I 1 13 . liHlivldel three-elghtha of lot 7, block is, iMrt of Upper Ast. rla. it laid out and recorded by John Adtr J 7S . Vnllvldd one-eighth of l.t 7, bVvk &s. Port of Upper Astoria, aa luld out and record.d by John Adair 1 23 . Lot 3. Win k JJ. Port of Upper At tirt. a laid out and recorded by John Adair 4.1 Od Lot 1. block 03. Port of Upper As toria, as luld out and recorded by J hn Adair 73 00 . Lot S, block II. IVrt of Upper As toria, as Uld out and recorded by John Aditir 15 00 S. half of kit 4. block 21, Port of Upper Antorla, a Uld out and re corded bv John Avlnlr M M Lot J, bi n W 4i. Port of Upper A. toria. as laid out and reconled by John Ad.ilr 43 W UK 1. block 5S. Pmt of Upper As toria, as Uld out and r-1'orded by Jikhtt Adair ? r.S um b.k 5S. IVrt of Upper As- torla, as laid out and recorded by John Adair T 50 It 3, blwK 5S, port of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded by John AduJr 7 50 . Lot 7, block 33, Port of Upper As toria, as lnld out and recorded by John Adair 30 00 John Adair SO 00 . Lt 5, block 34. Port of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 20 00 Lot 1, block 57. Port of Upper As- toria, ns Uld out and recorded by CHCTtCHJohii Adair 30 00 Lot 2, block 7. Port of I'pjx-r As toria, as lnld out and recorded by CHURCHJohn Adair 30 00 Lot 3. blin k 5. Port of Upper As toria, us luld out and recorded by John Ad.ilr $ 90 Lot 4. block 57. Port of Upper As- tonn. as lnld out and recorded by John Adair 15 00 Lot S. block 5. Port of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 10 00 Lot 9. block 5S. Port of Upper As toria, as lnld out and recorded by John Ada'r 10 00 Undivided half of lot 7. block 22. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 19 00 Lot 4. block 33. Port of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 20 00 Lot 5. block S3. Port of Upper As toria, ns lnld out and recorded by John Adair 20 00 Lot 6. block S3, Tort of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded br John Adair 10 M Ut 3. block 34. Port of Uppr As toria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair M 00 Lit 10. block 58. Port of Upper A- tr.ria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 10 00 Lot 11. block 5S, port of Upper As- toria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair t8 60 Iyt 12, block 58. Tort of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded by .Inhn Arfnii- in Art Lot 1J. block It. Port of Umvr A. toKi. as laid out and recorded by John Adair 7 M lot II. block 5S. IVrt nf TTnoer A.. toria. as laid out and recorded by John Ai'nlr 7 50 Lot 17, blocs SS, Port of ITppr A. toru, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 7 00 Lot 4. block 34. Port of Upper As toria, ks laid out and recorded by John Adair 25 00 Undivided one-eighth of lot 7, block 58, Port of I pper Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by John Adnlr 1 25 Lit 2. block 22. Port of Upper As. torla. as laid out and recorded by John Adair 25 00 Lot 4. block 58, Port of Upper As toria, hs laid out and recorded by John Adair 7 CO West half of lot 5. block 58, Port of upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 1 75 Undivided one-eighth of lot 7, Mock f, Port of Upper Astoria as laid out and recorded by John Adair 1 25 IInduidd half of lot 5. block 21. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John Adair 30 00 Undivided half of lot 6. block 21. Port of I pper Astoria, as laid out nnd rerrrded by John Adair .... 20 Oft Undivided half ot M 7, block 21. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out nnd recorded bv John Adair 15 CO Undivided half of lot 8. block 21. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 10 00 Undivided half of lot 3. block 34, Port of Upper Astoria, a lnld out ' nnd recorded by John Adnlr 12 50 Undivided half of lot 6. block 31. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adnlr C 00 Undivided half of lot 7. block 34. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adnlr .... 7 50 Undivided half of lot 8. block 34. Port of Upper Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by John Adair 6 00 Undivided half of lot 9, Work 34, Port of Upper Astoria, ns lnld out rr'ap'! recorded by John Adair 5 00 Undivided half of lot 10, block 34, Port .of Urper Astoria, ns laid out nnd recorded by John Adair .... 7 50 Undivided half of lot 11. block 34. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out snd recorded by John Adair 6 00 Undivided half of lot 12. block 34, Port of Upper Astoria, a laid out and recorded by John Adair 10 00 .Undivided half of lot 13, block 34, Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out snd recorded by John Adair .... 12 50 .Undivided half of lot 14. block 34. Port of Upper Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John Adair 12 60 .Undivided half of lot 15. block -34, Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 12 60 Undivided half of lot 16, block 34. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 12 61 .Undivided Jjalf of lot I, block 34, i NOR MILK, 8 NORM ILK, 8 NOKMILtC, 8 NOR MILK, & .'. NOR MILK, 8 NOUMII.K, 8 NORM1LK. 8 NOR MILE. 8 NOKMILU. 8 NORM ILK, 8 NORM ILK. S OL?KN, MARY C nlJi;N. MARY C ol.SKN, FLI P OSGOOD MERCANTILE CO. OSGOOD MERCANTILE CO. RAl'MA, ANDREW RAUMA. LOUISA KOSENQUI3T, BERTHA SCHLUSSUL, EM I LIE SCHLVSSEU EM I LIB SCHLUSSEL, EMILIE3 K'HLUSSKL, EMIL1E SKIM. O SKIM. O SMITH. H. A SOREX. NEILSOX STANOLAND. P. L STEFFENSOX. BERTHA .... TATTOX. JAMES TATTOX. JAMES WILLIKSOX. TH08 WILLI K80X. THOS. , WELCICER, KATY ADAIR . WRIGHT. C. 8 WRIGHT. C. 8 WRIGHT, C. 8 WRIGHT, C. 8 YOUNO. ANDREW The following Is payable, In Insiallrnenti, ary ISlh, 1D01: EKOOS. BEX ROSS. OERTRUDE V. ROS3, GERTRUDE V. ROSS, GERTRUDE V. R033, GERTRUDE V, (now Towers) (now Towers), (now Towers), (now Towers), (now Towers), (now Towers), (now Towers), (now Towers) . ROM, GERTRUDE V. ROSS. GERTRUDE V. HONS, GF.RTRUDE V. ROSS, GERTRUDE V. By orler of the Common Council Attest: Auditor and Tollc Astona, Ore., Jan, 6th, 1H0I. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. ly, PORTLAND, ArirlT, 1 ' 00 n. tTl Pit ft 1 anrl TTnlnn Ttnnntll 1 In I - -v ' "uvl , IV IB, lit, 7:t0 p.m.lfor Astoria and Inter-9:40 p.m. imeuiate points. i I ASTORIA. I ' 7.46a.m.lFor Portland A ln-lll:Ma.m. 6:10 p,m,termfldlate, point 10:30 p.m. BE ASIDE DIVISION. ll:Ws. m. ASTORIA 740 am 4i p.m II on m fi.m p. in, :") a m rill a. ra.- SEASIDE I';!"-- it;!0 p. in. 'timidiy ouiy All trains tnnlrs rtrtm rnnnrllina mt C-oble with all Northern Paclflo train to ana rrom tne East or Hound point. J. C. MAYO, den'l Fr't and Pas. Arent J. A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BU1LDFR r'i-'-' " . It, Z". Irt of I'pi er Astoria, as lnld out and recorded by John A'tnJr II II .... Undivided half of lot I, blin k J4. Port of Upper Astoria, a laid out and recorded b.v John Adair IM Undivided half of lot 7, block 14, Port of Upper Astoria, as Uld out nnd riioriled by John Adair ...... 7 10 .... Undivided half of lot I, block 84. Port of Upper Astoria, as Uld out and ivoorded by John Adnlr I 9 ....Undivided hitlf of lot 9, block 34, 1'ori of Upper Astoria, mm laid out and recorded by John Adair ...... I it .... 1'ridlvuled half of h 10, block 14. I'ort of Upper Astoria, laid out itml recorded by John Adair IM ....Undivided half of lot II. block 34. Port of Upper Astoria, as luld out snd record! by John Adair .... 100 ....Undivided hliir of lot 12. block 34. Port nf I pper Astoria, as la-Id out snd recorded bv'Jolm Adnlr .... 10 00 ....Undivided half or lot II. Ilk 34. Port of Upiht Astoria, as lnld out ' and recorded by John Adair il 80 ....Undivided half of i 14. block 34, Pert of Upper Astoria, as lnld OUt it ml rrcoideil by John Adnlr II M .... Undivided half of lot 15, block 31, Port of Upper Astoria, m lnld out and recorded by John Adnlr 13 It .... Undivided lislf of lot 14, block 34. port of Upper Astoria as Uld out ami ivcord'd by John Adnlr 13 10 ....Lot 1, block .'I. Port of Upper A, tuna, as Uld out and recorded by John Adnlr I M ....Lot J. block 21. Port of Upper As toria, as Uld out and recorded by John Adnlr It W ....Undlvldet half of lot 7. block !i. port of Upper A'lorla. as Uld out and recorded by John Adair II 10 ....Lot 15. block in. Port of Upper As lurlii, as laid out and recorded by John Adnlr 7 19 .... Lit 14. block 5. port of Upper As toria, as lnld out and rordol by John Adiir 7 10 ....Undivided hnlf of lot 7. block 45, Port of Upper Astoria, as lnld out nnd recorded by John Adair II M ....Undivided hair of lo( 7. Mock 45, Port of Upper Astoria, aa laid out and recorded lV Joint Adnlr U M ....Lt 1. block 34. Port of Upper A- rfiorin, as lnld nut and recorded by John Adair ! 0 ....Lot 2. block 22. Port of Upper A tnrlo, as laid out "d recorded by J .lin Adnlr . II tt ....Lit 4. block ::. Port of Upi'r As toria, a In'd out and recorded by John Adair It M .... Ld, 5, block 23. Port of Upper As toria, as laid out and rcrdfd by John Adair It 00 .... lot I. Mock ;:. port of Upper As. torla, aa laid out snd recorded by 1 Joim Adair 30 M .... Lot 3. Work 45. port of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded by John Adnlr 41 00 .... Lot 4. block 45. Port of Upper As toria, as laid out 'id recorded by John Adnlr 4f tt ....Lt 3. block 33. Port of Upper As toria, as Uld out and recorded by John Adair M Ot ....North half of lot 4. block II. Port of Upper Astoria, (is (aid out and rcordfKl by John Ada'r SI Ot ...,L.t t. block 23. I'ort of Upr-r As toria, a Uld out and recorded by John A lair l M ....Lot I. block 45. Port of Upper As toria, as Uld out and recorded by John Adnlr 31 00 ....Lt 1. block 45, Port of Upper As torla, us laid out and recorded by John Adair !0 00 .... Lt S. block 41, Port of Upi-r As. torla. a Uld out and rvorded by John Adair 30 00 ,...Kaet half nf lot 8, block 5. I'ort of Upper Astoria. a laid mil and recorded by John Adair 3 7$ ....Lit , block 5. Port of Upper As. Inri. a" laid out and recorded by John Adnir 7 M ....Undivided one-eighth of lot 7. bl'rk 54. Port of Upper Atoria. as luld nit and recorded by John dir 1 31 ....Undivided half of lot 6, block 21. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 39 00 ....Undivided hnlf of lot I. blnrk 21. Port of l'pr Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John Adnlr 20 00 ...Undivided half of lot 7. block 21. Port of Upper Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John Adair II 00 ...tlndivlded Imlf of lot . block 21. Port of Upper Astoria, as laid rmt and recorded by John Adair 10 00 ... lad 1. block Port of Upper A torla. as laid out tnd recorded by John Adnlr to 00 the first Installment due Jonu- . fait 6, block 46. Port of Upper As torla, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 40 00 . Lot I, block 44. Port of Upper As torla, as lnld out and recorded by John Adnlr 37 50 . lad 2, block 44, Port of Upper As toria, as laid out and recorded by John Adnlr 80 00 . Lt 3, block 44, Port of Upper As- k torla, as lnld out nd recorded by John Adair 30 00 . lad 4, block 4i, I'ort of Upper As toria, a luld out and recorded by John Adnlr 20 00 . Lot 5, block 46. Port of Upper As. torla, a lnld out and recorded by John Adair 20 00 . Lk 6, block 48. Port of upper As torla, ns lnld out and recorded by John Adulr 30 10 . Lit 7, block 46, Port of Upper As toria, ns laid out and recorded by John Adair 30 00 . Lit I, block 44, Port of Upper As- torla, as laid out and recorded by John Adair 37 10 of the City of Astoria. Oremn II. je NKt.flnx.- Judire of the Cltv of Astiirln Orernn WHITE COLLAR LINE Blr. HKRCW.F.rt take the place of IIAILKY CIATZKRT (Telephone, Dock). Columbia River and Put Bounl Nav igation Company, The Herculc leave Astoria dally except Hunday at 7 p. m. Leave Portland dally excopt Bun niiy at 7 a. m. Whit Collar Line tickets, O. R. k N. ticket and llwaco Ry ft Nav. Com ixiny tickets Interchanireabl on Her cules and Hassalo. Through Port land connection with steamer NahcottA from llwaco and Long Reach points. Telethnn M 111 A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria Afrent. k. W. CRIC1ITON. .Portland Atent. H.F.Prael TransferCo Telephone 121. DRAYIN0 AND EXPRESSING All Oond pMnnj ej fVjj. cg Vvill Receive, special Attention, No. Ill Duane 8t, Astoria. Or. W. J, COO If, Kgr Re. TeL 11IL ; t I i