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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1900)
THK MOItNIMl AHI'OKIAN. 'I HtlliSUAl , JANUARY II, 190(1. C. H. COOPERS Sale Commences on Tuesday Morning JANUARY 2. TO ASTORIANS. Tha llAII.Y ATOItl AN will Its fuuuU an hIi In I'nrtlainl l lh wcll.knuws ( llnnarjr huuM uf J. V. llHtlljr A to,, WW! Waahlugluu Nlrssl. Onlars fur ailfr tiling llt with Mils Him will rscslvs ruHil AIIHllnn TODAY! W BATHER. PORTLAND, Jan. ll.-Wahlngbi. Wtirn Oregon and MaIwi occasional rain today. AROUND TOWN. John E. Hlmpson, of Portland, la In thi, city. Crawfish, cooked la win. at tlx Na tional Cafs. Fur lUiit Housekeeping .rooms, II Eighth airtwl. Win. IMImki of Portland was In lh city yesterday. Judge J. II. I). Uray was In Port land yesterday. A. Coleman and wife of wwHn Portland yesterday. Atda Vaiitl A girl for fensral house wjiK. 21R ComiiHTolal street I. Conn and wife wre among A. torlans visiting the mwtropolls yvs-terduy. Tim tug- &.imi, with h lumlx-r-1.1t-m barge In tow, arrival at Ban Kranulaoo Tuady evmUng. Head winds made tits trip buigf than wus rwolod but othr-liM th tug and hvr tow hod no mishaps. Th4 valuation of 'taxable property in Multnomah county this year In Il0,000,0o0 bslow lust year's flgurw. Since tho Mule Ixurd of ejuallratfJii km ebollud the asswwors In all the rmiuUm wf tho slate uro applying tho pruning knife. Jnff Jtiyrs, tho wvll-knovn tole. graph operatic of Portland, lui writ ten a number uf lah-s uf the ua grniWo service which will appvar In book form early in Maroh. Mr, Hayes la blind but 1 able t opm-aie lit typewriter skillfully. A krnnel cVub has Wn urgiinlsvd In lowland with Waltur Dunvl a lrtwldtj)t, and tho nifinb'ra aru plan ning a In-nth thow. Anturla hu a number of dog fiuicUtra and arvcrul flno blooded animals that mlglil add lo the Interest of such a function. Nagasaki, Bhiuighnl and Kong. Yokifliainw, Will tcvu 4,(21 barrel of Hour, Valuod at JI2,5. Kobe wUI have 7,MD sacks or 10.(0(1 budiel of wlK-at, valuiid lU 94,413. Nagasaki ! down for 5,703 barrel of flour, Valued at Ut.DM.M. Hlhwighal hut 125 bar rels, valued at $:i!2.M, (Uid Hong Kong "07 burvlb of toim-l lnvl and sinvat valuud ut $f00, 12 Uiiw of iiimi, weighing 2,l"0 pound, valuod nl 124'), IhuM'w 25,247 burrvU of flour, vhIu.mI at ti,444. Within tho pant two yir 11 curg'- uX(Mci:iig ),Wt UiiTcl of Hour have l-ft th Colum bia Ifiti-ivtit In lh? coining olw-tlona la awiikiiilng. It la only a few w-k until the rlmtu-'K will Imi hld and ixilltli'lunit ar flgurliig chm-ly. In ulnli- inutt'TH r'publliart ucc Ik coiw i'li-d .m l, tho big fight will be within r"Pbllcun piurly. In tlt (tintrli't Moody for i.-oTifriwii will lx r.-niiitilikitcil but Tongue will have oppoxltlon. I;ruwn'll, of CUu kiimnji, him ulr'tJy anuouiicvd hli cimdiliuy, but It" will not uro tlx- nuioiiui tlon Jmly, of limrton, hutliT of tlut ivt rliio luw, and Oatch of fful-m, Ixrth iiiroiig and able m-n, may lx; in the fli-ld. No elate oltlofm are to ! flH.-td thU year ex-jt or! msn-b'-r of the uprein court, (invi. at- t'nllo) Will Iw paid to the Ii'kImU live mndliLttoa, f(r Bmiutor MfHrlil;'a eucc-mior l to bu chowi-n next Jan uary. ItKLKASliD THIS FLOUU. LONDON, Jan. 10,-Tho Amtrltvin flour wlrci off IcUmhiu bay liaa b-n ibual. AmbaMailor ChMite had an 1 Interview with the Manjula (ft Suila- bury thl afterwxin and received a vorbol reply to the reppeeoutatlone of tlw Watli4ngt(in guvkftiimienti Th! l'.rlt4h note w thU ubjiit wa sent Uter to the United Blatea emboveiy. The glut of It woa cabled to Woahlng. ton. In brief, foodatuffa are not oun aldered contraband of war, unb-M In lAiidvd for tlM em-my. Pears' A touch is enough for cleanliness. That is why it lasts - so. If a man fall In love, only the wo man in tin cae cui r-cue him. If omc mn hud to tut tlu lr word, they would (11; of indlg tl(n, No Clitip Goods vi But Coid Goods Cheap A light Store to See In A Heavy Stock to Boy From hi READ An account of ho aickneNa of ttw orohrxrtra eo4- of tii "Chwwful Liar" Comiuny, wlUch wr rived lure yrwt-rdoy, thx-y did not give thHr erformanro aa adverUAid lot evon Ing. However, the company will play "A Cheerful Uur" tmilght, und lx.ton purchasing tkki4M for loot ulghl'a performance are heri'by ii(. fled that they will be od for thla Tin. ileamer I3lm llrunch, duo fAun, evening. the Ortmit la caiuilmr aome uea. - neM by her delay. The war in South Africa will be a fiutor In prentug tho rxoe In the Mr. end Mr J. A. Uowart!, and foiuic. Thu dlltlinil;!., .Iiuirith and Mr. M. M. J la wit m. of Ilwaoo, were, or comtat arts STRANGE rtUMOH. LONDON, Jan. 10,-An Incredible rumor cornea from Cape Town that the Boers have withdrawn from Ma grfuntcln. Probably thia la an em belllKhment of native re porta tluU Ofneral Cronje li aeodlng MnCorce. mentg to Coleeburg. In the city yeaterday. V. N. 0lcti. well known In Port- lx'ng tautrht In Natal every tlay Thu llng'jo immuo con.-ritw rouni noi nnwt ryul a inon land democratic olrole. U In the oily atriklng or moro oorroborallve afti-r accompanied by hli Wife, wth ttuin ihla vnr botwuun one of the mont jHiwvrful naUmia on tswlh The lrtrtwr'a union hna declared war and one of tho iiwIUl The trlgnnUo colnat eeveral Portland ahop which advance In the art nd Implementa refune to recognize tho Union. Samuel Byke, a promlnont hard ware merchant of Itoeuburg, waa In Aatorla yoxumUy on a plenaure trip. of warfare la an uiilveimit pmce. adviutoo toward A oommercliU trawH-ir, whoao houae la In Han rranclxco, yeaterday re minded aovtral Aatorlana of one The TlriLlMli nhln Ancvru cleared at bleniilng given them (or whioh. Aato. the cuntotn ' houne yentorJ.xy with ' rl.un gave ttuiniMwa) and which KW bUHlwle of wlvt valued at they aomeUm' forget. It la tho $"2,000. boutillful supply of pure, cold water furnUhiM by the city iiyatem. "We Frederick Ward, Uvo not or, doollned nover prtxe the muiae 'til the nwvet to lecture before the puiHIa of tlio1 voiced bird fcoa flown," and nu hna publlo achoola of Vanoouvjr Tuesday to go to some town or ally where afternoon. good withy la only hnd by tillering and cooling with Ice, to appreciate Sheriff Lmvllle waa Uvo flrat voter, the healthful and nattofjlng liquid hydrants. to reg1;.jr In oounty. Loss, that flows from Aatoili'i than two doson nume wera enrolled yesterday. The teanY)r Columbia wrlved In Tho torpedo-boat diw'.royor Oulds bornugh mado another succemful spin yoeterday, running to It-tnlor and re- from San FKuvolnco yvsterduy and turn, Oiiul striking without dllllcuHy afur unloading- about forty tons of a 2S-knnt gait, which was m&mtolned loca4 frodgtit wont .ip to Portland. RoBlyn coal lasts longer, is cleaner from Itnnler to St. llelJie, oguinat a brink wind and a ml ft current, says tho Oregonla.i. She ran as steady ns and makes less trouble with stoves and a floor at thin pooe, uid the engines chimney flues than any other. Oeorge W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1311. Mrs. Burg Partlow, bualtvcws,' min ing and teat medium, will glvo read. HOOT DOE3N'T WANT IT. MILWAL'KKL', Ja.n. 10-Henry C. I'ayie, national ropub'Jcan commit t Lilian of Wuicwmln, t-)day rTelved a IcIUt from Hon. KUhu Rout, secre tary of war, In which Root rtated he will m be a cnndl hite for the vice. preMdiiicy of the UnlUsl States. ANOTHER RAID. WASHINGTON. Jan lO.-Senator Allen toduy lntnxluoed a bill prrantlng a prntd n of $10 a month to every soldier and sailor who served In the civil war for thr months or more. ARMOUR IN CALIFORNIA. L03 ANGELES, Oal., Jan. 10- Phil Armour, the Chicago millionaire packer, Is at one Pasadena and has announced that he will moke his fu lure home there. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. ', Twenty-five Tears' Constant Use Without a Failure ! The flint Indication of croup Is houmneits, and In a child subject to that dlMeaiH) It may be taken as a nure ik of the approach of an at tiuk. Following this hoarsns Is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamber Uiln'i Couiih Remedy Is given as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears. It will pre vent the attack. It Is ued in many thouMAiids of homes In tills broad land and never disappoints the anx lou mothers. We have yet to learn of a single Instance In which It has not proved effectual. No other prepa ration can ahow such a record twt'itty-flve years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Charier Rogers. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE BUTTS. Ladles who go to Portland and desire Amalkln oarwiil alls Ana In tVtm wa ttt fSlll IO 1 11 i 1' gj rBVVHMI ) vs nwT v I tailor-made sulta will do well to retnera- , ber that they can bo well fitted at L D. ! Boyer's 17 Fourth street. In the T. M-: C. A. building. I Not only does ho keep a strictly first- class cutter for men's wear, but alao1. one exclusively for ladles' work, and' all can reat assured of getting not only , l good woric, dui me oesi or mucrus, i as Mr. Hoyer Is an expert on woolen; cloths. j Stats of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he . Is the senior partner of the firm of F. I J. Cheney A Co., doing buslnes In the; City of Toledo, County and State; aforesaid, and that said firm will pay, the sum of $100 for each and every i ease of catarrh that cannot bo cured! by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. I FRANK J. CHE NET. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 188$. A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public, (SEAL.) Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, and aos directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for tentlmonlala free. F. J. CHENEY St CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by druggists. 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best A Cut That Hurts Competitors 8 .00 Men's Oven-oats or Suits $6.25 $ 10.00 Men's Overcoats or Suits $7.50 $12.50 Men's Overcoats or SuiU $9.50 1 15.00 Men's Overcoats or Suits $11.75 $17.50 Men's Overcoats or Suits $14 00 $20.00 Men's Overcoats or Suits $15.50 A Cut That Pleases the People $2.50 Pants . . . $1.90 $-1.00 Pants . . . $2.35 $3.50 Pants ... $2.75 $1.00 Pants . . . $3.00 $1.50 Pant . . . $3.50 $5.00 Pants . . . $4.00 $5.50 Pants . . $4.40 $5.00Pant3 . . . $4.80 $7.00 Pants . . $5.60 DEEP CUT on Underwear BOYS' CLOTHING Slaughtered DEEP CUT on Overshirts HATS cut way down DEEP CUT on Umbrellas FANCY SHIRTS, great reduction DEEP CUT on EVERYTHING EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Rubber Mackintoshes Must Go at NET COST ! IF YOU DONT BUY FROM WISE YOU LOSE MONEY HERMAN WISE He Does the Business BEECH Af.l'S PILLS cure bilious and nervous Ills, sick headache, disordered lu.AP .nrl Im.nain.r4 Hlnwetlrtn. 0 cent and SS Mat, at all Srag itarM. fisher's Opera House L. E. SEUQ, Lessee and Mgr. TKO SIGHTS 01 PUX WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JANUARY 10-11 THE PROOF i of the pudding Is In ths eating and the proof of liquors IIS IN SAMPLING I That's an argument that's con. elusive a demoastrstloa. Ours will stand the test HUGHES & CO. OPENING HEMP PORTS. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10.-A cable gram from General OUa to the war department alatM that the tump ports of the Philippines will be open ed some time this month. worked like clocks. No ntitompt wus nuulo to bring out her highest ppeed, tin run being mado morely for the purpose of working down tho rough plnceM In her machlnory and giving lugs from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. for a the crew the which will few days only. Parlor 9, Main Struet House, RoHlyn coal Is the best and most eco nomical coal for household use In As toria. Try U onos and you will have no other. Georgo W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1311. Tho dog licenses Issued since tho first of the yeur number 39. The dog bo iM'ceesury on her official trial. Tho actual work of gathering the coimw facts will not begin until June and most of the field work will be (mlhhod before the flret of July. The department at WoHlUngton Is allowed three years In which to tabulate hnd publlnh the returns. The anunu-ra-tors, tliose who make a personal, houne to house, canvass lor the eta- catchcr Is abroad In the town and If Unties, will be appointed by the eu Fldo or Touser Is mlmslng, he is1 porvlsors of the various congressional doubtless hold hostage for the Mcenso' districts. The number allowed to money. , each county dop.mds, of course, upon tho population. Supervisor Telfer, of 'this district, has a pointed no enum erators yet and will not until shortly before their services are required. Old Continental Is a standard high .grade Kentucky whisky. Absolutely pure, and can be recommended to those seeking a stimulate for medical and so cial use. Sold by Aug. Daniclson, As toria, Oregon. Nearly all of the 1807 football team of the Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallls, fought with tho Second Oregon in the Philippines, and now Bamutl Thurston, this season's left tuckle, has enlls'd In a Canadian company going to fight the Boers. Perhaps war Is playing football. The steamer Arab now ready to sail for the Orient has the socond largvot cargo of flour that ever left the Pa cific coa4t, the total, in barrels, Doing 47,701, says tho Oiregonlaa BeWdos the flour there vAts on board 16,666 buhls of wheat The value of this cargo amounted to $141,482. Tills Is considerably la exos of the monster cargo carried by the steamer Aber- a recreation after geldle Klh month. The cargo la dis tributed between Yokohama, Kobe, ROBERTS ARRIVES. LONDON. Jon. 10. -General Lord Roberts, the new commander-ln-cWef of tho British forces In Somh Africa, and his chlef-of-staff. General Lord Kitchener, have arrived at Capo Town. TRANSVAAL LOSS IN LIFE. .Moralists one discussing the terrible loss of life brought about by tle Trans void war. Yet here life Is sccrifleed for a purpose for an hornmst principle. It were bettor to preich against the need lens sacrifice, of life. Thousands of people succumb to ailments whioh might easily have been checked In the beginning. Dyspepsia carries oft mors p-icple than are killed In war. The use of HostetUv's Stomach Bitters would save many lives. Constipation mny seem a little thing, but it Invari ably develops Into something wors-, and the longer It is allowed to run, the harder It Is to cure. The Bitters euros Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia and biliousness, naturally and permanently, good for everybody. All Astorlana who visit Portland and desire spending a pleasant evening In company with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program, should go to the Fredericks burg. Besides vocal and instrumental selections there are many other at tractions to delight the visitors. The new management la making the Freder icksburg a well-merited success. BROWN & GRANT. Props. WEDNESDAY the Musical Farce Comedy Success "A CHEERFUL LIAR" THURSDAY the Musical Faros Comedy "THE SOUTHERN ROSE" Interpreted by a capable company of oomediuus of rtoognized merits. Latest songs and dances and numerous special ties. Opera burlesque farce comedy in terwoven inro a refiued evening's enter tainment PRICES Reserved seats, 75c; gallory, 50a Seat sale opens lueuday morning at GriOlu & Reeds. i i ! THE Palace Cafe I Wi IV WHHTIE, rrop'r. Finest Restaurant orti tif San Franrisro OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Service, First-Claps Cuisine, Private Rooms lor Ladies. W. C. A. Pohl, tOMTT COEMEI. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director Caskets and Funeral Supplies constant ly on hand. Corner 11th and Duane Sta, Astoria, Ore H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 23. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. Big Smith Premier Typewriter Sale The Washington Aericultnral Cojlege of Pullman, Wash., has just purchased four new-model Smith Prem ier Typewriters of L. & M. Alexander & Co., 245 Stark St., Portland. Other so-called standard typewriters were the t MA:':cr:-,-: - , - r - " ,K ' BHf-' j i competition, but owing to the superiority of v :.v 1 . ' : Tf - . Puiitb. Premier the college decided in its favor. WEDDING CARDS WEDDINICRWS W. G. SMITH CO.. VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPEfi PLATE PRINTERS ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Building, 4th and Washington 8ts, over Litt' PORTLAND, OREGON. VISITING CARDS jutnnnnriniruuvmuuuuuuj No, R3S Duane St, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK MgT Rs. Ted. Ill 5 5 KrWt The A Best Eyes Through Tickets EAST AND SOUTHEAST v r r . a. -s . 63S Connnerciiil. Street, Astoria. ? W. B. Edwards Every variety of Kouh and Dressed Lumber, Doors. Windows, Mouldings and Cedar Shingles lririri Common Slab, Bark. Fir, W JJU Hemlock.AMer.PoleOak Office Seventh Street Dock PlCTOS PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- ' Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern elites. Ragtags checked tnrouirn to oestlnatloa. Union Depots, fast time, lowest rates. Plntseh light Id all cars. For rates and other information call os or address l). W. LOUN8BERRT. Agent O. R. N. CO. Astoria, Oregon or J H. LOTHROP. On Aem. 1 Third St- oor. Alder.- Portland. Or Are those given the beet care throughout all periods of one's life. "I used to have the best eyes," is a common expression. These people very likely have bad eyes now because neglectful of the care necessary to keep them good. Let us help keep yours good. If you toavn't good ones let ua assist tn making them. good. Right glass aid that s wbat we oner. Northwest Optical Co., Tho Labbs Bids., Second and Washington 8ts Rooms ao-ai-aa-aj rOUTLAND, OK EG ON. XTU UVinATUTAJAVrXAAAAAAAUTJl. Ladies Tailor. ents" Tailor. I. D. Koyer, ffJerchant Tailor f Up-tc-Date 177 Fanrtb St., PORTLISD, QBE. Y.M.C.A, Build'g. i I Scow Bay I Iron and Brass Works, 18th St. and Franklin At. Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props t, MANGANESE and rilOSrtlOn BKONZC a Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS i 'Phone 2431, Astoria, Or. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He says was always so light j and well baked. Well there is a knack In mak ing it But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a : difference. His mother used a Htar Estate Range MgBM 1 W. J. BCTTLLT, Agwvt, S1 Bond strsst.