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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1899)
THE MORNING ASTOKlAiV KDNKiWAY , DECKMMK II IXrfl JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Mala ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent hy mUL per year $t0 tVnt by mall per mojth M 8rvel by carrier, per month M 6EMI-WKKKLT. Sent hy mall, per year, tn adranos $100 Post free to subscriber. All communications Intended for pub lication atuuld be directed to the edi tor. Huslness communication of all klnda and remittance must b addreaa td to "The Aatorlan." The Aatorlan guarantee to 11 ad- rertlwr the largest circulation of any aewnpaper published on the Columbia river. Advertlatnf rate can be bad on ap plication to ttas business manager. rtel must be lH down w (T'nllng but IS of water. TU t umleivtood unWc a rule nd pled tho wM oxvr Tr.c Anwrlin' fnVnds lu-tsl b disturll over th- finW.l opening thus pr!cntl the Oivtr-nHsn; the , f plr n challenge In Hi apptvprtnte olun n tlu- lrir;h t Uw Astortiui jucvrthu for all purjf of mh-i.ttnc data ;h- d-ih ot the IVM luad thatim-l must Iv put down at IS f.vt of water. Th- ltl.unl-Mvtiiiia utonmehlp line .1 i.l n.M ltKii. riallxe a vn .is ox- pistid. The coinuy had tt. ships of its own. hut dopd.l U. n chirloi lug lo.u in tho 'H'1 urarkot. The olio soured found at the hint hour thu it Republican City Ticket. Fr Mayor DR. OSWALD II. BECKMAN. For Auditor and Police JaJge IL E. KELSON. ' For Police Commissioner SAMULL ELMORE. For City Attorney GEORGE F. WELCH. For Trearer FRANK J. CARNEY. For Surveyor - ALFRED S. TEE. For Superintendent of Stmds JAMES F. KEARNEY. For Councilman- First Ward THOMAS MOKKO. For Couu' iluian Sanml Ward JOHN SVENSEN. For C'oniiciituan Tliird Watd - AL'MUS s. mux. THEICELEMT OF SYRIT OF FIGS Uuuenot onlv to the originality and Implicit v f tlu ointtiiati.m. but 1mi to the carf and ...kill with w hich it !.. manufactured l.y .se'-ntitie piwi-ssos known to the Caukium i Ki.i sim-p iiv-uranee pajvr wvuld tx mih:t,-d If i Co. only, and vo ti.slt to imprcNa upon it crvsstxt th- l'a tne : uie eoinpnny hid to look el.vwhor.'.- llillslvrv Imhs piitdent. For lh. Independent inf.riv.a(ion and to pu'. It on inquiry for the tvol trurh of the nikUv, rfw Aatorlan de o say thai the fact aa unJwr stood In Astona are thai ttv onn of the ateumahtp sought to be char tered for the IVrtlnnd-ManUa route tvfuii th contnut not on account of any difficulty In obtaining her liwur- ance that I a ridiculous vubterfugv but becnuae the owners aft inveali gu,tlng the Portland cbannnl tnitiMed upon Mopping at Astoria. This the Portland crowd, of counse, would not agre to and the ship had to be throw n up in conseijiMnc. It is the mm old story Iortland would rather nv th commerce of Oregon dVcUrs to noth ing, thin permit the proper utilization of th. ot ly rvul ftrtapott piiwejisej on the entire seaboard of ttio ataU The Independent of Hlllbro when occasionally prjvjked to klek over the traces and speak out on the Astoria proposition haa a way of striking right at the root of the matter trtat !d.owj a th-tvugh u rulers t.ui ding of the I ubj(-ct and mak. It Astoria frienl the work of eo niotssury ,,',,, ",' j among the pei ple of thf-interior to Th attention of the Agtori.ui hi f.,r,v the n'f.iriiis Indisi-n-siible v the btn cs'.led to the comment in ye.-ter- . pr,.iH-r dtVi-lopmva of th-- state. Tlvo day' paper on the Oregiwilan's ac- f,,n,ni inB ,t,ii from the last .-dition count of the Mohr transportation com- of tU- Inl.-p :il.nt .is n.-atly p;n par.y In which the statement wu made m.f.t the Jusiii .-f th Asturii c.-n-that only ship of IS feet draft could m as anything ev.-r appeared navigate the channel -to Portland. It ; in print: is feared by Borne that tie OregonJan The OrcgonUn s.i-s that Portland will indulgv in anothar of ita charac- ; h- tkvn -)ei-t 1 fur the American teristic tirades on the inaccuracies of terminus of the Manila sti-air.'hip line . . .. b-au.e it is the tht-aptst place to buy this ntatnent and oarade in disproof , , . , iloui. That Is nha.t pup-rs i.f a 'oer a list of ship sent down from Portland . gtrir,e- hive, 8aylng but thy drawing more than IS feet of water. nvor could get the Portland daily to Tbe" Astortin cannot deny that the admit it bofore. Flour ought to be as Oivgontan can do this. Ships have ' " -a.. come down the river with more than 18 feet draft but that fact does not destroy the force of the Aatorlan' statement. The Aatorlan was speaking of the normal depth of the channel- all the Importation of puivlia.sitiK the wue and crtgiital remedy. A tlie irenuine Syrup of Fio is manufacture) by the CAt.troKNi Flu Syrvp Co. only, a knowlel of tht fact will aaaiat one ia aroidinu the worthlew imitations manufactured brother par Uca. Th hitfh sundin of the Cai.i roaftiA Fie Stkcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the jrenuine Syrup of Fijfa ha giren to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guarantr ot the excellence of ita remedy. It U far ia advance of all other laxative, as it acta on the kidneys, lirer and bowels without irritating or weaken tag them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to jret its beneficial effect, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. as rA..icioa. l LariaTiLL. e. trwmi. .r NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH Put a t'tte Wvuitilii-t, K-itii; the only prt-j-rntiioi .'11 iiiidci a ttivr ctiaiiititcc if fl.tH)i) tint it cu n't a (jrim or Iritctiou thriii't ol t M'tiiim or ililetori ou si 'i-taii.'vs Iitilorol I'v the tno-d ciUlir.itcd iiiti'tc o! Ill" litic mid Iim matte Ht;i;r i- iiinttirmUil lv ciiiim-nt iihyMCiutM. iiit'l piorioinufd llaiuiUv bv icadiii); chemists WiSCCM S TA'IOUS RCBERIINE, tt ithroiil pr,')viihin ikik uvrll Ij.hioiMiMr lA.lir- U,- 4 Ica-.iiiIiiI .Miiplrklon t Ak nui diu):wt'a tov l 'I1 Ittt oi.Ih.ts! to lake anything Isnr So ,thi irr U4tlf The aotrxia mav tvt have a ttiio ful form, but iJi know how tu imike-up. Mill Annie E. Ounnlng. Tyre, Mich., : "I auffered a long time from dya lep(a; lost fleh and became vory wvak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cunj compWo ly cured me." It digests what you eat and cure all forms of stomach tmubl. It never fails to give Immediate relief tn the worst ca. Chi Rogn, When the gh.Mt foils to walk, 'end min's" Imiiif iiuac to rnttlf. The prUcticnl experience of an nc trvna In her art iA usually far in ad vance of her adwniaxl youthfulneiw, Itch ! Itch ! Itch ! Awful Itchingof Eczema Dreadful Scaling of Psoriasis CURED BY CUTICURA DeWltt's Little Rariy ni.r purify tlie blood, cNsan the liver, Invlfonat the svotetti. Famous little pill fur con. stlpation and liver troubles. Chti Itosj-ers. All the world's a stiure. and to ttw tuns, Till artist is k"1v.i mu,iy iart.. J. R Clark. Peoria. 111.. ays: "Sur. 'pns at)to. to opnite on me fur pile. liut I curHl them with lWltt'i Witch Hazel Salve." It Is Infallible tut ptl's and skin dlxtiuttti. H'-ware of counter feit, ctia llogers. Th.' niak- n.aniil aetriw ofton trli i hit by i.unr its a miss. Francisco. Ol'It WAR IN THE ORIENT. j A Valuable and Interesting Historical Work. The United SUi?a faced new prob- the standard which govern all sclen-, lent in its war with Spain and in Its BFc estimates relaxing to the depth of contest with Aguinaldo's followers. The . , . . ... . . . , . wars In the Philippines are unique in rivers and harbors the depth at low , . . many r.cls and full of dramatic water. Under this universal rule the nere9tg navlgibl? dVpth ..f the Columbia river new .k Jmt published ..ntltled, must be and is put down in all the ' Campaigning in the Philippines. " books and r-port furnished to the clearly and a umt-ly our ml'.i- maritime world at IS fo.-t. This ia the . , " I lime ttie last Kta'.e .4unle.-r tvtdiuenn showing of Major Fisk and other gov- ..r f,,. (1).,jr hm1, j emnvr.t enginrs. Thit "hipa und -r Th- authi-r, Mr. Karl Irving K.iu.t, excepti!nal circumstaaeeB In tim of and t taff .-t".-teaeiK-d Man-! il l :: t:i- !:t'ht;t: v.i'h the ir.siirtr- :ns U-Han nil I iinrii-li.rj-ly com- i i .-'! -'1 'ith -ru.i !.fit.ri..l for thin im-. ful!-nw.ri tid.-s-have rv.'h-sl A"'rii ,...r. lt j,,,...,-; at Tlu v ::,-e,.'m-! i-l th- tr.'ts in th.-ir i ainp.'' CtTicrRA SoAr, to cleanw) the skin, CrTWTRA Ointment, to Leal the Jkm, and Ci'TicraA Hf.soi.tknt, to cool the blood, make the most complete and speedy cure treatment for torturimf, distiguriisg hu mors, nuhrs, and irriutiotu, with loss of hair, which hare defied the skill ol the best physicians and alt other remedies. THE SET $1.25 Or. "'. c i O" !. -l Rll". I4 wnrji&n. torn U- d t. tip. rtvt, 1 "I w;us n-arly d.'id with dyni'fps'.a. trlsj d vtorsi. vtst-s mitvral tiriirf-, and trr'v ur?. I u.s.m Kotlnl Dy i jK'psla Cur-?. That cure. me." It '11 , Hfsts what you eat. t.'uri-M ln-1 ig 't I n, ?our stoniarh, li-arttiiirn and ill; friu : ,.f dyspepsia. 1'ha.s Itog -rs. ASTOWIAIN BARGAIN COLUMN I he .Most for I iisli , I am a lveitUli u for true ('Mh (trvry trade, 't shMi I Tnr Ihe riilleat sMgal atfcsl Imoet prlcM, lvvryilung i'li aiol, I rsoupl sttiMtilmt. CIUIIUICM ,AIWN. iliHVi-4s ami Crs'kery, HiCIc'h HtisflUllol In buying llvrvritr wrw--e the MiH-fc u i oiii'ioi ik jfim ttv an H""iiiaiice iui li luallty. t hnvo a l.'U iro .! mi iiifiit tf Mterllttsg silver nnl hollouuniv In lutit tt.sxlgna for v,sldtng m'w.siv( itnd holiday (rde. lo sun' to It U fre you buy. t. W. HMITII. Ki C'siniii(rdal utieet. Vlu I)om Your l it tiiuli') W clultn. anil w will prov to every one. tint wsj hv tlie lest ind moot up-to-date Uumlry on the Const, a trial orsler will oonvlnc the most prtlcular. II you want neat, prompt work, try th CITY PTKAM LAl'NDItT, m mnanklln ArsntM, R. 80IIMPFERUAN. 1'rop. For n HollJiiy (ilft Theie la nolWim il-r tlmn iv phxv of nilverw.ire or rut kIuni. I have u i-ompMv iuiilnvs)t uf tlus Uitsi piMiirtloiw .it i.-sviuil)li itsilfii K. KKRTTtOM. Tht Jswsler. Mi Crnmerclal 8lrC Ikttcr 'l liun I'vcr The Pond Btrwt Fish Marks! Is better than em prspar4 to supply freah and salt flri of sll klnda. Oood dellvetssi to any part of the city and sat lifted art guirsntved. POND STREET TI8H MARKET. 117 Itond PtreeC Milliner)' .ovcltk I deslrt to further rail the Atten tion of the lad les to my hand tome stock of ttimninl millinery. It com prices the litmt oreailotn if the millinery art, mill I am offering re duced rate for the nnt tt days. JdiaaidcICAE. Dr. T. N It.ill DENTIST. 67J Oumitierclal Street, A STOMA. OI1E. 0fr Schluasrl's Clmhlng Store. Buy Your Xmas Presents at Eldredge B and Pacific Queen Hewltijx MnultlnuN. Roer Bros'. IU47 Sliver Plated Ware Tabic Cutlery at all prices; also CruckerM, I'lcltM, I3tc wmm Nut W. F. SCHEIBE, Manutaulurer of Always Wellwhls Ah 1 1 HMilPIp. Tlc, a JSaakiil' A t cli. 4TIOoiiniirvlail aa. L Belle Astoria" Clfir Schcltc't Optra Star Schelbt's Special Ami (II Iter Hrnnita am vsatoa a;aaaaa s a m -sw a . is.i m sv wimi j FOR ILANO, OHt r HUNT AND MOHHISON STS. ...Tlio Estnond Hotel.,. a A UMssi plll, Kh' t.l I,VI li nr Jo Aimrls-JUl ilin,l w lo 11 DO prf iU)r. OSCAH ANDERSON. Maimer j. i'. rKN!imr rhipfcur a -- A p I -ill ir s.eiK In ..ft. HI H tint It I- - mi iu HI? PORTLAND POIiTLAN n, OK. TUsOitly l?lraatClnMM llotol In lorllnm1 KOPP'S BEST A Delicious unci Palatable Urinlv Absolutely Pure The Kortb 'Mo Ilrewery, uf which I llottled twer for family ue or lu( Mr Julio Ioi)pii()rT jirlrlor, niakisa lerr llwf sopIIihI at sny ilmr. delivery in forinnHssiitiilfi)rt Irstln. Ilhanty frnv iorh Pacific Brewery Golambia Eleetrie & Repair Go Th- -hilitr iM'iiliy woikln f :i tr.Uid ! i th- cr . ! r. j Mr. J. Sro-er. Sfdalla. Mo., s.iVisl his , child's II fo hy one Minute C'ouirh Cure. lKx.itors had i'lvi-n her up to Jlr with 'croup. It'll tin inf.illlbie cure for oourIm. ciltl.-4, icrtppe, pneumonia bron : chltia and thnt and lung troublfi. ! Itellevi's at once. Chas Hoirvrs. ; It ':ik-s li-ij a minute tn ov.Tcoms. ; tiikhiur im ttu rlirnt n'il tn top a, , i-'iiith -v til- iistufnr M unit. CouKh. ! t'nti' Tuts fin-sly -in ''kly ciire-n ul. 'firms tf t tir-i.i t mil trtubt-s.i . Ilirml .-.isant', It lire-i v-its i-,-itii!.'l tn A fnnviui eiterldc . Onllnrltl tlare f..r irrli.i..- in,. I n. :ifi.-r- . 'h... 1 UUIIU l a 3 ll'IP'IH. C0LUA1BI IRON WORKS 'I'll- i, ..- ui In Liu u.i) tl r-.i s :i Niln r . imist-ii ,11 t.. Blacksmiths BoIlerHake Machinists a i-i.rrs-i- nnnnr "w in 1 - ii ! Foundrymen Loggers Supplies Kept to Stock Haml la an iisy part for th- traj;-. dian to pUy, but wh n he tin kh ItU h ard the Third he luui to hump himself. Th i'i'Tiiti n nf tin- klntitcn' 'always n m vlnn )is:-t(i( -. I- I I 'M 0 frvsh'-t and hy wuiting .wi 1 maneuver ing tiike udvitntugf if thf in-ri-fll' al I ' frotn Purti-ind drawing L1') or Zl f t of p; w.itor is r.u of th-e it'l:nury, 11 n-iim-l. n.ii Iiriihli- d-p!h of th- P-trt-la.nd charntl. In all and Bnt-ral Fiatt-n'-:-Dt the Portland chm- i-l young Girts an iriipxrtiil m.ii.:--r Mr. Faust i I-! li.-th- w ,: k t-f ill- Ati'-ri- ;in :ir:v.y ,:i- a m i,,!- at,J ,,f t,h- m--ru'f ' i't "niiizathinfi. I i'ti- ititistraM-tji art- iir-tfus- anl happily s-K-: v-'l. Th-r.- ar- hu.idr U of IM- i:: --. i.f i,alU" ti-l!H. uti'l nctutil ' h;it 'I- y - ri'-v. Th- n.-.rk is au-ho:u-Iv', ! iH wi.ti-ii j.-i a lia;.py styl- and is ly f:ir th- I, si .ui'l ripM liit-rt--i'.lr(r d--1 V' Karl's Clover Root Tea IVantifiM the ComT.!ti'm) I ir'f'i . Ri'mxI, ifivr-. a (rrh.t :-.trS.;n. -r-st , mitvation, IrMiition, ;tnj all I'.r .Mi-". (:ie Skin. An a.-p'- tl-i h.ix:itif Nt 'I'inic. S nr. n'-'-oitit y Ly druKKtflt at 25c, Rh:- and S. C. WELLS & CO., LCflOY, N. IOLf PPTPRICTCBS Mm. It. Churchill, Berlin, VI., nays: "Our baby wivs covered with runrUnar sores. DoWltt's WUch Hazel Salve cutM her." A specific for pilm ami aktn dlsccs. He ware of wurthlaa counterfeits. Chas Itngvrs. r!onic architects can .ln.iw (nin' ai-torsi. btt.-r My him btvn tmubh'd for year with chronic dlarrhin-a. Homctlm UK i I ptniuinled him to take some of i 'ruimlt laln'n I'-dlc, Cdolon and I4.irrhr-ii rfimsly. After liHlrikT two j l'ittPn nf th- 2.-ivnt 3!(? lw wax cur-sl. I kivp this titliiionial hnpinfir i s.iin- mi ! similarly allllctsil may ri'al ilt and ho b ni-fitid. TI IOM AS (.'. i H"VI-:it. fll -in-oM, (I. KVr k:iIp by i 1 'h.irl. IPtx-rs. j ..i'-.-i ,ti ,-iin ti t'-i ,t Ttiiiitti I i-iitlr- leaf. 1- M -in .-t' ..iiiiuit- . iniKii . m in-- ftLriltMl v- I j.L'rt Itkl t,.r -.,..,1.- ..t, . I m .1.1m ' It l uncqnallrsj fur w rxsipiiiit cuiKh. ChlldPfsn nil like It,'' wrttrs II. N. WH latiia, tJontryvllle, Itul. Never falls. It Is the only harmlnrtn nnnsly that (flvisj Immediate nulta. Cuns rouflti, colds, hixiracniiM, croup, ptii-utimnla linmrhl tin and all throat ami tunc tmuhlisii. Its Mirly u- pri'Vnits cii Bumntl'Mi. Chas Itufrrs. Thf man ho wrltm a pliy In rftin ,i il:ii(iii rUt l.ognlssa Htigliiet llulll niul Rcprtlred Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sale Mnnufudurerri of the I'dsarpasscd ... "Harrison Sccton" Propellor Wheel ... . ('cnlnictwrs for Khtric Light and Towor riant. A NEW YEA It'S GUIDE. A , curi f.r rtiPitrntttlsm Ctiam- l-riiiln'M I'nln Halm Is srnlnlni; a wide Cj rcpiii'iil'". D It. JnlirvMton nf Itlcli- JW moml. Intl., haji trmlilisl wILhiLJ that ill I in. -it Htiice In ! klriK Pi of It h - H.iys. "I wv-r fuund nny-iU , t-.t, n, ,1,1-1 it'll, - w- lt- Ulllll I usvil I'tinniliTlnln's I 'rain llnlm. It tt, is nv.- iiutKI'' Willi rilt. My JiWH fcj w.isHIUti and pnHiInc ii.i! vi-ry much , P t hut mi- K'l upplhai l hi of 1'u.ln j H.ilPi r-ll-v-i mi-. p.f mile ,y ri i "liii rl llir-r. wf Plurr) Pudding, Raisins, New Fresh and Seasonable Goods cro9beffics Citron Squash Etc. Th- l iill. t u-ir-l. ways a r-.s-r lik- li--i iik", lx ul- a si : i : r: t : r ti-: i-'m -it i r Twiity P V- Years' ' uxtiuit witiimit a r.i i iiuv. I ?HP Tim llrst lini li-MH, I Unit iliM-ji.-if it iltl-.!l f crmip Is I r:,' ill thf iiii-nt How easy it is for young jir!s to go into the "decline. " ( They eat less and less, become 1 paler and paler and can harldy drag through the day. They are on the steady down ward course. Iron does them no Cood; strychnine and bit- ters all fail. They need a food 9 that will nourish them better, and a medicine that will cor- rect their disease. Scott's Emulsion is both of these, elegantly and per manently combined. The Cod-Liver Oil makes the blood richer, and this jives better color to the face. The hypophosphites of lime and soda act as a strong tonic to the nerves. Soon the weight increases, the digestion improves and health returns. At all drareisu t foe and i oo. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. f ir fitrhtii.ii t li i- apr--:ir 'I. "I'll- II 'k.--lull i '1.N1..1 i.y. Sin 1'r-in- 11-fi. a: - th- jiuiilitl'-trrs. Tif h-t-ik I ii 1 !,'- t!,-iy ,i-:n'.y mi Icnvy i-irntn- p.ip f iii.J - - l-L' ii.'iy ltnii'..l in j.-uth-r. Tli'-r Is oik! b-Mtk i-vfryin shoulJ iimk- an i f.'rt to ?i-t, fur th; n-w year. It cicitiilis "iiiiiiU- and Viiluable hint as 1 -ri':-rni ri tr lu atth. n any ntnUHltiK an- -lutt-.. and mill h i;i rn-ral Infurmiillim. W- r f-r to HuHti-ttcr'H Almn'm'.', ub-li-ii-l hy Th.! ll.stctt'T 'o., l'itts- n'lrn. )'a. It. will prt(V- valuable to .mlr,. n ,,( n, nr-y niiis-riui'i. ixiy t'lnpiuycs 11 rf l.-jit :tt work mi this valuable liwik. Tl.- Issll- fvr 1:1')') Will ! over t-Kli t mi'!! 'i". printod In t ho KriKllfh, (i-r- ' 111111. Kr-'irh. Wi.-lnh, Norivi-idaii, Kwi I I'i.-h. Holland, liuliftnlan ;ind SpiinUh St.'il tru--tk Ifirto kIk.uI.1 think twlro m-ikm ip-s. u ci.niairm prwir u tn i-t- j 1 hiiiniia.l -j nf timin-H In this broad . iM-.i.-y 1,1 nimiwm uiiiiiiMi iiiuerH, ;,.r, ;1, ,,.v,.r ,HH,, , ri.H Hi,, mix- : t!:c trr'-fit r-iii.siy pr-parfr l by th ,lib-, ,nM m, .rM. y hm. y,.t , ,.arn j ll-li.-rs. am! Is wr.rl'iy of ran-ful pr.-H- f ,,f ;l Sinirl. Imilam-,. in It lias j i-rvati'.ii. T'litf alnio.n i': irny h't 11b- i, irv-d i-ff-ct 11 il. N', , t tl -r ir-tH-1 ffl tidn-d fr--f .f rHt. at any drucifist OT 1 riLl ititi 11 n sik . u' uiin tt ri,ii, I ' I Carry the Ralston Health Foods Wheat Flakes, Grano, Whole Wheat Cockers, Breakfast Food, Select Brap, Yeast Cocoa, KcWy i y. ALLEN n 1 it v li.- t.i kin 11 m 11 1 - iiiii'uiu-li nf an at- tm k. t'illi,wliu; thin in rHiiinn aj P-iiiliiir r.nutli nmitli. If riiiiin -r-! lain'n I'ltiiah IJ-i ly H Ivi-ii us th fhlli) lit-r-'iin-j linamf, i-v.-n iiflt-r' tilt- iron ry ''"iitth iiii.-!irM, It will pre-' vwit tin- ntliuk. Ii Ih uw.'d In many l-f'i- th-y att.-mpt to nut. i picnifRTfi mi 1 Restore Vitality Lost Vlrnr sod Manhood. ' Cure Iiii,ot.-nc.", Nijl,t Kiiii.-ision.-inn B'-ricrnl d-ab r in thf; cuuntry. '.M.I. F'llt W'AItltA NTH, H b'-n-by iflv-n to all irl-H ''liits--p ''oiiiily warraiitH i-n- tt.ite- of ohic. City of Tol-do, Lucaa ' wajtinff iJliieae.s, all effects of Kelf-j s ,t i'i.M''y, .. i jTJ2j ahu.-e, or txce.-.i and India- h-.;ii;,-j I r.i!ik J. .h-ri(-y rnak'-s oath that he: fT-r rn.t;,n A iicrie fj.nln ;in! M-r-ti pru.r hi S-rt-ifil-r 1. 1 -!7. to - "1- .--iihir partn-r of tb- (i,-t of V. yM ?fhUml imiuirr. Urines the i "'t Ul" '" u'' "'"""v . ' n -.y - ' H-tiriK busiru-M ,,. th! . A '"' '' " ur-r at his ..Hi'", IC4 T-iith Kif.-t, f.,r . '.oiiniy a:ii state i! y i'"'"!:'"" r-"-'-"'-'" ,,vm,.t. jt-r-tt (i.-.iju-h arnr this i- ,---,i:l, ami that sa:d firm will pay th.. u:;i 'if .l'i) f .r -:i..-h a-.d :V-ry . .1 - nf (a'iiirh that cantiot b r:ur;l ;:. !, 1,.... ,,f i( tii'j Catarrh Cure. KI'.ANK J. CHRNEY. ' ii tt !.-tr" rn and nilicribed in t pr -s-n'-.t tliis ti'h 'lav of D-Orm-b--., A. 1). IfcSG. A W, ;M-;AS0N. Notary Public. ; '.-i:ai.) j 1 lap's Catarrh Cure Is taken Int'-r- nal!y, and a.-.s .lir-f.-lly on the blixxJ 1 .Mid inn-nils .surfaces of the system. . ...... 1 ,n 1.. ' .1 t t-ii - v 1 nriiiidiji lit:-. F J. CHF.NKY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggi-itH, 7"c. Hall's Family I'UIr are the best. rcsJtnr'M the fin! of youth. 1 .bit H.F.Prael Transfer Co T.;l -phone 23. DRAYIEG AND EXPRESSING All Cod Shipped 10 Our Care ill i.eee-ive Special Attention. No. T,V, Duane St., Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK, Mgrr Rb. Tel. 113. L i- '! My mail r,()o perhox, boxes for $1.?0; w'.lh si v ritleii (,'iiiinm. tee to cure or reluml the money. Send for circular. AddreBs, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson SM., CHICACO, I'JU for 8sJ by Charles Risers. Drusglst. Astoria. Orcon. tw.Mly-flv.. y.-,irH' r.nim.-irit u- with nut 11 f.-illur-. I-'nr pit l - by I'har'lf:, ItoK.-l'S. All th.-ii-lliiit. v. ml. I priii 1 In. (irt TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. 26c. NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that Frank Turk is no longer a member of the firm of Kenney, Lynch and Turk, and the undersigned hereby notify all persons that the undersigned will pay no bills of the Fald Turk's contracting, and all persona are notified not to trash the said Turk on our account. KENNEY & LYNCH. hat-d. Amorla, Orison, thin twi-lflh 'i ,v of I ). i ' inb'-r, W'.i's. II. C. THOMPSON, County Tr'iimir. r. TUT. 1.01 YKB. Htranr'TH vinitin in the cily will liud the Louvre 11 11 iittni'-tive r. Kort wIumciii to Hpcnil Hie eveiiintf. 'I'he Amine Hili'tH Lmlie-' Orelii-Mtni iNMlillmi thi liidHHiiil prcHentH ni'lillv H miiMii ttl tirniniiii nf ex''op'iiiiiiil ini-ril, lliiiiilxiiiiie k,oI h ml hilliiinl r'KiuiH ho a featuie in cuniii'i'lioii with the limine. I'alatiilile lum In S will le Hcrvi-'l nt nil iionrH K j lhese tinCapt I4VJ to Balsim of I 1 Cubebjorlniet LADIKS TAII)lt-MA r M HCIT3. I.ii'llfH wh') Ro to I'lirtliind and denlr KoiMiil,ijf -Kp.-cl.illy Hun ti the way of taiinr-mntie huiih will ilnw'-ll tor'ni'?rn-l-r thru they can l( will Mttwlat I. P. Hoyr'n 1'7 Fourth mri-t. in th" Y. M. :. A. hull. ling. Nut only does he kc-p a ntrlilly (lrsjt claMa cuttr for rneii'n wenr. hut also one cxcluHlvly for Inilh-j' work, a.nd all can rent annur"d nf ir.-ttlng not only Hood work, hut the hut of, ns Mr, Moyer Is tin pxpert on woolen floths, HOLIDAY ())() T)8. Another larire InvMiy of liolbljiy ptmkIh ur r'Ni-lv.-d. (ir-inil opening for Inspection Monday 11 1 h. . F. AI.LUN &BON-. lhese tinxCapauleiaro superior topaiDa,v niectionsanoiimuv CURE IN 48 HOURS Vl the sams diseases with- out inconvenience. ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE. The annual m-tlng t,f the tocl holdein of th Alaska Fi.'hcrm"ns T'ai.'kltiK Company will held at 2 o'clixk on Monday, January 8, 1900, at Ifani'horn hall. (1. o. WOKW. Preildeirut. Attest: JOHN NORDSTROM, Sec, . V: LOOK MERE, YOUNG MAN! Tour look! IHI on ynu. '"in kMp II orrsl lill llfon H a uo Ul o aii l Of Mrrtl to tlilt out Sno-Ittf-. Il lua bfitii irMtlni nirh nat ft.r ovtr Ito vtiir. and it parta-ll). rdlahla. Kumuurt Im own S'J alas tnii Kill nil ttlra. DR. KL5SLER I hit utt Ht. tuli M'ltli-al mi IMiirnary, SmiM Vamltlll iirliinil. dr., piMltlvaly guar- cuit. DlilVATP l'"-i"'' Tliia ,1'trttW fnaraniooi to -nr an? r " rutr .it Hifhilla iluniirrli'tii, iJ.wt. il f riuia ruipt, 'o 'litit-rfiuif hnw lung natiiiriM. Hiwnnaiorriuaa. hi, rf MiinliiM.,1 or Nlffhtly KmlMlnna, curM itarmjnanl I) 1 h Iwbll of Hfll Abua rtn-luallr curM In a al ort llm Y(lllVa Ml'N Yll,lr '""ora anil follla of vmiih i-an hs 1 '" ranihliMl. and thla ol,1 .1. trior mil rlva ou whii-M.nnit a.ivira anil cura yttu-maka yuu parfwil, air.ns nl l.-liriv You will ha ainaiml al hla aii'-ivia tn curlns .;niu t -rilioi-a Hrmliial laarn, Niglilly bmlaalwia, and Olhtr a-ircia. I'liitrnlai Ir'in1 In tnj pari of tha win n 117 b hla hecna iriiim. Writa full partlrtiiara, Inrlnaa 10 Its iiuia and ha mil anawrr rj prunipilr. Ilundroda Uaalad al Soma lw ara unalila to ttuoa 10 thf oHjf. READ THIS Tika a. alMr hollla tl badllma ui4 arlnata is tha fcnUta, ttaaido and link al II In tha nrnnlns. Ii It la rlotaar nr ii rlcM-lr aatillni la II, you tim aoma sldnaf cr blaadar tlmaa. and ihouM oa lnariilaa to barra vou a as laarur !) itaHiaaa. as baadrada) all rar fmr traas aVIsat'S aUa aua nt Kldaaya. JU"0WB,a,awaaaaf ri")IAWli,aM C fc. jn.a ma rai .W awaaiit 1 MAI.10D RESTORED i-W tlonnf m Ikiiiihib l riififli tiiivHifliiu. mill nmwl vCUPI0ENS" I'hlaf rant Vcsatahl irrrrlH all ncr. lion of a fainiiiia l-'renrb ulivalrliin. will niiiklw,tt,r ,., Vina or (tlai-ani'M of tin i-iii-nlint nrvum, ,u-u an Uiat Maiihimd. VlUillKir.llif prrrl- ni 1 In.inniltt,l'iilimlri llin llmk.rli'inlnul KnilulniiF , Nitvoik lifljlllty! f iniiilfn. IIiillmaHi In llurrv. I'.iiiaiiaiinif limit,. vuri,-..i. ...A ('oiintlt iatliai. II sKifia all lnwt tiy d i.r nlBhl. frt-zmiia qntrk niaanf iliw linriti, wliii lilliiiin-liwWullciiila Ui Hparfiialiirrliaia and all Ilia hiirrnraiif I nii.ilnrj-, V I'llir.n r. i-lt-iujua Uiallwr, U14 k iilnitva anil tint iirlnurTOTiimiaol allluiuuaUiia. rrplhKMK trAnvthnalnl ifttUtrfamitMll wawk nivMna. I lia rriaori aulTi-n arat mil rurnl hr IliK lora la IxnuiNtt ninety per rant ar trrmhM with Praxtalllla. 5 tJI'I DK.NtC tliifliilia,kniiwnrem-ilv liidirnwIilKiuianiipi-ratlun. KXii,-i,monl. ala, A written aru"nirit,ririvf-n ami money rMurria.d If an tunc tliti'a nol vlfaul a poruiai.eulaursv IUOsboi,ilifi $-t.Ui, Hnidfor ruMt'lrculuraiiiliriilnionlala, Adirea BltSt IlllllattlJI COM P. 0. llos 2076, Dan Frsnnlaroftal, . Pw HiitJ'K fW IsiS tl (THi'Rfainal ROQUaV BEFORt and AFTER