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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1900)
THfc MORNINO AHIORIAN, I'HUllSDA, JANUABY 18, 1900. IWBBBBBBBm ARE HAYING A HARD OLD TIME rears I IV C. H. COOPER'S WHAT YVESIY WE'LL DO THE LIGHTEST STORE TO SEE IN THE LARGE VT STOCK TO PICK FROM WE DO DO I' I'-l - Commences on Tuesday n MM M JANUARY 2. TO ASTORIANS. Ths IMII.Y AUTOIlUN mill l tun4 on mU In I nrClniMl ml thm wxll-knawtt doner? huuM uf J. V. Hsnillsy t ul WMliliigtua Ntrt. Orders fr ilr tl.lng with this firm will rrl ruuiit AlUnllon. TODAY'! W BATHER. PORTLAND, Jan. 13. Western Ore. gn, WMiilngton and Idaho, ruin to day. arounTTtovvn. A. ctty. Johnson, of Cathlatnet, l In the Jottph O'KwCo of the city. John Pay la In Mrt. Hamuil MAddock It vMUng la l'oitland. Crawdih, cooktd In Win, at tha Na tional Caff. J L. I.ul of IVp rtvrr U In town, rcgKtvtvd at Hw I'arkrr houae. V.. C Voye and Mra. verton are stopping at Doyle of Bli the Oouldont. City Attorney Hughes Is still con ftnvd to his nniom from n attack of rheumatism. C. II. t'allmdir, the Knapiton mill owner, la In t he city on bugln-M. a gutst at th OocMrtrt. , . ... . ' that sihool district No. a levy of tweiny mills, 9. ha made The Arab will be delayed a short time longer In ordr to permit taking on about KO toiw more coal. A Valentine bull will bo given Fadflc lodge, Degree, of Honor, Ilniitlionie'f hall February !. by at l Nil a. Bruce of Portland la In the city, visiting at the home of her sis ter. Mrs. J. C. Mayo. After an Illness covering several weeks Councilman Bclxrneckau la abl to be about again, Tlit Columbine will go to YaiUlna bay to replace, buoys that have gone adrift aa so-m as weather permits, ! Partlow. chUrvoyant Mrs. Uurgsa in, l i !! nuMllum. win hnut in.u' . 1 w tonight, 23c. Main 8trwt Houiw. ... Percy 13. Allen, a native of Eng- land, and Then OBrlen, native of Austria, were granted final papers of cltlsonshlp ye-Uvday. I There Is a practical atandafill In shipping at Taooma bucause of lack of coak There Is also a pronounced scarcity In San Francisco. The shipping ralca for lumber car goes continue firm, and there Is more money In this trade at the present price than carrying coal or wheat. ' Hoslyn coal lasts longer, Is oleanor, ana manes teas iroums wim swvea ana Ahlmn.v flllMi thsn tnv nthp. rijinrv v - "-v- ' W. SanbonvAgvmt. Telephone 1311. Alex C, airord, who has been vis- iting nis parents at uoquiam. nas re- RloweJ t0 tranaporlwl to Ca:e turned. Mr. Olrard mode a trip to Se- Nomfl Rm, m ord4M. t0 av.4d any attUi Just before his return to As- 'ponfuaij,,, ne-xllaw dolays and lncon orta ' .venlcnce, intending pnHsengcrs nhould , avoid tntcmj)tlng to book on anything Ileal estato transfers wore recorded but Bteamers flying the American yesterday as follows: J. 11. Olmtrup, ag truMti?e, to Ada O. I!ryiu, lots 8 and 4, block 11, Astoria rent on; tZ'A addlUon to War-' Hoslyn coal la the best and moat eco- nomloal coal for household use In As toria. Try It once and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1311. The McKlnley Republican Club will meet at the court house Friday even- Ing for the purpose of selecting dole- sates to the State League which Is to nieet In Portland February 0. Tho new four-moated schooner Se home was launched at Whatcom a few days ago, she being the first ves sel built on Belllngham bay. She la 173 feet over all, and of 650 gross tons. Tho regular quarterly mfetlng of the women's auxiliary of Oraoe church i Pi $ in Pi a il morning lll held In the church this after- 1)401) tit 2:30. It I hnd thure will be! lars attendance, an liuolnnw of special Imjxirtunoe Is to bo transacted. Old Contlnrnttil g a standard high (rd Kotituiky wl.Uky. Absolutely pura, and can tw rpcoinmend-d to thoa aovklny a Umu1ant for inMlcul and co clal ui. Hold by Aug. Danlolaon, A torla, Orfgun. Al th on. iilnf am. uf (he Irvln Club Tuesday ev!iln Mr. W. T. Chut tor acorrd Li h. t,iui,i Ui m.d. It i. .n..n.i n-k. day ovrtilnsa and i-vy mornlnff from 9 .30 to Jl:30 will bp rwrvad rxnUim- lvol for the ludlm. Tlw W. C. T. L. will hold a u-ry hort annLin at tlwlr nxmia, corn-r Kleventh and lii.nd atrovti, thla afti-r noon, aa thj la.lli-s wish to apfnd th time In rnurtalukng thotr friends and dlpenalng ih good thing to eat. The r;rltlsh utm.r Ilupoh, 1M Ions, foundured In Ihn China aeu Just before Christmu. Thorn on board wr j.ut on rafts, cne of w-lilch cap lied and Its human freight wtnit aa food to sharks. Forty-six of thoso on board are rnitng. Three visols are overdue aud brok er are offering re-lnauranoe, aa fol- fof Ac d crn. ,.1UluFr0l ,Umburg 'or Hm FmncleK IH9 days out toluy; IS per tttit. y I v IH' II VI 114? I Will SI II I (werp ffr Han Franrinco, 173 days today; 10 per cent. out Nrws of Interest to shipping men comes from Honolulu, ("n plain John M. Suss, of tlie gasoline schooner Mnlolo, lias Just discovered and char- tered unknown shoals of coimiderable extent to thu southward of live Island of Molokai, and which are. In fact, a submergi'd extension of that Island, lie has found that thve shoula ex icnu rur aooui inir.y nines ui.nosi uue southwest from Molokai. with a eur-!of ptlhlngly uniform width of about 1J m"t'- , . , , During the pint fen- days large number of singulis have lx -n con- grvgatlng dally In the yard botweonj the court house ond county Jail. It Is the first time that theao gatherings j have been known to occur and tho;iler. My age 1 yars, ar.d court house yard l.ft Ix-en there fori"cc",,atlon .' i. i., l ptinio uiiiv. IV 10 uni'nimJ vviijw- turvit aa to what Is tlw source of at- traction. Sheriff Llnvllle iwvrnfully ,ne BUHWil0O ,nat the vmlg of ,heM RHInglli ,iue fn t)u, nWfc,n, Af sh about the rniir, hnilh ,h,.r BIV . few things dead In the pivmlset particu larly business. One of the General Western Tassen ger agents has Issued a circular ad dressed to all the general as outs of hla road, which Is repuite with Infor mation .regarding Capo Nome. The object of the circular Is to dissemi nate Information regarding the dis trict In thrt Eastern Htates. Rccard- ng gtn,,,),!,, HlOTI frm North-ra- clf)c h0 tfrcuar MyB that ow- . ...... I ing to a reocnt ruling or tno treasury departmont of the United States It is quite probable that bulms orlglna- ting in the United States will not be An account of the snle of personal property waa filed yteiiy after noon by H. B. Parker as administra tor of th,e estate of the late Fred Ueerman of Seaside. Tlve amount re alized was $203. A petition was also flliMl asking that a citation bo Issued by Judge Gray commanding the heirs ami mortgagees to apear in court on February 19 and show cauce, if any, why the real property belonging to the estate should not be sold in order to liquidate the various Items of Indebt- etlnesa held against the estate. The real property constats of a partly im proved ranch of about 40 acres near Seaside together with several lots within the town limits of Nekanlkum. The lotal value la eatlmaed at about $1,001, upon which exist Incumbrances aggregating In the neighborhood of $700. . Uoerman waa a bachelor and, aa tar as Is known, there are no heirs. SNAGS SOME VOTERS STRIKE Strange Predicaments Ikfoll Many Old-Timers Some Amusing Sides of the New Law. If ym are a main rltlxin of Clatsop county and have even tho rmtit lika of Hiking a hand In the election , uf th next pivlb-ni to presidu over ' thu dwtluli if tl Greater United , Htntm, It would Just um well for, ynu to lose no time In pluming your j signature and personal dincrlptlon on the registration record at ilu; county j cli-rk'a uflli.o. If you ore not a mule' oitlxon thut In, If you are. a male Vut' nt a clt4sn you had lur did up your naturalization credential or : have Ju1,-tf Gray make you out a brand new set. f)lurwt the tlec lion MlloT4 wlU know you not and you will Ixi overlooked' llk a whit chip at a church social. For, verily, In thl yar of grace and prosimlty, a ' hew election law has liei-n added un-' to th statute and all who would vtt mum be not backward In com-; Ins forward with ltd rtrlctloti to c(mply. I I Tho n-w luw I a cumlxinionu rom-- Plwtlon of red tape and inoiiky-uuM-, 11 l w'Hhl at ln)ov(m.nt over the old han-m-oarm $yrtvm. It . U th. bt wVve tH and li.awnuch u tha wrlt-T'a ld.-a and dlnt-tlng Influcnie wa not wjught pflor to Ita Introduction by the author. It will have to do for the nivarnt. i - After all, tt liui't auch a trt'tnendoui Job for one to register. If vnii il.. - Hhln the dty Unilta of Astoria all you've got to do la to fill out a blank supplied by County Clerk Wherity In which you enter your full name and what you do to keep the wolf from gnawing at your front door. Ttion you I lell w hat tod firm uttmcted your at-j Mitlon and at what period : of the eurth'e rotation around the sun' It occurred. Tlwre are a few minor, quetitiim that cannot well be evaded ! and after you have convinced the clerk that you havn't Ib-d to him by raining your right hand if you have one, otherwise, the left will do and saying "I do," you are turned lme. j The clerk does the rrat. Il Is the unfortunate fellows who don't live within the Inspiring radius of our municipality and have no ue for plug InUB that miy contemplate the regltttratlon mill with fear And trembllnir, not unmixed with becom ing quantities of deep-sea dlakct. Whin a lumlxTnian, for Instance. 'g, to tne registration offloec-wl.n. it! the country. Is notary or Justice he don't "saw wood." And he can't be much blamed, for be Is ImmiMlately confronted with a document like this,' which he must decorate with his slg- natur9 thrHS tlnu. brtnpng ahxng two his next door neighbors to prove lhat no lfI (rt a gc(n f Euro. pean nobility living Incognito: "I. the undersigned elector, lo sol- mnly BWear (or HIll.m) tlult my nunw and stgnnture as signed below is my true name and signature. It I have no1 "on.Uly signed K. It Is kniM signed at nvy requtt by the attesting nauviiy ; natural lacd (or declared my Intention) in. court, In county states on 1900, as appears by the n.turalUatlon papers exhibited here with. Present residence ts In sec tion towiwhip rang county, Ore gon, (or if In town or city) at No. KtlWtt. In tha nltv! of ; I occupy room ....may m a little thing, but tt lnvari- on the floor; that I have ably develops Into something war?, reiaea in tms state during the tlx' months Immediately preceding this election." Thla Important document is then forwarded to h county clerk by the Issuing ofllcer, who receives the mu nlllcent sum of ten cents for his part of the Job Istor on. That Is, he dos If the man casta his vote; otherwise he receives nix cumerouse. All In all, the new law Is raising a dickens of a rumpus. There are scores of them who. In the past, have boon going along year nttar year, casting ballots for president, govern or, congressmen and what-not, who, In fact, have not the right to a vote In the selection of a poundmaster. And the whlchncss of tho thuncs Is Just coming to the surface. Men of foreign birth who (have never been naturalised or who have labored un der the mistaken Idea that their sires had done so before them, have en Joyed unmolested the privilege of tho ballot box along with Governor Gear and Ilarvy Scott, but, alax! no more. As a result of tho present law It Is estimated that fully one-third of those who have voted In the past will stand around with their handa In their pockets on next election day. Some funny Incidents wlU no doubt develop out of the new regulations In coming years. Dame Fortune sometimes doe some high kicking within . a year or so, and cuts some awkward capers with the career of man. For Illustration, lot us take the Imaginary case of Mr. Johndorf Wal cob Astorbilt, a distinguished finan cier. He Is entered upon the regis tration books in the regular manner To keep the skin clean is to wash the excretions from it off; the skin talcs care of itself inside, if not blocked outside. To wash it often and clean, without doin any sort of violence to it, re quires a most gentle soap, a soap with no "free al kali in it. Pears', the soap that clears but not excoriates. All sort of stores sell it, especially dnij;gipt; all sorts of people um it i with occupation glvfn an a "capital. bt." Laba on. aftw the eltlon, whi-n the popk' have forg4ten i.iost , of the candldat'-a, and the candlilatca ; Owlr pledgea, Dame Fortune fctrlkfii up a flirtation with Mr. Axtorbllt and ; auccwdti In wtldng him to the gol- A"f ehorni of Alaska, whfre, aft;r "blowing " hlmtMrlf ' on worthleaa rlolma, the fickle charmor uerta him for another. Like many frtherg iM-fortt him, the ?x-capltallt nuaggles hontfwurd and, plying hla pille In cold ntorage, "tacklea" the flrtrt. thing n mht ll "viinooa. raw i. ,' n"t him. and In die course of a yt-ar or ao, "Airty" haa tumbled through th gnAm until he rounds up aa head chambermaid In a trans- dent livery stable. But hla vote re mains as big as ever and whim he up to tne oanoi ooz ana is i ... . recogmzea oy tne ciorK mia me ciai tor of top boots and fragrance of barn-yard aroiru, reads from his scroll: "Johiidorf Walcob AatorWlt, 1 caintallst," et cetera. I S But It is a pc or rule that doesn't j work both ways, and In thla the regis ' tration law knows no exceptions. The lowly and benign fellow who once i kept the dust from Astorbllt's safe- door may have heard the rustle of Dame Fortune's skirts, himself. In the same given period of time, but with better pay tat the "chasing." It Is r. H. O'Brytn, capitalist and mine operator, who goes out for a plck-axe when the clerk drawl out "PaUy Hooligan O'Bryen, Janitor." But, as has been said before, the new law Is the best we've got, and we must put up with It. or Kt the other fellow make the officers. Come Just to See. Extra Premiums Given Free. Great American Importinji Tea Co. TKANSVAAL, LOSS IN LIFE. Moralists ana discussing the terrible lors of life brought about by the, Trans vaal war. Yat here life la sacrificed for a purpose for an honest principle. It were bettnr to preach against the need less sacrifice, of life. Thousands of people succumb to ailments which might easily have been chocked In the beginning. Dyspepsia carries oft more poople than are killed In war. The use of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters would save many Uvea. Constipation n,. in, n .uwi Mm ih harder It Is to cure. Tho Bitters cures indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia and blU'.msnees, naturally and permanently, good for everybody. W. C. A. Pohl, COim COBMEB. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director Caeketa end Funeral Supplies constant ly on liana. Corner lltk and Duine Sts, Astoria, Ore Lamps Bargains. It' Worth Your Coining: Just to See. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor ond Builder. TO US.... Because Because TO OUR CUSTOMERS Scow Bay Iron and Crass Works, 18th St. and Franklin At. J Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props SE.II-STtEl, MANGANESE aad 4 rnOSrtlOR BRONZE Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS Thone J431, Astoria, Or. W. B. Edwards Every variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors. Windows. Mouldings and Cedar Shingles. Tffr Common Slab,Bark, Fir, W UU U Hemlock, Alder.PoleOak Office Sev enth Street Dock y iiim tit w '..' jhw 11 A 1 ii'i 11 A i'm A ' ' X' I THE : I BlalOaA I V)f A . W WBirriE, PropY, Finest Eestinrant Wlk f Sai Fnnrisrt OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Service, Firet-Clasa Ouisine, Private Booms for Ladies. ! 533 Commercial Street, Astoria. ! .1 "rf Ladies' Tailor. ttnts' Tailor. 1. D. Boyer, Merchant Tailor Ip-to-Date 177 Fonrth St., POBTLM'D, OCE. . Y. M, C. A, Build'g. 8 i U LEBECK Carpenter, and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RALSINO AND MOVINQ A SPECIALT Highly Satisfactory OUR CLEARANCE SALE Is satisfactory to our customers and to us. we Bell lots of goods. It pleases bur customers. Because our low prices are money savers. Because our stock consists of good honest goods. Herman Wise RELIABLE MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTER HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light and well baked. Well there la a knack In mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. His mother used a Htar Estate j 1 s T w. J. SCULLY, Agent, 431 Bond street ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leava PORTLAND. Arrive. Voo a. m. 7:00 p. m. Portland Union Depot, 11:15 am. for Astoria and InteH s:M P.m. mediate points. ASTORIA. I 7.45 a,m. For Portland & In-11:30 a.m. termedlate points 10:3p.m. (.10 p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p. m. 5:00(U:S5fLv 5:KU:55IAr 5:50 12:13;Lr ' (:30 l:00(Ar p.m. 4:00 3:91 1:10 I:S0 ...Astoria... Ar 7:40 .Warrenton.. Lv 7: 6:62 Ar ...Seaside.... Lv 8:15 SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 8:30 a. m.; arrives at Seaside 9:45 a. m. Passengers .may return on soy train shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. AU trains make close connections at Ooble with all Northern Pacifto trains to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot At Astoria with I R. St. N. Co.'s boa and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach points. THROUG7 TICKETS on sale at As- ;iaria 1 , Easter City prla for ' .amen to. Baa Francisco, all ?tern and European points. ticket offloe Astoria K4 rjvrnmer. rial street J. C. HAIU, Oea'I BVt and Pass. Arnt jti ..iMrfcmr 1 ' .llhl pMnna Of ft n-.n.l ftr i.Tftllv mlM t Smiruiss W'P Paris Kipwuiiiii, vihSisvMl , SUsrr sad eipent. paid, iti.iuld wrk. Tk fAIJuMI &COlJ. lialtlmora. HA Range laljlll si L . '' ' "1 H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 23. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. R33 Duane St, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK, Mgr R"a. TeL lis. These fanw Capsules are supehor to Balsam of Copaiba, Cubebs or Injections and AirrvN CURE IN 48 HOURSU the sama diseases with. out inconvenience. - Soldf aB Drwrrists. EAST m SOUTH LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVB OVERLAND EX PRESS, tor Salem, HOHAhiirv l.hl..j T:W P.M.Bacrsmnt'o, OKden,' 3:00 AM. Ban Francisco, ilo Jave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Or leans snd the East 3:11 A M Roseburg passenger Via Woodbursi, for Mount) Angel, 811 verton, West Bclo, BrownvIUe, Spring field and Nation.... Corvallls passenger I Independence pass' 4:H P. U Dally except Sunday Dally except Sunday 17:30 A Ml t:M A. M Jt8: AM t4:M P. Ml Daily, tDaUr except Bunaay. Connecting al San Francisco with Occi dental A Oriental, PaciMo Mall and Oc. anlo steamship lines for JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rebate tickets on sale dally between Portland, Sacramento, and Ban Francis co. Net rates $17 first-class, and 3U se-ond-claas. Including sleeoer. Pates and tickets to Eastern points ani ouiuv niw japau, lDllw, rtonoiul1!. and . Australia, Can be obtained from J. h. K1RKIAND. Ticket Agent gent 1S4 Third st, C. H. MARKHAM H. KUKHLEK. Manag-er. O. B". A P Through tickets East for lowest ( Call on C. J Trenotaard, local as;eat Wef.s Farco Comsaos's oflca. Astoria, WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and rmtet Bound Nan. . gatloa Company. Bailey atiert leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bun day at 7 a. m. White Collar Una tickets and O, R. ft N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Oatiert and Haasjaia - A J, Taylw, XJ. B. SCOTT, TtethoneUl. Prwldeat i TaJ Ciiucg-r tl (A iWUTES JO Y.a