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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1900)
TI1K MORNING AHl'ORlAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY , 1 900. s-m m m U n. LUUrtlib Amy si Commences on Tuesday Morning JANUARY 2. TO ASTORIANS. Tit ItAII.Y ASTOIII4N will Ix found on Ml III I'urlland woll-huuwa lMrjr bouM of J. V. lUuilUy to.. UI Waaliluitua Nlrvol. Orilir tut dr Udiig lufi wllh tula Ittut will rmltt ronii A Kantian. TODAY! W BATHER. IfiUTLAND, caalorml nUa Jan. 1 Oregon, or- AROUND TOWN. Criwflih, oook4 la win, at tht Na tional Caf. Oood girl wanted for housework. In quira at this omoe, Jf you want bargains attend Shana bant' Great Clarauct Hal. The tranapurt l'srnsylviiiA. aalb-4 from Manila, DmwtuUr II, (or Port land. Our treat cloarniic wld commmcct on Tuesday, January J, 81IANA HANS. Tlw tug Bamaou. wllh Um barg Wahkiakum Inft for Han Fraiu4co yeaitrday niuridnf. Freeh Columbia river snWt; On ft rat of the season, ara now on al at the 'TAT" market City Attorney Ilughoa made hi ttatury bow tut el'y attorney In th poller court yvatrrday, Rotlyn coal laaua locror, la cleaner and makes Icaa troubla with atovM and chimney flues than any other. Ooorge W. Sanborn, A font Telephone 111L Marring tlc'iuv www baturd yes terday to Waltnr J. Falconer and Em ma L. I'ayliM atul to A. Leiiiwiwtber and Florence True, and Pay If you are in need of anything in the CLOTHING LINE It will pay you to come to Portland and examine Besides tho ndvantngo of such a large variety to select you to obtain exactly what you want, wo save you from Suit or Overcoat, and $1 to $3 on Boys' Suits. Men's Suits $6 to $25. Hen's Overcoats $8 to $30. Boys' Suits $2 to $15. Child's Reefers $1.50 to $8. MOYER CLOTHING CO., The Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Manager. ?! ar ar l"l .''')! i Otto Johnson, of Wbr, was In A' trl ii yr(Tnluy. One humlrwl ventre rtou-md Portland up to noon yterday. in J. II. Midland, rcpmunitliif the Viui fl-i taper Company, waa In Uw oily yesterday. The sucotwaloi). to iUunUc If ths Pence J. M. Hugh" will be appointed by the county court tuduy. Pun whliky Harper F erf tot whUky Harper avary bottle guaranteed Har per. Bold by Ford A Btokea Company, Astoria, Oregon, Mr. lUrrtiion Allon ymUTday vacat ed hl otfloo in tlw city ball and labllalx-s hlnwtnlf and books la roum T of tlw r&jro bulling. Roalyo coal la the beat and moat eco nomical coat for houaehold uae In At torts. Try It onoa and you will have no other. Oeorgs W. Ban born, Agent Telephone 1111. Oft your dog llonav The old li cense expired wllh tlv expiring year and after the 10th of thl month the unUct-nwd doga will be lifltimat prey for the doff anchor. Judgv MrHiida huUU one day'a temi of tho circuit oourt today. Sev eral dHH4r,wi will bo aivnuutuxtl and the docket undo ivody fur the regular February turm. The new leaf which we eMail turn over on January 1. 1900, luu the prloe of fir wood at 13.23 per cord not a Tfc cord, and othur kliul of ayinpatho'.lc prtcra. ASTOUIA WOOD TAUD CO. Tvli'pbonn 471. The LttJitvrt.u o'li'braU rhe new your ty coming out aa an elght-pago plK-r. It premt a liandrtomo ap pearnnce Jld 'tho WiUTprlitlng miuutge. mwit dirvi tlie ucoa It la evi dently achieving. COME Us a Visit Money Cheerfully Refunded If Goods are not Satisfactory Tlie ItrWuh ilp Ohfilwlm cluwd at tlMi cum om ilinuMi yosttrluy fr CJiiiMTwtowrt with UO.ViO InuJul if wlwut, viilui'l Uil $07,200. During 11ms ubwmw of lr. Jjy Tut tin from 41m olty, Iff. 3. A. Vu ktn will fill tlw poMl'.lim of aonWig aKltnnt urifiviii, mtrlnn htmplUil in vv !, Mr. ' J. CurHIa won the huvlnom orgun glvi'ti awA.y by H, Y. AU'.n Uwl night. Urvat nWr-i In the ewnt whu mnnlf vt"l by Mr. Albt'a cuwlo mora, , Tho I4tt'init to tow tlv HgHWlUp awy from tho trik'ni and around Into the harbor will be m-id.j t-iduy und Coiiliii"tT Mi Inl'h fllUfl la-. nklit that lui la thorouifhly aat'xn d th" work would m Knally ttccoiu- pIlHlU'd. For a few iluya only, crearn-mlf-4 cundy IS cent a pound; plain Ami r- lean cundy 10 cent a pound. Choco lute crioma 30 cent a a pound, and ovorythlng uImo In proportion, at live I'urlor. Tlii-to gcxvln are mode fnxh fur Clirlatmiui. Th Albuny iMlly IlcriiUl coin vt out with a N'-w nllUon lliat Ik a credit In U nut lu city. It la aturai:t Ive In appi'itrtuM-e and full of pl-iulng lllutr.itlin ami nutv'.lng riall.g nwiK-r. It ta w of thu Ixnt aix'cal numUra of ht year. l)r. Jay Tuttlo Umvivi Oila on a inon'.n a uuve or aoewno. no will vIhII liPi'Jii Columbia while away and atUnd tho wedding uf hla young eat daughter, Nottap, to Mr. Kube.t Hunter of UUnl, I). C. Il wll alao inako th acquaintance of hi granddaughtur. MIim Katlirlnc 8tnw. bridge, of Trail, U. C. Tht Fronoh bark Ixiula rimteur, 1S3 dayt from Mrmtlck, and cuntvrnlng whiwe tafvty much tnxl.tty hia bean felt In ahlpplng tdrclw, arrived In y terady afternoon. She met cevi-re weather In ttiumling Cape Horn but had no a"rtoua mlahapa. The ground- leu fuurt concimlnr Ivir ivauliud In a relnaurunoa of 25 caiM. The Inatallatlon of the oflicora of the Flnnlith Ilrolhihood Unit night, wat made a notable occualon, lout 50t being premt. Tlw IrttwreaUng cre mnnUt of th InatalUlion wore fol lowed by alnglng and a general go A time In which a bountiful lunch w.:t no tntoll part. The prealtlent, Frvd Wlckman, wa prwu-nu-d with a hand- aome, diamond omamcntud charm, aa token of appmckiUofl from the member a of the ordor. Ijket evenlng'a Tolpgram mya that thero are two pronrfnerrt candidate fnf pivxldcnt of the Stale Ixujrue of Ito- publican Cluba which mco.a In Toit- Innd wki month Victor Cartor. if ABhland, and C. W. Fulton, of Aa torla. Mr. FuI'xm wtaa not afn ta-n night In regard to the. TelegtUmV atatemiMrt, but It la aafe b aiy (hat he Is nut a c&ndljaie tr the hmr. If the p.trty donnandod hla frvicoa In that cwpai'lty he might tnke It, but It la cry llkaly that he do not want our enormous stock. from, thus enabling $2 to $5 on a Man's 3rd and Oak Stm ts, Portlii -1 Pears' What virtue there is in bare cleanliness! i Pears' soap docs nothing but cleanse, it has no medi cal properties; but it brings the color of health, and health itself. Give it time. tho oCliw and It 1 Vnry certain wmild n t routeat fur it) he (Yunc'lman Iirk"T give tlw Hioiur ,1'iri' Hint mi I t hl uilliuntraiJ'm a chairman uf U hu.rf and wacw fr'-ntiKP cimimlt.w, thv u wull will not Iih uliowwl vt m uV'itriyi;d by wind und wa,v.r. lit? will k-p It In hia vent jHjk(t Thi unnuivl ni"tlng of the ConKT". Kntluiuil church Will i hi?!d thin even Iiik. Tlila la an impurtant m-lng lind ft la d'iUrtl that oil memb -ra Hhould at'jund. There will 1h an e!-c-tl.n uf olflmrn of thj church Jirul Huri rtny arhrol. AfUr the m-.-liiK I ght reftvuhriierita will lie Tvel hnl a abort nodal tlmo will Ik hod by tlie ritf-ttilxira and thlr frlenda. Mr. and Mra. C. 11. Thornton tuti-r--mined th WMrH Club on New Vear'a night. The tally card were decorat ed with horna and mtlea und ver dedicated to 1900. The firm prliif wore- worn by Mra.' V. C. Lwia and .Mr Ooorg Nolan. .The oonnoUtion by Mr. and Mra. Judg- Taylor. Itefr.-Hh-m-nm. muato ouul druidng completed the evenlng'a unteirtAlmnt-rit. Chai loa Bti-vwui da.-d at hit home In thin city ymtorday nvening. The ' furu raj -r.'lcea will te held at the ! Ciingregatlo-vU chirch thia morning and Intermtint nuule in Clbtttop cine. try. Mr. 8tevu waa 88 yeara of age. I He wa born In HartforJ county, ) Connecticut, In 1811, and oame to Ore- j gun In 1833. Stitoe lliat time he haa resided almoin continuously In Gate p ; county. Mr. Sbevcna waa rwpect"4 by all who knew trim. THE DOER SYMPATHY. ASTORIA. Jan. 2. lSW-EJUujc As tnrlan: Do you nut make out the Americana aumewhat more contempt ible Chan they nully aJ when you aay that th-dr rising sympathy for the lloera la dua to the aucoeea of the African re publics? America.1! very generally believe that England made an unwarrantable demand of the Boera, and attempted to asxuine, for speculative purp ee, a iverelgnty that she had definitely r-dlmiuiithtd to tlw Tranavail. This l......l,.l!dlU .... . V. ... U . I erea wroiiit. ami canihrt hem annlaud- ing when the U.kts maintain their rlghta. . The proEipvci of an indepnult-nt African ri'publdc, or federation of 8i;e, like our own. ia also atrreable to Ameilcana, and pr.Tilue to r-trali the l'nriHian difio' who assume to uilie the earth among them. Tma will make the world republican rather thun linp.-ria;, and merits the support of Amerle., which at leant has been tho b'llwark of republican govern ment. H. S. LYMAN. Why contemptible! It la certainly a fact that at least tho manifestations of American sympathy for the Boer cause grows with each Boer victory. atd It Is doubtloss true that those vic tories are rosponrtble m only for the mrutifeatations, but for much of the sympathy Itaelf. While some of this sympathy Is of the unreasoning sort BlMt looks neither for 'the true causes nor after effects, It cannot be termed contemptablo howewr unwise we may doom It. Many Americano, too, while inc'.lned t favor the burghers In the diplo matic contt with ChUmberlaln, judg ed the rert to arms to be th ver ier folly. The suecees; of tholr arm ies In withstanding the British at tacks tend to vindicate the Judgment of the Biior leaders, thus reclaiming an American sympathy that had gon astray. Mr. Lyman surely does not term England a "desportJc" goMrnnvent, No government in the wwld Is more con trolled by the popular will. TRANSVAAL LOSS IN LIFE. MoruliPts atxs discussing the terrible Ions of life brought about by the Trana vual war. Yet here life Is secrificwd for a purpose for an honest principle. It were better to preach against the need less sacrifice of life. Thousands of people succumb to ailments which might otislly have ben chocked In the beginning. Dyspepsia carries oft more people than are killed In war. The u of Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters would save many lives. Constipation may seeni a little thing, but It invarl nhly develops into something worev, and the longjr it Is allowed to run, the hmler It Is to cure. The Bittere cures Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia and biliousness, naturally and permanently, good for everybody. , IN THE HARNESS. The New Council Hold Its First Meet ing. The members of the new council were duly ins. ailed last evening and Uok hold of the aff airs .of . the city. Mayor Bergman appointed the fol. lowing atindlmg committees to serve fr the ensuing year: Ways and means, Scherneckau, Mo Chtap Goods bit Cool Goods Cheap A Cut That Hurts Competitors $S.OO Men's Overcoats or Suits $6 25 $10.00 Meii' Overcoats or Suits i $7.50 $12.50 Men's Overcoats or Suits $9.50 f 15.00 Men's Overcoat or Suits . $11.75 $17.50 Men's Overcoats or Suits $14 00 $20.00 Men's Overcoats or Suit3 $15-50 DEEP CUT on DEEP CUT on DEEP CUT on DEEP CUT on Rubber Mackintoshes Must Go , I'-rix and Park; health and poUce, Cook and ITtzlngar; atreeu end pubUo wuys, Utxlngw, Agren and Cook; flra and watar, Hansen, God dard and Svenaon; public property. Godlard, Sveruwn and Hansen, and Jvirv-ea and wat2r frontage, Parker, j Agjvn Scherneckau. j Mf t'tzlngsr waa eJectod president j f .i -oiincil The mayor read his message to the council. It was full of sensible sug gestions and advice and called atten tion to the matters of Importance which are now before the council. The time of meeting has been changed from Thursday nights to the first and second Moadiys of each month. This goes Into effect after the next regular meeting which will be held tomorrow night Cl'jr Attorney Hughoa jailed atten tion to the law suits of ihe city now in court and stated that several de cisions on moUons In some of the cases would probably be handed down when circuit court meets tomorrow. On maUcm the ways nd means oomrnlt toe wvre authorized to employ addi tional counsel to aot for the city to morrow If It la considered necessary, as Mr. Hugh Is anfamillar witih th"so cases. Probably Mr. Allen, who prepared the papers and handled the cases so far, will he asked to act for the olty tomorrow. The council adjourned until tomor row night AT THE METHODIST PARSONAGE. There was a qutet wedding at the Methodist Episcopal church parsonage yesterday at 4:30 p. m. Walter J. Falconer, of Astoria, and Miss Emma lh Bnyless, of Kenluken, were united In holy matrimony. Rev. Isaac Peart pronouncort the words that made the happy couple one. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the part nership her Aofore existing between C. W. Rich and Alice May, under the firm name of Rich & May, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Alice May retiring. All the Indebted ness of the Launch Ethel has been as sumed by C. W. Rich and all the bills due the launch Dthel must be paid to the Commercial Collection Ageaicy, Dalglty Reed, proprietors. C. W. RICH ALICE MAY. Dated December 28, 1S99. LAND CHANCE. I have a homestead UUe to 160 acres of land In the forest reserve, which can be exchanged for 160 acne any-1 where la the United States without any extra experme or duties what- READ $2.50 Pants . . , $1.90 $3.00 Pants . . . $2.35 $3.50 Pants . . , $2.75 $1.00 Pants . . , $3.00 $4.50 Pants ... $3.50 $5.00 Pants . . . $1.00 $5.50 Pants . . $4.40 $6.00 Pants . . . $4.80 $7.00Pants: . . . $5.60 Underwear Overshirts Umbrellas EVERYTHING BOYS' CLOTHING Slaughtered HATS cut way down FANCY SHIRTS, great reduction EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED IF YOU DONT BUY FROM WISE YOU LOSE MONEY HERMAN WISE He Does the Business ever. Price ( per acre, box 3, Corvatlls, Oregon. Write to A NEW YEAR'S GUIDE. There Is one book everyone should make an effort to get, for the new year. It contains simple and valuable hints concerning health, many amusing an ecdotes, and much general information. We refer to Hostetter's Almanac, pub lished by The Host enter Co., Pitts burgh, Pa. It will prove valuable to any housenoia. sixty employes are kept at work on this valuable book. The Issue for 1900 will be over eight millions, printed in the English, Ger man, French, Welsh, Norwegian. Swe dish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages. It contains proof of the ef ficacy of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the great remedy prepared by the pub lishers, and is worthy of careful pres ervation. The almanac may be ob kiAMl mIm 4n thA itnuntrv SOLFILINE. Splflllne! Solflltne! Have you tried Solfllinet If you bave not go to Peterson & Brawn's at once and buy a trial can. Remem ber that long rains and possibly snow will follow this mild and dry weather, and every man woman and ohtld's shoes should be treated with this great water-proof leather preservative. Or send 35c in stamps to Henry Mil ler & Co., 812 First street, Portland, Oregon, for a trial can and be con vinced. - HIS MOTHERS BREAD He says was always so light and well baked. WeU there Is a knack In mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used makes a difference. His mother used a Htar Estate Range w t Bmn.t.T imt 431 Bond strsat A Llf ht Store to Sec is ;f A Hesvy Stock to Bay From A Cut That Pleases the People It ?4 at NET COST ! lilt Are those given the best cane throughout all periods tf one's life. "I used to bave the best eyes," is a common expression. These people very likely have bad eyes now because neglectful of the care necessary to keep them good. Let us help keep yours good. If you bavn't good ones let us assist In making them good. Right glass aid that's what we offer. Northwest Optical Co., I r 3 Tfao Labbe Dlda.. 5 Second and Washington Sta C P Room. aoaiaa3 n L PORTLAND, OREGON. 5 iruuixuiruvjxrinAnriAnnntuirim ladies' Tailor. tents' Tailor. 2 I. D. Coyer, Elerchant Tailor INo-Date 177 Fourth St., POBTLMD, OEE. Y, M. C. A, Build'g. r s s I j i , .u. Ui A, iiuiid'g. I Scow Bay X n and Brass Works, at vi 18th St. and Franklin At. Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props SE.Il-STEEL," MANGANESE nd rtlOSrtlOR BRONZE a Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS 'Phone 2451, Aatorla, Or. I mm JlP Eyes L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder , General Contractor -HOUSE RALSlNQ AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY