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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1900)
4 ' Ladles' HUok Uslcthread Hom, Uce t tripod and lace ankle; per ialr JSo and 5o Belt Bucldes Gilt, Oxidised. Gun Metal, enameled and Old Rose; each UVi and 30c MImcs" and Boys' Cotton Rllibed Hose, high spliced heel and double knee; prr pair ',,:.., tic and $1.21 Belts Ladk-a' Hlack Satin Pulley Kelts, the latest; each 15c and 25c. Hcndijuarters for Dry Goods on the Lover Columbia. ICAUCO SIWNQ engagement. Report Indicate That It Was a One- , Sided Affair, the Boer Being Easily Routed. . LONDON. March 31. Even details of the engagement yesterday- at Karco Siding station, a, few mile south of lirandfort, fall to Instill much Inter est. . H appears to have been a one-sided . affair, although the Boers" stoutly . held their gTouuJ against a force three or four times theirs, for three hours, when, forseelng the danger of the " British cavalry enveloping their flanks, the Hots withdrew In good order up on the main body at Brandtort, which, according to Roberts, they seem later t have decided to relinquish with a view doubtless of occupying a prepared position further north. There will probably be a general .Mftlnsr of camps on acount of the Britishers" new poitlm being made a base of a further advance as soon a the railroad is ' repaired.-" fc Roberts" today reported, to the war , office that he haA received "news from Mafeklng up to March 10. The gen eral health, of the garrison and Its spirits were good. A locally made gun and the searchlight ammunition were working well, the food was holding out well and tlie paper currency which the British commander t had Issued was satisfactory. . From Cape Town It Is salfl President Steyn ha gone to Pretoria,' after," ac cording to refueges, Issuing an order that British burghers refusing to Join th army shall b shot,. Stories of the refuses ar, however; unreliable. News from elsewhere Is meagre. The last reports from Natal Indicated a speedy clashing of the armies, AGE LIMITS FIXED. WASH INGTON. March 31. The president has amended the civil ser vice law so as to authorize the civil sen-ice commission acting in accord with the heads of the departments In terested to fixed maximum age limita tions with respect to entrance to posi tions for -which such-maximum age limitations are. not now fixed by the civil service rules: arid, in' addition to the age limits already, fixed Jn that section of the rule, he has fixed the age limits for "apprentices in mints and assay offices., at 18 to 24 years," for "kepr, assistant keeper and officers of lightships in the lighthouse" at 18 to 50 years; for "matron and assistant matron" in the Indian service at 25 to 55 .years and for "observer In the weather bureau service" at 18 to 3 years. Soldiers and Sailors who wree granted preference under section 1754, revised statutes, are already exempted from all age limitations as such. facture of counterfeit dollars. The dies were of steel and are pronounced by Hasen to be among the best he has ever seen. He was well supplied with metal. Including Mexican dollars which he had Intended to molt and trans form Into coin of the United States.- At the time of the arrest Bradley had a fire In full blast and had his cruci bles and metal Is in readiness to pro ceed with the proevss of manufacture. The prisoner came here from Mon tana, where he is said to have an in terest In several silver mines. which Representative Clayton of New York was Instrumental lit adding to the army appropriation bill. These two regiments and two Iowa batteries were mustered out of the ser vice before the general law went Into effect giving the volunteers extra pay. The amendment will place those or gaiilkatlons on the tame footing as all other volunteer In the Spanish war, RUSSIAN SQUADRON READY. it Will Troveed to Masa.npho to En force Corvan Demand. YOKOHAMA, Murvh 31,-The Jap-am-se pre assorts the Russian squadron Is still at Chemulpo and that It will probably proceed to Mtxsumpho to enforce the demands made. It is believed that. In the event of Corva yielding, Japan will demand a similar convsslon on the Corvan coast. MRS. BREWER RECOMMENDS PEFiJIlA FOR GRIP AtlD FEMALE CATARRH. V ... II J ism mmTrr 5 WHITE SLAVERY DENOUNCED. Methods of One of New York's Juve nile Institutions to Be In vestigated. NEW YORK. March 31. The Herald says: Demands will be made on the state board of charities for an Investigation of -the New York Juvenile Asylum's methods of indenturing children left temporarily In Its charge. Three cases have been discovered where children, who had been surrendered to the asy lum for two years, have been Inden tured to Western fanners for the ne tire period of their majority. "White slaver', that Is what It amounts to," declared Michael J. Scan- Ian, counsel for the Society of St. Vin cent de Paul, who is Investigating the case of Joseph Billottl, whose three children two girls and a boy have been apprenticed in Illinois until they become of age, despite the father's pro tests. Mr. Scanlan says he has learned It la a common thing for the asylum au thorities to disregard the tempjrary. surrenders and the protests of parents in sending children out of the state to work on farms until they become of age. BELMONT A S. I. DIRECTOR. SAN FRANCISCO, March 51. It Is announced that August Belmont, the New York banker, ha been elected a director of the Southern I'acltlc as the representative of some of the larije In terests, Including the Rothschild' and himself, that have succeeded to a por tion of the Interest until recently held by the CriH-ker and Stanford estates. He succeeds V. M. Coyne M I" RDER E ii CON VICT ED. 2 The Homo of Mrs. Llulc M. Rrwr at Westerly, R. I, la a letter to Pr. Ilartman concerning the merit of IVru-na, Mr. Brewer writ, among other thing: Wkbtkrlv, It, I. Dear Dr. Hrtman-I llud Pe-ru-na a sure our for ail catarrhal affection so ooninion lu thi part of the country . It car a cold at once. There U uo cough mdloln that oan at all equal Pe-ru-ua, A for la grippe, there la no other rem edy that oaa at all compare with IV ru-n. "I am among the sick a great deal In our city and have supplied many In valid with Pe-ru-na, simply because 1 am enthuslutlc In my faith a to It re sult. 1 1 have never known It to fall to quickly and permanently remove that demoralised state of the humau iytem which follows la grippe. "In all case of extreme weakness 1 KANSAS CITY. March l.-John Haysllp, a horse trainer, has been 1 found guilty of murder In the second degree and sentenced to ninety year use Pe-ru-na with perfect confidence of In the penitentiary. Haysllp murdered good result. In ce of weakness his wife and Maud Mitchell and tried peiuiiar to toy let I am sure that no to kill Charles Barrer, an ice-wagvW ' driver. I other remedy can approach In good r suit the action of Pe-ru-na. It moots all the bad symptom to which female are subject. The irregularities and ner roust), the debility and mUerle which afflict more or lea the women from girlhood to change of life, are one and all met and overcome by this ex cellent remedy. I wUh every young lady In uur city could rad your book. "Mr. Uiile M. Brewer." IVru-na will cure the worst raaeeot catarrh. La grippe la acute epidemic catarrh, for which Pe-ru-ua U a h- citie. Mr. J. W. Reynolds, New Ubon, Ohio, suffered for tuauy year with chronic catarrh of the lungs, head ami throat; continuous cough i many phjal clan failed to cure. Permanently cured by Pe-ru-na. Thousaud of testimonial could be produced. A valuable treatU on catarrh sent free by The Pe-ru-u Medicine Company, Columbus, O. BOTHA SUCCEEDS JOUBERT. NEW YORK. March 31.-A dispatch ; to the Herald from Pretoria says: "General Louis Hot ha has been ap- ! Some Interesting Figures. Cupitul Stock of the Four (ircut Banks of the World, Dec. 31, l,MM). pointed to succeed General Jouberl as Bank Of England, commander-in-chief of the Transvaal t iJann oi vt ranee, Imperial Bank of Germany, Bank of Bussia, Total, Funds held fcy the Mutual Injur- forces.' DUCHESS OF YORK DELIVERED. $88,045,703 36,050,000 28,560,000 25,714.920 PACIFIC COMMERCIAL MUSEUM. Distinguished Philadclphlans at 'Frisco to Aid in the Movement. SAN FRANCISCO, March 31. Dr. William P. Wilson, director of the Philadelphia Commercial Museum, and William Harper, chief of the bureau of information of the same institution, have reached her from the East for the purpose of lending their advice and co-operation to the promoters of the Pacillc Commercial Museum. Dr. Wilson and Mr. Harper are en thusiastic voer the prospect of seeing a commercial museum on the Pacific coast and make the unqualified pre diction that with good management It will accomplish a world of good for the commerce of the country and divert much of the trade of Australia and the Orient to the Pacific coast WILL BE OVER. TUESDAY. Suspense in Puerto Rico Over Pending Tarifl Question. the COUNTERFEITER ARRESTED. Big Operator Discovered In Full Blast i at San Francisco. . SAN FRANCISCO, March 31. Rob ert Bradley, alias Barclay, a would-be counterfeiter, has been arrested in this l city by United States Secret Service j Agent Hozen. ihe man was appre hended In a room at 622 Clay street and a display of revolvers was necessary to Induce him to surrender. Bradley was armed and told the officials frank--ly that they were lucky In having se-. cured the "drop." , Agent riazen captured with his prig- j of uncertainty will be raised. Trade oner a complete outfit for the manu- lwill be revived and Puerto Rico will LONDON, March 31. The Duchess of York was accouched of a son this morning. The child was born at Y)rk cottage. Samlrlngham. at 7:30 o'clock this morn- jjjjfjg COmpaOY fOf the Payment Of , The duchess and Infant are doing , well. $176,372,855 BALLOON THAT MAY BE STEERED This latest invention In the way of air ships is attracting great attention. The most wonderful thing about It Is simplicity. It is propelled by a small double petroleum motor, similar to that used in automobiles. Ordinary coal gas can take the place of hydrogen for the purpose of filling the balloon, as en ly an hour Is required for this work with gas, whereas hydrogen takes a day. This discovery ought to make the road through the heavens as free from danger as does Hostetter's Stomach Bitters the road through life. Behind It lie fifty years of cures. Weakness, Indi gestion, dyspepsia, debility, nervous nesb, constipation, malaria, or any dls- ene nrlslitsr frnm weak Ht-irrmrh citn. ' not withstand It. It Is an excellent spring tonic. ance Company for the payment of K n a rjj nn Its policies, Dccemter 31. 1900. $jUl,o40o Or, $125,471,682 more than tho combined capital of these famous banks. The new form of policy of tho Mutual Life Insuranco Company of New l ork, Richard A. MeCurdy, President, provides: First The SECURITY of $301,841,537 of assets. Second PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. Third LIBERAL LOANS TO BE INSURED. Extended term insurance in case of lrtpso. Automatic paid-up insurance without exchange of policy. One month'sgrace;in payment of premiums. For further information apply to SHERWOOD filLLKSI'Y, GencraljAKcnt. WILLIAM S. POND, State, Portland, B. VAN DLSFN, Resident Mannjcr,Astorlu, Or. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, March 24, (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Until the tariff question Is set tled, business in lu-rto Rico will re main at a standstill. Laboring classes are on the verge of starvation, there Is work for them to do but planters who need their services are without funds with which to em ploy them. , People here say "let the tariff be set tled either by the free trade bill or the 15 to 23 per cent bill, and the feeling REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Total Number of Names on the Roll to Date. Astoria Precinct No. 1 138 Astoria Precinct No. 2 141 Astoria Precinct No. 3 131 Astoria Precinct No. 4 174 Astoria Precinct No. 5 170 Astoria Precinct No. 6 105 Astoria Precinct No. 7 84 John Day Precinct 26 Svenson 32 Wulluski 22 New Astoria 98 Warrenton 2" ClatHop 23 Seaside 72 Melville 1 Chadwell 20 ioung's River 14 Olney 27 Knappa 38 Clifton 68 West port 19 Yespar 3 Jewell U MiFhawaka 14 Elsie 22 Push 16 Total to date. .1488 ANNOUNCEMENT... WE beg to announce that after a careful survey of the many business towns of Oregon McALLEN A McDONNELL have decided to r-.-maln In Astoria for the present, as the future prospects and present business outlook compare favorably with any seen. Consequently w have replenished our Astoria house with the latest and best line of Dry Goods ever assorted. Tou can confidently buy of us as we protect you In styles and prices. Thanking you In advance for your future patronage as In the pant, we remain, respectfully yours, RicAIIen 8 McDonnell Pacific Navigation Company Steamcrs-"K, I', Elmore," "V. II. HarriHon" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, (iarihaldi, Hay City, llohsonvlllc. Connecting at Astoria wit- the Oregon Itailroa-l A Navigation Co, and also the Astoria A Colombia River H. II. (or Han Francisco, Portland ml all points eaxt. For Ireiuht and pHSfonser rates apply t Samuel Elmore Si Co. Oeneral Apents, AHTOHIA. ORE COHN A CO.. AnenU, OreKrD Railroad A Navitrstion Co., TILLAMOOK Ore.. A. AC, R 11 Co. PORTLAND. Ore. PORTLAND, OR. ' I The Only I'lrsst-Clnnn Uotollrt Portland boom." No More Back Ache V ..ARC , J J s rati 1 1 fs i 'AVELfoN CONSTIPATION. INF1AMATI0N "ft BLADDER. sjD 5 ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . -5 VICTORY FOR HARVARD. NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 31. Harvard wan the annual debate with Yole last night, the (juestlon being, "Resolved, that Puerto Rico should be Included In the custom's boundaries of the United States." Harvard had the affirmative side of the question. Harvard was represented by Wilbur Morse, of Philadelbhla; Ellas Mayer, of Chicago, and Harry A. Yeomans, of Spokane, Wash. Yale's speakers were Mason Trowbridge, of Chl'-ago; Ashley D. Leavitt, of Melrose, Mass., and Ferdinad Blanchard, of Newton, Mass. Purifies the blood by eliminating all poisonous matter, stimulating the se croUor.s, regu.aUiig Ue bowel and aid ing nature in throwing off that whlclj makes a yellow skin. The effect on the COMPLEXION, Is quite pronounced, as a few days' use will demonstrate. ! , WILL GET EXTRA PAY. I New York Soldiers Will Get Two ,J Months' Additional Allowance. j NE W YORK, March 31.-A special i to the Herald from Washington rays: Men who served In the Twenty sec ond New York regiment and In Roose velt's Rough Riders wiH receive two month's extra pay from the govern ment, as a result of an amendment IKS! 1 1 nn A TT f nn Distorts muscles, UJ Ml Ai 0 11 S Ml snaiters Nerves, Stiffens Joints. Is due to an acid poison which gains access to the blood through failure of tbe proper organs to carry off and keep the system clear of all morbid, effete matter. This poison through the general circulation is deposited in tbe joints, muscle and nerves, causing the most intense pain. Rheumatism may attack with such suddenness and severity at to make within a few days a healthy, active person helpless and bed-ridden, with distorted limbs and shattered nerves ; or it may be slow in developing, with slight wandering pains, just severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable ; the ten dency in such cases is to grow worse, and finally become chronic. Like other blood diseases, Rheumatism is often inherited, and exposure to damp or cold, want of proper food, insufficient clothing, or anything calculated to impair the health, will frequently cause it to develop in early life, but more often not until middle aire or later. In whatever form, whether acute or chronic. fc. Jl .1 acquiredor m . - rA ..t -At.. . nt ms inherited, itncumativtn i uiricifv u uioou uiaoasc, and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble. Neither do the preparations of potash Jk and mercury, and the various mineral salts, which the doctors always prescribe, cure Rheumatism, but 1 t&Ls4rfs H n lne ulKesl,on na breaic aown tne constitution. I Vfeli2r wl A remedy which builds up the general health and at the same time rids the system of tbe poison is ' the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism. S. S. S., made of roots, herbs and bark of wonderful solvent, purifying properties, attacks the disease in the right way, and in the right place the blood and quickly neutralize the acid and dissolves all poisonous deposits, stimulates and reinforce the overworked, worn-out organs, ana clear the system of all unhealthy accumulations. S. S. S. cures permanently ana morougniy, ana keeps the blood in a pure, healthy state. Mr. . O. Malley, 113 W. isth Street, Indianapolis, Ind., for eighteen months wu so terribly (dieted with khtuniatUm be urmblr to feed or drew blmMlf. Doctor wid hit cmc wm hoprlcu. He had tried fty-two prescription! that friend had givtn him, without the liglilea! relirf. A frw Inttinof . a. B. cured bim permanently, and be has never bad a rheumatic pain finer. This was Bve years ago. We will send free our special boo1c' on Rheumatism, which thould be in the hands of every sufferer from this torturing disease. Our physician have made blood and (kin diseases a life study, and will eive rou any information or advice wanted, so write them fully and freely about your case. We make no charge whatever for this service. Address, 8WIFT 8PECIFIC CO., Atlanta, fit, We Rent New Typewriters 1 t Many iww inijirovciiicnl!! ftihlcil, Sft our lutwt No. 9 Smith Pirmfor Tvhwr tfpf . 9m m viwa jafvviaitva . Now Art Cataloituu Kre . . . 5 1 I. M. ALEXANDER A CO. 1 Kxoluslva rai'lfli" Ciast Aeiita .. - ' lei. Main 674 !M5 Hiark HI , l'brllnml, Or. "The World Owes Every Man a Living" Hut what nrt of living is It yon gt with a poor stoe or rsntr tu your aiUheiiT lluy a Star Estate Range They iusiire kihhI livititf J. Scully, Agent i Kll HONI) MTIil'.F-T jr.- 'X-if-ll L mm a() sh & 0 i INSTRUCTIONS SIVCM. S feMH-5 Sxi 4$ OKOCRS SOLICITIO J Mis. Ueitha Dartln' Decorative Art Room. rtll Use ol Kmt falrold. ery Hstrrlst. IsltUls 5tclalii. Ckolcc(5elrctlna ol S aanplaq Dtsig. Staaipisa Hotly Do. Hm HO lkiw HblMlBf. Id s4 Watt.a la.jl'Mlr. Or. I KOPP'S BEST" A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Nortl, IVIllc lirtwery, of wbirbf llottled orcr for family tiw or si ilr..ldin K' pp 1 prtir-irtor, roalttw b. r brr tnpplted at an lltue. delivery in 'or mi .I eiii Irmlc I the city free. North Pacific Brewery ff3S II s;--v v skT? r - Consignments of New Lumber for building purposes re batvg loiiMantly received Irom the t prodiirlns; forests of the couatiy. Uur supply of yellow fir, spruce, and red oak hardwoods, shingles, lath, and minimis are never al lowed to run low, and w tan al ways nil lar; or small orders promptly with the best seasoned lumber at prices that dafy com petition. W. B. EDWARDS. DKKICIC, MICVICNTH MT. IMICK inir il 11 ,11 13 Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS .Stil-Miriiicrl ('upituJ, I'liid iip Cnji ttil, Assets in United StntcH, SurphiM to Policy Holders, $5,000,000 1,000,000 :00,ooo 1,718,71)2 Ha.s ;li('t-iLTri(l(!rwiitiiiK on (lie riicific Coiif-t ovt-r twtnty-two year. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Antoria, Or. w t'Ttt V .rrm,mt mtr.jt,n mnnmottmik n a .waasj Mortrion tt.ho;ti' P-V" barn lu u "v" 5" yw tr iiri oiti. mwim OlUfrh I ol cii-iltuM, ditii'.iiti, cat , tf (Jjn m'rtm( Curei to. Mnnhood. pmwr, tr www, hiwpwhmi o.rTii.n.rnoea insomnia, fa. In back, il Uaaifas, rtt.l f mlaalnns, lam. io, NnrvousD. billty. ro Mam, apaj of fTr1 BamAn, Vnrlcooat. or Cdna Ipn'lon, jtnn oulclnra of pia- Irf I J chnrga, fttops Kar OU.TwltChliiB Of fKllCI. I..u uniiU'luw. aVAVJ l,i,-v,a,. very nim turn. Ihinr arol ttdti-m. i t. ft CUM W html. IJTTIl If mImm n T.i i i mnm. SrimnUtM tha braia md - cialm. Kit. 4 l f tt s br aiatl Makieasl A -....'. WutWi,.itk4uMa. CitcutenfrM. AdirM. lihoi Mmtfy Co., San rranolsoo', 0i, Sold CHJLKLES ROQER