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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1900)
1 HIE MORNING ASTOKIAIH. TIHIKSlLW, .UNl'AHY 18, it 00 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Edltoft Telephone Main 661. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sont by mall, per year tlM Rent ly mail, per month RO j Served by carrier, per month ..... .TO I SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, tn advance 1100 Tostage Tree to subscriber. I IVaah ilw Dishes Quickly I You can if you use Gold Dust It does most of the work. It saves time,inon ey and labor. Swul for fm booklet-" Ool-ea Bl He Boomwork." THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Sl LmU NtwTwc All romnuiri lea lions Intended for pub' Ucation should be directed to the edi tor. Hulness communications of all kinds and remittances must be address ed to 'The Astorlan." j j Wln a m.m head- a ch;u-it.xlle sub The Astorlan guarantees to ltt ad- 'soripiloiv. he should bi rglwn W vertlsers the largest circulation of any , ogrttism. newspaper published op the Columbia ! ... river. I r fi1 V V & ay 1 1 I'll ! v' Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. IMPROVEMENTS AT THE MOl'TH OF THE COLUMBIA. f Dn ShilohsJ cougn ana ilfinsumnlion Cure This ts beyond quMtion the most mecrssiul Cou!j Medi cine ever known to some: UW lew dost' iv:inab'.y cure the Hi woiM ce of I onh. Croup U ( and Hu m hit:s, wh ie it won- 1 drrful tnt:or in the cure of While rlans are being discussed fr extending nhe Jetty at tlu mouth of, the Columbia, something should also . be done to facilitate the navigation of the entrance channel at night In all the great prts of the world, I weather conditions being favorable, ships may enter and leave at any hour of the day or night. If we are to realise the full possibilities of the commercial future, the Columbia riv er must be mad In all respects the , eoual of other first class harbors. - One of tine pilots now engaged at j the mouth of the river, a practical j mariner, thoroughly familiar with the j subject, offers tome suggestions' which, If carried out, he maintains, ! ould avoii the delays to wh?ch ves sels are now subject when arriving ; gold by CHARLE9 ROGERS, All Astorlans who visit Tortland and desire spending a pleasant evening In company with polite people and In the enjoyment or an unexcelled musical nivirram. should o to the Fredericks burg. Resides vocal and Instrumental Kel,H'tlons there are many other at tractions to dellKht the visitors. The new management Is making the Freder icksburg a well-merttea success. BROWN & GRANT. Props. A man never gets any credit for Iv Ing gov! unless he 's a member of the church. Consumption w:tr:ovtt a jvit !lcl mihe h:iorvpf medicine. tit-.t i'.w.f ry it has been oM on cuurantre. a ttst which no other nittiiciao can eland. If y"U have a Conch, we earnestly ask you totrvit. In Vnited Mates and Canada iSc.. MV. an J $!., and in England Is. '.'d., Wj. W. and 4s. W. SOLE PROPRIETORS S.CWElLS&COJ LEROY. N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN. oft the river at night, or when load ed and desirous of taking advantage of the weather, winds or tides which favor their outward passage between suns. ": ' Th plan proposed by this piVt is the lo-ation of & lightship at the pla'.e of the "turn" buoy anj a gas bucy in plies of what is known as the "M. S." buoy. It is claimed that with a lightship to the east of the position of the turn buoy, Cape Dis appointment light could be dispensed wrth, the light at Xorth Head afford ing all the protection necessary, in conjunction with the proposed new lightship. The greatest difficulty experienced by he captains of the passenger steamers from Sai Francisco on en the unfortunate vessel couVd be saved. A It is now, unless under excep tional circumstances, the San Fran cisco steamers arriving off the river during the nigh: run down to the whistling buoy and stand off until daylight. With a gas buoy in the po sition of the SI. S- buoy, ami a light ship placed three-quarters of a mile ast by jiorth of the turn buoy, the risk In crossing in would be reduced to a minimum, and the harbor would be accessible at all hours. None but those accustomed to entering in and passing out the river can have any j idea of the awful strain upon the navigating officer and the deadly . perils that frequently have to be V. 1 sSfl 1 x . xi Ayr Ni V NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH But a true beautificr, beinR the only prep aration sold under a positive guarantee of f 1,000 that it contains not a grain or fraction thereof of poisonous or deleteri ous substances. Indorsed by the most celebrated artistes of the lvric and dra matic stage ; recommended by eminent physicians, and pronounced harmless by leading chemists WISOGM'S FAMOUS FCSERTIHE. It is thconlv p-rnaratiun now ncd by fahkivjtile la lies tu perpetuate a briiuiilul cumplrxion.l Ak your Jrutiv .-4 lor it aud lo not b iuduced to take auytbiiiK c;e Hicr SO cents cr IxXtlc (j! behavior hurts no one, a little of It g'ies a long way. and NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost VI joraod Manhood. Cure Impotency, NiffhtEmlsslonsand wasting diseased, all effects of self tXLa abuse, or excess and India. rjfUcretion. A nene tonic and YT blood buHder. Brings the . V Vvpink glow to pale cheeks and jTVr restores the fire of youth. rBy mail BOc per box, 6 boxes for -.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. run. It is not generally known that tering the river, both in a fog and at tne steamer State of Caiiflrn,a was night, is said to be at the turn buoy. ghoK ce durlng Ia9t un in the Their usual mann of approach at ,'vlcillitv of th0 turtl buoy though I Clinton A Jackson Sts, CHICACO, IU. night, when lightship 50 is on hJf sta- hw captajn recopnfzed a8 one of Hi. by Ckarl- nvm,gbu tion. is to pass close alongside the ' the mort cartful and ,klltfu, navl.l ' lightship, then set whistling buoy. the course for the gators on the Pacific coast. Thous- There'll be but few people In heaven After a run of so anda of joUarg could be saved during ; who are better than the average man the winter season on the quick en trance and dispatch of grain ships through the operation of the bar tugs owing to the absence of thinks he Is. TO CURE LAGRIPFE IN TWO DAYS many minutes they stop their engines, and invariably the whistl can be heard quite close. From the whistling buoy a course is then struck for the durin, the conjunctior, 0f hlch water Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet M. S. buoy. In the winter time when' . ,nr,.. h, r. , ,.J All druggists refund the money If it " "; c jails to cure. Ji w. U roves signature w.c cu,.r-lru .u.i..u5 .ui.B. f-, jn the evening, which cannot be utilr w 00 eactt o0-' JSS- ially if it be dark and the sea rough, l2ej now although the distance to the II. S. ' ijgnt buoy is but one and a quarter miles, : 8tate of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucaa county, as. Frank J. Cheney make oath that he It may not be amiss to explain that is the senior partner of the firm of V. the most careful and skillful manage- rhe ga3 buoy referrea t0 hM I "Mer Co, doing buslne. in the ment is required to pick the buoy up. ,,,- fl,innt Fllrnno M ,v J aforesaJd. and th.t ifirTtti ! the aforesaid, and that said firm will say If a steamer should miss this buoy t0u0. .v, fv,n,i , .ki- th sum ot Tor each 1 enr Lakes and the Atrantlc coast of this case of catarrh that cannot be cured country. They are charged to burn'0' tn" uw 01 Hairs catarrh cure. ! Weak iChildren How sad it is to see weak , children-boys and girls who , are pale and thin. They can not enjoy the sports of child ( hood, neither are they able ! to profit by school life. They are indeed to be pitied. But there is hope for them. Scott's Emulsion has helped such children for over a quarter of a century. Your doctor will tell you It is both food and medicine to tnem. ' They begin to pick up at once under its use. Their color improve the flesh becomes more firm, the weight i increases and all the full Gfe and , vigor of childhood returns again. ( At all imzz'-u ; Joe. and Si oa SCOTT BOWNE.Chmiiti,NawYo. and get too far to the north and shore in a heavy sea, not a soul on from tnre t0 Klx months and are fi0 ! - - j constructed that no condition of sea .or weather can extinguish the light. Whether an appropriation is made : at this session of congress or not for ! the improvement of the Jetty, the j Astoria and Portland chambers of commerce should make an effort to (have included In the current ewti :niaws of the light house board an allowance for making these changes jin the lighting of the mouth of the , river so that commerce may be facil itated, money saved and valuable lives protected from the rlhks now inseparably connected with the navi gation of the Columbia river's great entrance. . NOTICE OF MEETING. A meeting of the McKinley P.-pub-lican Club will be held at the court house on Friday evening, January J9, I'M, at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the con' ventlon of the Republican League of Oregon, to be held at Portland, Ore gon, February 6, 1900. J. S. BELLINGER, H. J. WHERITY, President. Secretary. "" A full choir in a church incr. ases the chants for salvation. The small tumbler is responsible tot many of the slips attributed to the cup. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this th day of Decem ber, A. T). 1888. A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public SEAL.) Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best SOLFILINE. Boinilne! Solflllne! Have you tried Solflllne? If you have not go to Peterson & flrwn'i at mice and buy a trial can. Remem ber that long rains and possibly snow will follow this mild and dry weathr, and cvry man woman and child's shoes should be treated with this great water-proof leather preservative. Or send 35c. in stamps to Henry Mil It r ft Co., 312 First street, Portland, Oregon, for a trial can and be con-vlnced. A NEW YEAR'S GUIDE. There Is one book everyone should make an effort to get. for the now vear. It contains simple and valuable bints concerning health, many amusing an ecdotes, and much general information. We refer to Hostetter's Almanac, pub lished by The Hoetetter Co.. Pitts burgh, Pa. It will prove valuable to any household. Sixty employes are kept at work on this valuable book. Th Issue for 1900 will be over eight millions, printed in the English, Ger man, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swe dish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages. It contains proof of the ef ficacy of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the great remedy prepared by the pub lishers, and is worthy of careful pres ervation. The almanac may be ob tained free of cost, at any druggist or general dealer in the country. i ASTORIAISf BARGAIN COLUMN I he Most for, I ant alverilsli'g for Cash peWttt'a Little Karly Rlo-re purify th bhxkl, clean the Uver, Invigorate the svsttMii. Famous llttl ptils for con. hi I pat ion and llveitrvibles. Chas lto( crs. Titer Is only one good nilntluit fr wlxdoni, mid ( 1 real thick silence. J. 11. Clark. Peoria. III., my: "fur- IK.1 ttn eoty trod. for wlili-U I !.rfor the "' , " " 1 Lv. ,VA..V i fullest woIiMM and low,.t price, j ' " '" '" ' Wl oh llwiyth.n c:,-an and fnsh. !"' T" It U Infrilllblr. for plh l vtt.M,U... !." skin diseases, llewaro of counter. ClUlit.KS I.AKSON. Rogers. tii'ocoiVs uiul Crockery. There's JSiitif.icilui No m.wti-r how hard the tlni'-e limy W thi' of hlit are never uf. In buy Ins sllwrwnre wh-te the fvTted. stock i.-i complete mul you have an' nsstiratu'o us to mutiny. I lmvo a Mr. J. Sheer. S.hIhIIh. mi siivol his hrso u.- rtni-iit ot Mterllnir silver child's life by One Mtnut Cough Cure. and holSowwutv In latest dealgns lUvtois luul given her up to tlln with for whMiiik pri-sonts and hollilay croup. It's un i ifalllttlo cur for trade. Ho sure to It Ivfore you coim-ln, ooUh, Br!i, pneumonia, broil buy. i chttis tin. i!it itnd lung troubles. G. W. SMITH. . Kelleves ut once. Chaa Itogvra. lit Commercial street. , ihere Is no limn so bill but what Who Docs Your l.iiniulry.' he has a sunt rspoct fr the g-vd Wll Otllllll. BM,1 U'A U'lLI IIMV1 t.l ' mmmmmmmmm every one. that we have the Inst A"a Antile R Gunning. Tyre. Mich.. and mot.t up-to-dat '.aundry on the ' 1 suirored a bn time from dya. CoasL A trlul order will convlno l"psla; lost ll.h and became very the most nartleular. If vou want K'W Psvpsla Cur compl.-t. n-.t. nniiiiiil work. tr Ih- , ly CUml tile," It digests What yU eat i-iTv utipixi t itivnnv and curt all forms of monm oh trouble. It '2 Franklin Avenue. 11 vor ' Ifiv linmedlat relief In R. SCHIMPFERMAN. lrn. ! "rtt cae. Lhs U.mvrS, For u MoliJuy (iift There Is nothing nicer than pleoe of silverw:irw or cut glaiw. ' 1 have a complete axortmeiit of the lateei productions at reiinnrutble prtoes. IL EK8TROM. Tb Jeweler. M0 Commercial Street. The golden ml U un exvllrnt ex. cue fr tlu ulrl who want to pro' pi Better I han F.ver The Pond Street Fish Market I better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt fish of all kinds. Ooods delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. POND STREET TISH MARKET. 417 Bond FtreeC Mrs. R. Churchill. Berlin. Vt. say: "Our baby was covered with running sores. IX'WItt's Witch llasel Salve cured her." A specific for pile and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Chits Rogers. Mllllonuiivs a iv alVMys capital fellows. Millinery Novelties I desire to further call th atten tion of the ladle to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prise the latest creations of the millinery art, and I am offering re duced rates for the next N days. MISS McRAB. Dr. T.X. Ball DENTIST. 173 Commercial Street, ASTORIA. ORE. Orer PrMusserg Clothing- Store. THE L01YKE. Strangers visiting in the city will 11 ml the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amnio KUle-m Ladies Orchestra is Mill on the bills mid presents nililiy a mnsiral prorain ' ( exceptional merit, Ilundsome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the Iioiim". l'alatable Itim'tus wiil be served at all uours As a cure for rheumatism Cham berlaln'a Pain Ualm Is gaining, a wide reputation. 1). B. Johnston ot Rich niond, Ind., has bvft troubled with that ailment since 1S63. In speaking of It he says: "I never found any. thing that would felleve me until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm, It acts like maglo with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much out one goou application or rain Halm Mleved me. Fof sale by Charles iiogers. The good housewife n-ver tries lo beat a carpet when It's down. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia. tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew wor I used Kodoi Dys- pvDsla Cure. That cured me. It dl Seats what you vat. Cure Indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and all forms ot dyspepsia. Chas Rogers. Keen an Iriihnun draws the line at little, given 'apple. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED. "Fort Ptevsiis, Oregon, Jan. 6. 1900. Sealed proposals In duplicate will bo received here until 12 m. February 10. 10i), and thn oiiened, for the pur chase of thrae 8-l;ich guns and car rlage (cast Iron): :. 10-inch guns and carriages (cast iron); five 2U4-pound Parrott guns and caxrliguS (cast Iron), 1.W0 (olid shot 8-Inch and 10 inch (cast Iron); 4.800 shells, 8-in.h and 10-liic'a (cast iron); 125 lnvnd spikes (wrought Iron); two lS-ton hydraulic lacks: and many other ar- tides of Iron, wood and copper. Right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Informant ion furnished upon applica tion. W. A. BETHEL. Flm Lieutenant. Third Artillery. Commanding. SAUCE The Original WORCESTERSHIRE My sh has been troubled for years win chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ftKo I p-mmnled him to take some of Chumiierlaln s ( ttllc. Cholera and IMarrhoea remedy. After lining two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I give this tetlmonlal hoping some one similarly afHIeted may read It and be bencflted.-THOMAS C. BOWER. Glwicoe, O. For sale by Charles Rogers. "One Minute Cough Cure Is the beat remedy I ever used for coughs and Colds It Is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like It," writes II. N. Will lama, Gentryvllle, Ind. Never falls. It Is the only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Cure coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung trouble Its early use prevents con sumptl'xt. Chas Roger. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. Twenty-five Year' Constant Us Without a Failure. The first Indication of croup Is hoarsness, and In a child subject to that disease It - may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarsness Is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy Is given as th child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, It will pre. the attack. It Is used tn many thousands of home In this broad land snd never disappoint ths anx ious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single Instance In which It ha not proved effectual. No other prepa ration can show such a record twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Charles Rogers. Big Smith Premier Typewriter Sale Tint Wsshlmjton AgrlftiUiiral College nt rullimiii, Vitb., has Just purolmHed (our tiew-modol Hmltli I'rem lor Typewriter of h. k M. Alexander & Co.JIS Htark HI., Tort Intnl. Other so culled standard typowritors wero lu competition, but owing lo tli superiority ot Ilia Smith rmnlor tliopollcgu ileel.M in lis favor. WEDDING CARDS wepp'wo CDS . W,' G. SMITH & CO., VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS ENGRAVERS, 2'i nml 'JH Vssliiii(tton Building 4tlt mul Waslilnglon His, ovnr f.ltt's, l'oUTUM,OUK(10N. VISITING CARDS Seasonable Goods at 7-a n Fosher Cotton Rope Cotton Twine Net Floats Boat Sail Drill (iiiifcrcm qualities) Dunbarton Salmon Twine W. F. SCHEIBE, t Mnutcture ot ha Always HMttl A hill line ol Pip. ttUa. esS5ar' ArtUlt. 474 Commtrcltl ttt. "La Belle Astoria" Clfar Sthelbe'a Opera Star Scbelte'i Special And (!( tlrande ...The Esmond Hotel... 5 PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Iiinniun nUn. Ad l.i SI n.f ,Uv nQPAR ANDFRSON. Manairr Amerlmn plau, 11.00 lu HW per Uy. j, (, ugtlAST, Chlel Clor PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. The Only PlrtClnHH Hotel In Portlntid njnnniwiM iiuvwwxnonnArvruruxnrwvruwtnnAAnAAnnvvrini QAUAAAATU H KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Tb North Paolflo Brewery, ot which Bottled beer for family use or keg Mr.John Kopp is proprietor, make borr boor supplied at any time, dolirery to for domes' io and export trade. the city Ire. Nbrth Pacific Brewerg That's It . iiiHV'-V. 1 I I 8 0. m. ; ,iJfl Golambia Eleetrie & IJepaiF Go SucceBBor tc COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Loggers' Supplies Kept la Stock Blacksmiths BollerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging BnglncM Uullt and Repaired Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of tbe Uonurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractjrs for Electric IJghU and Power Plants. Beware of Imitations Joim Duncan's Sons, Agents, New York BLANCARDS or IODIDE OF IRON forANV1IA,POORNESSorthrRI.OOD, CONSTITUTIONAL WBAKNliSS SCKOI-ULA, Btc Now genuine uiWfiiiiinKi "Hlahcaru" ALL DltUCCmTS. . B. FOL'OERA A CO., N.Y. AgU. for II. 8. , THE PROOF of th pudding U to tb eating smd tb proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That's An arrumant that's coo. duslv- omoiDtiia,Uoa. Oar will tAd Hi teat HUGHES & CO. i TIME SCHEDULES DKPART' Kioir. rirlUml. Asstrs Halt UM, l)ini r, Ft. - , Wortnf Onmhs. Kim- 5.V.! h City, hi. Louli, ClilPHg., mid HVt 0 ,,p ,n Himtine Willis W.IIk H,k.ri6 Df-P. in.' U'll'ith, Mllwatikw, J ,., V : Clilraico and Kant, ' "' ' Krom AaUirta OCCAM STEAMSHIPS All Hulling I)Kti tut). J'OI lo rliHNKC rror i r han Hnmciwo-Hiill .U ,l:i, h,'A2 I Colombia Rlvw 7 am I Steamers ExHuiKluy To Portland and tv ay ianuiua 4ft m'x Mo. duy . From Portland 1 . hx Hun mj ,. . KiSuiidiy ' jOregon tltv, Ncwlwrg, i Halcin A Way-Land 7 a. m. Tuei,1hnr ana Bat. Willamette and Vim-' . HIIIKIvere. J,,. Oregon City, Dayton, A aud'Frt. nay-ijtnauig). Klpurlt lve dly 1:1Wb. m. Sam Tuen.Thui Saturday dnaks Rives. . tfjfrf HlparUto Lwlton. 1 dally WILLAMETTE RIVBIl 4::i0p.m. Portland toC'irrallls Mod, Wed way tannings, jrnuaj and O. W. LOUKISZXIRT, Ant AJttorls. B HURLBtntT, Q. Fs. Axt rrt4. Or. Plum Puddinq, Raisins. N6W FrCSll Oflil jWeQt( Currants, SCaSOnable OOOdS pumP'n Cranberries Citron Squash Bto. 1 1 Carry the Ralston Health Foods A- V. ALLEN Wheat Flakes, Grano, Whole Wheat Crackers, ft Breakfast pood, Select Brar?, Veast Cocoa, Koifu Vt f7 S MANHOOD RESTORED; "J I nn nf s lummi L'uHAk . i . i . "CUPIDENC" ThlmrMitVaKhla I VI, ..II.... I - ,.. Mono! a lamoin French piiynMnn, will qulcklreure you of all nr. ton. or rtlwue, of in. iviferatlvs rit iwh , u CoYt Mifi h"! Iimomn a. I'nimln ih iwu u...i...i r.iTLr.- S,rm."'V'r' Pimply Jnfll.i to MarryT K.hi i.l r iXZ,i Connllimtlcn. 1 1 .tope all by rtaj r nlhT PrSv SnlV. Bf mo( diwhane, which 1 ,,oteherW,l tofiZi.Z2?Zt ICFORC mo AFTER l:Ui'Z'''.1?ipotmarT' :V-",wr'"Ko,'-1 "'. u 1 he reawn ulTnrjrj are not oiirrw by JK-ior I. bm.ui ninety per pent art tronMed with Prwauilllle. CDI'IlJKNEIithewilwkniiwnreinetororewlihoiit.rropratl" JiiOaboi.ilx rZirS.W,by inaU. Hend lor fvaa circular and ifwilmoulalaT Addreas DA VOL HEDICIXE CO., P. O. Box mt. Ban Frano-vo, Oil. Ar Ail. Bold If CHARUM noanRS.