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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1900)
s MB MORNING AST0R1AJV. JAM'ARY , U(K) gaily otmiau JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. . mm Telephone Main Mt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTKN. DAILY. Scot y mnll, per year $100 M Pont by mall, per mo.ith Served by carrier, per month BEECHACIS PILLS cure bilious and nervous Ills, vivn 1 1 v o w v ' 1 v i , !!., ani4 imnalrorl Hiriftstlon. T & M1CI IIW inifw .i w " H T I iaeeitnrfS rents, at r ! Why la It that but few orm.w aiv SEMI-WEEKLY. 8;nt by mall, per year, In advance JiOO Postage free to subseribera. AM eummuiilraiiona Intended for pub lication stimld be directed to th edi tor. HiiHiMcss communications of all kinds nr.,1 wilttanees must be address ed to "The Astoilan." Ttio As'.orlin guarantees to Ita ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising 'rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. A WHOPPER. An Item In the Oregonian of Janu ary 2 reassessed tint the torpedo-boat destroyer OMdaborough made 32 mile an hour agi.tinet a two-knot current. Tlte Oregonian Indulges so often, however. In erroneous otatemonts that one is prone to doubt even xvhen he would fondly believe. For Instance in the Orega:uan's New Yatr edttkwi, pee 5 of the pictorial peetion, occurs the following astonishing statement: Since 1S51 the people of Portland have srt J700.000 to derpfo the channel to the oea. The work done has given Portland a channel to thi sea having a depth of 23 FEET 6 INCHES at EXTREME LOW WA TER Veaaeto drawing 25, 2 and 27 feet easily reach Portland, however. Such &a absurd claim as the above la twadily belle vad even In Portland, beoaue the people there accept the Oregonian as an oracle on all matters commercial and maritime. Indeed these wild exaggerations are manufac tured for noma consumption. At low water there Is not to exceed ' .ill ' fc. i W. C. A. Polil, : ir.m eommv-v Undertaker, Umbalmcr ami Funeral Director iVKot mill Yw hkV Supi Hos tvnsui.l ly on Imn.t. (V.ror 11th ami luuiio St, Astoria, Or V &r A " I III V JS DISEASE No More Back Ache Attn. Karl's Clover Root Tea Bniutlfrs the CuniplfTloo, Piiiffiw (he PKhhJ. itifs a Krh, t. Ier in. i'un Cin stiMiion, lmfirsihru anj all Kni)Htn ,f the hkin. 0 T.1; lii:iiir Nrr Tonic. Sold nn a'mJiit murinit by all druwiaU at 2 AiV. ami tl.OO. S. C. WELLR 4 CO., LCROY, N. Y. oir ntoniitToai trial if ' i i a 1 a At S Constipation. INFLAMATIOM tKt BLADDER. a.O ASTORIAN BARGAIN ' COLUMN I he Most for Cnslt, I am Vivminli'.g for th- i'nih Shxvry lrnI, f.r I offrtr the fullem wMff,iUi and prU-en, i:eij-thiim; c,.m niivl ftvah. l rotnpt iittetktlon. aiAM.I'.S l.AK.xoN. tiivceriv'a and fivK-kery. If you nho iUI live to a rtvttt old hk bewniv if tho bunco nvut. Mr. J. Sheer, SedalU, Mo,, anvM his ehlld's life by On Mlnuta Cuugh Cura. Doctor had irlven her, tip to illo with emu p. It's an Infill I til our for couirht, coMh, Rrlppe, pneumonia, broil ehltU and throat and lung trouble. Hollows at once, Chna Hogvrt, If f.Hl kp.t hi niiiuih alutt, f e:tn nfleii (M.-w for a wvuihe-r pip!nt. there's SatUfacttoti la buying silverware vheu the stock I eompU'ie and you have an nssuram'e a.i to quality. 1 have a !:U' a.M-rtmcnt of stertit- silver and liollowwtnv In latent deMlgns for lmi; prveiits nt l holtt.iy triple, lie kuiv to rv It lv fore y'U buy. n, W. SMITH. R?S Coinmeivlal ittvt. Mln.i Aniil. lv OutinliiK, Tyi, Mich., : "I stuflVred a lon.n lime from dys H'Pta; Inst ilinii mid Invamit very w-ek. Kodol Ityiala Cur cHmplota ly cured mo."' It dweats what you t and cuiv nit forms of Htoinneh trmible, It tivver foliH toive liuinedlate rvllof In the worl ea;.. i'ha Hgra, In or.lir t.i woniui, ail !llen(. sueo fully ai'Klle Willi u you have to d H keep Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. Purifies the blood by eliminating all poisonous matter, stimulating the se cretion, regulating the bowel and aid ing nature In throwing off that which makes a yellow skin. The effect on the COMPLEXION Is quite pronounced, as a few days' use will demonstrate. decreases In other lines, is to be placed common points In the Inland Empire to the crUt of the item of manu. , t Tacon, and Sutl Now I itaow for a fact that the A. nctuned goods, the total figures tor this Item being I3U.3C9.1T3 for R. R. has bv.n making an earn ton Cff0rt to this securvd aim. It la month as against 1231177,175 for the same period In 1S9S. The Increafe has been most marked in the four months banning with July 1, and as there seems to be no diminution In the demand for American &vrm nuvMhlnery, of incalculable) impoiliinoe, m only to Astona but to all Onegon, that this be secured. When we have secured this last we will have nearly all we want in termliail rates. It i to be remembered that we already have bud terminal rates on salmon and most increase for the entire year In exports of manufactu-ed oods will reach T3. OCiVW or ISO.000,000. How mueh of this increasing demand for the products of American forges and factorioe is duo to exceptional 1 feet for vessels gNsng up to Port- ! condiUons or how much to a better locomortlvee, structure Iron and seel commodiUea for years before the HUI- . . rva'i was dw j.. e nave niui ror year ana other forms of manufactured .,. , I the same passenger rata eastward us gooas, mere is ircue -louDt thai the from Tacom i and Seattle. But passengers coming west ate obliged to pay more to Astoria than to Seattle, Tacoina and Grays Harbor. There Is no sense In this disriuUnation ftg.Unat Aaloria, and it will probaHy soon be remedied. In conclusion, I wish to suggest to the Astoria cltlrena, who, like myself, is land, and at average low tide, 17 j display of our goods abroad it is too fee-t. At ordinary high tide there 22 feet. No vessel drawing more than 23 j the account, and our of water can go up to Portland or ! i come down from thsne and 23 feet Is irly to determine. War exlgencK-s abroad have doub'Jees entered Into own Dellevts in Astoria, and wants to do all he can for Astoria and Its true In terests, this queiion: Is there not something that we, at loost some of National I can J tow'anla bringing about t-. . t this common po n rate on wheat -.f't i-ijuuun must nave oeen an ,., . t . , .. shipments? hile we exueict the rUU important factor. The rostoraUon of roaj t0 do its nart we relv fos' W crosiung over ine.p-ace and partially settled ondMans urun It. EX-WHEAT BUTER. Who lo.:s Voitr l.atino.' Slr. 15. t'liuivliil'. Iteilln, VI.. i-iys: "Our baby w n covered with running soiym. l)i Will's Witch ll.uel Salve enr..! her." A tireille fur dIIim anil We claim, and we will prove to SKm du.-as.-s. ls.-ware of worthlas every one. that we have the best e ouitteif .Its. t'lias Uoei. and most up-to-date laundry on the Coast. A trial order will convince th,fc mot tmrf lotiliir. If von want 1 neat, prompt work, try the man's vlo.iu.-nce until after he f.el CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, Imirned. (i23 Franklin Avenua. I in in -v.vr fully realut a ' R. SCHIMPKERMAN. Prop. I IVWiti's Little Early ltls m purify th,, liliuk.1 fl.uiti lt., Iivt.r liii'lii,ritt m For u Holiday (Jift the avstem. Fatuous little pills (or run. There In nothing nicer than a piece "tlpatnm and liver trouble. Chft Rog- of silverware or cut glaas. 1 have m A complerjj airttnent of the latent J prcHlucllona at reaAiuible ptlees. I If a man ha plenty of suiid, he pus H. EKSTROM. 1 .-,., illf, f Krt,. The Jeweler. M Commercial 8treet , . . . J. N. Clark. PH)rliu 111., says: "Sur Hotter Tim n K-..r ,gvons antel to operate on me for piles, uvii.r i nun but j CUIvJ tntfm 1)W( W(tch Tha Pond Street Fish Market la Haiel Salve." It Is Infallible for plb-a better than ever prepared to supply and akin disease. I tew a re of counter, fresh and salt Hah of all klnda fetta Cha Rogers. uooos aeuverec to any parr or in city and satisfaction guaranteed. BOND STREET FISH MARKET. (17 Bond Street. Millinery Novelties I desire to further call tha atten- If blood will tell, p.irlMps that's why murJer will out. "One Minute Cough Cur Is the beat remedy I ever inl fur muia-h unit uon oi uie laairs v my -nauni n ), unequalled for whooping cough, stock of trimmed millinery. It corn- chlldrem all like It." write II. N. Will- prises tne latest creauons ot me, lama. Oontryvllle. Ind. Never fall. millinery art. and I am offering re duoed rates for the next SO days. MISS McRAS. Dr. T. N. Ball DENTIST. 173 Commercial Street, ASTORIA, ORB. Over Schluaael'a Clothing Store. It la the only harmless remedy that give Immediate reaulta. Curea coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung trnuDiea its early use prevents oon BUnipU'jn. Chaa Kogera. THE LOIVKE. If In doubt what step to Uke, con sult a dancing maU'r. Seasonable Goods at hier Br So Cotton Rope v.. Cotton Twine Net Floats Botit Sail Drill (Jiifcrmt quaiitifs) Dunbarton Salmon Twine W. F. SCHEIBE, stsnulsclurte of lio Always NelUnle A lull IIim ml Pip, Tabacc. nii 5moktrs' Article. 471 Cortttiivrulnl Ml, "Li Belle Astoria" Clgsr Schclte's Open Stir Schclte's Special Anil Oilier Ilru1 ...Tho Esmond Hotel. , PORTLAND, OHE FHONT AND MOHWISON STS. KiiMii-ati i'..Vv l li.V)iir dv. n?PA ANDERSON. Miinnnor Amvrlenii plan, 11.00 l..iuu vr ly. J, (', I'liM'KllAHT, ('hl.'l C'ef J aTatT4ia I H PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR- Tho Only Plreat-CtnMM Hotel In Portloml runrururjniutinrvynruvw KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Tha North raolflo Brewery, of wbicb IkittliHl beer for family use or keg Mr.John Kopp is proprietor, make beer beer eopplicxl al any lime, delivery In (or Jomee'io and eiport trada I be city tree. Horth Paci?ic Breuerg It tak but a minute to overcome tickling In the throat and to stop a (Vtllirh hv ft IIM nf I1n Lrin,,, mH Cure. This remedy uulckly curea a l ' form of throat and lung tnubl. Harmlem and pleasant to Uke. It pre vents consumption. A famous apecirio Chaa; sands at extreme high tide and during high freshens. Will the Oragonlaa kindly state when ' vessels, drawing 25, 26 and 27 faac" ever reached Portland easily or otherwise? f OUR FOREIGN TRADE. The export statistics show in a marked degree the liw In which we ( are nuking the greatest progress in our foreign trade, aid the exhibit Is certainly a .rrtitifylng one. It was al ready well known hat better crops abroad had lessened the demand for Anfrican breeddtuffs and that the ex ports of raw cotton wera not up to thofce of 1898. The total export of the first ten months of the calendar year however exceeded those of the same period in 1898 by about $40,000,000. The total is $1,02S,306,627 as against 1987, 197.7C7 for the first ten months of last year. j The entire increase of Vi,M,W, Vtkjfc SlI.OM.fcO mor to make up for' in Cuba and Porto llioo counted for something, and tha establishment ot amjle warehouses In South America and elaewh-ira have doubtless had an appreciable effect. The net result is certainly moat en couraglng and should Inspire our man ufacturers to more practical, system atic and far-rsachJng efforts than ever to make this Increase in the for. eigi demand fur our t;oods a continu ous one. While the people of this country are not entirely agreed about the profit or propriety of an expan sion of .Vmerican tantitory there can be no two opinions about the benefits that will follow an importanrt and constantly increasing expansion of our fotvign trade in goods of Ameri can manufacture. ASTORIA TERMINAL RATES. Weak Children How sad it is to see weak chiUren-boys and girls who are pale and thin. They can not enjoy the sports of child hood, neither are they able to profit by school life. They are indeed to be pitied. But there is hope for them. Scott's Emulsion has helped such children for over a quarter of a century. Your doctor will tell you it ii both food and medicine to them. They be gin to pick up at once under its 1 use. Their color improves, the flesh I becomes more firm, the weight Increases and aJI the full life and ( vigor of childhood returns again. . At all dnurrloj; oc. and $1x0. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemiata, New York. ASTORIA, Jan. 1, lWO-EJitor As toria n: In ynur fevue of December 31 I notice the following In the rdltnHal- "The Astorian would like to know iiat efforts tie company has made to gt tTn inal rates for Astoria? Tha Astoria, people know of none." In that last ans-lon, Mr. Editor, I believe you are clearly mistakes and thewalth do th A. ft C. R. R. a grave Injustice. Up to the time of the completion of our railroad, w were particularly wanting terminal rates on lumber shipmtwts by rail. And so it was tald and rightly too that It was very im pel tant tor the advancement of As toria that she have the same rates eastward by rail as Tacoma, 8 attle, Grays Harbor and Shoal water Bay. And we got It. We got It, you re member, through the efforts of the A. C. R. R. And we are now goU tlng the beiw-flt of that terminal rate on lumber. Every day lumber Is being shipped eastward by raSl on that tea-mlnHl rate. It has placed the mills at the mouth of the Columbia In the best position of any on the coast. And that they realize the advantage Is seen In the fact that they are now Increas ing their capacity as fast at is possi ble. So there ! omei important t:istance whre the "company" not only made the effort, but secured very Important terminal ra-'jes, to the tdvantage of the railroad and Astoria. And now as to the terminal rates the common, point rates on wheat shipments. We want In short to have the same rates of Cnedght on wheat and flour to Astoria from common prints In the Inland Empire Lke Spokane, Walla Walla and Pendldton that is chargfd from thoej same The Astorian does not dexire to misrepresent nor misjudge tha rail road company, but neithtr will it evade a public, duty through fear of hurting someone'a fuelings. The people of Astoria contributed heavily Inwards the construction of the road and It is not in a spirit of mere fautt find ing that the nianagwtnt cf the rail road is remind ?d that Astoria will not be satisfied with the result of tte In vestment until general common point rates for Astoria are wcured. But, as the convepondent suggests, the people of this city cannot afford to rely wholly upn the railroad company's efforts. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tne senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Co., doing businea in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tne sum 01 iw ror each and every case 01 caiarrn that cannot be cured oy tne use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHE NET. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of Decern ber, A. D. 18S1 A. W. GLEASOK, Notary Public, (SEAL.) Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter nany, ana acts directly oa the blood ana mucous surraoes or Uae system, Send for testimonial free. P. J. CHENET 4b CO.. Toieda. O. Sold by druggists, lie. Hall's Family Pills are th beat Why dot a ma always know kas after marriage than ae thinks he knowa before? NERVITA PILLS Icstore Vitality LostV!rin4 Maibeol Cure Impotency.NiffLtEmiBsionBand wasting, all effects of self aV5 ahuse or excess and India, ekretion. A norv tonic and vJ Mnod ImMdcr. Brings the L ft ,j,n'n'c P'w to pale cheeks and restorer the fire of youth. V F By mail r,0c Per box, O boxes lor 'Z.r0; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tho money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Sta., CHICAGO, ILL For Bala by Charles Racers. Orucglst. Oregon. Why don't th; kp cyclones locked up in the weather bureau drawers? These tiny Capsules are superior Cubebs or Injections andmnu CURE IN 48 HOURSl the sam diseases with out inconvenience. StranRere visiting in the city will find the Lonvre au attractive resort wliereiu to spend the evening. The Anime Sisters for grippe and Us after effect. utuies' un'beslra Is still on the bills ami 1 "ogers. pnwnts niK'lillya mttsiral program of) exceptional merit, ilandnonie pool ami ; Why d. ,.!m u- opp..rtuivitl, s nu.ko a uiuiaru rvuuiBr- if mure iu oonuei'iioii itli the house, l'alatublo lunches will be served at all noura It T UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL THE "North-Western Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both Id aid and out. and steim heated, ar, without exception, the finest trains in the world. They embody the latest, owst and best Ideas for eomrort, oon renin o and luxury ever offersd the traTeling public, and altogether ax th most eom. plete and splendid production of the ear builders' art. These Splendid Train Connect with The Great Northcra The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT bT. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for ths superior ae. eommodaUons and all classes of ticket ar available for passage oa tha famous "North-western Limited.' all trains oa this Itn are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAp. F. C. BAVAOE. Oan'l Agnt. . T. A. Portland Or. hero of one nun and n fo. i.f an4lu'r? "I was nearly dead with dysiila, trltd doctors, vlalted mineral sprlnir. and grew wonw. I uh1 Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. That cured me." It dl geeta what you eat. Cures Indlgvetlon, sour stomach, heartburn and all form of dyspepsia. Chaa Rogvra. Why did tlw m.w who knew how to fill an J portion to stiUfactlon fall to g.K ab.wrd the. ark? Golumbia EleetFie & Repair Go SucceHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths fr nLoaers' srsFoun(lryinenlKtt,sr 1 ,,-W-sW I-OBUlf B Engines llullt and Mopnlrctl Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sccton" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Tow-it I'lnnU. My son has bo-n troubled for years with ohiMtiic dlarrhofo. Sometime ago I persuaded him to Uke aoine of niamiit-rlaln-a CoUc. Cholera and Dlarrhova rwnedy. After lining two 1 botUea of the 25-oent slse he was' oured. I give this testimonial hoping1 some one similarly afflicted may read It and be benefited. THOMAS BOWER, 01 woe, O. For sale Charles Rogers. by Why should -nan who wears a stove pipe hat ever have cvld In his head? A FEW INTERESTING FACTS As a cure for rheumatism Cham berlain's Pain Balm Is gaining a wide repuutlon. D. B. Johmfton of Rich mond, Ind., has bwn troubled with that ailment since 1SS2. in arwu,kin of It he says: "I never found nv. thing that would relieve me until : uwa t-namDwialns Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My font was swollen and DaJnlno- ma vm mnh ' iroua appuoauan of Pain uaim relieved me. rot sale by W people ar scctaaaplaxkaa; a trif, wsr oa tim 1 or pie m a, th aatsrauy waaat k kast aarraa s Our as sana. eocafort aas W9CON8IN CCtfTSA- are aaaJ to aerv ttv pubio and sor traa are frated so as ta) make W oa aecttaos wtth diverging )es at al jt cvtlon psaots. Pnilanaii paJao BleopHsg and ObmUt Oar ea ebroagh tralp. Dining Car servw unexcelled. UmH arved a la carte. In order to obtain this flat etas servie. ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over TheWisconsIn Central Lines. and yoa will max direct connection at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all point east For any further Information call on aa.t ticket agent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND, Oen. Pass. Agent, or JAB A CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. Oenaral Agnt let Stark It. roitiand Ore TO CURE LAORIPPE IN TWO DAYS Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Groves' signature is on each box. 25c. ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE. The annual meethiff of the stock holders of the Alaska Ftahermems Packing Company will be held at 2 o'clock on Monday, January 1. 1909, at Hamthorn halL . O, O. MOEN, President, Attest: JOHN NORDSTROM. 8ec. A BU00E8TI0N TO THE LADIES. u you are in doubt as to what to give mi m lor Chrtatmaa or New Team, yea will naake no Wittke by selecting something; from the large stock of Theodore Rracker, the pioneer tobacco m ere rm. nr. uracker a stock eom prise all the leading brands in for eign and domestic cigars, elegant meerschaum and briar pipes, rJirar holder, in fact everything to delight the heart af the most fastidious smoker. TOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all pirn as holding Clatsop County warrant en dorsed prior to Soptembwr 1, 197, to preaont the same to the County Tnw urer at his office, 114 Tenth street, for payment. Interest ceoac aft this date. Dated, Astoria. On-iron, thl fw.-lfth day of December, 1899. II. C. THOMPSON, County Tr.jatur..T. If the pockets ari big eiujuth a sy's fir pair of trorm always fit. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. Use Twenty-five Tears' Without a Constant Failure, The first Indication of croup is hoarsness, and in a child subject to that disease it may be taken a a sure sign of the approach of an at tack. Following this hoarBnefl I peculiar rough cough, ir Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is given as the oh I Id becomes hoarse, or even after tho croupy cough appears, it will pre vent the attack. It Is used In many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anx ious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance In which It has not proved effectual. No other prepa ration can show such a record twenty-nve years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by ChariM Rogers. Plun? Pudding, Raisins, N6W FrCSfc dill jvnDce e.t, Currants, SCaSOIiable OOOdS pumPk'n Cranberries Citron Squash Bto. I Carry the Ralston Health Foods Wheat Flakes, Crano, Whole Wheat Ccackers, Breakfast pood, Select Brar, Yeast Coooa, Koffy A- V. ALLEN k L. 74 WW mm LOOK HERE, YOUNG MAN! Tear laaki tall oa yo. Caa N wsm srhlt. Il.ror II'. too Uu as bm or m. i thlLot oo lor. N. baa bn trMilnaUbrh mm fftif ar M Mara, ana W iiwf.,1. V rallaMa. roml.iM bla ows aaaJJta aira nisi ao lata. DR. KFS5il PR Of lb M m. touts MMllral an4 uriicai uiapanaarr, ziiou Taml.lll, forilanl. Or., guar aniMi 10 cur. PRIVATE D1m. Thla dorlor ruarsiitaaa ta our an r "n,L of Brphllla, Ounorrh'a, Olaat. I r ttuf 4 oured, no rtltr.r.nco how lonf .landing. Hparmaiarr a. Iff cf Manhood or Nlghlly Bmlaalnna, eurad parm.nanU Ir lha habit of Hoir-AtniM .rTacluall curad In alKrt lima. YOUNG MEN Tour .7" tnti Mn- "i " J ' ramadlad, and Ihla old dootor will rtv. vo wti Hom. advlr and cura yiiu-mak you parfaotif nn na and l.aallhir. Ton will ba amaaad al hla auivaaa is curing Hiarraatorrhon. Seminal Loam, Nightly Kmlaalaaa, ajj othar rrffota. Patlimla tr tad In any part of tho country by bla bona fTKifn. nnia run particulars, Inoloaa 10 So .Uunja. ha will anawar you prompilv. Hundnda traalad a 1 mi j. 19 gmnar w ioa any, READ THIS Taka a alaar bntila tiii ... .v. r - nd loo M II in tha mornln. If M UT. L. na a fiouny willing la It. yon hart aoui gldaa cr a4A 1W and ahould bo atfatuM ta Ulan yougat u TlSar- m3. f.WfJIIOOD RESTORED vCUPI0ENf ThlogmtVeiatobl Hon of a famous t r.nrh .l.yi lii will V.TjI ""r""lPrs"irlp- Iiiwimiila, I'aliialutiisriiHik.Bainlnal ,...r,, UJU,. ' ,,r' .J.iumr. to aiurrv. j. tiiai,.. uuuilnuUon, 1 1 atom all .. XZ. .7. , WmiH di!limi. whirh If .ZZL?!1. V. "' a I tha horror, of Impoi.nry, 'ipfi"li!cioi ..rniBrvnr.ati.n, ii ln,,.,.i. VlUllMr.UKinraatirlp r our of all .'."!" w M lit Manhood. tt.llllul..... a. revonu quirk- IUITIKHI aUtf Uia llttn I BCrORC and AFTER urmur atraneuionaaniliwiuirmiafnall wailc oraana. ala. A wrlltnruKranl..nlvenai.rtn,.fn. . raiSi7.Sv"w,I I0IU ofratl,n. &.0tMilm, f ' iws.alx lor 4.W, by mall. ,-nd lor m circular and I lrUinoair Proiootcyrt Address DAVVL HEDICIMB CO.. P. O. Bos 2078, Bn Pranoiaeo rl - - .. MI by CHARLES . ROO&ftf. srs tronhM wilk loni