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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1900)
vKy i Si n H 0 fl rrc f rittF fr "".Ok L ASTORIA. OKKOON', WKDNBiDAT, JANUARY tt, 1800 : NO. M I Now is the Time .... rAj,'r'!f TTHK weather will be getting colder OTWt II iIiX It 800n' f If If If Hctter buy your STOVES iltllli now at THE ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO, 1 Blank Books, (5) t Miscellaneous Books, f Diaries, Calendar I GRIFFIN l 'a... .- m,ru-rri ur New (Goods OfU NHW litmus JtT AKUIVKR H10M T1IK FAST AND NV HKAHV rnll of U'OO ( I STOMKHS AUK'. Combination Book Cases Writing Desks, China Closets Mii9ic Cabinets Library Cases s "Ii'm ah!m; an y Tliest' goods- were bought la fro the rise in prices nnd will lo wild uaurilingly. Charles Hcllborn 8 Son. More Im o LIh( of . im uraae Moderate Prices: Ftuicy C'ronnirry Ituttor in Kegs ami Rolls. Strictly Fresh Kgjjn. Sl.n'm Ncw Cn'l' Syrup. V "Jt Huckwhent and GrMdlo Cako Flour. " rueknrtl it Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes. New Crop Nuts, Halston ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. JgHrt?-t-Hi-9-!- I Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PARLORS Crown and Briilce Work, $4.50 per tooth, gum anteed. Kent net Teeth, 80.00 fit Kunrautued. lient Fillini'", 6O0 up, Kaarantuod. All Work Tositlvcly GtinrnntecJ W) uivii Perfect SutlHtaction OR NO PAY. WiwhlnRton BtiildinK, Corner 4th and Washington 8ti. Fifth Floor, Rooms 47, 48, 1 0, 51, 5'2. m 'Phono Oroi-on, Brown 4J3. n I Pads. & REED. . A boons ai Fifts, Mined Meat. Breakfast Food, Pancake Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Crackins. 1 iz I To-i Floor -ffMhlncton 5 VBalld- i Columbia g5 ENGLAND NEEDS MORE SOLDIERS Churchill says It Will Take 300.- 000 Men to Whip the Boers. TWO VICTORIES REPORTED General Trench nnd Colonel I'itchcr, Kith Australian anil Canadian Troops, Defeat the Enemy. UlNDON, Jim, 2 - Th Stati'lud re j ii .u ks: "I'Mll th Tug-la mi cum I an 1 lidymnlth ivll.-vi d It would t o bile In duty that ihn ir-n:it 'tuiitl n in Cape Colony In one of v.ry gr tot ilniK-r uml ir. unhappily, 'in-rtl !ul. : lo:- In again l f'-Vil, H will ! I'M-- M'Uiy lii Ul-I.all liKi.laH) a in-li In keep the Dutch ill onb-r." i vVinitoii Churchill's Blliiuit' III it ' Z'.o.imk. imi ii will Ui riUlr. it to il f at tin- forces if tin- two republics Im been ridiculed In liimy iiua'HiTi', liU , i a a '--r of fact, this numl-T n , alivmly .ilnnt reui Invl, ivlilm-u tl c rxtm IcO.WO which tin- Standard fore ' might Iii- rv'jiilii-d. ; Y'Ht'i'l.iy tin- mliiUinity (halt r d Ulil ni'irv large Uiiihn t. When ' .ill Ihi! troop ih-t-Unod fur SoiilJi AM- '; i n Jiiiii tho-..' nlr.i'ly thT Lord 1 Rob.ctN wl'l be In command of nb-ul Jiki,(ni ni"ii. Thirty 'iIh,uk.iii'I ir- itw : n1.ui oi r iy to emit irk. MlUtary i ! nlm.-rvi r In view ff w luit tl)" Tig- nr- iiirun. can: uit lu- Ihe Ilrltl-ih M'ii full tu t i uh tin' It lif ty HWfl f. r f numb-m. KliKNCU S I'.KIMItT. IvfintcJ Hiht Kmri' KsUiiihU-U Ovr G.'.kki. a; U-NOON. Jan. S-Tlu. huci-- -f ! General Fruu'h'N rnjumii Iri at l-iiH'ih ; conltrnusl olllclully lit the war clllee : 1 ' thin afterniHin In a dl-pati h from Civ 1 Town, Monday, J.i-iu.ity 1. an fo'.low: , t' nml Australian Tr. tJmvl . rmik-h ri-i.iti at ii i. m. tolu fionij Plili.tiWH. 'SoUNkop'by heJH.TJ.ili im fn!l'wn: ' " ' "l.eaviiiit at U.tnubuiK. hotdlng th" I.ONH11N. Jan. 3. 4.4" a. m. The ! enemy In fnirt, half i f the Find Suf- morniiiK imix-rH are unanlmoun In 1 folk and a mx-'loai ol the Koyut lloi ' pnilflmr tho if.Uluntiy of Carfa.lian ( artilh-iy, I utai-bid thence at l oVI.vli nml Colniihil tro.M. TJie Standaid In the 'afternoon, lt-Mnlnr 31, taking ; Hayn: "CanaiU.iiis and Auutr.Ui irts with in" five iKtUHdroiiH ,.f i-Avulry. ' bad been smlliiiK fi- a fisht. New half of the Second Hitkn utid KOlthey have had tiliolr oHiitunlty and imtintti Infantry, infantry can led n I they have frr.utly dlstim-ui-hetl thm i waif"ii, and ten guiu". I lor - -.elvo by thlr coolin wnd dlHciidln-. ' four hnir at Mnldor'n farm, und n i From the vk'W point of linjierlal unl S.IU thin liVM-nIng (xcuplnl th" k'pje'ty. the liuie lltfht nKiy fairly Ik- i!e ' ovei looking: and wv-ftward of 0-lit- j Herllml ax ono of the mo.-rt Ki-aUfylng I burit. The en-iiiy'n oiitpli we e ' ovectx reconlml 'm tlw n-ocnt history ; taken complntely by Hurirliw-. j of tlu British race." Some Uinunanda cf it.Hix, with Iwq! Althoitgii the cuntlnuauv of m;ntir punn nre reported to Ik- rvlfaUitK to-1 HllneM, ri-hUJUw the British public, !wnrd NorvttlnKnt. All of Hentlngton' j it Ih not fore.itt.-n the l.irgvr as- icotitM pr.Kiv.bil toward Achtftiand yint.'iiliiy morning. SllBhl c.isimltJm, About thin! kllUil and a f w wound-j d. i-lall later." Brief Independent mia-cH froin, ......K..r m.ut ,1. . Y..I11I....V 1 , H HIV. vi- v. v i u.fc.'.i..- . upplemint Oiu-rUl Fimch's (liii.tih but slightly. AcrordiiiK to them, the BritiHh mw atill Bhelllnir ihe Boer poKltlon u.t 5 o'clm-k Monday eveoilni" and oiec1til to inU-r t'olet Imtk to-lay. Tho iti-ltlHh lotwa weiv thr c m n killed und seven, Tho B.hv truiigth In the .ingaKeinenl with Ib'n ernl Fren-'h win wtilmalo'l at from 5.(it)0 to 7,000 men. While tho aftorivmn pHr- were dl!p)ie-l to ownratf the bnlllfancy of French's micoeiw. It will doubt lew havu a gixl nuwal 0ff.1t. an.1 If promptly AillowtHl up, u neeing ll" - ly from tho foot that Komlnirtoti's ,l.le to g-l south hemp poru open, guides ara altv.uly advancing on A-h-1 MOoit as pra.-tieable." terhuid, It may result In cuptuning This InstmctliKi Is due to the protests the Norvalapont bridge, thus sTilidog made i,y jr.mIn.iTt cordage nfcnufuc an Important etrateglc iivtintaie, im IIIMS ,ui by.fanuexs, culling atten then French w-ill prolxibly be able to ton . 0 lnc. ftt0 that tJie oponirvsr of threaten tho B?thulle lurldge, w hich is 1M.9 n Xomhern Luz.m today would the main line of rotreat for the Hoere affud no relJ'f to the luvnp ndtuatlon, facing Ootwral (KvtHcr-?. ANOTHER BRITISH VICTORY. LONDON, Jn. J.-TUe war offlc h.ts received tho fullowlntr from Cape Town, under today's dVue: Colonel Tltcher report through the officer commandLig at Orange iwr: "I have completely defeat d a hos tile commuviid at the SunnysAde lunge--thls day, January 1, taking the laogej and forty prisoner., beski.w the killed and woundid. Our tsuatUe. -are two privates kllletd and Lieutenant Adle wounded. Am damped at Dover farm, 20 miles northwest of Belmont arnd 10 miles from SunnyaJde." TALKED 8UNSH. Booker Waahlngton on the Liberia Scheme. MACON, Ga., Jan. 2. -Booker T. Washington spoke on i'manolptiitl."'n here today, oppofAng the emancipation ftchemes of Bishop Turn'. In purt lie snld: "Tike North dooa not couvtaln all the white people, nor lure they any better frli-nild to the ru irro than ran In- fiMiruj In the Hiuth, For nrvry wtm tht In writ Ui Mln'Hii, a Ujby In born In tli fit ton twit m thai tunic In a f illur.-. "An w I'unm th' rnunlry lit 'h: urvi'nt nillHlAtlw anil xihiii of th whUi' limn, w wotiM !) unKr'itcfiil to run (.;' nml li-ove l.lm now, un'l ws :ir nil g'lltiK to d It. It wan akcl tlif othr lay In New York what th. n Kto ('in )' t'i v,1t hi HkIiin. I a'l hkithJ, 'MtUc hlntiMr umful.' MU clll.'imliip will m P-:vif?l hiiI val ii' l in irniiii-lloti an he In wonhy. iliHMlin i the k'-y U; Ov; ui t uit: ion. Thu H'Kr mart k-p iu: Willi iriKi,,.Hi'IVf eUlllstaaoii. "TIih In-Kl'i tuunt hiiVe wlui'aUoii ii'i'l tlirif. Tlu-y inut know hnw to uiily limit- cducHtUm. We tltvs cfiniigh minimum aii't ir)f-ttimal tvn t r tin' piVHrill' A I ii if- nuiiilwr of w.titi p-ii)!j w.r In tlx- uU'll.'ii'e. THE AWAKU WIM. WAIT. No UxiMon In 1' Ca-i- for Hix MoritlN. NI.W YdltK. Jiii. A fc'.ui lo h- lltrulil frun WaHlilngt'in ray: oill'k-1 Infoiiiiallmi n-cilvi-J at l!i- Ht.iiti' di'i-uiiiii-ni fr:m liorrv-, Swit ("I'tind, Inlliatii" Uut tin- award if MS.- Hulra iii-lll.r.k l-.iihl IriliUlial in til - cl.iiii'N iiff.iliKt 1'orii' u rij-ltiK out of tl.i- m-it!: of th IclnifMa bay ral:i'"iii will not b- li-li-i for nix moiitliH or a yi'ar In vli w- of tli- iiiioUi,ci'iivnt 11 id- j by Ihi- tribJ:il vwial nuUitliH ug.j I it ixp -xed to ftfiidcr ltn anutd ddiln- the fall, tin? autiiory.liti had an- t li-lt .11 1...I llil h.. itiAll.-i- niliftkf lit .!- , , , ,. .... ., . ... tied any Jny. The (May aitcndinx lawarJ, It Ih wild In drcl-. ui mi ri-foit-m."" wlmtei-r lo the Afil'M'i Wiir. l.vti Hhoiild rfw IVrtUKUi-si- cii1t..iy In .South Afrl-.a have b-fii ir.umfmivd l tin1 I'rVilfih Kovcr-niiu-nt Ijcfonx- the culiirlHitjon nf tlw award, it 1 nx'd In nMli l.i I 1 In l. Uut IVxtUnlil would mill Im- Unblc for the amount of th.' claim. OiK-f the awarl I mad.., .10 difficulty I en- t'-d colU-ctiim tl.e tiniount duo f the lalinanlK. ti iI-oNISTS VKTOKIi if.S. p-i'tn of the mmpaiKn are unchangvu. ( The impoi'tance of lth GrnTal Ftvnch nnd Colonel Vltrhor's 1ctorU j Hit In the effect they are likely to have on tho colonial Dnteh. ! . Til's HKMP I'KOI'. Si'civtary l!ii Will Try to Break the I'orn-.-r. NI'.W YHItK, Jan. 2. A special to th- U.'i-.ild fiMin W.i.ihlii(-ton, twyu: S'ci-einry lb'l ban tak.'n nuiifures te tr.Uk the coribir in hemp. As re sult of iis.-us.sln-- the m. uter wlih th-- prexidetit, he lias cabled this indiuo- : t,m ,,, M.ijor ti.-iietMl Otis j 'Apparently xvuIaUve corner in , U'm h.-av. Is rulsiiig priivs, o gnat J injury k-Kitimatc consumers. De!r- i umj oHrne-ttly ivquertiiig that southern ports be garrison-il and oponed to the trade. A OOVKRN'VICNT LINK. Steatnt-hips tVIU Ply Between Sin Francisco, Honolulu nnd Manila. NEW YORK, Jan. 2. A speciul to the Herald from Washington say: Upon the recommendation of Quar-tornioster-aenernl Ludington, Secre tary Root has directed the establish ment of a gover-imejrt line of steam ships cotirectltiK San Fr.inetsoo, Hono lulu and Manllv, slmilrir to that run nlng between New York, Cuban and Puerto Rlcan points. The vessels which v. ill be attached to the .Pacific lln are those trans Dorts. the property of the (fovernment, now In the Paclnc ocean. All the steamships eharlereil by the quarter master's departmomt will be rek-as-'d Imm.xliately upon their arrival fit Pan Franclsce, a-id the supplbs, recrut s and oftUvrg int -n.Jrd for the army in th? Philippine will go to Manila by the proposed lln The discharged on listed men and officers M-derv-d homr will return on the vessels. BROTHERHOODS IN THE ISLANDS Native Opposition to Some of tec Catholic Societies. THE MISSION OF CHAPPELLE Father McKinnoo May I5e Kecom mended for Appointment As Arch bishop of the Philippines. MANILA, Jaii. 1. Archbishop Cinp-P-lle, papal dol.-Bi'.e to tho Phillp-tliM-N. arrived hre UUy ,n the I'ni tcd Hlnt.-s tr.insK-rt Sruirman. He w ill I In a house form r y c:u-pl'-d by I'harliH Ddiby, of the I'iilMp-I'imi- ad'.i.oty comrnishion. ThU ,u;i Ion on 'Jie (rt of H ilbxa mr 'hap-IU s.-ttli the coiue-'t b.- twii-n th.; variouH friar brotb-rh "jd? 10 M.mlla who -parul'!y have b en using tli-lr Inlluetue to obtajn h- pilveli-ge if i-iitntjlnliig- the vircii- In.'hop nnd R-v Fa.'.h-;-r McKl'non. Ia.t if th.-- California volunt- rs, nivl iuw a r gular army chapM!!, w h ) win alo a passenrfer on the Sh.-rmn. Ie iti cunl the friain are airtv'.ng to s- cuie Moiihlgnor ChapiH-Jli-'s eir f r U11 tvur1ng of b-ttor prottction of irdividuul luu-restn. Phi- arrival of the ia.)O.I dH gate in the city uttfacU attention w the jui-s'tu.n of the chur.'h ar.d brot'ner- IukhIh In the Philippine is. including inaU-rx of d.-tlding brutherhiKl'.-i 1-bum tt r-al edate and other pnjer. ty of the church for rttata support and for th- n'-'ntablishment of Sp-uuh cuTules In native parisl-. liu'vmu.-h as titer (lUt-sUum of expul- a.on of the broth-'ii-h.iodH from the Islands and the fro-dom of the pe. pie from Uie Injustice of membera of the onW has always be-f-n dy'lartd to be the principal cause of the re volt of th Filipinos agaiiutt Spain's so-eielgnty, long time reidentg (if the Islan ls declare tluu If the friars axe tvium-il to th ir former parioli-s, th. mtiv. e-.i:ig them ri'turn u-ndVr t'-e A nu-i i. an iidnilni.,n.rat-ln, will suroly attaek and kill thorn and otherwise cause disorder. ttevolutlonists have started the ru in, r that Mor.s.gnor Chapielle IrUends eventually to recomruuKl Ihe apiocut- ment of Father McKlnnon tis archb sh op of ti e Philippines and the latur's defense of the broihiThor-ds in Amtff- icn newspapers luis been 'rane'atiil and cinukited among the n.itives for th purp.Nt. K is d-x-timl, f showing the Tather McKlnnon will si'ppurt the broth' rho-Ml.-i If he Is selecttil. Such statements .1.1 there crvate uu- eastnessi among the natives which Is increased by recent news received from Spain stating that ChappelU' will support the bpnther- hoods. The Tagahn, ft U (kclared, have become more embmered tisainst the church since Archbishop NoaUla tx conimunicatd an inurgnt piiest. and It Is said the number of Pm"te---tan' marriagw among the na'lv.s continually inoreuses. THE LUMBER DEALERS. Fail to Reach un Agtvement S.-antk. at SEATTIE, Jan. 2.- Shingle and lumber dealers of the East and the F.icltio Northwort it leach on trivemeit in reg-iird to the differences between them and the manufactureus nt a meeting held here tulay, and af ter two hours of i'Jlth!M dlscuss'on left the whole matter of equalizing the buying and aollliig nates to a committee to Inveailgate The main trouble, was the ovar-fix-lng of pt'loas aa simie wanted to dis criminate against certain manufactur ers. The commrjtoe. la expected to call anothjr moating and make a re port in . flaw clays. A-HAPPT CHANGE. Big Surplus This Tear Big Deficit Last. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. The com parative statement of the government receipts and expenses show that for the month of December, 1899, th re Oflpts were $4t759.104. The expenses during the month were $39,145,569, which leaves a surplus of $7.13,54ts as against a deficit of $460, 014 for December, 189S. , During the last six months 'the surplus rs $21,02t 934, as against a deficit for thu cor responding period of last year of $:i, 719.422. IN DARKEST ST. LOUIS. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 2. As prognostlea tM In these dispvKches several days hro the incandescent lamps in u?o by the city ware tunned off at midnight last night owing 3 the explication of the contract with the Misajurl-E Uson Kleotne Company. For the flint tlrne In the history of St. Louis the public liiHtltutinns, th park, and ttie albya within th d'fTl-:'ji tt'.vii-n W-thins ton avenuo and Keokuk Nt.reu wtre dark exif-pt fur a few tallow oandjci, gait lights and cojl oil lami-s. No ar i'jiij' im-nt h;; l-ii' for a cn-tlnuc.-lce of th -nTvlce. The ( t ci'rx-r-i are sli'.l lighted by arc lights, th'i-se b,-liig furnlih'-d by th? Mis. uH-FMI-ton Company umlur an"th-r on-trnct. MEAT FOR DAWSON. HBATTLB. Jm. 2-Sewn bms f meat wont north on ;hn MttsimiT Fr-allon-' sailing for Alaska tonight. Tn Is biing tj.ken to Diwyon Cry by T. C. and Conrid McNamr it Forest Crove, Or.-g..n. Fivd T. Frewian I" taking four ton of oynteis. shi-lllish a.iKl other d-Uca-cl'. It Ul belif.'V-xl th-se consign mr.ts will relieve tiie m tii famlr.'i th ire. CHICAfiO HARD CP. CHICAGO, Jn. 2. Mayor Harrison w ill tint ak Governor Taim-r to oali an extra session of the lirtrinUturc Ui authorize the city to fc'su.. bonis to I relieve the finanoUl strlng'-ncy. He tnl a,y concluded truit th bvir plun J would be to mand imua County C1-rk Knopf and take chinr-j-s on tl-e court omrH-IIIng Knopf to give the city mi-re money. THH CROSS OF GOLD. PITTSBl'RG, Jan. 2.-The wagvs of 1 25.000 rr.en In Pirtburg were advanced toJay from 5 to 10 p ir cunt anl in some -Sasea even a greater p-r cemag-. Of these 14,000 are employed by the Carnegie Steel Company, toon by Jones j& Liug-hlin, and tooo by the Uniu-d coilie. hi.u iaiioiuu jio-w vi-oii tine?. BOER AID FROM CANADA. VICTORIA. B. C. Jan. 2. General Indigitatinn has be.m ar-usd h-r at the express-! dotannlnatmn of B-er jympathlzers in the suburb of V-at j Victoria to extend financial aid to the I Transvaal republic. A meeting was held New Yars night at wn:ch a considerable sum was rais-d to uflst the Boer cause. PORTLAND'S FIGURES WHAT. SEATTLE. Jon. 2 .Official statlssUs compiled In this city show that during 1S9S five hundred and eighty vessebj arrived from and departed for Alaska from this port, the aggregate net ton nage of which was 366.000 tons. Tlwy carried 35,000 people and 90.000 tons of merchandise, valU-M tat nearly J10, 000,000. THE FUND GROWING. WASHINGTON, Jan, 2.Se.-ivUiiy 'ilson of the igrieult'jrtal depajt meuit, this morning c-iitributed J100 ifor the Lawton fund, remarking that "U was a farmer's contribution to a soldier's widow." J. Pierpont Morgan of New York sent a che-.-k for $1,000 today. THE ADAMS ASHORE. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2 The training ship Adams was drivem ashore during a gala on the bay today, near Goat Island. No serious darn age was done. I Suggesting ft FOR This great store large, airy and elegant abounds with Holiday Novelties in Boys' and Young Men's Clothes There is not a style in any article of Man's wear that is not shown here in miniature for Boys. Suits Underwear Neckwear Reefers Hosiery Cloves Overcoats Shirts Leggins Hats and Caps Sweaters Fancy Vests CHRISTMASOYS GriTrTwrS SUITS, OVERCOATS OR REEFERS. A B STEINBACII 8 CO LARGEST CLOTHIERS IX THE NORTHWEST Mail Orders Solicited. Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ; ". Si ts S 5 ' 'S- OPPOSES THE SEIZURES Our Government Catles Objec tions to Ambassador Chcate. BRITAIN'S RIGHT DENIED The Seized Cargoes Comprised Klour and .Miscellaneous Articles of Common Trade. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.-The tuale department Unlnf m-t-ived from Arn-Uis.-tadf Choate at. Lomlon, by caWe,' a m itenient of the ftu-u hi? had d vel oikiI in connection with the uojxuie by thei British warships of Am-ftrlcitn goods on three merchant vv-ssela, tiio Beatrice, Mashona and Maria. The go-xls compr;-d not only fl.iur, but mUeelUneoua ttrtlcliii of common tr.ide. They were shipiivd for Lor-11.o jMiri;ue in British and G-rmari sblt-s, but our officials corvtend thry wtwe ! not subject to i.izure. ITh.-y could not however lode r i-re-x'ntations on the subj.i t urvU! Uiiey were poss.-ssTd of knowledije of the faens and as soon as Mr. Ch at'a stJifm-irt came to hand today lnstru': tlors wer cabled to htm to Ir-fonu the IJrttihh government that We could n.rt admit the right of seizures in thTtw oases. rUs is the preliminary step usually takei- In such m-gotiations. Next In order will be the report from our conjitiltir representatives at Lorwtizi) Slar juls re.-ipectlns the presient condi tion of seized or detained gnod-i and the damage sustained. ANOTHER SEIZURE. HAMBURG, Jaa 2 The Hamburg ccrresrxii.uVnt announc-s that the Ger man bark Hans Wag-iter of Hamburg was seized by the British at DUgvrt bay, December 21, and that her own ers have lodged, a complaint with the Frkish forgn office. . WISCONSIN'S TRIAL TRIP. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2.-Work has so far advanojil on tie b-XUlerhdp Wisconsin that she will make 1W trial trip within the wxt two weeks. Her main batUiry of four 13-inch guns will be the heaviest ever mounted on, an Americin man-of-war. It i ex pected she will exceed tha speed re-quii-ements of the ravy dpartment. OUR MINTAGE. " ' WASHINGTON. Jan. 2. The state mai.t Issued by the director of th mint shows the total coinage txecut ed at the mints of the United States during the calendar year en-led D- cember 30, 18:W, was U39,2,191, as fol lows: j Gold, $111,344,221; silver, $28,061,519. I minor coins, $l,8S7,4al. LOST AT SEA. j ST. JOHNS, N. F.. Jan. 2. The schooner Puritan waa driven ashore ' Cabot Island in 'the heavy gabs of j yestierdoy ttnd oight out of tier craw 1 of nine were lost. His BOYS. m iti) Ob Hi His ii!) tlA yi.t ii s a. c . r Holiday Gins 5r I