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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1900)
r- ot i ok j f, ' of v.-; 'v,;,; VOL. L AST0U1A. OltKOON, TJlUJtttDAY. JANUARY II, 1800 NO.18!) III Now is the lime .... (l'if" '"Pllli weather will be getting colder t'AtIIt J soon' 1 $ II t I X Metier buy your STOVES fIlf nowat THE ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. HOAR MAKES HIS DEFENSE H kmirtft from the reports of the command -m of our army and navy fat tlx' I'hlllpiiM inland. I havj two rltniiws to rail, (Jwinrrtl Otis and Ailailral Dewey. Whit I miy not u l'it nil their (Mti 'iunl in. a to fxlliry. and ' tu Ua upwlal IdiBinifn of ixlilli-m and so 1 1 or to lie-t.-rmlne llv polli-W of fie country) I l.av no d.r.lre to to Iwy nd them and tb m;i fur whom Uu-y vouch In THINKS OTIS TOO AGGRESSIVE u,. r fact. Senator Hour's h-tt'-r h-re aitorts lhat th iM-fpiUvfuti if Dewey Declares the Fillplooft Capable of (hn"1 ou" """' r lh i"' ' ly him, b? mjw, having b-n Sclf-Goveroment and ants Ma- wmih,.u, IU- f;ir ,.m pilM(c know. Says Agulnaldo Is t Brave, Pa triotic and Honest Man. nils Turned Over to Them. beyond iva.nnable BOOK Big Reduction Until February 1, 1900 All 23c Hooks new 20c All .life Honks now 25C All 50c Hook now 40c All 73c Hooks now 50C All $1.(10 Nooks now 80C Au others lit riHirtinn, Special wires on set. In our 25c books are lm-luiU'l tlic cWclinitcJ H.tity IxMikn, Kipling, ami tinmy othi r ji'ti!ar authors. 'i-dP') (Ml.lbllMl) d'MlIrl: i ".That Agulnaldo U an 19. jjnator Pa,,1"t'c ttm' brave man. horvwt. AKJUNOf'N, Jan. 19.-3nator l"uc ami biuve man. Inde d, Hoar, of MHiiw-liutiu, lw made ,hul ecprrs t'Mmony of Mr. ! public a long letter he ha ddrvsd 8'urnian, preldnt of th Philippine' activity and THE LAST TRICK TO BE PLAYED Lords Roberts and Kitchener Ar rives at Seat of War. ,w TIDE MAY BE TURNED Kith Kclnforcemtnts on the Kay the English Advance Kill Ik Irre sistible by the liocrs. M0 MORE FIGHT IN PROSPECT Filipinos Retreating- and Have Abandoned tbe Struggle. LONDON. Jan. 11, 4 a. m.-Durlng occupation of WeoiK-n by Britten troop)!, tfney; one prm dispatch which slipped through the vennm hands dfwcrtb-.d an exchange of flash I glit Hlgnals with thoae of the village. Owil Bull r has uccekd In confu.iiig and lewildcrlng the En llMh public. If he haa not dazed and onfoundffd th Bor wrila. Ouperal Fr.mcli haa reported a re con. ainwuioi on the -iv?my'a fl,ink In which a comridenbte force vaa dran RELEASING THEIR PRISONERS out, Uien allowed to plr. A fjuad. ran of the Hou hold favalry had an J ' acoountfrig In thla movement. rHi.,ll,. ni..l r-r,J- r rvuen a uvjiivv point in tnese , nianf;uv'.?r ha not been dlsckfc-d, but It U Tabable that (ien.Tal Cronjej haa at-nt rvlnfjrc?m-nui to the Free Start. m on the toutfurn frontier and that the occupa'.lun of the bridge Deposition of Church Property Upon Close of the War. MANILA, Jaji. 19. Report from an Interlude of apparent mUltary In-' 0Vf'' U,e 0ranifi; river tf rvTim the movemento of th American com dertd difficult. I to tlw Hliiirt of the Journal, Adv. r. to""" t'a-r, MraUI nd OI ie of IfcMtton, In i niandin south of Manila show that "2 That AKUlnaldo w-ui the choaon 'aw' to a Kixfth made by Ex- ,ia'Ur ,f 'h4 P""!''" 'f the Philippine lt pr"K-nintlve Qugg at the Kiurx l',lu-'"'- flub Hi,. Kurt H' In December. Tli.t the p'-'l'le Ivj fwm the In thl ihwb, Mr. QuIkic. n-f.-rrlng t.KlnnliiK. ,I,-j!r ind-i-endcnc- and to 8 mit.f'j alil'ud on the ,'"Hr" " now- Filipino iicaion th, the "Thut IhU d re wia commuiil- 'wjn:. ua to xkulk ir..m our '"' tl our .irnaiHl,T whon he duly." Hmu-w Hoar iuk- tlw worda l,u'm arn"- accented thoir aJd, j TneJr .tnd brnuuhl ActilnHl'l from hl ' Iiob-ri and Kltohenr liave arrived j Ba,'t""" of h ixth vision eon-, o.-neraUi Uatea and Wheaton are at at tht- .-at of war. It 1 eumed ,inU(' t0 arrlve at Cap9 Tow"n al,d JVrrz Dam Marina and General v. their clrar vb-lon. upp'rtM by!th rrtn ' Wal. the iiopiia' &:hwan at Siilng, all waiUng the ar 30,(W) fr..h men, who are due to ar- h,p' ''" at Mvil"r thtir- rival of provlaJmrt was). GRIFFIN & REED ur New (tads Ot H NKW iMiS JtT AltRlVHl Klt(M TIIK KAST AM) SOW ltKAI'Y Foil UVtt 1000 Cl'STOMKltS AUK: Combination Book Cases Writing: Desks, China Closets Music Cabinets Library Cases w WaJiSusiT Tht so Qinh wero louglit luforo tlio ri.c in prictH and will bo sold accordingly. rive In South Africa within thirty tlayn, will alter the sitiiat!on and that the founh month of the campaign' will witneu the beginning of vicUJrtea' for British arma. I are not, however, exptoud to .. t ... i .'in nrouuru iicunH' i iron nit, ' . .... . ... J wli-h to put agiiliiBt ihlii atate- i'u t""""I,"u daya, but thHr m-re tn-nt :ny emph.i.1.- -lUal. What I " ""l""" w.ui.m. wno wre ttttin th,. Airt-.Ttcan PI" to do 'a to Hlly In arma and organized. d.i in Hm I'lilllpplnui exKHly what we ' th jM-oj.le of the PIilllp. (rave d- ii". are doing, and expect to l'n '"lands. Ix-fure we fired uin do In C'ubi. t,,"lr tr0P had d-.-Hvared the4r own i We have lib. fated fr..m Spain, from Sp.iln. wllh the aingij ex- land we have had no thought-al -I'Uon of Hie town of Maniit and . . ... . - tti'.t th.ii li....1iJUl . In hk .lot. l.itK! I nave nia im mougnt-or , are two full jentraJs, giving either back ti Hpain. I ihould t'o.'P'4 -! y a line extending IJob-n.a can now be looked '.r any day. PREPARATORY MESSAGE. War Ottice About to Publish the prcKiuc aennit nauita Vrt oine! will ' restore the shaken confidence of the Alarming Facia n.t to Ladysmith. I j8?t n ReconnainsAnces ha-e ahown that 2.000 armed Insurgent have retired to the mcuntaina from the district be tween Inlang and. M'aig and that othem hive rttriatd along the coast from Novellta toward Banga. ' i, LONDON, Jan. 11. The wut ofllce Klevemh cavalry drove a body of insurgents from Malg. One Amert- men at the front in thr gomrab. announcM that th 1 r Brftlsh cafl- aun was killed and two were wound- iead Flllpiaoa were Lord Roberto find- 1.-0.000 nun oa,""" " ",u1""" Thirteen not yet oeen receiveo. i f(.rTd, Th. following dtepatch dated Frere Ttw movem.t larg.-ly reaembUa Camp, Jan. 10. noon, has be,n re- ,rj Schwuia expjriioe In the celved from CfenemI Buller: j samc C0UI)try expt that the towns The Transvaal telegram gives the a now twlng and that the defensive or washing for an opening. There Is certainly plenty of the rutik in evidence in South Africa. In addition t- the field marshal, ther ; fuur lk-uten-' in. soon give back a redaenW ul to water to wxt.-r. KiiIum u Tivff hi.W ilu. iMoiil.. if the "That we could not have ac- ant generals and twelve to fourteai major generals. The list of victims of disease enemy's loss" at LadysmUh on Sat- Um mgoma ltfuae to fight, re urt'ay as four killed and 15 wounded, lnVjting southward and livlding into' lsBUed U'd U'te ftner' M U H,3mHtt1' small band with the apparent inteo- Charles Hellborn G Son. deaths from enteric fever and dys entery In Ladysmith in four days.; revaillng the 'act that die bepeig,d' , are experiencing bad sanitary condi. tkms. The Standard surmarixes the gei eral situation thus: "Well, the campaign has lasted thro; months. W'e have something like l.9,000 troops tn South Africa. With this huge army distributed over country we are still powerless to relieve the three garriwns from In eetment. bejfl thi. nlan of ratrhinr & l&rar num. (fcfeated at all potato. j between two brigade ha' failed. "The natives here assert that the About one nut.dred insurgents have Boew loss In one commando alone kllIed but oompatuavely few waa 150 killed and wagm loads of anaa tave taken. Xhe region to wounded." j (utl Aming, who doubtless have This curtoue dfrpatoh to probably j bf;a bearing arms which tliey have Intended to prepare the British public mae.n, Tne insurgents as th.y fall for a terrible list of casualties. JAPS WANT SERVICE. Hero Ih n LIm of High Grade Goods at Moderate Prices m it. ii. m flalston ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. ,i -HjH!-(i-4-H&HSH!H pioiiffwintfiairttina'ggira S pi i i a IW I I Phllip-ini' Inlands to tho cruelty and c-ptvd the Spanihh garri4i. whk.h'by lh(J war cfflce twenty-two i mdur':1 8 "'b flr 0 tiun of reassembling later. lunnnv ,,f a,.,i.i i,i,i,s.d. Sinn thi-v was 'lon- ly an arrangement before. 1 ..,.... . .... . . i maskea oawenee ana naa got arms, an army tend an orgajil.x- , haul. uion a m.-re rfiow of reetet tl.n. I do not believe In the power of unci but for tl; fact thst they wwe 8pn.n to sub,lue ih. m ngUn. . hmme.l In by Aguin.ildo s forces and Hut the United mat,, ivv. r in my Culd n nivut o.'y nd the range Judgement. houl l ev.-r allow her to and fir- the gun of our lies, make the attemiil. Having delivered "7-Tliat during all thUi period to them from Spain, we wejv bound In the llnul conillt th8 FiUpin. were nil hn r to protect tlx. (r newly ac-' rep,vtu-,lly Informing our government omred liberty og tlnst the ambition ' l11'11 t'i iy itin d their freedom and of gr-'d of any oihi nation on th.U 'tlhy wen- in-ver lnAcinl of any earth. And we are e.juully bound to purp.we on our i.ut to suodue. them. the protect th-m ngatnt cur own. We .-ui.u in.y were in i,.r uiue-i were bound to vuuid by th. iu, a do- M"d ni-. Thj- had churciu, li-J fonder ami r-rvitector, until their new ' br.irteA w.uks of art and education. r ( govt raiment w, re muibliched In fi.-c- Tliey were b,t'ar educated than many dim and l: honor; until tlwy had Anuricin conimunltl, within the nude treaties with tlu- pow r of the' memory of some of . They were larth and were a secure In Ihe4r na- governing ontliv teland. except tiomil Inde'jenJewf i SwItii tUuii ,a ; Mu.t il l, In onl-ir and quM, with mu sure, or as Sunto Domingo or ene- governments, courts of Jus ru.'la Is sure. tlce, schonto ami complete constitu- "Now, If this le a policy ( ckulk-J U .n, renting upon the consent of the back released all the prisoners they hud captured. It is asserted on high authority that Archbishop NozaledU contend j VANCOUVER, B. C, Jan. 10. So In his Interviews with Manager Chap, contagious is the enthusiasm hereu-; pelle, the' papal delegate on behalf of ing from duty, I fall to see It. ! people. They wvr? better fitted for "We have driven the invaders back' a.t no sinc-lp noint. Wa n.r nMnnllvi furthier from 'hostilie tix-ntiers than we were on the day that the t'ltiina tum was delivered. Can any one tail to admit that this to evidence of a great miscalculation of forces and facts?" The war office has authorized a bouts for enlistment with the British , the Roman Ctuthotic church and forces in South Africa that the Japa-j brotherhoods, that titles to all prop nese of this city, through Japanese erey held by the church and brother Sonsul Shimazu, have made a formal hoods in the Philippines should be reo tender of servlcea of a Japanese jognl-ed, that the Roman Catechi.-m corps to the British government. j tJioiild be , taught in the primary ' 'schools, that the JXlsting religious THE O. R. C. WrON. Fnncy Crcnmory'Huttor in Kogs nnd Rolls. Strictly Fresh Egjp. New Crop Majilo Syrup. Buckwhent nnd Griddlo Cako Flour. Packard it Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes. New Crop Nuts, Figs, Minco Meat. Breakfast Food, Pancake Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Crach'ns. ..noeuiers btiiiums.. Tbe nm is a guarantee of purity. HOME-MADE NUT CANDY and tafl of all kinds. Lowney'a FAMOUS CHOCOLATE The Bonbonierre. I irt C. J. TRENCH ARD, CuBlom House Broker. ASTORIA. .OREGON IllSUranCC Slid ShiPPing. AientW. F.(..ndPMlfloKipreuCo l. "We bused our policy In regard to s-lf government that any country on Culm, did we not. on the ground lhat the continent south of us from the It was the policy if right-MUanee and Plo (1iunl to Cape Horn, Santo Do lllterty. We did not tempt the cupld- mlngo or Hayti when cliey rei-etved tty of any mllUoiuiire or even the their Independence and are betu liomst d.-liv for employmmH of any! fitted for s.'lf -government than some workman by the argj.nent that If we of them are now. They are as fit reduced the people of Cubu to our. for nelf-government as u Japan dominion, we phnuld make money when she was welcomed Inlo the out of her. and she could not h.lp fml!y of mutloiw. Iicrwolf. In these days we were ap-' "9. That the outbreak of hostlll-p.-allng to the gtvat, noble heart of tlt w not their fault, but ours. A America, and not to the breechce; iMti-ol, not. a hostile military force, I ll.Wll t ! k . 1 ..llt.... k. ......A.. "If 'e were bound In honor and the lines of the two armies; a village f rlghteousmua ns a matter of principle an the An.erician line of dcmarkatlon to abstain from depriving Cuba of, to which some of our soldiers had the liberty we had given her because . been moved In disregard o. the rule It was right, we aw, in my Judgment,' applicable to all eases of t.uce. When all the more bound to abstain from this patrol approached this town It depriving the people of the Philip, pines islands of their liberties be cuuse It Is right. "It I am iigM in afilrmlns this as a matter of principle, then the ques- i tion becomes a question of fact. "Art not the people of the Philip pine Islands as well entitled to their I freedom and Independence as the people of Cuba? "Had they contributed as much to achieving their Independence as had the people of Cuba? "Do they desire thoir Independence s do the people of Cuba? "Ars they lit to govern themselves as good as iV) people of Cuba? "Have they forfaited their right to Independence by any misconduct such as an attack upon the army of the United States, wuntoiily and without provocation? orders should continue to admnlste parishes, that other parishes should be established under the same con trol and that parochial control of the cemeteries should continue. special yeomanry camp.. Every troop-j PORTLAND, Jan, U.-The Oregon er joining will pay bis own expe.isesj RoaI c,ul) won lhe bowling contest until hie arrival In South Africa and from tne y- M- c- A- tonight In the will then give his services to his flrst s1"1 ff he Balke-Brunswick j THE IIOCERTS COMMITTEE, country, and pay for the privilege: trophy, taking three out of the four! vASHINCTON, Jan. lO.-The Rob lnto the fund for widows and orphans, s1"18- Rossiter, for the Road Club, I wt's inveetiguting commirtee will the amount he would receive as a' bowled the high score, making 83. j take a vote tomorrow ht 3 p. m. trooper. Commission, Brokerage, was challenged. How far the Fili pinos understood our language and how far our plckeu jnderatood the reply that they made In their own language does not appear. But we fired on them first. The lire was re. turned from their lines. Thereupon, It was returned ngfttn from us and several Filipinos were killed. As soon as Agulnaldo heard of it he swit a message to General Otis saying that the firing wis without hie knowledge and against his will; that he deplored it and he desired hostilities to cease and would withdiuw his troops to any distance Getvoral Otis desired, to which tlie American general replied as tl fighting was begun, it n;iiKt go on. "10. That on the ISth of Decern ber, 18)8. the two sides being at peace, although great uaasuieee and "Now the facts which enable us to ! Irrltarion had alravdy manifested it- hear all the questions about which the people have been so much misled during the last summer come to us self on the part of the Filipinos who (Continued on page 4.) THE EMBARGO ON NEWS. London Hus the Army In Action But Doesn't Know Where. NEW YORK. Jan. 10. A to the Tribune from London, says: If the complete embargo upon news be one of the conditions of successful strategy, something really Napoleonic must be going on along the Tugela, river. At the clubs nearly all well In formed men were confident that the army had neon set In motion on Mon day and the officers llngta-ed at the military service till midnight in the expectation of receiving; tidings c some great stroke. Veterans at the clubs and the mili tary writers In the morning Journals busied themselves with patching up their theories. Changes were running upon the two mum themes the necessity for the. clearance of the south bank before the postage cf the Tugela could be attempt.!, and the probability that Warren's division would make a wide, detour and cress the river If miles below Colemeo, General Buller's delay In operating in front of his force, sewned on In superable objection to the first theory and there were only two facts to be cited In suport of the latter conjec ture. Theee were the establishment of Warren's headquarters as far down as Estcourt and the apparent ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Suggestions to Astorians FOR BOYS. This great store large, airy and elegant abounds with many Novelties in Boys' and Young Men's Clothes There is not a style in any article of Man's wear that is not shown here in miniature for Boys. Suits Underwear Neckwear Reefers Hosiery Gloves Overcoats Shirts Leggins Hats and Caps Sweaters Taney Vests SUITS, OVERCOATS OR REEFERS. A B STEIN DACE 2 8 CO, LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST 2 Mail Orders Solicited. ,nv Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. Hit $ 'r& Hi Hit m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi IS J