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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1900)
ME 10RMNG ASIVKLLN. FiilUAV, (H.'10BB ?9. UUU paihj oiorttm j;ks t. lighter. EMot. T.v-; i..-E 1Ijb Ci. TERMS of srFrp.:pris. DAILT. Prt iy ir.a.2. ;t year K Snt it mail. ?f rrv.rta Serves ty r-Ter. per inic:b-.. SEVT-WEEKLT. F'tt It xnai per J"r. 11 airaoc. Pcanag tree to subscribers. A3 ctcjaacjrAtiTJ isi45 for yab i,ratita si-Od be d.rwte-a is tb ed.::. F-csine-s"'aiiicatioRS t.f 1 kinds a.r3 remittaxire wS b a 2 Ire-! ts Tie AstareaB." Tb A.oTia aroarart t I'- 1 ert-fer ;.be irf-t cirrtj! cf ary jwr;iapT j tt ihJ OS tit CcOasfc- river. Acvertaritg rate can be bad ca ap- 2raK 10 lb tKD-W IT.Ar.AgW. VlliUS H EIXLET. Of Olo- Fw Vk-Frti4 T8S0DQKE KOOSCVCLT. Of Stv TrL Is t-rxixrtin w":Ti Krr' to ",b -;-.;n--bl Unsn it nugi! t-f wt3 to of. tha: lb ci th r.;" I"r.acirI ris4 ta tb Vr;tJ fa: a r:t ".n: srea:r tb raj t-l- thta is xrS. TTHT EE FXT'PFEO. T3 r-jwiao cf Mr. Hryia ty Hoi J C. SitiT. rsai-T c-T.rrs fr.TE PgjrhT i and a llf-:oE.f IcKtTat. is ia 2e with lb aciiaa cf tb t-t Bia ti lATty tcijiy and fc?K nt-tir rzsFiai bat the r'i--'j ty b tc k tbi j:t. C!-Ta i- in a latest aii-'s t? fcii cc--J:oi;.s. ar r.a:-5 tn no rc;-r rx-r i" 3 c'rrl-r-:z? a af to n-ark itr. Srb?y a. z of tb c3ears:-ft-ia,3 aca br.fhtt thirken cf airy i-arty. H fiid in part: Tca ttarge n wl:b cbacd crlc-i-x. Tfcia is tra. Each iTay it lif 5;iTtT from aar day prc4ist. Tb rjtn wb-3 nauds atiU or barka rack to tb dad r5t will b Hft ia ib rar. Xr occayioca mak ia; Tin m&ks anwnt rd anc-oth. ThrT Knst ocward fSH and cpward TTb. would kt abreast cf trsti." , Too efcar? to w-tb X- - Z a Sopyr. ' Tea. I aras thai b aa If a fl'jT ; may f-rrp-r?y b d-rtatd a co wbo 4j3 net know it a2 T.rT. Ji wsr tiy aad aiaip i-:rr t-'a'jr-rr w. tbi I ta a :;?r. If a 6 'TTHT i bs'fjiiJ a p:Ktk-a ff j"f.rity nr.;!feliit- tSay. tad r-jT'y WTOiiir ttjmirrow, w bo kj to t tb miTOtiii v':;-"a tb kts- j.iriE tif n-bi'-b wotid rtul'rfy ti ;a- . 1 -ad wirk ax irja-r to bi, UUw. tb yt-a 1 lX& at th p-st' and trur.- ir.f Jtir a rrfcwkr fir.ure. rt-ier tr.aa JadTip b':iv ard tr. ftn ;n sm'iid rirf cber of tb cwwUtutw one a ' c vi - " : ra Mj ofEra0d.aswd:jnr.dr; vorkiae for ! dcliar a ear. ab tol'ith-a th !an tw years M Si-a. ; rt two ooUtr.: to the whi I P:3t r-r B England r.or e-artM-d two floJiar ctn have tb oppor tunity u- earn tbrr. I v.i'1 fl.ij, a cftea ts it ciiT &-;ie.ry to brip that cva fi::;ta far that max to coctiau, "When frwa lK to l1! T ca: of tb v te tmrbfTt of ttis c-C'un-.ry wtre anjii."yd or w ;rk:r.g ca pb'rt bvjn. a.4 tcdzy on'y thre-rigbthj of oa pr cect f ta w-tg etrtiers are naetaplyy 3 i;i S:p tc be 'p kep these mn ttrj'icyrf wbeaerer aad wbTTr tt is 6eia.ri-d. TTbta unier a free-traie u.r;.7 bill we fw our Ati:m large'r iicporLrg jtg iratu!c tared nec-esEltifei. aad wbn tair tij aaawtiairation we are sfactarlr.r a-x ca!y for oarfe-lres, but are rc-t Svir-g the ctie? utioas of the vecid with tb rrw3u'.-t ftbrkat-d by Aav-rkaa Uaif in American work- Distress after eating evased t-nt ti trysi c A lf'-ts 'it wjra .i.v.jr. I lUj h jreio w .- ros l-ei i -tixiwHQ tie J'jwj in i j yur r acx ujut a w.'Li To ican c--sa-jzV cut tb t.'SArl. io JU wors Tote aamat it ii yuur svuitach ia vtj or aow t Wura- Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 akaaicrrjajf T7p tb staa arfe wia sjaovamry auia ai4 yxnas wtooa Jra u ouiair ta a pivftw sawsMT. 7 r Ui txa rt w ba.9"- Ewitx 7 ab-j fj . s Wia tax ieej Tajnea. a T tVr79a I-irj oaat M aod m aaWtil Fa?ct-.t2r to Th. Cc.n. EC fK. you tB make a fair gu- that I fip lo help that (-suse along. Ut rtar sent front our American -.r.b--f to f'm nations SUt.noo.wn ; wot-a i ir.araii' iurT i pr-Kju-; inn Tr t '. and with th assured rrrta:tity thai Hh th- f rwnl llcy .: -W4 these 'Mrt will within .i years rv.h mo;e than ll.flW oko.w sh'rely requiring d ubl the .i:ih p ff the pres-nt and affording y ' i olle tb t resent opf-ortgnlt jr fur kVn. -!! laVr aad homst capital to rr.eel ;:h subfur.tial r on, pen, 1 will fl..p lar.i f art.! I fan be right aide up in l.! t nitb that t.'!!y. VTS.-K a r -.r.l cf o-t hrlr.f tb far m,r 'iorr- 1 to 1"j ut. to J) cnt t.-Uy. aid v bfl h: hp. that T only Ml atJ at a d i;r ir b-a! In 1VX. ar or-,b txiay thr tu f ur d'!lar pr b-at I wi3 fl 'P hn-"vr It l rt rd rf nf to d k t J h-!p maiava:n thai occJ li'Vi frr th w v frwrr. I iri that in lX lmrOf!d -HA. . r . to Bll-lr. tor tb c-ur of k;day ai r Kunda of wool; whii in , Kadi-r treobi Any d.-cUc or druf- IV y r ii:prt4 t Tt?.W ftn w3 ta yoa that aaca claitsa ar k'-t. i ff !. to g1v- tb br market aiaist F city Kj inry Car a-Jn- .... , ;' Ntto" trJo-dj that ar rct- ja-.Jx-r tsin in iort.ta proouct-r cr wi It tr.afc- It a-y I t m t ) flop foir th b-T'f.t of that ool-prr.wT. Vk'bttt cxrtton, that U for f ur cnts Tr r.vBBd und th U adnutra - n '3. ur.ztx from I to 10 cnt pr rourd c3r O- MrKinley admlnlatratioa. I w.1 f -.-p to b-!p th cotton-growrri. Wbo I aa ad van r In tb i-rtc vf all Jam rr.j'ja tanclBf from S l 1J5 rr Et. and rr.y flopr!na; fr.- on attitude to ancthT wl!l h-'p th 'trrvrT. I iU try to b the Crt rr.aa tc fV'jl. Trha I b:at-ng, f rj-t tS'.-w:rs. Kotj ra:rs. wbra I har hut'J-:- -In kin? and rind:r bumrc.aL vtiti braan ar-1 brao ach find faJr -.. rb-;h-r in fac-ry or tVr'd. ,"" .I"' v i . , I a a man whu a..Tj to b loyal :o tj i;r. C. c-TCrtry aal Cj cr- t.-.r. try aty Mel try: ti maiataia that ccditi o. c:i e wbat y:u w3" 1 Wb-s ira;- hav incras frees 1 tj 14 j-er cit ia rary all lad-jytn-:; wb?n ia w jiid TO or cf d:.:ur to wig? arr?rs cf thi laad thin a d;d ia liti. .b tb a; Fired wruiaty thai tb?y wi3 fa..ber !a ertae. if w wi:i cz'y let our parii&aa f hip shr.vr4 ad oar rtri--tia i;rI. ar ttti JaKified ia d .cbtirs that if my at-jiad of yetr iay his-iiw that irr-i. I w-n S.t-p until rr y p..tira :f tiiy tbi3 be ca that hjfrir rrycz,i. f-ar-dica: ca wbirh. baa-.aa;ty. r-s ! the bfipit of fJbe dr-abie rat-tAiaa. 1 can traad ,f a ! r.xi fatar. TTtec I ff-t tb m:3r cf tb H:-. t-i VaSey. who rec-ivr-d bat frty j .... , . . a tea f f c;r?;"S ex!, avw re .-rrjr :giry rtau per tea f jt lb satae w;rk. aad with a pK-FWvca.'. airar ia a! tb b:TBr;arjj coJ, w-iib rta.dy work for an. it a aa eajy ratt i Wba I the r-b5Wr trfjrr ir fr-,.a twty to tairTy jr ce a- Taa a Ihe.r seal cf waxt wjri sadr etrpir.yroert. f r a c:ct:iai.;i f rah taf pics for tb r. r zi-t b d cult fir m it fop. Wbra I th f-ig JSrd x.-:s.; wbtt I th brar boy ia, j Tn brokers, your 90ttt ax.d year rr- fcans. fbet down ty rvea ia atrbtyitL scy Ta-.:atiir go c-at to yea tt liT51 rsthr Than to a Tjpjt untry r ... " ' 7 "2 MV " 10 ' 1 KT C'5 ot Wr.ea we sr each mooth a naf wr ca-Uonal budget instead of a ir.3n ;....'; wnea we oar ex- 1 ptrts ioub:ir.g and our import d:Ti ir.g: when we happy faces of ;A FEW frd aad well clad r.itiien'hip. aa tran it with the cays of the Coxy ! rmy of Ihe unetip'oyed; when th. pinched face of hungry men and wo- ; m-n. aad little children, clad in tatter', in the biting blast of the winters worm, ought fur cold charity sr.d cold "up ia the soup lrt u pray that Cro4 in His grace grant that you and I shall never witness thos? scenes again, but if w do. my earnest prayer is that Ke may guide us all in the infinite Iotc and wisdom that no vote or act jf ours, whether In public or private life, j are operated so aa to make close eoa .hall be responmbl- for th return cf nectlona with divergin; lines; at all such conditions. FARMERS TURN CAPITALISTS. Nw York Commercial. Out In Kansas, the banking busings is languishing. The "bloated grrfd bugs" of four ars ago are In some Instances being forced to Phut up shop entirely, there bt-ing nobody to borrow their money. In the town of Richmond the Putnam bank hag notified the slate banking commlsflonerg that there U "nothing In It" any more. This bank ha? deposits of $:9,000, while the loans a:vi ciiscounts amount to only JS.000. The capital of this Infitltutlon and over t. ,('X' of the farmers' money on dipcslt in it? vaults are lying Idle. Prosperity in Kanfas has made the farmer a len der instead of a borrower. And the noney changer must get back to tle soil or starve. "Siy cashier and myself," says Presi dmt Putnam, "will go to farming. There Is mire money In that than In a bink." Time was when these tame farmers were la debt, and in their !itress le- Urved the demagogue's story that re- daciag the value of evc-rj'uody's dollar or.e-half would relieve iblr eci:tu a. Tlieo they r burning their cm fir ful. Now that they "have mon'y to turn" lhy ought to be aaxku !o keep Ita value up to 1M cent on the dollar. Nobody can tll lb Karma farmer bow to vote now. H knows Jt all Pnsprlty is a great vJataMr. It la txafpt-raUrc f nt who kacwa Fi.r"a Honrjr an4 Tar. and koowt hat Jt wiii do. to hart a draJir m utr.rtwnd 'mthina- W aa "Juat tb aai-' or "iut aa r.tvj- tjr Miii rueh. rrfup. la rr-.tpf. He. CHAS. ' K "ititS. lnyfrt. Th; u a tirn wha tc fur hat tru or r K-tt had to h.: ts Jn I ow iftfy cr.Iy th tb r; LVn t b a-oriv-! or tafuf rl by t--t'l bo eta: tfc docvTT of "ra kitbrrto utkKua hrrb or tnxx i ' aa lH lor tbr c--ct-nr?a. o io t I rrduku or fcvi.ah. CHAS. F.OG- j ERS- d-tr- ' !,. , b;n:r i jast lf .ir tl iawa. to rr:-p a cold. Af.r ipcipar or wb-a ya fl a i r-vj cs:;r oa. tak a d.w tf Fcly"i ! Hjrvr arid Tar. It tt fa:; ts al p a --''d tf takca ia t-r. CHAS. EOG- j Vci5a 2 trTr ik rw-rffa) ' t'f'J r.rtt-r: ii tak ibtn: t .x . 'r" f r-t ci the t'-.Ta. ! ' hat a." r c4 Fcey't nonry;and bt Idraa for comfort. co8te1wc r c;;:,l ----a aad thirk tt t-ft 'a t?vf world." "itj Chaa. jvai.. , Eri. Pa. Tak a fct.:;te CHAS. K'-"JERS. I:-s.r- '. trs'- A rritt ;i-x rf Ijck i t.i j'.ay rari w:: a a-in ar.S we whm i i- ii sr.:i:.f at rrtke. ! Zxve cf tb ForiT.T:. Ky, 3i. ' (-tw wr::-t aa a r"".rr!ri f a t'CRiiesa If-n-r: T wa ftred r-f kid rT trri;v- ry tak zjg Foy'i Kijaey Ct" " Tit sxiit f. CHAS. B-r Mid ts b fa::rJar: Izi t -o rr-scfc ;t in rr.aie a l--aa--ap A CAKD. !T SZktfll riraj" it frr bars, rat. "r. o1.- t-eri. t-tt-. rx;-c ar,d ail k.a d.- T,, W.BWfWli - t 5-rs t fit- an it c J. CHAS. A a ;r;-j:ffia; brxr tb arjier- -ai. ttt-- zsit ratske. He Ian t;i Eiti re e-"r t:m. r:t Itsx. ttrtw.jeTs.nee. rxporure aiii aa-rr v-iif tnitp brin oa re s.. FojT EiSney Cure ul je--T-ME; B-irtrt' Cis.e and all tciiezr iutziT xrr tutaaer d;irrdri If a.11 a t.TTt Tv riotbiat els. JLxiz ZJ iiiy fi:?"rT;r between a a.i'.i,i tut a f:ti if tb jinoe charged :x trrrrx. H-f,:.? THE IXSSS. zi-z a racking coatrh 'J-'r-t a 6:e :if F'?r'i Hooer and Tar. '. Tr vmtB w-;r, be rflivd and a ,vr . -- fake x. nbrJtcu. "cHAS. ROGERS. " y- k th. Mrh j-vatisa bar eimilax tb aghu ab-,ut - g- Interesting facts When people are eoateaapiatlnf a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally wact the beat serric obtainable aa far aa speed, comfort aad safety I concerned. Employes of tb WISCONSIN CENTRAL LIXE8 ar Paid to serve the nubile and mir train) Junction points. j Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair i Cars on through tralna. ; Dining car service unexcelled. Ifeala served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser I vice, ask the ticket agent to tell yon j a ticket over TheWiscoasia Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, illiwaukee and all points East. For any further laformation call oa any ticket agent or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Paas. Agt, or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, 2 Stark St. Portland. Or. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY On Jun 17th cpened up for trafHc their r.ew line from Reiie P.aine. Ia., to Mason City: aiso the;r new Fox Lake branch. The ier.gth of th!j new line is lii miles, which added to their mileage, give them a total c-f S.4. miles, the largest mileage of any rail road in the world. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car Will Receivt Special Attention. No. lit Dunne 6t Astoria, Or. w. j. cook, vjrr Res. TeL llil. WHITE COLLAR LINt Coiutcbia K!rr and rut Sound NaT laraUoa Com tny. rtaiVry Galtfrt trar Aatort dally fytt f at " p. m. Ibarra For and dally ticwpt Bun dar at I a WTut Collar LJn tlrkrta and O. R. k N. Ucketa lntrrvhaj-.fbl on Hall ;a:frt aad Haio. Throujth il Uad ciW-nctJua with atamr Nahcct la from l.'naco i lr.f IVac'i polnla A. J TATLOR. At,1. Aft. U. a SOOTT. M;!om 1U. rrddBl ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. U PORTXJaXD tnli. t Si p.m f t Aatrla al lrtrr-j f .M p.nx td,ai pvitr::a i ArroRia. I T. vm.Tor Portla4 to-!ll:la. 1 P m tm-da; jn-irta ,19 p m. ! j eExflPE Dm10S. ASTORIA SEASIDE J a fk. ia. p. a i: '4 a. a n a ta r j r a. A!! tra!r,t rnak rloa cor.ncUcna at Gob: Kh all Northra Parlftc tralna to aad from tb Eaat or Sound pc(r.u. J. C. VI A TO. CraT Fr't and Faa. Arret It T, UXURIOUS 1RAYEL THE -Northwtro Um"d raina, lctr!e l!fh:d throurbout. botb Indd and out. and tam fcratri. ar wtth out rxevption. tb finest tralna la tb'.d- They rebody th latest. Bwt . and luxury rr orTrred tb trmT:inf ! public, and altr.rthr ar tb moat cotcpirt and apltadld productoa cf tb i car bailTa- art. Th grlendld TrMa Connect With The Great Xorthtn The Northern t'aciftc end The Ctaadiii I'aJfic at rr. Paul roa CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra chart for the i perl of arcemmodation and ail rlaasr of tick eu ar arailab'i for paaaace oa tb famous "Northwrstem Limited." AH trains on this line arc protected by tb IcterlocJacs; Block system. VT. H. MEAD. H. !- SISLXR. Gtneral Ag:nt. TraTtlicf At Portland. Or. 0 9 &r oMolid j niE 5CMEOCLE5 bEPAKT Fruis ronltui Aaarri t"hla: 'salt Ltki. brovfr. ft. frtjjd j Worih. Orca-a. Kaa- . eirf-ciai j aa ity. i. Loj. ' B I1&I.B Chirac a iu3 t.: IS.K Ik. ItartT. Tl. at'aDtie Wort. Kin lipra aa. ( jit. l Ixiuii. 1 ticao and La.:. P- m. . Vtaila Wa:ia.L-:-. w Pj-oaane ftuu: M.& 'Jr, ; iiv m. Pn, k I Km. p-m. Jliwisjer. Ci-jctr' a -Ml KarL Froa Avna OCEAM STEASLSC11PS Ail na-ilDf tub- 1 1 KM.. Far ai Frieioo eii i;i.iu.;,a. Goirtctea Rlrar Tarn ! aaavcr Exsuu&mj Tt PorLva4 aa4 Way I JA Hf Mo 6iJ e m " V '. . . J. . a. tnm m4 Vaas- T' . . fci II If I a. oa, i sor i4 34. C:ty. iJar-io, aj lzCtfi. I JO p m "t". d. and Tn. KjparU Ut d.y, j a. aa. ' 5ak Rlar. Ripavria to Lwui,n. L LearkaUi JM a 11 I OailJ tan WlLHHtTIE RIVER :. p.m. ioe.ran: lortia.ud oTiii Mwl. Wed ui.unjaj , aaa wj 1 ml. out. rrjdaj G. W. LOCNSBERRT. .. Agent. Astoria. v. xl. a L KLdI KT, Gen. Pass. Agt- Portland, Or. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROCTE TO Montana, Utah. Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice cf two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or me t.o uraace scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 Days to Salt Lake 2 Days to Denver Z Days to Chicago A Days to New York. Free reclining chairs. upholstrd tourist sleeping cars, aad Puilman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to Or C. O. TERRY. W. E. COMAJf. Trav. Paas. Agt Gen. Agant 124 Third St, Portland. Or. G. W. LOCNSBERRT. Agent O. R. A N. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder THE LOUVRE Htranjtira tiailttif la ta fity will find tii I-oarr ta attractir rurt brWa to tnd tb vosiig. Tb Auto iUr lJir, OrrWtra la at 41 on tb bitU and pnwnta tightly a ttioaiJ preraui vt iytxoaJ rorrit, HaaJaom pool and billiard nxTi a frataf in .oocti(o witli th b.xia. I'alatabl laorbr will be ryJ at ,jj BESTOF EVERYTHING In a word tbia tr.a of th raefr SrL- via ..The Horihwestern tine.. i:;ht Tralna Tally between Ft Taul and Chlcaa-J. corirrtaln The l-ai-t Fullman FIfpera. iN-erlra Dinlna" Car. I-brary and tbrratl"n Car. Frt J'.ci.n:nt Chair Cara. Tb J.ith Cnturr Train -lluna Evry ty c-f th Tear. The Finest Train in the World flrcti lif kt(4 Stcta B(tr4 i THE IlAfXlER STATE EXPRES5. tb Iaily Tri.a Ilucclrf lit,a Pt. faul aad Cbicarj. r.a tb Short Lin. Ccr.nctlr frcra tb fft rrJ A Th NOr.THmx PACIFIC OP.EAT NOKTHEHN an-1 CANADIAN PACIFIC K'YS. Th a U al th BE.T USE btn Omaha. St. Pail and ilienratoU. A3 atttu U tickets ria The Northwestern;.! . uni ftoucbt U m r vaJuabl for ita ! ' I TT". K, rm m f .-AA ffaS.n .a a. ! - . . I . I W H VUAD. . H. U SISLER I nrai AMI Trav. A-nL :i A:itr i:ret. Prt'.acl Orja. A familiar nam for tb Clvlc. Vllwauke Ft. Paul Railway, knowa il ovr th I'nloB as th Great Rail ay rancina- tb "Plooer Umltadt- trlr.s errry day and nlfht retvm Bt 1 auj anj . nicaco. aaa Oaiata aad v Eicaro- "Tfc only perfect train la to orl Tn4mtn4- r- u tions ar mad with all transooeUaent- J al Urea, assuring to paarcgr tb bt j ' " " "o.'wn. luxurious coaca. electric light. staa bat. of a verity equaled by bo othr Ua. s that your ticket read ria Th MHwauk-- wna going to aay point n tt United State or Canada. AH tirkrt areata sell them. For nl. pamphlet or other lnfor tratirn, idr, J. W. CASET. C i. EDDT. Trav. Pa, Art, Oen. Agt Portland. Orgoc Portia a 4. Or. tooAL onrc NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Off.-. Oregon City, "rvgon. April 14. 1W: Notice t hrt'y g;vn that in corn. nan with th prv'., -r.a of th act of of June J. lT4. r.tit4 "Aa act for th sal of t:mr land la th state of California, Or a. Nva.ia, and Wa.hlnrton Tirritory." a extend, ed to all th Public Land Stat, by a t of Auruat 4. l-i ELLA SHARPSTEIN. of Astor.a. County of ("at .p. State of lregon. has thia day fl!d In this oific ttr .worn sutemnt No. 1171 tt the purrhas of the ?W juarter of a-ction No. SJ. In Township Ni 4 north Rang- No. 7 west, and will r.rr prxf to f-bow that the land sought is m-- valuab: f Its timber or at ik.- for arrlrultural rurp. and to tabliah her claim to said land the rgl!it"r and rc1vr of thia fflr at Cregon City. Oregon, on Friday, th 1st day of Iomber. l.f. Sh a wltne: r. 7, F..r. ruson. May C. Mager. Thomas Ery 1. M. Stuart, of Astoria. Oregon. Any and all trs na claiming adverse ly th abov-njnil lands ar reoue.t. e-1 to hie their claim in this office on r-r before raid 21st day of December '- CHAS. B. MdfiRya Reglste- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Oregon City. Oregon. August 3. 10: Notice la hreby glvea that la com. r'iar.ce with the provisions of th e of Congress of June I. ITS. entlt,d ah sci lor tn sa or timber lar.da la th states of California. Oregon. Neva da and Washington Territory." as ex tended to all the Publle Land States by act of August 4. Utt. Elizabeth Glaaer of OIny. County of Clatsop. Stat of ','regon. nas tnts aay H th: offlc. her sworn statement No. 1175. for the purchase of the SE rjUartr of Section No. 5. In Township No. I North. Rang -o. 1 wi. ana win otter proof to show that th land sought Is more vaiuaoie ror its timoer or i-tone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this of- "ce at Oregon city. Orgon. on Fri- aay. me ra aay or November. 1J09. She name as witnesae: William w Pope. Julius Garb. Sebastian Giaser" George Finley. all of Olner. Clataon Any an! all persons claiming adverse. ly the ahove-derii!-l lands ar re turned to file their claims In thla of fice on or before said I2rd dar cf No- vemixr. 1 :.. CHAS. B. MOORES. . . Reg1str. NOTICE OP PILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT ROLL NO. M. Notice Is hereby given that the board of a.sesrs have cotrplirted the su.w. in assecsment for th Improvement of Franklin avenue from the east line of mirtynrst street to the east line of h J. M. Shively Donation Land Claim f nd have r-p'il-d the same to the Com mon t ounrll of the City of Astoria and the same has been filed with the au ditor and police Judge and named and numbered Special Assessment Roil No J5, and the committee on streets and public ways of the Common Council of said city has been appointed to meet with said b'ard of asor on Thurs day, th 2Mb day of October. 109, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. In th council chamber of the City Hall In Astoria. Oregon, then and there to con sider, review, correct and equalite said Special Assessment Roll No. 25. Any person objecting to said special assess ment must file his objections tberets In writing with the auditor and riotie Judge of said city. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City! 01 juiona. 0L OTI(K. NOTICE FonirnucATiON. I'aitrd ta:e Ind OITlc. Orf m d'y, I'nrr'tt. Aufuat 1. IM. NtJp 'is hereby alvrn that In com. t'llano with th provisions of th arl of ft-rmi of Juo I !". ntltrd "An act for th sal of limber land In th atatr of Ca trt"nn. Navaiia. and Waahlntt m Territory," as riivnd e-t 10 all rut. lc land vtales by act of Autuat i. 11 Nub'laa Wtanrr. of county of Olataop, tat of Vi-r-n. has this day fli'd in this ufflc lia hdih statemrnt No. fr5, for tht purrba of th N. K. V of socllon No. If la tnah!p No. f rare N. T and wtti otTr prf t. ahow that th land ouaht la mor valuabl f .r lis tlmk-rr or atone than f r aclru tural purpoaf. and to rtatlih hi Claim lo aald land Urfr tb' reauter and rxvtvrr of M of c at re:on City. ir-in. on Monday, tb ?ib day of t-tober. IX. Hr namr aa wltneaaest J.'hn ls-rnk. t.f Aaturta. Orejon. Al bert IWyrr. ut Aatorta. t.rin, aVbaa. tiaja Oiaaarr. of At jria. trwun; v. F. VI rton. of Aatori. Orerm. Any an a. I prna clalmlnf ad vrrwly the ativ-.l.-crlbd lands ar r"turtf4 to file Ihnr claima In this ortto on or bef -r said Ith day of tA-UbT. IM. CHAS. H. VIOOnES. )tritr. NOTICE FOR rt'XlLICATION. I'rlted State Ind OtT.r. Orrfon City. Crfoa. Aufuat it. 1jo. Ni-tir la hrby rf'-n that ta com. t'Hanr with th prvlson of th act t-f ronrrras of June 1 U:t, entlt!d "Aa art for tb aal of limber lands In th tiatra of Califom'.a. t'rrrn. Nevada, and Waahir.f t nn Territory," as ltnl el t9 a 1 th puMIr land atatr by act vf Aucjat . lt Albert lUyer, of Aa-t-ria. county of Oata p. atat of Or t in. has thia day nird In thla offlr hi fi !atment No. 1144, fur th pur t il lanl brf r th rlatrr and re ceiver of this o-f c at OrrgKi city. Or-fe-. on Monday, tb I:h day of Oct otKr, 1W He name as wltneaa: JAnlVrick. tf Atort. ("trfon; Nlrh oji TCuner. cf Aatorta. lrrcon; e. banian Uir. of Aatora, Or-ron; O. F. 30-rtoa. of Astoria. Orefon. Ar.y and all peraon c aimln ad- Vfr.;r th abovr-deacrlbed land ar ! rjut-d to t.'.r their c alms la this of. 1 nc on r berjr aal th day of Octo- ! ln- chas. n. Moonrs. IUtstr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Cret a City. Or.g .n. Aucut IT. 1: Nutic is hereby given thai In com pllanc with th t.rovl:ona rf th act of Congress of Jur. t. I tri. rntltid "Aa art for thfaaW of timbrr lands In th state of Cai.foml, Oregon. Nva da and Washington Trrrllory.- rs x-ten-ded to ail tb Publte lai Plate by art of Auguat 4. 1 William W. Poo. of Oiney. County of Clatsop. Htat of Oregon, has thla day fsl In thla offlc his swurn statement No. 1:71. for th :urr.a of lot 4. Section J: lota L 1.1 and 4. of Kcti?n No. 4. In Town. snip No. t North. Rang No. T Wirt, nd wlU effer proof to show that th Util sougbt Is rnor varuabl for It tjmber or atorv than for agricultural purpose, and to ub!Uh hia claim to aaid land before tb I'.-f.Hn and Re ceiver of thl offie at Oregon City. wgon. on n iay. the zztq jay of No. v ember. 1X4. He name as witness: Jark Denrk. Sebastian Glaaer. Anna M. Glasr. John Ifnck, ail of Olney. Clatsop County. Oregon. Any aad all persons claiming sdvers ly the bov-dcritd lands sr r 'juected to 1 their claim in thl of- nee oa or before aid J3rd day of No vember. lisM. CHAS. R. MOOREfl. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nltej Stat Land om-. Oregon City. Oregon. Auguat 2Mh. ISM): Notice I herrby given that In ap pliance with th provision of the act of c ingrev of June I. 17. entitled "An art 1 ir the sal of timber lands In th atat's of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory." as extend ed to ali th Public Und Stat by act of August 4. Ian. M. Ellnjr Duffy, of Astoria. County of Clatsop. Slat of Oregon, has this day tiled In this of wrn statement No. IJ72. for the purchaa of th lot t. i. 11 and 12. of Fiction No. 4, In Towrnhsip No. 4 Nortn. Range No. 7 West, and will of er proof to show that th land sought Is mor valuable for its timber or ton than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Regiater and Receiver of -his of fice at Oregon City, on Friday, the 23rd aay of November. lSeM. She names as witnesses: Mrs. Mary Denck. of Olney. Oregon; Mr. Sebastian Giaaer, of Olney. Oregon; Mr. Appol. Ionia. Johnson, of Olny, Oregon; Mr. Sidney Dill, of Aatorla. Oregont Any and all prns claiming ad versely th above-deserlbed lands ar requested to file their claims In this of flr on or before said 23rd day of No vember. IM. CHAS. B. MOOREB. R'-gister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City Oregon. Sept. 4. 1j0. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance lth the provisions of the net of congress of June 3. 1178. entitled '"An art for the s,l of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon. Nevada, ind Washington Territory." ns extend ed to all th public land state ,y act of August 4. ISH. Theodore Holts, of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Or gon. has this day filed n this filre iks sorn siajement o. ul:71, for the l urrnase or the lts 11. 12. u an,i 14 of Serti ,n No. 15 in Township No. N Rar.g No. 7 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone ihon for agricultural purpose, and to estab- nsn nis ciaim to said land before th Register and Receiver of thla m,. .1 Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, the Kd day of November, 100. Me names as witnesses: John Dnck. of Olnev Plat inn -Atinfti Oregon; John Gl&ser. of Olnev n.f. county, Oregon; Sebastian Giaser. of Olney, Clatsop county. Oregon; Her.ry Nohrn. of Astoria. Clataop county Ore gon. Any and all persons clalmln a4ea. ly me above-denbed lands ar re quested to file their claims In this ofnee oet or bejoe. tve &ky ot 0Vrmb.r ovember. 1. CHAS, B. MOORES. Register. Lltu at NOTICE FOH PL'IIMCATION. Orfi'.n City, Or.fn, Aufuat tt, I toll Natlc is liaitty lvn that In com pllano with th piuvlalon of th act of Conireaa of Jun I, llll, nillLld "An art fur the aal of timber lamia la th stalra of l.'allfunila. )rMii, Nva da and VaMnl"fi Territory," as ( trtiinl to all th I'" Mli.' I-and Hlate by t of Auguat I. !!, Jam I, lru Utun, of HrtitU, O'Unty ut Kin, N(t of Waahitiirtun, ha this day Iliad la this onic hia swurn slatvmotit No. for tiu tiurrhas of th K half of NK iuartr and N half of tr. quaitvr of Hon No. I, In Town ship No. I N . lmit I V.. an ) wn 'flrr proof lo show tlmt III land siuiht la inor Valuablo for Ita tlintwr or Slon than foe aarli ultuial iiurpoa. and to ftatllh hia claim lu ld Und brfor in itriatrr an. I iuiv.r 0r tin 0f flc at orrcon Cliy, i'rvn, 011 Mat ur!ay, th tlay of NovaniUsr, Itoi. II naiiira a wituratea: lUf tllolimi- i. Hurk. of riraialde, l'lataip Ciunty, lr ; Jajnr T. Hurk. of H., cist--p Coutiiy, lr : Jay T. I'arkr, of Ha. am. Kinc t'ouiuy. Waali.; J. u, ohnatun, of Kral'l, Clalaup Couflly, Any and all rrona lalmlna; advrs. ly ih atov. jrfc Hb. I lands ar r quntrd to ft: tlmr claima In this of. He oa or lrfv Ih Klh day of No VvRiUef, inv. CUArt. II. MiMltR. Iteftatr. NOTICE FOH PfliUCATlON. Oirg,n city. Orrgon. Auguat If, W4: Nutic is hereby glvrn (hat In com ptlanr with th provision of th art ut Congress of Ju J. JKt, entltid "An art for th aaJ of limbrr lands In th state of California. (rgoa, Neva da and Waahingion Trrritory." as trmlrd to all th Public lind Htata by l of Auul 4. lJ. Anna M. llar. of Olnry, County of riatsop, Mtt of r.. haa thl day flid In Oil vitlc) br rn atati-meiK So. ll'.O. Ut tb pur chaa of ih lata 7. I. I and 10 of S-o-Uon 4. In tonhlp No. I North, Rang Wrt. and win nffcr proof to ahow that ih Land auusht la tnur valuabl for Ita timber or along dan for agri cultural purr-i-r. nl to (abllah hf claim to awid land b.for th Jurs tr and 2ivlvrr of th a oitlc at Ore gon City, t'regon. on Friday, th Xlrd Jay of November, IM. fh narnra a witnc!:: Jack Dene k MA!ln (Jlaarr. William W. Pop aad John lenck. all of 'lny, CiaUop County. lrrgon. Ar.y and all pert -nt claiming adrtr ly th abov-Jracrlb.l land ar r jueatrd to fll th!r claims In this of. n on or befor said Mrd day of No vrmtwr. l)w). CHAS. B. MOOKE8. Itcglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Oregon t,Iy Oregon. Auguat 1JO0; Nolle la herrby given that In com. pilano with the provlalons of th act of Cotigre,, f)f jun :, ,u . An act for th aj 0f timber land la th. stale of Califurni. Oregon. Nva fla and Maahlngton Territory," a ! tended la all th Public Und State by act of August 4. ls, ApixJIonia John--n. of Olnry. County of Clatsop. Stat ftr"n. ha thla day filed In thla OtTIc hi sworn statement v f..?i .... Ih jurchaa. of Ih SB half of fWilon So l. D Townahlp No. Sotih. Rang Jk .? "n-1 "er proof to show that th land sought is mor valuabl for Its timber or slon than for agri cultural punx. and to rubllah hi calm to aald land befor th ltgit,r and Receiver of thla ofTleo at Oregon tity, Oregon, on Friday, ih 2Jrd day Of November. ' Ut name aa wltneaa: William W. l ot. Julius Garb. Hebaatlan O laser. Oeorg Flnlrr. all nf (H,e r-i... J County. Oregon. " Any and all iraoni ilalmlng ad versa ly the above-clea-rlbej anjs are re quested to fll their claima In thl of. mbeV'0" MU1 Ct No CHAS. B. MOOHES. Itcglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Oregon City. Oregon, Auguat St, 100: Nolle 1. hereby ,v, lh. , '. pllanc with th provision of th act of Congrea. of Jun. S. 7I. en'jttid An act for the aal of timber lands In d f".4 whln Territory." a ,x. ne. " nlrq in this orn slat. mem v m. - th purchase of ih. i..i. a ta N0",T N v"' ln TownihTNo. North. Range No. 7 Wet, and will of. f J ow that ,h. nd rought s mor valuabl for Its tlmlr or ston entail hrTlcu',ur1 Purpo,. a im ' K-B-Itrr and Receiver of this day the 23rd day of November. 1900. nn nam.. . . ., . m- ennrssea VI m W Pope. Jullu (larh. K-K..., ?,m. iv .h.'iL"1 Tr1ni ''"I't'Ing advent, ly the above-descrlhe.i i..i. ... " quested to file their claims In "hi. of. vbcr.0. rJ day of No CHAS. B. MOORKfl. lieglater. SHERIFF'S SALE. agnlnst G. A inr.i.' t-.."''. ' " . "' liiirunilia V. ' '-"""'"Hie fttn- in. J' T?.'rf" Maiagamim. his wife and John lvopp. defendants. f ,r th thereof t the rate of 8 tier rent mandlng and requiring m. to niak. ine t.. quarter of section Vn CUUop court house door In the City of A?toria Clatsop County. Oregon; Ml ai m?hlm fhTLZ0 ht hlR1 VorPcash satisfy said decree. Interest, costs and ail accruing costs " na m,.ei TJ,OMAS UNVILLE. eherlff. Olata.w r..... ' in n. E. Astoria. OregonOu ; i5oo7' "rt'on' of sale i.Ji, f ? "7"n nd ord,-r fh. S ..?. . ,out r,f ,he clrcut court of heSu.eof ,,r..eon. for the County of im. upon a decree rendered ther.-ln ruor of John Niroii 1,1 ' 4 temler IsW V. m 1,iy of eI- temper. 1N99, the cost! and illshur.. meats cf this suit taxed at IM SO Ih costs Cf ftnd . u--u na hit nnnnm rr,M i. .