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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1899)
4 YHK MORNING A8TOA1AM TUKSDA1, NOVKMBE.K t8. Headquarter for lry Good on the Lower Columbia A Great Veiling Sale At 19c yd. This wwk ire will filings, of the 2.V, The Meshes) ars) Tuxedo, Mslins, Brussels, Spider Web, I'lain or 1th CbeDille Pot. . THANKSGIVING SPORT. Wbers the Football Boys Will Entertain tbs Fnblic. The A. F. C. team and the North Ta cifio IVntal college eleten play foothill on the A. F. C. grounds Tbankstrivir-ir day. This promise to be an intfrvstiutf contest and will draw a crowd. Th vi tor are dental itndenU and have the reputation of playing a clean spirited game. The A. F C. boys know how t treat gentlemen aa gei.t!.nien aud tl. orank who delights in genuine football without unseemly wrangling and "sine giog" will have his wishes frratifleJ. The A. F. C. will have charge of the gnnnds and no sweanug or other vulgar conduct will be tolerated. Astoria Indies who wish to keep in the "swim" with the rest of the world and witness tho accepted Thauksgiving game can lie assured that Thursday' contest will merit their rt. ronage. Ilwaco is to have a Thanksgiving game. The Willamette Juniors of Port land will meet the lads of over the bav and will endeavor to make practice and qsickoees count against weight and strength. At Portland, Multnomah and the Olympics of San Francisco line nt. The j Olympics, wfll probably win but if Malt- j nomah playi with the spirit she has shown in other games of the season the wore will not be lsrce. The Willamette University team (m . sailed) plays the Cheruawa Indinns at ' Ralem. I Thekig college game between the Ore E yBw tf'. it -1 - , , M. Portland Warerooms Marquam Building:. ' f soli over 100 j'le. vs Novvliv Mesli 5tV ami lW lim at l'H." yard. 1 he Colors arc Black, Broan, Tan. Nary, Ivory, While and Mark. gon Agricultural college vCorvaliisi and 'the state university ikiigene) U' ' plKVtt at Eugeutf. The Ore cot; tau iy: j ''the two teams are very evenly Mutciiwl I aud the gam wili he a tiuo uue from the spectators point of view." F.niiene ought to :u as Corvallis lost nearly all her oi l U-am w hen the w ar broke out an 1 had (radii a. ly to comim-nce overturn. But the farmers lave Ueu doing g-xit work aud the result will n-t be assart d until the game is through. L.rIES' TAILOR-MADE SflTS. LJles whs go to Portland and Ueslrs somethtng especially line In the way of tatlor-maJe suits will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at I. IX Boyer's 17 Fourth street. In the T. M. C. A. building. Not only does he keep a strictly first class cutter for men's wear, but aiao one exclusively for ladles' work, and all can rest assured ot gvttlr.g not only good work, but the best of materials, as Mr. Boyer Is an expert on woolen , cloths. MEALS LIKE AT HOME. When ycu are In Portland and want a really good home meJ, Just give Mr. Frown a trial. 109 Fourth St.. near Washlrgton. Tou will Uke It surely. This restaurant Is open all night. WHEN EVERYTHING ELSE FAILS. I There is still hope in the Natural! Body Prace. This wonderful contrlv-j aoce, when adjusted to the body, sup- ports It In such a way that nature Is I assisted In Itself. By ca'.l-1 Ing at .'. A. Clemenson's drujr store, IT, Yamhill street, between First and S-c-ond, Portland. Ore., a person can ir?t tha b-xik which explains every particu lar. The Brace- coets J5. and pnves im mediate relief. At the same drug stoiv y.'U can get free sample) of the wonder. ful chre for eczema. Mr. CV-merson Is also the manufacturer of Ontury Lin iment, the best and cheapest liniment ) in the world, curing corns, swellings, i rheumatism and sorns of any dls crlption. - : ...... ; .:' ..I7---. ' ' " ra , t . T . .. . .. :. . . - 1 i ,v ' r v. 'j j 4 4 , , ; j f 1 ' X " ' ' The Wonderful Pianola. B. WELLS, Sole Agent for Oregon. 1 The weather still keep very tempest i nons mid fessela are nnahlo to enter or ! leave port ; hut yeateiday afternoon the 1 yky tl.oed some hlue aud as the bsrotn j eter in lising, better weather may be ex I looted. The steam schooner IHstmlcti waited ; around the lightship all Saturday uight ........ ..i to uu.ier her soils wwh 1 er iiead otl the laud and thus got out t t-uht. I Tlif K.swrt pii-k-.d Hi' the CrilM mui- dsv hitd towed her to t'.e ntrauce of the river but ou account of the Hid 1 hra '.it.g out tXe L.i.l to It I the stiip go 1 and the CiiiTil was for- ed to stand out to sea again. The F.scort sightid to other ! atM at no coeK Mlii.lay morning stane.! , wi Wu ,)lll( of .j,,,,,,,, tllll lllwLH. presumably for the whUiling buoy ter which, however, has gone adrift in tus shi in ballast are the cruise of nitn h Menus. But w hen the tug Escort went ,,;, ,ir ,lH, ,,,, u,1(llltVw.jeiioy of outt7::it)sl.s saw nothing of the - i bll;lM lor ......tim.l l.. vy weather has patch ami later in the , lay when over a I t)0(wi,(Uoj u rtH.klli ,f ,UM mmX dis arceoi ISuuUscouMbe there uMtt u , j,,,, to asi-oxiKouf her. 'Mnay havehovewvtl(.it,(iil(Waio,ll fnti)j MT ,h(, vessels wheu she was out, so that itb- j hicb, starttsl this year across tho IV out doubt the other ships, St. Enoch, j t-itlo from the I irlent, for this port, lias CUCfcUianaushire and Wnudslxk wire never been heard nm. not able to get back to the entrance, hav w.i Uen driven further oil land thuu the Cnlh l. The latter is loaded aud can keep her weather gauge heller than tlid o tiers which are in ballast. The St. Enoch is now 14 days from Pausuia which makes an exceptionally long passage for such a comparatively siioit ilistame. The tg Escort and steamer Portland tried to go oul yesterday, but the weather was so had that they had to return. The steamer State of California re" rts that the Sail Francisco bar bad been breaking for a wet k aud has not been so bad for years. The bar conld be seen bieskina when the vessel rounded Pt. llcves, distance '( 21 mites. . , ... ' i i kiln &m Mm li iMJS u! ,.i.f a - jfi:J J - .! Usu . -! . "Xav j . Representing The Aeolian Co., The Largest The Crown of Oertnauy. Ueolela nnd Verajean havs finished loading in Tort land, Counting them there are nine largs sailing vessels ready to go out. The Mansanlta came up yesterday af ternoon at 4 :20 from Neah's bay and re port very bad weather down there atid very thick. Although she was waiting around tho lightship since three o'clock yesterday morning she saw nothing of any other vessel. rrxtts roit me tuistnc nttx. Mush anxiety is necessarily felt for the safety of the vessels now outside during this very bad weather, as all vcuscls com ing in roHrt such a very heavy sea; and so many ot the coaatera are deeply tended aud tnsuy of them are old wooden ves sels. It is feared that improved weatlier matis, nud as nearlv nil ships now have : (h,ir raging set with -crews in,Uad f the old fiishiomd lanyards, it is very dlllicilit to get rid of the masts . vessels hi ballast hate never ln'cti hraril of after sailing and were no doubt lost ill this way, The four-masted ; Kirk laiurelhatik ; Tne schooner Ida McKay cleared yesterday at the cu-tom home lor San Francisco. She loaded with luniU'r at Kenier. I'ln Millinery. MISS McUEA-Coroer Tenth Commercial strevts. and Vivid of lightning and In-avy rolls of thunder Inst night made those at home think of the men nt sea. Bcecham's Pills nl art lia-e mafo on a weak j i,ihm i mol drdrrrJ iivrr. i aiieKui.4iTO 1 i Portland Warerooms Marquam Pulidlng. V W- ' - i y ? v, 1)0 Pt' Manufacturers of Musical Instruments in the World. 8C8PICION IIANlttt OVKK CHKAPNEHS In most rase you must he sure of the concern of whom you buy. Whether they ever rxcct to see or hear of you again or if they have a reputation to pro tect or a doMiu other reasons why you should be sure you are getting into the ritiht place. Join' reputnthm for a "Mpiare" dealer lias to le maintained, therefore, in Im.lina with him, you run no rink. The long arms of our "gathering"' ma chine reuch out and round up the !et economics the mm ki t ullord. A visit to our place w ill afford plenty of eviileiiee. Jones pays the freight and your fare. See his "ad." in ttil.-t iwnie. lOSaud 110 I rout street, Portland. The storm ycatcrday put the long distance telephone and Postal telegraph line out of hn-im-J. It u ill be repan vd as speli'y as poosihlo. Eczema ! The Only Cure.; Rcema Is more than a skin disease, I snd no akin remedies oa ours ft. Th. doctors are unable to efsst a eurs. and : lUeir mineral mixture ars damaging Tt"?1: and (Swift1 Sj-ritl A is tho only rvinedv a iwnicu can rvacn puchuovj . . ... L A h awp-sieu uioou 'disease K-irma brok oul on aij Sanstiwr,a4 UnuJ to ipr.t u iti er hi-.l wm fiiomj ottitI. sh "U lrlJ by til s. tor. but srw wniw, n-l Um lobar tac. h was htlth prl!s, but es-je1;' '.i?f?f Mind no b.o.01. Uaor Jiiv pawn ( modtMBM wr UJlsu. but wlUinal r- Hilt, u;tll r cWi.tol h U i S S ,u.lliylh Urns Jrt! bo:tia w Vi.. fler brad I" gn to bul A rU-axi SixtlM onmri bar rom plcluljr saJ laii b iJn (Mitooujr uiimUi iln f non liUa yr oi,, mi4 hu m-nHlonl truwUi nl hair N i a al(a ' - -- Kaa wm Mlnrmad. n t annaa. riot Ueaa At. SI LoaJa. Ho. Don't expect loeal applioations ol ! soaps and aalvss to curs Owma. They j reach only the surface, wblht tbs di sease comss from within. Pwffi's Specific SsSsSJ for mnnH TheUIUUU Is tha only ciin xai will reach the most otsiins4 ease. It Is far ahead of ail aimiUr rwtmxit, Umum rt sures oases srkuk ars beyond thstr roh. 8. 8. 8. Is puiwW vegetable, and Is the only blvl .iaMiiLi.ui Minium n n tvift. ah, msrsury or other mineral. tiooka mailed rrs by Hwlfl SpMtfls Oopj)y. Atlaau. Ucorgia. v.xrA . . s : :r. , M Like try i If yon like ( Mni.-ic, ytiii will li- intrrcstfil in tin- 1'iiinulii. It i iia Ach vi ryoiic In piny all piano music tint! ever 1ms l'fii written. 1'ln-iv is no longer any ncccHsity fur yon to tiinlcrn yt'ttrs ( nriltioiiM practict! wln-u you want to play lincly on the piano. Tin Pianola docs tlio liiicriiif,' All you lutvc to rlo is to control tlic expression. Tin' Pianola is so urcut ti de light Unit Uie iiianiil'iicturers cannot keep uj with tlic deinand, and wc may (' short of Pianolas during the coming holiday trade, so wit advise intending jturcliaserf) to call upon us curly. l C,- ) The Washing Powder. Cleans Everything from Cellar to Garret Plunr) Pudding, Roisins, llAli FpapIi ind litn 1 1 toll UIIU Seasonable Goods prkin croberries Citron Squash Etc. : I Carry the Ralston Health foods i k : A. V. ALLEN WEDDING WEDDINj cards VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS - V V.N VV V . V rV V V. VISITING Music? Portland Warerooms 7Zl, 1 nn a . Portland Warerooms, 335 florrlson 18 West 23rd HL Ix)udon, Paris, 32 Aventv J L'Opera. Factories at Meridon, Conn., Worcester, Best Mr?ce Mok, Currants. Wheat Flakes. Crano, Whole Wheat Cackers. Breakfast Food. Select Brap. Yeast Cocoa.' Koffy V CARDS W. G. SMITH & CO., UNGRAVHRS, 'J'J and Washington Hultdlng. 4th ami Washington Ml.-over lilt's, PfUll.AND.tlKI (ION. i' I ) I (( r r T T 1 ' I ' 4 II (J ') C) (; J, Marquam Building. i St., Marquam Bld'g. 225 Regent St. Mass., Dntroit, Mich. CARDS (!M-H3HS-4H-