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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1899)
Wilts. M01LN1NW ksTOlUAN M'KIKNlA, DKCKMHhU 18, IBM. 4 CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers niprrT uiccc in $w YoikStcck Exchange DIRECT WIPES 10 Chkag0 Qf ,raje 1 1 caJo,iiarter for Pry (ohkI.-i on the lower Columbia New Dolls! We nro now showiiijj call jmrtirnlar attention to the find the price!? the si me as charged for cheaper, interior makes of Polk Dressed and Undressed lV.lls, liahy lol!s, Talking Dolls, Kid and Jointed Dolls and liisijue Dolls. litWIIE THE HATTLC. Today wo vote. The republican can paign I-1- no' bem a ix4sy one. but It is iv appar ent thut It hus Iwn elfeotK and while mOvlng is certain In poii'.'cs, re publicans aiv confident That tluy will be completely successful. No one will affirm thai th .U-m-cratic campaign has bom praiseworthy. The republican cvu.ilid.-t have b.-or, treated discourteously. Ministers have bn Insult J and mtsrvpnewmted, at.d saloon men have been grJy libeled. Since the candidates on the so-called non-partisan ticket have not disavowed these procwdlngs they must tak the blame for them and suffer In conse quence. Thi real wk of the campaign is over although the- cvuididatco and their friends will be active today. Of the candidates Mr. Bergman has ben doing live moat work while Dr. Beckntut has apparently refrained from any pn-rsoual rustling, but tho odds ar In favor of the republican nun lnee. Auditor and TolUe Judge Nelson and Treasurer' Carney will be re-el- c:-d without opr.atlofi. A short lime ago the democrats pro fessed o feel that Mr. Kopp for poli.e comnussd.miT hod a walk-uwr. They made no such boa-s ttterday and evi ttckrw ledged thai "it will be. a hard fight." Republican are net boast ful but they can not hida the fact that they are very conndfit of Mr. El rtwre's sucJe, The contest for city attorney has been pushed hard on both sides and both claim the victory in advance. Each claims a following from tha oPlo s!te party, nd If suih suport Is any where niar equal, Mr. Wclrh can not be defeated. Were there any bettir:g he would b the favoriue. Mr. Kearney for suit commissioner and Mr. Tee for surveyor will have large najoritiee. The democrats lay no claims to tbet- olUces. For coun-.-ilmen the republican candi dates in the First and Third wirds ought iv win easily and from all rv ports they will. Mr. Svens.-n in trn Secvr.d has no oprx-rftion. WKST SIDE NOTKS. Mrs. Fanny Austin WolS shopping In Astoria cm Friday. Mrs. O. B. Wirt spent Sunday with friends in the city. Mrs. Stone of Clatsop I'lains is in Pot-Maud this weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Luih'T Campbell are visiting the latic-r s mother at Clatsop. Miss Kate Wirt of Astoria is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. B. Wirt, of Skip anon. riev, James Sayrep Is very ill at his borne, and lhtii is little hope for his recovery. Mrs, t'. It. Wiggins visited hr mother, Mrs. It. K. Warr. n, on Wed nesday. Mrs. Clara I'arker and Mi-'s Eva Parker wer-s shopping In Astoria on Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. Alfred I'awsrn vi.-t'.l rurtland .-i-veral days duiirig the w k, n-;unilr,g Monday. The Urn- of earir & White has dis solved. J. M. Carver havini.' sold hid int-rest to J. M. Mclr.-yi-e. 1'. F. Hulfetty lft 'or the Kat Mon dav. He Mill u.-iit the principal r. 1 1 1 un-i Intioduce lus ejjin-.-d clmi. A go.oij deal uf lumlc r is !-;ng lo'.imj on the ec ua lo-aih. So;n-.- vcrtl h had the misfortuifc.- to her d'.ck loa.. A" i result of a meeting of ;tii city fatneiv u-t the town hail In .Skipanon uio r. much nt'-iu-d sid'-walk will be bul.'. A.'ter a bri-.-f iiliefs Mis. S. Car olhiTS Is dgiun able to b- out and li- r friej.ds wen- glad to e h-r in War renton Friday. Mr. Charles X-'vina,n ha-s gotit- to Por'.taiiui. Mr. Ilajley haa ujiumed t-he edlUorial chair in the Pert or goii Tribune ollic. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, who have be'-n in Wajioiiton for the iius't six mortis, Ktattod for their homo in Illinois on Tuc-i-Jay. , Durini? the last week several paruif fiom Astoria have Ukon trips to Sea Hlilo to s-e tlie oc-an In Us mad fury, the result of the exceedingly stormy weather. Her. Henry Jlarcotte held a service In Warrenton on Friday evening. If timely rotlce of these meetings was given the congregation would be larger. Mrs. Toole and children have return ed to their home In Vancouver. Mrs. Toole ppent Thanksgiving with her elster, Mrs. J. A. Mclntine of War-renton. T V li very laro st-x'k of lolk Wo quality of our lVlls. You will ' Whi'.e rutting (iims Chtrlcy Kln- drv-l was so unfortit'wue as to lot the I end of i ne of his tlrgors. 1M. Untor ; dressed the wound, and the h.unl is , doing very nicely. ; Ttu- organ that w is,l sev ! owl yen ago ly goneru! sulfcription has teen ex.-luuigeI, tin- li(TVrvnce paid. til th ! one placed In the Mtlhodi.-t church. .Mrs. Margaret H.imiln met with an i ... . i. .. K( .w w..- ..rt. .1 accidoji ia-- .-. oBu....u(lh(i ,.,,. !V o-.iintv. Kr to her horn? for the present. A m:inv ,..,. ,m ,,,. slippery board cauaed h-r to fall mak ing her quite Lime. The Social Si'von gave another of th-.ilr rloaAint tvrtiw ut Ford's hall Saturday evening. It ;is a !.s.kti party and many w.'nu.ssns deiiit were improvisnl wherly ,;uti young num cculd oll:U:i his N-l girl's tie. Or. Wednesday evening Kcv. W. St ort held the regular ev-jiing strvice In St. Thomas c!ki;-I. On ThursvUy, the Cist, it b-.sng Ssiint ThonuLS day. Mr. short will have a mcrnitig wrvk-f and adninisur xixs Holy Communion. Lleuu-nmt Edward B. Mitchell 1ft fjr San FroK'isco on Wei:ivday to Join the Twenty-fourth infantry, to which he has b.n assigned. Lleut-n. ant Mitchell was promoted from tln ranks and has beta Miitiotieil at Fort Stevens in the h.pi;al corps fcr t!K lait two yire. Mrs. K. A. Miuson is pr'panng an enlentainroertt and Christnus uve for the little children of the Skipanon school. Miss JU'isi-n is also busy with a Christmas celebration in the War renvm sohool. The M-th!ist Sunday school will also have a true and thus all the little folks will have a happy time. Work on tha new buildings at Fort Stevens Is prvrrsing as faj ad pusi. b!e under the skillful managin..nt of Contractor I.. A. Ciiin, nw iUistand ing all rvports to the contrary. Ina bility to obtain material in the early stagt-s cf the work is all rruU will mak,. the deUty in completing the ct.tract In the time pp-'-cifieO In the 'oeginnine. SHIP IX DISTUKSS. In Ia.r?-r f (.ein .Vsf'e.r- Beach. A telegram from Ilwao at ' last night s'at-l that a sli.p Loornis' plii, Ie,g li.-,nh. 1 n L itig k Mr. s and ' a- tt A nall thr.t sh- was n .del imm-iii it- a. in darig-r of g;:ig Wallula irii:n-ii tt-l; At midnight a . ' eil that a '.vin.l had in 'l-er-?s is in-..-. Sh t-. Th- s::-t".l "U'. lid !e. glMlll .-.piung uji a- ol it able w .-.s :hoij! to I ut ! s tut it was man lag. he VlsS-l Wi.U H-r iiiitiit- ts UL'ht .-h- :!-w 1 l. u; tli- the (i r- WANTS TO KNOW. Continued from i'Hge One. resolution off v-il y.-H'.-riay by the for-r.i'-r d-mari'liiig fr.-n 'he swretary of war an expj.'uttion - f i-rtain cliarg-'i aga-nst 'i .'yril .M-rri.u i in his cor-j duct of me iur d'AU-ne tnul!e. j I oliti'-s -r- inj-.--. -l into the cotRro-v- rsy a::-l i f-r-rn-. n.ade by '-u t. s-iiator a-,'.ii;ot the otii-r b-nt sum- l.velii jss to an oth -nvis-.- 'Ui-1 j v-ion. ; i: -I'.KI'.TS S A 'iuNEB. in Which r i;).'isii:uUon. io. i:'.-itob.-t, fi -:n Utah, tslay v.-hi- h is a lengthy th- ligh'jj of the f;; a I:..-.' for H- I'l-ol- th. .siMMrox. W. ':-t: C! '-hr- ;.n .-I--; subiiiitle'l h s nriof avgu r :.' ng.ti.-L-ii ct'inir-itt-je v, ny i.::-t. He ur-n tnot lie- c- n '.,-.'jti i.-i g-i'.'-s jipotiction aairuit t'inl witiiou. pivyy-ss i,f law; also eganiSi the .ulary of I,i..e,ss ul la.'. kit ; P' x-ry, s'j'h as .out due 0l.TI.OoK Full 'jl.'AY. l!;s Exarnpl-i in -.h- il l;- Lt -xs- t.'sil Air Lin. -t XI'W YOHK, l-e. 12. Him. -A sp'.-i ial the lleiald n .rn Wash .iriRtun, .-a:.r: .Vnny am ng ri'iuat-r Quay's friends is rnaking llie -ut.l.k In th--s.iiate rather oriiiri'tus f,r him. Sen ators (.'handier and IVnrc; appear to be 'tl.- only p-r.-Vas who are didng any active canvassing In bis honi-lf, and they are by iu m-iiris encourag-;-! by the progress, th-y an? making, Th" lack of intier-jit was forcibly ill- ustrated in the ca;; of a faeuiatjr who was appro i'.-tied with Uie suggmtion j that he make a wrong 6i.-ch in be half of th- conrtultutio.-aal right of a governor to appoint when a legislature bus failed to el-jct. This influential aenator has j-pok.jn in behalf of Sena tor Corbett and was urged to repeat the Bame argum-ant that he advanced In that gentleman's bohalf. He has declined the request on the 2U-'2lS Chamber of Commerce, Uru-j-f-rji-, Ctmc Wrt, Btt,f B'rr. Sn.okt Sts. 'invt Bvis, tvuuicn iCfE IVST WLOCX gr.ninl that whit he niiioi'Ul Mr irlK'tt Uth StMiutora yuny and IVn refustl to vote to sal lum. The '. senator stalixl that he wniil.l v.te to l seat Mr. Qimy. but k did nt how lVni.!ylv:inia's s-nutors could i vl- tcatly Insist lipivi his taking chars' of! 1 the cas." on the lloor t the K-iuite. ! I It Is Wvomlng mv'r nianlfit-t eer j day that Mr. l'.i:iy has ivnstd .Table, 'canalng to do to make his s.'U in I There HIV too iwii-coiiiinlltal column to make the outcome ct!oji: for hint at this time. Mr (Juay ! ix pectvd he rv on Vli-ila.v wH-n it i may le expected that ! will woik' haul fir hlnsflf. One of the) plaos h.s frt.-n Is ur' talking abjut is to indu v a .;i!ui it ; number of Mr. iua s democratic: fri-.Muls lo alwat .h.-nts-rt- on the; d-iv wh'li tlw "Ir. U cie is t iK v.. ,.:.d ' i In this way ossuiv a maj'-nty In lis! favor. i Sol'THlMN i'Ai'IFIi' AFF.MKS II " has the Diro .lot :o:y K K-n 1 !'n:n SAN FIIANCISC X lVc. 2 -'. rgv ; t'liK'kvr, v.i:id vlcv-pr-i-lent of U ' , Southern l'ac-itlc t'ompany, luis r -turned from New York. In an inter view ht deniexl Uu tvport iluit he had resignetl from the boaid of ilirec!' rs. I 'I am still retires Ung Uio i'p ker ' inier.-sts In the Sou'Jwm IVu-ltlc," he ' addet), "the Information, h;us givi-n i out that the- Sp-jvr syndicate has pur- chased all the Cp k- r sto. k. Ttv syn : dii-ale has bought the stock, but It has not paid for it as yet. NVg are u 11 conclud-.l and we have upon a prlco but the cash has not l ti j paid over, so far as I have lv.i able1 to leam. L'ntll the stok Is. paid for ij shall continue .o r'prvitu tlw Cnker inter sts In tlu cmp-.ijiy and shall n -t resign ui:tll th'n." Mr. Crocker that J. W. Mickay and V. i. Mills had t-'-n m-ntloivsj as suoissors of direc ors K. J. Wilson and f. 1. Ktthp i. but they had not y-t b-n Viee-l'r.-siident Croker says that the Sp y.-r syrdirat.' ;s iinipo.d of X -w Yoik. English, Berlin an I Fr.tnkf-tt bankei-s and It apP'iirs that 1'. Iljn'jngt m's only ii;L.-r--st in the r--i- T.t stock d.-ils coiitin'-d to his'- 'f S'u'.hrn Bac-itl - st. k f.-om the sjlidh ate att-r li ha 1 " from oth-r hold-rs. Huntlnift m has itn r-"-s--d his jut. r-,-st in th" rii!rid cnrn'atioii by pur- busing from the S-y-rs i ita.n pr.riion of th- Crocker .-'oK-k. Th-syr.dii-ate n-talns the bal.iti.e ,.f tt.e rn- K-r and all of the st- k and for th- pr-t----ti"n of Ps Int r- Ms it will have remain ivpn-sv-ntativ. s on the bond of ,l; (.'re-'-rning all the rumopsl n.-gotia-Moi.H f..r the ur-hiuM of th- Cr- k-r intep-sts In the BaciMc IrnpnA-em-iit C.-npatiy, Mr. Or k-r wul-l only s-y that th- Croker int- rt-ts r-ma.n-'.l irtuii t and ivi.nM rv-t U- s-M. l YXCM'S I'dMTIC Ioeirn crnts Claim Fr-.- Silver H- B-cau.-.-is u li He Ops -s "publican. Xl-;v YOftK, D-c. 12. A to tit-- Tim--:i from Washington, so: , Son e of the ilem.s-i'aLic s-ntttors hav.; itiilmal'-d to 'h-ir fii--n'Ls that th--y will r-si-t ttw ' oriflrmation of Wll'lam I). Bvnurn to Ix- a m-'intor of thei Vjo-tpl of g'-if-ral appraisers at New Y'ork. Mr. Bynurn, who was, until lsl)fi, an bttive dernotTat, but whi partbl pausl in the ' ampaign w ith th" Pal mer and Ilu- km-r -lemrK-rats, Is lc ac ceptable to democrat than a lifelong reoublican. The argument made I against hi app-i'm-int atnl (.onflrrna j ti -n Is that th-; iaw requiring that nil th tii'-inbeiH of the b-yird shall not be I of t"re name poHiical party, !h b-Jng - -t:-,r- girded In app ointing Mr. Bynurn ! a- a d-rn-.-trat, V'.' th.- t.-aw is takon up In exe ; ( j'iv- ses.siun it vlll l urg-M against i tut l.e p.'tlly parted company . v i li 'I'-mo-ia -y w h-ui hft bolted the ''l:i'aL", riomiri.-'iod In ISM; that he ha- :-.i,-e sturne,i fur a republican or ; I'-i.ut-li' .-ins in cwigreHHloiiui cam ' and should be api-inLisl, If at a, I, i.- ;, i .publican. 1 tie oppoMtlon is -'iiiki.-r-l lik-ly to be futile aJthougTi a tiu-ni r -if i-'-pubUcans say that It is a pt-Uy hug- arid handsorn.-ly paid l--ition to Is: glv i a nhw r-.-crult. YOI.'THIX'L CBI.MI N A LS. CHICAGO, lo-. 12.-A gang of alleged boy burglars wan arret-led lat t-vening In a lavishly furnished apart ment as a rr-llllwiaire would occupy. Five boys compel the gang and their ageg range from 11 to 17 years. The Walls were hung with coMly tap-Writ, mgB, valuable paJnUngs and musical lTtrumenui. IVt tl.uul, Ou'oii. TISSKP ;o.l STAM'AIUV f x. U.i li V . k nl.'nrt lil. XI -icy Al'i.u.l. 1 Xi:V Vi'KK. l.. I.1 I'.-it.un I'a iiadcot I mks n-lvdl'l dxlay that hey w -t w i! h'tr.n in itioir inoivty flvm N, Yik f'T the purl- of livinlng It alio.u!. l-'tiih. pn- en( a llie ! -.nUi'g ia:e for in m on tbo slin k lAclitinge lolay. HKl l'lSM STi: VX ' lit Kla lvilO l.i'XpiX. ! t: A dt-iv.e,ih from1 Sucr, l lio capital of Kivnch i'o hl.i j i lima. s.i the I'.-i'ih ."t. villi' r St II i apuiln I ,u, last lepor:- e,l tvin Slki'iichal. S' i't -mtx r :! '. fori Slug:' poi-.'. has li ii totally wrecked i ii ti e li.uMiMts. In the i lima s-ai, and ( the of her iTi'.V W-IV illMWIK'l. I All who visit rortland and desire spending a plcoant evening In company with polite people aud In the enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program. sh"u.l go to the Fredericks burg Besides vocal and Instrumental selections there are tinny other at tractions to delight the visitors The :ie management Is making the Freder icksburg well-merited success. I'.KOWN & llltAXT. l'rops. KK1HKT OF TIIK I'ONPn'loN OF TIIK Astoria National Bank;: AT ASToKIA, In the State uf t'tlsltll'SS. of Oregi.n, at iIih IK'ci iiiUt -ml, KKsOl Lcutis and Jiscoiiuts Sl- OvenlrHfts, ftctirrj and tin men red I". S. l-otids to secure circula tion Premium on V. S. U'ti-ls Slocks, securities, etc i . ..i.:.... i I .ti.Vi i:i, ithtions oailfclllg-uoiiJ-e iui uunir nun ' a i fistun-s agr-'Ut.. , . V'lllel llltl I pin I e uu'i i-e'i Knges ownr-i .... Due from national hunks (not re-erve agents I tie (roiii state bunks mid bankers I'ue from Hpprove-I reserve agents . Clucks and otlirr ciu-li items Notes - if other national batiks. FrtiCtit'tinl pner nirrniry, nickels tin-1 C'lits lawful inoin-y reserve in bank, vi. : p.r;e SI-l.'J.V. I, J5.''',.,T " r.) ix) .Ml , le-'letnptii tt-HMirer ciiiiition Toial .. li fund tt ith '. ! i per c- nt of cir- ::: i imi : .Vl.OINI HO ' i - i 00 :',jj:i '."J ii..V.l on i.iAi:i!.rni:s. cock p.-ii'l in .... . t fund ( a;,it,i! Mirpiu I iiiliMili-d prolil-, lc cx- p -!l-l-S III.. I tll- S I 111-1 .... National bank notes out standing Individual dcp-sits Ulliject to cla ck ?lo',7'.M li I'l'iiiiind re rti li mit's of leSHit l."l.",70'l 0" Tune 1 1 rtiticiit- s of deposit "-,& 1 T M IHt,7:t II Total 1 Oil! .State of Oregon, ( hh ('minty of Clathop.f I, J. M. Higgins, citsliier of the aliove nained batik, do solemnly swear that the ' above utat-'nii-iit is true to the best of rny ktiowleiigi: and belief. ; J. II. lll'i'.INS, , Subscribed and sworii to before me i thin 11th day of Docenilier, ll!i!l. 1 (i.C. H'LTON, Notary 1'tilillO for ( hegoii. I f ortect attest. 1 II. C. THO.MI'HON H. K. WAItltl.N IKO. II. (SKOlMiK - iJireotorK. Scow Bay I Iron and Brass Works, IKth Ht ml Franklin A. Huffschmidt & Lovell, Props SK.II-STtCL, MANCANKSr. and MOSrnOK BKONZB Specialty IRON and BRASS CASTINGS 'Phitlie 'ISI, Atrla, Or. Vi. ttllU'FLF, Prop'r. Fmmt Rfstanranl Jorlk of Sap Praiifisr. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Service, First-CliiM Cuisine, Private ltooins for Ladies. 4 RI8 Commercial Street, Astoria, l.oio -o I I 1' ,',.'..'..'.'......'. rV ,,,.,!,,!!'.'..'... "i :j THE i I Palace Cafe l l I: FISH! PISH! PISH! Boston Codfish mid RIackcrol Common Stockfish Stellanglcr Stockfish Anchovi9. Spoolaug:. Hollaud Horriug Hamburg Suiokod aud Canned Eol, French Sardtnos. English Bloators. Russian Caviar, Kioler Buockling. Maruirto Horingo. At Foard 8 fcr nt tailor. I. D. Koycr, Merchant Tailor llMo-Date i : ' a IT ! I" burli si.. M. C. A. l'.iiil.l g. rj-AAftAAArtAnirUtt'lAAAAAAAAAr 3 Are th given th- l-t throughout all pert-Ms i f mu-'t llf- "I lis-d to have th- !'. ey-s." is a --inm -n .--ipp-u-l-in. Tll.-Ili' people Very Mk-'lv h.-lVO tml -'V'-s ii--w l'-- vn-o- n--e tful 1 of the 1-ttV 'i--r-".irv to k- p j Hutu goiM. Iwt us h-U- k-l , curs goi-l If y -ii h ivn t g o I 1 on- let lis .u-M-it la making I them giM. Illgtit gl iv al l : (hut's what we off -r Northwest Optical Co., jj 1 I lie I i.l 'io lit. III.. 2 . toillil till, I V -il 1 1 IlLi1- HU C S M. i. ut . ji i. Ji J J-J t p j J l-llltllAMl. Oltlt.ON. g icTuiruuiAruin innnnuifuuitruuvro The Eastern Dininii-niuin un! t"t.iiinint t '. Wttii nc r I -r- t. Private Diniinpriium tor l..nlics Mciils IV Ip Open all ntit. 170 TI1IKI) STItl CT. ..lid. MntriMin iiml Ijmhill I 'urtlaiid, Oregon J. A. Pastabend, General Contrtictor iincl Builder. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He say. was always so light and well baked. Well there 1. a knack In mak ing It. But don't forget the kind of stove or range used make, a difference. His mother used a Star Entate H tinge PHHSip. I , I7rf I up ! i If2- 11,:) mi p ' f T'v n x s mj Best ""0.) to mrr-'L- L J JJ I ue T 3T3f W. J. BCULLT, Agent, iZl Bond stmt Stokes Co., Astoria, Oregon. MACHINAL CLOTHING j At a 1'i'icf which is ovrr 40 per CCflt lower than present wholesale cost. ! 1 COATS, PANTS, PANTS, uc oniv) ! 'due or . Yellow I-. This Is the Season the Prices are Right. j. Aildrc-i ns ."-iiiKUnl v , W ithout Notice. j j JONBh' CASH STOIifi, (OS iiiul I l I rout Micw. I'oiIIiiikI. Oicgon. i I T J, 0, Glllcn ii Co., Dealers, Manufacturers and Contractors Of AHbcHtoH E3ollcr iiticl Pipe CovcHhm Nroti-i m, Pacific NavigationCompanv Mc.iiiut-. "M. I I liiunc,' "W A-t-ii i.l to I ill.iiii-iiik. dm Ibnldi. Onlv line C'oiiticct'iig ill A-toti.t wit" the ( itegoii lUilr-ia-l it Nnvigittioii Co. uiid lii-o tin- l-to'ia A I 'i it u in 1 Ha KiVi i li. It. for .-all I'mui l-co, I'ortluiel uml ittl i-iintH ,t. I or fn ik'bl and pwwrigt-r mien up. ly . lllntoi'c ti Co. t iein-rnl Agenin, AS l' UI., 'li K. ('OIlS A ') Au,',''l. Oreg.n I! nlreml A Nio ignti-m Co., I III.I.A.Mll r- "re. A ' . II R ('-. TOIil I.A N l, Ore. New Zealaiul Fire Insurance Co of New Zealand W. P ThoiiiMH, Mr., Sun lrrniicmc. Has Ih'cii iuiiIi-i wntiin on flu- I'lu ilic Coimt over tenty two veiirs SAMUIiL BLMORR CO., Il.-sitl.-nt AijfiilH, ASIolll t,iKI.. Wc Rent 2 C. A. WHALE, Wh ilesiile ami Pianos Kriinich uml Hat'li, SclialTtT, HcliilltT, ami inaiiy otliers. 1 12-1 11.1 Hi I'nioii Avenue hikI IlHil l.iiht Alder Street InstrumcntsSoldjnJEasy Terms. M C, Al ATTIIIMIJ-. ManiiKer. Ileiul olllco HI! Statu Ht. Siilem.Ore. Holmes' English -AND- Business College 414 Yamhill fit., Portland, Oreon. SIX DF.PARTMI-NTS ItoukkevpliiK. EiiuIIkIi, Shortlmnd, Typcwrltinn, l'ciinianHliip, Art. Send for circulars. $2.75 J 1.75 k It rt n only) - 1.50 j ruin, (ii;r II 1 1 ,1 It 1st III' llll lt , llobOM ilk' New Typewriters, Mimy New ImproietuentH Ailde.l SI'I'. Ol I.ATKS'l' Smith Premier Typewriter NhW AICI CAUIoijl'K utr.i: I. ii M. Al l XANDI K .V CO., I'll. -no .Main S71 Kxclusivt' IViflc Coast Itt-alers. L'i'i Stark bt. I'-.rtliitul rclnil dealer in Organs Kclmlt. and Co. Miller, Ann Arbor Hendry nml ollicrs POPJIAND OREGON. THE PROOF of th. pudding U In th. eatlag and tha proof of liquor. IS IN SAMPLING That', an argument that's coo oiualv dmunaUtloa Oar will .land th. tart. HUGHES & CO. olt