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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1899)
i ''.;.. t3? 0ft ASTORIA. OKKOON, WKI'ffMiDAY. DKCEMIiER 13, 1K!M VOL 1 NO. 168 he T 1 1 Now is the Time . . . . i .1 i i i (!) I 1 it 'Tit MHJIl. 'I Hkk Ilettcr my r THE ECLIPSE (pHl-i---(-H-(-- (: -v f?, Books S A turns iiml liiinliin;". f Allllllfl 4Tfflc I I Bohemian Glassware! A Leather Goods! f.) IMUldliiVII A11.UIH5, riUIIIli, (I) Games. Blocks, Etc Christmas (Sifts! Wc liavi over one hundred dilli-reiit s 1 -x of Fumy llmkcrs in Mahnj-aiiy, (lolden Oak ami I'.iidscvp Mnplo which arc excel li ltt Valtlcs all'l choil'it jJ'MmK We have hIm n 1 it 1 1 1 i ft 1 1 lino if 1'irttm i rl i"t i-nl ! v haincil. I -jh 1 1 i-m Writing Vsk-, Parlor Tallin, '1'ulioin tt , Jut l in it rtc Stands. Ru$s! ArtiMtle Picture FrnmliiK. Charles ileilborn & Son. (?-.--o- i)f Hero Im n IImI of nin uraae Moderate Prices: huicy Civanirry Itiillci' in Kvp and Uolls. St rift ly Kifsh Ks. New Crop Mapli1 Syrup. Itin kwlicat ami (Iriildlo Cako Moiir. J 'ju kanl A- Smith's Fancy Italian rruncs. Now Crtip N ut m, Fijs, Minoc Moat. M It. II. M (.1 I 2 I Halston 1 ii-:--- Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL, PARLORS t rown and Druliro Work, ft.BO iior tooth, Biinrmiteoil. llt'Ht t't I'wtll. $5.00 fit KUIll-HlltMHl. Host rilllnH, Mli! up, uniiriutitil. All Work Positively Guaranteed toRlvc Perfect Satisfaction OK NO PAY, WuHliltiRton Hiiildinif, Corner 4tli and WiiHliiiiKton riuu rioor, jiouniH 'Phon Oreuon, Drown 4jj. wcatlwr will he citing colder your STOVES now at HARDWARE CO. - K4HjMs - HM) - ! - - - (, mi led muMitttnrnt in tie uiul liialv S) r""''1 tvo ttfl llniidkiri'li beautiful Anwirttiii-iil. 'V Hill mii I IVkrt Hooks. Cur J W. T '1'rnvrlintf (.'ui', a LCdUIIIUI dSBUI IIIIC II I. i 3 i1 A larf ii-iiitmriil d .Smyrna., A.vniin- Mel's ulnl WlltnlH. uooas ar Breakfast Food, Pancake Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Crack Ins. mm ,' Tii ; Fluor v V knit IllK toll Hullil- S8. hi, in, i u, oj, ua. Columbia 560 NO CHANGE IN WAR SITUATION Beselged Towns All Safe Up to Sunday-Rations Are Short. GEN. GATACRE IS CRITICISED l.oDilun I'lulimca I'mnounce Him an I'nMifc I'omnianilcr I'ur a South Afrliflo Division. l.'iNl'UN. 1.T. 1.1. 4 I.', u. hi. WltJi, U.r 1 m , f Huii'tiy'ii mrtli- t 1 I i.iiiHIi, lil -li innt alii p'pr ni' unuiliiiiitu in rCMiliiK 10 11 l.rt'llain 1 llr- nt in.ik iiwr- ui- ii furtl r al ft mil Uui mivt .f ".ir Tl' ur clli. i- iiiwtili r-lrlji tl'iU Alufcl.lnK Uiia n.iti- tii :i li-inlr 4. (ml tint tin H i hiiit I-ti hIh'ICiik lb- (inn n,i. Nii.-inji r.27, Willi Im Kiil f- f. 1 : Ciiil'.li-. I1.1.I ln' li t"l li' il 111 VI. w i.f !i pr l ili!y I'iiik iliC". n i:xi'iiiT I r.tili M ik" a S-rit. -nil, iiimI I -iiif ml lux . lilliM l'l U 11" With tin- ! 'il ly, vn 1 l.n.Mii'N. t i: Tin iwir .illl" 1 lll.- l lllillill. .. liw filUm illK J i i!i li ' r -hi. 1..-11-1 il A ! 1 - j - t li fr m liiii.-ial Willi-, ila! 1 . 1 inlr 11, hun: I.11H 11UHI I '.tli Mk l M.inalf and .'.n-i limi of III.- S.iund ItHl. hnif.ul- f ll.. to nipttnv .1 il. r h.. itx.-r mi th-' till! Tlx y ivoi hul tin- ift Mltlii.iii; l in i!i.-m nv Tl, ilr..x- on Hi.- li. my ' .111. 1 ih.n i.ttniyid tl- Iii.wli.. 1 l!h' Kiini ill. ti. ! Inn r.lir 111.H M':.i'f f-.iin.l I n r m at lanvd hy th.- Il r.s, I ill l.v (.iiml h: iiy thnuik'h. ulri; tlu-J li.iyutm fr !. Tin. .w-. -itl-l-i ii lit . Tin- lltitmli '-fj u. (ullottn. I.l ut. Fi'itiUm and I 1 l. vi 11 ini'ti kllli-d, lliuv 0illr.1v iiii.l 41 I rt 1 1 .nim.'l. n.ii.1 ml ti -n riitund ' tiATAi UK fUll'l' ISK1 t in!. M' li Thu.k 'niiniiiiiiil a S1111J1 iHW.i:i. li.' Is I A f l it an I. .il !. - .til.- ll'i. SlV T Mlli'll tlloV WMllld ' Nl W i KK. Ii'. -A dicimtcli t'iniik la. k "iv ird ! :l..rnfonl. In. i tli- Ti.Iuiii- 'n. 11 I I iii. H.i; ,s ,, iini.i.m to the pntu-ial plan to! W'i.-ii th - army corps Mini w-nl oiil , ,vi,,.K. K nnlx-ri y, r.oni.fal Fniiu-h was! to Af rl a. ll-iiv.ll i;ii:artr was f ji- j,.r. .pi.,K tip a oonti-r U'h- and mill . 1 illy f inrl 1 In 1 In 1 : us , ,, ,j , f ,r uvn. loiiforilllnir Willi tin. mi miK.'t "f ilic tlu- linslon 1 0111- j M,.lni,.i h iii,iwiii.'ii:.i. At last tlv 11. .111 .i-t. (i' tinjiU MfihUi-n i-.ill d I im,. c.iiiii. wln'ii lli- pivot of iho inovi -th.. ll il and tui'tli-liin of ni. nl, in-m-ral inila. iv'ii forv.-. should II .. I'.t 1-'1- kTomid. l.i'iii i'il 1 l. ry wiiot Kllo vll an t!l.' t'.K(lni.l.rtl'-r III S.IMUKy. 1 . .. , 1 1, .... " 1111 . 1.10.- ...i- nil; r.." . .oll.i;.- mill wll.'i on inliltary 1 ...I .1... l.-l .!.. l . ... w..-. . , 0. M1. , in .1," .u niy and tl. m.t l.pu-! 1, r rluhman and .-pl. tliv. fl-n.-ral Latere had the i-pu!.iUoii of Ik-Iiik a . as Me d xilill r who liad -n nioiv nillltarv s.-rvK-n lltaii oiilk i- of hln i--.1 -I. iiKiiiti, an 1 hud done lu-llll.uu w rk In l ltypt Ix foi-e uni luriii ui. Ilolll (i.ltllil and MetlllU'll WelV know n an mai-tniets, who ,x 1'iTt. il th- 111-1 uiuh-r lit-mi lo wot k hard, w lief, is I'lery w.m a less timor 1 ous discllilln.u-an and nore coli.-slilei -at- in his tiwum-ut of his soldiers, lo luial I't-ry h.m lot .uid a elumce to show how iroisl u KiraLeirial lie Is. but lieiieiml Motlitioit has so proved to bi ll pinr laetlcla'i, mllhoUKh a stionK Ilrfhlei, atlvl the enemy has liol bis ii able to entfip any portion i f his foiee. lii-Ui-itil tlatacr' ha hIi-h his boil and the I -st :liat the Uilnilreis ca.11 my is that South Afrhu has always li-.-n the Kiavi yard of military ivpuialloii. If ileih-nil OaUi-r tvcovois his pns Uku It will be bix-aii!- a.vmpiiliy Is t-xeitnl by pre'n.iiuiv- attacks like that made by I.o:il Murium yesterday, who la the snf tMtlimieni of a tat (dork Hale luiuduMii, dtseiib -.1 liatacro as a 1111,111 untl'. to oomiii troops ln South AtrliM. J.oitl D1111l1.ini overshot the n.aik In deelarlntf tin- war olllce was! respiinsililo for the, distuvn-s m t?tonu- j berg' In appolnUnir lloneril liatuei'o to j the ci''J of 11 division w hen the ' oplnlin.iti of olllcera who had serveil under I1I111 wow known. ; A mo iv practical line of criticism' Would Ihj to ceiislnv the war ollleo for 1 not 9'tidliii out a lurffjr force of imv-' airy and iii'tlllcry In Rood time and not! In arming Oa'.uciv with adi -itiiit faollltl.w for n-oa'.liiB mini Bi"i piu.-tic , without forcing hlin to do- j peiut upon trodc-herous splos as guldiss J mint then finding hlms 'lt outclassed ln ; guns. t!one,--U Yoiinghustiand and other -There is some danger or error or ex mlLltary expei-U who were willing to ' eess In the.s, Ut M-ary exeursio.w. It Is discuss tho mjjsiliM publicly yostotdiiy ' h-.iMly pichable that Germanv will oil tlk-iiNMlv. with laying , ov..r nfiain MVome the nnvil of Furoio, MireM upon tibe neots.sity of lnving cavhlry for scouting and with explain, lng (Kitucre's motive of surprising an untrenolwd poHltllmi wlwm he did not conshhM- himself atrotig; enough to foree It by frontal attack, as n sound otve. La-ter detaila of tl ivtri'at from M 11 iiiIii-ik 'l i not pruvit iiml'-r p:iillt.(f ' f. f KiikUi'Iiiiu'II ''"a (iiiAiu-tn llmt liilliiln. wliiih n-.iJi itirliill-l try tiv wiir utlli" .iii'J imii'luoil wint -IUkIIiI". J V. hut I urtH ; li KiikIIi-'h" "i' prt'li- l in.- iitimiiiiitiiiK r.i. t iii'it u 't iiiitin j t.ttHxw f"r ilicii'itnir .ut I tn- Fifth uwJ itli I'.Hjiil IriKli Hlll-s in-, with hl I turli' frm In if Mil 'ii'll'l tMrvlr. in I .iilnmil 1 iiinp ilifii, In Hi" l.ucktwiw ' 11 nil In r-r 111 1 niiitiilK'wi il ittn tn Out- ! iliiri'iuii liuv" ii-t n vufi uj..'-l uii'I j jf. in 'l In Hil f''li'li-- ln.i A illiiftiii.-UliK j It.,.. ,.,!, fn.,,1 -.h, M.inJm N kjHE NATIVES ARE IN TERROR j ,uiJ Hip M iJuIm hill liattK-H. j 1 i-vitv lio'l'in rluli ami iIhti- wim ai 1 ' uir nf j.-Htmivi. iiM'Uiii'hnly p'-rviuIltiK I tin' wlinl'- lily if tin- Jvll m-rvlc.e. I Tin- vr illli" li"-njrr'l Itwlf wi'.h j iill'iim fur i'tiillii riHiifon: 1111. 1 iiiin.iuii.-l that thu flnrt : li ill. ili um if i.tii- hUih dlvlMl m wouM null . hiiturln. Tlii-n' v. Ill lr rtuit 'dlritiKlh hi tin. Ilo, (iv.-ii If onr Ifi'i' ' 11 f 1 it wimh-r ict wrunif unil Ihii Iiiiim lty for ii'l i;iUtiK hlmtt lf t.i Imti h tartlm. 1 Tli" I ion h wamum r r Ui'ir pan, 1 lliiny final klliW ll-xIWIlty. Willie i r.nilliioliiK ! IlKht la '.h"lr own way tli-y Invn Vmrn-il tha.t Ui I5riti.ii ..m Ii.imI h uith (ifUII-ry II i-. In onl-T ! o i li-ir icrounil for a front attack uv.ii tHvi li.l.l. th-llut ;ii tlK- bu:U'-'j I l.y rtiM-ritlnic (Jim fltv anl holili:i , I mi k rill.- voltiyN untl. thi-y i'an b- III. ml il"l' 1 Ucliw. : Tiny liiv.: alwi found out trait the j I it!ili -. icn in.iiHi.-i-H ittt-nipl to tiur- j j i-l--.- thir mwloiiH l.y tuan-lnn I at n.itl-.t ami th. y s ".li'lr f.xat In (.la. -..I anibuni' Iv. I'.M Kit I'KANri HAI.KKIl. Tli.' I', f.-.u .if tJvit.n r.. ll.m Sp .Hi-T.M-IS-i-k Sili'ini! for Kim In i ly K.-lli-f. I l.u- NI-.W Vo'tK. lf. l:' -lls uvsitlK th- AiikI. -Im .HaUn:i. tin' l.on iiill ... 1 . -i.M!.l-t;l "f tli- 1I t.i.I. myx: Kv.. t'tK h. ! m.iuII not U- nurirll to I. ml thai. irutiMtd'TliI)!.' part of t'l' 1 ..-m ilii h.-iv liiv.MliiK l.adymlih I. id l aii- il off and liunh-l d.. n t.. ili. x.mtli rn im.' of tin- Kr.-tf Stat'" to Imr tin ai'iir-M.-H of llw lintWi frlii Noi'tli.-ni ixim t'olony. Tin- i-x'fini'j i. !! H 1 y of tli.- r.o-rst has vilmayn Iwli. on- 1 f tii.iir ihiof ini'irc of dtri-nir.h. im 11-ia! Itull.T y.nliiiTlny ht-Ul .1 ix-j it.-w of tin- trimj-K til Kr.f r.imi, I il.;iM .is a ir-li'l'- to KlvliiK lln-j 01 I. v f, r n al 1111 . For III- niotniMit th. Kt.iu tunilni! o-.,it1oi ivhii-h . I ml Il.-ii Moinn on in '.ho "t"tn ll -ldi M. ". I.i'fd M-, mi lli- ixiix'tnt'l t.ulit, Imd U-ii thrust fonvaij lo turn j ,,,, v- fot aaid Tin Htrat.-tfii- ii'i-slty ! of M-.llinr Sloi-mlx lir was olillollM. Il .. , ', - .. . ... . . H llli' 1UIH11.U1 Ol Ulf main lino IlOIIlj .:..-. l.,n,,wi ,nt , 111,, iiramr,. Fiwi .... . - .uii' wiui a nun oniiu-n mi' l uinuKHi -M whu h. wlion tin.- hrtdp. i-uiie-l ln . M.. aIld 10 t.u,vrtS have Uni repalivd. will ttlve communication b- lull liwi'ii 1.1 -n -iiils llatactx" and Fiviuh, j I'li'in ral Fri'iieli has hu.l no friat diihciiliies In his wuy. He hiis ad v.w.iisl fi-om villas- to village. Tl tiist move en acre's part was to soe Morniberg. if poNKlhU". Tliis attetnpt has Im-i defeat-i! and he has l tir.d to MoltellO. Tlie effect of this on the future con duct of the iMiiipali;n cannot be prophesied wi'.h any certainty, le-neral liatiicre w ill have to be fliuorced very strongly, -bn -ral Fnnch will have 1 pause In his advance. I,ord Mnthu.n. The Filipino virniy is spill up one-' t.he dual action for the iH.lief ofi,( snun iKHlit. tile troops taking Kiuih-rlev fought will have to turn' his attention to the cation with le Air. Mm- of iMiniiiunl- (i i!i'i:i.ow s sri:i:rH. loiimin FaiH-rs Make Kxl isive Com. iiioiils as to the Slgnllciainx- of His Statements. LONDON Dec. 12. Tlh Dallv Clu-on- j icle in an editorial discussing Count 1 on litiolo.v's statement in the ivlch I stag, stiys: ' v'ount Von l'.u -low talks of the les sons of the llis;iino-Amoriian war. j This may mean that. If Cronnany had possessed the tUxit lo wants her to j build, she would have saved Cuba .ind I the 1-hlllpplius to Spain. Atv we to 1 prisiimo that he thinks (lerniauy n ; anvil and Ain irica as a hammer? If so, . It Is idle talk of a giwa Ccrmaii nivy ! ptirely for the purpose of defense." j The Times, referring to Count Von j Kuelow's hiinnnn- nnd anvil phrase, I says' but it is still loss likely thai, even, as .1 world power she w ill lie the luainme-r of the sens." Ofvr papers comment upon the speech In coimoetloa with the m-cesnlty under whlii Kngland lies of keeping pace with the growth of the German lleot. GUERRILAS IN THE PHILIPPINES AgulnaMo's Scattered Forces War ty Assassination. American Authorities .Making Ex amples of Thm Whenever Caught Suppression a Hard Problem. MANILA. lx-c. ! 2. -Colonel Smith, with 4 d.-ta hni'-tit of th 8"jii-nth Infantry, BUrrounrl.! and capturvl In a vliltig.- tx-ar Maiamiui, K j.-rrlll.iM whj liad mad- a oarty of thilr hal- iiiarlt th-re. The rj- IniluUd tl.; hand which amus!n.i.'.-yl m-vi-n offl-laia t Malan jul for frli-ndlln..Mi to th.- Amiri..tum. All an nnorKWiui who l cam-? hanJtui w lnn th- llnlnl.-Kratl mi of the Fillplrwi urmy b-Kai. Tin y k. pt th.- couitry around M-il'imiOl In a of t-irror for w-k ami coit.inntiil Z't iin-r-i'-ni In iv th.ui that numbr of dayji. Wh-n rh'-y w-rv caught they w-n- promp'.ly n-nt to .-n-ril Mac Aithui'11 h'-adUartvn at JiijUnbang by train. Il !s ixp-:tl th-y wlil be p-dliy lrll and Uh-T shot or har.g A 3 an i-xampli. Tin- wh.l- country north of San F.rnando and b.t;wn Pan Fw-manlo aid Manila, -xc ij.t within th- perma nent lln- of troops tinund the cllb-s and i-lmu-ly .itrolled of tli. railn nd. wwa.-tiiH with dmIUir lutnilii. I'lobnbly they will lie InervMwd by th iii-n from I'llar'n army, many of whom I hre making lh.!r way siuih to Join (the lr.nur;fn f.n-e In 'avlt- provlnee. I Ttu-. people devote tre'lr cnerttin1 'to ambushini comml.-Kary wapons nnd I pii-kliiR up sol lhTS who b aie Uvr , i-oinnuinds. KvMry day aume wag..n 'train in I nl uim or !m? soldl-r dls I a ppe ars I lein'itil N'hi!er'.i s.cretnry. Mr. 'IVxrr.-tt. was diamii-d ami la.ried by ooloii-ui ahiion; within sif-ht of had-niiart-rs. his aM?allant pursjlns him n virly into the luudiuarurs hulHlinir. Tin- policy of thene riilllar.s Is to make the ceunlry;talU for Ameri cans mid to frigiileti th. na'Jveti into ri fruiniiiK frv;n Rivlnif aseisla.KH' lo AriviliMiis. -is well n.4 to compel nc InKibitiuns to Miprt the Insurrec tion. A broth-.r of the president of Imus went, ouiidle tho town the other day to haivtst r-:r;v rlo. lie na ctp tuivd by his compntrliits, a:-cU-d if bt'lnc a spy ,uul ex -ulel. Only a sumII portion of the insurgvnt arms have Iv-on Hurry'iideriM and the prob- lfin of puppp'KBlnR this ruerrilla . M : fttiv is anythio,' but easy of solution. ,,"'1 A ivork-an offlcem tldnk it is , i w,we thn nMn Winff U . ,l e dl,1,l l,1U' "f lh coumry. NEWS VIA LONDON. Filipinos Doing Many Astonishing Feats Nut Alluded to In Amer ican Dispatches. I.ONPtiN. Dix. 12 KeULers T-l grin- l'ouii,ny has received the fol lowing from Hong Keiig: "The InsurgiU go.ornment iso-callsli of the I hllippi.n-s w ill Iv changed to a dictatorship to continue Inutilities aKain-t the methods of Americans exclusively by guerrilla warfare. oath N-for. separation that they will licht until their country's rights ;'ic reccgni.! d. A f"iie of I'nitiM States marines wh landed at Vlgan. Soii.h Iloocs provlnee, from the bcittlc-hip Oregon, d f.vitvd by the Filipinos under i.lonerul Fi-ico (Tino) Dee. I Manila i.ew spapiirs, iiivpii the Mis t ship, admit that iJenei-al Lawtoii is miswing." The t'oivgolng dispatch was evidently sent by the Filipino junta ir. Hong Korg. FILHMN' PITFALLS. G. Wash-oe-ton's Agulnaldo's Humane M 'thoiLs of Wartaix'. NFAV YOU!-:. Div. 12. A special to the Tribune from Washington, says: In hospital reports which reached tho war departm -nt from Manila is chroti. 1 icled tho first casualty due to falling Into a Tagal pitfall which contained the horible devk-o of. bamboo pwts, sell firmly in the hole aid sharK-nxl at : the top fur the purpose of Impaling, the unwsiry. Tho American troops have fiiUently 1 found such traps on the line of. march : and especially in front of insurgent, treuchos. Ordinarily the traps have j bfjon simply deep holes in the jungle covered with long grass and although 1 soldiers have frequently fallen inloi thejn, no rious injury hits resulted. On October 26, when 45 man of com pany I, Xinoitennth infantry, were en- gag'-d In reconnaJsnanei In r halting a ftr. ill land of TuKal fprn .mm-: tr-mli-n, lMviti.- fw.,cu K.irl ilu.-,g-d Im;h uui h a pit with l;n uliarji. t.ed b,imlmR, and had his Wg ami fioti, which put hl.n out! of n-rvUx: For umiely, he did not ; tumbl: h'.'idlorg Into the trap for If he had, In th'.' opinl in of the i-urgcon, hi wounds mus', rvt.i-ti!' have bn fatal. IrCHTON GOK-5 IlKI'L'IiMCAN. Gt'.it Many D-mm -rillr, Antl-Kxnn-iiioti KtiMnghol'l tlve K'-pub-llcan Mjjorltl'. iJO.-iTON, r-c. 12-it. publicans wre S-norauy nuccassiui uxuty in trie cny. tk-ctiwis. Only ln N- wbuiyp irt ill 1 tb- socialists make a Htrong showing. In Boston, Lynn and Woburn, ordi narily strong iX-mocruUc stnnglioldii, , the st-on.! signal vtctunv. BOSTON. Dei-. 12.-T!i rt -publimna nuh r-eat prsune fur time cm the won a w vkory In the municipal 1 ,i;-t of memb-rs of both Mdm who clect'.uo today, Tnoma N. Hart lc-' deeur? to participate in live currency f.ating rX-Cofign-twiiian I'a,:rii k A. 'd.lMta In th houie that tlire? nJght Collimi, th d'-mK-raUc nominee for , setwiixis wnere onl r-d today, mayr, by 1,904 vous. The total vol The inr.'3jt "Jv debate Is not was: Hart frep ) 40.M5; Collnw (d m.) kef-n. Judg-J by th-j attnidance In tie IS, 761. gullei-its, aJthsign mernbt-rs ih.-n- Tlie di-m-jcruts, however, still con- n-lv. ar list.iiing attntlHy to tho tfl tioth brajich. of tlie city gov-arn- px-chea. Only one Jem icr t thus far ment. The city vote.1 for Uixnse. The has Hpokn In favor of the Mil, Driggn republican victory" 'a in great mias-if Saw York, wlw ennounc-d today ure due to the knifing of Collins by the that he had pledged hlmaolf before supporters of John K. Murphy, who election to uprt the gold maadard was severely disappoints! at thHrJand proposei 10 redt?m that pledge. fivorlU-'s df.-at In caucus. He will he Joined by severaJ of his ' Itruoklyu colloagiH-s and probably ev- DISA.TKIt TO ISLAND OF CHRAM. j erni othei-s. 1 When Dr1??s roe, many r-publicans Overwhelm-! by a Tidal Wave anlj-i r- th- ir seats and wunt over to the Over 3,ij0 People D.-troe.l. democratic side to llstnn. Drigg de- : clajed he IHieved the dignity and pre- SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 12.-TftC ' ,a,,nemf l tfl t'nJUsl Slut. would r-ull 'tin aas:' Tlw .Usasfer'ilua over- 1 uJ-'r' y P-Hng this country took the of Cerum on the tec- nd of last m'inih ecat the i-ople of. that distri.-t an ItnnieiiHe ke In lives aiid ptip.'rty. Tli- steamship America; Mara. whljh aiTivtii yesterday. i.rougnt advici-s from emm Hnd re- j tiorts that 0.00O tiole Were d.ntroved ' on iha,t 'Hlind wlk-n the dread- I ",!Ul1 w' if. knowing how ful earth.,uak.-s of Nove1.1b.-r shixkeii;1 1 ou!J not avow m the Japan coant and agitate! the , wnvilon. and Kep the pk-dgw I l-imif adjacent to the etoiiire. - 1 n,alt'- The s-a eame f.rwwd in the ahapa! Dr,gis "n-wwi that h would ro of a huge tidal wave wid forced ihe;nuun ct -sls demociMt save only water Inti the buy entrance. It cameui"" lh 'Vnio.i of freie ceinage. up &) fe.t over, the low lands. At " IMuhoIy and, mi the bay.j THE PH-L-PP-,E CABLE, the wavis swept over the tope of tfeM j 3n ftt high. Out of nearly eighteen i WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Among the hum' red inhatmnts only oriy es-, WU intridud In the houae yesterday liipt d. A NEED1CD CHAitlTY. ri-ty of Angl... America! Who Will! Suppkmetrt the "Fen.iy" a Day. I i'HICAGi Dec. 12. A general com-j mittee compos-xl of repivtMUatives from the various British sot-loth a in ... d alK.iit ohkMgo. met at the Grut Northern hotel md fornit-d an organ!- zi-.'.i. ii t. raise monev for the r-Iief of irklmrs nnd ,riikin f l!ri,ih .,i.u,! .uid sailors killed In the South African . war. An enU-rt.iinn.ent will be given- in Central Music hull January 13. British-Americans have already scMbed J4MW. There are to be 1l00 vice prusidents chosen from -the landing British-Americans of Chicago. The name of the organization Is S.ieioty of S.vis end Daughters of the British Empire. A ladies auxiliary will also be organized to act ln conjunction with the society. The Credit of Selling The Best Clothes in Oregon. ifXi 'n A : ,1T r-'.H fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa ,rf s fa. TI nit's what we've I uui fur veal's, and we're niiikino- Steinliacli clothes more jtiiiliir every day. Our success is the resultant of our juiins to sell tii-st. last ami all the time, clothes that have fit, Freshness of Fashion, Low Price and Satisfaction in 'em. Look to us for the right things in Clothes, Hats ami Furnishings for I5oys and Men. Men's Suits from $10 to $35. Men's Overcoats from $10 to $45. Boys' Suits and Reefers at $2.50, $3-50, $5.00 and up. - ;. g A B STEINBACH 8 CO , LAK(iKST CLOTHIERS IX THE NORTHWEST Mail Orders Solicited. Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 DEBATING THE FINANCIAL BILL Tbe Measure Has Strong Support From Botb Sides of House. FIRST DEMOCRATIC SPEECH fjrigfjs of Xew York, Explains His Reasons Cor favoring the Adop tion of the Gold Standard. WA3HINGTON. Dec. 12,-Tlflre la upor. the gold ssandard of th most highly civilized countries of the world. "I do nut arroguv to myself." said he, addresHing his dtmocrafic col leagues, "the presumption to aa to you that I am right and you are w rur.g, but I believe that a democrat j was one by Jo.iea, of Washington, for j a cabl-j to the Iliilipplnee, to cost not 1 to exi-d $N.isH.0W. and the creation of u table eommiikdon. . WANTS TO KNOW. I Peutig.-vw Asks for Informanjon gi.irding Dewey. Re- , WASHINGTON, Dt. 12.-Wheher ' ximi ly, acting for the United lJUt S''Vernment. formally or infor- m ul rnngmiM tne miipplne re 1 public at Manila, is a question whieh IVulgivw of South Dakota, deslivs t tie- navy depur:in.ttt to unfciver. sub-I irurouuceu a resvilutlon today dl j rooting the secrr-fary of the navy to supply the senate .vtth Information on the subject, but Chandler of New Hampshire, objected to Its immediate consideration. Following this objection Pettlgrew and Chiindltsr toad a sharp tilt over a (Continued on page 4.) Ob