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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1900)
rilE .HORNING ASTORIA. Till KSlAY, JAM'ARY 11, U00 gaily glstcaimn JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Mala (6L TKRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. B nt by mail, per year . i Bent by in a II, per nni.uh U Berved by carrier, per month iti SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advance t2.wi Postage free to subscriber. All communications Intended for pub lication sh.iuld be directed to the edi tor. Mualneiss communications of all kinds and remittance must be address ed to "The Astorlan." Tito Kitchen Sink Should not breed . diseases like typhoid fever or malaria. It will not if you use Gold Dust regularly. fee frr bwklM-MOvlM liar tot Kimwwork." THE N. K. FMRBANK COMPANY Cttcaj Si.LmU NtwYark Boat IV ill uXXffi w, The Astorlan guarantee to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. rank the American soldiers by the !and file who served AffulnaMo. The Filipinos re not fit for -self-government. That is the testimony uirar pu-k-ts. With foreign vessels barred from trading between the United St.ttos arvd Il.ovUl and be tween the Hawaiian Islands them- nf tfcplr own business men Who solve. tiler should 'oe a great boom did not invest In this speculation of in shipplns on the Pacific coast, rebellion. ! - - - - senator noxr mieituorpivia uewey fer-,,.- t n rnr. The rate w, it is unuarstooo, nas, . . mtx,v y,. r.s v terances of AgiiiiuJdo and his com-1 'p fll Hlloh- I ' r, m m m m mr m rit been In continuance without some endeavor on the part of one or two transportation companies to ed it. I! Is conceded thai the dlfTerejitial . .. I 1 . . . , .KKvitH To T i . I .pencia, the insurgA newspaper, I which constantly calks attention to Cough and ikwmed by the eoamboxt men and j thfl syn,pathy tow-iris their cause ex refused by the railroad Is behind the blb!tej ln tne United Suites and urge j consumption heavy cut. the bouts adjusting their rates to make an actual differential aid the A. &. C. me?ting the cut to defeat tlx differential. The flag of truce, It la reported, has been flour ished by the O. R. & N. Company and they offered several propositions. One Wi8 that the Interested trans portation lam send each a delegate to a conference, ' the companies to abide by a decision of a majority of them delegUta. A nor her wbls that the question be referred to a commit tee of disinterested railroad men, to le selxted by Mr. Hammond. The third, that It be left to a committee of Fwtland and Astoria business men. None of these propositions, It seems, was acceptable to Mr. Hammond. That the O. R. & N. proposals were exactly as ataited ft not known, but their followers to st ml by the Insur rection on the ground that their "friends in America will win In the next election." Senator Hoar apologises and his apology Is not a creditable one. By the side of the speech of Beveridge It cuts a sorry figure. Cure HAWAIIAN SHIPPING. The senate committee on commerce, of which Senator Fry of Maine, the president of the senate, Is chairman, has shown its appreciation of the importance of applying the commerce and navigation and seamen's laws of the United States to Porto Rico and Hawaii, and placing the shipping trad of those islands with the Uni ted States on a coastwise footing as they are so reported, and It is certain: speedily as possible by reporting fa teat that company made overtures, j vorably to the senate bills for that The differenriaJ is not a matter in purpose. This would esem to mean which the public is generally Interest-j that these measures will have been ed but the demoralizing efftct of (Hjch a ra'.e war as has been in ex istence lwr for several months past makes It a public matter. HOAR.S DEFENSE. Senator Hoar's letter, which appears in another column, is probably the bee: defense of the anti-imperialists' cause that can be made. Yet the let. ter Is one that suggests Mason, not Hoar, and the argument is largely the argumentum ad homlnum. Th-i "facts" which Se-iator Hoar adduces from the reports of Dewey j Emitted enacted Into law early In the prjeent session. It Is irteresting to recall that short ly after our acquisition of Porio Rico the president Issued an order ap. plying the coastwise trade laws to American bottoms. Lafc-r, in the su gar season, this order was withdrawn In order to facilitate trade, the ship ping facilities of our own country be ing then regarded as insufficient. The bill relating to Porto Rico, In addi tion to applying the coastwise trade laws to Porto Rico, permits all ves sels owned by Porto Ricans to be to American registration. This is twrond quwtion tha inott tucxWstul CoukIi Medi cine cvrr known to science: a frw dosr invariably cure the wont catrs of l"ouv;h. Croup nd Hrcnchttis, while Us won derful success in the cure of Consumption is without s car llciinthchistoryof medicine, hince its fiiKt dtkcovery It has been sold on a iruarsntre, a ttst which no other medicine can stand. If yu have a Cough, we earnestly ask you totryit. In United Mates and Canada Sc., &c. and and in Kngland Is. Vs. 3d. and 4s. Cd. SOLE PROPRIETORS S.C.WELLS&C0.1 LEROY. N.Y. HAMILTON, CAN. Sold CHARLES ROGERS. and Otis and upon which he bo Ws There are only twenty-six of arguments, are not tacts and are not fair inferences from these reports. The questiun of AguitaliiO's ch'.trac er is Immaterial and Irrelevent. That the people of the Islands desire Ta gal rule is disputed by three who know the real people the working classes, the producers. The cause of the outbreak by Aguiualdo's army was not American aggression as stated by the senator. ' The provocation was deliberately j tht vessels, most of which tre quite small, ranging frjm twenty-fire to jne hundred and fifty ions. They are useful only for trade around Porto Rico, and would not bi avail able for trade between the ieland and the United States. It is a significant fact that since the acquisition of Porto Rico about a mrillicn dollars has bewn Invested in the United States for teimehlps for NERV1TA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vlfor iod Msnheod. Cure Impotency.NiffhtF.missionsand wasting diseases, all effects of self abuse, or excess and indls ; Jcretion. A nerve tonic and 'T, blood buHder. Brings the ilVn!nk clow to Dale cheeks and tSri restores the fire of youth. TBy mail 60c per box, O boxes lor 9i-.ou; n tu a written guaran tee to cure or reftmd the money, Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts CHICACO, ILL for Sals by Charles Komra. DrotiisL Oregon. ASTORIAN BARGAIN 'COLUMN I he Most ftr Oij.Ii, I am i'lvertUing for the Canlt Ki'iK-ory trnd. for which I nffor I ho rulK-jit woig.tus and owt priotf. Ih-iiythins cla mil fruit, 1 roiiipt mlotvti.iii. CliAKI.KS 1.AKSON, tiviviii-a iiiul f rickery. I tide's Sati.-fatfilnit In buying sUvonuuv whoie the clock is complete and yew luive on Assurance - to niinlliy. I lme a l:iiro assirtnuMit of sterling silver and hollowwaiv In lat.t di'slgtM for pivsenta mid liollduy trade, lie ture to .vv It t fore you buy. a. W. SMITH. 5IG Htrot. PeWltt's Mttle Karly llln purify the lilmxl, clean the liver, InvlKorat the svatem. Famous llttl) pills for con. stlpatitm and liver trouble), Chas K' cm. Kust men don't pay any attention lo the ivguUtUn faat days. J. U. Clark, reoila. III., says: "Sur geons wanted to operate on mo for piles, but I cured thom with IWVltfs Wltoh Hiuol Salve." It Is Infallible for pll nnd skin cUnrim., licwaro of counter foils Chos itogcrs. If a man cultivate bad halli, h Is nipt to ivp earthly inlTUa. Who l)ojs Your l.aiiudrv'.' We cliilm, and we will prove to every one, that we have the best and moht up-to-date laundry on the Coast. A trial order will convince the most particular. If you want neat, prompt work, try the CITY STKAM LAUNDRY. tii Franklin Avenue. R. SCHIMFFERMAN. iTop. For u IloliJa;ift Theiv Is nothing nicer titan a pb-oo of silverware or cut kUimm. 1 have a complete a.rtmeni of the latest productions at reasonable prices. H. EKSTROM. The Jeweler. MO Commercial Btreet. ! "One Minute CotiKh Cur U the beftt remedy I ever urnM for couglis and cld It Is unequalled for whooping coiiiih. Children all llko It." writea II. N. Will lams, ihvitryvlllc, Ind. Never falls. It is the only h:irmloa rennnly that gives Immediate remitt. Cures coughs, ' colds, li.'ai'M.'urss, civup, pneumoiila, ' lironcMlls and nil throat and lung trmblea Its early use prevents con- isuinpti MV Chas Itogttr. Charity niity b.'Kln at home, lut m vst aiiiillciurtM Mtn-k a tuiiii at Id ol'ice. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalla, Mo,. t"M his rhlld's life by One Minute Cough Cur, Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an Infallible cur for coughs, colds, grippe, pneuuumta, limn chills and throat nnd lung trouble). Relieves at once. Chas Rogers, The High Churvlimiin u. s cundl s, and the Uuptlst dips. Better Than Kver The Rood 8treet Fish Market la better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt fish of all kinds. Goods delivered to any part of th lne wort c(u, KtlJ IIIU VSIIBIBL'IIW (WKTlMliVeU. PONU STREET FISH MARKET. 117 Bond Street. Millinery Novelties 1 desire to further call th atten tion of the ladlea to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises th latest creations of th millinery art. and I am o tiering re duced rates for th next SO day. MISS McRAB. Dr. T. N. Ball DENTI8T. 173 Commercial Stmt, ASTORIA, ORE. Over Schlussel'i Clothing Btor. MIsj Antil E. Gunning. Tyre, Mich., says: "I su tiered a long time from dys pepsia: lost flch and Iteeamo very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur complete ly cured me." it dlgt-ata what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never falls to give Immediate relief lu Chi Roger. If a man ln't soUir, ho hIiouUI never attempt to walk a tight rope. Mr. R. Churchill. Berlin. Vt.. ays: "Our baby was covered with running ore. DeWltt'a Witch Haiti Salv cured her." A specttla for pile and skin diseases. Hew are of worthies counterfeits. Chas Roger. If you musft but, al.vays lt on the top dog and Uw Uittom facts. THE LOl'YKE. Strangers visiting in the city will flrul the Lonvre an attractive rettort wherein to spend the eveninif. The Am me Sisters i I.ndies' Orchestra is still on the bills niul i presetils iiilitiy a musiinl proKraiu of exceptional merit, IlamlHuine pool nud billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the house. Pnluttiblt! lunches will be served at all uonrs It takoa but a minute to overcom tickling In the throat and to atop a cough by the us of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cure all form of throat and lung troubHt. Harmlent and pleasant to take. It pre vent consumption. A famous spectflo for grippe and Us after effects. Chas Roger. If ex i.-m-e Is such a grvat teacher, thorn should l ih grrecn old age. If a man has nothing to say, he has a splendid opportunity not to talk. NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH the trade between the United States Planned by a number of Aguinaldo's Ld Porto Rlco. the Porto otttccrs and was the culmination of a Rico Kranting absolute free trade But a true beautifier, being the only prep- long series of indignities heaped upon b,,, the United State, and Portn 1 "ration sold under a positive guarantee of iH.oou that it contains not a train or mco is passeu, ana tne si-tppirg D.ll 1- VI These tin Capsules sre superior to baism of topaioa, vuueuj or iniecuons inaruny CURE IN 48 HOURSi th tam diseases with out inconvenience. GOVERNMENT PROFOSALS WANTED. "Fort Stevens, Oregon, Jan. t, 11(00. Scaled proposals In duplicate will be received here until 12 m. February 10, 190), and then opened, for the pur chase of three 8-inch guns and car riages (cat iron); 2". 10-Inch gun and carringea (cast Iron); five 200-pound Parnrtt guna and carriage (cart iron); 1.100 loUd ahot 8-Inch and 10 Inch (cast Iron); 4,800 shells, 8-inrh and 10-lnoh (cast iron); 125 hand spikes (wrought iron); two 15-ton hydraulic Jacks; and many othrr ar ticles of Iron, wood and copper. Right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Informantion furnished upon applica tion. W. A. BETHEL, First Lieutenant. Third Artillery, Commanding. "I was nearly dead with dysnapala, tried doctors, visited mineral spring, and grew worse. I used Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. That cured me." It dl gesta what you eat. Cure indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Chas Rogers. If II Is true that oory runs in the blood, Is mu-4t be In tlie poetical vein. My son ha been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to take some of Chamtwlaln' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. After lining two bottles of the 25-cent size he woa cured. I give this testimonial hoping some one similarly afflicted may read It and be benefited. THOMAS C. BOWER, OI)ncoe, O. For sal by Charles Rogers. Seasonable Goods at Cotton Rope Cotton Twine Net Floats Boat Sail Drill (iiiifcrent (Hairs) Dunbarton Salmon Twine W. F. SCHEIBE, f ilanulcturr of t Alwnya Ullaltl A lull line el Pipes, Tebacc. a Aaaoasrs' Artlcltt. 474 Cominsrclal t. "La Belle Astoria" Cliar Schelfce'a Opera star Sendee's Special A itt Oilier llrainrta a; l ...The Esmond Hotel.., jj PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. X K'iManp'H.Vi.'til,V).irdv. OSCAR ANDERSON, Mimer X AmerlfMii iau, I t.uo lu S'iou ier Usy, J, C. I'KM'KllAir, Clil'l Clr j uwruwnru vnruuuvuu u uuuvuiruu iuvwvrvruunivrvvrur H?lt PORTLAND PORTLAND, Oli. THoOnly Plrist-ClnHH Hotel In PorllonU KOPP'S BEST A Delicious nnd Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Th North Psolflo Brewery, of which Ilotlled beer for fatuity use or keg MrJohn Kopp is proprietor, make beer beer saiptiKl st sny time, dellrery lo (or domca'io and export trad. the city tree. florth Pacific Brewery Golambia EleetFie & Repair Go SucceBHor tr COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Loners' Supplies Kept lo Stock Blacksmiths BotlerMakers Machinists Logging Cnglnes Hull! nnd Mcpnlrocl Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the I'asurpasscd ... M Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Light nnJ Tower I'luntM. Foundrymen VWSAAAAAWWWAVSAAAAAAArVil'V GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS WANTED. If you wwit to flatter a man, Just toll him that It Is Imnwwlble to (latter him. As a cure for rheumatism Cham berlain's Pain Balm is (ralnlnj a wtd reputation. D. B. Johnston of Rich mond. Ind., ha been troubled with that ailment irlnoe 1S62. In speaking of It ha says: "I never found any thing that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was itwollen and paining me very much but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. Tot sale by Charles Rogers. A SUGGESTION TO THE LADIES. Young Girls 4 How easy It is for young i girls to go into the "decline." 4 They eat less and less, become paler and paler and can harldy drag through the day. Ther are on the steady down ward course. Iron does them no good; strychnine and bit- ters all fail. They need a rood that will nourish them better, and a medicine that will cor rect their disease. i Scott's Emulsion b both of these, elegantly and per manently combined, The Cod-Liver Oil makes the blood richer, and this gives better color to the face. The hypophosphites of lime and soda act as a strong tonic to the nerves. Soon the weight increases, (he digestion Improves and health returns. also, there will be a great Inc-ntlve to our merchant marine as well as to our commerce with Porto Klco. Seventy-five per cent of the traie between the Vnlted States and Ha waii is carried In American vessels, there being an ag?rigaXe of 2 0,766 j tens of American Steamships 3uid j 101,'il of f reig j vesiels engiged In thai trade. The Hawaiian bill, re- j ported favorably by the commerce committee, appli'js the coastwiise I trade r.:gulaticnB to the United Scate! I 9 Tul nrlmtrn t n Amrrir'an w-wla'.i. ! veels flying the Hawaiian flag. This fraction thereof of poisonous or deleteri ous substances. Indorsed by the most celebrated artistes of the lyric and dra matic stage ; recommended by eminent physicians, and pronounced harmless by leading chemists WISDOM'S FAMOUS ROBERTINE. It if theotily preparation now used by favhionable Ladirw to pcrpftiKtte a rautiful complexion ! Ailc your diuni-t for it and do not be induced to take anything '. I'rk e 50 cent per bottle. At all dr"gplt ; fur. and f r oo. SOIT Ik UUWNh, Uumu, Mew York. name thing was done w'aein we acquire-d Louisiana and Alaska. Ves. sels admitted to Hawaiian rfglatra tlon since the Islands were annexed are especially birred from American registry by this bill. This will dis appoint a number of foreign veasel ownars who secured the right from Hawaii to fly the Hawaiian flag with the expectation that when law for the new territory were provided they would be able to engage ln the coe tradd by, securing American registration. The Hawaiian fleet num bers some flfty-flv vessels, and In clude a number of ocean steamships as well as steamships plylag between the Hawaiian Islands, and aUo some DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Nctice Is hereby given that the part nership hratofore existing between C. V. iiich and Alice Slay, under the firm name of Rich & May, has this day hc-on dissolved by mutual consent. I Alice May retiring. All the Indebted ness of the Launch Ethel has been as sumed by C. W, Rich and all the blllx due the launch Bihel must be paid to the Commercial Collectl-jn Agmicy, Dalgity Red, proprietors. C. W, RICH ALICE MAY. Dated December 28, 1859. SOLFIUNE. Solflllne! Solflllne! Have you tried SolfiUne? If you have not go to Peterson & Brjwn's at once and buy a trial can. Remem bor that long rain and possibly snow will follow this mild and dry weathw, and every man woman and child's shoes should be treated with this great witer-proof leather preservative. Or end 35c In stamp to Henry Mil ler & Cn 312 First street, Portland, Oregon, for a trial can and be convinced. "Fort 8tevens, Oregon, Jan. 6, 1900. Sealed proposals In duplicate will be received hore until 12 m. Feb. 1. 1900. and thn opened for the purchase of ,. 4M ln . aM . . . . ne following m Fort Canby. Wah- ." T" fiJr"- v " and cartage (caM Iron); one 4H- SSrn?. . ",r' rt?cKk inch rifle (ciat iron) with carriage fl "LW iobMCO and limber (vroo&r. two 300-pound m"h?1t.- r com- Parrott guns and carriage; two car- th lef n Vr",d '? f"r; rlages for 15-lnch gun (cast iron); I "efnt iour carriages for 8-inch rifle convert! 1 2'Z 1 i,? Maf, T1 "f ed (cart Iron); looo shot 8-lnch and !,e?'- '"S1 everything to d.llflit Plun? Pudding, Raisins, NOW FrCSll ailll Mipce Meat, Currants, SCaSOnalllC OOOdS PumPk'n Crapberries Citron Squash Etc. I Carry the Ralston Health Foods Wheat Flakes, Crano, Whole Wheat Crackers, Breakfast pood, Select Brar?, Yeast Cocoa, Joffy A- V. ALLEN 10-Inch (cant Iron); 2.500 shell 8-Inch and 10-Inch (oat Iron), and many other articles of iron, wood and cop per. Light to reject 'any or all bids Is reserved. Information furnished upon application. W. A. lilCTHKL. Flrrt IdeuteJiant, Third Artillery, Commanding." BLANCARD'S IODIDE OF IRON forANMIA,POOBNE5SofthpBI.OOD, 8CKOFULA, Etc None genuine uii)ncl"nLAKCARi" ALU Jimj'ifilSTH, . E. POUaERACO.,N.Y. AgU.forU.S.y J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let. All druggist refund th money If It fall to cure. E. W. Orov'i sig nature Is on each box. 26a smoker. CALL FOR WARRANTS, Notice la hereby given to all parti holding Clatsop County warrants en dorsed prior to Boptembor 1, 1SS7, to prvserit the same to the County Treas urer at his olllce, 1(4 Tenth street, for payment. Interest ceonos after tht date. Dated, Astoria, Orvgon, this twelfth dty of December, 1SS9. II. C. THOMPSON, County Trtjimuivr. A familiar nam for the Chicago, Mil waukee & fit. Paul Railway, known all over rhe Union a th Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" train every day and night between 8t. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "Th only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connection art mad with II Transcontinental Line, assuring to passegenr the best service mown. Lux urlou coaches, eleotrlo light, steam beat, of a verity equaled by oo other lln. Be that your ticket rao via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point ln lUi United States or Canada. All ticket tgent sell them. For rate, pamphlets, or other Inform, don, iaddresa, J. W. CASET, C. i. EDDY, Trar. Pas. Agt, General Agent, Portland, Or, Portland, OJt G LOOK HERE, YOUNG MAN! Tour leoki fell on roa. (a k rl Mcrat t whlK. Il.(ur t'( too Um o end m or will lo thli old loo- ttw. Ifa h. a h--- -u 1 1 ... l for nva. 'jii M.r- . i. . . . V rtlltblo. KumUiiM hi own swj'ala t UK. .Xtf DR.kFSSIFR Of the, old M. Lmil MMIotl n I'ortlitul. Or., poltlvi ,ur. tnlfta to cur. PRIVATE DIiM. ThU runniHi to air snr OurM, no lfTriio now I on (ndln. Rp-rmxarrioM. ef Manhood or Nlsrhlly Emlaalon, our trtrtnintnu lr lh habit of Slf-Aouo XtKiuall our Id irt tlm. VOUNO MEN J' ." .", t.Mm of youth ran b roniMlM, and ml wd dootor will rlv ton w HI.HN. cur jrou mK fuia BroUf alM-ntf Wid Uillhr. You will b m.M at hlrwMTw wins ctKrTtliot 8ml"l '"" KlghUf BinlloiiVji4 PaUrnitl tr-a(4 In anr part af tr OMinlr-r b hi k-a wrm WrlRi full particular. InrwTloTo VlailLTll wV IKS. HTJSTL ST" U-U4 h READ THIS Fab a1hi 1nw1j. a Imj.i. aiio and look al II In Ui morn In., i. n u7u,j! hp a rloudr "ttlln t 11, r ha il" T&Z iiH of KlSSra a t?3a MANHOOD RESTORED!?; hud oi lamuupi rr-ncu uh vnrli,n a,iii ,,, ,.TL. ,-"i..ip. you. or !.,.. ,,f tu?gXrai?.w " Inwmnls. I'aluilo the ll.wk.MemhaJ fin LI f!" o" Mw'hnoil, Conatlnntlon. 1 1 nn all liMhl S.. .1'. 4 BCFORE aho AFTER l"' LM . .. ,,,,rT"""0,n"llrlnryorKaNiolaiilmnu1j.i. . rVPIDKHR atrensUKni and imurr nmall wik oranna, unPu"U, Th raaon uflrrri'm ar not ciin hf Imrior I nrraiiM nlnt tu , . .. rroatatltla. CUPII) rm!tom"itoMI?r rooM1 W aia A written ru-r.mrr firrn md mnm.r rnlurnd If all h.,.Z . SC."""""- ""'t" ia bo,la for 14.00, by mU, itond for mEadrcular a,irl ii.7....7iL" u"u' iwuuuioui itt DA VOL, JIKDICIKB VO f. O. Box 307. Ban VnwtoZn, Forhi. Aden oia By CHARLES ROGERS.