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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1901)
Ml r ' Iff ' 'OJIH! , of , 0. o i tM! H i s y v A v Kr v AX V VOL. LIU. ASTORIA, 'OKECOX,' TLXSDAY. JAMAKY 8, 00f. fill S f t I 1 -v 1 WE ARE SELLING AGENTS ' IN ASTORIA FOR BRIDGE, Superior Stool Ranges BEACH Sylph Heater ft CO M Olio Heater COLrB Hot Blast Heater for Coal MFG. Dome Top Heater for Wood' COt't Russia Iron Heator lor Wood Wo also inunufuduro a Iliifwia Iron Queen Heater for Wmm1. TIicmo coniprirse tho lest lino of stoves in tho bluUt. Wo ell no KeconJ-cliiMH sloven. An in njtwtioii of our lino of utovi will pay you. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Book Bargains 600 Cloth Bound n.ks, (Jmm1 for & Titles, Binding n'l Author MP" Just Ihc Kind for These Lonjf Winter Evenings KiveVoluino FeU of Kipling, and other cowl authors .... GRIFFIN SOME SALT FISH SPECIALTIES fine Bloater Mackerel, 4 Imported Holland Herring, Genlne Eastern Codfish, Salmon Bellies and Tips, Grimsby Bloater Herring, Etc. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. len Per Cent Off for Cash SILVERPLATED WARE, CHINA WARE A GLASSWARE, CROCKERY AND LAMPS UNTIL FEBRUARY 1, 1901. . . Foard 6k Stokes Co. A LONG RO has TOTjnnsas? CTza rant ... . - - have been slow. We are over W J. oCUlIV, stocked and must have the room From now on these splendid heat 431 BOND STREET, ine stoves will bo sold at a reduc' Between Ninth ind Tenth Streets . tkm C. J TRENCHAPD, Cn!?l!n'cc'nn B0'fT5,or,' Custom Hou Broker, ASTORIA, 0 Insurance and Shfcpfcg. A(nt W. P. 4Co and Paolfln Kxprrtl Co i. , VI 7C Pop VpT V"1 1 OU- & REED W Of our now and up-to-date Air tight Heaters are still on hand. Wo figured on considerable cold weather and purchased on un usual quantity; but the weather moderated, consequently sales of 20 per cent FOR CASH BY SENATOR LODGE Necessity for Strong and Well Organized Army and Navy. AMENDMENT AGAINST II A ZINQ Advan!a(ti f Nicaragua Routt lor Caul Prcuuted -Stvcnl Spmbci li lb Houw Reapportionment ol RcprtKatalioa. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7.-.V notable h wus i llvere.l In the s-mitii today iy Iimiki., or iiiKwm huH' tn. Ail ircm the 'nntr on am tuii'iiit'iivnt to the' army hill striking mt th" pro vision a veterinary .!.. he ills-c-iiim Pi Icily iiinl n innpally In the (.mi iff ciilI'Miuy with Senator I'm on. i f Georgl.1. the Philippine question and the nn.-Miliy for hii atmy of 100,000 fin i). In roMi lunluri he drew a word pic tured hi cuninvn lul future of ttii' I .. d.i hiring that lh- trad.' Conlllcl with n-rv anil .virm-rn ninno im i:uii.. which ha ain ady b- gun. culd I : lh'' ',ui,t vo,"d tr t such an nsult only in th- comm. rcUl and ' ov-rwh-lmlng majority economic mil 1-,-mucy of thin coumry ; ' rfll"(l ,'8t -'Uthi-rn Idaho would over thr . nlliv worhl In ihl- l.,.t... now cma-nt b-caunp of lack of railway trial cm. tllct he apprchend'-d no dan K'T from a tnal.'rll contcat with any nation of the world, hut he urgej the toc-niliy f..r a strong and scientifically oiK.'itiU'i) army and a powerful nay, 'n ord.r that the t'nHed Stuim might 1" prepared to def.-nd Its right aKnlnxt anv H enlhle f n. In., ing the afternoon the s-nat rati- fl'-l the commute' proposition to HI- mlnate the nroootiltlon for the .tah- ' Ilshmrnt of veterinary mrps In the army. To the pending army reorganization bill Senator Vest, of Mumurt, t'dlay of fered the following ajiieiidment: The olllceis In charge of th West Point military academy shall make and enforce sn.h'ru... and rvguHu.ons Bs will iiirvri'i mi- iiic.icr iiujmiik. and any cadet found guilty of partlci taitlon In such practice shall be ex pelled from the academy and shall not Ije rrappoln-e., ,o the corps of cad. Senator Morgan today pres.-nt.Hl irt IV. of .I, report of the senate commit- - '" ton told'" t. on Inter-oceanlc canals on the pro- ,K.. ,,. alii n J.-ct of an Isthmian water way. It Is rhlcliy Interesting In being a rvatnrnia llon that the house bill now pending In the senate, providing, Vor the con- sinictlon of the Nicaragua canal "fur-nlh-d a 'mi', safe and honorable method ,f dealing with our rluhts, pow rr and duties with an isthmian canal." The rept-rt thin bi-bu.-s In detail on the advantages of th Nicaragua route ovr all others. IN TUB HOrsfi. WASIUNQTON. Jan. 7.-The anlmat- i ed dibatc hi the hou on the reappor tionment tf repres-nlatlon from the various state Is nearing Its close. It be- I Ing ui.anlniuUKly ugn-ed twlay that the final vole would btf taken before the caion closes tomorrow. J Hopkins expressed confidence that the bill bearing his name will be possed tomorrow, although there may be a slight hnnt-e giving an additional member to Florida, Colorado and North Pa kola. Notable speeches today were by rrumpai'kw, of Indiana, deallnit with the aliened dlifianchlsement In the South; by Hepburn, of Iowa, severely arraigning the pruent rules as annihil ating constitutional prerogatives of the house, and by Grow, of Pennsylvania. comparing the old system In the house with thnt of the present MONTANA LEGISLATIVE. Fusion Forces Control Roth Houses by a Decided Majority. HELENA. Mont., Jan. 7. Both hous es of the seventh legislative assembly today eon.pU ted permanent orgnnlxa tlon. In both houses the fusion forces com posed of Democrats, Labor and People's parties, controlled the situation by a decided majority. The Independent Democrat who fought the fusion forces In the last campaign, voted with them today, though they were not admitted to the fusion caucus. In the house, K. E. Corbett. of Bllver bow, wa elected speaker, receiving forty-seven votes to twenty-three for the Republican nominee. The fusion vole in thu senate was fifteen to nine for the Republicans. RECORD OF BUSINESS BEATEN. Another Day of Phenomenal Activity on the New York Stock Exchange. . NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Today's stock market hail all the characteristics of what la usually called a traders' mar ket. But everything was on a Gargan tuan scale. Where 100 shares would be the normal unit In an ordinary mar ket. In today's market 2000 and even 5000 share lots were bandied about like playthings for a quick turn In the mar- Side Boards, Dining Room Tables, Buffets, China Closets and Chairs, all of which we are offering at a very low price. A new lot of Iron and Brass Bedsteads just received. CHARLES IIEILBORN ?: SON set. The movement of price was on a correspondingly gigantic scale. The ai-rulittlve chararti-r of th rnar k t M rl'-firly Iri'lli at"I In the tn-coiml.t.-iiry of irl-. Not only aa mrthltiK aialili- for any coriH!l;rabl (r I'kI. hut no niovi-nvnt aa ronlxt' nt Iwyoul at aluft hmiflh of iliii. Loiw wore r'"vr1, galria wt lout, and ltnr wit atroiia: rulll-M from rnc tlu'm. All. ttila miulB th uimoKt x-I'li'-iiii-nt ami torifuKlon in the rnarki-t ..II day lona;. i Th? ilay'a nionl of liuain")) rna rar rl"i far h the rrcvloiia hitch li-vt-l, th lutKP Kate of nali-a fo-itinn up 2.H7i) aluip,n romjrH with l.ii37.iO0 khiin-a luNt F'rUlay, which mud'; the ri'ioid up to that time. WOCIJ) ANNEX panmanpm:. Hlat-? of Warhlnifton Wanm the North ern Tart of Idaho. HI'OKANK. Wajih.. Jan. 7. I'lana are hi-lna; fornu-d Ikt- to iwcure th annex ation of the northTii part of Muho to the atate of Warhliiaton. Slate Kfpr-(H-ntativi. II. I), M'-rrltt la planning to bring this pro),.ft wfre th I'Kli-la-tur at lia rinlnir w-iwlon. The pur poa la to add to thin utate th fntlre ri-iclon kn' n aa tnc "rannaniue. iy i Ina north of tin- 4Jih parallfl. which ! In lhi aouthi-rn boundary of Wanning ! ton. Thin wnuld Im-tudH KootJ-naJ, Hho. ' ahonc. I-utah and N-" IVrre and part 'of Idaho county, taking In all of the ! famous 'wur d'AI-ric allvrr-P-ad mln- Idk iliHtr l t, an w'll a m of the rich j O'-nrwaliT gold fMd. , ' Th plan l rfci'lvH with much i'n- connection ln tccn th two parts of the stati- and eupcclally Iwcauite of th? gn-at exp'-nae resulting from the min ing rloti In the C(Kur d' dln;rtct j and two y.-ar ol martial law. MOT.ANS GICT CONTRACT. A , Cwn,,l(in imr-.ned by the Gov 1 , T, ., , ernnient and Will Iluild a Battleship. WASHINC.TON. Jan. 7. Serretary Long today sent a formal notice to the Hath Iron Works, the Newport News Shipbuilding Company and Mor- '. "L'n7n,Th. . ., . construction of sheathed battleship upon the conditions already set out n'""v',.:" 1 v - L.; - pbiding" Oin '.rl"lr.T' 7. i.',:: iriui .'nn . ... j ..... f. rvUry lig that they will accept the uward. Th.-y undertake to construct the battitMhlp for $3,511,000 with four per cent added under the law allowing that bonus on Pacific coast construc tion. FILIPINOS TO BE DEPORTED. General Mai Arthur Orders Many Offi cers Sent To Guam. MANILA. Jan. 7. General MacAr thur ha ordered the deportation of (leneral Rlearde. Del Pilar, Hlxon. I.lanera aiiri hantos to the Island of Guam. Nine regimental and four sub ordinate ottlcers, with elffht civilians. Including Ttius. Tecson and Mablnl. no torious assistants of the Insurrection ists, have also been ordered ! be de ported. It Is General MacArthur's In tention to hold most of the active teaa- crs of the rebels who have been cap tured In Guam, until the resumption of a condition of peace has been declared. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Controversy With the Telegraph Com panies Will Be Continued for Another Year. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. Wm. S. Warren today was unanimously re-elected pres ident of the board of trade for a year. This moans a continuance of the ag gressive attitude of the board In Its flrfht against bucket shops and a re sulting controversy with the telegraph roinpanl-.'s over the distribution of Its auotatloua. COAL ROADS UNDER ONE HEAD. .Baltimore and Ohio Is to Be Purchased by the Morgan Syndicate. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. The Mall and Express says: Another link In the chain of evidence that the control of the anthracite and bituminous coal roads Is eventually to come under one head was produced to day in the statement that the Balti more & Ohio Is to be purchased by the Morgan syndicate. GAMBLE FOR SENATOR. PIERRE. S. Da., Jan. 7. Congress man B, J. Gamble has been selected as the unanimous choice of the Repub lican caucus for United States senator. GARDNER KNOCKED OUT. BOSTON, Jan. 7. Tim Callahan, of Philadelphia, knocked out Oscar Gard ner, of Omaha, In the 15th round to night. ' Mis Presence Sure to Result in a General Uprising. ANOTHER WAR LOAN LIKELY T British OllUer us Fifteen Men Kiile In DlMitrosi Es(.i(oitnl Ntir Llid Ity Boer Ftrcc Defcnted 1 Niauspoort. PIQUKT nOAD. Cap Colony. Jan. 7. The Ibices boaiil that the present in vanion Is only a hig iairol, pr-para-tory to an Invasion In force by Gener al L)e Wet. Thu tatter's inlluenre ov-r lh Dutch Is so enormous that there I no doubt but that his actual pres ence would result In a general uprising. ANOTHER BRITISH WAR LOAN. NKW YOKK. Jan. 7. Talk of the possibility of another BrliLh war loan to meet the expenses of a priiionsed campaign In South Africa waft held to day in local banking rlrcle. VICTORY AND DEFEAT. INDON". Jan. 7. Reporting to the war offic under date of January 6. Lord Kitchener says: "Yesterday BabliiKton engaged I lar- ey's and Steenkamp's commandoes at NaauwpooTl. ine enemy was p-rceu to retire to the northwest. Our casual ties have not yet ben received, but are reported slight. A Boer doctor admit ted that twenty Boers were killed or wounded. Commandant Duprese was taken prisoner. "It appears from reports of the wounded who have arrived at Heiibron, thut a detachment 1:0 strong, belonging to Knox's command, came Into contact with a superior fur. near Llr.dley. I regret to say that Lieutenant Laing, two other otllcers and fifteen men were killed and two officers and twenty men wounded. No details have come from Knox of this action." The Naauwpoort mentioned In Gen. Kitchener's dispatch must not be con founded with Naauwpoort Junction, Cape Colony. Possibly the scene of the fight Is the Naauwpoort on the rail road between Potchefslrom and Freid erickstaad. Transvaal. IDAHO LEGISLATURE. New Officials Inaugurated and OtHcens of Both Houses Chosen. BOISE. Ida., Jan. 7.-The Inaugura tion of the new officials of the state of Idaho took place at 11 o'clock this morning. Chief Justice Quales admin istered the oaths to Governor Hunt and the other new oft.clals. Both houses of the legislature met at noon. In the house Gler.n P. Mc Klnlay. of Shoshone county, a Demo crat was elected speaker, and Mrs, Mary A. Wright, of Kootenai, a Popu list, chief clerk. The senate elected J. W. BaJKntine. of Blaine, a Populist, president nro tern, and W. V. Hel- irich, of Ada. a Democrat, secretary. Both homes adjourned until tomorrow. The Joint caucus of the fusion par ties last night, at which ex-Scnator Fred T. Dubois was nominated for sen ator, was attended by thirty-nine mem bers. One left when he found there was to be a senatorial choice and It was declared that two of those present did not vote, making the number vot ing thlrtv-six. Just a majority on Jomt ballot, there are forty-three fusion members altogether. It Is said by Du bois' friends that all will vote for him when the ballot Is taken In the legisla ture. Tonight an Inaugural ball waj given at the natatorinm. BRYAN STILL IN POLITICS. Says Each Following Campaign Will Find Him Arrayed on the Side of Democracy. OMAHA. Jan. 7. The tenth annual banquet of the Jacksonian Club of Nebraska was held at Millard Hotel to night. 35 persons sitting at the tables. The occasion was one of interest on ac count of the presence of Hon. William J. Bryan, who responded to the toast, "Democracy." Bryan asserted that he was by no means out of politics and each follow ing campaign would find him arrayed on the side of Democracy. "I would rather continue to lose, saJd he. "than to surrender any of the principles for which we have fought. The situation was not as dark in IS, 2 as now, but we won In 1ST6. We are stlli in the right. The platform that was right w hen written In Kansas I lty is right now." Referring to party reorganisation, he 'd: . w. "When a man is divorced from his wife he no longer looks after the wel fare of his wife until he is remarried to her." TOO ROUGHLY HAZED. Congressional Investigating Committee Finds That Boox and Breth Were Both Roughly Handled. PHILADELPHIA Jan. 7.-According to testimony adduced before the con gressional Investigating committee which Is in'iulrlng into charges of haz ing at West Point Military Academy, Oscar L. Booi, of Bristol, Pa., and John E. Breth, of Altoona, Pa., had a tough time of It during their plebe year at that Institution. Samuel J. Breth. father of Cadet Breth, was notified that his son was dismissed from the academy because of deficiency In mathematics. The father learned from his son Harry that John i,o ,..., ' cr... 0 cr.nncs." -'ri h:s ai-a'.r. bed, the father said, the boy went through "rhoo chiming" motions. Miss Rose Breth said: "On his death bed he told me 'West Point Is the raiiue of the breaking ' I IJ';, hazera.' " While In the hon.ital. "tie raid, John told her that he was vlxlted by upper classmen and told "that he had bet ter g-t out of here." Mary ( i'.re;h. another suter of ' that one night he was hazed by thr-e 1 .1... lr. . U. ..-.I t I..,- K-..h.n ...1.1 ....r separate s- t of cadets, lie stood the llrwt two but f;iirit-d during the third act of hasln?. When h regained cn sdousnesH, he saw several ni.-n rubbing hlrn. They apared to be ratiy frtirhtened. Slim Breth also dnlared her brother. In speaking of hazing, said he "often ate soup and rhwd rope ends at Went Point." ORPHAN ASYU'M IiURNKO. Nineteen Children and Two Women At tendants Perished. KOCHF8TEI5. N. Y.. Jan. 8.-F're out in the I!'Kh--'r r.rp'.an asylum at 1 o'clock this morning l" Hubhell Park and the Hnm-s spread rapidly t' other sections of the Insti tution,. It Is known that nineteen of the children perished and It Is f-ared that many more victims may h report ed later. There were 19 children at the hospital and a corps of about thirty nurses and attendants. Two of the wo men attendants ar-i among the dead. HilOT BY HER YOUNG BUOTiK-R. L'nprov-i.ked Murder Committed by a 9-Year-Old Boy. MARIETTA. O.. Jan. 7. During the absence of William Chlil-ster and his wife from their home on the river near here, Thomas, 9-yar-.d son, shot and killed his sister, Florence, ag-d H. No reason Is known. He apparently does not realize the enormity of his crime, and fotiftht for possession of th gun when a neighbor arrived. The par ents are prostrated and the mother may die. THEY REFUSE TO SIGN. Prince Chlng and LI Hung Chang Re ject Agreements Gotten Up by Allies. PEKIN, Jan. 7. This afterno m agree. menu Identical for each nation ere presented to PrinceChing. Those close to Prince Chlng and LI Hung Chang ay that they have declined tj an ?ven if they lose their heads, w ithout regard to the latest ordora of the court. QUEEN HENRIETTA H L. Suffering From After Effects of an Attack of Pneumonia. PARIS, Jan. 7. Le Petit Journal publishes the following from Brussels: In spite of official denials, yueen Ma rie Henrietta is In an extremely criti cal condition. She Is suffering from the after remits of her rectnt attack of pneumonia. WILL SUCCEED HIMSELF. ST. PAUL. Jan. 7. Th-? Republican caucus tonight nominated United States Senator Knutenethon to r.ucceed him self. No action was laks-n In '.he case of a successor to ihe late Senator Davis. RAILROAD TRANSFERRED. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 7. The board of directors of the Reading Company today accepted the offer of J. Pierpont Morgan, transferring the Central Rail road of New Jersey to the Reading Co. TENNESSEE SENATOR. NASHVILLE. Tenn., Jan. 7. The Democratic legislative caucus tonight nominated by acclamation Congress man E. W. Carmack to succeed United States Senator Turley. DIVIDEND FROM FAILED BANK. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. The tont.-T! ler of the currency declared a dividi ml of $27.1? l.i favor of the creditors of the Livingston National Bank, of Liv ingston, Montana. KID M'COY REMARRIED. BOSTON. Jan? 7. Norman Selby l"Kid" McCoy) and his former wife. Julia, were remarried at Gould's Hotel tonight. SUGAR GOES UP. NEW TORK. Jan. 7. An announce ment was made today that all refiners had advanced all grades of rerlned su gar ten points. s . ASK s it : 8 5 2 t "Clinrlss Ccrrcli" tCcll CIGARS TWO UNEOUALED GMOICSf ALLEN Distributors, tT',Tf! DCCC I! 1 C V ( HAD ivu DESPOTIC POWER Solicitor-General Richards An- swers Ex-President Harrison. BRIEF FOR GOVERNMENT AH Limitations of tie Cnnslitutinn Do No Apply Everywhere. Thrcujtiout Ihc Scope of llie Authority of the Government. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7.-fi..ltc!tor. G-n ril Richards, in behalf of the g.jv- enun-iu. tody til-d In the Unued S'.ates supreme court a brief of a raw Involving the question of the tiixuiion relation between t it United States and our Irsulur p...-ss(n The feature of lh'.- brief tj, iiuvi.t notice it t.iges of ex-Pre-iid'-nt Harrison's address at Ann Arbor and the jvpnu. n;;t'K' trier, to In b.-half of the adm. nitration. Tli- brief den.' s the doctrine of ex pr iprio vigor" arid that ail limitations of the coiis.ift.te.-ii r u v ev-rvw':- re throughout the scope (,f the authority of :he government but says there nro limitations In the constitution v. hi. h apply thnuirh both states and terri tories, organized and unorganized. He cauoe oin limitations apply it does not follow that all apply. Thoxe which do apply everywhere, both within and without, the United Stat- n its broad et s-rise, it as are tn.ey securing trie blessiriKS of Justice and liU-rty to alt x:ople. Justice Brvliey in quoted In the oii!e of the Mormon Church vs. the United States as follows: "Doublless congress! in legislating for territories would be subject to those fundamental limitations in lavr of personal rights which are formulated in the constitution and Its amendments, but theeie limitations would exist' rather by inference and the general spirit of the constitution from which congr"s derives r'I its powers, than by hoy ex press and direc t application of Its pro visions." Of Harrison's address, Solicitor-General Richards' brief says: "In a recent address, a distinguished statesman and lawyer affects to be lieve, if the view of the goverr.mi-nt is correct, that congress could without a constitutional object pawi a Porto h lo an act providing for a number of shm k Ing things. The government has nev er averted and do nut. boliv that congress has the po.ver of a despot in Porto P.ico. The fundamental limita tions in favor of personal riijh's which are formulated In the renititutlon and its amendments, referred to by Justice Bradley, stand in the way of everything suggested which shocks the moral sense." RIDERS ALL BRUISED. Two of the Six-Day Racers Were Bad ly Injured. BOSTON. Jan. 7. The riders In the s!x-day race are all suffering today from bruises 3Uhtained during tne race. None is seriously hurt. Downey's con dition is worse than that of any other man. and he will go to a hospital for an operation cn his hip. Walthour. the winner, had fewer falls and was bruis ed less than any man In the race. Mc Lean, who rode? nv? days with a ols located shoulder, suffered mor than any man in the race. M'KINLEY WILL SPEAK. At the Celebration of the Abraham Lincoln. Birth of NEW YORK, Jan. 7.-Geneial O. O. Howard announced last nlsht at the meeting of the People's Choral Union, in Cooper Union, that President Mc KinJey will be one of the speak ers at the celebration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, to be held at Carnegie hall the even ing of February 11. Governor Odeil will preside. Colonel Henry Watterson. of Louis ville, will deliver a lecture on Lincoln rnd Fred E. Brookes will read a poem on Lincoln. One of the features of the celebra tion will lie singing by the Choral Un li n, under the leadership of Frank Damrosch. The band of the Fifth U. S. artillery from Fort Hamilton will furnish the instrumental music. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Silver, 63. FOR & LEWIS. S'ortlond, Or if? i r i s .' . , : i . ,. ( -if i; i k v i -' i t ti .! i v s ' ' f