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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1900)
HIS MORNING ASTORIAN. SIJM'A., 'JAM'AKY ill, 1X10 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main (61. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, por year JS 00 Bent by mall, per mo.uh M Berved by carrier, per month ..... .40 SEMI-WEEKLT. I Bent by mall, per year, In advance 2.00 ' Postage free to subscriber. All com munlcatlons Intended for pub lication should be directed to the edi tor. ISuMness communications of all kinds and remittances must be address ed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia ' know. Hz I rM I (4r 1 L'V VWV' r ) ;-v: The Best Washing Powder. Cleans Everting from Cellar to Garret ASTORIAN BARGAIN ' COLUA1N I he Most fur Cn.sli, I am advci-Usti:R for th Cash Biwery ti-ad tor wliL-lt 1 effir the fullest uvIk'.Us and lowift tlii'. Kvi-rytliiiiit clean and frith, 1'wtipt utiii(tm. ClIAKI.Krit LARSON. Oivcorl.-s mi. I Or.fkory. My son has bivn troubled for ysari wlfi chronic dlturlio'. Sometime kko I persuaded hlin so take soma of riuimncrluln'a i4lo, Cholera and lMnrrho'A ivmedy. After using two battles nf the M-ivnt also he win cuvvM. I bUm Oils teoimimlsl hopttif some on similarly ainicted may read It and U benented.-THOMAS C. HOWKU. CU.tttruc, 1.1. tVr sale by I'tmrU's Rog.'is. "One Minute Coush Cure Is the bent remedy I ever uxed for coughs and colds It Is unenttnllett for whooping cotiRh. Ohlldivn nil like It." write II. N. Will lams, Oe'itryvllle, I ml. Never falls. It la the only hnrmlpMS remetly that gives Immediate results, Cuiv coughs, cold. hiars'tns croup, pneumonia, bronchitis nnd all throat and lung ti-oulili lis early use prevents con sunipd'tn, Chas litgera. There is nothing more disconcerting divsn'l mtnd a man attorning than, to know some one else knows that chtitvh on un.liy If he sots bl ser we don't know what we pretend ! vie-f during the other six ditys of the week. I river. Advertising rates can be had on ap-i plication to the business manager. . Since the publication of the statistics I knowing- the comparative falling off In j commerce from the Columbia river ' from 1S94 to June 1, 1S99, the Astorlan ' has received the last summary pub- . lished by the government bureau of j of statistics shwlng the exports and j imports of each customs district for the nine months ending November 1, 1S99. On page 151S of this voluminous report, which Is on file and subject to the l.ispectlon of any Interested person at the Astorlan office, it Is shown that during the nine months he foreign ex ports from the Puget sound district amounted to 113.766,973, while those from the Willamette district were only $6,381,201. During the same period the j imports at the Puget sound district ; V f-i vvi were 312,313,035. and at the Willamette' district, fi,6S6,S39. & fCTINCH n. n k ..-,cF 5l.-a Karl's Clover Root Tea 1 Beautifies the Comnlnlon, PuritW the Blood, (ivni Fnoh.ClnrSKin. CumCon Mipatiitn, Indigestion, nnd all Eruptions ,f IJ Skin. Ao rvr!iM Lualiv Nenre Tonic. Sold on aolute grutrantee by aU druciriaU at 25c, 60c and 11.00. S. C. WELLS 4 CO.. LEftOY. N. V. SOLf MOMIltOM Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. Whether the statement that the Union Pacific has abandoned the Clear wattr and Snake river country to the Northern Paoiflo shall prove true or otherwise, and whether Mr. Mohler, who lias contended for the claims f the O. R. & N. In that country, is to be relieved, tr otherwise, we shall learn tre long; and then comment and action will follow, according to the facts. Yesterday's OregorUan. But what avail will be have the power to crush out or build up any section at their pleasure to be lieve they will be allowed to carry their preposterous partitions of terri tory to the point of exchanging formal obligations securing mutual compli ance, and years will undoubtedly be re- restore normal conditions No More Back Ache CONSTIPATION. INrTAMAT10Nrt' BLADDER. AID BALL KIDNEY DISEASES s I here's Satif.tctloii in buying sllwrvvare wheie the slock Is complete and you have an assurance as to duality. I have a largo assnrtment of sterling silver n:i,l holloww uiv In latest deolgti for wetlding presents and holiday trade. He sure to seo It b. fore you buy. O AV MITll ' 1 S:8 Commercial strei-l. 'H""'!- "l C id uumj s,1( . . tl-'l 'l ll"'U ..tti. u;os r.ll Va,: I'tH ino a,iu v.i.vneal s.utiui ti u..q, lvwitt's Little Krly Rlra purify the bliH.d. clean the liver. tuvlKornl the svHtein. K.iiii.iun Ditto pills for con. Hiipatiou and liver irti'itiUn. Chas Rogers. Who lKus Ytiiif l ittitivlry .' We claim, and we wiu prove lo I sirs. it. Churchill. lU'illn, Vt.. aaya: very one, that we have the btjt , ..0up 'l,ll,;y W;W c,iv'(ti Purifies the blood by eliminating all poisonous matter, stimulating the ac cretions, regulating the bowels and aid ing nature in throwing oft that which makes a yellow skin. The effect on the COMPLEXION is quite pronounced, as a few days' use will demonstrate. "comment", or quired to cf trade and transportation In the even action, if it be too late? Anybody Columbian basin. An ounce of preven but a fool or cne who stands In with '" Is worth a pound of cure. The the schemers who are playing the ; Oregonian has known as well as any greatest commercial game of the cen-j0ne the relative decline of commerce tury can see that considering all Its c the Columbia river as contrasted enormous investments on the Sound, 'wlth Puget sound for years. It has i the Northern Pacific traffic agreements known as well as anyone the reason for with the Union Pacific bode no good ,hat decline and the cause of anxiety to Portland or the Columbia river. The J on the part of the 'Oregon" road to storlan wants no fresh quarrel with!3ui'e proper repre3entaton of Its in- the Oregonian, but it cannot help ob- tercets both at San Francisco and on i serving that if that great paper had the Sound. Yet the Oregonian has tol- been as vigorous in guarding Oregon's erated and even encouraged commercial i commercial Interests years ago as it delusions which will cost the state of i . will be a little later in denouncing the Oregon million of dollars to repair. If combinations which are existing ' one-half the money w asted by the gov agalnst her, Oregon, and not Washing- crnment in carrying on the war against ton, would now be the greatest state In nature and reason between Astoria and the Northwest, and Portland, not Seat-! Portand had been applied to the Im tle, would be the future greatest city provement of the Columbia river bar, on the Pacific coast. Once allow or the railroads of the Northwest would lead tl e powerful capitalists who ccn- now be concentrating on Oregon's sea trol the transportation system of the I'rt rather than on Puget sound. Some- Northwest and who, unrestrained, time ago the Astorlan custom house statistics rJERVlTA PILLS Restore Vitality Lot Vlior and Msafaood. Cure Impotencv, Night Emlsslonsar.3 wasting diseases, all effect3 of self- fXflft ause, or excess and India f5j7jcretlon. A nerve toulc and 'f blood builder. Brings the , rp!n!f plow to pale cheeks and PAST restore the fire of youth. 'i ti By mail rOe per box, O boxes for jt..U; with rt written gtiariui. tee to euro cr refund tho money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL for ! by Charisa fivers. Druggist AMaria. Oregon. and rnowt up-to-date laundry on the Coast. A trial order will convince the most particular, if you want neat, prompt work, try the CITY STKAM LAUNDRY. (13 Franklin Avenue. R. SOU IM ITER MAN. Prop. For u Holiday (iift There Is nothing ulcer than a pl.t cf silverware or cut glass. I h.ive a complete uorlment of the latest productions at reasonable prti-'S. H. EKSTROM. Tb Jeweler. MO Commercial Street with running sores. IvWltfs Witch llasel Salvs cure I her." A specific for pile and skin tlls.-a.tes. Iletvare of worthbss counterfeits. Chas Koirers. If a unit would follow the advtr he give tu oihers he woml Mn be erfi-ct ttcttcr I ban Kvcr The Pond Street Fish Market Is better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt fish of all kinds. Ooods delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. POND STREET FISH MARKET. U7 Dond Street. As . cure fi- rheumatism Cham- lH-rlalu s Pain Halm la gaining a wldt reputation. 1. II. Johnnton of Kloh t.tond, I ml., lias been troubled with that ailment mnee ISi. In speaking ot it n says: "l never round any thing that would relieve me until I ub-iI ChainbTliiln's Pain Halm. It ucis like magic with me. My foot was Httoiu-n und paining n.e very much but one good application of Pain Halm relieved me Fo sale by Charles Rogers. If a man marries a woman because she tins more sons than he has, he allowed to lose sight of tho Another Big Smith Premier Typewriter1 Sale The U. H. War lViitriuiint nf Him FrMiK lsuo, line (tint purt'lmsed twenty (ViOJ tnnrti nsw Hmlllt Premier Tyiw wrlten from our Hsu KmnvUeo ullltw. V recolvod the entirs ortlur j oilier lyiwrller ws hiiri hasod. Tlml this order wns roccived unsolli'lle.l, makes It all tho mora fsvornlilt) and la (lis best reniinmomlntion that could he glvcu thsHinlth t'rciiilor TKwrlttr. L. M. ALEXANDER A CO. I'liultislvs 1'soille I'liitHt Agsnta Tel. Main 674 2 IS Hlurk SI , l'.irtliin.l, Ore WEDDING CARDS WEDD1N3 m. W. G. SMITH 4 CO., VISITING CARDS PNQRAVORS BUSINESS CARDS 2a nm Waslilngitm lliiildlng COPPFD DliOTR CDiWTroc 41,1 Washington Nis.-over l.itt's, wwtn ytiHTt PRINTERS jMitri,ANl,oin:(luN. VISITING CARDS Seasonable Goods at IIIIIIHIIH. Cotton Rope Cotton Twine Net Floats Boat Sail Drill (different quaiuii s) Dutibarton Salmon Twine W,F.SCHEIBE, urar of A fall llMWPtpM. T. a4 aavkara' ArtkWa, 4T Commarclal ati. "La Belle Astoria" Clfir Sctielte's Opera Star Schelte'a Special Ami Otlr nrtandat Millinery Novelties I deslr to further call the atten tion of the ladies to my handsome stork of trimmed millinery. It com prises the latest creation t of the millinery art. and I am offering re duced rates for the next M days. MISS UcRAE. i Is never : fact. Dr. T.N. Hull DENTIST. 673 Commercial Street, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Schluasel'a Clothing Store. "I was nearly aead with dysnsptila, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew wor. I used Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. That cured me." It dl , Beet what you eat. Cures) MdlgUufl, sour stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Chas Uog-rrs. If a man does yj an 111 turn, he wtll never forgive you for lotting him do 1 It. Miss Annie E. Qunnlng, Tyre, Mich., sas: "I luffered a Imig time from dya pep4a; lost fliwn svttd Ucam very weak. Kodol Dyppsta Cure complete ly cured me." It dlRvats what you et nnd cures all forma of stomach trouble. It never falls to five Immediate n-lieCln the worst conn. Chs IVirera. Scrofula and Consumption ;: People tainted with scrof- f f ula very often develop con- ' sumption. Anemia, running f of the ear, scaly eruption:, ; imperfect digestion,' an:: : enlargement and brcaki;, down of the glands cf iiic . neck, are some of the mors : prominent of scrofula synr.p ! toms are forerunners of ccn : sumption. These condition i can be arrested, consumptic.; i prevented and health re-' stored by the early use oft Scott's Emulsion ! Your doctor will tell you so. i At all drusgutt ; Joe. and 1 1 no. I ) SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemiau, New York. j published the showing the gain in commerce on Puget sound over the Columbil river. It was the duty of the Oregonian, in the interest of warnlntr and arousing Its people to some disposition of action against this bal.ful condition, to have published the plain figures long ago, Not only docs it refuse to face the facts, but when brought to its attention by others, the Oregonian has sought to palliate the truth and gloss over the true situa tion by forced and fallacious construc tions favorable to Portland. All the time the current has been setting hard er and harder against Oregon. Now comes the news of the capture by the Puget sound syndicate of Oregon's last lomainlng resource and the elimination of the down grade factor of competi tion which might have proved an ad vantage to Portland, nd yet the Ore gonian would defer comment and ac tion to some future occasion! State of Ohio. City or Toledo, Lucaa County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing buslnea in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm -will pay the sum of 1100 for each and erery case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the us of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this th day of Decem ber. A. D. 1881 A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public (SEAL.) Mall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. All Astorlans who visit Portland and desire spending a pleasant evening In company with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program, should go to the Frederick burg. Besides vocal and Instrumental selections there are many other at tractions to delight the visitor. The new management 1 making the Freder icksburg a well-merited success. BROWN ft GRANT. Props. It takas but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to atop a cough by the u of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cure all forms of throat and lung trouble. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vent conmimptlon. A famous specific for grippe and Its after effect. Cha Rogers. THE LOTYKE- StrsDers visiting in the rily will find the Lonvre an ttttractiv resort wherein to speuJ the evening. Tie Ammo Si-i. is LuiIum Orchestra is still on the bills an l presents nieliiiv n ii.iihi. hI iruriiu . I exceptional merit, Handsome pool h. ... , ... ... ... billiard rooms an-a (el..,e.n connection rhllJ.f , by '0e M &ugh Curt! with the Ihiiim?. I'aliituble. Itimlus will J Doctor hud given her tip to die with be served at all Hours , croup. It s an Infallible cure for cougn. colits, grippe, ptteumonla. bron- I: a nxin is liang.d, he Is the prtncl I'hI .t'tor In . iiirht rie performance. PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. ...The Esmond Hotel... uroiwas plan, hie t i I,V) r day Amerle-oplaa. 11.00 to lit6p,f day. 4. C. I'KNIXttUST, Chl.f Cl.r J 4Saktt JUUXAVAAAAnAAirtAAVUUlAAAAAUlUUUVUVUVAAAAAA' PORTLAND PORTLAND, OH. TlieOnly Plratt-ClnHH Hotel In Portlnnd G 0 V r RN St R N T PUOPOSALS WANTED. "1'ort Ptevens, Oregon, Jan. 6. 11W0. Snled proposAls in duplicate will be received here until 13 m. February 10, 1900, and then opened, for the pur chase of three s-lnch guns and car- chltls and throat Ilellevcs at once. and lung trouble. Cha Itogvrs. If you would have an untornlnhel mime, won should kp your dw plate polished. J. B. Clark, Peoria. III., says: "8ur- riages (cast Iron): 2T. 10-Inch gun and sTeons wanted to operate on me for piles, carnUiges (cast iron); five 200-pound Parrot t guns ami carries (cast iron), l.'JOO roild shot 8-Inch and 10 Inch (cast iron); 4.800 ihells, 8-imh and 10-ino (cast Iron); 126 mind spikes (wrought iron); two 15-ton hydraulic Jacks; and many other ar ticles of lrn, wood and copper. Klght to reject any and all bid Is reaervrd. Informantlon furnished upon applica tion. W. a. BETHEL. First Ueutenint. Third Artillery, Commanding. but I cured them with DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve." It Is Infallibla for nil.- and skin disease. Beware of counter feits Chas Roger. A NEW YEAR'S GUIDE. There Is one book everyone ahould mane an enort to get, for the new year. OOVERNMFNT PROPOSALS WANTED. "Fort Stevens, Oregon, Jin. 6. 1900. Sealed proposal In duplicate will be received h-ire until 12 m. Feb. 10, 1300, and than opened for the purchase of If you convince a man against his we think they ought to do. It would be next morning. A SURE CURB FOR CnOUP. Twenty-five Year' Without a Constant Fallurt. Use KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paoiflo Brewery, of which Bottled beer for futility use or keg Mr. John Eopp I projHetor, makes beer beer applied at any time, delivery in for domea'to ami export trade. the city tree. 4orth Pacific Brewery The first Indication of croup I hoarsness, and In a child ubject to that disease It may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoa renew, u a peculiar rourh couth, if rhmiw. irae ronowing n r ori uanDy, vvasn- ; win uougn Kemedy I given as the ing'ton: Two 8-inch gun and car- child becomes hoarse, or even after rlagf-s (cast Iron); IS 10-Inch gum the croupy cough appear, it will or. n n .1 HBMnnM l.An. n . . n V. . . 1 I. .. . . ' - ... v - w.. Lai iitmai iiuii, vjw n Inch rifle (ciirt iron) with carriage and limber (wood); two 300-pjund 1'arrott guns and carriage; two car riages for 15-Inch gun (cast Iron); four carriages for 8-inch ride convert ed (cast iron); 1000 shot 8-Inch and 10-Inch (cast iron); 2,500 shell 8-inch and 10-Inch (cast Iron), and many other articles of Iron, wood and cop per. Right to reject any or all bid is reserved. Information furnished upon application. W. A. BETHEL, First Lieutenant, Third Artillery. Commanding." Tcm uw auacK. is used In many numimn ui nuiim in mis broad land and never disappoint the anx lou mother. We have yet to learn of a single Instance in which It ha not proved effectual. No other prepa ration can show auch a record twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Charles Rogers, GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Treasury Department, Washington, V. C, January 10, 1900 Bealud proposals for the purchase of the revenue steamer Comm will be TO nut If i.r V i vi I. l,,e revenue mutuurr orwm will IK inne" "J1" received by CapfUn I. F. Toiler, ft. C, concerning health, manv amuslns an ecdotes, and much general information. We refer to Hostetter Almanac, pub lished by The Hostetter Co., Pltt burgh, Pa It will prove valuable to any household. 8lxty employe are kept at work on this valuable book. Th issue for 1000 will be over eight millions, printed In the English, Ger man, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swe dish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages. It contain proof of the ef- ncacy or Hostettcr'a Stomach Bitters, the great remedy prepared by the pub lishers, and is worthy of careful pres ervation. The almanac may be ob tained free of cost, at any druggist or general dealer in the country, TO CURE LAGRIPPE IN TWO DAYS Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund the money if It fall to cure. 12, W. Groves' signature 1 on each box. 25c. U4i' Tailor. twin' Tailor, I. D. Boyer, Merchant Tailor UMo-Date 177 Furtk 81., P0RTli!D, OBK. Y. M, 0. A, Baild'g. 8., until 12 o'clock M., Saturday, Feb ruary 10th next. The Crwin Is a steamer of 213 gros tons, top-sail schooner rig; with Orr-gon (Ir frame and copper and galvanU.fd Iron fasten ings; extreme length 14511 feet; Ix.-am molded 23 feet; draft 9 feft I Inches forward and 11 feet 5 Inches nft; has ono Inverted direct acting engine, and one cylindrical Scotch return tubulnr boiler, built In 1839 and is supplied with sails, awnlng-i, anchors, chains, boats, steam wlndlavi, etc. The vssel can be seen at Port Town.iewl, Washington, upon application to either Captain To zl!T or Iw-r commanding oflici-r, and will be opn for iwrxctlon until the date above named. Proposal should be endorsed on the envelope 'Purchase of Hevenue Steamer Corwln," and ad dressed to Captain D. F Tozier, R. C, S-, Port Towneend, Washington. O, L. SPAULDING, Assistant Secretary, THE PROOF of the pudding I In the eavtia and the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That' an argument that's coo. elusive a demoneuwUoa. Our will stand the teat HUGHES & CO. TIM8 UKPABTj Vtoir. rirtlainl. . Aksiv ! ., Hslt Uhr, Cenv. r. ft. " Mall Wort,,f Omaha. Kail I ''' City, HU Loiila, . P- m- iMc and Kant. 8 4J p m Hpokans WhIIs WallH, Hw)l.!ii. run Mlnneaiioll., ftt.ful, 8 4'p. in. i'Mlulli, Mllwuukw, J' , Chlrago and Hunt, , Kiotn Anuria OCEAN 8TEAM3MIP5 All Hulllnu .i.t, a aul Jeel U cliMiiKe. . For fan rrnneiico-Hall .Is . Ill, H, 2.1,28 Columbia River 7 sm Steamers iui,. ExHuiidiiy To Horiland and . iIhv Wy Landings. , M" ,,Hy . Vr,,m Portland ! . M KxB,""ft),(r..Ko,, (;tv.Nt.wW,KxH""""y Hult-in St Way-I.and'a,' m and Vam-' , . 7 am. hill Wlvara s:30p. m, Tnea.Thur - . MoiiVtd, snd Bat. Oregon City, llsyton, & and Frl WjfUndliil. UHvTdly .k.Rlv.t. 1:20 am. Klparlato Lewlaton. d.iiy m WnXAMKTTR RIV8 ! 4:.T0n m. Tue.,Thui Portland to 0 .rv.lils Mod,PWed Saturday and wy lanllciKM. jKrlilsy Golumbia EleetFie & Hepair Go Succeor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Loggers' Supplies Kept In stock Blacksmiths Boilermakers Machinists Foundrymen sSSA4saASAaVkaakKSSSWkel Logging Engines Hull! nnd Repaired Heavy Forging UndeFPriaiiirner a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. O, f. tOtTKlBlBRRT, H HTJRLBUHT, M AmoT Oea- P. Art rwrfia4, or. Plunr? Pudding, Raisins, New Fresh and Mince Meati CUrronts, Seasonable Goods pp cranberries Citron Squash Etc. Carry the Ralston Health roods Wheat Flakes, Grano, Whole Wheat Crackers, Breakfast Food, Select Bran, Yeast Cocoa, Koffy A- V. ALLEN I MAPlUfinn ocomnrn vcupioenc ' VlUllur.U) prmirlp. oua or (liii un ni ,. . ..n;"' 1"li'Hly ours sou of i Inaomnla. I'ali.alo tbi , HimZ'lV't' fuvU " I-u1 Manhood. RCrORE snb AFTER w rrpiDwF.trM1th....m:,rwv.Vo7;:r rreatott tmoMM wits BOOUlr.llmitr.I. pruiacstw fiw ..u cinmiar ana muaionlila. Bo4 y CHARLES ROGERS.