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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1900)
ASIG1UA PDBUC IIBAIRT ASSCGZAhCX " ..,.! ...,. entity chMAfjWMl .... . ; ll IMK If I I f t- VOL. Lll. ASTOUIA. OREGON, 'VKID1Y. QC'fUBEK 19, 1900. '0. 9 :lti ilot 10 be Tckenfniii flip n A WE ARE SELLING AGENTS IN ASTORIA FOR 1 BRIDGE, Suporior Steel Ranges BBACII Sylph Heater SCO.'h Olio Heater COLE Hot Blast Heater for Coal MFG. Dome Top Heater for Wood CO.'h Russia Iron Heater tor Wood Wo nlso nmmifucture ft Ruhmh Iron Queen llontcr for Wood. T Iii'ho coii)jriw tho lent line of stoves in tlio htute. Wo noil no wi-iJiul-dnMH stoves. An in Hjiwtion of our lino of stoves will pay you. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. School Books and School Supplies Tablets. Pencils, Fens, Slates, Composition Books, Note Books, Sponges and Tnlfg -, Everything Necessary for f chool Ue ...GRIFFIN Sr REED... JUST ARRIVED .. . New Mince Meat New Crop Apple Butter Boiled Cider Sweet Cider Nuts, Apples, Popcorn, etc. Ross, Higgins 8 Co. ASTORIA SOUVENIR CHINA in JUST FROM AUSTRIA... FOARD & STOKES CO. "The World Owes Every Man a Living" But Jint sort of living in It yon get with a ooi stove or range in your kitchen? Huy a Star Estate Range They insure good living W. J. Scully, Agent 431 BOND STREET CGssiIssion, Erckcrase, Insurance and Shipping:. Custom House Broker. - . ASTORIA, ORE A(ot W. P. A Co aod Paclflo Kxpreu Co. SETTLEMENT OF STRIKE DELAYED Matters Complicated by Meeting of Operators at Scranton. MITCHELL IS STILL SILENT Other i Aooouace Tbtir Acceptisc ol Terra i of Mine Workcu-Sfrik' tri Slay Out Till Other Art Hear" From. HAZLKTON. Pa.. Oct. 18.-Ai far as ending the coal miner' nirlku la con cerned, not a move In that direction waa made by the United Mine Work er' official today. President Mitchell la absolutely llrnt n all (ueton pertaining to the termination of the content ami It la not tx-1 1-v-l ihut he will haw anything t auy on the aub J.t until he call a meeting of the national executive bonr.l fur the pur !' of considering the iieton of I auing a formal declaration calling the strike off. Win n that shall be dependa, It In un derstood, entirely uion tin" operator. The feeling la prevalent here tonlKht th;it the decision of the operatora' meeting at rVratitin today to Insist that the reduction In the price of rw il r muat be taken Into coniildcrutlon In determining thf net ten per cent In creaat in wage haa complicated mat li ra somewhat. Further delay In rearh- Ina an amicable adjustment of the trouble la now feared. . STRIKERS CONTINUE FIRM. PHAMoKIN, Pa.. Oct. 18 Nottcee that the terma of the Keranton conven tion have been accepted by the Phila delphia Heading Coal Iron Com IMiny were poaled In iubllc iacm here and at the rolllerlra early thin morn ln. Hirlkrra In the employ of the com pany aay that while they are highly Pleaeed over the action of the Iteadlnff Company, they will no l think of koIiik to work until their brethren employed by the other companl. and o.ratora are granted the Increase. It la the general Impreadon here that all mployrra wl!l have fallen lnli4in by tomorrow. anl that a notice from 1'realdi-nt Mltchi ll. Inf inning the iitrlk- rra to go to work, will bu Imued Hat unlay or Monday. OTI1EU COMPANIES FALL IN. LF.IIICH. I'a.. Oct. 1.-The Lehigh Coal Company, owntsl by the Lehigh Valley ICnllroinl Company, thla morn ing poM.'d nolle, a dated Vllkenbarre and algned by W, A. Lathrop, general u perlntendent, exactly almllur to thoae of the Pardee. The notice nbolUhea the alldlng acale agreea to a ton per ci-nt Increase until April 1, li, and thereafter until olherwiae notified, and flxi-a the price of powder at $1.50 a keg, Inatcad of 12.75. MINERS jmiLANT. POTTSVILLE. Pa., Oct. 18.-The newa received here that the demands of the anthracite coal mlnera1 conven tion had been granted by the Heading IV a I k Iron Co. wna aa welcome as It was aurprlalng In the Schuylkill re gion. The labor leader were ,iot In the recret. There will now be bonfl-es. meetings, parade and a general jubilation by the miner. Some of the conservative lead era favor a quiet acceptance of the vic tory, but it la doubtful if their counsels will prevail. The Heading Company employs ;s,000 men, one-ftfth of all the anthracite worker, nnd they will un doubtedly be ready to go t work Just as soon an they are ordered to do so by President Mitchell. The Heading Company has b,vn rush ing its cars Into the coal region ever since the strike began, and It Is em ulated that it has In the ncigtiliorhoxl of ten thousand empties now on the sMIngx throughout the region at points easy of access. nlnht. after having traveled marly 11, 0W mile and making" nearly Ll Speei hea. He will Spend the final week of the campaign in . xorg state. The H'ton visit haa Iw.-n eliminated and. If possible, (Jovernor H'xwevelt win spend next Hunouy witn Ma rum llv at Albany. Today' work began at Canton, Ohio, the honiB of Mc Klnley, After a hard '!.iy" campaigning through hlu and Wist VnglrilH. (governor Hooaevett reached Parkersburg tonight and ad dressed a large audience, t.aylng spec ial attention to Huiiator jonea' denial Ihut th American Cotton Company la a trust. Itooaevelt ptiducrd the statement of the company and argue that Ms own Oku res. pn.spectua and plait of proced ure entitp-d It to the panic of a trust. He aald that In It allng aa stock the American Cotton Company had boasted of Its ability U control the prl- of cot ton and entered the market with the express,! Intention of cornering the crop and mastering the market. ADVANCE IN' LINHEED OIL. Largest Single Price Fluctuation Ever Known In Linseed Oil. CJIICAOO. Oct. 18. At noon the American Llnseeil OH Company marked the price of llns-ed oil up v ' cenb, or the highest figure known since the Infancy of the Industry. Before noon the price was 60 rents. This advance of ten cents per gallon I the largest fluctuation ever known In linseed oil and I about the equiva lent of 4t) or W rent per bushel ad vance In wheat. Coming at thla aeason of the year when the movement of the rvti crop of Max seed from the farm ers of the Northwent ha but Just begun. It haa caught every manufactur er In the country by aurprlse. Practically all of them had been ex pecting 33-cent oil. The result Is that they had reduced tbeir stocks to the lowet possible point. Flax ae?d la now selling at $1.82, or an advance (luring the last ten days of 3i cents per bushel. FOl'U PERSONS DROWNED. Life H'at Overturned Near Town of Chenlk. BEATTLK. Oct. 18.-Four and prob ably rive person met death by drown ing In Oclovln bay. oft the town of Chenlk. September 24, aa the result of the rapalxlng of the life boat of the Sun Francisco steamer Albion. The known victims are: Gua Rudd, of Sun Francisco; Joseph Clannish, residence unknown; David Clancy, resldew-e unknown, and Car penter Welshard. residence unknown. Eighteen people entered the life boat to ride from Chenlk to the Albion, which was a mile away. The bout was rigged with a aall. Thd wind was strong. Two hundred yard from the Albion the life boat capeixed. The Al bion's crew went to the rescue and sav ed all but four or perhaps live of the occupants. ALL TESTIMONY IN. Veellet In the Youtsey Trial In Expect ed This Afternoon. GEORGETOWN. Ky.. Oct. lS.-The Youtsey trial Is drawing rapidly to a cl.ise. All the testimony Is in, the Instructions have been given to the Jury and the speeches are being made. The verdict Is expected By tomorrow aftir noon. There la no Improvement In Toutsey's condition, though he is not any worse Udny. Now and then the paroxysms return and for an hour afterward he Is much worse but Is still able to rally, showing remarkable vitality. CHINA READY TO TREAT FOR PEACE Li and Prince Ching Have Drawn Up Joint Proposal. FRANCE EAGER EOR PEACE Keepi l'r(la Oiaer Poer to Hailei Eiaedltloa la Pao Tiff Fi Flaff Boxen' Headiaa City's Willi. Mt'RDER IN SECOND DEGREE. Verdict in Case of J. L. Warren Who Killed Mate of the Ship Bement. PORTLAND. Oct. 18. James L. Warren, charged with the murder of WIMInm Wlt-lr mala tt lha Amnrlian llhlti I'laratlna .Q Human, u n a ,nltr)i. found guilty of murder in the second uegree. Kirk was murdered on board his ship in the nnroor here, January a lust. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Distances Competitors In the Favor of Fraternities. CHICAGO, Oct. lS.-The grand chnp ter of the Sigma Nu Fraternity at their meeting here today granted a charter for a chapter of orgnnliation nt the State University of Oregon. Several other requests for charters were refused. ROOSEVELT AFTER JONES. Proves That the American Cotton Com pany Is a Trust. PARKERSIU'RO. W. Va.. Oct. 1S.- Governor Roosevelt will finish Ilia gen eral campaign at Baltimore tomorrow POTATO CROP SHORT. Five Million Bushels I.e-ss Than Lnst Tear. CHICAGO, Oct. IS. The potato crop of the United States, according to Orange Judd's Farmer dual report. In its issue or uetotier -0, at the com- plotlon of harvest approximates 2:iS, 0H),(XH bushels, or nearly 5.000,000 less than last year. BROOKLYN THE CHAMPION. Wins the Beautiful Trophy Cup Offered to Best Basebnll Team. PITTSBURG, Oct. 18.-Brooklyn is the champion of the baseba'l world, owner of the beautiful Chronicle-Telegraph trophy " cup and carries away one-half of the gate receipts of the four games necessary to decide the su premacy over Pittsburg, ..REMOVAL, SALE.. For the next sixty days our entire stock of furniture and carpets will be closed out at less than cost. Call early and avoid the rush. CHARLES HEILBORN & SON PARIS. Oct. lS.-The Havas agency has received the following dispatch from Pekln: ''The diplomatic corps haa received a Joint not? from Lt Hung Chang and Prince Chlng saying that It is time to end the present situation and to treat for peace." JOINT PROPOSAL DRAWN UP. LONDON, Oct. IS. A representative of the Associated Prtsa learns that Prince Chlng and Ll Hung Chang have Anally succeeded In drawing up a Joint proposal for a settlement. This haa Just been received by the powers. Be yond the fact that U Is likely to re quire considerable alteration before be ing acceptable, nothing Is ascertainable regarding the actual terms. The Chi nese minister here, Sir Chlh Chen Lo Feng Luh. professes Ignorance of such proposal, but lt can be definitely said that It Is now engaging the attention of the British foreign office. . FRANCE HURRIES THE POWES. PARIS, Oct. 18. Russia, Austria. Germany and Great Britain having al ready replied a!Tlrmatlvely to M. Del casse'a note, he Is notifying the powers of the acceptance of the first note, and is asking each of them to Instruct their ministers at Pekln to begin peace ne gotiations. Favorable replies are ex pected from ail. M. .Plnchon. the French minister at Pekln, therefore has been Inatructed to place himself In touch with the am bassadors and Chinese emissaries for the purpose of opening negotiations at the earliest moment. ' WALDERSEE AT. PEKI.V. PEKIN. Oct. 17. The Pekin column of the Pao Ting Fu expedition arrived at a point six miles south of Chi ChowH yesterday without encountering oppo sition. They found the heads of four teen Boxers on the walls at Chou Choon and they killed seven of the Imper ial troops. Field Marshal Count von Waldersee has arrived here, and haa be, n ac corded full military honors. He was accompanied by an escort of Interna-1 tlonal troops to the palace of the dow- j ager empress. CHINESE FOUGHT STUBBORNLY. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct 18. Detailed reports to the war office of the occu pation of Mukdec, Manchuria, show that the Russians met with strong op position at Schacho. where the Chinese with thirty battalions, twenty AVId guns and Krupps and Maxims occupied the railway embankment and heights. The lighting continued from 9 o'clock In the morning until S o'clock In the afternoon. The Chinese cavalry envel oped the Busman right Hank and en deavored to take It In the rear. They were repulsed but returned repeatedly to the attack. Finally, after artillery preparations, the whole Russian column was thrown against the Chint'se. who by evening were In "full retreat. The next day the Chinese made a loss stubborn resistance in a strong posi tion on the mountain in front of Llao Jau. The position was nttured at noon but the Russians were unable to pursue the Chinese owing to the ex treme fatigue and difficult nature of the country. Another Russian column met with a strong resistance and onlv arrived at Lino Jau at 5 o'clock In the afternoon. The Russians in the course of the two days' operations lost :o killed and wounded. They raptured several guns. LIPTON IS DELIGHTED. Glad His Challenge Is Accepted and Confident of Fair Pay. LONDON. (X-t. lS.-Sir Thomas Lip ton hopes to arrive In the United States about the middle of July. In an Interview with a representative of the Associated Press he said he was de lighted that his challenge had received such a prompt and satisfactory answer. 'Talking of fair play," continued Sir Thomas, "none of us is quite infallible, but I guarantee to say should anything controversial by any chance happen to occur, 1 am certain l snau get tne benefit of any doubt existing, such Is my belief In the Integrity and sports manlike spirit of the New York Yacht Club." it Is understood that Shamrock II. will be built by the Hendersons, on the Clyde, and that Sycamore will ' be her skinner, with Mr. Jameson In gen eral charge. Sir Thomas Llpton will take both the new and the old Sham rock across the Atlantic. lait race for the America' cup and the race now contemplated ha not been lot by our designer. The "0-foot 'Yankeu class.' which were bnili hy the H'Treshoff' Company and which were so thoroughly tlel In the many com lietltlona during the last summer, have kept the mind of yaehtmen and de signers alert to take advantage of any possible improvement. If when the trials of Shamrock No. 1 and 2 are h-Id it will be found that the last boat la better than the flrat. I believe our de-lgner will h able to Improve the Columbia or build an Im proved Columbia, which shall success fully defend the cup." BRYAN IN NEW YORK. Ha Good Audiences but Find Little Enthusiasm. SYRACUSE. N. Y.. Oct. 18.-Wllllam J. Bryan continued hi tour of the Em pire state today, traveling half-way across It from east to wet. He began his Journey at Albany and following the course of the picturesque Mohawk and the line of the Erie canal, he reach ed this point late In the afternoon. From here he made a run northward to the southern ahore of Lake Ontario and made half an hour' speech at Os wego. Later he spoke here tonight. The attendance at the majority of the meeting was complimentary In slxe and some of the audiences were very large. In comparatively few place was there marked enthusiasm. There was, however, close attention and in no case was there any Interruption of note. 0. It. & N. TAKES STEAMSHIP LINE Will Operate All Boats on San Francisco Route. STEAMER STATE WITHDRAWN FREAK FEMALE BICYCLIST. Will Establish a Record for Three Thousand Miles or Die in the Attempt. NEW YORK. Oct. 18.-With her face showing plainly the terrible strain she 1 undergoing. Marguerite Gast, the girl cyclist, who Is trying to establish a record for 3.0U0 miles on the Valley stream, u. I., course, completed her 2175th mile at 11:30 today. She had then been 11 days, 22 hours and 30 minutes In the saddle. She had sprinkled red pepper In her stockings so that the pain might keep her awake. Save for a rest between 11:20 la-st night and 3:05 a. m. today, Miss Gast rode continually for fifteen hours. By Saturday she hope to complete 30o0 miles. MORE SURGEONS NEEDED. Report of the Surgeon-Ger.eral Shows That the Medical Corp Lacks Men. WASHINGTON, Oct. 18.-The report of Surgeon-General Sternberg, U. S. A., states that the force of the medical department consists of 192 officers, which he says is not enough. A report from the chief surgeon of the Philip pines, dated August 15, 1900. is given showing a percentage of 8.7 sick for the command, the total strength of the army in the Philippine at that time being 60,554. and the total sick 5129. WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND. Oct. 18. Wheat. Walla Walla, 53c; Valley, 50c; bluestem, 56c. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. IS. Wheat. December. 974; cash. 9614. CHICAGO. Oct. lS.-Wheat. Novem ber, cpening, 73h, 73; closing, 73V. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, Oct. lS.-Silver, 634; lead, unchanged. Ciptala George Cosar Will hare Charge of Water Lloea With Keattquirtert al Portlaad Bejlanlog Ol October 29. PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 18.-The Ore gon Railway & Navigation Company today Issued the following circular: The O. It. N. Co. will on and after October 23 operate all ateamshlp on the Portland and San Francisco route. The ateamer "State of California." own ed by the Pacific Coast Company, wl;l be withdrawn from the line. The steamship "Columbia" and "Geo. V. Elder" will nil the route on the present schedule. The dutle of Goodall, Perkins & Co. as superintendents of the ocean divis ion, will be assumed by Capt George Conway, superintendent of water lines, with headquarter at Portland. SQUATTERS ARRAIGNED. Men Who Camped on the Chicago Lake Front Last Summer. CHICAGO. Oct. 18. Captain George Wellington Streeter and seven co-defendants whose attempt to hold rilled iand on the lake front here last sum mer resulted in the mobilization of the whok police force of this city, were declared rot guilty of conspiracy to commit murder. A charge of unlaw ful assemblage Kill remains against the "squatters." MORE BODIES RECOVERED. Each Day More Victim of the Galves ton Horror Are Found. GALVESTON. Oct 18. One month and ten day have elapsed since the storm and ilill the number of dead bodies being recovered daily doe not decrease. Forty-two were recovered today. This nake a- record ot 107 in the last four days. The total number of bodies re ported to have been recovered is 2907. MORTON ON PEACE BOARD. WASHINGTON Oct 18. There I some talk here tonight of ex-Vice-President Levi P. Morton as the third member on the part of the United State on The Hague international board. 1 DEMONSTRATION FOR HANNA, SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Oct. 18. Sen ator Hanna and party bad the biggest demonstration of the campaign tour to night In this city, the home ot Sena, tor Pettigrew. AMERICA'S CUP SAFE. Constructor Hlchborn Says the Colum bia Can Be Improved So as to Successfully Defend the Cup. NEW YORK. Oct. 18. Considerable interest is taken In naval circles in Washington, says a Herald special, as to the characteristics of the new de fender to b built to compete with the yacht Sir Thomas Llpton will send to the United States to lift America's cup. Read-Admiral Hlchborn, chief constructor, said: "The time Intervening between the Makes light, flaky, delicious hot biscuits, rolls, muffins and crusts. Makes hot bread wholesome. These are qualities peculiar to it alone. I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. C. Gorju, late Chef, Dcluiouico'. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 6T., NEW YORK.