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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1899)
TI1K MORNING ANIWlAN; M'KJ)NK8l)A,f UECEMBEU IH, '899. 6 ft TO ASTORIANS. The IIAII.V ABTOKlAN will be fuunil nil Ml In I'lirllanil at tha Il kniiwN aia tlnnarr riihm of J. t. Maadlajr Co., Ntf I Waahlnalim Ntraat. limiii for i!r llalMg lull wlllt ihlf Arm will raealte a-rampl Allanlloa. TODAY W BATH BR. PORTLAND.- Ivv. J.-WWihlng1.n, Ong.ui nixl Muliii, prolwbly orciudia-atj Haiti mln wf of 'u,.h tiolny. MARK YdlUt Tli'KICT, Ho auiw to pmTty murk your llckW todny, put n rmm lnwyiii th num ber mini nniiin of IIhi mndlitaU f'f whom ymi voir. Look Hi yHir tlckm rrfully unci In viiiIiik tiw republican 1 1 k" ninth 'iir Uillut for ctu li xiwlldiitu tia In the i Kit rn l following, thus: M A Volt li X HHWOI.O II. HKCKMAN. AROUND TOWN. J. I.. Hmllty of CUrioii In tit Ih illy. J Koii rf Hkamnkuwa In In tho tty. J. II. low II. i". r. Kluify of Kurt HU-vniw la Hi Hlrkk- of Knl l at III' Irker. John Klmum of ' M-lVlli ll. John Iirl-ill of Occident. INtflUlkl 1a at Uli Portland ( at tlx- Tim ail. mi will Ctikn n partial hull Our today, Crwflih. rook ad la win. at tha Na tional Cafs. j..iin r. o Hiu'it nf tux 11 )Tjtiriliy. Portland hm In J. V. Rti-gxr of IvrlUnd l tvgtatrr n at lu Parker. J. 1.. Null.T if Kurt Oanby w In tlm rlty ymtonUy, M I'. lUI'uUr 1 Kimppa wita tlm rlly vf'nliiy. In V H I..ittm of Portland tainted at tlw Piirknr. li fi ll 'riniiiwut if 11 iiniiwmd wu at tlir Parker ywitmlny. . V. lUnUII .f Ia stopping al Ilia Po.rker. tirandc li Tlirm iti. C .PnUia lit IVirtlitiifl during the month of Novwuhrr, K J. and !" Arnmliy of Dubiniue, I1 , urv rN'tri!'''.! nt tin- (Vr.lin. liny your Xnu tree ornaimiita at tho Parlor. Ch'-aper (luvn lit Portland. A girl wiuitji altuttl.m lo taka rare of ehlldnti. AddnaM K. Amotion otlloc. Herman Vla off rm (UI Ovrrco&ts ninl iimililiitiK-lua at a reduction of 10 j-rr cent. land If you are CLOTHING It will pay you to eonio to Toi'tlnnd and examine JJcsides the advantage of such a large variety to select you to obtain exactly what you want, we save you from Suit or Overcoat, nnd $1 to $11 on !ovs' Suits. Men's Suits $6 to $25. Hen's Overcoats $8 to $30. Boys' Suits $2 to $15. Child's Reefers $1.50 to $8. MOYER BEN SELLING, Manager. Tha OiTiimn berk H'vMN-n arrived In ymtnrday from Ouayma tri ballast. Herman Wis offirm til OvrciMU nj maklnt(K)h at reduction of 20 par cwit. Tim work (ti Dm ir w bulMIng tor tltc AatiH. Ilnx t'oinpaity l Jrurai1lif mpl'lly, ll la riuy U no.ll a randlituto Itamh nainna T iV'f' lilm l (ill aiiiUi"r Murk ymir llrkrtt im y Unlay lu turf liaan ynur Omiufli rur k'mtii'M, FOR JU'.NT-Hlnrt roonn or a d- alrabla ult, In tli KlavH brick. Ap ply room IT. rtiiirli Klitali-y of piifuiu-tim and fornnvly a rtH La of lliln Hy U via- lllni In Aaloila. Twrniy t rent rlii''tlii on all timi kliiloa iuul ovi-rryiitia al llor muii Wliw'a ut. Tin' arbiMiiwr ll'inolulu la ikiI'1 with luinlH-r aunt rwly l' K' t Hhx K'va i I'liltai. Tlw lliiuah alilp ni-nliolu luia l-" i'litai'i friin nu.iriUiUia' ami will g" up tin- rivr .Uy. Twiniy "r w-H riliili't on all mm klntovlwvi ami i vintxna w.t Ii'f mnn i' hIiuv. Mr. llowr. wliii f.innwly ujifn- uttnlrt) tl.n l.iti.U-ry in Oila rlty. I In town on a liuaSnrm trip. Tin- fiiiK-rnl of Kr-i lliTinan -'Ur. rl yi-at-tiluy til wu itU'ii'l"U Ly many of bin obi tlnw fii'tula. TIM Hrltlah Ixvrk Invn-urlr rb-orvil iU Of ruatiin Ifiiiao -it-ni4.y. mi la luml to Kuriw fur onl'r. WoriiT Storm, a iwiUv of Huaula, wna mnilf a i-ltti-n of tl" t'itlil Hi U'i bv tho lounty riuin ytutAny. Tlii- fotir-mnatol lurk'-ntliu- tii'-.i. with a lumlaf w fr IiUiU'. I 'n Hiuw bay uml'Tiiitng aonw allilht n palm. Hurry lUmbli'lt ami '"ir Orunt Umvp till imiriiliiK f-r Shiulwaltir bay wlM'ri- th.-y ImvMi t-xt.tnilvv yatr In- Irri'flti. - - ' 0;i tain Htnpl -a. wlo broUifTil In Uic AI"'i-.'IMir, rrxriji aslitlim four ablpa outilit.' y.trluy. niul amuK tlwm the Kt Knoch. Hun. lay ilu Mhlp Hlira Miraniki, whrii awiiiiflnii ut tl.U tlnii1, mine of tho ilock an I rurrli1 Iw r bump, ktn away. Turn whlaky Harprr IVrfact whtaky Martyr avary bottla gUarajitMd Har per. Bold by Ford A Btolu Company, Astoria, Orfn. Tin- Pr-nbyt'ilin l.ull.w wit wry aui-iviMful lit thi' iU Lint I'VfnlnR. iMillInu ii Immlaonio aunt. An iiJ,y ablo aiM'lal tlmo u riliwurl.-. tlx- func-tl.rtl. COME Pay Us a Visit v in need of anything in the Money Cheerfully Refunded If Goods are not Satisfactory CLOTHING CO., Tlio Popular Price Clothiers. 3rd Portland want a mint and prop llmt Hit f'vmunwit abunlm tha one at Caraon City land nv tha miicbln cry to Ii.-tlart'1, Kr-d Nobmori. Who w lh Yu kon two yam airo. Uui rrtunwd Ui Al(irla ami npuaimiitly pnifrl It dm golJ country, Our Una of holiday (ooda la now In, Itammbr w hava tha only Una of Ita kind In tha city. Portland prlcoa. D. P. Albsj) t Bon. Tho bollra of tlw Columbia am Ix--Inif UMnpurartly ri'p'J""'! ' ttw At"1a Iron Worka. I-.ur al"- will bn ntt.wl with ivw lIWin. Our prly.ii 13711 ortrn wll In. drawn Ni' Yrar'a "V!. CIhuiiv iflvi-n on fvi'iy it lit .ur.'lr.uw of liolbliy g.H!. II P. AI.MCN & HON. ih'ri.;y in tli cuiity rlTk'a nffl'v Aiidtvw 'i rnu. a lut'.lvo of Jtuitalu, ! rlitiNsI lila liilittbiit of Iwcornlng a ell- lin f tli' I'lilloi Htutm. Itoalyn coal laau longer, la clfanar and makra Iraa trouble with atovea and rhlmmy fluaa than any othar. Oeorft W, Hanborn, AgvnL Talephona MIL Tin. inrmlxT of tlm ('nr'rtl.iiu) rhurch will hold tltnlr .uinuitl ftdr I i Dip hiamiitil of tlx church Halurdiy eve, 19. H'rninm'fiia win or -r'"l. Iloalyn coal la tha tat and moat tec- noinkal coal for houarhold uaa In As toria. Try li onca and you will hava no oihir. Goorga W. Sanborn, Afnt Telfihon 131L I'rnnk Hlil.-lla -viut In Antorw yi-a- l.-rday on a 1it lila iartnti. Hp will Im amHnuni-l to rttland t- luxhl by h'a mo-it t. wlu ..'111 nrturn ti.iniTnw Tin l'or:lirul 'XiiMitii.i n-alUi-d II.- 1 12 4. fur Uv m nuinittt fund, unJ thla miiiii huj U-n tur'H-d oir to tlm 'r- ir.iiiliin. Tli' amount iivi'lvil up U bit la I3.i"i3 47. Tli'-rv l nt bm an unktsid word mil.) aitfUntt Ur. H knun, republican camlldut fur .nuyor. U l an limul, uprlKlu and titt'lllitttil litUnn and lll link': a ff"d ulDc'T. TIm) llrlilKh alranvr AtTK'ldJc, Cp tttln Muiray. 33S t.uia, from Hung Kong. rani In Uut ovilng In charir" of PUut . V. Siapk. HI t con algm d to tl- t. n. A N. Co.. Portland. ... ... ruio aiiiowooti nvnvru jTiw-ixiuy irom ..... . . . ... . ixrtuppion .iiuia oy mo Aan la. otnj Yard Company, which they nffT for iil- nt $:.0o ajid 12 25 p-r cord, de Uvrrrd. Kduard Juxtahl, who baa Ixvn cm ll.iyl In the enKlixn-ring service at Fort Stevenn, dlxl tlu'tv Monday even ing afir umltTff.fliig un op.tMtl.xi npixoiilli'ltlK. The body was brought to Antorta l'it rvwilng. CliMn polltlca ix appiYclitU-d by nil liberty loving vn'.-ra. pivHvniung to tho level of ward politlciaua In ord-r LINE our enormous stock. from, thus enabling $2 to $.r on n Man's a and Oak Streets, Tortlard 1 1 ccoinpllah tha 4m A a ticket, aahuinnd it Ita pwty, will not b in- ilnrw.-d f-t thva pull today. Tha Ililtlah uwnr Arab, 2474 Vina, la (ni hr w(y Ui ljrtuid trwi Na gaakl. Hbe brlnga no cargr but a mlaiM'lbiiii'OUN carg'i fa tin Ork-il 'AUta Iwr at Purtluid. Hla la con- JKfMl to Uixlwil at Co. You will inlaw H If you fall to nolle tlx- holl V.iy ailviirJairwi.-iU In the A Uirian. You Juat ranivil afford to do y.tur xini aJiopplog at ilwi houae whian- alia k la of Inaumclorrt value to b worth alvcrtiirtrig In th'a colurna. 'Juullty ahnkia tutmla wllh low-,ri at our plaiw, It la nvt ofu-ri tlw. two iin'iil but Juat now th-y'ri "hanging out" nidil.irly at Joian Cuith Kti're. You know him Jorwai? Ile a the nrvn paya tlK' fmittht. lxiiUid at 1'orlliuid, 100 and U'J 1'ronl. TIkiu la no ri-iii why ngv K. Wi'lch aboubl not bu -Iwlwl a ctty e loiwy. H- hol a yrttr'a xprri'nce aa b'puty urid.-r a f.arm-r city aitun-y an-J nudi. a car4ijl and nIlrb-rii of ficer. Ilia i'l rU in wiU IriMurt- a curv ful udmlnlatruxlon of city uffulta. Thi-iv la no di.ubi about ttw ulcllon if J ia. K. Krttriu y um auperlntendcftl of i'r In. Th' fact ihvU Uie tr"t de purtnxtit hoa lm run rv-arly V -r ci-'tt chi-upT utut-r hi a adminbttratlon (hiin ui.iltr a cl'Ji"ria', will bring to him the aupport of laxpuyrra and voirra. Mr. hltnori-'a r- ord ut mayor, of AtotU nn-Ut no if iiniitxrwlaUiin. It la gi'twirully ronmlotl t hut. he mad an pxc'lli'iit may jr and the buNtnvMa of the city waa ronduitl on buntm-afl pilitcfplea. Aa pollre cotnmbMl.ineT he will bring iht- Minr careful conai hrn tl in Into the adinliilmration of thr -lice '.eii.irtm.-ni aa b- did while muyor. A city ind''teMa over thr limit murk, n d-llnl m y of thounonda of Ul tira; wllh no aint Impnivementa during tlm will be thr ri-ptltlon of munli Ip U .iff ura, if the unul d 11-in-p.ii' ticket 1h -kt'iil. The nomlmai are good men, but tlw.r buii-tl- a.tgai'fy ia audly di-flcUmt. The tux luy-.-ra cannot aff.ird n:b- r yfar like the pa!. Having a Urg; Invoice of nhoa ar riving January 1, and in order to mke rovm for aame, w will commence Monday, IVcenibcr H, to clone out our cr.tin Muck of fine men'g boya' and clilldrcii' ahoca at and U-low factory Ci8t. V e have a upl.-ndid lino of Men's siocfc ajniost i . ,, , , i orlldrvn a shmt. givnn aay. Fp.-d Walters, corner 12th and liond atrt-eta. A f.ilry grotto could acari'.ily pret-nt a miv lnnuUful appearance than d.a-s the HonU.imlere tlVw days. The varied and many colmMd Christmas tr.v decor:itl. ns are ai arrangM that In Uk iiKregate they form an artistic w hich Ix witrtJi K'lng a good Miys to i-f. Tlie nhow caxee uh1 i'ouii"r. hiv niiod with chiace canlies and other diluting tiua are hard to njiist. Mrs. S. Klni'r., Mrs. I. IVart and Vrs. J. T. LltfiU-r, with Mixa HalKted ui'd MNx Klmmv. have cusliioix, large und smitll, for ful.-: fnen th. big diwny coip'h pillows to the Jlny tfachcl tlint if-.-rfunu yiur drtwr. Niithing pritUer r tmnv u-ful for a I'hftatmii.s gift imuUI be found. Come nihl nee them tit tin- fair. Thursday, IVv. 14. S.iU- ouns at 4 p. m cormi' Ninth und Commercial Sts. An "old rotimlor" itvj-9 that the prw.-nt hyMtem of voting la not prof ngMiimt fraud. Ve method of i-beiit-lni tr the count In whtiiv the two election clerks ara In collusion. They Hit x thnl they im touoh ftvt and wlnm the Judg-s call oft "Smith" the clerks kiv through teli-graphy to tally the vote fiu- ' itrvwn." In stoine, like that o today, th' cbuiucter of the eileetlon olllcoi stops ausiiiciitn. but tha "old rounder" 6'iu the til.k has Ix'.in trie!. MR. REED'S REPORT. An XxhuusUw Review of the Fish'a Work. Fish OommisHl.iner F. C. Reed fllt'd his annual rviKirt In the otlloe of Gov erner Oivir vtwlwkiy. It cowrs, lihe year ending October 31, 199. The re Port Is a voluminous document and covers tlw y.Nir's wk in dttJI. The toUl nuinlvr of Milmon i;ks taken from the .latcherios tributar to the Columbia on both nidi's of ths river Is 23.100,000. The spring pack on the Oregon side was 233,:'1S case. valuel at $1.'J62.HS.50. On the W.isMngt.M'. side the pack was CI.I'.IO cVtyeH, valued at $o3J,Ti3. The f.ll pnek. Or.ffn side, was 31.;.C7 cases, valued at $l.15.5rl .50; Waahlnfton side, H',S"iti ciis.t, vnluod at JIS.S25. The frcI-i aJid salt llsli shippxHl East dur Ing the y.ur nmounted to 5.41S.617 poum.8. valueJ at $CT0.S4S. For fees and llcivisx-s in the sweiul ilistrlcts, $1B.813.90 was collected. The report says that Tnqulna bay contains the only oyster betU In Ore gn, from which any revenue is de rived. In opening the report Mr. Reed pays a warm tribute to ex-Commlsedoner Ilolllstor D. McGutre and Stinator A. XV. I.chkI, who were drow-ned in the river while engaged In the work of the fish commlsalon. Unliable perneu. ot a nifchnnlcal ortnraotlvemliid letlriDU atrip loth 1'arli Kipn.lUuu, wlUliuot aitarr andi'iprnfi'i pai1, fhould wrlie Tha l'AIlNT KECURD. Ualtlmora, XaV THE BAfOON VOTE MYTH. Tha Clumpy 0nraJhlp of Nfiar-Hlght-d PollLlclana. Th Aatorlan f-'U urvV-r no obliga tion to defnnd tii liquor traffic but the ltliud of tlie ili't'io-ratlc inanag"m of tha ao-calliyl non-partlmn ticket In attempting Ut hfl 'jpthc "nuUn vote" la Uo Inaulting to many rrnlly Ihuughtful and runK-ait rlllzna to le panted by In all-mnr. Kvtry man who hwut paid tha U-aM oiltenllon to local politic knows ttiat tif h; dmoratlc campaign la bifud upon tha Id- at "capturing the ailooti vot," as though liquor (WU.ra and ihclr (fltrons cormlltuie. peculiar claaa with no Individual political 1d, ard hold tog'hir by aorne dlacnxlltable iltirilty and r'wdy Vi tie "captured" In a buiyh. It la hlrhly In prntmble tlut such a vl-w would Ix- Just in any cRy. It certainly la vik-ly faiv 1n Afrla and la a grofia llla l on many mm In tl' auloon bu whoae piWItlcal uc tl'ny! governtyl by conditions of public welfare and who are among tlte moat Indep-nd-nt and anmbl? of our votr. Why mn who praum to be poltll- -liirui ahould act U-n tlx? xilly theory Umt the way to gain a oalorin man's r. tM.f f is tvi tWTmj hl btr Ik a myawy. There are aaloon mnn and bnrteniWs In this oity who themaelvea nevr drink ll'iuor of any kind. Ttu re are aaloon msn anl auloon I iim.Ii. hMim are zovttmed politliaJly b petty cifnaldfiitiifTB, some are not. Komi ore r-publii a aa, aorne are demo- riuls. me today will vate the re - publi'an ticket and rume the alk.-d non-r artlaan tlcki-t. if thy can forgive tlie Inault orfer-d tlwn by the manag ers of the aJl-g-d non-prtban candi. datea. The iJuugit's clunsy Ue concerning a hunauy evnnng n-rmon was at?aign- ed to "ueiiw the "aalixm vote." I: would be a very atufid bir.1 thai would allow aurh an awkward huntnr to put salt on Its tail. Tlie moral status of the saloon bunl nen la n.ft at laaue, In toilay's electlin. The Antorim ia n lefc-ndlnp nor con oVmnlng tlfcU bulneai but It d cin- mn a gr-ii irwult to the Intelligence, lrder.endnc and gorxl citlzantrhlp of citizens, t-ho have given no provot-a-U m for the oasumpJon trtat they can be cff!rtrolUl by petty pilltlcul rrun- 5 ipulatom. The modern mother Haa found that her little ones are Im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when In need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy It and It bene fit them. The true remedy. Syrup of Fig, la manufactured by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co. only. Famous Wedgewood Ware Bargains. It's Worth Your Coming Juat to See. Great American Imp ortina Tea Gol STONES 100 IN NUMBER r"".-!-:s AWAY UNDER 511 Commercial St., Astoria. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First Nalioiidl Bank OF ASTORIA, At Attcria, in tho Stuus of Otvgon, at the close of business. December 2, 1SI9. RESOURCES. Loans and dus'ounts J222.T93 83 Owrdr.ifis, &vur.l and un secured 10,228 SS I'. S. bnds to secure circu- latJon i;,500 00 Premium on U. S. bonds.. !oo 00 Stocks, securiU.'S. etc 99.353 24 k.-al Esta- si.317 01 lute from nntlonaj banks (not ivwerve- agents) 2.679 67 Due from state b.iinks and Kinkers 24.396 30 Due from apprved reserve airems 105,371 04 t'hecKS and othtir cash Items 860 05 Notes of other natlo.tal banks 155 00 Nickels and cents S8 17 Lawful money neerve in bank, vli: Spivle J96.5S0 00 Legal tender notes.. 620 00 97,200 00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cant of circulation) 562 60 Tnuil J5S6.410 71 LIABILITIES. Cnpltal stock ixUd In t 50.000 00 Surplus fund 25 000 03 Undivided profits, loss ex penses and taxes ixvid 2S.563 S3 National bank notes out standing 4.500 00 Due to stato Dank and bankers 1,609 07 Individual dep.slts su'iject to check.. $3S6,306 00 Demand certificates of deposit 90,204 62 Certified chivks .... 227 27 47d.77 7? Total J5S6.410 71 Suite of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ns. I, S. S. Cordon, cashier of e bve named bank, do solemnly Biicar tha. the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. CORDON, Caahder. SubscrlbcJ and sworn to before me this "th day of Dooembar, 1899. C. U. THOMSON, Notary Public. W. M. LADD. W. F. M'GREGOR, JACOB KAMM, Directors. MACKINAW COATS, Blue only, $2.75 I MACKINAW PANTS, Blue or Brown, 1.75 f MACKINAW PANTS, Vellow only, '1.50 i TJa-se garnipnta are regular mndo 40 or S I grwlw. I)uring tlie Alaska trade the same ' jl clu8 of Mackinaw oll for $ 10 per suit Jones ' rjj houglit Vin ut a snap nnd is idling them the $ p name way. Thpy are bound to go at the price. : Iktkr order at once. 1 JONES' CASH STORE, g I0S and 110 froat Mrt, Portland, Urscna. 1 1 J l j 5 ' 5 's Santa Claus Will find it to bis interest to call on us before purchas ing elsewhere. Our Holiday Goods are all new and (will not be kept after New Years. Everything guaran teed as low as Portland prices. 1 B- F- Allen 0 Son, 365 Ccmmm,aI 5f' feH&---4-3- I INSTRUCTIONS GlVtS. Miss Bertha flartin's Decorative Art Roofiii fi Room 830 Dekara Bbllding, 31 mm Telephone 981 and tbey pleased. l If 1 DO YOU BATHE? $ NO. I WHY? C. J TRENCH ARD, rnmmkdnn RrfilfPMP' Custom House Broker. vuiiiiwf"- wa v aa w a hq Insurance acl Shipping. W. B. Edwards Every variety of Rough and Iires-icd Lumber, Doors. Windows, Mouldings and Cedar Shingles 17ariararComroon Slab, Bark, Fir, Y UUU Hemlock, Alder.Fole Oak Office Seventh Street Dock Hoeffler's Bonbonnlerc Is the place to boy your Christmas Candles. Pore Home Made Mixed Candies 15c a pound and op. Lowney's Famous Chocolates, AU shapes, sizes and flarora. A profuse display of Fancy Baskets, and boxes. Just the thing for a dainty present ORDERS SOLICITED. j Tilt List of 5test tmbroid try Aiterlats. laitlals Spectaltj. Cksiee Settctiot of S impiig Dcsigis. Staaiias Neatly Dose. i and Waiblngtoa 8ta.. Portlaad, Or. Nice Work. I can wash and iron, but can not do it as nice as the New Golumbia Steam Laundry. I am young and they are old hands at the business, you know. will call for yonr wash and you will be j. w. D ALTON, Proprietor. 0T1 Because at onr bouse we have neither a bathtub, nor hot water bandy. . . . Then go to tbe Russian Baths at 217 Astor St 25 ceuls is the price. Private apartments for Indies. Only tbe better class of patronage is catered to. Try one and you will come regularly. ASTORIA, OREGON Agent W. F. A Co., and Pacltlo Kxur. u Co'. W.C. A. Pohl, COI ITT COuOtES. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director Caskets and Funeral 8upplie mnstnnt ly on band. Corner 11th and Duane Sts, Antoria, Ore