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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1900)
I TI1U MORNING AHJ'OHIAN, flKSLAl. JULY W....I900. 17 I IciIIes and Cents1 1 Bathing Suits... S ALSO '! : , 1 C. H.COOPER S " THE LEADING UKY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOISC TODAY'S WEATHER. I'OUTLANl). July ll.-Orgon, fulr, elr, 'iht portion. Washington, fair c(intlnud warm and probably cool In ths Mt portion. All contracts fur Jvcrtmiii In th Asturlun uro mnJo on m K'r Anted of circulation four time lur-Rcr tliuu Unit of any purer fublUhcJ or clrciilutcJ in Clat nop county AROUND TOWN. FrKl tuit.-Tinim at tlio I'arlor. llorsss for sals at Guton'i stabls. Ico mam JOo quart at tha uarlor. 1). N, KIne. of Taooma, U In th city. H. W. U. ltewrn, of South Bi-nd, H In tin city. E. M. Itoamihal came up from Bva Ida ycili-rday. Mrs. It. 0. Prtol ha relumed fiura visit to ths beach. V. T. Krlly mi down from Portland yeatrrday on business. Mrs. Hllma Reltu has left on a vlall to relative In New fork. Hunt 15-rent meal, ltlslng Bud Rm ttturunt. (13 Coinimtrclal street. Mrt. J. Q. Williams mid children, of I'ortland. are In Hit city on a brief visit. The cruller Philadelphia crossed out for Ban Francisco Hunday afternoon at 8: 0. !Iav you teen th Una of high-class needle-work on exhibition at Conn'a drug store? For Hint. Two or thrca furnUh4 rooms for housekeeping; slnfl room; lii Tenth Street. Ths best and cheapest tailoring In tht city at A. KILJU.NKN. M Com merclal Street. ' asBMBSHsa Ths steamer Harrison left out for Tillamook early Sunday morning with cargo of merchandise. When you want a stylish new suit mad ch.ap, call on A. KILJUNK.V, 1:2 Commercial Street. Tor Kent A six-room cottags on Fourth and Commercial streets. In dulrtj at Vi Uond street. The Blisses Lennon, Lay ton, Forest and UoilKes, of Portland, spent Sunday as gutxts of Miss Kmma Anderson. Collector of Customs Fox hns re- turned from a two weeks' business tilp to the Sound and Hrltlsh Columbia, W. IT. Orlflln, who has ben visiting his brother J. .N. Orlffln In this city, will loave today for his home at Wash Ington, D. C. The American btrk Adonda arrived from San Francisco Sunday night and proceeded to the Knappton mills for a return cargo of lumber, Remember we guarantee our Ice cream to contain nothing but cream and sugar and flavor. It Is fifteen cents per pint at the Parlor. Edward Earle, the pyschlo, has decided to cancel his engagement In this city until regatta week. Ho will remain In.Fortlnnd In the Interim. Roslyii coal lasts longer, la cleaner and makes loss trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other. George W. Sanborn,' agent. Toiephone 1311. The funeral of Mrs. Anna Snkurl, who died on Sunday from typhoid fe ver, was held yesterday afternoon and the remains Interred at Greenwood. aeorge W. Hume, the woll-known sal mon packer, will leave on tho steamer Columbia this week for Ban Francisco, where he will remain for several days. I The new steamer' Sue H. Elmore Is now having her niuchlnery placed In at Portland. She Is expected to be reduy for scrvlco about the middle of Au gust. , The Astoria Gun Club will elect offi cers next Wednesday evening at Mr. Troyer's. All members are requested to be present, as other Important busi ness. In regard to game laws will be considered. niiST 15-CRNT MEAL; RISING .SUN RESTAURANT. . ; Yon ths anil Elcn's 1 Bathing Trunlis Hi Arthur Lebermnn, of this rlty, has conntd himself with The State, a monthly publication issued at Tuco mi, and has entered upon his duties as general solicitor, Tho thr-matnl schooner Pioneer arrived In from Honolulu kt I:S0 yes ter.lny afternoon and Immedlatily pro ceeded to Knappton, where It w ill tnu, mi a cargo of lumber. Upward-Lost, gill-net, 140 fathoms In hngth, near No. 3 buoy. A reward of IIS will be paid by August Ilaudi-o to anyone delivering the same to Fl-h-ermrn's Co-operative cannery. To those wno drink whiskey for pleasure: Harper's Whiskey adds seat (o existence. To those who drink whliikey for health's sake, Harper's Yliikey mnkee lire wortn living. Bold by Kourd ft Stokes Co., Astoria, hall, glvun by the D'fcVe of Honor, was Well attended. Dancing lasted un til after midnight, and t-very one nres ent Voted the evening a urest succefa. The Imsrbull game luted for Sunday at Athletlo Park was the moat sue crful of the season In a flnunclal si-line. The teams failed to put In an appearance and tho contest waa called off. Captain and Mrs. R. E. Howes, who have made Astoria, their home for twenty years, report a mist enjoyable visit to their old home at Chatham, Massachusetts, a sea-port town at the elbow of Cape Cod. James O'Connell, who for several years has been an employe of Foard it Blokes, and Who has gone to Port land to accept another position, was presented with a gold watch by his old associates before leaving for the me tropolls. Sheriff Llnvllle undertook personal supervision of tho work of repairing the side-walk along the Commercial-street slue of the court house yesterday. The walk has long been In a bad condl tlon, the stringers having sunk several Inches Into the soil. The Samson Is In from Grays liar bor with a barge In tow. As the Sam son Is engaged exclusively In the barge-towing business of late, the pi Iot a bulletins announce the arrival and departure of the tug and Its tow under the pseudonym of "Samson and wife." The pilot schooner San Jose crossed In shortly before noon yesterday and w ill probably not gn out again as the Pulltser IS ready for service. The Pu lltxer will be placed In commission on the first of the month' and will remain outside the bar for several months. The Columbia arrived In from San Francisco about noon Sunday, dlscharg Ing a large quantity of freight at the O. R. & N. dock, after which she pro ceeded to Portland. The Columbia had a rough trip, encountering strong head winds shortly after passing Eureka, She had a good passenger list. The run of salmon yesterday was the best of the season. The fishermen at the mouth of the river mode heavy de liveries and those farther up the stream had no complaint to make. Soma of the seiners came to, town very much dis satisfied but the deliveries of the gill netters over-balance theres shortages. The funeral of Charles Weatman, the fisherman who was drowned near Scarboro Head several days ago, took place yesterday afternoon and the re mains were taken to Greenwood ceme tery for Interment. Westman'a body was found Sunday morning In the low er end of the river by fishermen who brought the corpse to this city. Those who came down from Fort lnnd Sunday enjoyed weather fit for tho gods. The day was superb from dawn till dark. A majority of those who came down on tho noon train stop ped nt Astoria Instead of going through to tho beach. The day at Seaside, how ever, was equally pleasant, and the hundreds of campers emerged from their haunts In the neighboring wood Innils to enjoy tho advantages of the beach and the sociability of friends who had Just arrived. The tug Astoria, which arrived at Astoria laBt week under charter by Wolff & Zwlcker, made an experimen tal attempt to draw the lightship, stranded at McKenzle Head, Into deep water. Repeated attempts will be made to save the ship until she Is either drawn from the beach or the contrac tors become convinced that the task Is hopeless. The opinion Is. freely ex pressed by local marine men that should' those now enxnd In an at tempt to sav the lightship succeed Is getting Tier Into dep water much more than Is expected will haV9 tn-m accom plished. The wire cabin recently lost by Captain Mcintosh was recovered by the crew on tho Astoria shortly after work was b'gun on the attempt to rescue the lightship. A buoy was at tached to the outor end and It Is ex pected that the cub! will bs taken abourd ths Astoria tomorrow, A small dwelling adjoining the ware house of the Standard Oil Company cauht fire from a spark coming from th chimney yesterdsy forenoon and the fire department 'was called out. Th blase was easily extinguished. Had the fire gained more headway and extended to the oll-strsge rooms the consequences would have ben much more disastrous as the buildings In that Immediate neighborhood are fire-traps of the most approved order. The regatta committee has received generous contributions from Portland business men within the past few days, the donations being accompanied by as suivncea of liberal patronage from the metropolis for the carnival. The West Phore Mills Company has placed elec tric lights In the rooms occupied as commit! re headquarters gratuitously. A letter from the Union Gas Company hus been received offering a prlxe of a silver cup to the winner of the gaso line launch content. Young Newman, one of the prisoners who rereptly made an attempt to escape from the county Jail, was allowed the liberty of the Jail corridor yesterday, sfl-T having spent several duys In the dark cell as a penalty for his attempt to escatie. He hod been In the cor ridor but a few minutes wh n he be came "exceedingly gay," as Jailer Young expressed It, and and an Ortgon boot was altaehod to one of his ankles, Newman, although a mere youth, Is evidently a tough character. The big timber raft will probably loave out for San Francisco today, the IU4S Rescue, of Ban Francisco, ana T touch, cf Seattle, having It In tow, The trip will occupy about two weeks. barrlrg accidents. Contractor Fasta bend states that he docs not antlcl pate trouble through the breaking up of the raft, as the plan upon which it was constructed Is a great Improve ment on the plans formerly employed, Both tugs will be In service until the raft Is safely towed through Golden Gate. The remains of the late W. F. 8chelbe were sent to Kansas City last evening for burial. Members of the local or ders of Odd Fellows, EaglM. Elks and Sons of Herman accompanied the ro mains to the train. All who knew Mr. Bhcl'o during his long residence In this city sincerely regret his death. His popularity with the public In gen eral was proven by bis election twloe to the office of city councilman and once, thre' years ago, as-police com missioner. His standing In th com munity was of the highest order and his death Is mourned by Astorlans without exception. ' ss C 8. Carruthers dlvl at St. Mary's hospital at 10.30 last night from can cer of the stomach. Mr. Carruthers was about 60 years of age and leaves a widow and adopted son. He had been su feting from the afltlctlon which caus ed his death for several months but, didnot go to the hospital until Sat urday, when he was practically be yond the aid of physicians. Mr. Car ruthers had been a resident of Clatsop county for over 25 years, twelve of which time he resided on a ranch at Clatsop plains. At one time he conduct ed a dairy near Smith's Point. He was a member of the A. O. V. W., and it Is understood that the funeral will be held under the auspices of that organization. The time for the funeral has not yet been set but It will prob ably take place tomorrow afternoon. Engineer G rover, of the launch Can by, fell ofjt Fisher's dock about one o'clock this morning and aroused the neighborhood by his cries for assist ance. Those who heard his cries for help cut loose a boat from a boat-house close by and paddl?d out to the point whence the noise came, but Grover could not be found. ' It 'waa Anally agreed that he had drowned and the rescuing party returned to the shore where Grover was discovered crouched In a corner endeavoring to evade de tection. Grover was Intoxicated but he succeeded In crawling up the slip after his protracted Introduction to the cool waters aof the Columbia uuatuw eool waters of the Columbia. It is quite probable that the next time Grover fulls overboard he will be allowed to swim If his rescue depends upon thoBO who went to his assistance this morn ing. The appointment of a auccegsor to the late W. F. Schelbe as police com missioner will probably not be made until the end of the present week, Un der the provldlons of the charter, May or Bergman has the power to appoint a successor to Mr. Schelbe but It Is necessary that his appointment be con firmed by the city council. Mr, Sohelbe woa elected for a term of six years, but had served less than half his term. Mr. Shclbe's successor, however, con serve only unjll the next municipal election. There Is considerable specula tion as to whom Mayor Bergman will appoint It Is a foregone conclusion that, politically, the appointee will be a Democrat. The change In the per sonnel of the commission may involve a clianse In the chief of police und the enomles of Chief Hallock are taking ad vantage of every opportunity to press the candidacy of someone who is known to be. ppposcd. to Wnv 4 r rear; To keep the skin clean is to wash the excretions from it off; the skin takes care of itself inside, if not blocked outside. To wash it often and clean, without doing any sort of violence to it, re quires a most gentle soap, a soap with no free al kali in it. Pears', the soap that clears but not excoriates. All sorts of stores sell It, especially druggist) all torts of people use it. There Is a good story going th rounds about Senator-elect Robert D. Inman, of Multnomah county. It seems that the senator was entertaining some friends at his house the other night; a pleasant evening had been passed, and at 12 oclock the only person left beside himself Was a friend who was to remain with him for the night While they were locking, up, the sena tor heard a noise as of some one at tempting to force his way Into the building. It Is said ty the person who told this story that, while Robert Is no coward, his knees seemed for one instant to knock together. He looked at his friend, with a face devoid of any expression, except wonder, and then started on the double-quick for the back yard. Running through the orchard and over tree , tumps and roots, all of a sudden a Jack-rabbit obtruded Itself In Bob's path. Not to be outdone, and still In a state of excitement. Bob cried out at the rabbit, "Get out of the way, d n you, and let some one run that ran run." Tho only com ment we have to offer Is how did the friend hear all this when he was sup posed to be In the housi? WANT MORE LIGHT. Several Firms Inquire as to Details of City Lighting Contract Tho ways and means committee of the city council will meet this after noon for the purpose of opening the bids submitted for furnishing lights for the city. Two sealed bids have already been submitted one from an Astoria firm and the other from Seat tle parties whose names are as yet un known to the committee. It Is quite probable, however, that the ways and means committee will lake no definite action today owing to the fact that there la every reason to believe that, by delaying final action, more bids will be received. As the council la determined to cut down the exorbitant rate that has been charged by the West Shore Mills Company, there Is no question that the city council will endorse the action of the committee. It Is an Important fact that the In quiries received by the committee have come from parties outside of Oregon who are Interested In electric lighting plants abroad and who give every evi dence of responsibility. Aa the adver tisement for bids expressly stipulated that the price per light on a year's contract should not be more than the Interest exhibited by outside con tractors Is 'accepted by the committee as a fair Indication that the people of Astoria will soon have lights on the public streets without being obliged to pay nearly double the amount the ser vice Is worth. The stipulation In the council's ad vertisement aa to the candle-power of the lights to be furnished Is an- COflE AND. Let us show you how many Beaatifal Presents We Give Free . With our Teas With our Coffees . With our' Spices ' With our Extracts With our Soda With our Baking Powder Come Just Look and let as save you 5 Cents Per Pound ON COFEES io Cent! Per Pound ON TEAS. . , Largest distributers of Teas, Coffees and Spices on the Coast operating 100 stores throughout the Pacific Coast States. That's Why Goods so Good Prices so Low FISHERME The Salmon Industry is and Butter. Your success and Butter. That's why I sided in with you. For my part I intend to do my utmost; I shall write to every member of the legislature, showing the necessity of protective legislation; then I intend to join our legislative delegation in personally appealing to their co-legislators when they are in session, and I shall also start a fund for the purpose of defraying all legitimate expense. BUT YOU MUST HELP I will give a percentage of all of ray I I will place Cash Sales during Angust to the Canse F. P. Union I RElEsQER, YOU KNOW HOW I CAN HUSTLE 1 YOU KNOW Vn ALWAYS WITH Y0U1 HELP YOURSELF BY PATRONIZING MB other Important provision in the Inter est of the people. The company re ceiving the contract will be obliged to furnish lights of not less than 2,000 candle-power. This, In itself, will be an Important advantage in view of the refusal of the West Shore MUls Com pany to guarantee lights of any spec ific volume. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. OHlce of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks. Wash., July 28th, 1900. Sealed proposals will be received at the ofllce of the Depot Quartermaster, Portland, Oregon, till 11 o'clock a. m.. August 11th, 1900, for furnishing S.000 tons best quality oats and 3,000 tons good merchantable hay. Full particu lars can be obtained on application to Depot Quartermaster, Portland, Ore gon. J. W. JACOBS, C. Q. M. ADVERTISED LETTERS. Letters addressed to the following named persons remain uncalled for at the Astoria post-offlce: Blanchet, Louis Olsen, Mrs. Nat Edwards, H. Pederson. Oscar Edwards. John M. Quarle. S. P. Foster, Wm. Ketnertson, L Graham, Miss O. Rice, Mrs. Lena , Graham, Miss M. Ronta, Calle Johnson, Axon, Sales, Mrs. Johnson, H. Sarajarvl, Karl Hlrsch, L. Scott. Ellsworth Hannan. Edgar Seney, Mrs. Minnie Kelly, Mrs. W. Smith. Oliver Kelly, Mrs. Jessy Tait, Fred Kinney, Mrs. Jinnle Vlrtanen, Gust Lahtl, Abram Wolfe, J. C. Lanbert, B. Woodward, .A. P. Leblane, Geo. Wright, George P. Mason, May Toder, J. M. FOREIGN. Crawshaw. E. S. Osterberg, Gustaf Qulnn, Thomas PACKAGES. Wetherd. Con AflflUAL EXGURSIOfl OF THE FINNISH BROTHERHOOD Sunday, August 12 ...TO SEASIDE... Train leaves Astoria for Seaside at 8.15 a. ni.. and, returning, leaves Sea side at 5 p. ra. GRAND BALL IN THE EVENING AT FOARD & STOKES' HALL. TICKETS $1 Your Bread is my Bread have always AN INJURY 10 OH IS ' TS1 CONCERN OF ALL You Know This Motto, Let's Apply It Now The Morel Sell, the Greater the Fund I ASSURE YOU 'OF FAIR TREATMENT I A S5URE YOU OF TH E GREATEST STOCK I GUARANTEE V0U REASONABLE PRICE Remember THat FISHER BROS. ARE SOLE AGENTS FOK FJcCormlcla FJowers, Rambler Bicycles, Sharpie's Cream Separators and Dunbarton Salmon Twine IN THE NEW STORE Eilers Piano House Now Located at 351 Washington Street, Near Eighth Street, Portland. A constantly increasing business has made it necessary for us to secure larger quarters, and we have had built for us the beautiful new "MUSIC BUILDING" At the corner of Park and Washington streets, where we have every facility for handling our wholesale and retail business. On our retail floor you will always find the finest selection of tiearly a dozen different makes of pianos and organs, among them the most valuable and costly instruments made in America the Chickering of Boston, the Weber of New York, and the Kimball of Chicago. Before you decide on the purchase of a piano elsewhere it will pay vou to investigate our instruments and our methods. Full par ticulars and catalogue for the asking. Write today. EILERS PIANO HOUSE OFFICE 351 WASHINGTON STREET, Portland's Leading Piano and Organ Dealers. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. As Vi ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets Ml? JL t 1 1 i 1 . If we would not see this great industry destroyed we must begin to work NOW. We mast ORGANIZE!!! EDUCATE!!! AGITATE!!! ME IN THIS the money with the C. R. tor that purpose.