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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1900)
'f UK MORNING AHI'OltlAN, HHl)A. JAN HARK 2J, 9(J0. i;3 I!1'' i C. H. COOPER'S b "I Commences on Tuesday Morning JANUARY 2. rm r. 3 HfcJ MM ihj 5 01 therewith 1 th Memory affidavit, which. It la allegid, wa false, made for tlw purpose of defrauding the state, Th plaintiff clulm that he did not know that tho nftlduvlt wu fraudulent and on Heptmbrr 30, 18B, a patent for tht property wan iftuad to the do-fi-riiluni. It In now asked that ths sold patent foe a i) nulled and that the plain tiff bo given judgment fur It cota In tho ctc. Th land In quwrtlon U tl) sHnlng ground for th poaMcmlon of which a ult wan thought wotnt month airo by Thorns Spencer against J. I. Orison and wu recently decided by the auprem court In favor of the latter. t HILSTROM HOW BEHIND THE BARS f- Sheriff Llnvllle Captures Mur dcrrr of Lake Moore. W. EXAMINATION ON M0N0AY WHAT WE SlY WE'LL DO WE DO DO THE LIGHTEST STORE TO SEE IN THE LARGEST STOCK TO PICK FROM KOC1ETY NOTEH TO ASTORIANS. Tb IIAII.V A4TOHIAN will fuunil Mia In I'urllMnd HI ' wall-knows Ounnrjr hiu'f J. ". Ilamllajr A i n., Wahlu(lin siraal. OrUrr (r adiar Utu loll with Oil Him will rcl irunil Attepllun. hit tin found a nugg.rt which aurpan' by far anything yt brought to light In the Klondike. Mr, Davl will bring tho nugget to thl country. TODAY' WEAT1IKH. PORTLAND, Jan. tl.-Wrtrn Ore lion, Wmtrrn Wwhlngton, rain today, arounl7"t)wn. Arthur J'.hni.m of Ranlnr wa In tlx city ycvlrrday. Crawfish, rooked In wine, at the Na tional Cafe, The llorrlputi cleared Tillamook ycaterday. the bar for At thn Knptlftt church today tho paetor will speak In the monilng about "Two (iri'l Iiti-Minirj," and In the evening on "The Ilaptlem of John," All other nervier uual. Mr, and Mi Collins of Portland iMnt yesienliiy In Astoria. Mr. Il rflcj I). Thing spent Monday and Tueaday In Portland, Via enU-rtalivd a few of hT frlnd Thursday evening at the home of Mr. W. t, Kinney, A tiust enjoy ahlvt eviilng wa spent. The houm formerly occupied by Mr, and Mm. P. D. Keutm-r ha btt-n reiili-d by Dint'T A. A. Fllith. Th doc im iiiivlng nil kind of rxptr I iio i, but all duy w ill tw Hunday bye and bye. The young bidb of Mr. IVart' rtuMv in the M. (.'. H. K. gave a mt The Kanchcr Finally Surrendered, but Not Without s Struggle A Wicked Outfit. Highly Satisfactory enjoyable evening of mumc, recltaUona Nicely fiirnUhed roonui; 4)1 Ootid treet. Kent roaaonable, Archblihop ChrtMtle, of tlx dlooeee of Oregon, la In the city. Horn To tlw wife O. night, a daughter. A. Smith Iim Old Contlnontal I a standard high grade Kentucky wl.liky. Absolutely pure, and can Im recommended to thos aeeklng a atlmulant f r m3lcul and ro cUl ue. Bold by Aug. Danlelnon, A tot la, Oregon. Klch CoinmlnnlonT Hn-A haa given notice that all flithi'nniii Uwit are finn ing now, or who Intond to flah the coining aeaaoii, are nquentod to avnd in their application for llcenava, with the required fiw, to the fWh comml hIoimt wi'hout ibUiy. Cai'taln Geo. vpe la reglttered the Occident fMn Irtland. at A aon wa born to Mr. and Mr. Otorgo Ronelow Thuraday evenlnf. Ml Ada Jordan hoa gone to Tort land to pnd a few day with friend. Th Columbia, from San Franolaoo, left about Co ton of fright at thla port. There are now !S6 n'g1tiutlona of Voter, 31 having been ivoordod at the county ileik ottlce yeatcrduy. J The llrltbth hl KdonbaUymore and Anryra, with cargoc of grain for Eu rop, went to ea itTdny, The Ur It lh ahtp KUuibaUymore and the ll.rman elilp Ancyra oroeacd out ycaterUay bound for Europe, The Aitorla Having bank, trutee, hit Ix gun ult ag.Unt awverul of tha ubecrlber to the rallruad lubaldy. Divorce pnxseixJIng have been InaU' tuUd agalnat Richard Evon by Id I. Tho wife, Nellie, on the ground of failure lgm-d by and varlou oth- ainuwim-nia at the Mi.tho'llt piiMoitigu on ThurnJuy even ing, Thi' nicag'nmil I ajinounccd of Mr. Kdivurd It. Mile and Ml Wlnlfleld I.vrlt. Mr. Mllea I the bookkeeper for the Columbia mill, Knapploti, aid I highly eeUvmi-0 y all who know him. Mla Iwvett I one of Antorla' mot popular young ladle. It ha b'en the very delightful cus tom of a large number of our Aato rla ladle to ent;rtiVn a nclect few of their friend at an Informal tea on uTlve afternoon of their "iaya at home." BevenU of thee quiet little u IT j In were irlvt-n lam wjk and morn ii.... ii a m . . t . . ,l. ' rational Sunday cho0 union will have c FUvrf rtllprtalm.j hl.r WeBda m rlmrg. of the .ervlce today In tha Tuw afu.rno)nt , ( (iiigri-gatlonal church. Mr. Roitley'a ffi $ Mr. and Mm. F. P. Kendall enter tained the Friday Night Whist Club , at their realdence. The flrtt prlxes were awarded to Mr. C. It. Thornton and Mr. J. Smith; the consolation, to Air. C. P. Upahur and Mr, N, Troyer. Tib firm part of the evening waa de voted to progreHlve whtt after which refreshment were erved, followvd by miihlc and dancing. Hi li I In tho lat of Oregon and he ha a rich and ripe experlmice to draw , from, having labored long In the Run day rhool work. ' i Prenbyiertiin church. Ninth atreet. btwwn Ouone and Exchange, Rev. I Hcnev MAjYvitfa naalia-. Miu-nlna1 aer. I vie at II: evening avrvloe at 7:30. Y. P. 8. C. K. at 6:30 p, ni. Sunday echool at 13:16; prayor meeting Wedmnduy at 7:30 p. m. Morning eermon, "Ad monition of a FrVnd." Evening, "What Are We Her For" All are cordially Invited. Hervlce at Die M. E. church aa fol low toduy: CIiim mooting at 10:13 a. ii'.; Hunday i h4 at 3:30 p. m.; Ep worth Lague at 6:30 p, m.; preuchlng ervic at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning. "Abide With V for It I To ward Evening." There will be a love fount at cloae of nermon. Evening, I "Evolution," Special muelc for the! occaalon. Everybody Invited, ! Mr. C.eorge II, Oeirg" gave a tea to nUut twenty of lady friend on Friday afternoon, th'we preeent wwe: Mr. 11. Van Dujinn. C. J. Ttvnehard, (Jeorge C. Flavel. O. W. Sanborn, C. W. Fulton, Samuel Elmore, O. C. Fulr ton. C. P. I'pshur, J. A. Fulton, E. W. T.UInnt. Henry George. J. T. Lighter, J. Q. Megler. E. W. Taylor. P. A. ?loki, Win, T. Chutter, J. E. Hlgglna, P. L. Cherry, and Mine Crang. The lint chapter In the ad death of Luke Moore will be wrtUen by C'oro ii i I'oht thl morning, and all that if tnoriiii of the brave but unfortunate mi n will be tken to the Buptlxt church, round the rtrom of which tlioi.. who hive loved him ht nl In life will gather to mourn hi lo. The -i vie proper will! take place at 1:30 p. in., mid there I little juetlun but thdt the funeral will be the largwit that i ha.t Ukt ii pluct In thl city for some titre. Mr. Moure, the wife and only close ui'vlvor of the niurd -r-jd man, arrived from Portland on (he late train lat niRlit. Her flint Information of the un timely death of her hu-iland waa re-oelvc-d through a dlspitch from tha Atoi!an to the An'Uted Pre. j When the acount of the Astorlan waa eo.ieluiled yesterday morning nothing further thin tho murder of Moore and the clrcummanoe suDundlng It were known. The departure of Sheriff Lln vllle and a couple of trustworthy depu ties was duly announced, but further develuomenu weri dulv fortheomlnir. I , At an early hour the sheriff and hi select pons? made their appearance with Murderer Hllitrotn In custody,' The tory of HllHtriMn'a capture, how ever, wa a thrilling one and 1 beet related In Sheriff Llnvllle- own words: "We arrived at the house long before daylight and Immediately took a rur-: vey of the premlsns. As we reached the house we notloed that a dim Ught I wai shining from one of the window, i and I whistled to Mr. ltcaaley, who ' was with me, to clo3e up toward me.' i A second or so afterward a shot was ! fired from the houne and the next' '. thing I heard wu the voice of Beas-j I ley, who exclaimed: "He'a got me,' , Tom: I'm hit." j I "I acted upon my first Impulse and nren aireciiv a. uie srxit rmm which j 1 1 iv the smoke coming. I then chang- Pil m V rwwtitlrm u-nllrlnv otvav InlA IVa brush, Dr. Fulton meanwhile dressing ' f ( Ueaslcy s wound, which wa found to have been nothing more serious than' OUR CLEARANCE SALE Is satisfactory to our customers and to us. TO US.... Because we sell lots of goods. Because it pleases our customers. TO OUR CUSTOMERS Because our low prices are money savers. Because our stock consists of good honest goods. Herman Wise RELIABLE MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTER I but tne wire is oeuevea 10 De dui miie; "' ,h,p concluded that my first Im- betteri mentally. It Is a matter of, pui-e that was to wait till daybreak mmmnn rnnrt thn.t m both plrli of 1 the house Insanity has made Itself ap-; Manager Sellg Is circulating a ub- script Ion Ht, tho ucceii of which will determine whether or not Emma Ne vada will Includa Astoria In her West ern tour. Of courie, It would be sup erfluous to explain who Emma Nevada nil the lending theater-go- WON FOUR STRAIGHT. A. F. C. Defeat the IlUhecs at Bowl ing Last Night. was best, and our latar actions were in accordance wun tnis plan. papent , a conclusive way. A brother "As the first beam of sunlight shot of Hilstrom Is now In the state insane tluvugh the clouds I Instructed Beosley ylum, where he haa been for several to shoot out the top windows In the months past. i row part or tne nouse. My motive wa to scare Hilstrom with the hope that he might surrender without fur ther ado. My guees proved to be cor rect for no sooner had Beasley started shooting than Hllstrom's wife was, heard and the next minute we saw the eldest boy, who Is about 15, coming to-, i uarJs us. As he came within sight of i uh he asked: 'What do you want?'i Still, on the other hand, there are I Suggestions en yet approached. But many more names will be required before the cele brut !d prima dona can be secured by MaiMger Sellg. i . .. . , , . . . the Astorlan. McNary and Barker The British ship C ackmannanshlre, tne vto wlt m ,he formw load! w th grain Europe, wm M.ur, he best el l am(,SJ- TUft found to be leaking badly when ; HOorcs f0ow: arrived down from Portland and he la' AFC now tied up at the 0. R. & N. dock'p, n. S.vey .......!..." 181 for repair. On the trip down a drift- F. H. Ooodell 171 Ing log struck the anchor and drove ' JV c- Lft"' Jf I. nuke through one of her put! ii'Ku,-;:::;;;:::::;::::::: jg Thl wu not discovered until yeste- j o. C-Fulton 147 day morning when one of the men wont down Into the hole for some coal louu ILLIHEES j twin uiiqipeu inio several reel ot water, McNary 150 Roslyn coal laata longer, I cleaner The Injury Is not a serious one and T. O.' Barker ..!'.!."..'!'..'.'!. "!.'!'..'!" 150 and makea leas trouble with stove and cargo Is in no danger. It la a maUer Wm,2 lil I .... .v. . ..w.. n nf milch aupnr U. thil aliln n.lth aiir.h ! W. Sanborn, Agnt. Telephone 131L I a -name did not atriko one of the num-j v, j, D'Arcy eroim bar In 'tha rlW and sink out i to support. Tho new post office fixture for Grays harbor arrived from Portland y eat onlay and are now en route to their dtatlnatlon. A lodge of Red Men will oon be or gunlird at Hammond by W. C. A. Pohl. Twenty-five member hava already been ocurxd. In the list of delegate from the local McKlnlcy Club to tha state leaguo meeting the Astorlun omitted the name of John M. Young. The A. F. C. bowling team met the llllhes'S of Salem lost night, defeating the visitor four straight game. The home players had a gxid margin In i ..- ... I., i.... i iiiiiiicuiBirijr ii nun iu return 10 me III 1110 HIOI snillil ueiiiji me utusevi. ' The local team put up a fine game. finishing: with an avoraae of over 41. i ............. ....... once. povey aecuren in uesi loioi, in, wuue Iluirongh' 54 watt the high game for j bouse and notify his mother to gather the children and leave the house at Hilstrom evidently heard my ! voice and recogftiied It for he Imme diately came out of the house and walked In the direction In which I wait standing. Before he reached me, however, I commanded him to stop, at the sama time asking him If he was armed. aiianwnue tieasiey toox a po sition behind a neighboring stump an.t arew a t.aa on Hilstrom, pner pad, at the first hostile demonstra tion, to fire. Hilstrom answered my question ny saying that he had a countless evidence which go to prove that Hilstrom is a desperado of the dirtiest sort, and it is those who are in a position to know his nature beat who declare that he should answer for his bloody deeds on the gallows. An AatJiian reporter vi3ited Hilstrom at the county Jail last evening. At that time there was nothing to support the belief that he was not perfectly sane. Hilstrom answered all questions put to him In a most usual manner, rather giving the impression that he was one whose rights had been much ! trampled upon Instead ot being a wil j f ul. taker of human life. I The Inquest upon the body of Lake I Moore will be held at the undertaking I parlors of Coroner Pohl at 9:30 this morning. Mrs. Moore, wire or tne mur- I dered man, who has been In Portland on a visit, came down on the late train last night. Moore's funeral will be held at the Baptist church In this ra. l i 1 i. . A 893 : w.,., i...j . w. ,.. I ciiy louay ai i.ou j, uuuuws ll K -,011a.! k0l. 1A . .. . l.l'k I I'll. TM'l t Wk&VMV w MUQW i ci'iiiiii;iiuil'u nun 10 jay it. upon a 131 130 Mr, and Mr. George Nelson and l8' altogetlicr, wheat and all. Min Alma Holme will leave In a few few day for San Francisco, whore A petition waa received yesterday af will spend the winter. tenioon by Judge Gray from property j owners residing In tho Necanlcum dls- The tug Samson left out yetcrday trlct In which tha request was made for Gray harbor whenoa he will tow ht the proposed route of the new road a scow ehoonor with a cargo of lum- h clmngcd from the South Fork to Total Tho scores by games were: A. F. C ..243 23S HUhe 233 194 25 203 845 251 215 Fulton had a streak of hard luck In, home team would have exceeded 1,000. bor to San Franclsoo, W. T. Oardlner, superintendent of tho Hoy' and Girl' Aid Society at property holders would rorUmd, wa In the city yesterday on by the linos suggested. business In connection with the school. After many days of waiting for coal and wheut from Portland, the Oriental liner A nub hauled her anchor yesterday and started on her voyage across the Pacific. tin North Fork lines. The petition, which wus signed by 53 residents of thitt vicinity, stated that fully 50 more be benefited The matter will bo decided at a meeting of the county commissioners, who will con vene next week. The route of the liiewly proposed road will run from Ne- kanlcum to the Tillamook county line, a distance of nearly twelve milts. This route Is about two and a half miles I longer than the route along the South It Is given out that tha marriage of Fork, but many of tho property holders A. E. Booth of the A. Booth Tacking 0f the district have verbally declared Company and Miss Maria B. H. M, tholr willingness to make good the dlf- Sliryock of Baltimore took place on the 16th Inst. Roslyn coal Is tha best and most eco nomical coal for houaehold use In As toria. Try It onoe and you will have no other. George. W. Sanborn, Agent, I ference If the commissioners will run the road as suggested. A suit wa filed In the circuit court yesterday In behalf of the state against P. P. Carlson, who Is commanded to vacate certain tide lands on the Co- Telephone 131L lumbla river. The complaint alleges . .-- ' that In September, 1885, Carlson made A. Paul Davis of Portland Is visiting application to the stare board of friends In this city, Mr. Davl will school land commissioners for permii- loon leave for Scotland where, he says, elan to purchase the land and filed stump, which he flnilly did with reluc tance. He then advanced to where I was standing and we placed the hand cuffs upon his wrists. This waa not done, however, without a struggle, for I was compelled to grasp him by tha throat b- fdre he would submit." j Hllstrom's captors say that the eld est son acted fully In unison with his, father throuehout. No chances were hla lost two games, or the total of the tnktn on lne ycmng. flow's accojnt. for he was commanded to remain away from tne house untl ltho party had left tha premises with HllBtrom a bound ciptlve. It Is upon the statement ot Hilstrom, himself, that the statement Is made that had the sheriff and his party taken the fiend unawares he, the son, would have killed all within his power. Tho statement In yesterday morn lug's Astorlan to the effect that Hll strom's wife had been showing active sympathy with her husband' acts throughout Is corroborated by both Sheriff Llnvllle and Coroner Pohl. Both state that HUstrom had no hesitancy In saying that his wife urged him, even a the last moment, not to surrender, and It was no loubt due largely to ber persuasions that the fiend held forth In his bloody work as long as he did. " As to the boy, who figured so con spicuously in the affair from start to finish, It is stated that he waa aa im portant factor In the preliminary man-j envers which led vip to the death of Lake Moore. Taken all In all, the family is Indeed a orry mess, for not only Is It be lieved that Hilstrom Is or was insane, ' Bohemian Chinaware Bargains. It' Worth Your Coming Just to Sec. Great Americaii Importinz Tea Col STORES 100 IN NUMBER , PRICES AWAY UNDER 671 Commercial St., Astoria, NOTICE! Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Charles Richel, haa this day retired from the firm known as tha Astoria Meat Company. All outstand ing obligations of said Arm will be as sumed by the remaining partners, and all accounts of said firm wil be paya ble solely to them. CHARLES RICHEL. Astoria, Or., Jan. SO, 19M. Gray early Monday morning, and ex amined on a charge of Insanity, which was the original charge, preferred against him. Should ha be deemed j Insane he will be confined In the state Insane asylum; otherwise he will be' bound over to the grand jury on a I charge of murder. j I HUstrom is, In many ways, a co nundrum. Everyone of his acquaint- J ances declared that they have always ' known him as a steady, hard-working fellcw. It was only during the periods t in which he was drinking, they say, I that he showed the least sign of men-' tal unbalance. His old acquaintances 1 were much surprised when told of his bloody deed, saying that while they : knew Hilstrom to be a man of bad temper at times he had never been con sitlered dangerous.. ft to Astorians FOR BOYS. Si Mi This great store large, airy nnd elegant abounds with many Novelties in Boys' and Young Men's Clothes . There is not a style in any article of Man's wear . i$ that is not shown here in miniature for Boys." Suits Underwear Neckwear Reefers Hosiery Overcoats Shirts g Hats and Caps Sweaters Gloves Legglns $ Fancy Vests $ wo SPLENDID TOYS GIVEN WITH SUITS, 0YERC0ATS OR REEFE A B STEINBACH 8 CO , LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORIUWLSr Mailorders Solicited. Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. I THE Palace Cafr . W WHirrLE, Prop'r. Finest RHuurant Jorti of Sai Fnnrisrs OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Service, First-Cliiss Cnisine, rrivale Rooms tor Lsdies. HH8 Couimeroial Street, Astoria. m f ' m mi ii tff m 1 1 fff ay I 9-t LAN CARD'S IODIDE OF IRON for ANFMI A .POORNESS of the BLOOD, CUNSTI rUTIONAL WEAKNESS SCROFULA. Etc None genuine uis. signed "Blamcard" All Dauc.GrSTS. E. FOUOCRAftCO., N. V. Art. forU. S. 1 tL J L. LEBECK Cnrpenter and Builder' General Contractor HOUSE RAISlNQ AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY ifl A familiar name for the Chicago, M1U waukee ft St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trtjna every day and night between 8t Psul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect trains In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all Transcontinental Lnie, assuring to ipaasegenrs the beat servtoe mown. Lux. urtous coaches, eleotrto light, steam best, of a verity equaled by no other Una. See that your ticket reaas via 'To Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. Ail ticket agents sell tnem. ' For rates, pamphlets, or other Intumsv tJoa, addres, -. .. , J. W. CASET. Trar. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or. C J. EDDT, General Agent, Portland. Or