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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1900)
f Ilk B10RNINO AHi'OftlAN. HlNJ)A. APJJIL 1, '900. New Spring Goods New Goods Arriving Dally C. H. Cooper The Leading: House of Astoria 3 ft,. A.iZtilV y AYiV W SrSWrtW -SrtV (5 -rt.J) TODAY'S W BATHER. I"0IITI,AN1, AIMllL ..-Western Or egon ami wmivrn Wellington today: Inurtenlng clouilln-M, followed by nhnwrn, rimliT during afl-rnoin. AROUNDTOWN. 3. A. Itoftarton la over from Chi nook. W. L. Ilobl) will return to 8-attle tonight. Jrff a la "tha only" restaurant. White cooka. Itubort D. Oarland of Portland la In Astoria. Mrs. Thomas 'Orange la visiting In Portland. Dan O'Null m In tho city yesterday from Or-on City. Paul C. liitea waa don from Port land yesterday. Mla C. E. Curliaa of Portland la via Mng In tha city. H K. Htanloy ot 8aalda waa In the rlt) yesterday, Mis Kathryn Hhlvely haa boon via Itlng In Portland. A. Kllnt waa ovr from Oraya river yesterday on bunlncM. Merman Wlaa la expected home from Kan Francisco today. OHirge Hartley of New Astoria, waa In tha city testerday. A. P. Hudgra of Ban Francisco la In i h city on nualnvea. fharl-a 0. Woodcock ot Portland U registered at the Occident. The city council will moot In regular ton tomorrow evening. Attorney It. It. Clark ot Portland waa In tha city yeatcrday. Dr. Auguat Kinney went to Portland on a brief visit yeaterday. fleet It-cent meal, ltlalnf Bun res- aurant, (13 Commercial street Miss Clara Simpson of Portland la visiting friends In Aatorla. Miss Nellie Philip of Ilwaco haa been vialtlng frlenda In Aatorla. Jeff restaurant the largeat and th-sl. A trial will convince you. The Itev. McCormac waa In Portland yeaterday, returning on the night train. Mr. and Mm. C. V. Smith of Doaton are In the city, guests at the Occident W. A. Wllllame waa down from Port land yeaterday, accompanied by Miss WlllUma. Wanted Tenant for wall furnished and well lighted room. 4(7 Exchange street The Saint Agnea Guild Intenda hav ing a handkerchief sale and tea Im mediately after Boater. For Rant. Three fumlahed rooms tor housekeeping, on ground floor; 414 Bxcbanga atreet, near Ninth. A amall place at ClaUop for sale or rent Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. Tagg, Parlor Candy Store. You ahall have a chance to purchase a ticket for the Kellogg lecture on Europe the early part of neit week. Cloma, le doi.; Bmelt, to pound; veg etable fruit, milk, bread etc New Market, 460 Uuane Street, near Tenth. The Inunch Horcul; it f t for Lewi and Clark yesterday afternoon with a large cargo of freight and 23 passen ger. Herring A Cook, Commercial atreet, betwen Tenth and Eleventh, la the only first class all-night lunch house In Aatorla. Cream Pure Rye. Amerlca'a finest whiskey. The only pure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. John L. Carl son, sole agent A wedding took place at the Hotel Tlshe at I o'clock lost evening, the contracting parties being Mr. . Julius Wllber and Miss Annie Henroth. Both are well known In this city. The Rev. W. 8. 8hort, rector of Groct church, performed the ceremony, J I, Our itninoiiHo flock in now almont com plota in all (lt'nirtmciik J. Hsrpet, editor of tha !natar, drew the ault of clothes given away by Will Madison nt hla Eleventh atreet cigar store last night. The young eon of Joe Kendall, of the A. ('.. haa been quit alck with pneu mmilii dMrlng the post few daya, but la now convalescing. Roalyn coal laats longer, la cleaner and makes lesa trouble with stove and chimney flues than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. Declarations of Intention to become clllsen were filed with tha county clerk yeaterday by Henry Tark and Alarik Kail, natives of Finland. Tho launch Iris Is now on the run between Astoria and Warrenton, pre pared to handle freight and passengers. Phe will connect with the Portland steamers. The sealing schooner Mettle left for the lower harbor at an early hour yea terday morning but had not yet been re porud out from the Cape at a late hour laat night. Roalyn coal la tha beat and moat eco nomlcal coal for houechold use In As toria. Try It one and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, agent Telephone 1ILL Judge Gray turned out three brand new rltltena yesterday, they being An tone Nlcklaa, a native of Greece; John Hakaell, a native of Finland, and Carl A. Knberg, a native of Sweden. The Young Men's Republican Club will give a smoker at Fisher's ball Friday evening of this week. Extensive preparations are being made and a roy al good time la In prospect. ' Re good to yourself and good to your frlenda. When you treat a friend to whiskey, give him the best Harper whiskey Is the beverage for your frvlnna and for you. Bold by Foard A Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. ArenU-Bend for free outfit. History of Hrltwh-Koer War, by Dr. McKenrle (00 pages: 100 llluatrstlons; liberal terms and credit given; freight paid everyone Interested; write today. Lock box 310, Chicago. The llght-houae tender Mansanlta. which Juat arrived In from tha Sound and Graya harbor, went to Tillamook lighthouse yeaterday to deliver a load of supplies, returning about ( o'clock laat evening. The George W. Elder came down from Portland at noon yeaterday and after taking on a quantity of miscel laneous freight at the O. It & N. dock, proceeded to San Francleeo. She car- lied a good cargo. The eecret of good living Ilea In wholesome and well-cooked food. When a restaurant has eaUbllahed a reputa tlon along this Una It la the place to patronise. The Model has this reputa lion. Near Foard Stokes. Men Wanted To learn barber trade. Only eight weeks required; special In ducements this season; Illustrated cata logue, map of city and souvenir mail ed free. Holer's Barber College, Ban Francisco, California, Tha steam schooner Aberdeen, with a cargo of lumber from Rainier for Ban Francisco came down the river late yesterday afternoon and tied up at one of the lower docks. It Is expected that she will leave out today or Mon day. The Columbia arrived yeaterday morning from San Francisco, leaving at Astoria (1 cases of canned goods for Rohs, Hlgglns & Co., 219 ptga of lend for the Pacific Sheet Metal Works, 4M mt of rice for Hong Ylck and a quantity of merchandise. Yeaterday , was one of the warmest days of the year thus far this sea son and It was a most singular sight to see largo cakes of clear ice float leisurely down the river with the tide. Several small boats were launched and a large number of cakes brought Into town. A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage at 5:30 p. m., yea terday, the Rev. Mr. Peart officiating. The contracting parties were F. C. Dodge of Tillamook and Miss. Olive Davidson of Clatsop county. The new ly married couple took the train for Portland. "Lone Fisherman" Olscn, who was arrested on Friday on a charge of Insanity, was liberated yeaterday1 upon recommendation of Dr. Fulton. Olsen Is a most eccentric Individual but It was not thought that hla condition was bad enough to justify hla incarcera tion In an Insulin asylum. MM- "Nlxey" Holmon, the messenger "ewlft," la In Portlund on a brief vis it. "Nlxey" suys he Is anxious that his departure be duly announced, as he "don't want all his frlenda to he chas ing after him without knowing that ha la out of town." In order that no cotifulon may arise It should be t-tated that "Nlxey" will return tonight. The H C. Society of the Hklpanon public school will give an entertain ment for the Hhon! library fund on WcliieeMAy evening, April 4, 1000, at Or ay 'a hall, Kklpanon, Origin, The program promises to l an elaborate, one and will close with a "Grand Cake Walk." Kent local talent hat own se cured for the evening. Miss Kva Par ker will have chargtt of the music. Dan O'Nell will, on Tuesday, take temporary charge of the Occident hotel during the absence of Manager J. G. Mcgler, whose time will be large ly taken up by hla cannery Interests up the river during the next few months. Mr. O'Mel Is one of the best known men In the Columbia river al ley. For several years he wss purser on the beat boata of the O. R. it N. and after leaving their service took charge of a hotel In Southern Cali fornia. All who know Mr. O'Nell ap predate highly the wisdom of Mr. Megler'e selection. Part lea who failed to pay their taxea yesterday will be given one more chance by Sheriff Llnvlllc to save themselves delinquent penalties. The sheriff's office will be open all of to day, Sunday, and taxes will be re ceived. The law requires that the rec ord of taxes paid must be turned over by the sheriff on the first Monday In April and all taxes unpaid at thai date become delinquent The first Monday In April thla year la tomorrow and to day the aherlff'a deputies will be busy closing up the books. Hlnce they have to be on duty, Sheriff Llnvllle conclud ed to save the dilatory or negligent taxpayers all the penaltiea he could and hence made the order to receive the payment ot taxes today. Walter Oaks, president of the Alaska Steamship Company, haa Juat com pleted the purchase of the Dolphin and as soon as the new steamer can be brought around the Horn from New York she wilt be added to the com pony's fleet. She Is expected to arrive sums time in June. The Dolphin la a wooden steamer 220 feet long and of S00 tona. She haa been engaged In the passenger and freight business from New York to Southern and Gulf ports and la a staunch, fast craft. It la the Intention of Captain O'Brien to take on enough coal to make the voyage around South America without touch ing for fuel. He will leave New York thla week. Aa aoon aa the vessel ar rives she will be put on the Alaskan run In conjunction with the Rosalie and Dlrigo. EARLY CLOSING A SUCCESS. The Clerks of Local Stores to Have Evenings for Recreation. The action Inaugurated a few days ago . by the employes of tho retail stores of Astoria to secure early clos ing hours, In conformity with the bust neaa hours observed In nearly all other cities on the coast, la meeting with auc cesa. Beginning tomorrow nearly every retail store, except drugstores, In As toria will close at 7:30 e.u-li evening during the week except on Saturdays. The following Is the petition being circulated by the employes: "As the retail merchants of the Paclflc coaat have adopted early closing hours, we, tho undersigned merchants of Astoria, do hereby agree to closo ojlr places of buslntfcs at 7:30 p. m., Saturdays excepted, commencing April 1, 1900, un til September 1, 1!00. And we also hereby agree to close during the winter months at 7 o'clock, Saturdays ex cepted, from September 1, 1900, to April 1, 1901.'' A special canvass of the grocery stores of the city yesterday resulted In the signing of the petition and agreement by all the leading merchants In that line. Merchants In other lines have already signed the agreement or Intimated their willingness to do so. The early closing of the stores docs not Inconvenience the publlo or Injure the trade ot the merchants, as has been shown In other cities, and it docs give the employes an extra hour or two each night for much needed rest and recreation. AN ENJOYABLE RECITAL. Pupils of Mrs. Thorvald Olsen Enter- tain Their Parents and Friends. The music pupils of Mrs. Thorvald Olaen gave a recital at her residence last evening. It waa largely attend ed by the parents and Intimate friends of the -participants and proved a most entertaining occasion. Tha following program waa rendered: The Secret Trio Gautler MlHsee Klrchoft and Lignter, ana Master Harry Flavel. Tulip LIchner Miss ven sacre. Spanish Danse Duet MosxkowUk Mlaa Kates and Lulu Estes. To a Wild Hose MacDowell Cachoucha Raft Miss Lulu Estcs. II Penseroso Heller Miss Elsie Elmore. Polaccn Brllllante Weber Miss Klrchoft. Serenate Moeikowskl Miss Stokes. Maiurka Godard Miss Belcher. II TrovatoreMjuet . Mlaa Stokes and Mr. Frank San born. Wals Crematlqua Godard Rondeau Csprlcclo Meadelstohn ' Miss Campbell, Til BY MVHT OBEY" THE LAW. Stricter Quarantine Regulations to Be Enforced by the City Authorities. The case of diphtheria recently quar antined by the city officials has, as is usual, awakened Interest In the new health regulations recently passed by the city council, part of which are now in effect and the remaining laws go Into effect tomorrow. In speaking of the matter last night City Physician Henderson tald; "It will b good service to the com munity If the Astorlana will call the attention of cltloena to the new laws passed by the council In regard to con tagious and Infectious diseases quar sntined and also In regard to the law requiring the reporting of births since City Recorder Nlaon hus raid he In tends to punish any Infractions of these luwa with a heavy line, "At the lust meeting of the council," continued Dr. Henderson, "an amend ment win passed to the old ordinance providing for tha quarantine of con tan I on and Infectious diseases. Un der the old law when a case of small pox, diphtheria, acarlet fever or other diseases of an Infectious or conatglous nature, were quarantined in a dwell ing or iMMMdlng house, the city pluced tv.o guards on duty at auch residence to prevent any one from entering or leaving the premise. Economy ren dered It necessary that the expense of this taw be cut down and the amend ment' passed doe away with the guards, but It subjects anyone enter ing or leaving an Infected house after It has been quarantined to a fine of not less than f SO nor more than $100. "Now, Judge Nelaon says," contin ued the city physician, "he will en force the payment of these fines In cases of convcltion or Impose the al ternative penalty provided in case of non-payment No good cltlsen wants to spread disease but many are thoughtless snd therefore If the Asto Man will call the attention of the peo ple to the new law and emphasise the fact It la to be enforced, It will be saving money and trouble for thought Icsa people. "In this connection ' I want to say another thing," said Dr. Henderson, "and that Is the citizens should see to the vaccination of their children. As la well known an epidemic of small pox In a mild form, generally, has been rsglng throughout Washington and Eastern Oregon for several months. The Oregon coaat cities have fortunately escaped the epidemic, ow ing to the quarantine measures adopt ed by cities between us and the seat of the disease. But it haa reached Portland, especially East Portland, I understand, and hence extra care on our part Is necessary. Parents should recognise the great value of having children vaccinated before the appear ance of the disease and If It never ap pears, why the little folks are safe guarded, In case they are vaccinated, wherever they go. "Now aa to the last law passed to which attention should be called." City Physician Henderson then went on to state: "The council haa made It a misdemeanor, punishable with a fine of $100 or 20 days' impris onnient. In case parents fail to report to City Recorder Nelson the birth of children to them. It la unnecessary to enter into a long explanation as to the necessity of this law being obeyed and enforced. The severity of the pen alty for disobedience of the law should show every cltixen that the law was passed for good reasons. It will be en forced, but we hope there will be no cases of disobedience to punish. "At present Aatorla Is healthy," con ttnued the doctor, "and we Intend keeping It that way." TO HAVE A STRONG TEAM. Wul Baseball Boys to Organise in Astoria Tonight. Astoria will enter the Northwestern Baseball League thla year with the atrongest team thla city haa ever of- ferrcd In competition, and in post years Astoria has not been the lost club out by considerable. The iM-organlsed or, as it Is now generally called, the New Astoria Ath letic Club, haa charge of the organi sation of the team. And right here It la well to mention that the aooner the word "new" Is dropped from the title- of the re-or-gantxod athletic club ot Astoria the better It will be for the club, as It is confusing to strangers, many thinking the club belongs to New Astoria In stead ot being a new athletic club of Astoria. But to return to baseball. The Northwestern League for 1900 will probably be composed of the Seattle, Tacoma, Astoria and Portland clubs, although clubs from other towns may be admitted If sufficient guarantees of paying games can be given the man agers of the clubs named. Tonight the members of the Athletlo Club of Astoria engaged In promoting baseball will hold a meeting at the engine house of No. 1 flro company. At this meeting, which will be executive, the manager for the coming season will be announced and the captain 6f the Aatorla team will probably be se lected. In other words, permanent or ganisation of the baseball club will be effected other than the final selection of the players. Astoria's athletes are all more or lesa lovers of the national game and the semi-rest some of the enthusiastic ball players have taken for vhe past year or two, has developed Into a return of the ball fever which, If the eym p toms shown In practice can bs relied upon, Is going to render It difficult to pick out the best men as between the old players and new candidates that hay "growed up" since the last or-1 ganlzed team was sent into the field. It Is gratifying to know, Vwaver, that all the bother will be In selecting the best among a host of good ones Instead of having to hunt hard through the players for men fit to fill the po sitions. All the boys are at practice almost every day and It will only be after a careful going over of the form shown In practice by the varloua play ers that the final selections for the league team will be made. Seattle, Tacoma and Portland are all ready for a revival of baseball pro viding good ball Is played, but one or two "yellow" games at the opening of tie season will queer the whole, enter prise. It Is for this reason the man agers of the clubs In the leag-'c are d- tenolncd to start right. It Is easy to keep right If once started that way and there will be no lack of patronage if good ball Is played. REUl'KI.VO OBSTRUCTIONISTS. Strong Statement In Defense of the Paul Mohr L'ne. The fight against the obstructionists to the portage road hus been taken up by the Lewiston Tribune and that pa per goes after the enemies of the en terprise rough-shod. In the course of a long editorial that Journal says: "The company la not asking one dol lar of subsidy, subscription or any other aid except a contract for freight at from 25 to 30 per cent below exist ing rates. Such men as Peyton, Tur ner, Gjaves, Wakefield and Harris are able to build their railway, boats snd barges without asking charity of any body, and the Spokesman-Review knows It. As the Times-Mountaineer has recently shown, after a personal investigation of every fact the Cen tral Navigation and Construction Com' pany haa already done work and bought equipments, or contracted for them, amounting to $7&(,000. It haa planned and is preparing to build branches and feeders costing In the ag gregate $360,000 more. It Is paying out nearly $40,000 a month at The Dalles. Us portage railway is almost com pleted and Its boats are being built, the largeat of them at Portland. And thank God! the Timea-Mountaineer can add, It already has freight con tracts enough for this season to make its portage railroad, boats and barges py a handsome profit from the first day It begins operations. Let every body take notice. The days of trans portation monopoly In this grand em- j plre of the Northwest are over." NOTICE TO REPUBLICAN DELE GATES TO TH3 COUNTY CON VENTION. A meeting ot all delegates outside of the city of Astoria and Astoria pre- clnct will be held on the evening of Friday, April (th, at a place which may be learned on Inquiry. A full attend ancc Is deslied and n.ay be important COUNTRY DELEGATE. TICACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice In hereby given that the regu lar teacher's -examination for county certificates will be neld at the court house. Wednesday, April 11, 1900, com mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. J. T. LEE, Supt. Clatsop County. Dated this, the 31st day of March, 1400. THE LATEST WAR NEWS. The latest war news Is eagerly sought after. To some It brings hap piness, as they read of valiant deeds accomplished, while to others, the same message brings sorrow, when they note the death or capture of their loved ones. There Is also much sor row and suffering throughout, our own country by those who have been cap tured by that greatest enemy Dys pepsia. For this, however, there is a remedy and that la Hosteller's Stom ach Bitters, which also cures lndi gestion, constipation, bllioubness, ner vousness and insomnia, and as a pre ventative for malaria, fever and ague it is unequalled. It has a record of fifty years of cures to back It up and a trial will convince you that your case Is not Incurable, as you will And after taking a few doses your stomach will be strengthened. The articles In our show window are to be given away on the 10th ot each month upon the following conditions: All bills owing for gas or electric lights paid on or before the, 5th of every month at our office, a coupon will be given, entitling the customer to a drawing for any of the articles named in the window. As a great number have been paying at the office and that we appreciate the favor we offer this In ducement to all to do so: All parties wishing electric lights will be governed by the following rates: For all night enclosed arcs $9 00 For half night enclosed arcs 7 GO Incandescent, 1 a p., all night .... 1 26 Incandescent, 12 o clock 1 vo Incandescent, 10 o'clock 76 Gas for illuminating per 1000 c. ft i 80 Oas for fuel purposes. 1000 c. ft.. 1 $5 Mixed, light and fuel SS For discounts on electrlo lights call at the ofllce of WEST SHORE MILLS CO. ASTORIA GAS LIGHT CO. Oas ran ires and stoves sold for cash at cost or on the Installment plan; $3 down -,nd $2 per month. Cartage and connecting $1.00. TO CURE LAGRIPPE IN TWO DAYS Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grow signatnTS Is on each box. SO. n. tr-a nn Inn-wr denenda on rent als, the world Is too rich; nor on ped igrees, the world Is too knowing; THE BEE HIVE Lace Curtains iiiiicry mm . THE The Best Boat Specially Prepared fcr llshlns Coats Durability Guaranteed FISHER BROS. Fancy and Staple Groceries IN ADDITION -Feather and Paper Dusters, Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Telescopes, and Lunch Baskets. Brooms, Whisps, Scrub Brushes, etc. Crockery and Glassware. , Vs ALLENj Tenth and Commercial Struts Colombia EleGtrie & HepaiF Co Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS ElJCksmithS SoilerMakcrs Machinists Logging EngineM Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially , Sole Manufacturers of tie Unsnrpnssed ... " Harrison Section" Propellor Wheel ... Contract.!-, for Electric Lights and Power Plants. W. F. SCHEIBE, A fall Hm W PI dm, T.bce. aaS 5-Mkws' Articles. ST Commercial St. ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND. ORE.. FRONT AND MORRISON STS X Kuropsa p'.ui, 9oe to 11,30 par d.v." -)1 a lllvi ivwm iau wt w -f"- rf - American plui.ll.uu to J-.UU per aj WEDDING CARDS WEDDlfl, CBROS VJSIJINCCfiMS BUSINESS CBHDS C0PPE5 PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Nature, like man, sometimes weeps for gladness. SOLFIUNE. Solflllne! Solflllne! If you are sick and tired of rubbera, which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re sollnar of your shoes; If you wish to stop greasing your harness and pro longing the life of same at least fifty ner cent. If you wish to sav. greas ing your belts in your manufactury, go to Peterson Brown, at Astoria, and try a case of Solflllne on your shoes and harness. Buy your shoes only of those who have that sclentlflo remedy. Take no other. Address. PETERSON & BROWN, General Agents. Astoria, Orego. to Paris in isoo. Tho passenger department of tha Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. ram rauway has taken advantage of the current In terest In the Paris Exposition and baa printed for free distribution one of the most charming books of the season, en titled. "Glimpsea Across the Sea." Its contents describe a recent voyage across the Atlantic made by Sam T. Clover, Journalist and author, and In- eludes his dlverslHed experiences In London and Paris. The "Gllmpsea, are entertaining and Instructive te the prospective western patrons of the Chi cago, Milwaukee St. Paul railway, who- may be conKuupiaclng a trip ta Europe. The enterprise of the railway company to" augurating sueh a happy departure from the ordinary metso-s ot adv.rtielog k aommendasia. Raffled White Curtains, 7Sc, $1.00, $1.25. Lace and Insertion Lawn Curtains, $2.. Irish Point Curtains, New Curtain Nets and Dotted SwlSSfS. Tarn Crown Sailors, Sashes and Fol iage and Roses. Straw All-Overs and Braids. SAT0PJA Leading 1900 Ladies' Shoe, $3.(0. Paint IN THE -...MARKET Lexers Kt;t la StccJt Built and Repaired Manufacture- of th Always Rsllabl "La Belle Astoria" Scheie's Opera Star Sctieite's Special And Otn Brand OSCAR ANDERSON. Maimgwr- . V. A A-1 VBUAUl) v" W. G. SMITH & CO., ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington BnMoir, 4th tod Washington Bta. w lilt'i, PORTLi-ND.OKEGON. Th. Frederikson PIANO TUNER INSTRUCTION ON CELLO AND VIOLIN Fhone J071 3 S THE Palace Cafe 1. W WHITTLE, rxtjT. Punt ItsUiriilX.rt- if Sai taumt OPEN DAY . AND NIGHT Attentive Service, Firet-Cioss Cuisine, Private Rooms for Ladies. K3A !Vmmrnial Street. Astoria. THE PROOF of tbe yoadln is la the as and tbe proof ot Ten IS HI SAHPLIKG Thit'i aa anr-DMBa t-tat'a ess tuar- (------O-ra ffl ataaA b - , HUGHES CC.