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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1900)
TIIK 5I0RNINU ANIORIAN," FK1LA). OCTOBER 19, 190. The most attractive Dress Goods Are to be found here . Now toxturoH. new tloHiirim and colorincs, makes ours tl niout attractive drona goods stock in Astoria. Only tlio worthy wort of dri'HH cod iioro. In the nluiiier fubrics no sliado is misHinp no right sliudo. Priced as we irieo all merchandise to vlio iniereni 01 yuur pursu, C1U1 IIaa! NtwShidtTffclla Ribbon 19 OUCUdl OdlW lllld ITWVA ijcyard. Regular prkj8undjs THE MORNING ASTORIAN TELEI-HOXK Ml. All contract for inlvcrtiauift In tli Astotliin iir iiuiild on n Rtiur untcii ( circulation four 1 1 incit lnrKcr than Hint of any rrr published or clrculiitcJ in Out op county. TODAY'S WEATHER. ItjItTI.ANI. Oct. J9.-Orron. Wash ington ami Idaho, showers today. f i - . AROUND TOWN. lir r rt: Wind, smith; hy; bar, rough. It. Wells, of Holrm. km In AturU )vstrlday. C. H. Ih.w u In Astort on business yesterday. "Will Madln In suffering from an at tack of a rip. O. A. Ciik was down from Port Unit yrntrtday. r. J. Calef. f Chicago, u registered at lh incident. Hllna II. Hmilh. uf Clat.p. was I lit city yesterday, WcilatrClcrk Momi fort,i thi bsrom (Iff ti bclaf my low tbli moralng ass rtdlcli a bid nor. nialadnir logging camp on th. Wal limkl U working a full crew and pultln about 130,000 feet of logs In the bourn every week. Pur Whiskey Harper. Perfect Whin krjr Harper, Every bottle guaranteed Harper. Huh by four a & mokes CO, Astoria. Or. If you are not already a patron of mo i ! noini nnruer miid you will nt rrgn-t giving It a trial. Hath In connection. City Treasurer F. J. Carney ! ft f Seattle lat evening lo be absent a few day on business. Hi was accompnnl by Mr. Carney. The steam roaster Despatch fntlrd to "t out yesterday morning on account uf a nuiKh oar and returned to th 0. 11. ft N. dock. L L. Parrott. uf Yaqulna, was In the city yesterday. W. V. Whipple was In Portland yr terday on business, lion, J. T. Morgan rt'turnrd yesUrday morning to rortiami. Itn Armstrong, of Cathlamet, u In tin city yesterday. E. E. William, of Oregon City. In the city yesterday. W. J. Farrrll, of Ban Francisco, wm In the city yrtHrrdny, 1 A. Hunch, of Th Dallf. arrived In the city ywitrrdny. Will r,non. of Portland. wn a rla llor In the city ycatrrday. IMt U-rent ma). TlUtnaT Sun Flea (aurant, (IS Commorclal itrU JrfTa restaurant th lartcat brat. A trial will convlno you. and O. Oil morn, of ChadwHI, wa a visi tor In th city ymtrrday. C'harlf Thoinpton, of Euifune, I I BUfit of th 1'arkcr Hou. Dr. S. M. Ie Crone, of Tacoma, la rcf Utcred at the I'arkrr Houie. Of ml.l lloRnall, of Portland, tfg tercd at th Occident yeterday. H. M. Woolen left Inat evening for I vllt uf aeviral duy In Purtland. Mr. and Mr. Dave Twetnlle, of Vine Maple, were In the city yetTday. R. 11. lUrrold and Mr. H.-rrold. of Ilwaco, are In Atorla vlxltlng- with friend. Superintendent Bhleld of the Astoria Water Company went to Portland ye- terdny on biminew. C. 8. Wrlirht, deputy flnh comml loner, left lout evening- on a trip to Seattle fr hi health. All kind of altver and gold plating don on short notice, by A. Iilryaia, U Commercial street. Work ha been started on a shed to cover th boat that Dick Leather will build for Mr, llaalnm. The George W. Elder wa reported oulMlde lust evening: and will probably be In early this morning. Mrs. Nnrclana W. Kinney returned yesterdny mornlns; from a week' visit with friend In Portland. The purchased by Mr. Glen son In Portlnni Wednesday wa sold by him to the O. 11. & N. Co. I. K. Holt, of Spokane, Is visiting friends In till city for a few daya. Ho Is a former resident of Astoria.' ) The harkentlns Tarn O' Shnntcr sail ed from Hnn Francisco for Astoria on Wednesdny. Hho will loud lumber at Kmippton. Harry Twilight Is steadily Improv ing nt the hospital and will be per mitted to sco some of his friends In a few dnyn. BEST 15-CENT MEAL; SUN 11ESTAURANT. RISING XflisaaVSSMitl W ''Uts bum n m m a-ww i ITav for manr year been the nopular fara lijriiiCiiieinawiiereverineii.nxiiHniaiiRunm i Is spoken, siw tney now itniia wllliout a i rlviti inr niiunit ana eryoll inionivri, Wind, I'uln In the Hionmch, Hick HvaiUclie, FiilneM after meals. DlMlnens, DrowalneM, Owtlveneu and Hallow Completion. TheM 4 allllctlntis all arise tmm a disordered or buM-d condition of the itomnrhand liver. i liMxiiiMinia I'm, uaen asoirecieu. win i nnli'kly reUire Kamale to complete health. i They promptly remove any oUtructlun or ' i lrre(Ularlljf ul III sy.ieta, ! n cmI as. J J aH 4rw atorsa. Crearn Pure Rye. America's finet whlskv. Thrt oolv nur good: gear atiti-ed rich and mellow. JOHN CARLSON. Solo Agent. M. P. Callender wa !n the city ye terday on hi return from a buslnei trip to Portland, lis returned Knappton In the afternoon. A danc will be given by th Fore tem of America on Wednesday evening Otobrr SI. at Foard and Stoke' halL Ticket TSc; Indie with escort frea. Rid for tho work on Tenth and Twrlfth treet will h enid by I Imlrman Ltilnger of the street com mltt on next Wednesday afternoon On next Saturday evening a tribe of Ile SIrn will be Instltut.-d at Clstska- nle. A number of members of the local order will go up to confer the degree, The coast steam schooner Fulton Started to cru out for Sun Francisco yesterday morning but was prevented on account of the ruughnesa of the bar. Astoria visitor lo Portland can ob tain copies of th Dally Aatorlan at th new stand of O. R, Rich, Fifth and Morrison streets and Hotel Port land. The Astoria Iron Work are putting up right of the Improved Jensen can fillers for an order from a San Fran Cisco firm and have them nearly com pleted. For item .ewiy furnished rooms, with or without board, In private dwelling. Apply Mrs. J. A. Hill, tor- merly of Seaside, at 7 Franklin ave nue, cor. Fifteenth St. A meeting will be held this evening In tho armory of the Naval Reserve for the purpose of organising a foot boll team. All Interested In the game are requested to be present. The steam schooner Cleonc arrived In at Tillamook bay Thursday from San Francisco and will load lumber at Hob onvllle for the Truckee Lumber Com pany for San Francisco. The ordinances to Improve Tenth street between Excl ange and Grand, and to repair Twelfth street between Commercial and Frnoklln were signed yesterday by Mayor Hergman. Don M. Roes, son of Wm. Rom, of this city, came down from Portland yesterday morning. He will go to Cal ifornia on Saturday, and will remain there during the winter for his health. John Farrell, who was arrested here few days ago on a bench warrant from Columbia county, charging him with assault and buttery on a China man, will be tried In the circuit court at St. Helens today. The Oregon Baptist ministerial con ference was held at The Dalles during tho past week at the Calvary Raptlst church In their new edifice, and was attended by a large number' of minis ter and delegatca. Captain W. E. Gregory, of tho llght- ouao tender Manzanlta, has been granted a 30 days' leave of absence, his first vacation for 12 years. It Is re ported that Captain Gregory will go East on a pleasure trip , A meeting of the committee of the council, which Is preparing proposed amendments to the city charter, was set for Inst evening but owing to the absence of certain members of the com mittee from the city, the meeting had to be postponed. The Astora gave a very pleasant little smoker In Carruther's hall last evening. About forty of the fellows were present and President Woodfleld and his able corps of managers are to be congratulated on the success of the occasion. Mayor Unrgman received a communi cation yesterday afternoon from the secretary of the New York public li brary, asking that a charter and other printed matter relating to the sffulr of the city be sent to the library. The mayor ha compiled with th rcqaest. K, W, Tallant suffered quite a m-r-lous Injury last evening. On hi way home about ( o'clock, as he was cross ing th street he was run down by some cattle that were being driven along the street. He was thrown down and sustained a fracture of the jaw and two . Frank Woodfleld, who h returned from a trip to Ashland, purchamd a large ijuantlty of apples while there. 11 says that at Ashlund, which Is sup posed to be the hot-bed of Iiryanlsm In the Valley, he found very few that were enthusiastic supporters of the ticket this year. A recent letter received from Junenu, Alaska, contains the news of the death of Captain Ooorge liel, formerly of Astoria. Captain Hell was stricken with heart failure on the night of the Oth Inst, ami died In a few hours. For many year Captain IHI was In the employ of M. J. Klnrwy. A cablegram from London states that the lintlsh ship Lansing, Captain Chap man, from Port Rlukcly, June 1, for Port Plrle, ha arrived recently at an Australian port. A dispatch from San Francisco yesterday stated that rein surance at 20 per rent bad bien offered on the I-anslng, which carried a cargo of 2.000,000 f,., t of lumber. The office of the old I. It. & N. Co. was moved yesterday evening from the building on the Telephone dock and will be located after this date with the regular office at the O. R. N. wharf and the Ilwaco boats will land at that wharf hereafter. Dan Ooulter, who has had charge of the office, will remain with the company for a short time. It Is reported on apparently good authority that Wolff V Zwkker have abandoned (he attempt to float the stranded lightship at McKenzle head. It I questionable now whether there will be sufficient favorable weather to permit of toklng the lightship overland to Rakers bay, and the contractor who favor this mean of getting the vessel off the beach express the opin ion that there would be great risk of financial loss attached to the work. It I again stated by parties who have visited tt scene of the wreck that the VtMel It badly atralned, and practically wort lilts. ... i The gray horse attached to mall Car rler Shea's delivery cart ran away again yesterday afternoon and attempt ed a wholesale collection of the mall by tearing the mall box off the post In front of the Astorlan office In his wild run from the post office to his sta ble at Mr. Shea's, on the hill. The horse went directly to the stable and entered It and was found there short ly afterward by his owner. Lov of home Is too thoroughly Inbred In the beast or else Mr. Shea feeds him so well there that he can't stay away. The wrecked box was replaced during the afternoon, and was the only dam age done during the excitement. i The committee on the Lewis and Clark road are making Improvements by filling In the unplanked sections uf the road with gravel. There are large quantities of gravel on the Parker pluce at Fairfield point, but, though the committee offered the owners ten cents a load for the gravel, the pro posil wa refused, and the committee was obliged to go to the old ball grounds to get the gravel. This has greatly Inconvenienced the road-build ers. who feel that the Parkers should have permitted them to use the gravel Fred Johnson, a m'-mber of the com mittee, went to Deputy District Attor ney Eaki-n to determine whether or not the gravel could be taken not with standing the refusal of the owners to Prof. Le. krnby. the agrostologlst wha . , . ' ' ,.a, nn at rht-tf F f It a iriiirllprlii,.nt aw m.s4 I . . .. " ; (. cannot be tak,.n fronl one district ' ' 1 f,.e iiba In innlhAr win lu xne larmers in wiai seeiion a 'tunntlty uf the gross or plant that It is hoped will thrive In the marshlands of which there are thousand of acres In this vicinity. The gross ha been planted and some beneficial result are eterted from It as one td will spread over a space of 20 square feet lu a sin gle year. Mr. Robinson, of Hldgefteld, who wa In this city yesterdny looking for some clue to the whereabout uf his daugh ter. Rertha, relumed to Portland on the train last evening without having found any trace of the missing girl. She left home something over a week ago and her ha been searching In vain for her ever since. She Is but H years of age. The father Is nearly broken hearted over the affair. At a special meeting of the council held last evening the resolution declar ing th Intention of the council to re pair and Improve Duane street from Fourteenth to Seventeenth was passed, This It the resolution that wa formally passed at the last regular meetlag but was found to contain an error and the special meeting lust evening wa to pass the corrected resolution. This was the only business transacted. There has been considerable Inquiry as to whether the registration law gov ems the election of presidential elec tors a well as state officials. In regard to this the registration laws will govern In the coming election the tame as In the June election with the exception, however, that the person who did not vote at the June election III be required to have six freehold ers to swear that he Is & resident and entitled to a vote. A rich New York corporation known as the Cape Nome Gold Mining and Transportation Company la tunnelling under the tundra on the beach at Cape Nome In search of an old river bed. One ot the tunnels has been extended quite a considerable distance out un tier the Hehrlng sea. The company owns twenty-one claims and are push Ing the work as rapidly as possible. The result of the work Is kept a close secret and no one outside of the opera' tors Is allowed within twenty-five yards of the shaft. An Eastern report on the salmon question says: Shortage and the In creased consumption have both mater ialised. Until the pock of the world Increases materially over the packs of past years the trade can make up their mind to one thing: that old prices on salmon will not prevail. Radical lvances were made thla year In the opening prices of Columbia river. It 11 went Into consumption. Radical ad ances were made on Puget sound. It all has been taken. Alaska was more moderate In their advance. There Is none for sale. 3 Premiums IV a a Given as many WITH Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, Soda, Baking Powder Uood Tim and Place lo Hoy (Tonic Juat to See GreatcncanlffiportiiijiTea Go. "tfl Commercial Street, Astoria, Or. At the application of Martin Ryan and Thomas Spencer, Judge Gray yes teeday afternoon Issued an Injunction restraining Mildred Bowman, et al, from placing set nets In front of and on plaintiff's property below the lower bridge on the Necanicum creek at Seaside, The Injunction Is returnable to the circuit court, which meets about November 1. The plaintiffs have leased all the property on both sides of the Necanicum below the lower bridge for fishing purposes and have a fish trap on one side of the. creek. The de fendants have placed set nets both above and below . the trap extending clear across the creek and attached to both banks, thus entirely shutting off the fish from plaintiffs' trap. As the Plaintiffs have the lease of the prop erty they have a legal right to for bid defendants attaching to the banks or landing to empty the net of fish. There was a strike at the Masten log ging camp at Svensen this week. The strikers thought they had things all their own way for a time, but soon found out that the owner of the camp waa going to have a hand In the mat ter, ar.d they were out In the cold. Now they are wondering why they ever attempted anything of the kind, especially at a time when logging men are so numerous, on account of many of the camps shutting down for the -vin ter. Referring to the matter, Mr. C. C. Masten says: "I have a force of about twenty men working at the camp and the trouble arose over the dislike a number of them took to one man In my employ. They drew up a declara tion which was presented to me, stat lng that unless I discharged that man they would quit work. The man was one who had been working for me for ten or twelve years, and I saw no rea son why I should let him go, and so I discharged the others, and Immediate ly set about to engage a new crew." Sheriff Llnvllle started yesterday at ternoon to arrest Andrew Olsen at Hayseth on Youngs river. Mr. Olsen refused to allow the party of surveyors that are laying out the route of the proposed road between this city and Vesper on the county line to cross the land which he holds as tenant from J. L, Hayseth, and Insolently threaten' ed them with violence If they entered on said land. As the survey was be ing made by order of the county court his action was in direct contempt of such order. In the first place he had no right or reason for stopping the survey as the road would not nece sadly go across his land unless so de termlned by the survey and In such case If the result of the survey showed that the course across his land was the most practicable the court has the right to appoint appraisers and condemn the land and by due course of law award the. owner damage for the same. The sheriff returned last evening at 6 o'clock, having secured the man. Mr. Olsen will be tried for contempt of court. Work was commenced yesterday morning on the driving of the piles for the addition to the Ross, Hlggins & Co. store, and Is progressing quite rap Idly. The plledrlver will soon be out of the way of the street cars. Dur ing the greater part of yesterday the cars ran both ways on Commercial street Instead of making the circuit of Rond street and last evening the tracks were cleared by turning the driver side ways, so that the cars resumed their regular run. The old Naval Reserve both houses was all cleared out yes terday, the timbers being hoisted out by the pile driver. The man who man ipulated the piles and wreckage from the step and slip took several Im promptu bath. Contractor Clinton took the Job of ljftlng the timbers of the boat house that Berende pur chased from the Naval Reserve and gave full value In work for the mon ey received. The timber were wet and slippery and bad to be taken up one by one and occupied nearly an hour's time, with the whole force, which wo hardly paid for by (he con tract r-rlce of four bits, Portland Is threatened with a dis banding of her police force as a result of a decision, regarding the collection of revenue for Its support, made yes terday. Under the l'.-rms of the city charter, the common council has n power to Impose a tax that Is exces sive. The vehicle tax of from tt to MO a year I excessive. It Is a tax; not a license. For these reasons the vehicle license ordinance Is Illegal. This Is the meat of a decision rendered by Judge Cleland, of circuit court, yesterday. It effect Is to annul the ordinate refer red to, and to make It void for all time, unless Judge Cleland shall be reversed by the supreme court, to which the case will be carried promptly. Mean while collection of the tax will cease. Cnless prompt measures are taken to provide other means for maintenance of the police department, which Is unlike ly, the force will be disbanded Novem ber 1. and Its members will be dis charged. Two mambers of the police commission, C. N. Rankin and D. Soli Cohen, make unqualified statements to this effect. In their opinion the com mission would not be Justified in wait ing the outcome of the vehicle tax case In the supreme court before proceeding with the dlsbandment of the police. MUST HAVE CORK HELMETS. Army officer were considerably sur prised at reading dispatches of the suf ferings cf the American troops in Chi na, from the heat, on account of their hats. It was the belief that the regi ments sent to China had been equipped with cork helmets and that their cam paign hats had been discarded. The heat of the sun Is dangerous, but over heating of the digestive organs Is even more so. TJ cverccme irritation and other stomach troubles there la noth ing to equal Hoetetter's Stomach Bit ters. No matter now long you have suriered from constipation. Indigestion, dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles. tne JMtters will cure you. It also cre ates a hearty appetite and Is an excel lent tonic for the nerves. Try It. RECITAL LAST EVENING. The Misses Flavel Render an Interest ing Program at M. E. Church, Those who were fortunate enough to attend the musical recital by the Misses Flavel for the benefit of the public 11 brary at the M. E. church, last evening were charmed by the exquisite render ing of the following delightful pro gram: Vocal "With Verdure Clad Piano Fruhllngsnacht .... Berceuse , Vocal "The Sands O Dee'" Piano Valse Elegante Anitra's Dance v ocal Cavatlna, "Una voca poca fa," I1 Barblere Dl SIvlella).. Rossini Piano Komance Salnt-Saens Air de Ballet Chaminade Vocal "There, Little Girt, Don't Cry" Campion Could I? Tosti Piano Nocturne Chopin Vocal "Les Filles de Cadii" ...Delibe Piano ?a rcarolle Rubinstein ocal "The Angels Serenade". ..Braga (V lolln OhPto. Mr. Fredrickson.) Piano Khapsodle Hongrolse No. S Llsxt Vocal "Abide With Me" Liddle With Piano and Organ: Mrs, H. C. Thompson, Organist. ,. Haydn ...Lisxt Chopin ....Clay ...Riera ..Grieg TAX COLLECTIONS. Poll and Property Tax Collected Since April 1st, 1S00. The following table shows the rela tlve amount of property and poll tax collected In the city and also In the country road ulsirlcts from April 1st, 1900. to October S. 1900: City property tax S WO 12 City poll tax 8S3 ..School Begins.. Vacation time is about over and our children will be taking up various studies, but have you grown up people learned the Je?son of , , , PRACTICAL ECONOMY buy for your boys their School Suits? I invite you to call at my store and learn how you can eava .50 cent5!, 75 cents and $1 on Little Fellows' Suits, and from $1 to $2.50 on Big Boys' Suits, while our Men's Suits are reduced from 1 to $4.50. OUR SWEEP SALE IS NOW IN FULL BLAST. THE RELIABLE -TO FARMERS- AND PEOPLE WHO APE NOT FARMERS We are Sole Agents for " RUSHF0RD WAGONS." We guarantee that they have no equal for easy runningtrength and durability, and our prices are right Fisher Bros., Agts., Astoria, Oregon. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V AaLLtfEN Testh and Commercial Streets Total city tat County property tax County poll tax J1S23 86 376 51 .... 933 Total county tax $1309 The above table shews a much great er percentage of collections In poll tax in tne county districts than in the city. The property tax Is for 1S99 and the poll tax xor isw. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to James Flnley 160 acres in section !i, I i N, R I W; patent. James Flnley to Theresa O'Brien- same property: o00. Mary E. Stanley et al to J. J. Mur phylot 12, block 6. Grimes' Annex to Ocean Grove; J212. Stops the Cough tad Vorks Off the Cold. Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets cure a cold In Jne day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. & N. which went Into effect April 23nd, shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours, and gives a double dally service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2. leaving Portland at 9:15 a. m. U known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." Its equipment Is new throughout, making it fully the equal of any train now In service from the Pacific coast to the East. The "Overland Express' leaves Port land at 6:20 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the best of service to all local points on the u. k. ft n. tire. DR. F. VAUQHAN. DENTIST Room 1. Knight's Building. Over Cooper's Store. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paoiflo Brewery, ot which Bottled beer tor family nee or kef Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, males beer I beer supplied at any time, delivery it tor domesMo and export trade. I the city free. Horth Pacific Brewery WEDDING CARDS !5!!!Ls W. G. SMITH & CO.. VISITING CASDS ZZrc rUc ENGRAVERS, BUSINESS CARDS 22 and 23 Washington Building, r-nnnrn 01 htc boimtcoc th Washington 8ts. over Litt'a, COPPER PLATE PRINTERS PORTLAND, OREGON. VISIT. NG CARDS THE ASTORIAN.... Delivered at your office, store or residence, 60c per motitH. LEA PER THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE '' Beware of Imitation KINS' 1, -4 it li highly approved ter the very agreeable lest' Ktikk It ImwrU to Soups. Fiih. Gtmt. Hot and Cold Meats, Salads, Wehh Karcbits, etc nis ligation Is oa tyery bottla JH7f DTOCAITS 80NS, Agents, Vww Ta&