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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1900)
rM' in':" ' .'. lie jltfiiig ...... . Ik 4 A J a Nfl Iti.l AKTOIUA. OREGON. THUliSUAY. 1, 1W nni ' - ' . ., , ... . TUL. L. nv w ;th 'RV. j 1 ' " 1 Now is the Time ... . j m i I WlW TTHH weather will be getting colder J soon tHltf: Hcttcr buy your iiiffli stoves THE ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. DULLER MAKING GOOD PROGRESS HOT DEBATE DEMONSTRATION Swartikop Hill Captured by Gen enl Dundonald's Forces. BOER SURPRISE COMPLETE Sides Important Developments Are Taking 1'lnce Hourly. BOOKS... Bis Reduction Until February 1. 1900 All '-'.V Hook now 20C ' All 3c Umks now 25c All 50c Bonks now 40C All 75c Books now 50C All $1.00 Hooks now 80C Ad vltien in roforlln. Kct ii. prices on win. In wr Sfc book are ImluJo.l tin. wkbrahnl ll-tity lawks. Kipling, ind mnny other popular authors. GRIFFIN & REED MODUKIt RIVER, Jan .It-Tli'-re won a demonstration In force under S iii imI Mellium yv-st-erday, a divis ion IHng rngng"d wJthi ,h ,JJ'Ct of aw'Tinlnlnif the strength mnl dls. l..t , of the How force and alo in order to try to draw th IJoers from KimhtTii v. where latHy they have rt-n active. The llrlllsl. dlnc'.vered the Bonra to I In great force and thai wey naa ! luen reinforced from the direction of irtlte Movant In I'ronress on All ' J-,l.Uhl. At 4:30 the artillery V ! it... t it hi lis orwmg m ine entrenchments with great pnclslon. Th.' firing continued until sunset. There wm no casualty among- the l;rltlnh troop. IN THE HOUSE Solzer Continues to Attack Cage on the Custom House Sale. i SIBLEY ON FPEE SILVER Cause He Oaic Thought Sacred Now Ikcome RMIcylous The Lack of Democratic Policy. Loulra Smith, his first and lawful wife, by whom hf ha had MX chil- drn. that alcut M'5 he mArrl-d aa plura4 wife Cella Dltble, who had vr lnc llvfd as uch nd had borne him nix children, of which th U't wr-re twlnn born Aujrunt 11, 1807; that some yuan aftT hi marriage to Cella Dibble h cojitracted another plural rrMinair with Margaret C. Siilpp. with whom he had ever lnr lived In habit and repute of marriage. Chairman Taylor whs authorized to rrenare th molorlty report- It will be ready In a few day and prospects are that the nubject will be bef-we, the hou early next wk, Dearmond will aubmit the viewa of the minority. SHINGLE TRUST . TO BE SMASHED Suit for Heavy Damages Brought by On of the Victims. ITS METHODS VENTILATED UOSVOS, Jan rral Duller compU.t'ly giirprUe.1 the LOliD liOm.ltTS 1IKAUD FROM, Doer and occuHJ In hllla U-yotid ' IVtfli'ter'a drift, IS mll wwt of Col- MtNDOX, Jun. 17, The war olllce etmo, VVedndy, Jun, 10. ha rcolvd tlw folowlng diapatch TM tnieltlgvnc In coiiUlnnl In anfnn. Ixnl Hc.Uirtx, date! Cape Town. exlunl dlnJ h to th Tluit, ed -.tliiy. Me fulU)tt-d up movement by ww iung ui; ixht , .,.,IM.j aiurk oti Fnnch'a advanced tretuhe. '(Hirt, h.l by the Xtw Zealand ThU iw-wi comi)li4ey dlnpo" of I nv.ti.'He.t rliUa and a d.inchnwnt of th mstfiu.-nt tlmt Blr Cburlea War- thv fiM Vorkehlw. The Ura were ren'a fuire went In the direction of repulx"!, having twenty hilled. Their it u-nAn arottlly to re-! wmnided nre intimated at not 1m iat- , evenliiR: th9 "nn the lith tlu- Bjt made a U- Does Not Belong to the Trust COURTRAI IRISH FLAX GILL NET TWINE Foard 0 Stokes Co., Agents mure cot. n lento In Ciural UulU-r'ijtiMin titt. Tha attack was preceid-d ur Flew (Goods Olll SKW (idOliH JI ST AKIIIVIJI :l ll('M T1IK KAfT AM) NOW ItKAI'Y lOlt Ot U 1!00 (1T()M KHS AUK: Combination Book Cases Writing Desks, China Closets Music Cabinets Library Cases ,N W5ff,&us.Y Tlieso rwhIh woro botiglit beforo tl rino in prices nnl will bo solil nccortlingly. Charles Heilborn 8 Son. ia. tl. . The uppnltlcn that he had y u imig run?e Mre from owe gun. f, ,-. inm ilin-e culumna Cirti.rnl. tlu aituitlon Wi un- IihiI given a cuum of anxiety. . changed. " It In r.w a-en that uch a vtew woa ir.aieou, a C'Wftil llulU-r'a force. Ml'ST HKMOVE WOMEX. are concentrated. 11 . STKHKSTHOOM, Wedneoday. Jan. l.ONI'OX, Jan. m. The Tlnn pub- -;eneriil (iat.ure has a4ii'-d the IMi.-o tlw following dUiixitch frwn u r conmiundutit tl at if the women fijHariuin'a farm, dau-d January 17, , are not reniove! they muat take their .;"0 H. M : The force wmrclied weet-. cltam-i of Ix-ing nhut In the event of ward January 10. Inl Dumlonald, i attack. by a duelling nnVem'at, uccupbxl thttj hill above Putg!eter drift. 15 mllea i TUK itoEKS MI8CXDERSTOOD. Aeet of Ci'leiutii, Inking tlw Bwra per-j feilly by aurpjlae. The mine evening the Infimtry fol lowed. General Lyillntoo'a brigade. croifctl the rhtr yesterday and today .helled the Hoera U-yond with bowlt- F"..tmer 1'iilLed State Cohaul 8aya nefoniw Would ILive Come Without War. Refuses to Sell to Dealers It Can't Control and Tries to Destroy Their Business. WASHINGTON'. Jan. 17.-The vote on ths motion to exclude Itobertj wa aifollows: Veas-Tayioe, Frare, WAKIXGTON, Jan. 17.-The house had another inning today over the dale of the New York cuMorn house by Bccretary Gage. Kulxer. of New York, the author of ycPheraon, repub!lcan the rtwlutlon for the Investigation of ;,tjen!i democrat. Secwtary Gage'a trawiactlon with the' Xoea-Llttlcneld, republican, New York bankn, atartl the bal Dearmond, democrat. tolling by charging that a mandate had already gone frth to auppreaa, pktTIGREW AGAIN RAMPANT. tt. I MorrU nd i Lanliam and . and Sibley, a Pennsylvania , dt-rhocrat. fornvrly a radical advocate of fre ilwr, and who la now out of aym- pathy with the democrats In th', warmly commended Gage senate, TACOMA, Jan. 17.-S. A. Glbb, of Tacoma, a promliymt shingle dealer, brought suit today In the United States court against the Washington ' Red fhlngie Manufacturers' Associa tion for damages in the sum of 151, 00 for a violation of the act of cong gress in relation to the trusts. Cibbs alleges the association con trol nearly all of the shingle mills in the state and Is able to Ox and Has Made, regufate prices and to retrain the manufacture of t ehsame, and that Us members refused to sell to mm WARHrvv.Tr.v J;in. i7.i the at a fair price, whereby he was grtt- - - - - - - - - . st ih rnnfliLRKin or routine ' ,""""'aT-u- His Currying by Wolcott 'Him Crazier Than Ever. - the resolution of in He also alleges that 1 the central committee wit out a cir- A-rogatory to his business tattd a debate which almst lasted, quiry introduced by Hoar (Mass.), and cular three hours. J emended by Ixlge (Mass.). calling for standing. Crosverr (rep.), of Ohio, explained Wral Information regarding the' , This, be alleges, ws given a wide that the committee on rule to which' conduct of the Insurrection In Um circulation, for which he claims dam's resolution had gone, had not! Philippines, was laid before the sn- a5es in $15,000. The total damage Is acted Defuse no evidence had been' Pettlgrew said he desired to ad- J1U0O. produced before the committee t JdreM tne nate upon ,h r0,utlon1 Under the act of congress above warrant the ordering of such a far, bjfore " wa P8- He tv alluded to he is entitled to recover, reaching Investigation. the Paae ' 'ne resolution, be-1 three times the value of his dam- lleving the informetion asked for was aeeg ani tft therefore asks for 1.600. I entirely proper. H declared he had received Information since the lntro- 1 duction of his resolution that assured him of the facts he had asserted. "The tlood of every soltlK," raid Hepburn (rep, vf Iowa, assailed Sulzer for some of his extravagant j statements and declared there ought to be some way to rebuke members for slandering honored officials. Later In the day, during a discus sion of the appropriation for THE "OPEN DOOR.' l-GHi-SHs-4-MS- i.SOnE EXTRA FINE If RIPE HISSION OLIVES JUST OPENED if "HEINTZ" PAM01S PICKLBS, JJ KRLISHES, AND CATSUPS ' U GORDON DILWOKTH'S K JELLIES AND PRESERVES If PIXE TEAS AND C0PPEESI IJ CHASE ft SANBORN'S 16 ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. ft C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage. CMB,;m " astoriaT!oregon Insurance and Shipping, Agent W. F, 40o., and Paclflo Kxpreu Co I. i IttiSTOX. Ju.ii. 17 George F. HoIIU deneral Want n's force is miw croHB- who wan United States consul at Ing tht Trlihardte drift, five miles 'rape Town, under Presideut Harri alxve. He is not opposed, although the sun, has written a Mt.c to the coin tmrs are holding a,p ltlon five miles mki in charge of the meeting to be from the river. ! held In I'aneuli hull tonight In eup- J port of the lioer, in which he say: LONDON. Jun. 18.-The Dally Mali' "I vpt with great pleasure your has the following, dated ywKcrday, InvltaUon to speak to the Hotton peo front l ieternmrltaburg: P'p VhmM hall on Wednesday "News has bet-n riMtilved that Gen- wtning Jan. 17, on the subj.ct of tral Ilullir Is mulling saUofactory ' Eimland In the Transvaal, believing proKress." ! n ! th u f,,r "veral ytars Die In Cape Colon, funeral Methuen ' Mr.tclir made ha. ...ado a cWnK.n.tratlon In f ore, ! "Wd the minds, not only of our shelling the lioer ado. General Gat-5 " but of he poop, "f a. re Is nklrnilshbig around Molu-no , ,"mi tm,t W"M and Geneml French 1ms thrown a few "I have long held the belief that shells at Hie Doers at Rensbe.g. Gol-'the United States and England were onel riummer is moving to the relief to have a large and hmomble share of Slafeklng from lleuchanaland. He In advanring the civilisation of the Is now in command of Us than SOW ; world, and I am grieved beyond men. Mafeklng Is la a bad wwy; the measure that England has become txlige is being pntwed .with determlna-, Involved In what I consider to be an .tlon und tlie Kainrs utt oVtwrtlng be- uurlijliteous war. ii-atise of pinched rations and the ne-j The position of President Kruger ,01-sslty of eating horeejneat. Ian,i ns relation to th Uitlnnders Tho Rlnmlnrd'a vivl.l ueooiint of ths wfl verv rwcullnr. He had, in the aseault upon LadyumlUi shows that ! rlrst place, to listen to the demand the garrison waa surprised and that of this great inrush of people and in several times Its salvation waa crltl-the meantime to bring his people, cal. Out cf a detachmtMit of Got- who had little knowledge of molern don HlghMnders who .surrendered appliances, somewhat into sympathy with what the time retukred. "To do this required time, patlenoe and tact, all of which President Kru ger possejwes. Had the English rep resentatives nu-t liim in the spirit of good will and faibrness, all their Just demands and claims would have been amicably met. T.ut because of the arrogant and reckless spirit displayed by these people an animosity was created In the minds of the Dutch burghers which retarded all the efforts of radi cal men and! progssive partl-?a in tlw republic to advane matters aa they desired." every man Was wounded, uys a cor respondent. Curloualy enough this la the flrvt mention of the capture of the Highlanders The government is re laxing Uta efforts to send .out rein forcements. LONDON. Jan. IS. A dispatch to the Daily Mewt from Spearma4rji farm describes Lord Dundonald'a advance to Swartzkop hill, commanding Pot gleter's drift and says: "General Lyttleton's brigade was sent to hold a position on Swrtxkop Hill. "Leaving a strong body to hold Colenso and General Hyldeyard's brigade at Springfield, our whole force advanced without delay. "Aftr a four day' halt on Hhe SEATTLE. Jan. 17. Thomas A. south of the Tugela, our advance to: North hotel at Skagway, felt from the DROWNED AT SKAGWAY. the northward began Tuesday, Janu ary 18. General Lyttleton's brigade crowed the drift that evening and held the kopjes on our right. "Sir Charles Warren's division has made an attack upon the enemy's left flank. The column now crossing the river." i nilnistrition, and there is no escape i from It." Indon Papers Jealous of the Unltd I t - -.1 h. ', h.. fallen since the war be- States Invent an ADSura -uttlu. the ' ! ' nan l- nn th. hanito nt the admlnis-. army, Cannon, In charge of the bill,1 ' .... . . . i tratio-i. The blood of 60 soldier boys PAris Jan. 17. The statement In strike It out. Williams (Jem), of Mississippi, re- plied to Cannon, In an eloquent speech, in which he affirmed the loy alty of every American citizen to tha t'ag and charged Cannon with shrewd ly issuing a challenge that would not be accepted. The ungtney deflciency bill was passed with only one unimportant amendment. Sibley, in reply to a Clark, of Missouri, said: "I believed In 1S9S that blmetallsm was sacred, but events have so changed conditions by the enormous prouucium oi gu.u. xziai uie pnee lev- NEW YQRK. Jan. 17.-Mlss .Helen el for which both the gentlemen from! Gould hHS!i,uted $50,000 to aid aiwwun imti) ami i were sinving i,. tvudinc of the new h.irn for the naal branch of the Young Men's I of South Dakota, who lost their lives tne Lo,,,, Morning Posf that tha after being conscripted Into an un-( Washington administration has re wllllng service after their terms had jyej vetters from France, Germany, expired, lies at the door of the ad-, Great Britain and Russia demanding knowledge of the Intentions of th United States as to the "open door" In China and the future of the Phil ippines was news to the foreign office . oJlclals here. They say It was the first time they had heard of such ac tion, r ' '" " " "" BOISE CLERK ARRESTED. EOISE. Jan. 17. George W. Lamo reau, clerk and recorder of this coun ty, was today arrested on a charge criticism of ' embezzlement of $t,000. His bail was fixed at $10,000. which he was unable to give. HELEN GOULD'S GENEROSITY. was raised. "The cause I held sacred then has i become rediculous now, and I bellev If the democratic party Is victorious j this fall it will not be able to write1 i a single line of financial legislation in the next six years. "I am striving to do something practicable and helpful. If the dem ocratic party is to live it must have a policy. It must do something be sides carping ami finding fault. If It will adopt a policy, I will keep step with It. but if It Invites me to a ban quet of carping and fault finding it will have to excuse me." (Loud re publican applause.) Christian Assic:'atIon In Brooklyn JOHN MYERS DEAD. i PORTLAND, Jan. 17. John Meyers, one of the beet known citizens of Ore gon, died today, aged 50- He was United States marshal during Cleve land's first term and was at one time a candidate for congressman against Blnger Hermann. ROBERTS TURNED DOWN. Investigating Committee Will Report Unanimously in Favor of His Expulsion.' WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. The spec ial committee of the house to inves tigate the case of Roberts of Utah, today reached a final conclusion. On the polygamous status of Roberta the committee was unanimous, and agreed upon a formal statement of facts. On the question of procedure to be adopted the committee was di vided. The irajorlty, consisting of all mem bers except Llttlefleld and Darmxid, favored exclusion at the ouUet, Llt- wlll make a deck of the steamer Farallon at that place on January 11 and was drowned. He attempted to cross a freight gang tleficld and Dearmond plank which was covered with a thlnj minority report favorabla to seating coating of Ice and In dotoig so lost his Poherts on his prlrhft facie rights and footing and foil Into the buy. He was and then expelling him. 35 years old and leaves a widow and The committee In its statements, three children. "ids that about 1S78 Roberts married if Suggestions to Astorians ft ft ft Ik FOR BOYS. 9 This great store large, airy and elegant abounds with many Novelties in Boys' and Young Men's Clothes There is not a style in any article of Man's wear that is not shown here in miniature for Boys. Suits f Underwear Neckwear Reefers Hosiery Gloves Overcoats Shirts Leggins Hats and Caps Sweaters Fancy Vests SUITS, OVERCOATS OR REEFERS. A B STEINBACH 8 C0 v LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST Mail Orders Solicited. Corner Fourth and 'Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. Hit Ml) '4,