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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1900)
TUK MORNING ASTOitlAN TIIUKS1A, JANUARY li, lUOtft. Our First Great Annual Clearance Sale Is o Pronounced Success BECAUSE Our stock is the largest and best in the city. BECAUSE Our prices, always the lowest, haye teen reduced to such an extent that every article in our stock iss an at tractive bargain, and BECAUSE Every statement we make to the public is absolutely reliable. CASUALTY REPORTS. Otis Cable. List of Wounded. Dead and WASHINGTON. Jan. lO.-General Otis cabk-d the war department this morning twt causally reports from Manila. The first embraces the lseea incurred during' the pursuit of General Tino's command which effected the release of Lieiienant Gil more, and the other Amartaui prisoners. It Is as follows: MANILA, Jan. S.-Deaths: Drowned, Rio Agoa, Nov. 15, New ton W. R3se, Albert F. Hotter, Fourth cavalry; Rio Grande, Nov. 7, malarial fever, Nov. 25. William Dunce, Twenty-Fourth infantry. Chronic diarrhoea, Jan. 3, Peter II. Keene, sergvant. Fourth cavalry. Inf.amat!on of the bowel?, Jan. 1, V.' Crabtre, Twenty-third in fantry. Aertic stenosis of heart, Jan. 3. Fdward Brown, musician, sixth in fantry. "OTIS." The second is the list of casual tK sustained In the campaign opened in the south and is as follows: 11 ANIL A Jan. 9. CasuultKs, wounded engagement near Imus Jan. 7, Fourth infantry. C. Stanley Mil lard, leg. slight; Twenty-eighth in fantry, C. John Corbit, hand, moderate; A. John Barry, aim. moderate; Henry J. Flood, sergeant, ITS MEANING. A Commlttae to Determine What the Term United State. Represents, WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. The ways and men committee of the houm hold a meeting today at whloh an Important resolution was adopted on motion of Xewlandst of NevaiVt, as follows: "Resolved, Tlkrt a committor of five be anointed by the chair to re port authorities and law as to the meaning of the Mm "United S'&tca' in that provision of the constitution wlnc! d-clan Cht U duties n imports and exoMos .hall be uniform throughout the United State,' I. whether It Includes .Imply the area Included within "the boundaries of the states or whether tt covers al ttr riurrtvs belonging to the United State." Chairman Payne apolnted DulrWI (Va.), Crosvenor tO). and Hopkins till.), republicans, and Rich,irdpM (dem., Tenn.) and Nwlands (stl., Nov.) THE ACTrtESS ACQUITTED. Tennessee Jury Justifies the Killing of LeidenhMmer. For Billons and Nervous Disorders J AKltUAl SAU3 OVEU 4.000,000 BOXES, t lOcvnuanii arnt. .1 nil dru.alor. 1 iKcCCHAiVS FILLS ir Billons and Nervous WsorJci fira W..hcui a Rival. (Continued from first par ) nw -ifntld wo meant t subjugate them, PreaMent McKlnloy mut Gen eral Otis a procHmaUon which he commanded him to .sue. Uenernl Otbi on routing tt oviu'ludtd that thtr wvr cvrtiUn voM and expan sions thomn, sucA n. Vovorolgtvty,' 'rlgKt of cdlvMi and ilai' who dl rtvUnl Immediate occupation, though mom admirably tmpl.tyvd and tly expiwnlve, of ctmdltlons, chut ANOTIIBK OCKAN MONSTKH. STETTIN. Jan. 10,-Tlvo llUmtiurg. American line tr-tumMr- ivulm'hlivml muwsfulty Imu oluvl at Vuoliunl iloiKyard today in Mm luwwiee of Emperor WUIIum and many noUbio pwpl. The Peutsohfcin'l U a twin sorvw lb.000 ton vuwel with engines of S5.000 Ii.uw power and gUtuwteed to have a speed of 13 kivV.s. , In inngitl utde the DrutachliUHl u only ur passed by the tVennlc. P.FSUMED HI'S I NESS. NEW VOUK, Jan. 10 -The ProdiuV Egetiiutgv Trust Comnuy, which u kmhI-.M IWember 18, ivumod busi ness today. The company has bevm imilrvly reorganised. IS.lwtn Gould might be adv.uuaeouly um-d by the, tocome. president and Clwrnl Tlum as, view-president. Sl'klKK OF AN OFFICER. WASHINGTON. J.wt. 10.-G.mral Otis InCtvrmtHl tha war department that First Ueuten.Un I Hull el T T;bMIo war party to Inctte wide. spre.ut hivstllltle aiming Uu natives. Whereupon, G"ural Otis rH'lamatlov by striking from It eveiythlng which contains a purpoite, (o wsaume sovorclgV.y or protection ana wmcn was .ignmcwni oi iuiur n1(WiMn. Thlrtyevwuh Infantry. poHHl domltuxUin; and HtsUd. j wnlltf tompmarlly .leranml. cwumH thereof. V lasu.Nl a proianuul.m t; t)K, gulc,jtf yw,.AMay by nhooting. which he suppr.vMtsl ull thce utur- ance. and asourM ttvtn It l the purpo of the people of the United States to rive thorn 'In ewry posslbU', PORTLAND, J.m. lO.-Mrs, Map DEATH OF MRS. PRICE. wny the full mvure of Individual CHATTANOOG.V. TVw., Jan. 10. The Jury in the '-ase of Julia Morri- son Jaines, actives, cluugvd with the people.' murder of Frank Lle-n HlheJmer, to- "The assuivwico wlilch day reurned a -erJlot of not guilty. Otis pive to the people of Manila In; Whon the verdict was rendered a J'Jl whit I have always wantiyl to garet L. Prlix, agl S5, dl-d her lo iix-rty wniL-n is ue nvruage or a rreo lUiy $,h, cnnu, ,0 0regm In IStd. She was the mnthor of Mrs. J. II. General j Mitchell, w ife of ex-Se-nator Mitch. U turmult of applause went up every person and for ten minutes tt . Otif proolamatl vi w as frutmt.d. la was Impossible for the court otticers the meantime he had tvnt a copy of to pres rvs order. the pn'ldent's pnH'lainitliMi to Gen-j The fair ik'fe.idant, with eyes filled; ml Millet, who was lying opposite with tears, diumatlailly A NEW YEAR'S GUIDE. fmm :ive thojii. I!ut unnmnllv. Gemral I.,... , . .... , i ,J There Is on b.x'K everyone .noma make an effort to et. for the new year It contains simple and valuabl. hint. concerning health, many amusing an ecdotes, and much general Information. We refer to Hosteller1. Almanac, puo llxhi'it tiv Tim Hotttotter Co.. I'ltts- addrewed H "o, burning fur a tight, wid wIh. ,Urgh. Pa It will prov valuabl. to the jurors, thanking them for the ac rr.-ch to Genera. Otis" d,r. as his, jny household Sixty employe. citnttal. She will go to New York and dispatch. show, published it. So he write a history of nor life. j had the commander denying all pur- I pne of domination or of iivtterfering Clarence W. Crltes, Third cavalry Rio Pasig, accidentally, Jan. 2. Anton arm. modeaute; Eleventh cavalry; C. JL Bong, Thirteenth Infantry; R:o Ridgeway Griscom, neck, severe; Zapote, acccidently, Jan. L Eli Lorri- Thirteenth infantry. F. Charles more Thirty-eigith infantr'; Gang ling, accidtmtly, Dec. 29; WiUJani C. Eryarrt, corporal, Twelfah infantry. Typhoid, Dec. 27, George Lehofe; Twenty-second infiantry; 29th., Au gust Gruel, Sixteenth infantry; Jan. 3, Gorge M. Dubley, Fourteenth in fantry; 6th.. Edward L Derry, Sixth artillery, 2nd., Charles Harriavn. Twenty-sixth infantry; 4th.., Jeff M. Stlrrewalt, Eighieemh infaoiry; 3rd., William Rundy, Twenty-Sixth infan try. Dysentery, Dec. 26, Jack Whit ney, corporal Sixth infantry; Jan. 1, Arthur J. Edgerton, Thirty-second Infantry; 2nd., James Keliy, Third artillery; 5th., John W. McGee, cor poral. Fourteenth inHatrtry. Pneu monia, Jan. 1, Theodore Gehring, Fourth infintry; Thomas J. Lyon, Third cavalry; 44th, William Malony, corporal, Nineteenth Infantry. Ma laria. Dec. 29, Reuben Waethera, Twrr.ty-flfta. infantry; SOth., George Pure hall, engineers; Jan 5, ratrick Fallon, Twelfth Infantry. Pernicious Oawetzka .both thighs, severe; Fifth artillery; F. Terraace Money, thigh, moderate; William Protz chest, se vere. Action at Cabantauan, Nov. 5, Eniest It. Barjaron, civilian in Low's scouts, chest severe. "OTIS." fjS. The wolf of -WjW doors of thou- vfals Vmajorityof , . ( J cases, is starva- ' y 7 means that sj I. " i i i ; nerve, bone and sinew are improper!- or insufficiently nourished. Improper, insuf ficient nourishment is starvation. When a man's bead aches it isbecaus. the tissues of the brain do not receive sufficient nourishment from the blood, or re ceive impure and unhealthy nourishment When a man gets nervous and sleepless, it means that the blood is not properly nour ishing the nerves. When his skin breaks out with blotches and pimples and erup tions, it means that the skin is being fed upon the impurities of the blood. Almost every known disease is primarily due to improper nourishment through the blood, which is the life -stream. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the greatest of all blood-makers and purifiers. It gives edge to the appetite, corrects all disorders of the digestion, makes the assimilation of the life-giving elements of the food per fect, invigorates the liver, promotes secre tion and excretion, and vitalizes the whole body. It makes firm, muscular flesh, but doe not make corpdlent people more cor pulent It cures 98 per cent of all cases of lingering coughs, bronchial, throat and kindred affections, which, if neglected, lead up to consumption. It is the best of all nerve tonics and restoratives. Kept by all medicine dealers. " I was taken ill in February, with head ache and pain in my back." writes H. Gaddia, Esq., of 313 South J Street, Tacoma, Wash. " I enllrd in a doctor and be came three times. He Mid I wa btlio u but 1 kept getting worse ; I took a cough m that I could not deep, only by being propped ip la bed. My lungs hurt me, and I rot pno- tHM I ut sltin Tind tone. 1 thought I whh ?oitig to die. 1 ued two bottirs of Dr. tierce a ( ohtcn Medical biacovery and it Bade me aound aud well. It saved my life." No remed felleves constipation so quickly and effectively as Dr. Pierce's fleasant Pelle r. Tbey never gripe. TRIBUTES TO HIS MEMORY. Senators Praise the Character of the Late Vic j-President. WASHINGTON, Jan. .10 Beautiful and impressive tributes were paid by the senate today to the memory of late Vice-President Hobart, It was in commemoratioo of his illub'ti-ious career and of his many dis tinguUihed services and of his private character that the senate set apirt the sesion today for the pronounce ment of eulogies u;on him. Persona! friends and associates and a party of frier.ds and a party of op ponents Joined in paying such a sin cere and eloquent tribute to the memory of Hobart, to hia character and public services as have seldom been paid to any public man. Addresses were dell viral by Sena tors Sewell and Kean, New Jersey; Danel, Virginia; Dep;w, New York; Cockrell, Missouri; Culloai, Illinois; Davis, Minnesota; Morgan, Alabama; Chandler, New Hampshire; Lothje, Massachusetts); Caffery, Louisiana, anl Allen, Nebraska. BRYAN AN EXPANSIONIST. He Has Seen a Great Light and Now Favors Philippine Annexation. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 30. In an In. ttemew W. J. Brjwi today .aid: "I am a firm believer in the en largement and extension of the limits of the republic. I do not meun ex tension by adding of contiguous ter. rltory nor to limit myself to thUt. Whenever there Is a people intelligent enough to form a part of this republic it Is my belief that thoy should be taken in. The Filipinos are such a people." FOR BUl'lNG GIRLS. SEATTLE, Jan. 10. Barnat Grin-! b rg, formei ly a well known Jewish business man of this city lias be-n arrested In Tarnapoll, Gallacia, Aus tria, on a charge of buying girls for expoit from Austria to the United ;-tate. News of his arrest reached Seattle yesterday by means of a let ter which Grimbvrg was able to send to his brotlh-r in this city. Grtnberg was in busin-ds here for eight or nine years. He is a naturalised citizen of the United Statis. with their Independence on the one hand and the prejdde'nt of the United St.Ucis on tha other, assorting thnt purpose, and the FlHpltK. were nat urally alarmed and shocked. Now put yourselves, men of Essex, In the place of these people. What would yiur let hers have duie If General Gage and Lo-J North had been Uie actors? What would any people on the face of the earth, whose bosoms are capable of holding the sentiment of liberty have daie? Is it nut In famous for anyb-xly to turn around and tell you that the mem who be. ll.;ve that th? Filipinos should have b. er assured Just what General OUsi ujave tried to as-sure ihem of. are nuno' ri ble for the outbreak of tho war?' Gene ml Otis says that the proclama- kDt at work on this valuabl bO"k. Th Issue for 1W9 will be over eight millions, printel In the rSigiun, Her man. French. Welsh. Norwegian, Swe. dish. Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages. It contain, proof of th. ef ficacy of Hosti'tter'. Stomach Bitl.ra, the great remedy prepared by th. pub lishers, and 1. worthy of careful pres ervation. The almanac may b ob tained free of cost, at any drugglt or general dealer In the country. If a woman wn the architect of her own fortune, It would be full of closets. Ji.JO south When You Want FINE TEAS AND COFFEES CAM, ON Foard 8 Stokes Co. Pure Spice Extracts Baking Powder AHtorln, Or. COLUMBIA STEAM3 LAUNDRY CORNER KINTH AND ASTOR STS-. ASTORIA Wo aro now iriiiiiitl to do alt kinda of lauiulry work in nliori no-tit-o, tlio I'lniit liavinj; liei n rt inotl clctl tliroiiliout niul in w nint liinery iiililoil. Wo tim BfMire you of tho of Mink tvtr luriuil out on tint Const. ' A triu) order foHrittd. j. w. on(K. nfiicicr TtTM: Hi K l IH Yrl F(l!rt I 1 Mt ( IllMcV; I Ml H UH A JL P T$?3f J. 0. Gillcn 6 Co., Dealers, Manufacturcrstand Contractors OI AHbCHtoH.Boller and Pipe CovcHtiKM 22U Stroud St, roUTLAND, Oi;K. 9 rr vnn datuc in I DO YOU BATHEV NO. WHY? lleratise at our bmiao o liuvo nuither a bathtub, i nor liot w.tcr dsnJy. ... "") Tlit'ii to to Hi. Ittimluu IUtlm at '.'17 Aslor St. U (Mils it tha prico. rrlvnto .partinrnl. for 'ij ladles. Only tbu l'tlr cIiimi uf l ;.V t'utoroi (o. Try one ami jou will cni rrgulnrly. V PORTLAND PltKHH, fur Sulem. .1 l.t.i. . . . . 1 . . . 1 T . f.1 o in . -, lieu wrii'ii uri'i.ui' ruiiir uui, Liin;uKft .1 wv'D0, Utfurn, , ,.,,., ., , I Bn Kranclico, to UUI'tl.ll .ltllLI H tlf 11.1 11 UUI llin HAVEMEVER'S REPORT. He Predicts Short Dividend. Next Tear Owing to the Independent Opposition. NEW YORK, Jan. 10.-Preeident Havemeyer'. annual report to the stockholder, of the American Sugar Refining Company, at Midr annual meeting In Jersey City today, fore cast, a reduction of 'he next dividend declaration uftarwarla decided on. Havemeyer said there was no set tlement of the .ugar war end no sign, of such (Ktttlement, nor had there ever been since the war began by the Independents. The recent ad' vance in refined BUgura was not alto gether due to a shortage In the Louisiana crop but to an advance In raw sugar. THE FORMAL ELECTION. FRANKFORT, Ky., Jan, 10. In a joint session of the legislature today, Blackburn waa declared elected Uni ted State, senator. , . .. FOR A MONUMENT. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. By the terms of a Joint resolution introduced in the senate by Turner of "Washing ton, the swretary of the navy 1. au thorized to erect at the naval acad emy at AnnaplJ, a marble monu ment to the memory of Lieutenant Philip V. Lansdale, Ensign John R. Mcnaghan and the men who lost their lives In the battle with Samottn. In April, 1899. The resolution appropri ates $;,00 for the monument. TREA30N IN CANADA. VICTORIA, B. C. Jan 1.-In the legislature yesterday it wa. brought to the attention of Attorney-General Henderson that a BriMHh flag and portrait of he queen had been trampled under foot in a city saloon. The attorney-general said he had no evidence as to this beir.g a fact, but that if possible to do so he would prosecute any parties guilty of trea son. Intentions was calculated lo cnuw and tild cause, ho'.illil and excite alarm and indignation In the bo?orm of that freedom sking race." THE HARTFORD SAILS. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. lO.-The Hartford, Admiral Faragut's historic flagfhlp, silled this afternoon for New York in command of Captain Harley. Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. Oaneer often resolts from an im nrity in the blood, inherited from renerttiom back. Few people are en tirely free from tome taint in the blood, and ft ii iznpoegible to tell when it wtll break eqt in the form of dreaded Can mar what ha. .Doeared to be a mere pimple or scratch baa developed into me mott malignant Cancer, I kad tevar Oanew which u at nt w - .w hlntilu. that I thonabt voold tratd by Mffml abla OI7R NEW CRUISER. NEWCASTLE ENGLAND, Jan. 10. The U. S. crui.fcr Albany, formerly the Brazilian cruiaer Abrouall, pur chased by the United State govern ment shortly before the beginning of the war with Spain While under con struction hre wa. given a successful official trial off this port yesterday. She developed a speed of 20.87 knott, showed thorough eeaworthdnef. and exceeded her contract conditions. n ehralelMS.bal Id .pit. oi their effort, th. Oka Mr apraad antil air eon- 01 turn M4m. sunning. After maor month, of Ireatmcnl and growing Steadily worse, I d dded to try 8. 8. . which wm a srtondy naeimsMided. Tht first bottia produced an lm- ftovmnt. IaoaUnu4 a. toadlelna, and in f oar moo th. th. Ust II t tl. .a.b dropped off. Tan rear. bar. alapaed. B. V. William, eUUbnrg.atlai. It ia dangeroai to experiment with n.ner. Tab disease is beyond th. skill of physician.. 8. B. B. ia the only cure, because it is the onjy remedy which (oea deep enough to reacn uanoer. S.S.S.rTLBlood (flwift'i Bpeciflo) It the only blood remiy guaranteed Yonlf Vegetable. All otlars eontalu potaab and mer aery, the xnett dangeroQS. of minerals. Book! on Career and blood disease, mailed free by Swift fcpectfio Oompanj, jLUanta, Georgia, . I A. U Dally aicept Sunday rt-.n A. M M:W p. U lv. Lot Angile, tl Paao. Now Or leans and the East. Roieburg paaa.nger Via Woodhuro. for iluunt ) Ansel, HII vton, Wt 8rlo, Ilrownvllls, Rprlng field and Nation.... Conralll pasaeng.r Independenc. paaa' ARRIVI 8:U0 A ll M K X Dall; eirept Hnnday tt:U A. If 25 A. PacificNavigationCompany StciMitcrn-"H. I. I liiiorc," "XV. II lliirrlhtm ' Only line Astoria to Tilltiimiok, (iurlhaMI, Hay City, liuhMiinllto. Oinni-oliiirf at A'torin with the On ifim Itnilroail & N.viuulinn Co. slid iiIko the Astoria A Columbia Kivcr It. It. (or Snu Frmn iiu-o, l'ortlntxl smi all tioinl. eaat. For fii'ltfht mul iirwi hit rstut p; ly t Hnwicl Blmoro M Co. (linernl A'til". AST01UA. OKK. (JOHN A CO., Acent", On u n lUiln s.l .V Nsvlptlon Co., TlI.LAMOUh On. A. AC. K R Co. I'OlULASD.Or. pally. tDallr eacept Murutay. lonnectlng at San Francisco with 001 dantal St Oriental. Pacl.o Mall nd Os wiiu vfauiaiup unRa lor JAPAN, CHINA, AUHTRALIA, HAWAII AND THK PIHf.IFtl NJn Hebats tlelcel. on sale dully botweon rurunira, oaurnrnrmo, ana Una rrancl w. rust raira u nrac-ciau, and U aac-onJ-claas, Incliallna leannr. raic ana uccnu to Ktern point, ana n...i..i.. . . w v.,,,M., riuiiuiuiii nd Au.tralla. Can bs obtained from J II KIRKIAND Ticket Agent. 131 Thl rf." a KOFHI.BR, C. H. UARKHAaf Mana.ef. - O. r. ft P. A nr.uirh tickets r:l for lowest ra'tas Call on C. J Trenchard local .Kent Wtf,. rarso Conawav'. efflc. A.tona. WHITE COLLAR LINt OolumWa JtWar and ruvK Bound Navl- gavtlon Company. talley Gatsert leave. Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leav. Portland dally except Bun- oay at y a. m. White Collar line tickets and O. R A N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey uaizen ana u&Jnaio, A, J. Taylor, Astoria Act U. B. SCOTT, Telephone lit tTMiaent. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT BOTJTBJ TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Olvc .bolic. of two favor! t a route., rla the Union Paciflo Fast Mall tin, or the Rio Grande Seen to Line.. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Tre. reclining chain, upholster ad tout 1st sleep tos cars, and Pullman palao. sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information, apply to Or Astoria, Oregon. 0. O. TERRY, W. E. COMAN, Trr. Pat Agt, Oen. Agent 124 Third BU Portland. Or. O. W. LOTJN83ERRT, Agent, a R. ft N NORGARD & PE'lTERSON, Merchant Tailors 1 26').' Yamhill Street Dctkeea 3rd sad 4th... Portland, Oregon Telcpttons Orauiin IllncU aos.1 n Dr.Kilnicr'K S' M Hold by moH M While our Cut-: Simple Arithmetic Hupplics ns with many of our best pntroiis For Instance . . 'm Swamproot In marked itnJ most JrtiKgbtH for $1.00 per hot tic -Prfcc Ih LcavliiK a little remainder In your rocket or Tbii isn't the only examplo; we soil all putout muiliolnu. and druisntoor reiponding prices: Pinkham's CompounJ, C5c; Hood's Sarsapnrilla, 73c; Paino's Celery Compound, 75c; i Scott'a Kmulaion, 73c; Pierce's Proscription, C9c; Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, 69c. All these preparation, are marked and sold by moat stores for $1,00, Woodard, Clarke 6b Co., Cut-Rote Druggists, Fourth and Washington Strs., Portland. Let us send you oar Cut-Rate Catalogue. is INSIKUCIIUNS UIVtR. UnUtnJ JULIUIItB, Miss Bertha flartln's Decorative Art Room. rail Line ol Newest Cmlirold. ery Materials. laltlali s Specialty, Choice Selection ol S'unplng DcsIijrs, Stamping Neatly Dane. Boom S90 Dakara Bblldlng, SI .ad Washington Sta., Portland, Or. rra