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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1899)
rE M0UN1M ASTOKIAK TIUftbAi. NOVEMBER Sf8. mw Z ) ) O O O O o ) o f T i Do you want to save money ? . . If you tlo, you can by culling lit owe ami buying your I ry Good at M'ALLEN & M'DONNELL'S Great Closing Out Sale Jiickctn mid ('ajx-K Spiriul fur lYi'liiy hikI .Siitiinliiy 470 ami 472 ('omtiiercliil Mriwt. T 0WiH3M&-?Hi-&Hi ;' -'; frt-$M TO ASTORIANS. Ilia IIAII.V ASTOItlAN will ! found on mU In 1'iirtUinl at Ilia wll himwu tl.m.rr buuu f J. r. Hanilly ., SHI M liluiloii NtraM. Iiiilin fur ailtar. lM wlili IliU milt will rnlt iriiBiil Aliaull.Hi. TOIMT W BATH EH nWTI.ANli. Nv. 21 Washington, l-tf., U II' I Idllhil, IXVUHl.Uinl ruin I"- tn)'. with iI'MTMlng twiiix'tntur w f tlx' fum-ml"! mill cottier raM of lllrlll. AROUND TOWN. Crawnih, cookd la wtoe, at lbs Na tlonsl Cafs. Drink K. D. Cereal; Eat Nut butter and Health Foods and be happy. Andrew V. (.'olemaii ami Mmsly Atnlcrwiii wito Krmilp-I a marriage Iktiixi, rr Pale hap, an organ, in food ootutltlon. Apply at "Tt Hammond." ttppoalt th railroad depot. Nunc) Welch ( 'attiu No. ii. Native lUiiithlern of Oregon, will me-! at M :w) (Inn evening Ml llaiithorii's hall. A. It Cyrus hi moved hla IUJ Es tat and Insurant ofTlc to (36 Com-inrrt-UI aired, oppoalle tha Aatorlan Ihacouragp Sunday linjllmll by pain n t'ltig weekday game. Tliankiif inug day the A. K. C. jdaye tli IVntal Col legs. Pure whisky Harper Perfect wtiUkjr Harper rvtry bottla guaranteed Har per. Bold by Ford A Btokaa Company, Aatorla, Oregon. Tin I.K'Ibnll game Him, lay lln u the I rients of Portland aiul t'Mrlwwn ranuluM in a victory tor tlin vlaltora. Tlio attendance win aliui our I Inn of holiday goods N now In. Iti-mnmiMT w hnvo the only linn of Ha kind In ilia city. I'ortliunl prlrm. II. K. AlUt, & Hon. A nlmil prlug umlimlla tan lw mvn a 1 ngK'a cniuly ulinu n xl in J din HaiiiiN, wlili Ii will tm vlvvn awuy wllli a t cni pai kuvo f gum. Iti'klyn coal laata loiifnr, ta clransr anj make Iraa troubla IUi atov and chlmiiay flura than any other. Uvorg W, Hanborn, Avnt. Talephona 111L S. a aiiiior, riikwitcI in liin nauiK in Urn ilu't ii'iiil )iii rila ami, liuvmjf Ih'ch ilruiik. He ImJ Immiii iu jail iiii Sulur.liiy mi Ut n rulruaixl. W4iiI"1-Tj rhafti-r fur tin wlnii-r; Kaa Uuii' li, 4 to ( tun l arrylng inuiu . Ity. Apply lo Harry Hmw-ll, Hilliawi M.irkot ('unipaiiy, Ul Kiiurth ntr-t, lurliand. Pears' soap is dried a whole yean That's whv it lasts so. ollli luting, Tlirjr lofl on tlio fvetiiuifl train for Or,,, Clljr Ihelr fulur !,,,,.. nmmi CilfKFH OS TIIKA.F. C. AI 1 V YH Al.'mny haa Ihi'i, imyinif fnly 8HMI a! yrarfnr lli luinrjr i.f a oily atlorn. y j a riirrr'l never xthur-ttrikr.-aiirl (lie rniiiii'il Iihn riw iinHMMl ilb OKiper' lluil ollln.. All-any luia bIh.uI G.OOO In-1 We wjl, ,)0W ()tice , . u urr. JtIKiJH liiiliilanl anil U tryintf to I'tit ilown her ! a Allen. del.l llowtiiiiinonreieoliou woiil.l lx vui,., ,nt,ikotl.Bt corner.-Hon. 15od The illMpHHraBi'0 of lh liafley Oat lart'a flruian, Albert l,U atill utiar. coiiulctl lor and It la almoat certain the man wee drowned. Ilia father and brother were In town yi aterday but were nimble lo flnd the ilinhteat two of the Uilaalntf tnau. MrV. lllotint of Oregon ( iiy and Mra. Uliilr of CIhIo) were united In holy imiiritnony Hiindayaftriioo,, at the MetlioiliNt pnraonHKi). Uv. Iin: iVnrt j had we ii" city Attorney. Itia tiiitlerMoo I that the rppuhlieau ci iilrnl couiiniltee baa iinaiiiiiioiiiil) tell iliTitl the tjuiiiiuiilliin for (Milice oomniia nloner to Mr. Haniuel Klmore. At a lute hour hint eveiihiK it wuh learned Hint Mr. Kliiiore bud tli luutler under coiimdi ra I ion nii'l would j(ivu a iii'llnile uimwer to the comliilltee tmlay. Yoiiiib. I nmde CM I nut Wedm-iwliiy riiht. Ilnflf Johniuiii, Yea, yon did your own acoriofc', J.uiny. Ilardfaly. N. F. Ilardety aon the new wetkly button for the third time lunt Monday, which entitlcH him to wear it for keet. The rhampion bowlrre on the coaat, thu P ond Club team, will play an exhibi tion kuiiiv axaiuat a team of A.K. C, l,eller addrcaaed an folloaa remained K, ,.r ,, t,e hx-al alley tlil cininic Hticalled for at the Anloria iMwlofflce. Tlinraduy eveuiii. Memhera of the i Nov. 27: Jtolx rl H. Ilurkadiile, Frimk A. F. C. end litdiee ore invited towitneaa Cannack, K 0 Krii kaoii, Tin Ferrill. the ame. Mr and Mr C II Hiimblin, Ixdlie Hill., Harry ISurkb-.ldrr will inptain the A CHAUTAUQUA 8ALUIE. IU. Inaaa Te.rt alated hut Thurmlay evening, al-o on Kunday mornli g that If there wai anallei dnni e A 70 at the Kp worth l-ea'ie on Huud iy erwnin by 7 o'clock they would niutf the doxol'X twice and k'ivu tb Ciiaiitniiiiu aalute. Thxre wer 71 preawit, und ihe CI an Uiiitia aitlule wat Kien which created a mrfiiifiii-nt feeling. Dr. If. II. Ha4n, Summit, Ala., aaya, "I think Kodol Dyappala Curt la a aplendld medicine. I preaciibe It, and my confidence In It itowb with contin ued UK-." It dlgeeta what you eat and oulckiy cure dyapepaU and Indlgrmtton. For aale by CHARLES HOOER8. Tlme'a av.1ft-Ht fllKht la cauaed the night of a pfimlamy reK?. by "I wouldn't be without DeWltt'e Witch Hazel Halve for any conal dera tion," write Thoe. B. Hhodea, Center field, O. infallible ior pi lea. cuta, buna and akin dlseaaes. lieware of ef.urnerf-lta. For aaUe by CHARLES ROGERS. It la not the bt fighter, but ih beat rurner thiu wlna tlve political buttle. Geo. Noland. Rockland. O., aaya "My wife had pllea forty year. DeWltt't Witch Hazel Salve cured her. It la the beat aalv In America." It heala everything and curea all akin dl For Sale by CHARLES ROGERS, Holiday Goods Galore fTOYffij B- F- Allen 8 Son, 365 ewKW For tlic young ami old, Everything in the Japanese line, Toys to jdenso tlio yongHtcrs. DO YOU BATHE? ! NO. WHY? Decam-e at our honae we Lave neither a bathtub, nor hot water handy. , . . Then go to tbe F.uwunn Hatha at 217 Alitor 8U 2-') centa ia the price. Private apartmenta for ladies. Only the better claee of patronage li r Atered to. Try ooe and yoa will come regularly. i The man who mirrlei a widow never makea a mlaa-Uke. Jema Jenaeti, Kutit Andro L lanniiiK. lUliry Miller. yttir Milea, (Caf Olemm, Heiulrick I'eteraon, kar lVteraon, Mr Itoalyn cal la the beat and moat eco iioinUal coal for houarhold ua In A tor li. Try Ii once and you will have no other. (iore W. Banbom. Aifi't. ltokint, (leorue Hhcphard -2, I N Stev- ena, F.lmer Walker, foreijjo; Miaa Aller titie I'epamn, Joban Ilortman. Telephone 1311. The lillii'inl ., ro llir lute Conn". Iititdilmore were held yeab-rduy Inorn iii at M. Mnr)'a chun h nnd were lit- tended by liinny frieihla ol the worth) old lirlitlcmali. Kir cerdwiaid at Ui5 per cord long and DM per curd AW-ej nj delivered wilt b the price at the Aatorla Wo-l Yanl after Monday, November 11. Oak. Aali, Bpruro Unit Vine maple, Hem- Uk. HlabwiHid and Blab bark alao, at reasonable ratee. Ir. l'rnrt'a aermon ou laat Sunday evening created rMnncthini; of a aenxation and ia highly comiuen led by all who heard it. At the re,iicf.t of many a aynpia nf the aiirmon will bj-lM-nr iu toiuorruw'a Aatorimi. j PERSONAL MENTION. 4 Q il -?'"V-,J---(i)-VWi It. 1. Kiiihanaii of I'ortUnd ia at the tVeideiit. F. V. Werner of Portland I atopping at the Occident. J. A. Wolf, Sau Franriero reiatered at the IXvideat yeaterday . Julitia Iow of Portland wna In the city on b'lalneaa yeaterday. F. W. IVttyurow of Han Fruuciaco waa at the Occident yeaterday. T. H. Putteraon of Seattle ia at the Parker. S. U.Thonipaon of Portland ia regis tered at the Parker. F, C. team on the ix-caaiooof thu con teat with the Koud Club chaiiipioii on TI.Hi)kKlvinx night. The ImiwHiik committee have decided that herenfter the liowler having the hi'heKt total at the jireviona contest shall act aa cnjitain of the team for the next following content. The monthly content for a medal was to hare taken plane Thum lay and Fn day uiglits ; but the Koad Club i to vinit the club then; it ia, therefore deemed advianble to lawl the games off touight and tomorrow (Wednesday) night; aouie one ahould win the medal for keeps as Cooper, Sovey, Fulton, Woodfleld, Funge and other have won it twice already. Sovey is atill high lu the 100 game con text and it legins to look as though he'd get that button. As the long evening have act id, quite a niimWr of the aemi-o.'caaionAl bowlers U'k'in to show op and it look like old times around the alleys; especially itbis the rae on Wedneaday evening, ladies' uight. AN IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE. To make It apparent to thousands, who think themselves 111. that they are mt a ID Ic tod with any dlaesuae, but that the ayatetn almply needs cleanalng;. Is to brlns; comfort home to their hearts, aa a cnntlve condition la eaally cured by ualns; Pyrup of Fiir. Manufactered by th CallforrJx Flf Syrup Co. only, and old by all drugtfsU. Some women worry themaelvea irray trin; to look young. "I had dyspepela fifty-seven yars and never found permanent relief until I used Kodol dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like a new man," w rites S. J. Fleming-, Murray, Neb, It la the best dlffestant known. Cures all forms of Indlgrntlon. Physicians every where prescribe It. For sale by CHAS. ROGKRS. A father should always be known by th company his daughter keeps. Tou never know what form of blood polaon will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWItt's Lit tle Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipation and liver and bowel troubles. For sale by CHARLES ROGERS. Dr. W. Wlxon, Italy Hill. N. T..says: "T heartily recommend One Mlnuta Cough Cure. It gav my wife Immedi ate relief In aufocaUng asthma. Pleasant to take. Never falls to quick ly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. A maiden's blush Is the pink of pro pria y. It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the good quali ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience In the use of that splendid medicine and In telling of the benefit they have re ceived from It, of bad cold it bas cured, of threatened attacks of pneu monia It has averted and of the children It has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It la a grand, good medicine. For sale by Chaa. Rogers. All Is nettes. fair la love except th bru- CSED BT BRITISH SOLDIERS IN AFRICA. Capt C. G. Dennlson Is well known all over Africa aa the commander of the forces that captured the famoua rebel Gallshe. Under date of Nov. 4. 1897, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes: "Before starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case It prjved most beneficial." For sale by Chas. Rogers. LaGrlppe, with Its after effects, an nually destroys thousands of people. It may be quleaiy cured by One Uln ute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produce Immediate results la coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneu monia and throat and lung trouble. It will prevent conaumpUon. For aai by CHARLES ROGERS. Courtship carries more than any other ship. passenger J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat,' Lancaster, N. H says: "One Mlnut) Cough Cure la the beat remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately re lieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchi tig, grippsj and all throat anl lung troubles. It prevents consumption. For sal by CHARLE3 ROGERS. KUscs and rumors go from mouth to mouth . CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM CURES OTHCRS, WHY NOT TOUT My wife has "been using Chamber lain's Pain Balm Balm, with good re sults, for a lame shoulder that haa pained her contlnualy for nine year. We have tried all kinds of medicine and doctors without receiving any ben efit from any of them. One day ws saw an advertisement of this madtdne and thought of trying It, which we did, with , the best of satisfaction. She bas uaed only one bottle and her ahoulder is al most well. Adolph L. tfUlett, Man chester, N. H. For sale by Chas. Rogers. IIITB am k 1 X 1 in 1 1 ft MB. El F P UL Lai F Pltfl yn LUjiit ii o flu ti ? Contemplating making an entire change in our Children's Clothing department, and in order to close out our stock at once, we will for the next 15 DAY f T TE)i GIVE A REDUCTION OF CiMlD. NEW YORK LATEST STYLES, BEST VALIES AT UNHEARDGF LOW PRICES. We Quote a few Bargains: Lot 9955 'child's Vesteo Suits, 8 to 7 years, regular price $4.50, 25 per cent off, now $3.35 Lot 17 482, Children's Suits, 2 pair", of pants, 7 to 14 years, regular price 3.75. 25 per cent off, now 2 80 Lot 17,480, Children's Suits, 2 pair f pants, 7 to 14 years, regular price 5 CO, 25 per cent off, now 3.75 Lot 17,474. Children's Suits, 2 pan .f pants. 7 to 14 years, regular price 5.50. 25 per cent off. now 4.15 Lot 3969, Children's Overcoats, 3 to 14 years, regular price 2.75, 25 per cent off. now 2 05 Lot 4002, Children's Overcoats, 4 to 14 yea-i s, regular price 4.50. 25 per cent off. now 3.35 A Clear Saving of Sl.00 to $1.50 on every Suit or Overcoat Remember we do as we advertise, S. DANZIGER, San Francisco Store. t f r, I V I t i