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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1900)
Til. MORNIKU ASTORIAN TUESDAY JULY II, IW trona closes at t p. TODAY in LADIES' Worth 12 cents. They are low neck find sleeveless, or with Headquarters for Dry Goods WANT BROADER STREETS. Property Owners on Exchange Street File FeUtion With Council A number of taxpayers on Exchange street filed a petition with the clerk of the city council yesterday afternoon, asking that Exchange street be wid ened. The petition Is as follows, the signatures accompanying: To the Mayor and Members of the Common Council: The signers of the attached agree ment respectfully ask your honorable body to take such steps as are neces sary and proper to widen Exchange street between Fourteenth and Twenty third streets In accordance with the terms of the agreement. We, the undersigned owners of prop erty on the south side of that portion of Commercial street which lies be tween Fourteenth and Twenty-third streets, severally and for himself agrees that if the City of Astoria will vacate a strip oft the north side of Duane streets, and attach It to our said prop erty for our private use, we will dedi cate to the city and for the use of the public and as part of Commercial street a strip of land twenty feet wide off of our said property, adjacent to , the south side of Commercial street Property proceedings shall be Institut ed Immediately and concluded within three months from this date. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, D. H. WELCH. LENA F. WELCH. R. P. N. INVESTMENT CO. F. L. PARKER. W. B. CHASE. JOHN .W. WELCH. JAMES W. WELCH. MRS. V. E. FULTON. . MASONIC LAND & BUILDING CO. JOHN M'CANN, THE ASTORIA COMPANY. BENJAMIN YOUNG, FOARD tt STOKES , THREE THOUSAND HOMELESS. Santiago, Chile, Inundated and Rail way Communications Destroyed. NEW YORK, July 30.-A dispatch to the Herald from Valparaiso says: The latest rains inundated -the out shirts of Santiago. Twelve persons were drowned and more than 3,000 per sons were rendered homeless. The cost of repairing railway lines in Chile is estimated at $15,000,000 pesos. There is no railway communication between this city and Santiago. The Masonic lodges are collecting money to relieve dis tressed and suffering persons. A note has been addressed to the United States government by Chile, In reference to the Pan-American - con gress, to the effect that Chile will take part provided no disagreeable ques tions are raised. President Errazuriz, who has been ill, will soon resume his dutie3. SMALLPOX AT DAWSON. Steamer Danube Arrives at Victoria With Passengers and Gold. VICTORIA, B. C, July 30.-The steamer Danube, which reached here last night from Skagway, has a report from Dawson showing that the small pox epidemic now prevalent there waa brought from up the river. Up to July 17 only four cases had developed. Some of the Danube's passengers form Dawson, who came up the river on the steamer Lightning, report pass ing the hull of the capsized steamer Florence S. The victims of the disaster were Mrs. Stewart and her daughter, P PILLS For Blllou and Nervoua Disorder!. aucb Wind tad Pain in the Siomach, Sick Headache, Glddineaa, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Diz zineaaand Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Fluahintaof Heat, Loss of Appetile, Shortness of Breaib.Coa llvenets, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembl ing Sensations, etc. These ailments all arise from a disordered or abused condition of the stomach and liver. Oeecham'm Pllla, tilwn as directed, will quickly restore hemaica u compile health. They promptly remove anv obstruction or irregularity I 01 the system, ror a Week Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Sick rieaUacoe, Disordered Liver, etc., tlieyact like majlc-a few doses will work won-c-.r upon the Vital Otans; Strengthening the Muscular System, restoring the long-lost Com plexion, bringing rat-ii the seen ecge of Appetife, pa sroufing vi'i c.e ftosc.Pvu or tieatsn Hie whole physical er.-eroyolthehuna Irjnie. ror tniowing on" levers tiicy are fpeciall lunsn II v rerowned. These are" facts " admitted by thou sands, in all classes of society, and one of the guarantees to ine nervous and Debilitated ij that Beccham'a Pilla have I ho .arrreaf Solo ol any Patent Medi cine in the World. Thia ham bear achieved without the publioation of teertmonlalm, the tact being that b oevham'a fiile recommend thorn celvaa. beecham'a Piilt have for manv year been the popuicr family medicine wherever the Engiiy.h language ia spoken, and they now stand without a rival. 10 cents and 23 cents, at all drug stores. Annual sale (.000.000 boxes. m. except saturdat. in VESTS white, fine ribbed fia white wing sleeves J . vCj on the lower Columbia. and Purser Malthy. A large quantity of dust was also on board. A body supposed to be that of Graves, the partner of O'Brien, who was ac cused of the murders of Clayton. Rolfe and Olsen. has been found In the Yukon near Se.klrk.. There are bullet wounds in the head and body. Skagway papers have a tabulated ac count of the shipments of gold up the Yukon via Skagway since July 14. The total Is close to JJ.W0.000. HUNDREDS KILLED. Eruption In Japan Causes Heavy Loss of Life and Property. SEATTLE. July SO.-Particulars of the eruption of Mount Atuma In Japan on July 17, have been received In Orien tal papers. So far as known, 30 per sons were killed and many hundreds were Injured. An English agent of the Japanese government, who was among the natives In the vicinity of Mount Aiuma during the eruption, says: "Early on the morning of July 17 loud detonations, as if heavy guns were ti- Ing fired, were heard. They gradually decreased and finally ceased altogir.ner. But about S o'clock the internal dis turbances came to a climax and tongues of fire spouted from the cra ter. We all stampeded towards the val ley, not, however, before one of the great boulders had crashed through the place and killed 20 people. The ashes and small rocks were falling like hall, and It became difficult to breathe. "I reached the village of Hlyukule after scrambling through the trees for two or three hours. Everything seem ed to te drying up from the Intense heat The ashes were hot and covered the ground for half an Inch. One fam ily of ten. who were too frightened to do anything further than pray, got hemmed in by the lava and were ground and burned In the field. Sever al men and children from the village played cut along the road, and most of these were burned to death." MOVEMENTS OF TRANSPORTS. The Siam and the Frederlcka Have Been Chartered by the Government. SAN FRANCISCO. July 30.-The transport Meade will sail on Wednesday carrying troops to Nagasaki and stores to Manila. The Rosecrans Is tibe got ready as soon as possible- to tarry troops to China. The Belgian King will carry the siege battery of "the Tenth artillery and Us horses. The vessel will probably come off the dry-dock on August 2, and ten days more will be re quired to get her ready for sea. The Warren will sail August 16 for Manila and will carry troops to Nagasaki. The big tramp steamers Slam and Fredericks have been chartered., the former to carry stores to China and the latter horsey The Siam Is now running coastwise as a collier; the Frederlcka is on her way here from Japan. THE BRITISH SOLDIER. It Is said that the British soldier wears such tight clothing that his inter nal organs are often seriously injured. Then when on the march' his chest is compressed by the weight of his knap sack, canteen, greatcoat and hf-avy cartridge bolt.' Usually the stomach Is the first organ to suffer from over taxing of any nature. Overwork, abute, neglect or Improper food Is bound to produce dyspepsia and Its attendant evils. For any disorder of the diges tive organs Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters should be taken. This famous medicine will cure all ailments of the stomach. Try It for constipation, Indi gestion, flatulency, dyspepsia, nervous ness or insomnia. It makes the weak strong, and an occasional dose will keep the bowels regular. PEACE ON THE FRASER RIVER. All Again at Work Except Seven. Hun dred Whites. VANCOUVER, B. C, July 30. Every fisherman on the Fraser river has turned his back on the strike and start ed to work with the exception of the 700 men of the white fishermen's union, at Steveston. The white fishermen's union at Westminster and the Indians have Joined the Japanese. Between E000 and 1000 men are now working at the mouth of the river. The militia is still in charge of affairs at Steveston. FELL FIVE HUNDRED FEET. Teller of an Ogilen Bank Mangled Be yond Recognition. OGDEN, Utah, July 30. George H. Burgett, paying teller of the Ogden State Bank, was killed In Pine Canyon yesterday by falling from a cliff 500 feet high. His body was mangled be yond recognition. His father and mother reside at Aberdeen, S. D. SUMMER RESORTS. " 'To the mountains our people In In creasing number yearly look for thoM days of relaxation and recreation nec essary to maintain the human ma chine In fair working con lit Ion. The languorous sloth of the seashore proves very seductive while It lasts, but many have decided that the an nual outing should provide not only radical change of air and surround lugs, but also such stimulation of flagging energies as will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For this they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the mountain pines, and the clear, unadulterated mountain air. "In this Jlrection the Shasta Route now affords a wealth of attractions. The entire line of road from, Ashland to Redding Is studded with charming and accessible hotels and camps, where are cheer and comfort and healing at reasonable cost, and where you can hunt. fish. ride. loaf, or play with equal facility. "Or If you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, than the springs of Ashland. Colestin, Anderson. Bartlett, Byron and Faao Rubles. "Before vlslttng Europe, the people of the Northwest should see the glories of Tosemlte valley, and the wondrous groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make In quiries concerning these attractive re sorts." Send to Mr. C. H. Markham. general passenger agent, Portland, for new booklets on Castle Crag. Shasta Springs, McCloud river. Tosemlte. and excursion rates thereto. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. ft N. which went Into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 12 "hours, and gives a double daily service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2, leaving Portland at 9:11 a. m. Is known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." Its equipment Is new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now in service from the Faciflc coast to the East The "Overlnnd Express leaves Port land at :20 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the best of service to all local points on the O.K.4N. lines. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received by the under signed until 6 p. m.. August 6th, and then opened, for tha construction of a wharf and warehouse covering about one hundred thousand square feet, and about eight hundred feet of trestl approach near the mouth of the Columbia river, Clatsop county, Oregon. , Plans and specifications can be seen, and blank forms of proposal secured at the office of the Astoria & Columbia River railroad. In the Flavel buildln?, Astoria, Oregon. A satisfactory bond will be required of the successful bidder. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all bids in whole or In part, as per forms of proposal, and specifications. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED WEEK LY EXCURSIONS. An experienced excursion conductor whose dut'is nre ti . look after tue wants and welfare of passengers will be In charge of Tourist sleeping car to Chicago via Union Pacific. This car leaves Portland on "The Portland-Chicago Special" at 9:15 a. m., making close connections at Chicago with similar service to Boston and New York. El derly people and ladies traveling alone or with children will find this service very convenient and satisfactory. For tickets, berth reservations and full information, call on O. W. LOUNSBERRY. General Agent, O. R. Ss. N. Co. Or Astoria. Oregon. J. K. LOTHROP, General Agent, 12o Third St. Portland, Oregon. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Co. will place In service April 2!).h a New Train between St Paul and St Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDY. General Agent Portland. Oregon. THE CHICAGO St NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY On June l"th opened up for trafllc their new line from Belle Plalne, la., to Mason City; also their new Fox Lake branch. The length of this new line Is 195 miles, which added to their mileage, gives them a total of 8,462.85 miles, the largest mileage of any rail road In the world. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Odd Fellows' Land & Build ing Association will be held at Odd Fellows' hall on Thursday, August 23, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors, and such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting. G. REED, A. J. MEGLER. President. Secretary. Astoria, Or.. July 22, 1900. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Robert Watt to Lois A. Watt 160 acres In section 29, township 4 north, of range 9 west; 195. Lois A. Watt to Astoria Company same property; $450. Charles Hough to K. F. Johnson 40 acres In section 36, T 8 N, R 10 W; 500. NOTICE. The steamer Mayflower, which was advertised to make two trips to Olney even' Saturday, has now taken another route and will not run there, as hereto fore announced, until such time as the business will justify It. Special atten tion given to Jobbing. POSSIBLY You Arc Not Aware of the Fait Time AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFERED BY THE WE HAVE 2-DailyFast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, ravel via the evening train. Both are finely equipped, "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST. TIME THROUGH SERVIC PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS VV LLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicago. Kansas Cltv, St. Louis, New York, Huston, And Other Eastern I'ulnts Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver, It Is to your interest to use THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and slteplng-car berths can be secured from G. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent O. R. N. Co.. Astoria, Or., OR J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent. 125 Third St.. Portland. Or. Depot Fifth and j I Streets. ( Arrive Leave wvenana express Trains for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Ogden. San Fran cisco, Mojave, Lot 7:30 (9:11 aVB 8-30 ami New Orleans and I the East (7:04 p.m At , Woodburn (daily except Sun day), morning train connectrwlth train for Mt An gel. Sllverion, Brownsville. Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt Angel and Silver ton. Corvallls passen ger. Sheridan passen ger 117:30 am S:tta.m 114:50 P.m I Dally. Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Pert land, 8acramento and San Francisco. Net rates 317 first class and 111 second class. Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China. Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. Klrkland. Ticket Agent 134 Third street YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson It Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, : a. m.; 12:30, 1:55, 3:25, 5:15, 1:22, 1:04, 11:30 p. m.; and 9:00 a. m. en Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at M IS, 8:30. 10:50 a. m.; 1:36, J;16, 4:30, 1:20. 7:40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a. m. daily ex cept Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 a. m. on Sundaya only. - , ; -. , - Leave for Dalas dally, except Sun day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9 30 a. m. Passenger train leave Dallas for Alrlle Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 'Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt and Pass. A J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builders nrrnii vv iCaveati, and Trade-Marlci obtained and all Pat-J Jent buaioeia conducted for Mooisstc Fits. Our Orrtec is Opposite U.S. Pa-tint Orrica and wecanKxuro patentia leas tune than uioacj rcmot trom Waahinjrtoo. - i bend model, drawing or pnoio wim oocnp- tioo We advue, II patentable or not, iree oi ciarfH. On fee not due till patent ia aecared. . A PaaiPHLCT, 10 Uutain ratenta, wiio coat ol aarne in the V, S. and Iwgn counuk' aent free. Addreaa, e.A.srjow&co. Oss. PaTtNT Orricf , WasHiNaTON. D. C. 1 wmwwMntwmwvM vmm O OGKNeSHASIU WB south 4 aTVi at 7 1 IS IV .1 V. "1 H- VI r ar a r v w rr ma ar a j mmm GO EAST VIA SHORTEST ANDQUICKESTUNE TO St.Paul.Dulutli. Minneapolis, Cw) and All Pohts East. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND 8CENERY UN EQUALED, Through '! and Tourlat Nlveuert bluing amd UuiTel Siujklug Library tare Tickets to points East via Portland and the Oreat Northern Ry., on sale at O. R. . N. Ticket Office. Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Oftlca 268 MOKKISON 8TKEET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C. DENNISTON. Clv Pais, and TL-k-t Agent Portland. T. T UUXURIOUS 1 RAVEL THE Northwestern Limited" trains, electrlo lighted throughout, both Innlde and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest newest and best Idt-as for comfort convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid producton of the car builders' art These Splendid, Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific sod The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these ripsrlor accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." AU trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Rlock system. W. H. MEAD, F.C. 8AVAOB. General Agent. Ticket Agt Portland. Ore. TIVI3 SCHEDULES From I orUaiiit DEPART ASIITS Chinas rortland f pedal i l, ra Mali Like, Dourer, ft Worth, tlmal.a. Kan- , - mi uy. nt. L"iiia.i ' P-m ..I' ... - . .. i . ... ' riil.nJ ami Kaal. Wall Ue. lliuver. ft. At'antlB f W.irth, On. aha. Kan-1 7 , l-Jtprm I (Hh city. Hi. Untie, j p. m. 1 chlraxo mid Kim, I Walla Walla, l.-wMon, Hpnkane I Hpukau. Mlr,iif ! Vlyer, in, hi. Paul, immtii.l ;!. op. m. Milwaukee, uurigd; ami haul. . i From A at oris OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All telling Dates iut I led Ui rliaiiKf. For Han FrsuciKu Hall May 3, 1, 13, W, 23. ' Columbia River HtMmer To Portland sad Way Landings. 1 in x riuudHy In. in Mo. day From Portland ExVZay l?LLM mN HVKH '&aV H ' jOrwron i:tv, NewWg, j Nuloin it Way-Utid I. 4:30 n. 10 Wlllam.tta end Via. j m m ....... s no p.m. TUM.TIiurL ..K,v.,,fc 'o'..ed. SUU DHL "vi """'"i auiu t ri. ty uy-unijujuga. Klparla Leave dly 3:43 a in. f.r firlitn Soaks Rlvar, Mparts to !witon. :U0 a ia daily 6am WI'I.AMETIK KIVFK! 4: -0 p.m. Mod, Wd Friday Tuea.Thiii I'ortlHiid to torvalll Saturday and way luidingD. O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent, Astoria. W. H. HTJRLBURT, . Gen. Pass. Agt, Portland, Or. THE I01VRE. Strangers visiting In tne city will Hud tbe Lonvre an attractive resort wherein to spend tbe evening. Tbe Am me Sinters Ladies' Orchestra is still on tbe bills and presents nightly a mimical program of exceptional merit. Handsome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with tbe bonne, l'nlatable Inncbefl will be served at all oonre fnUOOD P01S0E3 ff f A a-rLaal V V WimnTV Una at ?riT"ml A I TN I'riniarr. 0 tlary JSIAiou 1'OISOf! pormanentl) "nred in 16 to 116 da. Yon ean be treated iu )0id6 f or aame price u ndnr aama g 11 nra a ty, iryonprf!ri!rttonnener.B wllloon tract to pot ral I road f ar ea'nd hotel bl I la. a nt IX Jhanro, If we fall tu cure. If you Lara taken 11111 r eory, Iodide notaah, and atlli bare arhea ana palna, MucoueVatcliftaln mouth. Hore Throat, Vliopla, Copper Colored Hpota, L'lcera on ny part of the body, II air or Fyelirowa fulllna; out. It hi this Hocondnry Ml.OOH POIHOS we froarantee to core., Wa solicit tbe moat obatl Hate cusp and fii!t" ll world ir a ca weeannoteore. Tula dlaeaae baa alwarr ba Iliad the akin or the moat eirjlDADt pnyar Clans. aoOO,000 eapltai behind our uricorj ) Uonril fffaraiitf A naoi 11 te proora ani anaieo oq lppllCfltl 10. AOOrnaa feuvri vut STATE NORHAL SCHOOL ITT" T IIJ.IK . '' r ' MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE II) .MM. Conducted by the Benedictine Kathem Locnt. (1 40 mlli s south of l'ortlnnil, on ono ol lbs most healthful and attractive aim's of the Villutttte Valley. Tim lnh IW row Yofa Buvi, i'rt'imrttiiiry, ClHkl, t'umniorcUl sml Htuentlllo Course. Mualo a H'Hvlalty. For Particulars, Apply to tha rrcaMi'iit, tr !& S INSTRUCTIONS 8IVH Allss Bertha Hartln's Decorative Art Roonti I Room 110 IHkam Mnllitlng, Sd 5 (jtj gt35rSr-Hiij tf44tff4tw - "The World Owes Every Man a Living" Tut what tart of livln Li It yon i't with u)i stove or raiij;e lu your kikbeu? :uy a Star Estate Range Tbey fuaure ko,x1 Uvlna l J. Scully, Agent 431 UOND trl,HIHI(IIH)WIIHHIIIIIIMM(M(IMIMNIIII 4 We Rent New Typewriters. jTw Many new imtiroveineiiU ftddod. r See our latowt &r I No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter X New A rt Catulogne Free . . . l ...The Bsmotid Hotel. 5 PORTLANO, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. furowan plan. 4on to HJO oirda. OSCAR ANDERSON, Mannar. J imerlpanplad. 11.00 lo ia.0Ordar. J, C. fKNIilCliAT, CMrf Clo k Z mt H?X PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. n a. ara a - a g a nu Kjniy rirni'winnn iiuibi in rui uiinu s mtvnriTLruvxnnnnrifinnnn uvf Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS". Subscribed Capital, $5,000,000 TuM-up Capital, .... 1,000,000 ' Assets, ...... 2,545,114. Assets in United States, 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders, , 1,718,792 Ilaa been Underwriting on tlio Pacific Coa6t over twenty-two years.. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Ilefiident Agents, AHtorin, Or. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paoiflo Brewery, of wbiob Mr.Jobn Kopp ia propnetor, makea ber for domeeMo and export trade. North Pacific Brewery MONnOUTUt OREGON. Fll Tarm otioili Hrpti'inlifr lih. The atuilciila id lli Normal ScliiHil r prnpawf t laka the State CurilhVi Itniui dlnluly 011 gradu tliiit. . - liradualaa roiilll? awtilw i1 poallloua, . Kin.. 11 ip of veitr from S1V0 la tint), Hirotig acndvinlo aim rrofpailona1 cnurai't New twi'lal liriMrlnii'iil III Manual f lalnlns Wvll Kuiilniwd iralMliis lliirtinial niiiilpprU iraiMiiis I) Nr I'aUligue eoulaliilm nr I'alaii'aua eouluinlllS full aiilioilllcetll ariiiM.a 1'. L. I'AMI'llKI.I.. r. A WANS, I'reililMlit ( Hioy ul rafuliy. flW& 53r D iXlV (sj I!I CI CnOlflS tOUCIUO Mil llat of Kutat Cubrold. try Materials. Initiate a Specialty. Cknltt Sclcctloa'ot 3 aatplag Dcalgai, Jumflnj Stall) Dos:. aaal Maahlngtun fata., I'otllaurt, Or. T"G-- W- -i't3 (TiJ tttf It o7 8THECT L. M. ALEXANDER A CO. flWlM I jtt-wiu A 5 l t 'kl '4 M Kxolunive ruilb) CVat Dealer '2 15 .Sturk il., 1'ortliui J, Ore. F W.MKECIINIE,WalAii.-i.. . a a a au n-. ..a C Bottled beer (or family ow or kef beer inpplied at any time, dulivury u tbe city free.