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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1900)
TUN MORNING ANi'OIllAN. WKDNESDA.. JUNE 11 ' 1900. KNOX HATS 4ft The Latest Summer Blocks... C. H.COOPER W Sole Aent for Antorln. W TODAY'S frlCATHKIt I'OKTI.AND. Jun 27.-ri-ni unil Wnshlti.ion, flr ninl wurniir ttxluy. All contract- lor udvcrtiHiuK U the AmIoi itiu lire iniiJo on Riiar. untco of circulation lour time larger than Unit of iiny paper fiiblllicJ or circulate In Clat top county. AROUND TOWN. Krrnti bultrmll at the Parlor. JIor- for al Hi Ounton'i tablo. K. H. Jnm , of linker City. I at the OaMmt. W. H. Whltiu-y. of Krt Canby, I In tuwn. Uovrnr awl Mr. 0r wrr la tho city yesterday. Mimi 1'nrki-r liiu returned from lirr ill to Corvalll. W. B. Hoiinon tarn up from Wr rmiton )'rurjuy. A. l. Urobilin, of Plu-llon, Nebr. k, I In lh city. M. O. Welch came down from Indt-j)in.l-ii limt nlKht. Waller Ferguson, of North Powder, -J at the I'arker H"uim. C. 8. Wrluhl U confined to till homo through temporary Illness. Mm. I. C. Hailwtt. of Denver, Colo., vas in AsiorU yesterday. t'oumllman Nrlx ha gono to visit Mi Orayi river louring camp. - ll.t 15-cvnt meal, Ittslng Bun Iia taurant, 611 Commercial tirMt. For Hate Two good second-hand trunk. Apply, 2't Ninth itreeL The tug Waltula took out the Urlil.h bark rinmont at noon yesterday. Jcff'f rvttaurant th largMt am beat A trial will convlnc you. For runt T-room home, nicely fur bished. Apply at Kt Exchange itreet Mr. and Mr. J. tl. D. Orubb, of Ban Francisco, wer at the Occident yester day. Sweet cream at the Farlor, 10 cent a pint; Just what you want for ter ries. George W. liaterbrooke, of Ocean' aide, rrglatered at the Occident lout night. O. P. Irving and 8. Buldern, of Gray river, were at the Parker House yes terday. The bent and cheapest tailoring In tho city at A. KIUUNEN, i22 Com mcrclal Street. A good meal can be had at all hour, at the Jewell boarding houae. 728 Commercial street. 8. D. Dennli, of the Portland Even ing Telegram, I In town, accompan ied by the Ml Dennl. Ttuilyn coal last longer, I cleaner .and make leu trouble with itovca and chimney flue than any other. George W. Banborn, agent- Telephone 1311. BEST 15-CENT MEAL; RISING SUV RESTAURANT. A Wondtrful Mnlldn. EECimr.VD PILLS i For Bltlmi ind Ncrvoui Dlinrdert, inch as Wind ind H.ln In ih. Siomach, Sick ( 1 (jlddlnc.i, FulncM ind Sil!in llcr meals, Dlulnr.itnd Drovdncni, Cold Chilli, Huih- I l ln. of Heat, Lo.t ol Appetite, Shorincaa of Brc.lh. Co.tlvenf ., Hlntchci on the Skin, Dli- I lurhfd Slerp.hrtRlitful ind TrmhllnSn..tlon, etc. Ihcuailmenia I I til arlae from dluirdcrcd or abuied condition of the ind liver. Bitchim't Plllt will quickly rt.tort Femalea ( lo complete health. They promptly remove any l obatructloo or Irrcfularityof Ihtiyilem. For I . Weak Stomach. Impaired Dilution, Sick . 1 Headache, Ulaordcrcil Liver, ttc, . 1 1 rhey act Ilka nuile a It do.ea will work won- I , dcra upon the Vital Sirtniihenlng the Muacular Svitim, re.turlni the lorn Ion Com 1 plclon,brlnlnhai'k the krrncJie of Appetite, . mnd mroumlnq with Ihm lioambud of HmmUh tho tWioa pnymloal mnorffy I ! of tho human tramm. For throwing ott vara Ihoy are mpaolally em- 1 nownod. The are facta " admitted by thou.anda, In all claa.ia of aoclety, and one I I of the beat lu.ranteea lo lha Ncrvoui and Debilitated la that Beecham'a Pilla hava lha Large.! of any Patent Medlclua In lha , World. Thla baa been achieved i Without the publication of teatlmonlal. 1 I Bctcham't Pllli have for many ycin bern , lha popular family medicine wherever the I Enallah la apoken, and they now aland i without a rival. I 10 eenta and 23 ccnta, al all dru Korea. For Rent Nicely furnUhed room. N, K. corner of Fourth and Commer cial lreet. Winn you want a tlylUh new ult made cheap, cull on A. KIUUNEN, lil Comiiierclal Hlreet. The IlKhlhouae t'-tnli-r Munrtitilta tk the I'mutllla Hf Ughtahlp up lo Poitltiml for rvpalra yesterday, A email place ut Clatsop for sole or rent. Kuliublu for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. Tagir, Parlor Candy Store. The burke nlllle Tam O'Hhitliter, bound fpilM Hun Frani laeo to Kimpptull Mill for lumber, came In at S:30 p. in. yes terday. Cresm I'ure Rye. America's timet whisky. Tho only pure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. John L. Carl son, sole agent- Ilerafter the lloaton Itesiaurunt will b cpen from S a. m. until 1 a. in. It Is a flrst claat place for after tha-t.-r supper parties. Remember we guarantee our Ice cream to contain nothing but cream and ugar and llavor. It U fifteen cents per pint at the Parlor. The German ship Mabel Illckmer for Queenatown with 111.114 bushels of v. hi tit, valued at ItM.SOO, came down In tow of the Ockluhama at 2:30 p. m. ytwterday. Roalyn cool la the best and moat eco nomical coal for household ue In A torlo. Tiy It once and you will have no other. George W, Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. The contract for placing the founda tion for the new stable of the H. F. Pratd Company waa awarded yesterday to N. Clinton St Son. Work will be commenced Immediately after the Fourth. Marriage licenses Were Issued yes terday to Han Jepion and to Hannah Carr, both of Clataop county, and to C. F. Jordan, of Multnomah ocunty, and Mabel P. Smith, of Clatsop coun ty, Oregon. In the probate court yesterday C. A. Oeurhart waa appointed guardian of the children and heir of J. W. Gear hart, deceased. J. Q. A. Uowlby and 0. Van Dusen offered security to the amount of $1,000. asaasaaaaaaasi NOTICE. All persona having room to spare for the accommodation of 4th of July visitor are hereby requested to send their names, address, number of bed and price for same to ALRERT DUX11AR, Becretary. To those wno drink whiskey for pleasure; Harper' Whiskey add lost to existence. To those who drink whiskey for health' sake, Harper' Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold by Foard & 8tokc Co.. Astoria. The excursion ateamer T. J. Potter will begin making trip from Portland to Ilwaco on Saturday. It la reported that the Columbia River and Puget Sound Navigation Company will not run a throuRh boat from Portland to Ilwaco thl season. Herr Anton Bchott, who ha re cently been captivating large audience In Portland, will give a popular con- j cert at Fisher's opera house on next Monday evening, July 2. Song will be rendered In German and In English. See the ad. In tomorrow's paper. Mr. Goodln has finally withdrawn his protest against the action of the street committee n returning unopened hi bid for the Improvement of Thirty eighth street, and tho contract has been fomally awarded to S. Normllo, who arrived yesterday from Seattle. Tho Monmouthshire will probably go out this morning, no serious damage to the steumcr having been caused by her colllHlon with the dock at Flavel. Deputy Collector of Customs Parker waa at Flavel yesterday examining Into the right of four Chinese pas sengers to land here as merchants. They were permitted to land, The steam schooner Sue II. Elmore, to run on the Astorla-Tlllumook route, Is to bo launched at Stipple's yard, In Portland, on Saturday next. The calk ers and carpenters are now finishing the upper part of the vesael, and her masts will be put In shortly. Her pro peller, which Is six feet In diameter, has been put in place, and the schooner will go to the Willamette Iron Works for her engines on Saturday. After the muchlnery Is In place the finishing touches will be put on at Supple' yard, and the vessel will be ready for sen-Ice about the first of August. Pears' No other soap in the world is used so much ; or so little of it goes so far. C. W. Lawrence, II. W. Cariienter, W. W, Ward, Jr., C. P. Jordan. Mr, mid Mr. !. IC. Wetkle, A. II. IJallard, Frank M. Warren. M. Wine, Eugene F., H. C. Smith and family. It. II, Wilson, Henry Fleikensteln, 8. X). Wills. Jam Murphy, L. Franks and P. Uolan, all of Portland, were In the city yesterday. Rev, Uutic Peart of Astoria conduct ed th funeral service of Samuel K. Stanley at HeaUde yesterday. The In terment was at Clatsop cemetery. Mr, Stanley for 2 yeunt a resident of Heuiilde, but died at Portland, whith er he had gouo f ir medical treatment. He left a wife und four children, all res. Ideiits of thl county. "! :.. mm . l w -re two rases In the police court yesterday. A deck-hand from the HusHiklo waa up for drunkenness and flfied IS, fine to be remitted In case he lefi town on the next trip of the lliiMHitu. A notorious character i up for violation of the ordinance a,Mlnl wandi-rlng .ib.iut town without business after midnight. He alleged that he did not know what the time waa, and was s.arehlng for a drink of water. As app -uriuic.-a were against his ever drlukli'g water, he was fined. t:0, said fine to bo remitted In case he left the city Immediately. The work on the west end of Com mercial street was completed yester day afternoon, excepting fur the re moval of dibrls, which will probably be attended to shortly. The Job was very welt done, on the whole, though a few connections with adjoining road ways might be considerably Improved upon. There I some criticism on the elevation made, but there Is no cause for complulm on that score. The ad joining sidewalk have been elevated o that there are no disagreeable or dangerous iteps, so that with a little more work spent on the road connec tions the slight elevation will occasion no liyconvenlence. The executive committee of the Fourth of July organlxation recently granted the privilege to the highest bidder to Issue the oltlclal program for the celebration. It appear that there la some confusion In the matter. While the committee has granted cer tain parties the exclusive privilege of Issuing the official program, the :ora mlttee 1 In no way responsible. In deed, It has nothing to do with the program except that It furnishes ex clusively the official right of the pro gram. It should be distinctly under stood that while the Fourth, of July program will be Issued under the direct authority of the committee it joas noth ing whatever to do with the contribu tion made to the committee. Those in charge of the enterprise are working on tho theory that "advertising Is advertising," and that the natter must stand on Its merits. PARIS FAIR. The American exhibit at the Paris exposition will be an open volume, whose lessons of skillful directed en deavor and unfaltering energy may be read by all. Our government building Is completed, and no effort has been spared to make It worthy to represent our nation. It was by the same Amer ican perseverance that Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, the famous dyspepsia cure, was first produced. Since that time fifty year ago-lt has never tail ed to cure constipation, . Indigestion, biliousness, liver and kidney troubles, and It will make rich red blood. It I an excellent tonic, and la a regulator for the bowel that cannot be equalled. All druggists sell It. Do not be talked Into taking "something just as good." There Is nothing to equal it. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED WEEK LY EXCURSIONS. An experienced excursion conductor whose dutiftj are to look after tne wants and welfare of passenger will be In charge of Tourist sleeping car to Chicago via Union Pacific This car leaves Portland on "The Portlnnd-Chl cago Special" at 9:15 a, m., making close connections at Chicago with similar service to Boston and New York. El derly people and ladles traveling alone or with children will And this service very convenient and satisfactory. For tickets, berth reservations and full information, call on G. W. LOUNSBERRY, General Agent, O. R. & N. Co. Or Astoria, Oregon, J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 133 Third St., Portland, Oregon. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Co. will place In service April 29th a New Train between St. Paul and St. Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout. Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J, EDDY. General Agent, Portland, Oregon. COMMITTEE HUSTLING. All Preparations for Independence Day Being Pushed. Th Fourth of July committee have secured the famous band from The Dulles to take part In the paradu. Five hundred dollars worth of fireworks will arrive this week. A great number of new pieces, including rare bombs, rock ets, etc., will be set off, to the delight of the thousand of spectators. Most of tho gentlemen appointed on the re ception committee have accepted the appointment and promise to do all In their power to leave a good Impres sion of Astoria upon the minds of the visitors. A number of business houses have; put up electric signs already, and the contest for the best Illumina ted building on the evening of the third, for which the committee have of fered a substantial piixe, promises to bo an exciting one. Beseral entries have been made for the girls' sculling race. The Hon. Jas. W. Welch has churge of this race. Three' have enter ed for the free-for-all boat racv the crews of the V. H. S. Philadelphia, the Marizunlta, and Division No. 1, of the OrcKoii Naval Reserve, The commit tee feel under obligations to Capt. J. W. Habbldge for his kindness In of fering to bring over a cannon from Fori Oinby, also lo tho I. II. St N. Co., for fuvor extended. Th: committee had ar. Informal meeting last night at which they drew up a rough draft of the program which is to be consid ered at their inciting tonight, when the committee on sports Is to be prcsi-nt to sukkvhi surh cha'ig'S as ih-y cY-slre. Entries for the various ruc may bi made at heai'iuurtTr. w here Assistant Secretary McCue Is In attendance. Tire committee is still short of sleeping ac commodations for those who will be visiting here, and hope that those hav ing spare beds will send In notice at once The committee advise all thoe Intending to decorate their buildings to begin at once, that all n.ay be complet ed and In good shitpe without too much rush of preparation after our visitors begin to arrive. All societies Intend ing to march are desired to notify Clmlrmun Stockton of the parade com mittee so that they may be assigned positions. Chairman Lv Lin of the dec orating committee will begin the con struction of the grand stand, liberty car and arches In a day or two. Gov ernor tieer and Captain Mead of the Philadelphia will review the parade from the reviewing stand In front of the city hall. The parade of the ' Hor ribles" on the evening of the third, promise to be a great success, not only because of the prises offered but auto because of the bushels of fun for thoo? who participate. IS THIS ONE REASON? ASTORIA. June II Editor Aatorian: Many of Astoria's cltliena wonder w hy It Is that Astoria, with Us almost un surpassed natural advantages for a great commercial city, shows In the re cent census Utile Increase of popula tion for the past decade. Men of standing and property aeem averse to coming and settling here. Ther must bo some reason for this state of affairs, and while I do not claim to present the reason, yet I am sure that the one I name has Its effect In keeping aloof a class of men who would be able to do your city great good. I would call the attention of As toiian to the universal profanity which pollute your atmosphere. I have trav eled all over the United States, and this Is the first community which I have struck wherein the representative and leading men of the place contin ually Intersperse their conversation with language which In other commu nities would not be tolerated among the better classes of business men. It la' considered ungentlemanly In most communities to form a habit of using language which could not be em ployed before ladles. It Is evidently not ao consld?red here, for men who are In other respects to all appear ances the most perfect gentlemen are never heard, In conversation among themselves, to utter two consecutive sentences without at least one oath. We expect profanity upon great provo cation. It is even reported that a preacher Is sometimes won't to Indulge when he finds all his shirts soiled when dressing on Sunday morning. But. I Insist, gentlemen, this habit of continued and universal profanity among the better classes of cltlxens Is as disgusting as It Is unusual, and ought not to be tolerated. I can safe ly say, as an outsider, that I should not care to bring up a family of chil dren under the influences which abound and predominate In this city, and I am sure that many others would feel and have felt likewise. ' It appears, then, that the better classes of your cltlxens have formed a habit, of no advantage In Itself, gen erally confined to the lower ranks of society, degrading to those who prac tice it and hurtful to tho growth and well-being of your city. Why not, then, abandon the silly and disagree able habit? AN EASTERNER. ROOSEVELT AND THE TRAMP. Philadelphia Press. Theodore Roosevelt came to town last Saturday In a parlor car. He was driv en to his hotel In a coupe. He dined to the music of a hidden Hungarian orchestra, amid the white of spotless napery, the glow of June roses and the adulation to which the governor of New York of right Is entitled. Weary of the pomp and ceremonial of his welcome, Theodore Roosevelt slipped awny from his hotel about bedtime- and walked slowly down Broad Btreet. In the shadow of an electric light he paused. Roaiiia him ctnori Another man. This other man was neither reassuring In appearance nor savory of presence. If he needed a s'juare meal as badly as he needed a shave he must have been ravenously hungry. Thodore Roosevelt eyed him with suspicion and moved toward the curb. The other man faced him, straight and soldierly In all his shabblness. He held out one hand, and with the other touched his tattered hat In military salute, "How do you do, cobnei," he said. "You seim to have th- advantage of me," said the governor. "I held your horse for you down there by the sunken road where you got off to get a drink at .he spring," said the tramp. "I v.aa a Rough Rider, sir." "I remember the Incident,' 'said Rose velt, "but I can't place your face. You don't look wealthy. I there anything I can do" "Colonel," ;r.t;rrupted the tramp, "I helped you get a drink In Cuba, can you" Roosevelt's hand slipped Into his pocket. A bright half-dollar lay In the other man's palm. "Thank you. colonel," said the tramp. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Phltieas H. Podge and wife to Thom as c. Rush southwest quarter of southeast quarter, southeast quarter of southwest quarter, lots 2, 3 and 4, all In section 30. township 4 north, range J west. Also lot 1 of section 31, same township and range, containing In all 1W.78 acres; $m PRETTY CLOSE. "Now, you've told us all about Ted: dy what a magnetic way he has and all that, and how it makes a person's blood tingle Just to shake hands with him but have you ever seen him your lelf?" "No, not exactly, but I once met a ,rowd coming back from a way sta tion where he had gone through on an express train." HUMMER RESORTS. "To the mounters our people In In creasing number yearly look for those day of relaxation and recreation nec essary to maintain the human ma chine In fair working conlltlon. The languorous sluth of the seashore proves very seductive while It lasts, but many have decided that the an nual outing should provide not only radical change of air and surround ings, but also such stimulation of flagging energies as will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For this they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the mountain pine, and the 1 clear, unadulterated mountain air. "In this Urectlon the Shasta Route now affords a wealth of attractions. The entire line of road from Ashland to Redding Is studded with charming and accessible hotels and camps, where are cheer and comfort and healing at reasonable cost, and where you can hunt, fish. ride. loaf, or play with equal facility. "Or if you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, than the spring of Ashland. Colestln, Anderson. Oartlett, Byron and Paso Robles. "Before visiting Europe, the people of the Northwest should see the glories of Yosemlte valley, and the wondrous groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make In quiries concerning these attractive re sorts." Send to Mr. C. H. Markham, general passenger agent, Portland, for new booklets on Castle Crag. Shasta Springs, McCIoud river. Yosemlte, and excursion rates thereto. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. & N. which went Into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 13 hours, and gives a double dally service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2, leaving Portland at 9:13 a. m. is known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." Its equipment Is new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now In service from the Paciflo coast to the East. The "Overland Express' leaves Port land at 6:20 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the best of service to all local points on the O. R. & N. lines. TO THB PUBLIC. We are closing up our business, and selling out stock. Any parties desiring to purchase goods can obtain bargains nt cost. HUGHES ft CO. June 2U, 1900. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF IM PROVEMENT OF FRANKLIN AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given, that the su perintendent of streets, city surveyor and committee on streets and public ways of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, have filed In the office of the auditor and police Judge of said city, a certificate of the completion of the Improvement of Franklin avenue from the east line of Thirty-nrst street to the west line of Adair's Donation Land Claim, under ordinance No. 2506 of the City of Astoria, by Clinton & Son, the contractors, and that unless said Improvement is objected to, that the same will be accepted on the next meeting of the Common Council of said city, to-wlt, on Monday the 2nd dav of July, 1900. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. m T T " - 1 i 3b These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam ot Lopaiba,; CURE IN 48 HOURSUI tho same diseases with-' out inconverienr. StiTii ir air Pntfeisit. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Foclflo Brewery, of which ( Bottled beer tor family nne or ken Mr. John Kopp is proHetor, make beer beer (applied at auy time, delivery U for domes'ic and export trade, the city free. North Pacific Brewery ASBESTINE WATERPROOF COLD WATER PAINT For Outside Uso pn Wood Brick and Stone. A DRY POWDER Heady for immediate use by adding ...COLD WATER Made in Brilliant White and Sixteen Colors. For sale by FISHER BROS. Aatoria, Oregon. WEDDING CARDS rami" CBg0S V. G. SMITH S CO., V1SIT1SC CfiSDS ENGRAVERS, BUSINESS CARDS 22 and 23 Washiavtm Building, ii m 41. IVnoUnntn Sit a riV-a I Itt'a COPPEH PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS "The World Owes Every Man a Living" But what i art of living in it yon. get with a pooi store or range in your kitchen? Bays Star Estate Rane ..-.They insure good living W. J. Scully, Agent 431 BOND Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. t V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets G 0 0 INSTRUCTIONS GIVFt ORDERS SOLICITED Miss Bertha nartin's Decorative Art Rcoin, Room 820 Dckam Building, 3d PacificNavigationCompany Steamers "R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. and also the Astoria A Columbia River K. R. for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply tj Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN A CO., Agnts, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK. Ore. A 4 C. R. R. Co. PORTLAND. Ore. uruuruuirinjuviRruvuanw H OTEL PORTLAND, OR. The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland ruiAAurniA vrLruvuuinrvnruvuinnjvx We Rent New Typewriters. ' poimAxD, ouegon. At t - . I STREET ---3 S3- Tall line of Revest Embroid ery Materials. Initials a Specialty. Choice Selectioo of Stamping Desigas. Stamping Neatly Dos;. sad Washington Bti., Portland, Or. iiruwif irvriruvvruvinjvuinjvu. n PORTLAND Many new improvements added. See our latest INa. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L. n. ALEXANDER & CO- Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland, Oro. F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent.