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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1900)
i Tllti MORNING 1STOIUAN n'KWXESlA, .I.VUUItt 8. i!(!0. dovvlopment work and $2I.S91 for experts. Commcncine on Tuesday, January 2, 1900. ? Will laautortte i f rt Annual uearance oaie And continue it for thirty limitless djn. F.very article in the honse will be rvdueod in price with the f.liowiuj xlvptions : l?ut teriik Patterns and Publications, Embroidery, 8rxl Silk and Spool Cotton. Headquarters for Dry floods on the Lower Columbia TRENCH'S VICTORY. Th Occupation of Oulesburg; linct BrtUsh Gain. Dls- NKW YORK. Jan. t A dispatch to the Tribima from London, says: In t-nce of the arrival of Lord Robots and the conce.ura.Uon of tlie Sixth And Sewnth, division for a march upon Sprln&foatn, vhe most Btrngvtic point n the Owige tvpubllc. General French's ocjupaUoji of Coleeburj is a distinct gHln for The. Brttit-h cause, liven If tt was brought about cheaply and without a plumed battle, It is of the highest value as an object lesson of whit rirttlah generals tun do when they go ab.HK. it in the right way, and with a mobile force adapted for oper ating against mounted infantry. Gerterul Gatacrv attempted to sur prise the enemy at Storniberg by a night march, but was entrapped In am buscade because he did not have a mobile fort capiMa of good scouting. Gm.tual French attempted the sane tact'ea with a lounted force and suc ceeded In trapping his wily eoemy. who had fallon back from one ln-tronchm-nt portion only to be surpris ed at daybreak on the second lin. Since the week of disaster military croakers have been wiling loudly for some heaven-born general who would point the way to Bloemfontein and rreto-ia. General French's success in outimneuverlng the enemy is proof that supernatural powers are not re quired fee this campaign, but mobile forces led by penertla who know how to direct them with wary skill. In only one battle bus their been anything like a flank attack or a turn ing movement. That was at Elands Laagto. in which guns and prisoners were taken by the British. That battle was planned and won by General French, whose staff college training came out brilliantly in recent opera tions from Haauwpoort to Coleeburg. He has b-?en constantly manuvwirg and within 48 hours has compelled the Putch to evacuate two good positions by turning movements in place of frar.tsi attacks. His uccejs is due to good leaderhip and to th mobility of his forces and it illustrates what might hive beer, done by othar genirals If they had not teen bent on frontal attacks, and if the headquarters staff In London had adapted the army corps to the re quit ements of the campaign instead of carrying out a. prearranged mobil izing schema without any degree of flexibility. From XloduVir river there is a sarks of press dispu.t-hes indicating renewed activity. The Boer portion on the left is reported to have been wecJceeied by a withdrawal of th-j burghrs from the trenches, but this is explained in be midnight dispatches by the heavy can nonading towaria Kimberly. Appar ently the bombardment Was renewed in that quarter while Lord Mefthuen's men were commenting upon the folly of the Boers in waaUng shot upon the Modder river camps. General Bab! agUm has conducted a Every woman should know t tnere is a great nome medical book that tells all atvmt thf wnrn. . . " . i fr jkductive physiology fox women, ana an about the home- l treatment of f diseases pecu liar to the sex. I This book coo tains 1008 pages I and over 700 il- ft I lustrations. It r is called Dr. J4 Pierce's Com- m o n Sense Medical Ad viser. It used to cost $1.50. Over seven hundred thou sand people purchased it at that price and over 1,300,000 people now own copies of it For a limited time copies will be given away free. This great book contains the names.-ad-dresses, photographs and experiences of hundreds of women who were once hope less invalids, but who have been restored to robust womanly health by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This mar velous medicine acts directly on the deli cate organs distinctly feminine. It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous, virile and elastic. It fits for wifehood and mother hood. It banishes the usual suffering of the expectant months, and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It robs motherhood of its perils. It insures the robust health of the little new-comer and a bountiful supply of nature's nourishment. It transforms weak, sickly, nervous inva lids into healthy, happy wives and mothers. For "a paper-covered copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, send ai one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing tnly, to World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Buftilo, N. V. For elegant French cloth binding, 31 stamps. Miss Edith Cain, of Clinton, Allegheny Co., P., writes: "After two years of suffering, I bewail Inking Dr. Pierce's Farorite Prescription and am now entirely cured. I had been troubled Willi female weakness for some time and also with a troublesome drain on the system, but Bow I am happy and well." In cases of constipation and torpid liver, no remedy is equal to Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They reprulate and invigorate the stomarh, liver and bowels. Tbey never fail. One littie " Ptllet " is s gentle laxative and two a mild cathartic. They never gripe. ;Vn honcKt 4.aUr will uot urge a luUutu.: ttpon you. thai i i a i t wjm Their First 1 1 r l reconnaissance eastward with a large cavalry force. The most importur.t news from Natal reiau to a fresh re- onimIsanes from Chiveley cvimp to ascertain whher the Biers had va cated thedr str.vtg position south of Coleneo, Thy are still Intrenched on llangwana mountain. The'e New Tears' address, in which he promises the navy will be reorganised and strength ened until it will be equal to the army In efllckwy Is commended warmly bv the English nr:w, which four years ago was exulting over ihe mobilltation of a .lying as the proper an swvr to the's lnterrrwice In the Transvaal aff.urs. Germany is now an English ally In spirit, eveoi If the agreement respect ing the FortugUke pomnttlons In Afri ca remains a state secret. The eeliure of the Bundesntth Is an incident which still interrupts the good feeling be t'.veoii Germany and England. Th ground of justification Is repicttd to be a larjoi shipment of army saddUs for the BoH-s. In that event the Ger- jmun otilcial will probably bo allotted to take another steamer back fio.n Ueiugvxi bay. KENTUCKY'S LEGISLATURE. FRANKFORT. Ky.. Jan. '.-Both houses of the legislature today at noon organized ty electing the nomi nees of last night's democratic cau cus. I In the house. South Trimble, for , speaker, received the full 58 dimoe rat io votes and J. P. Haawell the 42 re publican. For president pro-tem of the senate. Senator Goebel was elected. The four democratic senhitors who bolted the caucus last night voted for the caucus nominees today. BLACKBURN NOMINATED. FRANKFORT. Ky.. Jan. 2.-After i four years of retirement J. S. C. Flackburn wag chosen tonight by the I Joint caucus of democratic members, of the legislature, ias the succ.Sior of ! Wm. Lindsay in the United Stales senate. Senators Alexander and Hays, 'democrats, and McConnel, pHulist, stayed out of the caucus. ; DENIES THE CHARGE. " FRANKFORT. Ky., Jan. 2.-The Harrt-t - Wiialen aU.-gcd alt mpted bribery sensation, which disconcerted the ar.ti-Goebt-1 d. mix-rats lat nigiit, us still the overshadowing future ;on the p.Jlltical boarls todiy. Colonel ;VhaIen telrraphed Commonwealth j Attorney FmakVIn that he will arrive from Louisville this hfwrnoon and surrender to the court. He telegraphed I to his friends dnytag the charge brought agoinr.t him by Senator Har r6t. j fLEMEVED OF LIABILITIES. I CHICAGO, Jan. 2.-Levl p.. Doty, Capitalist ind formerly president of : several larg-j coal v-ompank-e, was re ' lieved of liabilities aggregating $3,000,- 1 000 Ly order of Judge Gro6scup In the , United States district court today, j The assets of Doty amounted to $400,- I - FOR HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2.-The senate meet tomorro- to oomUdered a bill providing for the government of the Hawaiian Islands. There is no geiv-iul opposition to the bill. A HEAVY COST BILL. BUTTE, Mont., Jan. 2. The Mon tana Ore Purchasing Company today filed its coot bill In the Johnston case. recently decldod in its favor and against the Boston and Montana Mining Company. The bill amounts to $324,134 of which $258,373 was for fl A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil waukee ft St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running ths "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect trains Is ths world." Understand: Connections are made with all Transcontinental Lines, assuring to passegenrs the best service Known. Lux. urtous coaches, eleotrio light, steam beat, of a verity equaled by no other 11ns. See that your ticket reaos via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket tgeots sell them. For rates, pamphlets, or other informa tion, jaddress, J. W, CASEY, . C. J.EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt, General Agent, Portland, Or. Portland, O.r THK FtmTV-SEVENTH DAT. NEW YORK. Jam. 1-The f.inty. seventh day of the trial of Roland B. Mollneux for tho murdor of Mr. Katlirlne J. Adms, ojwned with Haf ry 8. Cornish again on the tsand. The exAinln.Vtlon of Cornish by Attorney Vevks w.ui the feature of the day's proceedings. THE LAWTON FUND. WASHINGTON. Jan. S. Gen. Cor bin. chalim.m of tlw Lawton reaf tvnmttttee, announces that sulerlp- ti-.v to the Lrtwut fund mvivvd up to daw amount to $39.;3. wlloh d.ies r.ot litolude all subscriptions nt.-ide to an itnWptdtuit agent In var ious outside cHios. THE NATIONAL DEBT. WASHINGTON, Jaa 1 The ninth ly statement of public debt Iwued toj d.iy shows that at the cl.e of bus. noss Dnbr 30, 1S99, the debt, less Uk- cash in the troasury amounted to $l.l.!t.3ii.0iir. a dwv for the month i.f $-..Tii.s;i. Why does a iv'-..i never angelic after eating nngI-cake? ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I tb. PORTLAND. Arirl VeT Vw a. m.'Port'.and tnlon Depot. IU:1S a.mT 7:00 p. m.;for Astoria and inters t:w p.m. Imedlate points. ( ASTORIA. " i 7.45a.m.For Portland A In-ll:t0av.m. 6 10 p.m.termedlate points p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p m. a. n; 5:fln U:S'Lv ....Astoria.... Ar .-.sniHAr t,-. I-v a. m.p. m. 7:40! 4:0 7:Si SU S:50 11:13 Lv " "'"""Ar 4:53) MO 1:15 : Jut l:0O Ar ....Seaside.... Lv SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at l:S0 a. m.; arrives at Seaside 9:45 a, m. Passengers may return on any train shown on schedule on asms date. ALL TRAINS to and from SeasUU run ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. All trains make close connections at Ooble with all Northern Padflo trains to and from the est or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot At Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.'i boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach points. THROUO: TICKETS on sals t As toria for ' .amento, 8as Francisco, all Eastern and European points. City ticket office Astoria. S24 Commer. tial street. J. C. MAYO, Oen'l Frt and Pass. Agent. Til P) fdV" 1 Tine SCHEDULES DEPART K1011. luriUnJ. Arrive . Salt IjiV. I'env. r. Ft. v. f"', Won Omaha. Kau- .Mal1 , tan City, st. Loulu, 8 p.m. j thleag.; and Kail. gpokaue 'alla Walla, Krikane. awkane f. er 1 Minneapolis, SuI hui, yinr 3 45 p. m.; ;iu,lutn' Milwaukee, g a. m. 1 Chicago and Last, i From Astoria OCEAN STEAMSHIPS (All galling Dates lub- . jeet In change. Tor ean Kraneiico-rtall ' J bee. 4 9, 14, 19, 24. 29 i Colvmbla River 7 a ra I Steamers ipmKx ExSunday To Portland a as M 01 day j Way Landings. From Portland ; . . 6 a m WILLAM KITE RiVER (r,?,";rtro ExSuulay ,. , hx Sunday Oreicm, NewMrg, i halein Si Way-Land K WlllametU and Vam TuThur' """ Jol1i Blparia iLvLewlstn Uave Alf snaK stiver. i M a , 1:20 a.m. KIparlatoLewlaton. : dally 6am WILLAMETTE KIVEB 4:.'0p,m. Tues, Thui Portland to Corvallis Mod, Wed Saturday and way landings. Friday 0. W. LOUHiBIRRY, agent Astoria. W, K. HUItLBTJKT, Osa. PA Act, PsrtUuU. tt. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado .and all Eastern Paints. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Paclflo Fast Hall L4n, or ths Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME , Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4 Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, trpholsterec tour 1st sleeping cars, and Pullman pal so sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information, apply to Or Astoria. Oregon, C O. TERRY, W. B. COMAJ4, Trav. Pass Agt. Oen, Agent 124 Third St. Portland. Or. Q. W. LOTJNS3ERRT, Agent, a R. 14., Mauds gticuraSoa ! grY Red, Rough Hands, Itching, Burning PalAis, and Painful Finger Ends. OIVE NIGHT CURE. Soak the hands on fetirinj In a strong:, hot, creamy lathtr of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint f rtdy with CUTICURA, the great skin cure and purest 0! emollients. Wear, during- the nlg-ht, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut In the palms.' For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fis sured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful fincet ends, this treatment Is simply wonderful. Complete) External and Internal t.VnlUiiof t'lTKUH (uticura In and ofwn lh MCCT ! OR and huinllllln .kin, uralp, and Mol humor., wlih k u( hair. hn Ok 1 1 yl.4l all vIm (alia. I'unsa Dai-UANO l'uis.foiU'.1Bol l'ro , lln.o. Through Tickets EAST AND SOUTH F.A.S7 PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. TOURISTS SLEEFER3 and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern cities. Bacae checked tnrougn to estinatloa, Union Depots, fast time, lowest rates. Plntsch light In all cars. For ratr and other information call os or addrta i. W. LOUNSBERRY. Acnl. O. H. & N. Co Anuria, Ortauu or J H. LOTiinOP, Oen. AK'ni. 133 Third St. cor. Alder, r'ortland. Or WHITE COLLAR LIM Columb'a River and Ttikh Stind Navi gation Company. Lalley Gatzert leave Astoria dally, except Punday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bun day at 7 a, m. Wklt. foliar Una tlnlrata anil O Tt k X. tickets Interchangeable on Dallci Oatzert and Haasala A. J. Taylor. Astoria Act. U. B. SCOTT. Telephone 111 President. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Ladles who go to Portland and dealrs something especially fine In the way of tailor-made suits will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at t D. Boyer's IV Fourth street, In the Y. M. C. A. building. Not only does he keep a strictly flrst class cutter for men's wear, but also one exclusively for ladles' work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the best of materials, as Mr. Boyer Is an expert on woolen cloths. All Astorlans who visit Portland and desire spending a pleasant evening In nnmnanv with nnlltA ruonl and in the willow . . enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program, snouia go to me ireumuu burg. Besides vocal and Instrumental alattlrtna fhArw UK mallV Other at tractions to delight the visitors. The new management is maaing me reuer Icksburg a well -merited success. BROWN & GRANT. Props. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builders HIE : Palace Cafe . W HDIPFLK, Prop'r. Finest Restaurant larfh ef San Franrfsr OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Hervioe. Firet-Class Caisine, " j" Private Booms for Ladies. V '$ C38 Commercial Street, Astoria, i. mi 13 Treatment for Every Humor. BoarcMe.), to tnn Uw .kiu of rru.u aud Ulrkmnl euilcl; t urirraa inaraasT i-.i to In.lanily allay Ik'hlns, tnilainm.Uon, and trrliallua, and HHh and hl; and t'lTirfa Ksxiitaxr (Wp.). lo .l and clan Ih. blood. A Hinuls Hit U often .unklrnt locurt. tlirinivllorturlnt, dl.Hurlii, mW SOUTH l.AVK POHTLAND ARM VI OVERLAND EX I i'KKKS. for Halrin, I U.iarburc. Aahland, 7:'jC P.JJ.;8aertrnco. Osdi'O, 1:00 A. la. Han tYnuclaco, o- inve, Lo AngelaM, 1:1 Paao. New Or leans snd tbs East IS A U Roeeburg paaaencer Via Woodhurn, for Mount lAncel, Hit verton. Weal Bolo, M M P. at Dally rscept Sunday Dally eirwpl Baoday Held and Nation. ... rl lO A. MICorvallls paaaencT A t4.M P. Mi Indepeodence paaa' tS:B A. 1 . UiUly. tDailj sicepi Sunaay. t'uiinoctlng at Ban Franclaro with Osol diul A Oriental. 1'aclO.o Mail and Os an'c mi-aniihlp llnr for JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. HAWAII A Nil THK PHILIPPINES. llrliata tlckri on a.ila d.iily briweon Portlind, Pacranmnto and Hon Francis co. Nt ratM li7 flmt-claat, and 111 aso hi l-flaaa. IniMiwlinK !-inr. I'.iin and tlrk'ta tci Kaatr-n points ano Eur": . Ai J.ipin, t hina, Hon.'liii.i ar. I Atinrallu Pun l nlHUinr.l frmn J, H KIMKIAND, TU'kut As.-nt, VA Third '. n KOIMII.ER, C. II U AltKHA V Mnsr (I V. P A ThrjUKh ll-kvts f;i for ot rata. Call on C. J Trn-har1 lucal nt WW t Fanco ( onm.a. a ufT.o. Aatorta. H.F.Prael TransferCo Telfphone 23. DIUYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped irt Our Care Will Reci-ive Sp-cla) Attention. No. 53J Duone St., W. J. COOK. Mgr Astoria, Or. R. Tel. 113. W. B. Edwards I vcry vuricty (if Kouuh hiiJ DrcsHcd Lumber, llotirH. WindowH, iMoulJiiiKH anJ Cedar SlilnnloH, r.ri r (''"mmon Hlali.liark, Fir, W UUU Hemlock, Alilt'r.roluOnk OITiee Seventh Street Dock PACIFIC SHEET METAL WORKS Manufacturers of Salmon, Fruit, Vegetable, Spice und Syrup, Llthograhlng on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco, Cat., Astoria, Ore. Fnirbaven, Wash. WRITE US FOR PRICES. THE PROOF of ths pudding Is in ths eating and ths proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's con. elusive a demonstiwtlon. . Ours will stand rks tsst. HUGHES & CO. Iicn You Want FINE TEAS AND COFFEES CAM, ON... ,ure&. Foard OStokesCo. Baking Powder AHtorln, Or tmi 1 Telephone 981 :,' nJ tlioy ltH.ll, s J, 0, Glllcn 8 Co,, Dealers, Manufacturers and Contractors O! AnbcHtOH Boiler and Pipe CovcHukh 22 m.n.l St, I'OKTI.ANP, OKK. is DO YOU BATHE 7 !g St I NO. : WHY? )S ;.) ( (Vi (S r.) f5 - . INSTRUCTIONS CIVCN. ORDERS SOUCIHO. Miss Bertha Hartln's Decorative a j All KOOmi C It.iuni Nn Dokuin lllillillng. 111 '.----.--.;.v,;.'v' 1fMSM AfvA-' PacificNavlgationCompanv StcamcrM'-,R.I Elmore," "W. II. HiirrlHon" Only line AHtorlit to Tillamook, (jaribaldi, Hay City, llohHonvllliu Connecting at Astoria witb the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Go. and also the Astoria & Columbia Kiver H. R. for Man Francisco, Portland ' and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply t; SatriMel Elmore c Co. Ooneral Aont, AHTOllIA, ORB1. COHN A CO Afi-ents, Orpgon RallroBd & Navigation Co. TILLAMOOK Ore. A. A 0. R. R. Co. t'ORTLAND, Ore. C. Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. We Rent f i Tsv E I -1 L. & M. ALEXANDER & CO., Phone Main 57 1 . ' Exolusive Paolflo Coast Dealers. 245 Stark St Portland. I en 11 wnoli and Iron, but cun not do it as nli ti us ths v New Columbia Steam Laundry. I hiii young and liny sro old liMllds Kt tho Iniallic.a, you know. will call (or your snd you will lio J. W. DALTON, Proprietor. ? Ilccnnau nl our tmiise we have niMlhcr a balliluli, nor hut water handy. ... i Tlien uo Ui tb Itiiaalmi HalU at '.'17 Aator St. j 25 cciits is tlie ptice. I'rlviile simrlments fur liullca. Only the Wtli r chut of patrolman Is rateriMl to. Try one and ymi ill etutm nunlarly. ytJ full Line nl NcatM r.niliiniil. ''J try MutilaN, tj Initiah a Sicciulty. I twice Selection ol S Li St.imiini Neatly Done, j ami Nia., I'mlliii il, Or. il Tint tin me is n ttuiiriititi'o nl purity. HO.MIJ- MADK MIT CANDY pi mid tally o( nil UiikIm. jj FAMOUS CHOCOLATE f,! The Bonbonierre. i RENCHARD, Ctssstotn House Broker. ASTORIA. .OREGON Agent W. r. Ado., and Paolllo Kxnrski Go's New Typewriters. Many New Improvements Addod-KEE OUR LATEST Smith Premier Typewriter NEW ART CATALOG UK FttKK V il 1 a