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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1900)
HIE MORNING AST0R1AN, WEDNESDAY JUNK '.27," 1100 JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Main 6GL TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Pent by mail, per year ...... $6.vQ Sent by mall, por month ,B0 Strvtd by carrier, per month W SEMI-WEEKLY. Pent by mull, per your. In advance J100 Postage free to subscribers. All communications intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor, business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad Tertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap clieatlon to the business manager. Per. President WILLIAM MKIXLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Xcw York. PRESIDENT M'KINLET'S RENOMI XATIOX. It seems but yesterday that William McKinley was nominated at St. Louis to gi apple with a treasury deficit and to battle for currency reform under the gold standard. His renomlnation by acclamation at Philadelphia was more than the recognition of his suc cessful administration along the lines then foreseen. It was the tribute of his party's united admiration to the manner in which he has risen to the unforeseen and perplexing demands of the presidency In two years of severe national trial In new paths. When William McKinley was nomi nated Jit St. Louis in June ISM, his party associates and partisans had Just confidence In his capacity to meet every demand likely to arise In our domestic polity In the immediate future. HisJ training In congress and as governor of Ohio had rendered him familiar with every political problem then before the ' American people, and on many of them he was a trusted authority. Foreign affairs, much less a foreign war, were not within the purview of the enthus iastic convention that nominated Wil liam McKinley for his high character, his persona popularity and acknow ledged mastery of the domestic and social economy of the United States. If President McKinley had no more than fulfilled the expectation of his nomination it is probable that he would have been renominated. But the history of Republican national con ventions indicates a different conclu sion. The renomlnation of Grant split j th party. - The administration of Hayes deserved more than a verbal Indorsement. President Arthur deserv ed a renominaticn, which. If given, would probably have saved the party for the defeat of 1SS4. President Har rison was entitled to a renomlnation without the fight which weakened him in the ensuing election. Only some such exceptional circum stances as preceded the renomlnation of Abraham Lincoln In 1864 seem suffi cient to remove all the obstacles and grievances of ambition and disappoint ment frem the path to a unanimous Republican renomlnation for the pres idency. The party possesses too many aplring spirits to permit anything short of a national emergency or ex Distress after eating is ctused from the atomaeh not leirinning itf work immediately. Until it getf to work you feel da-trt-iwed tbe food lays in your stow aeli like a weight. To mart dilution to make tha. stomach do its work you mut aHhirt it if your utoinadi is weak or slow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken aftor mpU annnllee the gtom- M a- h wltli ueeeiwary acids and Juics t wuu-h dimwit the food quickly in a proper manner. To get the best m rultan HldHn' Hallh Talilwt X'o. witii liiw DyMiMJimia T'wiw. a The byepepxia Tablet ooot Mo and il oaaUtiadat a FRANK HART, Successor to Th. Olsen, Q0-3 Com. St. ceptlonnl personal popularity to cau. it to forget that there are only twenty five presidential terms In a century and lift Is Heeling. The party reeognix that it Is not wins to swap horses whil crossing a stream, but it is not Inclined to mIMnKe a genlU spring shower fc a swollen torrent. Without tlio Sianish. war and all that has come In its train It Is doubtful whether the Republican party would have appreciated the sterling qualltlc of discretion and conservative strength that have made the renomlnation 01 President McKinley Inevitable. Refor the fiW year of his term was over the Cuban question loomed Into importanc that atiKured trouble for his udmiul tration unless the president met It wit a firm and comprehensive statesman ship. As we now look back over the day of doubt that preceded the final rup ture with Spain It is impossible not to pay the tribute of acknowledgement that there was nothing said or done by cur state department which, in view of all that has transpired since, w would have said or done differently, In all those trying negotiations that led up to a seemingly inevitable breach with Spain President McKinley spoke and a.'ted as the embodiment of the American will that Spanish oppression misrule and cruelty on this hemisphere must cease. And iu the war that followed Spain' mad failure to read the edict of hu manity President McKinley proved so thoroughly master of the military and diplomatic resources of our government that we have been confused by the swiftness and completeness of our suc cess. The war ended left us with more oa our hands than we bargained for. We fought to free Cuba, and lo we found ourselves possessed of islands in two seas, guardians before the world of more than 10,0)0,000 souls, untraln ed to government, unaccustomed to liberty and "unfamiliar with our lan guage, law a and sense of human rights and Justice. In dealing with every phase of this novel and perplexing responsibility President McKinley has proven himself so fully equal to its demands as to win the plaudits not only of his fellow Republicans, but of the statesmen of Europe. In only two material respects has he seriously disappointed. Jhe expectation of -his true friends. ' His order with drawing thousands of positions from the merit system, where he had said there should be "XO BACKWARD STEP," and his failure to adhere to his own first best view of "OUR PLAIX DUTY" to Porto Rico are the palpable blemishes on an administration which has surprised and gratified the Amerl can people with its manifold excel lencies. When the severe trials and sterling achievements of the administration during the past three years are con sidered It is not surprising that Presi dent McKinley should have been re nominated without a hint of opposition within his party. There Is hope for Cuba. The elec tions are no.v two weeks old, and no revolution has followed on the part of the djfeated parties, as Is often. Indeed it might be said usually, the case with the Ceatral American elections. There were three parties in the field, the Xationalist, which had in it the strong est military element and favors Cuban separate nationality; Gomez is its Ideal; the Democratic-Union, a survival of the old Autonomist party, with conser vatives, and the Republican, which Is opposed to a continuance of United States rule or influence. The first was succ?ssful in Havana and the other large cities, reckoned as Cuban cities go, while the Democratic-Union partly Is said to have won In Santiago, where no other party had candidates, and the Republicans In Santa Clara and Matanzas. The experiment of self government Is now on trial to a certain extent, and will be watched with in terest. It was not a general elec tion. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Rail way running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night vetween St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. ''The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connec tions are made with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point n the United States or Canada, All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, j. ray. rvMu. asi vrc... asu. i Portland, Oregon. Portland, Or. I TI MILWAUKEE." WASHING WOOLEN BLANKETS Tha theory bow la, that fclaitktts matt t eaatied iiutttd ot drjrlrnd Id tx healthy. Ta hart your Mantels aa aefi t at. aula a aoapr mil ia hall i nib il warn water by aaiaj eaaatll cap at Gold Dust Wishing Powder nd aoat a klaakrt la It tot half ta hear; thn Imply moY It round tad nib iht tolled tpon: rinM la Vina wittr et itit aime ttrapeniurt iht oa la which yon wash It, bang up la warm elate or tuMhlntr outdoor air (ad at vbat a oft, whllt blanket you will hart. TS, vr t, t.t.n trm Mr fVr nouns hilu rua Houtaokl' Saet traa m ra.wMi a Twt H. R. raiSMNR eOMfANV, St. kaata, asm Vara, Corrects all blemishes of the face, removes blot Srhes, ptvpls, tan. sun- num. irecMes nna maxes a beautiful complexion. n i a beautiful o Kobcruno'.vv?,, best tooth excellent for deranged stomach. GO EAST VTA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paul,Ds!a!h, Minneapolis, Chlcag) , and All Polns East DAILY TRAIN'S; PAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Valar and Toorlat Slo.n.r uiDiugaod Haffek Smuklng Library Cara Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at O. R. ft N. Ticket Office. Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Offlcs 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. Tor rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding; Eastern ttiD. call on or address. A. B. C. DENNISTON. . City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland. WHITE COLLAR LINt Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav- igauon company. Bailey Gatzert leave Astoria dallT except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Por?and dally except Sun day at 7 a. m white Collar Line tickets and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria. Agt U. B. SCOTT, Telephone 11L President It T UXORIOUS 1 RAVEL THE '-Northwestern Limited" 'rains. electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest newest and best Ideas for comfort convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid producton of the car builders art. These Splendid Trains ' Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOB CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charee for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected bv the Interlocking Block system. W. rl. MEAD, F.C. SAVAGE. General Agent, Ticket Agt Portland, Ore. THE'PROOF of the pudding Is in the eavtlns and the proof of 1'quori S IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's elusive a demonstration. Ours will stand the tt HUGHES & CO. K.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. R38 Duane St, W. J. COOIC lift Res. Tel. U3L Astoria, Or. ... I. i i TIMH 5CHl'DlLES PKHART Knm rurtUtul. rhleiif Salt Like, lHnver, Ft. I'ortlamt Wortti, Omaha. Kan l' l' jr. tt. L'Hilit, 9'l.Sit. ill I'lilrann and Kal Aritt I i p. Ill Salt Ijtko, IVnver, M.i V'.. rill, On.nliH. Kan ; I xa ( in. Si. Uhu,i ! hla' untl Kn'i, ; At'nmlc V Xrrs '.I p. in. ? ft. in. IV Mil Wa'U, I. w loom. i Klillf3 I SlHlkHIl". .MlV.MClim I lr. li. t. I'.ul. IHnuili. ' I" 6 . m. Milwaukee, Oluoig", - anil Kiisl. ( ! Frvm Aitorla OCEAN STEAMSHIP .VII SnIUn Patea sub jei'l lo elmne. I For sau yrncisco-rill ; i M iv S, f, IX IS, Ja. ! CoU'mbla River . ra 8liair.r I 4a m t irsuudiiy; ro Portland aaa Jto .day 8m U'ih iu mi- i. 4 SO o. m Ex Suuiay lm. r" Ex Sunday I hnleni s Wajr-Und a. ?ain. ;WUta'!8." Vam-!gs0DB, Tue..Tliur.. -'"'" ana tu y,c''u "j ynn, a , aua Fn. "j LAUuinita, Klnaria :i.v Uwltr Imvo dly 5naka Rlvtr. Kipariatoewlatou. a .ou a in a. to. (am WI' I.a VK-ri p iiivru i: 0 p. m. Tuea.Thm! Purtlaml l. I'.. .111. Mod, Writ Saturday and way Im.llnKi. rriuay G. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent. Astoria. . n. nutUiUUKT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Or, EAST , SOUTI Depot Fifth and I Streets. Overland Express Trains fox Saiem, Roseburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Ogden, San Fran cisco, iMojave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and the East Leave Arrive 7:30 p.mj 9:11 a.m 8-30 a.m 7:M p.m At Woodburn (daily except Sun day). morning train connectcwith train for Mt. An gel. Silverton. Rrownsvllle, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt Angel and Silver- tnn 117:30 Corvallis passen l:Mp.m l!S:15a.m ger. 114:50 p.m Sheridan passen- I ger Daily. UDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sal Mtuk p4. land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates 117 first class and til second class, Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern point and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia Can be obtained from J. B. Kirkland. Ticket Agent IU iiiiiu aireet. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson It Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20, l:4 a. m.; 12:30. 1:M3, 3:26, 6:16. 1:25, I: OS, n.av v. m.; ana :w a. m. on Hunday uiuy. Arrive at i'ortiana uaiiy at o:I5 8:30, "10:50 a. m.; 1:S6, 3:15, 4:30, 1:20 7M0, 10;00 p. m.; 12 40 a m. dally ex cepi jiunuay; s:ju ana iu:05 a. m, on Sundays only. Leave for Dalai dally, except Sua day, at 4:30 p, m. Arrive at Portland at v.iu a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlie Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at i:o p. m, Keturns Tuesdays, inumuayg ana naiuraayf. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt and Pass. Agt pAXJajUEHI haul a big xC7l4J 103,1 nP 4.vvy bi hil1 if Jr& yu urease the wagon J wheels with K!ICA Axis Greasi I I'tahoTandlr.arnwhj'lt'atlia 4 Mt smuwcverputmi anaxl. j j Hold vrywliem. Idadt tif QUICKEST. SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT LINE TO TUB EAST SOUTHEAST IS THE ICTO TWO DAILY SOLID VKSTIRULEI) TRAINS LKS8 THAN THREE DAYS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Through Palaee and Tourlat Sleepers. Dining and Uuffet Library Cars, First class Reclining Clialrs Kre. PORTLAND to DKNVER. KANSAS CITY. OMAHA and CHICAUO without cliangx. Only one cluing to NKW YORK. UOsJTON and other Eastern points. For rates, tickets and full Informa Hon, call on or address, O. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. A N., Astoria, Or Or J. II. I.OTHROl', Oen'l Aft., No. 125 Third St.. Portland. Or. Oregon Short Line! Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorlt routes, yla the 1'nton Paclllc Fast Mall Line, or the lilo Grande Scenic Lines, . LOOK AT THE TIME U Days to Salt Like 2J Iuys to Denver 3J Days to Chicago IJ Days to New York. Free reclining chalra. upholster! tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information anuiv ta Or C. O. TERRY. W. E. COMAN. Trav. Pass. Agt. Oen. Agent, i.-t iniru Bt.. Portland, Or. G. W. LOUNSUKRRY. Agent O. R. N. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS n nen people are contemplating 4 trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of the nwfUSolM CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the publlo and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Cara on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Ideals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket aa-ent to sell von a ticket over..... The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at t. raui ror Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East For any further Information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Oen. Pass. Agt, or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wla. General Agent, 248 Stark St, Portland, Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. Portland. Arrlva. 1:00 a m.lPortland Union Deiot.lli:Ui.m 1.65 p. m.for Astoria and Inter-j :40p.m I ASTORIA. 7.45 a.m. For Portland A !n-lll:toam. 10 p.m.termediate points (ll:Mp.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p m. a.m. p.m. 4:01) I 6:0Oll:55iLv 5:26! 11:55! Ar 5:50i 12:l.TLr t.Vlt l:00Ar .... Astoria.... ..Warren ton. ....SfSJitde.... ATI Lv 7:0 7:) Ar Lv i-M 1:10 l:U! SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:10 a. in.; arrives at Seaside 1:45 a m. Passengers may return on any tral:j hown on schedule oa same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside fis ot Flavel and Hammond via Warrta. ton. All trains make close connections at Coble with all Northern Pactfla train to and from the east or Bound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot At Astoria with I. R. V N. Co.'s bo 11 and rail line to and from Ilwaco ar.d North Beach points. THROUO' TICKETS on sale at As toria for ' .a men to. 8a a FYanclaen. all Eantern and European points. uity ticket omoe A 1 tori. VIA rvwnmer. Hal street. J. C. MAYO, Gen I Tfi and Pane. Agent THE lOlVKE. Stranffers visiting In tne citv will find the Lonvre an attractive renort wherein to spend the evening. The A mme Hitrr Ladies' Orchestra is utill on the bills and presents niirhlly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms am a feature in connection with the hotme. Palatable lunches will be served at all noun J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builders LKtlAL MinUKs NOTU'P OP FILINtl priCCIAL A8 81CSSME.NT ROLL NO. 82. Notice la hereby given that the bounl Of uaaeaanis have comileted tlm sH'i till uaaeaament for ttin Improvement of Seventeenth street from tim south linn of Franklin nveiuie to tlm north lliin of Irving avenue, ami have repiu'tud tlio sniiut to thn Common Council nt the City of AntorU and Hint the sninw linn been Hle with the auditor and polleo JuIk of (hit City of Astoria and mm ied and numbered Hiecul Akmi'M meiit. No, 33, and that the cuiiimlttntt on stre'ts and publlo ways ot tlio Com mon Council of uld city lias been ap pointed to meet with the board of aenni' on the Uth ilny of July, liMX), nt the hour of It) o'clock a. in. of titld tiny In the Council Chumber In tlm Cliy Hull of the City of Astoria. Cliil County. Oregon, to then and there coiiHlder, review, correct ami eiiinll mild Svlul AxHeNNiuent Roll, No. 32, Any peraon objecting lo until nnncaa- llient mum llle lila oliji'etlons thereto III writing with the auditor nml iiolloe JUiIkw. II. K, NKI.HON. Au. lit. r nti'l Police Judge ot the City of Antorlii. Dnte of Fliat I'uMlcntlon. June 20, 1;XM, NOTICK TO STItKKT OKS. CONTRACT Notice In lii'rehy iilvcii. that up to the Hour of 3 a clock p. m , on Hnturilny the 23d day of June, 1U00, at the ottl.e of the auditor and police Judge of the city of Ant'Ml.i, in the city hull thereof, Oik committee on puhllo at recta and public wave of the common council of the city of Aatorlit, will receive bid for the tiiinVfiiiciit of Thirty. ulKhth street, front n point 13 feet south of Die north Hue of limine Mreet to the a.itilh line cf Hiirrlai'ii avenue, aa provided by ordinance .No. I...'ll nf the cliy t(f A t'Ml.t, approved the 7th day of June, The right Is reserved to reject any and an iim. C. C. I'TiMNOEH, J W. COOK. B. AflltKN. t'otnnilttre on Streets and Public Ways. NOTICE FOR rWLlCATION. Land Office at Oregon City. Orffc-on, June iv, jimhi, - I .-Notice la hereby given thnt the fol lowing named ttlr has filed notice of his Intention to muke final proof In nuit'nrt of Ids claim, and that aald proof will be made before the County irra 01 utitaop County at Aatorla, Oregon, on July 30. loo, via: JOHN ANTTILA. H. E. No. llisj, for the lots 9, 10, IS ami js. aectlon 17, T 4 N. It 8 W. He mimes tha following witnesses to prove hl continuous residence upon ii. t mn. 1, vis: Harvey Hill, of Puah. Oregon: Ja kob lllltuneri. of Puah. Oregon: William Row, of Puah. Oregon; Albert Hill, of ruiin. uregon. CHARLES B. MOORE8 Register. EXECUTOR'8 NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dernlgned has been by the county court ot Clatsop county, Oregon, duly appointed executor of thn last will and testament of Livellne Slferte, deceased; ana t hat said will has been duly prov en and admitted to probate by said court. Alt persons having claims aftnlnit the estate of aald deceased must pre sent the same, duly verified, to the underalgned, at the office of Harrison Allen, attorney at law, room 7, Page building. In Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this date. ALHKRT K. SIFERTE. Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Evelina Slferte, Deceased. Dated thle 11th day of June, 1M0. , FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given, that the un- drritlgnml, administrator of the estate of J. V. Mlnaker, deceased, has Died In the county court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county, his final account as such administrator, and the same has been set for hearing Mon day, the 10th day ot July, 19oo, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the county court rooms at the court house. In the City of As toria, In Clatsop county, Oregon. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified to then and there appenr ami show cause, If any, why the said final account should not be allowed and the personal property be longing to said estate dlalrlbuted, th administrator discharged and hl bondnmen exonerate. 8. 8. GORDON, Administrator of the Estate of J. W. Mlnaker. Deccancd- Dated this 8th day of June, 1900. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an order made and entered In the county court of the state of Oregon for (Mat nop county on the 30th day of A:rll, 1900, tha undersigned adminis trator of the estate of P, W, Coleman, ricenxed, will on Monday, the 9th day of July, 190C, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., in front of the court house door at the city of Astoria, In Clatsop coun ty, state of Oregon, offer for sale and xell at auction to the highest bidder for cash, all of the following described real estate situated in said county, to wit: The north half of the southwest quar ter, and the west half of the southeast quarter of Section number one (1), In Township six (6), north of Range nine (), west of the Willamette meridian. Dated nt Astoria, Oregon, this first day of May, 1900. C. W. FULTON, Administrator, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. . United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April 18, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory," as extended to all the publlo land Htates by act of August 4. 1892, Sarah L. Bottom, of Jewell, county of Clat sop, state of Oregon, has this (lay filed in this office her sworn statement No. 0179, for the purchase of the NWV4 of section No. 18, In township No. 6 N, range No. 8 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val uable for its tlmbor or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab Hxh her claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day of July, 1900. She names as witnesses: John Corcoran, of Vine Maple, Oregon James W, Walker, of 'swell, Oregon, lHaac N. Foster, of Jewell, Oregon, Bernard A. Johnson of Jewell Oregon. Any and ail persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 7th day of July, 1900. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. I.KOAI. NUTIt'KS. RECKIVICR'8 HALM. In the circuit Court, Hltitu of Oregon, County of ClKmui, Tint Security Havings A Trust Com-iiany-pliiltitllT, vs. Thn Aatorla Hi reel Railway Company defendants. Notice Is hereby given that, In pur suance of a Jii.lmcnt, decree and or der of aalu duly made and entered In Hut abovit entitled suit In the above entitled I'dififeiy Mi'inhiy Hie S'th day of May, liHKi, which' liiiUuient waa III favor of plaintiff ami nanltit defend ant for the sum of thirty thousand, two hundred mid liny ilullHia and the costs and illnltiiriieiiirnla of said suit, an. I In and by which Judgment and de cree the lilot'laNUe executed to plaintiff by defendant on the Slid day of May, mill (IcNciltird In the complaint In the above, entitled suit waa foreclosed and said sum of thirty tlioiimind, two hun dred and fifty dollars secured by aald niortifHMe, loKcther with the costs of said suit w as declared (0 bo a lieu upon all (he property nn-ii t Joncl in said mortKniie and In the complaint In this null ami herein set out and which judgment, order and decree directed me tut receiver of all ull property heretofore appointed III llie above en titled euit to m' II all aald properly to autlafy aald Jii.litmeiit. coats and accru ing coat, I will on Monday. thu 2nd da v of july. IfOii, Bt the hour of 3 o'clock p. III. of anld day, at the court home door In t'lut"i county. Htitto of ('ergon, eel I for ( aah In V. H. gold colli, to (he high est bidder ull r lac It I , title and Intervat which the defendant, the Aatorla Hi root Railway had on the 2nd day of May, or has since acquired on ills prop erty mentioned In aald mortsage or er.y part thereof, which property is mme particularly deacrllwd a follows, to-ult: All the real property of said Aatorla Htrecl Kallnay Coiupuliy, IU rlKbis ot way, eaacineiiis and appurte, all Its railroad and stivi'l rail way In the city of Aatorla and In said county of Clatsop, the roadbed, tracks, poles, lines, lima of wire, overhead coiiMtriii tlon, etiKltiea, machinery, dy namos, Kciicratora, electric motors and other electrical apparatua, and all tovls and litipleiiietita, all rolling stock, rare riiiilpiiifiii; all leasehold, all oulld lti, far hoinei, puwvr hHif and oth er struelurr: all llceiiaea, right, priv ilege and finiichlac appeilulnlng la aald above mentioned property, or owned or belonging to aald railway company, or In or to which It lias any right, title or Inter 'at; all thing In ac tion, contracts, claim and demands, ami all and alngular, all the property, real, eionitl and mixed owned at th date of said mortgage or thrrrafler acquired by aald railway company as well In law a In equity, and th la come, revenue, rent, laiucs and pro fits of aald proiwrly; and with the right to the purchaser of aald property to succeed to and enjoy all the rights, privilege. Immunities, franchlaes, and all llcenaes, corporate or otherwise of said railway company, being tha entire and complete railroad and alrent rail way plant aud property of said com pany. Th street railway of said railway company, being substantially on the following route and on th following named street of said city of Astoria, to-wli: Heglnnlng at the Interact Uun of Court treet with Washington street, running thence easterly on said Court strvet lo ttVat Klfth street; thence southerly on said West Fifth street to Cedar street; thence easterly on aald Cedar street lo Halnum street; thriic Southerly 011 aald Salmon street to Hemlock street; thence rsaterly on aid Hemlock street lo (he north side line of Klfth street (being the south able line of block sixteen 1) In the Port of Upper Aatorla); ihence north easterly cfoaalng said blink sixteen (14). Augur street and block seventeen (17) In said 1'ort of Upper Aatorla to Fourth street; thence raaterly on said Fourth street to llonneville avenue; thence northerly on said llonneville avenue to Third street: and thence easterly on said Third Htrret to Dick inson avenue, with the side tracks, switches and branches belonging or appertaining thereto. I he real property now owned by aald railway company, and hereby adver. tlaed for sale conalsts of Uinae certain lots, tracts or parcels of real property lying between and situate In Clatson county, state of Oregon, particularly described as follows, towlt: All of lots two (2). three (J). four (4i. nine (9), ten (10) and eleven (11) In block numbered two (2) In Hhlvely's Aatorla (now In the corporate limits of tho city of Astoria.) And alo all of lot two (2) In block numbered two (2) In Port of Upper As toria (now In the corporate llmlta of aald city of Aatorla.) Reference being had herein to the re corded and entiibltnhcd maps and plats 01 nam rmiveiy s Astoria and Port of Upper Astoria. 1 ogether with nil and singular the ten. ements, hereditament and appurte nance belonging, or In any wm an. pertaining to anl.t lots, tracs or par cels of real property; Helng all and singular the property of said defendant corporation, Th Astoria Street Railway Company, real, personal or mixed; Bnd a rights, priv ileges, Immunities and franchlnes owned by aald company. And notice Is hereby further given thnt I will offer for sulo and sell all said property above described, real, personal and mixed, and aald premiers, rights, privilege and frnnchi. . immunities of every kind and descrlp tlon covered by said mortgage of May 2. 1SU2, whether owned by anld defend ant at the date of said mortgage or since acquired, in one parcel, to satisfy said Judgment, liens, costs and accru ing costs. Honda secured by anld mortgage and overdue coupons belonging thereto will be received on account of any amount bid at snld sale as provided In said de cree and order of sale, . C A. COOLIDOE. Receiver of Aatorla Street Railway Company. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'l7dl00nCO al 0regn CUy' r" May Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his lntentlr.n to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the county clerk of ClatHfip County, at Astoria. Oregon, on July 2, 1M0, vis: , HARTHOLOMEW J. ISURKE. II. k. No. 12326. for the S half of the HI-, quarter, NIS quarter nf BE quar ter and 810 quarter of NE quarter of section 9, T 6 N, R 10 W. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous reHldencn upon ' and cultivation of mid land, vlr John P. Eberman. of Seaalda. nr.. gon; James Irwin, of Heald. nrnn. Oeorge Irwin, of Benalde, Oregon- PhlU lp M. Condlt. of SenRlde. 0?egon CHAS. 13. MOOREB, . Register. Dr. T. N. Hall DENTIST. 871 Commerdtl Street, Over Bchlussel'i Clothing Store. 1