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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1901)
f THE MOUSING ASTOKIAN, TICSDAT, JAXl'ART' 8, 1901. AMMl CIBBATM GALE NOW IN PuLlJ FORCE JWt ininH thin opportunity to jmrcliasu First Quality I)ry UoNut WJtOLBSALE i'KK'l'X: . . . . All contntcU for ittlvcrtiHUK In tha Alinlati ura Hindu on n Rimr tutted of circulation four time, luritcr I him llml of nny purer fubllnlii'd or circulated In OuU nop county, TODAT'fl WEATHER. PORTLAND. Jan, .-Orgon, rain, wifh mow In funlliltlN nnil mi'hjii- talns; Washington and IiUIio. rntn or now. i L .... . ., ..' .'..1 i. . j. i ftKUUfNII IUv;. KiU'-im Will, of lkf p lllvcr, was In J iter tity yesterday. Mm. Lan. of Portland, la registered at i lir Atir House, Captain JUny llnnlitm la confined to Ilia hum by Hlnea. Jainr Winter, of Portland, Is regis tered at the Occident. F. n. link, of Hc-aii k, was In th city on uuslue yesterday. Peat 15-cent rural. Ttlatnf nun Res taurant. 613 Commercial at reel. II. M. Kdmlston. f McMlnnvllle, I register! at the Parkr llous. Jeffs rvataurant tha largest and test. A trial will cnvlnoa yuu. Mr. I. Cohen ami Ml Harriet Cohen have guno a vliilt to I'ortluml. Tha steam schooner Despatch Irfl out for Kan Francisco Sunday morning. Th Occident barbershop anl bath la tha placo to go for flrst-claaa work, Mm. K. C. llTrrn, of Pal-m. ta a guest of Mr. and Mm. Jnmra W, Wolch, C. II. COOPER'S GREAT ANNUAL BALK I NOW UN. DON'T WISH IT. Where do you gt your Sunday din ner? I take mlns at tha Central HotsL Captain A. R. Heard hn taken com mand of tha atramrr Claudn II, Han thorn. SAIJ! IB NOW ON CO MR F.ATILT ANI HIX't.'ltK HOME OF TIIK HAH OA1N8. t.'mory Whit and JniiH-a Q. Wsltare, of MlnnruHlt, am ruUt-rrd at th CccUlrnU I1EST 18-CRNT MEAL; RUN HRSTAUHANT. HIKING LOW PRICES ON OVERCOATS ..."i' SWELL TOP OVERCOAT UROB UNO OP TMI JB 0ARMRNT4 MAMS IN KRPUCT TVUl mm , ; i ;. ,., :L;,i , Drcucra Wear... Tha 1 Adlcr... Clot tllp LUOfc fM lJti jMM" Extraordinary low prices will be made on all broken lines. First cost will not be considered DANZIGBR.. SECOND H. o. 'Johnson rrtiirio-d on tha noon trnln yesterday nun a business trip to Portland. Kvr.itYTMiNO nnnATir tieduc Poll 71111 NEXT THlRTf DAYS AT COOP1CRB. Cha. A. Payne, acsoolnto editor of lh Chinook Observer, was In the city yislrrday oil business, Ncbo Damlro, rf th Postal Telegraph ouVe. ha returned frrnn a tn-dayi vacation trip to Seattle, i i. i J. E. Tlbbltx. who lt wanted In A tori fur liineny, ha been arrested 'In Portland f.,r forgery. A. 11, Nlrki-raon, of Tai-oina, la In tha city the iit of HiipiTlnO?nilnt llulfT nf tha Lioiaop niiia, Thou dmlrln l"ii I" florutlon may call on Mm. Fruncni l'nrtlow. 310 Hixih nwi, cor, rmnkiiii ave. ivputy County CUrk Clinton rrturn d on Hnturday from a wwkn' vacation In Portland and JCaan-rn urfgon. Tha rtrltuh bark Attmrana, with a riu-a-o of whrat for Quinatown for or der, wa towed to -a on numlny. Hank Iititalla a down from Prt land yeatrrriay In th Intprvata of lh firm wiih w hich he la iuw loniiei im C. II. WhTlr. of NVhalem, la In th city on hla way honw from I'ortland with hla company a new tuir ami biirg.' Th eamhl llraemar. lately In thla port, la dua to arrlv on tha Round Iroiii Yokohama won an oneniai rarao, H. U Connor, of MoMlnnvlllc. deputy nroaeruttnir attorney of l aiuhlil roun ty, ui In lh city yeiterday on K-al tiunitma. Th Conmopoiia Improvfinrnt PocU-ty la aallatini: the nuetlon of conxtruot' In a atate rad from Oraya Harbor to th Columbia rivrr. Tlie blif German training' sliip Htritv In Kophla Charlotte waa towed to aea on BiinJay artmo.n. na caroea a car- ao of itraln for turope. The Ilwaro and Fort Strvena eleven! played a Rama of football on the lat ter' a arounda Sunday afternoon, (he aoldiem wimilnr by a acor of 10 to 0. Ilaker City hna taken alvantae of the park act. and at tha recent elec tion In that city the proportion waa rarrtcd by a lante majority. Judir bkh haa been notinert thai tne propo- aitlon earned and hla appointment of I he five memtiera of the commlnalon la dally exacted. KERSEY OVERCOATS Fornisr price $13.60 NOW $8.25 TAN COVERT TOP COAT Former price $22.50 WOW $14.75 OXFORD CRAY Overcoat Formor price $20.00 WOW $13-25 MEN'S FRIEZE ULSTERS Formor price $15.00 WOW $10.15 BOYS OVERCOATS Former prico $2.75 HOW $1.75 Tha only ral aatata tramtfrr record ed yrHlertluy wu that of I'Jtta M. I'ot ler to Mary L. Hurt, of lot 1, 2, , 10 and 11, blotk t, Koacdala adilltlon; tl, In tha Juatloe court yi-itrday aftr nm.n tha caaa aKainat Chin WJnK, ( huiitrd wHh aaaault and baltory, waa (llHinlMH'd upon the payiint of the c')'-t by tha di'fendant, Cream Pure Uyt. tmarira'a flneat whlxkv. 'I'hrt unlv nura gooda; guar anteed rl'h and mellow. JOHN L. C'AllLBON, Bolt A aunt. ' John A. Montgomery has opened a hop at i'il llnd Btr t and la pr pared to do all 'ltt"wa of plumbing and tin ning at th lowitt poaalble rule. rtoitlyn coal loata longer, la cleaner and makei leaa trouble with eUiv-a and chimney lluea than any other, (leorge W, Hanboru, annul, Tolephona 121 L The China Mutual ateamiililp Kalnow arrrlved down tha river Hun'luy after niMn and went to the Oua Company' dock, where aha la taking nn 2M tona of coal. Hhe expect to leave out to day. The Tewniera' Union will hold Ita regul'tr met-tiiig at lUnthorn'a ball, on TuetKluy evening, January I. All m in-iM-m are requested to be pr-amt aa bualnew of Importance la to be Irana a letl. The KaUow, now tuklng on cowl at the Oaa Compnny'a dock, I despatched by Kerr, Clifford & Co., and goea to Bt. Vincent for ordera. hhe carrlea a cargo of W.ZVj buxtK-la nf wheat, valued at l'9,(M0. A. M. Miller, who haa been with tha Conn Drug Comixuiy for aoma lime puM, haa n'algned hla poalthm here and left on Sunday to accept a position with ttw Cltlaena National Hank at I'ortland. The order of Hoo Hooa will hold an Incantation In thla city on or about January 2t, when a number of log roller and pem li-puiihera will be made, acquainted with the raynterlea of the black cat. Mr. Davldnon, third officer of the American transport Aiheiiian. while the vr-l waa lying at Taku, accidentally Kwallowei a imiill Japnneae trmhpick and died from the efTecta In a very ehort time. An apr-eal haa b-n 'taken In the i i.e of rt. NnrniiU- vi. the O. It. & N. Co.. In which he waa awarded damugea In the iuir. of $?0Q for the loaa of a muio through the negligence of the company', i-mployea. It'a a gentleman'! whltkey. a pure dellcloua beverage and a gnmd appetl ier. Don't forget the name. "I. W. Harper" whlnkey. The kind your grandfather uM." Fold by F ard and Hlokea Co., Aatorla, Ore. An order waa made In probate court reatnrday confirming the aale of prop erty of the eatate of William F. Hax ter. d!ased. The mine order waa made In the matter of tho real eatate of the late Timothy Sullivan. The funeral of the late Mm. Henry Kindred waa held yeaterday morning at 10:30 o clock. The aervlcea were conducted by ltev. Wm. Seymour Short and were attended by many of her f rlenda and by niemtw ra of the I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W. The Interment waa In the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Sklpanon. Three expert engineer! have been went by the Great Northern railroad to the Cascade tunnel, where they are to make Inveatlgatlnna and report on tho beat nieana to do away with the amoke, coal una and amut nulaancea. which are a great detriment to the perfect working of thla Immenae tunnel. A aecurely packed consignment of to tem polea from Rltka, Aluaka, for the Free Museum of Liverpool, e.ngiana. will bo ahlpped aboard Dodwell A Co.'a (teamahlp Ulenturrvt, from the pound. The totem polea were purrhaaed In Alnaka, and will be placed among the permanent exhibits of the muaeum. Frofcaaor K. L. Washburn, of the ntologlcal Labratory of the University of Oregon, haa a long article In yea terday'a Oregonlan on Eastern oyater ulture In Yuqulnn bay. He haa made an exhaustive atudy of the subject and thinks they can be raised there very profitably II the right means are re sorted to. Captain Archie Pease, the river pilot. waa down yesterday from Portland to meet the steamship Mlloa. The orien tal, howtver, failed to show up. She was due to arrive In here aeverai days ago, aa U also the steamship Eva, but Is probably delayed by the heavy eaa terly galea that have been quite pre valcnt recently. A contract for the manufacture, of POO.OOO cigar boxes monthly for Manila factories has been ofiered to l acoma ueonK Ncne of the factories there at present are capable of handling such a large contract, but one or two firm have the matter under consideration and may equip their planta so as to make the acceptance or this contract poaalble. A Gorman sailor by the name of H. Peterson died at the hospital Sunday morning of pneumonia. He ran away from the German bark Alsterufer while that vessel was In Portland and had since been In the sailor boarding bouse of Kenney & Lynch from which place ho was taken to the hospital on tunnay morning. He died about half an hour after reaching the hospital. The revenue cutter Commodore Per ry took on a quantity of coal at San born's yesterday afternoon and dropped own to Fort Stevens toward evening. She will wait favorable weather and then leave out on a cruise up the North oust. She expected to leave out last evening but the aspect of things out- Ide was anything but Inviting and her departure was delayed till this morning, at least. Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar was t his office In the capltol. for a short time Friday afternoon for the first time since he was taken 111 nearly a month ago, He was very pale and weak and remained but a half hour, when he re turned to hla home, announcing that he would not return to woi;k for at least a week. With good care Mr. Dunbar will recover rapidly now, but will not be able to do much hard work for some time to come. L. B. Egbert, a switchman In the employ of the Northern Pacific Termin al Company, was InBtantly killed at the Union depot in Portland on Sunday af ternoon, He stepped between two ves tlbuled cam for the purpose of adjust ing hoir.e porelon of the automatic coupling, when the cars cams together. His face was caught Just above the coupling bumpera When the car were separated he was dead. He leaves a widow and one child. Nxt FrHay evening the Colored Arlsiorracy Company, ronslatlng of 25 lady and gentlemen artiaia, will ap pear at Flsner'a opera houne In an Bvmring of mg-tlrn carnival, mln fcirolsy, burlesque and vaudlvlite. Tfc company la a good one and knepa the audience In roara of laughter with their rwflned entertainment. The artlnts are lectd from tha best In the profession. The rwwrved iM-at sale open Thuraday morning at Grillln Itecd'a. Mm. France Partlow, f-acher of elo cution, haa concluded to remain here for another term, owing to the many applications from i,oplo who are In terwited In the advancement of their talented children. Mra. Partlow la a graluate of the Chicago conservatory of dramatic elocution. Her skilled tutel age Is highly recommended by the '.eachfrrJ of elocution and profensom of different schools and collegia In Ore gon, where her work haa been exhi bited In home talent entertainment, The Norman Isle., which haa been lying at I'ortland something over a month on account of smashing her tro peller In trying to turn around In tha narrow river there, at Inst ready to leave and waa cleared by the Pacific Kxport Lumber Company taiurduy, for Khanglial, with one of the lirgcut lum ber cargoea ever floated on the globe, nhi: carries 17l plecee of dn-ased lum ber and 37,13 pieces of tough, a tUl of 2.M7.143 feet, and t bundles of luth. the cargo being- valued at 129,- J. A. Morrhead, of Nahcotta. Is un demtood to have clnaed a deal at South lWid with C. C. Dalton, aa at torney for H. A. S'-aborg, whereby the Morrison hof l building and practically all of the Bealand townslte becomes the proirty of Mr. Morehead. This deal definitely ends the old rivalry be tween the townslt of Naticotta and Bealand which In boom times wa de-ciit-d)y sultry but of late haa cooled off. Mr. Loomla having had control of the Nahcotta property and Mr, 8aborg of the "-aland property. Tb Cerman hlp Alice wa cleared from Portland yesterday morning by the i'ortland Grain Company for 'Jueenstoun or Falmouth for ordet. Hhe carries 119J bUHhela of wheat, vilued at pS9,4ol). The Alice waa not deaatched with any great rapidity, having b-en In the river for nearly a month. The Irltlnh ahlp Scottish litle waa also cleared y aterday. She wa iU-Ht,atched bv Hairour. uutnrte a io.. and carries 1186K5 buhels of wheat, valued at ICT.fM. The Scottish Iale also jfojsj for irdm. The new tug Geo. It. Vosburg and the barg C. H. Wheeler. r"cent ly built at Fortland for the Wheeler i raimiMirtatlon Company at wenaiem, arrived down the river and moored to the Oregon Round Lumber Company'a dock at the foot of Seventh street. The tug is a well built craft although rath er small for ocean work as sne Is dec lined for towing barges, etc.. to San Francisco from Nehalem and other const points. The barge is an excep tlonally strong one, although an odd' looking affair. The tug will leave out with the barge,, this morning for Ne halem. If the plans of the lighthouse board meet the approval of congress and the necessary approprlatlona are made at tiie present session, the rocky and. tn some places, narrow and dangerous passagea leading through the Alexan (W archipelago to Juneau and Skag way will soon be lined with fourteen lighthouses and rendered comparative ly afe for navigation on the most fog' gy day or the darkest night These same plans also contemplate the equip ment of the remainder of the coast of Alaska with llghthuses st all point where necessity exist and there Is suf flclent commerce to warrant the xpen diture. BUSINESS FOR 8 ALE. Good general merchandise business. Beet opening on Columbia river. Good reasons for selling. Address, J. D. M'FARLANE. Knappa, Ore. WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS TEA. On Wednesday, Jan. 8. an afternoon and evening tea will be given by rush ing Corps; No. J, Woman's Relief Corps of Oregon, at the house of Mm. Pauline Ziegler. No. 314 Seventeenth street Good music, fish-ponds and other at traction are provided for. in soliciting the patronage of the nubile, the oillcers and members of the W. R. C. feel that It Is only due to those who have always responded so kindly to their call, to give a partial list of disbursements for the year 19M: To the needy poor in Astoria. In clothing and money, $18.75. Groceries to poor, i. To Soldiera' Home, at Roseburg, M4.75. Also donations to the following Insti tutions: The Galveston fufferera; National Women Relief Corps' Home for Wo men: National Council of Women: Oregon monument fund: Ellsabtth Rops monument fun 1 and other. The corps also presented tho local post with a magnificent silk flag,' with embroidered stars, costing 45. EATING FOR TWO it may be for three. A new mother, or about-to- 4 be mother, should keep herself up to the highest possible level of health and supply, and begin far back. Live generously and carefully. Whatever is good for her comfort and health, let her have it; whatever is bad for her comfort or health, avoid it Almost without exception, Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil is a needed help ; and gen erally a very important help. We'll tend yon a little to try If yon IDce. SCOTT A BOWNE, 40a Psvl Wrtet, N York, COUNCILMEN INSTALLED. Common Council Mt Acordlng to Ilule Vtuiftrday at Noon Committees Appointed. A provided by the charter In the event of admitting newly elected mem bers to the council the city fathers met at noon yesterday to formally Install the new member and ai'Oolnt cmmlt tee fof the ensuing term. Probably on account of the fact that several of the member of the old council wr largely Interested In their diniKT t about that hour but a bare quorum of five turned out. Ex-Countllman Ooddard, having gone throuKb his term of mourning once fWld to show up and that predicted farewell address did not mateiiallxe. '?h othr counciimen absent mere Cook, 8 vena, n and Par ker. The reading of th? mayor4 m'-si-ase was iKwtpone.i until the regular meet ing on Friday night. Mayor Hvrgmnn appointed Messrs. Agren, IJrl and Si.-tierneckau aa a com mittee on credentials, and ths commit tee reported that City Attorney Smith nd Councilman Ilan.-n( L'tzinger and Wrlghi were entitled to seat. The gentlemen were than formally Installed. Mr. WrlKht waa esrted to his seat by Councilman Agren, at the mayor's request. A resolution was Introduced by Coun cilman Bthernctkau directing that the regular meeting of the council during thn year U'Jl be held at 7:29 p. m on the first and third Mondays of each month, except that the flrn regular meeting ehali be Vdd at 7:30 p. in. on Friday, January 11. The n-silutlon al to provide that In case the first or third Monday of any month falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held ion th following Tuesday. It a adopted: Mnyr P-enrman announced the ap pointment of the various siandln? com mittee to wve during the ensuing yer as follows: Ways and Means Mews. Schernec knu, Prix and Parker. Health and Police Meer. Erlx, Cook and Utln?er. Street and Public Ways Msr. t.'tslnper. Agnn and Cook. . Fire and Water Messrs. Hannen. Wrlrht and Svenson. PubMo Property Messrs: Parker, H'-riS'Ti and WrlKht. Wharv-s and W atTfrontage Messra Sven-n, Agren and Scherneckau. PAKIS EXHIBITION PRIZES. The United States received more prises at the Paris exposition than any other nation, except France. The total being ISsl. It Is also a remarkable fact, that though the inhabitants of every other country suffer from diges tive troubles, and though every cilme offer me allevlattve therefrom. !t remains for America to produce an ab solutely reliable remedy for such con mon dlseas-. This remedy la Hostet ter' Stomach Bitters. Half a century ago. It waa placed upon the market, and from that day to this. It has nev er been equalled. It haa an almost unparalleled record for the cure of dys pepsia. Indigestion constipation, sick headache, sour stomach, belc hing, heart burn, nervousness, fatigue, insomnia, or any other disturbance of the stom ach. Be sure to give It a trial. OREGON WILL EXHIBIT. Her Commissioners Visit Buffalo A. J. Johiibon of This City Talks of Timber and Mineral Wealth. Mews. A. T. Tifft and A. J. John son and Colonel Henry E. Dosch, were tecent visitors in Buffalo and at the grounds of the Pan-American exposi tion. They are members of the Pan American commission for the state of Oregon, ard their mission in Buffalo related to the exhibit of this state at the exposition. They were greatly pleas ed with the prospects for the success of the nxpositlon and impressed with the opportunity existing for Oregon to display it resources. Messrs. Johmon and Dosch were commlalsoners for 'Jrciron at the Columbian and Omaha expositions. Col. Dosch is commission er of the Oregon state board of agri culture, and Mr. Johnson Is a forestry exp-:rt, and is connected with the Unit ed States geological survey. Speaking of the prospocts for an exhibit from Oregon, Mr. Johnson said: "The state of Oregon will be on the flriii- line when the exposition opens, and I assure you w will not be lack In 111 a single detail. We carried the sweepstakes 3t the Columbian exposi tion, and repeated the success at the frans-Misslssippl exposition at Omaha. We intend to do the same at this ex- Dosltlon, only more of It. We propose to make this the banner exhibit cf any yet made by the state. ' Oregon is placed in rather a peculiar position. WTe have few manufactories nnd establishments of that kind, but on the other hand we have great for estry, mining, horticultural, agricultur al and other facilities, and when the matter Is Investigated I think you will find that we have our share of the manufacturing enterprises of the ex tremc west. With all these you can readily see what we can accomplish at the exposition. "We propose to exhibit In eight dif ferent departments, not flimsy little In significant exhibits, but good, substan tial displays such as will reflect credit to our state and to your exposition alike. ''Flrat In Importance is the forestry exhibit. Tou may all boast of your big manufactories, your mammoth depart ment stores, your great commercial In terests in general, but we claim the largest trees and the greatest variety v"f snme to be found in any state In the Union. They are, to be exact, 144 varie ties of trees and shrubbery which we Intend t bring to the Pan-American exposition. One feature of this display will be a tree about 15 feet In diameter and so long that it will require four large flat cars to transport It. "Understand, we have larger trees, but railroads cannot carry thorn. We have trees nearly 20 feet in diameter. but they are too large to be trans ported. When this display arrives in Buffalo It will be put together and will be shown In Its original form. In ad dition to this, we wilt have about 100 exhibits of polished wood9 from trees that grow in our forests." MRS. M. J. KINNEY. Brief Sketch of the Life of This Promi nent Temperance Worker. Mrs. Narclasa Edith White Kinney. state president of the Woman's Chris tian Temperance union, the announce ment of whose death at Portland was made In Sunday morning's Astorian, was widely known as a temperance worker. She waa born In Grove City. Fa, in Ju!v 1M her sn"1 tr.r pff, . Irish. She waa a direct descendant or Adam Wallace, -who was burned to death In Scotland for his relbxlous be lief. She was reared in the Lnlted Presbyterian faith, and early became a worker on behnlf of (emix'-am-. When still quite young she b-riro superin tendent of the ivllnboro Union School, In Nsw Eri. Pa. While there she as sisted In bringing the Importance of scientific temperance teaching to the attention of the stnia legislature Hhe Joined the White i'.ll-bon orK'inUttinn In 1(S89, and txvwne president of the local union at Grove City. In ISM sh was sent to Washington Territory, to Bii ft, W. C. T, II. in securing tem perance legislation, and to her effort the success of local option wa largely due, as the liquor advocate put up a strong opposition. in IMS Mis Whit was married to M. J. Kinney, of Astoria, and about a ago the family moved to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Kinney helped to organize and maintain a Chautauqua association in uregon, ami air. r.inny crcame n 1 first secretary. Mr. Kinney donated ground ar.d auditorlunn worth 1 200 to; the organization, while Mrs, Kinney,. gift have atfrfrated over P'."0. Mrs. Kinney's death was painless. Phe was striken with paralysis rrlliyj morning and wan only con-lou at in terval until her death. Although not considered erl'usly III she hud bt-"n in poor health for about two y am. The funeral services will take place at Portland on Wednesday at W o'clock a. m. The Interment will also be at that place. ANNUAL MCETINO. The regular annual meeting of the stockholder of the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company will be held at the office of the companr. Astoria, Oregon, on Wednesday the 9th day of January, 1901, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors to erve for the ensuing year, and the transaction nf such other busi ness a may com before the meeting. JOHN NORDSTROM, f Secretary. ' ADVERTISED LETTERS. - of letters remaining uncalled for In the pogr office at Astoria, Oregon: Anderson, Huld Gardiner, Slurry Andrews, Delhert J,trks.n, Mrs. Kals? Brown, Mageie Brown, Mrs. J. A. C'nef'rie. Betfa Carney, John Iunlals. John Davs. Chs. Johnson, Tra Lone. Col. T. S. Montleth, Glory Poults. J. F. Bob.-rts. Ml Tre?t Schwartz. Willie Elderson, Ed. FOREIGN. Quinn, Thomas NCrTICS IS IIEREBT GIVEN That a certificate of the completion of the improvement of Tnth street from the south line of Exchange street to the north line of Franklin avenue, and from the south line of Franklin ave nue to the north line of Grand avenue. In McClure's Astoria by N. Clinton and Son, contractors, under the provisions of ordinance No. 2.9, of the City of Astoria, haa been duly filed with the ASSESSMENT NOTICE NINTH STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF BOND STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF ASTOR STEEET. Notice is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 2S72, of the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance coiifirmlng special assessmtnt roll No. 38 for the Improvement of Ninth Btreet from, the north line of Bond strcft to the south line of Astor strut" approved Dec. 27, 1Xi. will be due and uavable In United States gold coin at the otfice of the city treasurer on Janu ary IS, and If not ao paid at said time the Common Council will order warrants Issued for the collection of the same. The assessment Is a follows: BOELLEN'G. V Undivided one-third of lot 3. block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure H3 It BOELLJNG, V Undivided one-third of lot 4, block 9. town of Astoria, as laid out by John McCiure 40 tt BOELLING, V Undivided one-third of lot 5, block I t 1 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by joni aic. lur 40 M BOELLING. V Undivided one-third of lot J. block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John MoClure 13 5 BOELLING, ELIZA Undivided one-third of lot 3, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 13 55 BOELLING, ELIZA ......Undivided one-third of lot 4, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 40 (5 BOELLING, ELIZA Undivided one-third of lot 5, block . , , 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by ' j '.','! John McClure 40 65 BOELLING, ELIZA Undivided one-third of lot 6, block 1 , ; , 9. town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 13 5 BOELLING. SOPHIE Undivided one-third of lot 3, block 9, town of Astoria, aa laid out by ' i ! ' 1 John McClure 13 55 BOELLING, SOPHIE Undivided one-third of lot 4, block 9, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 40-5 BOELLING. SOPKIE Undivided one-third of lot 5, block , i 1 i i I .; 9. town of Astoria aa laid out by John McClure 40 5 POELLING, SOPHIE RltOWS CHARLES BROWN. CHARLES BROWN. CHARLES BROWN. CHARLES CORBETT, H. W.. CORBETT, II. W. CORBETT, H. W. CORBETT, H. W WILKINSON, AXXA WILKINSON. ANNA WILKINSON. ANNA WILKINSON. ANNA 2. block 65, town of Astoria as as laid out by John McClure.... 5 63 Th following Is payable In Installments, the first Installment due Janu ary 18th. 1901: CHASE, "W. B.... : CHASE. W. B PARKER. EVA BELL PPKER, EVA BELL PARKER, F. L PARKER, F. L By order of tho Common Council Attest: Auditor and Astoria; Oregon, Jan. 5, 13.L auditor and police Judire of the C'liy r-f Astoria, by the coimnitlivs on ir-"U and public ways, city surveyor and superintendent of streets, anl tht at the next regular meeting of anl.l coun cil the Improvement of said stpvt will be f'rmally accepted unlem chjertlons be filed against the nun. Dated this 4th day of January. Wt. H. E. NKt,;-.ri'. Auditor and Police Judgs of the City of Astoria. REPORT 07 THE CONDITION 07 nilST NATIONAL P.O OF ASTORIA, 1 At Astoria, In the Stat of OrRnn, at the close of business, December 1-Ha, jg. , iihoouiia. Loan and discounts 1134,509 9$ Overdrafts, secured snd un- secured 4,Cfi4 63 V. 8. Bonds to secure circu lation 12.M0 Stock, securities, etc M.S.'? 74 other real estaw owned 9,2oJ CJ Due from National Bank (not reserve acnts) 4.217 34 Due from State Brinks and Bankers 43,394 8) Due from approved reserve agent 121.411 M Internal-R-venue Stami .... 714 74 '.'hecks and other cash items. 1 59 Notes of other National Banks 280 Nickel and cents M 23 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, vlx: . , Pp'fl" 104.5M ' ,t L!r;il-terder note ... 20 104,510 Redemption fund with tJ. S. Treasurer (Z of circulation) t25 Tot.ll .....lecucs C3 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in M.M "4 Surplus fund tJ.OvO Undivided profits, less expens es and taxes paid 34,050 71 National Bank note out standing 12,000 A Due to State Banks and Bankers 13 11 Individual deposits subject to check. .JS04.S04 08 Demand rertltlcatf of deposit 103,544 93 610,349 01 Total IKU'J 53 State of Oregon. County of Clatap, sb: I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knoaledcre and belief. S. H. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribe snd sworn to before ms this 2Jnd flay cf December, 1300. Correct Attest: C. R: THOMSON, Notary Public ' JACOB KAMM, J. O. HAN THORN. W. M. LADD. Director. Unldvided one-third nf lot 6, block , town or Astoria as laiu oui Dy John McClure 13 55 Undivided one-fourth of lot 7. block 55. town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 10 17 Undivided one-fourth of lot I. block 65, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 30 4 J Undivided one-fourth of S. of lot 1. block 65, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 13 25 Undivided one-fourth of south W of lot 2, block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 5 09 Undivided one-half of Sb of lot 1. block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 30 49 Undivided one-half of S of lot 2. block 65, town of Astoria as laid out by John MoClure 10 17 Undivided one-half of lot 7, block 60. town of Astoria as lata out oy John McClure 20 33 Undivided one-half of lot 8, block 55, town of Astoria as laid out ry John McClure M 9S Undivided one-fourth of lot 7, block 55, town of Astoria as laid out bv John McClure 10 18 Undivided one-fourth of lot 8. block 55, town or Astoria as la-ia out bv John McClure 30 4J Undivided on-fourth of S of lot 1. block 55, town or Astoria as laid out by John McClure 15 24 Undivided one-fourth of S'4 of lot Undivided one-fourth of N1 of lot laid out by John McClure $'5 1' Undivided one-fourth of N'-i of lot z, tlocK ua, town or Amona aa mm out by John McClure 5 C3 Undivid - d one-half of M4 of lot 1, block aa. town or Asiona as iaiq out by John McClure 30 43 Undivided one-half of NH of ! t 2. DiocK oo. town or asuiru sj mm out by John Men tire 3$ 17 Undivided one-four. h of ? -.i cf '.ot 1, MOCK !)0, town cz A." c-T a, as lit;-! out by J"Un M. Ci.,r." IZ Undivided one-f"iir'h of N i of lot 2, block 55. t.wn of A .'..-. 1. ' 1 , . V T w , y M ft of the City of Astoria. Or??, n. I'. t: " ' Police Td-.'.fe City nf .. : ,: s t )