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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1900)
i T11K MORNING ASTORIA N SIMM, JANUARY 1l itiOU. Hp -g "- ' ' r Thousands of Useful Articles Are offered at LOWER (rices tew ttun at any oitiet tl e to the yeer. DRESS GOODS, SILKS UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY In fact ALL our stock of flut-cliss wcarirr f rritel it lewesi (rices. FOR THE HOUSEHOLD LINENS Table Liuei s, Napkins, Towels. Toweling l the yard.Poil- ies. Tea Cloths, eto. All the nwewarUs tor tie dining room and kitchen at most tempting prices. BEDDINQ Sheets-hemmed aiid hemstitched Kllow Cases, Blank- eta. You can save ttany dol'ais by purchasing tow. HOME-FURNISHINGS Now is the time to boy Lace Cnr- tains, Sash Curtaining, Portiere, Coaches, Couch Covers, Tapestry, Denims. Art Draperies, Contorts. Silk alines, etc., at lowest prices. LONDON SOCIETY DULL. ; J his desire to be "In at the death." He ' The Tension of the War Situation Dis- is especially desirous of meeting Mr. ' courages Social Functions. J Cecil Rhodes, with whom he is on terms of close friendship, immediately aftT (Copyrighted 1900 by Associated Press.) ; the relief of Klinberley. Moreover. Mr. LONDON. Jan. 20.-While Great Brit- i Kipling will utilize his trip in gathering I aln Is being depleted by death and war 1 good literary material. But he will not ' service of representatives of her best unnecessarily risk his safety, as he In fancies comes the announcement that I tends to stay at Cape Town until the. the year 1900 will give the queen several conditions at the front assume a more new great grandchildren. Since the j paclflo aspect first of the year two have already made i their appearance, the Crown Princess ' Prince Panjitsinhjl, the well-known Henry of Prussia having been delivered Indian cricketer, exempted Mr. Klp of a son. In this spring the Duke of ling's popular story, "The Man Who York expects to again become a father,) Was," when at a dinner this week at while several other grandchildren. It is ! Cambridge. Expressing regret at the aald, are entertaining similar expecta- fact that his countrymen were not al tions. The cxar is also once more hop- lowed to fight in South Africa, he said: ing for an heir, while the Crown Prin-1 ' When P.ussia comes blundering at the cess of Greece and Prinoe Fedora of j door of India the world will see what Iteuss will also probably add to the queen's long list of descendants. Another distinguished Oriental has The Duke of Yorke, by the way, has been stirring up British patriotism. In placed himself at the disposition of the this case it is none other than the Chl of the admiralty and will probably re-' nese minister, who, when visiting the ceive command. But, though he intl- Manchester stock exchange, called for mated that he was desirous of duty cheers for the queen. The mayor noti with the Cape squadron, he will not fled her majesty of the occurrence and attain his desire for the same reasons she replied that she had hrard of it which prevented the Duke of Con- with much gratification. Incidentally, naught from going to the front. No one it is rumored, that the minister will be wus rmre anxious to go out than the recalled, not on this acount, but to sue Duke of Cambridge. Realizing, how- ceed Li Hung Chang as minister of ever, that this was utterly impossible, j commerce, a change that would be he consoles himself by making life mis- , va; mly greeted in England, though erable for the high war officers. He is Chih Chen Lo Fengluh's departure COJitirual'.y appearing with some new would be regretted. suggestion and is generally being turned over to General Sir Evyln Wood, j The young Duke of Westminster is adjutant general to the forces, who is coming home from South Africa. He very deaf. So firmly is the Duke of will marry Miss West, youngest Jaugh Cambridge convinced that his advice Is ' .er of Mr. William Cornwallis Wft essential to the country's existence that , The duke will return to South Africa ', he will not take bis usual winter trip almost immediately after his marriage ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Vice-Con-to the continent j as an officer of the imperial yeomanry. ,tul JIJTison at Dawson City reports to . j The future duchess Is a sister of Lieu- ,he state department that the excite- iae news that Mr. Kuayara Kipling and his family are going to South Afri-1 ca came a a surprise and U facIous ly attribued to the fact that they have been driven out of England by the ceaseless Jangling in music and recita- tlona cf his "Absentminded Beggar." A representative of the Associated Press learns that the real reason which Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh is one of the most obstinate tiseaies, and hence the most difficult to get rid of. There it but one way to core it. The disease is in the blood, and all the prays, washes and inhaling mixtures In the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cific cures Catarrh permanently, for it it the only remedy which can reach the disease and force it from the blood. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Harrodsburg , Ky., had Catarrh for years. He writes: "I arrald BM no lmDreTemeot wbttevtr. MMrjigti I ws constantly treated with ipnjt nd washes, and differ ent inhaling remsdle In bet. I could feel that eaoh winter I was worm than th year previous. "Finally It was brought to my aotlae that Catarrh wa a blood dlsea, and afur think ing over the matter, I saw It was unreasonable to expect to be oared by remedies which onlr reached the snrfaee. I 1 then decided to try . 8. 8.. and after a few bottle were used. I no- tioeda perceptible improvement. Continuing the remedy, the dliense was forced out of my tTitem, and complete cure was the result, ladvie all who have this dreadful dleeane to abandon thelrloeal treatment, which basnevei tone ihem ny pood. nd take . 8. 8.. rem edy that can reach the disease nd cure It." To continue the wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continue to suffer. Swift's Specific is a real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deep-seated diseases, whioh other remedies have no effect whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, and never fails to cure even the most aggravated cases. for Olnnrl . ' i-r'l M BlIIIIII is Purely Vece table, and Is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain n .A4M(eroUS' minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Oompany, Atli-nU, Georgia. 6 prompted Mr. Kipling to go abroad Is Indian cavalry can do." I . lenant cornwallis West whoM name has otten Deen cotmected witn LaJy. ' .Rarjdph CTurehnla The great;t par of the late duke.g raeing and breeding' aUli be goId at auotlon March' a 0rme and p.0r not but Flvine Po u., nnlv . , ' the hammer by a stiff reserve price, which, according to general opinion must be very high Indeed to prevent Mm changing hands. Mr. Whitney tnd Sir J. Blundell Maple are both reported to be candidates for the possession of this famous horse and ft and furious' bidding Is anticipated. The death of Lady Alice Montagu, sister of the Duke of Manchester, re sulted in many more families going into mourning and the closing of one of the mot Important political salons, the Duchess of Devonshires. The loss of Ladies Salisbury and Ridley aad the Illness of Lady Lansdowne bids fair to make the forthcoming session cf par liament one of the dullest in history from a social point of view. The war office la coming in for consid erable cri-Jcism for refusing to accept oners of private houses for the recep tion of the wounded from South Africa. This patriotic movement has been snurbed by the curt reply that the wounded would be retained in the hos pitals until they were able to dispense with nursing. On the other hand, the army surgeons' employment of the Ro etgen rays In field surgery has proved moat successful and has met with the highest commendation. Orders have been received for a fresh equipment and skilled operations and before February It Is likely that every column at the front will be furnished with a Roetgen ray outfit. Another electrical advance is that wireless telegraphy Is rapidly gaining ground. Marconi outfits are being In stalled on three vessels destined for ac tive service. ' The southern coast towns are . pa -tiefiTiy-awdlllng the visit of the Amerl can fleet. During the recent visit to Weymouth of United State Naval at tache, Lieutenant-Commander Colwell, to test the wtrotww ltoorlng dovtc, the j mayor of that place called on him an J Informal tre Anwrtin oftteor that j about 200 subscribed by the town lay . In the b.nk awaiting the Americans 'arrival and that he, the mayor, had personally subscribed anothi r VIO with lh view of entertnlnltif the visiting oflleers and men. ImVSTEKIOUS ORDERS RECEIVED. Uriilsh ivnimandr-r at Esquimau Pre paring for an Attack. CHICAGO. Jan. 20.-A special to the Record from Victoria. B. C, says: There was considerable excitement at Esquimau today occasioned by the re ceipt of a cipher inosage by Captain j EnRen, who, now that the admiral Is cruising In southern waters, Is In charge of the station. This message Is said to have come uA .tnaiit nt Sun TVftnolibw I . ltVlll Hit . vkv. m . ... - - - i nat n eoiH.un m vi' .un rjni vi course Is willing to divulge, but that he conslndered the message ot groat Import-wee Is shown by what transpired after Its rectlpt. On de- ciphering the message he at once sum moned by signal the commanders of the other warships now In port and they were closeted with him on the' Leand-r for some time. J Afti r the coiferenc orders wire sent to the torpedo boat destroyer' Virago,' ordering her to orep.xre at once for a crul?e. Shortly afterword the veoeel steamed out and down the straits on n.iir.! durv. At th,? fortification extra ' precaution were takon. The guard was doubled and all the guns were manned. Extra sentries hive bo.n on duty at the fortifications fr the lat week and no one Is allowed there. At the dockyard all the guns are In readiness and a big gun covering the harbor Is manned night and day. BIG CASE DECIDED. The Interstate Commerce Commission Mik-s a Report of Interest to the Northwest WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The inter state commerce commission In an opinion by Commissioner Clements has announctd its decision of the case of the Savannah bureau of freight transpor tation and others against the Louisville & Nashville Rallroid Company and others. The carriers' rates on sugar and other commodities from New York to Chip ley and various other stations In Flori da and their rates on bacon and other commodities from Savannah to such stations in Florida are not found to be unlawful. The commission rules that ; a carrier cannot lawfully establish and maintain an adjustment of rates which In practice prevents shippers on Its line from availing themselves of a principal market which they have long been us ing, and confers a substantial monopoly upon a new market In which for rea sons of Its own, it has greater lrvter- tst. Another ruling Is that when a carrier makes rites to two connecting markets which give the one a practical monopo ly over the other, it goes byond serv ing Its fair interest and disregards the statutory requirement of relative equal ly as b-.-tween persons, locations and partw-ular descriptions of traffic. DAWSON TO CAPE NOME. Miners Mad Ruh to the Newly Dlscov i ered Field. mwlt caused by representations of the phenomenal richness of the Cape Nome gold fields has not by any means abate(1- Manv miners will attempt to make the trip out of the Klondike this winter down the river, which, the con sul say, seems a foolhardy undertak ing. While Dawson has lost In popala tion during the past summer, It has The imbecility o( some men is nlwn' inviting the embract J L ... i r. of death. It IS tin Jri ht of such to boast of touirli fel lows " they are, selves and how they neglect little .order ana little illnenes that put other people on their backs. It may act sound nice to say so, but it is a fact that the average man is iuiit that kind of a boastful, cheerful idiot. If his head aches, it isn't worth paying any attention to : if he fcels dull and drowsy during the day, it isn't worth serious consideration; if he is troubled with sleeplessness at night, he doses himself with opiates. When he suffers from nervousness, be walks into the nearest drug store and or ders powerful medicines that even a phys ician prescrilies with care. . He i a very knowing fellow, but without knowing it, he is hugging death. There is a wonder ful restorative tonic and health-builder that will keep the hardest working man in good working shape; it is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dincovery. It is made of pure native roots and barks. It contains no minerals, no narcotics and no opiates. It simply aids nature in the natural pro cesses of secretion and excretion. It tones up the stomach and facilitates the flow of digestive juices. It makes a man " hungry as a horse " and then sees to it that the life-giving elements of the food he takes are assimilated into the blood. It invigor ates the liver. It drives out all impurities and disease germs from the system. It is the great blood-maker and flesh-builder. It is the best of all nerve tonics. It cures bronchial, throat and lung affections as well. I had in'liffmtion and a torpid liver," writes s. A. I. Cibbs, of Rusacllnlle. Loran County. Ky., " Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery cured me." If constipation is also present Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be taken. They never fail; they never grip. Drug fibls sell both medicines. . tr if- wi overwora inrm gained In wealth, and much money has been spent In making It a thriving town, equipped With a fire department, rewers, drains and other Improve merit. The gold output for the pa.-t year wat estimated at '15,000.000, $3,OO,00O more than the preceding year and as tonishing reports are expected In the future from the Introduction of steam mtnng machinery. THE CAN,l. CONCESSION. Nkcragua Government Has AppWnted Arbitrators to Settle the Question. NEW YORK. Jan. 20,-A special to the Herald from Washington, says: The Nicaragua minister to the United Stntes has advised Sivrotary Hay that as nn lndUitlot of the friendship of his government fur the Vnlted States It has appointed an arbitrator to de termine whether the maritime canal Is entitled to an extension of Its conces sion. The attlon of the Nicaragua govern ment was based on a protest submitted to It by the Maritime Camil Company, through the Amotican minister at Managua. ' The Costa Rlcan government still rccognliea the concession of the Marl time Canal Company, and no mutter how the arbitrator apixdnted by Presi dent Zelayaya may decide the protest of the company, Nicaragua will stand bound either by the concession of that company or that held by the Eyre Crngln syndicate. ALASKAN MAIL ROUTES. New Stations Established and Regular Service Maintained. CHICAGO. Jan iO.-A special to the Record from SoAttie, Wash., says: Advices from Dawson report that United States Mall Carrier Holcombe has arrived at Eagle from Valdes, com pleting the first winter trip as carrier of government mall, from the seot of the Yukon, a dist.UKv of 400 milt Holcombe said he had a perilous voyage. He encountered many hard ships and during the trip ten of his twelve horses died t hail to be killed. He had a working ftrce of eleven men who were employed In constructing cabins for mall stations, one created evry twenty mlls. From now on the department hopes to give monthly mall service between Valdes and Eagle. One consignment of mail has already corns out over the new route. From the coast terminus of the trail a telephone line extends 75 miles Inland and It Is the Intention of the govern ment to extend the line through the Yukon next summer. Th. Fredeiikson PIANO TUNER INSTRUCTION ON VEl.LO AND VIOLIN Phone 2)74. VV. C. A. Pohl, col m mom. Undertaker, Embalmcr and Funeral Director Ciihkets bd1 Funerl Supplies constant ly on hand. Comer 11th and Dunne Sts, Astorin, Ore J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder. r Crtul I? 4 V own sjuj ISUi Ht. and Franklin Av. Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props SEMI-STCEL, JIA.SCANCSC sad rnOSmOK SKONZe s Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS 'Phon S5I, Aatorla, Or. W. B. Edwards Every variety of Rough and DrcHscd Lumber, Doors. Windows, Mouldings and Cedar Shingles. 7ff r Common Slab, Bark, Fir, VV UU U Hemlock, AMer.l'oleOak Office Seventh Street Dock ' H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephooa 23. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. MS Duane St., W, 3. COOK, Mgr Astoria, Or. Rw. Tel 118. roiS These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam of Copaiba,-1 Cubebs or Injections amJrmuN CURE IN 48 H0UR8M'lJ th soma diseases with. t Inconvenience. 1 all Drveptitt. ' POLriLINE. Solftllnel Sol fill ne I j If you are sick and tlrvd of lubbers, which protect your fot from wet or, cold, uikI wish to save continual r-j soling of your shoes; If you wish to stop greasing your harm- and pro longing the life of siuih) at least fifty per cent. If you wish to siva Kivustng your bells In your maim fuetury, go to lM'.mn A Hrown, at Astoria, and try a ctwe of SoIDUim on your shoon and harnesn. lluy your shoes only of those who have that sol entitle wuterproof hvither preparation, TaKs no other. Address, PETERSON A UROWN, ilonerul AKViit. Antorln, Oregon- NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. All fishermen who are rinding now,' or who Intend to null the coining f- son. ,e reuuesttHl to end In their ap1 I'He.itlons lr llcenstn, with the re built d fee, to the tlsh oomnilssloner without dt-lay. I'W Commdvlal St.. AMorlu. Or., or ior il...... o.k.H 1 1 I.I Il.wl,.n.l lit F, C. REEP, KuiH Coniinlwloner, TRANSVAAL LOSS IN I.IKK. Moralists are dlscusnlng the terrible lor of life brought about by the Trans akl war. Yet here life 1 serlilecd for a purpose for an homt principle. It were bttti-r to prei. h uglu.-l Hie need-k-sa sacrifice of life. Thouw.iuH of people succumb to ailment wlUch mi;;ht e.illy have b n cho-ke.1 In the beginning. Iyspei!a carrls off mere people thun are killed In war. Tiie ' u of Hostetttv's Stoinaen HUters would savf many live, t'oinllcailen ablv develops Into something ', and the long r tt is allowed to run. the ' h-uiler It la to cure. The Bitters cur s' Indigeallon, coiur.Jp.Ulon. dysix ptla and biliousness, miturally and permanently, J good fi.r cvrybtnly. I NOTICE'. " Notice Is hereby the assets of the and Athletic Club given .hit .11 ofj Astorl i Football j h-ivo been Iran. ferred to tin undersigned n trust for the Un;flt of all of th rr-dlters of said club, and that all claims agalnft the snld club nhould be pre. sented to the undersigned vlthln "I days from this date. C. J. TRHNCHARD. Trusts January JI. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. In th District Court of tho United Slute-v for the District of Oregon. In bankruptcy. In the matter of fr nj.imln L. Ward and the firm of Howell Ac Ward, bank rupts. To the i-red I 'or of R. I.. Ward and II. ,w-ll & Ward, of the Ouinty of Clat sop, state of nr-'gon, and district afore said, liukrupts. Notice Is h-rvby lveii ttiut on th 1th day of January. I'JW. Ui said IlenJ. L. Ward and Howell & Ward were duly udjudlciited binkrupt. Anil that th Hist meeting (.f their creditors will be held at room t. rng. imil-linK, cor- per of (Viinmereliil and Twelfth ntreds, In the city t Antoriu, "n Monday, timj .th tiny of ! bruary, l')on, at tin- hour; i f 2 oYliK-k In the nftemni.n of said d.iy I ut ttlileh time the .-aid creditor may I att-nd. prove their elnlnm, appoint a j trustee, examine the Uuikrm.t, and tmn.iet sin h other imsiix'ss us nviy properly i.onse le ho I I meeting. t'HAS. H. HAfWO. Refenv In Unnkruptoy. Astoria, Or-'g:n, January Id. 1900. COLUMBIA STEAM LAUNDRY CORNER NINTH AND "v4, c ..-1 tt w II t --4 i . K PacificNavigationCompany StcamerH "R.I, Elmore," "W. II. HurrlHon" Only line-Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Hay City, llobsonvllle. Connwcting at Astoria with the Orveoo Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia Kiver It. B. lor Han Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply t j Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN A CO Agents, Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co,, TILLAMOOb Ore. A. 4 C. ft B. Co. POKTLASD, Ore. ccsinsinjnaa INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. MIsh Bertha Hartln's Decorative Art Room. LBoom 820 Dcaom Bblldlng,' 3 i Through Tickets EAST AND SOUTHEAST ll't.LUAN PALACM BLICKl'EIUI. TOL'rtl8T8 SLECl'ICllS and rREU RICCLlNINa CHAIR CAltB -Dally lo- C1 I -j, r,...,., Amali a LaKC UeilYer, Umani. Chicago. Kansas City j and other Kastsra sit Us, t,Mi ch.oksd tnroum to ast!natioa. tinlun DlK)(. fast tun, lowoit ! IMntieh light In all ear. , Kt-r ratos and olhsr Inrormsiloa rail oa ur addr O. W. L0UN8BERRT, Agent. I a R. A N. CO. i ,f , tj0rast0 cJt"??' I M Third It., ear. Atdtr. Purllnd Or A FEW I IMTCDCQTIM0 LllLU I lill) FACTS Pixs ar. oomsmplattng a tm whether on Imatqra or plsuara, U aatursUy want Uia eeat sorvlo ob. tkMiable so far aa ., comfort ae satsty la eonovanrd. IhnployM of tki WIMCON8IN tttNTRAL UNBl are usld to serve the pubtlo and aur train ar operated so aa .to nak.Mo oa I notloa wkb dlvarglng tBr at aJi I junction point. t Kill aUn t&l&A Hl.r.l ' . mA BK. I. fM onthroo,Bfalrfc' maltlg car htWi untitled. U1 trvt4 a la carta. ' la order to obtain Ihla ftat ! arvlo ask ih tlektt mA lo tll you a tUksi var ...... TheWIsconsln Central Lines. sad yoa will mate olraot eoaaeetloea at 81. Paul for Chloago, kluwauk aad all potow aaat For aay further tnfonnarloa oall oe aa ticket agaat, or oomtpood with JAB. C POND. Geo. Pi. Agent, or JA8 A CLOCK. Ullwauk, Wis. 0ttral Afnl M liaxk It. rortiaa Or GBfL TICKETS Npomfs it EAST 1 Through palace and tourist sleepers. dining and library observation car, KLKOANT VK3TI11ULE TRAINS, ku, j, "Klyrr leaves Port I and at 3.45 p. m. ' p. m. No. 3. "Flyer," arrives Portland $ 00 a. in. For rate, etc.. call or address at O. W. !.OtJN3niSllRT. Agent O. R. A N., Astoria. A. B. C. DRNNI9TON, . C. P. A T. A., Portland, Ore. AST0R STS-, ASTORIA Tflko.s work for the Hnme (lav. and no extra charge. I wo wngons call for nnd deliver to nuy part of city. ' Shirts, 10c, Collars, 2c Cliffs, be ii imir - AH oUier work in proportion. J. VV. DALT0N, Proprietor 'PirovR OKI 1H Ynar Einfiriune . w . . iu- -- 1 NO CHINEHS KMrj.OyEO - Mall and Express Orders Promptly Attended to. ORDERS SOLICITED. Q Call Line of Ntwest Embroid ery Material. . Initials a Specialty, Choice Selection of Si imping Dejlipis,. 9tsmpig Neatly Hose. si and Wahlnsloo It., Partland, Or. HIS MOTHER'S BROAD II says was always so light and wll bakd. Wall ther la a knaok In mak ing It But dun't forget ths kind of atov or rangt ud makes a dlfrrno. Ilia niothor ua4 a Htor Hsatoto Itnnso (iV'.Ha-m W. I. BCULI.T, Aft. . . Ul Do4 Stmt. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lv. 1 00 a. m ' ronnJiND.' "Arriv7 t-ortlaivi XTtUua liot,lU:U a.m. 1:00 p. m fur Aatorta and inisH f ;w p.av miHtlai pulnl. ( Aavronu. I . For ' rortlaad A ln-ll 0a.ra. 7.4S am 10 p.m tvrmsdlat points ll:Mp.m. RKA8IDK) PIViaiON. P in n. . t 00! II :'!. j r:.m &siAr t 10' 11 13 I.V I wi i wiAr a m ip m. ,,,.Atort.... Ar r. 4 OO I 1:10 I l.vl 1:i ....ftnaald.,,. J.V It IPBCIAL "RA81PH BUNDAT Tit ATM Uav Astoria at 1:10 a. m. arm at viaM t ii a. m. rMn(r nwy rturti on aay train huwn on cohrtlul on am di. AM. TRAINS to and from aid ruai ot Flavel and Hammond via Wan-so ton. All train niaks olo oonntctloa at Qubl wHh ll Norihsro I'aoino tratna lo and from ih at or Sound point. At rortUnd with all train lvln Unlun dpoL At Astoria with I. It. N. Co.'s bo l and rail tin to and from llwaco and North Ilaarn polnta. TIIROt'O' TICKRTS oa Ml at Aa- irta for ' vamento, sUn rraarlaoo, all biulvrn and European pulnl. t'Ur tlrkvt offlO Aslorta. Ul rjitn Rl slrt. J. C. UATQ. Qco'l m and raw. Aft. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Rtvr and ruat S-mtid Navt jatlon Conpny. Hallcy (.aisprt Isavoa Astoria dally, sscrpt Hunday, at T p. m. Ix-avcs I'ortland dally eicfpt Bun day at 1 a. m. Whit Collar Una ttrksts and O, R A N. tti-kr-t Intsrchantnabls on Dally UatsTt and llaaialo. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Aft U. B. SCOTT. TliphoB Ut rrldent LEAVE TOKTLAND AKR1V1 OVERT.AND BX- riCKHH, for Balrm, Rnanbura;, Ashland, iorairnlo. vtia, MO P.M.Bi il.oo aaa rranvlsco, aio- (av. Los An(l, 01 Paat, Naw Or van od th East, Roaeburg paun(r Via Woodhura, for Mounti Anl. nil varton, Wt Bolo, tlrownvllla, Hnr1n. flell and Nation.... n at a. m M S P. M Dallf xcept Bumlajr Dally irapt Banday fJ K A. it:W P. CorvallU psnvr 'tl:M A. at Indepsndsnc pa' Iti.S A.M Dally, tDailr icpt Hunaay. Cunneotlna at Ban Franolnoo with Ooi dwiUI A Oriental, 1'aclSo Jdall and 0 anlo tsamhlp Hn- tor JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA. HAWAII AND TUB PIIILlHl'INKS. Kabala tli knla on al dally bolwa Portland, Baonimento. and Han Kranola oo. Nat rata fl7 flrl-cia, and U ao-ond-claaa, Ini'lisllna aicancr. Pata and tk-kala tn Kaalarn nnlnta and uiyii Aiao japan, inina, rtonuium, i, China. Honolulu, obtained from J. D, af Mit, 1M Third mt., C. ILttARJCAM, and Australia, Can b obtained from KIKKIAND, TICkt A lianaaer. Throuab ticket east ror lowaat rata. Call on C. J TrMtchard. local asaat, Wr raryo rMwwnfi ofne. A a tori IiUXURIOUS TRAVEL THE "North.Wtrn Limited" trains, laotrlo llghUd throughout, both la aid and out, and tm tiaated, ara, without asoeptton, th flnt train In th world. Tny ambody th latest, nwl sod bt Idsu for oomroit. oonvenleno and luxury vr ofrrd ths traveling public, and altogether ara tha most com. plet and splsndld production of tha car builders' art, Thes Splendid Trains Connect with The Great Northern The Northern I'nclflc and . The Canadian Pacific. AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra oharg for thsa superior ao. eommodatlons and all ol asses of tickets sr avallabl for paaaag op th famous "Nortb-wtra-Mmltetl.'" 1I trains oa mis line ar protected by tb Interlocking BlccX system. w. h. mkac, : i. r. n. bataosl, Gn'l Agent, T- A. Portland Or. $$mm ... 2? u" J T If- WW SOUTH