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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1900)
TIIK MORNING ANl'OttlAN, TiltfiSfcAV. ALOIJfT U, 900. x. ...KNOX FALL SHAPES RECEIVED TODAY STIFF AND SOFT STYLES ft ft ft ft ft ft ft C. H. COOPER The Leidln; THE MORNING ASTORIAN TCLCHHONR 6M. All contriicli '"I1 iiJvcrtimnu l Dig Aatoilnn uro muJg on it Rtiar. suite of circulation four time lamer than that of nny-pupr f ubllshcJ or circulated tn Clat nop county. TODAT'8 WKATJIISn. I'OUTI.ANP. Auir. M.-Ori-(on. fair Mini wnriiwr, rirrpi near th const; VshliiKtn, fair, fcannT In the nwth. rast irili.n. I.liih'). partly c-lotidy and (Kramoiiully tlirt"ln; warmer. AROUND TOWN. lc mam JOo quart at tht oarlor. Yrmmlay w.ui wash Aixy at th court ly Jail. Tho I'Ulillo srhimls will open t first Monday In K'tb.-r. II I. fill Ihn nrnmutvr. of I'ut't land, was In tin illy yosUuduy. lUmi IS-rsnt meal. Rising Bun Res taurant, (II! Commercial street. HuKh Mtf'ormli k will bo a wtal liollirtnan during th fgatia. J.ffs Itrsmurant the largest and A trial will convince you. Yor nnt. Four unfurnished rooms, tor hnu keeping, fcnuulrs al 177 Tenth Hired. Mrs. CMrM A. Cash! ami daugh' ttr. of Knaj.jia, wrrs In tht rltjr yvs (onlay. The beat an) rhrapoat tailoring In the city at A. Kiuunira. t-l wm VJ For Pai. Complete rar for two traiM at Desilninun Sands. Ai(ly to Frank wooaneiu. When you want a tyllh now suit timJ cheap, call on A. KIUUNGN i:i Commercial Street Th I'inlr.l llirfnl rnatttlirnnt r(ll). ens today. The r-ulsln, .rvli-e and appointments are ail nnrt-ciass. II. M. Ltrntmn ha bin re-plfctud crrtary of the Columbia Hlvr Fish ermen's Protective Association. Kutrvne J. Hughe, aim painter, of Ssn Kmni-laco, la now with B, F. Allrn 4 Sua. IU Commercial vtmet. The V. C T. I'. room, corner Hond and Klrvrnth etrix'ta, will be n"n for a "wt rmirn" tlurlnir the rmatta. The Manianlta,. the flnltp fr lht riKHtta. will leave the U. K. A N. tliick thl morning at o'clock aharp. A marrluiro llccnae waa IiwukJ yia tonlay to 1.. H. Wiole, of Columbia county, and Allc Alli-n, of Clataop county. Mm. ravM Shanahun and children have returned to thrlr Antorla him ftft-r a vlBlt of wvrral weka In Hun Kruiiclaco. II. Wi-vrlck and Mm. Janle Illlla. both of Clataop county. ww murrlod TucHday vcnliiii by Kv. K. J. Mc Cimtnc. W. K. MiOroitor bna returned from Tacoma, where ho waa In nttendnnc nt a meptlnir of the box manufacturer'! Aumirlittlnn. Cr.m Pure nye. AmerlcA'a flneit whlnky. The (nly pura goodi; fuar. antwd rich and mellow. John L. Carl aon, lole aftnt. A mot wondorful clairvoyant and bualnena medium will give readlnffi dally, for a ahort time only, at room 11. llaln Street Hquhc. Kenu mber we guarantee ur Ice . cram to contain nothlnir but cream .and aiiK'ir nnd flavor. It Is 15 cents , per pint at the Parlor. Ucverend F. J. McCormac married Henry Painell and llolma Lamps Mon . day nfternoon. The contracting par ties ar reHldenta of this county. Two Knmll boys had a hot three round Unlit IftHt nlKlit on the Flavel wharf. They wouUl ntlll bo dKhtliiB, lmtl not the spectator parted them. Uonlyn coal lasts longer, Is cleaner nnd mokes less trouble with stoves and chimney Hues than nny other. Qeorgt W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. rtF.HT- 15-CKNT MEAL; RISING SUN KKSTAUUANT. : Soap in stick form; con veniencc and economy in ! shaving. . It ia the best and cheap ! est shaving soap in all the world. All torn pf pwipW Peri' totp. fl tortl , i itorct wll II. ciwUUr dtuggitti. i Pears F... r. HATS... Hi Hi Hi Hi House of Astoria Hi The light house under Mansanlta returned yesterday afternuun from a trip to the light housis along the Washington coiuil. Mupplles wero dis tributed. The Harrison arrived yesterday frotn TlllutiifNik, bringing the usual cargo of dairy produce. Hlie leaves out rTlday tiuiriilng for Hluslaw and Umtxiua riv ets with tannery supplM. ' The tug C'anby liroke her propeller blade yestenlsy afternoon and w lutuhed at llwaco for rpalrs. It Is thought the boat will be ready fur her usual run this morning. t William Yurleh, charged with th theft or a pair of bouts, had a hear ing In Justice J (rower's court yester day afternoon. He was given twelve days In lull. The Hrltlsh ship Monmouthshire left Yokobaimt August lvih and Is due at this rt Heiiteiiiber 4th. Hhe brings ten Chines piiMengers for Portland slid live for Victoria. 11. C. Restaurant keepers are requested by the regatta coinuiltti-e to accept tick ets liwued by the regatta In payment fur meals. The same will be cashed by the committee upon prrtwiitatlon nl head'iuarters. Hu'kleberry picking has developed Into nulla an IlidiiHtry in the Hiu mountains. The lHtll.- Mouiilalioer mentions one family at Im Orundn that picked 3W gallons and marketed the berries al W rents M-r gallon, On htr trip up the river. Tuesday evening, iho liailey Catsurl cracked her profiler shari and Is now luid up at I'oriianu awaiting a new viw. inv Albany has b en put on the Oatsert'a run until repaira are tumpiriru. The IlrltUh ship Rlversdale Is still awaiting a favorable opiortumty to .I. I. I U'.lki.p'. Inland. Those who came down from Portland yestenlay reported tnat two snip were lying at that point, unable to pro ceed up llie river. Purlng regatta the Astoria A Colum bia Klver railroad will make a rate of one fare for the round trip from all stations to Astoria, except Portland to Astoria. Tickets will be good going on Auguit 13. 3 and St and returning up to and Including August Zi. The ordinances to pay N. Clinton St Hon 94. I S cents for the Improve ment of the cr.isslng at Thirty-first street and Franklin avenue, and the one to pay w. A. Uoodln for the Im provument of Heventeenth street have been signed by Mayor uorgman. No time has as yet been set for the preliminary trial of Timothy Cm-belt, who Is charg-d with criminally as saulting Mrs. John Hhlelds near Ol ney. Witnesses from Olney will have to be notltled. It Is not probable that the case will be called this week. No attempt has as yet been made to float the stranded lightship. Anchors have been set; one half a mile from the vessel and the other within three hundred yards. To these have been attached strong cables. The bow of the vessel Is seven fet and the stern three feet In the sand. Hnodgrass, the photographer, has opened up a branch studio, especially for making stamp photo, in the build ing formerly occupied by the Colum bia i:ii-ct ileal nnd Repair Company on ltond street. An experienced lady op erator will be In charge. Look out for his regatta souvenir buttons. Wong Luey, the Chinaman charged by the coroner's Jury with the murder of Wong Ark Toy, was given a pre liminary hearing In Justice Hrower s court yesterduy afttrnoon. Otto Ol son, the boy who was present when Luey struck his victim with the wood en hoe, told a straightforward story of the affair. Luey was bound over to await the sitting of the circuit court. Low rate via Union Pad do railroad tn O. A. U. Encampment, Chicago, III., August 27th to September 1st, 1900. For the above occasion the Union Ta clrlo railroad will make a special rate of $71.50 to Chicago and return. Tick ets on sale August 21st and 2!nd. For further details concerning: this cheap rate, call on O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agnt O. R. A N. Co., Astoria Oregon, nr nddrsa J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 135 Third Street, Portland Oreg, The committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to Investigate iuii irpori upon me wooien nuns prop osltlon, met R. L. Cute, the promoter of the affair, at the olllce of President Van Dusen 'yesterday afternoon. The committee offered to tho company a site for their plant, the payment of all expenses Incurred In transferring It from lullns to Astoria and also to pay the freight on the machinery the oi.i.i.iM mj !.. ,t, Vi.t lPiao. nn.iilhnn ,...r tit ci . nnumiiH shipment. Mr. Cate returned to Port land last nlKht to report the result of the committee's deliberations to the owners oi tne nuns. A change of heart came over the West Shore Mills Company after It had agreed to the ordinance piised by the council Monday night. Tho company objected to the clause In the ordi nance wherein the city hall was to be lighted gratis. Members of the council committee assert that Perry Trulllnger read the ordinance In their presence Monday afternoon and said It was entirely satisfactory, to rur lhcr prove, the absurdity of Mr. Trul- llnier's objection to lighting the city hall free, the committee state that be requested them to turn on the lights In the council chamber, in order to see thnt everything worked satisfac torily. ASTORIA SEVENTH, ANNUAL REGATTA Athletic Carnival Begins This Morning. ADMIRAL EDWARDS HERE Arrived List Hljbt oo tbi Stran Dixon -Given Rouilflf Receptloi' Everytblnf InReafllnesi Toduy Asiorlans will throw cares to tho four winds and Join with the host of strangers within the city, In cele brating the Heventh Annual Regatta. Three days ars given the peojde In which to have a general good time. Mid every arrangement for It has been concluded. Thousands of visitors have already maue thulr appearance In the city, and many more will come by the train Slid boats today. Vacant rooms in private residences and lodging houis-s are nearly all occupied, but every one who c-oiiivi will find accommodations, Aatcrla never dues anything by halves, as those who are her guests today w 111 ascertain, - - The regatta committee worked late Into the tilght completing arrangements for the events to take place during the three days and nothing has been overlooked In the work. Everything Is complete even to the minutest detail, and the committee may well congrat ulate itself that It has won the good will of every one, not only Astorlani), l.ut alio visitors from the several states from which delegations have come. The regatta will be formally op ned (lis morning when the quern, accom panied by her molds of honor, and t m-oiied by a guard of honor, will ar rive at the grand stand at 9:30 on the Columbine. There she will be wel comed by Governor T. T. Ueer, on be half of th. state and by Mayor Ik-rg-man, on brim If of the city of Asto ria. , . ADMIRAL AND PARTY ARRIVES Amid the blowing of whistles, strains of music and cheering of the multi lists that had gathered at the Klavel duck, Admiral E. A. Edwards and party were welcomed to th city of As toria last evening at 8 o'clock. At 7 o'clock the tugs Alarm and R. Mller, with the regatta reception com mittee and the Astoria Military Rand aboard, started toward Tongue Tolnt, to meet the Sarah Dixon, having on board the admiral and jparty. As the vessels drew near each other the ad mlral's salute was fired from the Mil er and the band struck up the Admir al's march. As the vessels cams toward the city, the Sarah Dixon In the center, flanked on the left by tho Mller and on the right by the . Alarm, the. whistles of vessels alongside the docks announ.-ed the approach of the admiral and party. The noise attracted hundreds of peo ple to the dock, and the admiral was given a hearty welcome. After com ing ashore the admiral went Imme diately 1 to regatta headquarters and was greeted by his many frlenda and admirers. HANDICAP FOR LAUNCHER Alter, scratch: Hester, 2.15; Triton, 3.13; Elf. 3: Ethel, 3:55; Booth, 3:35; Uncle Sam, 4:25; Independence, 3:45; Hercules. 5:50; May, 7:45; Katie, 11; Hattle. . Crowning of queen at grand stand, 9:30 a. m. REGATTA NOTES. A $75 cup will be given as a prise to the winners of the team relay race. The medal for the single shell cham pit nshlp was admired by all visitors at the regatta headquarters. General Owen Summers came down on the train from Portland last night, and has been appointed by the queen as her prime minister. The California athletes and oarsmen will arrive this morning ' from San Francisco on the State, of California, A time limit of four hours for the fishermen's boat races and three hours for sloops will be placed on these events. , Rluo and white are the predominating colors on all stores and residences. The Star and Stripes have not been forgotten. The many prlxes donated to the re gatta hnve arrived and are on exhibi tion In the regatta headquarters' win dow. They are numerous, suitable and valuable. The medals and cups offered as prizes for the bunting and athletic events are on exhibition in the window at regat ta head'iuarters. Every one of them Is a beauty and well worth the exertion the athletes will expend In winning them. Messrs. Pape and Gloss with one dou ble boat, two single boats and two single shells arrived yesterday noon. Every Inch of space along the streets where privileges could be granted, Is taken up with fakirs. The favorite form of amusement seems to be throw ing ancient eggs at a negro's head. Commercial street was given a thor ough flushing yesterday afternoon. Oarsmen and athletes from the dif ferent' places who are to take part In the events began to arrive yesterday morning and there waa quite a crowd around the regatta headquarter all day ping.1 The sloop from Hho!watr Hay came In during th afternoon, and the river hi the vicinity of the Flavel wharf presented a busy appearance. Tb counts was laid out during' th afternoon, and every preparation for the races has been made. The queen, attended by her maids of honor, prims minister, admiral and staff and naval reserve, will board th steamer Columbine at th O. R. It N, dock this morning at t o'clock sharp. At noon today the. Columbine will call at the grand stand, where the luri-n and her escort will board the royal yacht and proceed to the O. R. k U. dock, disembark and take car riages. Preceded by the Third Regi ment band, the royal party will parade west on Commercial street to Tenth, thence north on Tenth to Ilond and East on Bond to Eleventh, The queen will be at Athletic Club Iark Haturday afttrnoon to present medals to the winner In the athletic events. SOME REGATTA VISITORS. Mrs. Catlln. of Portland, Is visiting Mrs. Ilowlby. Miss Sadie Sutherland Is the guest of Miss Grace Hiok-s. MUs Lottie Dennett Is up from Gear hart to attend the regatta. Miss Lottie Hume, of Eagle Cliff, Is the guest of Mrs. F. P. Kendal. Mr. Georgs Cherry came down from Portland to attend the regatta. Miss Florence StackH. of Portland, Is In the city, the guest of Miss Nan Reed. Misses Ruth Scott. Alice Gibson, and Jordan, of Portland, are visiting Mrs Cherry. Mrs. M. A. Gould and daughter and Mrs. E. C. Small, of Salem, are visit Ing Mrs. E. R. Hawes. Mrs. Cleveland Rockwell and Miss Rockurll,. of Portland, are guests at the Occident for regatta week. The Misses Hammond are the guests of the Misses Elmore. They will re main until the regatta Is over. Mrs. Sutherland and Miss Lila Suth erland are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tallant during the regatta. Miss Elmore received from 4 until 6 yesterday afternoon in hyiivr of the Misses Hammond and the Misses Pal mer. Mr. Smith and the Misses Wrenn Watt, and Ruth Smith are the guests of Mr. Perry Trulllnger for the re gatta. PREMATURE GRATITUDE. ASTORIA. Aug. 22.-Edltor Astorian The public Is glad, that the council got the light question settled before the regatta, as It would have been al most disgraceful If the city had been In darkness during the regatta. It Is to be hoped that the city will profit by Its four months' experience In dark ness and not get Into that predica ment again. The council deserve a vote of thanks for not tying the city up In a long contract. Competition 'In the light business Is what this community wants. and If the council had made, a long contract. Just that long would .com petition have been barred. If the city ever gets low rates on lights It will have to be done by competition, which Is th life of trade. Now the water commission will have plenty of time to get the best plans and all the . Information obtainable, and by having plenty of time, can construct a lighting system at the least possible cost. CITIZEN. (Cltlxen seems to be a little prema ture In expressing Ms pleasure that the light question Is settled. Ed.) OFFICIAL REGATTA PROGRAM. The olficlal program for the three days of the regatta, as given by the committee, together with the complete list of events and amusements to take place, Is as follows: T.i.liroa nt HR 9. Edwards. chairman; G. C. Fulton, Astoria: D. M. Dunne, t'ortiana: v. u. utzinger, Astoria: F. I. Dunbar. Salem; W. H. Marker. Astoria; H. D. Thing, Astoria; Prof. I. E. Irvlnx. Ashland: H. E. Tal lant. Astoria: Ed. Hallock, Astoria; Caprslr. Conway. Portland: Harry Hamblett. Astorlv. Peter Grant, Port land, F. Wlckman. Astoria: Thos. Lln vllle. Astoria: W. F. Chutter. Astoria; George Flavel. Astoria: Chas. Nickel, Jacksonville; Rodney Gllsan. Portland; Mose Hlock. Portland; Geo. E. Fuller. Portland. Off.clal Soorer-R. C. F. Astbury, H. F. Flndlay. StHrter Taptaln Howes. Official Handlcappers Alsea Fox, Richard Leathers. Measurers Capt. W. A. Johnson, Cpt. James Tatton. Capt. Matthews. Offlclnl Tlme-keepcrs-J. H. Seymour. F L. Parker. Duncan Stewart. S. G. Trulllnger. Teas, Coffees. Spices. Extracts. Soda, Baking Powder GOOD TIME AND PLACE TO BUY. Great American Importing Tea Co i 571 Commercial Street. Astoria, Or. A Ulg PFsmlnm OI va With Kvery rarchsie WE ARE GIVING 2 s PREMIUMS M WITH ADMIRAL AND STAFF OFFICERS. Admiral K, A. Klward. j ; Hear-Admlral Captain Richardson. Rdsr-Admlral Cantaln Gregory. . Com modors George F. Fuller. Commander Rob-it Inman, Commander J. E. ThMsn. Lieutenant C H. Callender. Lieutenant Pet t Grant. Referee Gov. T. T, G,r. Reception Commlttf Mayor Berg- m in. rhalrman: C. If. Page. Frank Pat- ton. Ssmuel Elrmr. Hon. C. W. Fulton, John McGuIre, Hon. John M. anuin, u. Van Dusen. J. E. HlgJlna. F. A. Fish er. Oeorgs FlavJl. J. Q. A- Eowlby, C. II. Cooper, Ueorgi i. .'jreorge, r. v. Kuettner. W. H. Barker, S. Danzlg-r. W v.. tir.SKlln E. W. Tallant. P. L. f'hTry, C. J. Trwhard. P. A. BU.kHi. W. T. Chutter. S. H. oorvjon, nr. J. a. Fulton. O. L. Cherry, Hon. John Fox, John C. Mavo. Halt Committee D. A. McLean, u. E. Carruthers. A. C. Callan. R. O. Prael, H. D. Thing. D. Stuart, lr. FIRST DAT, 9:30 The queen, attended by her mo M tit honor, .and escorted by a guard of honor, will approach the grand stand, and after being intro duced by her prime minister and wel comed by Governor T. T. Oeer, on be half nt the mate and Msyor Bergman, on behalf of the city, will decisre the regatta formally opened. A;i: Gasoline launch race, once around course, five to enter. First prise, silver cup. value $75. donated by Union Gas Company. Second prize 10:20 Swimming race, for boys, 50 yards, prize. 10:?0-Kenlor bargi race. Dolphins vs, Alamedas. Gold medals. 10:40 Grand exhibition of high dlv- In. 10;50 Single shell. Coast champion ship. Gold nv-dal. 11 onTub race. Boys. Prize, ll;li-8enlor outrlgffr skiff. First heat. U:20 Free for all swimming race, If vd. Prise. 1! -So Double pleasure boat. First 11:40 Exhibition of fancy swimming unit lif Mvlnir. Prof. Cahlll. of Olvm pic club, of San Francisco, assisted by Mr. Pape. Il:5o-Grnd exhibition. Slack wire. Professor Bono. DINNER. 1:00 Columbia river fishing boats. Working rails. Fifteen to enter. Prizes valud at IJ00. 1:10 Whitehall boats sailing race. Three to enter. Prizes $25 and $10. 1:20 Cat boats sailing race. Three to enter. Prizes $20 and $10. l:;o Snnp. 20-fnoters. Once around course. Five to enter. Prizes J?o ftnd $30, 1:40 Sloops. Free for all. Three to enter. Twice around course. First prize $12-,: Second. $50: Third. $23. 1:4 Cannerv tenders. Twice around. First prlz. $25: second, $15. 2:00 Scow schooners. Once around. First prize, $23: second. $10. 2:15 C.reased pole contest. Prize. 2:30 Exhibition by Fort Canby life saving crew. 2:4' Boys' swimming race. Prize. 3:00-rGrand exhibition. Slack wire and trapeze balancing. EVENING. 7:30 Grand entertainment at grand stand. Flavel dock. Prof. Henry, the world's famous magician, late of Eu rope. In wonderful sleight of hand feats. ' Madam Carita. famous buck and wing dancer, and Prof. Paul De Gosco. musical artist. In splendid exhibition. Introducing his musical efTects. beau tiful electric light bells. Illuminated sleigh bells, the electric sparkophone. A grand electric musical novelty throughout. Two hours of finest en tertainment ! 9:30 Grand regatta ball, formal cor onation exercises and reception to the queen. The ball opening with the coro nation minuet, by the maids of honor. Foard St Stckes' hall; admission 60 cents. SECOND DAT. 9:00 Intermediate barge race; Olym pics vs. Arlels. Five gold medals. 9:15 Greased pole contest. Prize. 9:30 Senior outrigger skiff race. Sec ond heat. 9:45-Duck hunt. Prixe. 10:00 Junior outrigger skiff race. Srcond heat. 10:15 Tub race: boys. Prlz , 10-30 Junior outrigger skiff race. Second heat. 10:45 Exhibition of high diving. 11 :0o Chinese barge race. Prize. 11:15 Exhibition of fancy swimming, by Prof. Cahlll, swimming Instructor of the Olympic Club. San Francisco. 11:30 Double pleasure bot race. Gold medals. 12:00 Exhibition of aerial trapeze bal ancing and slack wire performance by Prof. Beno. DINNER. 1:00 Fish boat race, fifteen to enter. Prizes, valued at $200. l:10-Whltf hal! sailing- race, three to enter. Prizes $20 and $10. l:JO Sloops, free for all. three to en ter; twice around the course. Prizes $125: second. $50; third. $25. 1:30 Sloops, 20-footers. once around, five to enter. First prize, $40; second prize, $20. 1:40 Roys' swimming race. Prize. 1:50 Punt race. Prize $10. 2:00-Kxhlhltlon of high diving. 2:10 Exhibition by Point Adams life saving crew. 2:20 Swimming under water contest, for boys. Prize. 2:30 Slack wire walking and trapeze haiancimr, Prof. Beno. 2:4o Free for all swimming race. Prize. 3:00 Greased pole contest. Prize. EVENING. 7:30 Grand entertainment In front of grand stand. Flavel dock. Prof. Henry, magician. In his wonderful and enter taining feats of sleight of hand: Madam Carita In the latest dances; Prof. De Gofco. n his grand electro-musical en ttrtalnment, beautiful colored electric light effects, changing with music. A complete change each evening. 9:30 Select concert by the Third Reg iment bnnd. followed by a grand cake walk. The famous colored cake walk- pis of the coast In latest dark-town cake walk. Tickets. 50 cents to concert and cake walk. THIRD DAT. 9:00 Grease pole contest Prize. 9:15 Senior vs. Intermediate barge. coast championship. Silk pennant. 9:30 Five for all swimming race. Priz". 9.40 Single shell race, consolation; gold medal. 9:30 Tub race. mze. 10:00 Senior outrigger skiff race. Final heat. Gold medal. 10.15 Swimming under water con test. Trlze. 10:30-Duck hunt. Prize. 10:45 Junior outrigger skiff. Final, gold medal. 11:00 Funt race, prize. 11:15 Gig race. Manzanlta vs. Col umbine. Prize. 11:30 High diving and swimming. 11:45 Single pleasure boat race. Medal. 12:00 o clock, baloon ascension. AFTERNOON. Grand athletic carnival, in which the Olympic Club, of San Francisco; the Multnomah Club, or i-omana; sseatue Athletio Club, of Seattle; University Athletic Club, of Eugene, and the Port land Y. M. C. A., will be represented. Under sanction of the Pacific North western Association. All records made AEltMiilUf3 Efficient Preservative for Woodwork Ex posed to Rot or Decay. Also a Radical Remedy against all Vermin. :. , Fisher Bros., Agts., Astoria, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. As V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets FOUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE or I5XDOS THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cmmtt At. - Caah Aat 1" United Btt. .ti6.93? J. B. F. DAVIS Sc SON, WDfFIELD S. DAVIS BURT 215 Sansome'Street, - SAMUEL ELMORE WEDDING WED0IN3 CRMS VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPEB PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Pacific Navigation Company Steamers-"Sue II. Elmore." "W. H. Harrison Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Hobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with th Oreeon Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria 4 Columbia River R. E. for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply u Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA. ORE. (0. R. A. N. R. B, Co., Portland. A genu A. A C. R. R Co., Portland. (B C. LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. In these games will be recognised by thfl " ATHLETIC CARNIVAL. . ' 100 yard dash. Gold and silver med als Pole vault. Goli and silver medala. 410 yard run. Gold and silver medals. Runninn hlRh Jump. Gold and silver medals. ' , . ... 120 yard hurdle. Gold and silver medals. , , . Running broad jump. Gold and sliver medals. . , , RxO yard run. Gold and silver nvcals. yard run. Gold and silver medals. One niile run. Gold and silver med alB 220 yard hurdle. Gold and silver medals. . Team relay race. Four men each tearo each man 410 yards. Silver cup. EXTRA PROGRAM. Bovs' three-lesr?d race. Prle. Sack race. Prize. Pie eatlnd contest. Prise. Free for all bicycle race. Prize, a Rambler bicycle, donated by the Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.. of Portland. Haseball frame, Astoria vs. Multno mah Athletio Club, of Portland. WHERE PEARL COMES FROM. The pearl fisheries of the Dead Sea extend the whole length of that water. About three hundred boats are employ ed by the Arab tribes, manned by crews ot from Ave to twelve men. each pro vided with a number of small eanpea. There are two fishlngr seasons ot the year, and this treasure Is said to be nftnHnie as elusive as a far more precious treasure-Health, for which so many search uselessly. The surest euide to health Is Hostetter's Stoinach Bitters, an Invaluable remedy for stomach disorders, recommended by the best physicians for tne past nny it ahnuM ho taken for consti pation. Indigestion, dyspepsia, liver trouble. Kidney weakness or any aisor .Inr resnltintr from impure blood or an overworked stomach. HARPER WHISKEY GOT FIRST RE WARD. PARIS, Aug. 14. American whiskies received the official approval of the ex position today when the first award for merit was made to Bernhoim Prr-s., Louisville. Ky., on their I. W. Harper whisky. CONVENT OF HOLY NAMES. For boarders and day pupils; Astoria, Oregon. Courses Academic. Grammar School and Primary Studies will be resumed, Monday, September S, 1900. Special rtftes to parents desirous ot entering their daughters as weekly boarders, that Is ft.r pupils spendlntr the five school days at the Academy and re turning to their homes Friday evening. Circular sent on application. AVENAHUS Oregon. A. D. I7IO GENERAL AGENTS. L. DAVIS CARL A. HENRY San Francisco, Cal. & CO., AGENTS. CARDS tfi fi SMITH & CO.. ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Waahinfton Building, 4th and Washington 8ts. over Litt's, PORTLAND, OREOON. BELGIAN HARES. For ten days only, to advertise the Eldorado rabbltry. Riverside. Cal.. we will sell a limited number of hares at Los Angeles prices. Those inter ested In Belgians should avail them selves of these prices. All popular strains. Visitors welcome; S39 Com mercial street NOTICE. . No bills will be paid by the regatta committee jnless contracted or au thorized by the chairman or secretary. It is desirable that all bills should be presented promptly. CHAS. H. STOCKTON, JOHN C. M'CUE. Chairman. Secretary. NOTICE. All persons having rooms kindly leave name, address and price for same at Regatta Headquarters. JOHN C. M'CUE, Secretary. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee ft St Paul Railway Co. will place in service April 29th a New Train between St Paul and St Louis, called th "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be flrst-class throughout Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDY. General Agent Portland. Oregon. Tfr. j Corrects all blemishes of 'i Snnni Sthe face, removes oioi lies, plnrples. tan. sun burn, freckles and makes a beautltul complexion. It Is also the best tooth wash, and excellent for deranged stomach. Dr. T. L. Ball DENTIST. 673 Commercial Mtret, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Schlussel's Clothing Store. THE IQIYRC Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amme Sisters Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical prosrrsm of exceptional merit, Hsi1om pol snl billiard rooms a a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lan hes will be served at all nours