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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1899)
tilt 10RN1NG ASTORIA. TUKSlA, NOVKMHEK is, 18. gaily SUtoticm JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Tclephont Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Snt by mall, per year W.M lnl by mall. pr month M Ifrvcl by carrier, per month W 8EMI-WEEKLT. gent by mall, per year, In ad vane $100 Postate free to iubacrlbera. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to U edi tor, business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addreaa d to "The Astorian." Th Astorian guarantee to 1U ad Tertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on tht Columbia river. Advertising- rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. THE DISPOSITION OF AGUINALDO THE BOGIE BOOK. ASTORIA. Nov, 27. Editor Aftoriau : I noticed iu yesterday's Astorian soma resolutions pnrportiuff to have been adopted by the Republican central com mittee. Can it be possible that the com mittee seriously contemplated going into the blackmailing basinets by blau-klisting all who dare to criticise the sayings and doings ot this committee. I am, and always bTe been, a republi can, and one reason for it is that republi canism has meant freedom, enlighten ment and progress, but this committee seems to have just awakened from a long sleep, dating back to the dark ages, and are casting about for the rack and other instruments of torture of the inquisition. Is this a revival of the inquisition, and are we to have paid inquisitors to dog our footsteps to learn if we dure criticis the sayings and doings of this high and mighty committee? Xliis would make an excllent campaign oocumeDt for the democrats to spring on the eve of elec tion. It does not seem possible that men aspiring to be leaders of the repub lican party in Astoria would be guilty of anything so insanely sum-uIhI as that. Purely you have been imposed upon. Tl fhia la trna T ahnll filn awnr a nrrV I of the resolutions together with the names of the eommitteemen to show to posterity. A. R.CYRUS. Those resolutions were so artutically foolish, so perfectly absurd that tbey do not really merit serious criticism. The members of the central committee surely adopted them without understanding their purport and the committee should immediately recall the resolutions. The "big black book" frightens nobody, for the lion's skin fails to bide the other ani mal's ears but we do not wish outsiders to get the idea that the republican organ ization of Astoria has iU headquarters in a lunatic atylmu. The black book editor would have an easy job. If disagreement with the black book idea counts he could secure atlouHaiid names without trouble. HIS FUTURE A PROBLKM I'robaullity That He May lie I'nmo Icstcdif he Effects His Es cape to Hongkong. NEW YORK. Nov. :.-A special to to the Herald from Washington, says: Though confident that the end of the insurrection is in sight, the president will not withhold any of the troop now I under orders to proceed to Manila. It is rvco;nirei by the administration that while Aguinaldo's army may be disbanded, many of his men will be roaming about the island of Luiou as banditti for months to come and it is desirable. In the interest of Is and order, that there should l strong garrisous of troops stationed at strong strsgetio points to suppress any bands or any latent spark of insurrection which may be dis co rered. Then in addition to Luton, there are the islands to the south, insurgents in which refose to recognize the sovereign ty of the United States. " Strong bodies of troops will be placed in these islands, and before the close of the dry season it is believed that peace will prevail thrughout tho entire archi pelago. Only three week have passed since funeral Otis inaugurated his active cam paign against Aguinaldo. and the results archipelago will be divided iuto four mil itary departments, the ialaud ot l.uiou iu two, over which (ienerals La ton and MaoArthur will probably preside. General Otis needs a real and is ex pected to return to the United States when he is satisfied there it no longer any need ot his remaining at Manila. THE S A MO AN QUESTION. Report That a Trade Is to Re Made for Caroline Islands IVnlod. NEW YORK, Nov. ST. A .special to the Herald from Washington, snvs: It is state 1 authoritatireljr that there! is no truth in the report from Berlin that Secretary Hay promise to surrender Am erican rights iu the Sunmi groun in ex change for the Caroline islands. The matter ha never boeu suggested in the negotiations in progress between the United State. Great Britain and tier- MKrficc IS Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens Cranberries, i Mince Meat mm - THE EXCELLENCE OF SVRITOF HGS is due not only t. the originality and simplicity of the ivinlmiiition, but ntv to the care iiulfcvl, ill with which it '. manufactured by so'entitir piwcw known to the Cai.uoiima rut mmt Co, culy, ii ud wo u i-4i tn hnpii'sa upon, all the Importance of purchusing the true and original remedy. A the genuine Syrup of Figs is tiiuttufuctured by the Cai.uokma Km Siti' Co. ouly, a knowledge of that fuel w ill assist oue In avoiding the worthies Imitations manufactured by other par- l?OI manv respe,ttng the partition of Samoa, j 1!rte!,,j:,,,l,1lill'r tA"' I roast tia SrKt P to. with the t-.n Ji lt is no secret that the American peace commission at Tart made a determined effort to secure control of the Carolines by the acquisition of UaUn island, par ticularly desired for a ooaling station, but since that time the Carolines have not been discussed by this government, either with Spain or Germany. As evidence that this government has never contemplated .withdrawing (mm Tutuila, an official called attention to the continuance of work on the ooaling sta tion being established at the harbor ot that island. The great value of the harbor ot Pan-go-Panto in the future when the Nicar agua canal is built is generally admitted. The Caroline island, situated in a line between the Philippines aud Hawaii, ars alsonaturally a very desirable poseesttiou. cal profession, and the sa'.ihfaction which the genuiue Syrup of Fig hns given to miliums ot families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty ot the excellence of Its remedy. It is far in advance ot all other laxntlvet, as it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irriu:ing or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' sas ntAot'- rL leTltVILLK. Kf. KrW TOHK. N. T onclu- Thanksgiving, and Something New, Southern California Celery. Somewhat high, "but my, how nice." Leave Orders Hnrly. FOARD 0 STOKES CO. Nut (on. ,ruinHc, Nut Hotter, K IMYrcnl. Health tracker, Nut Roust. (ilutcn, Mnlt.isla Nut cue rived h-ud lrtvit.ibly to the slon that .tth.-r nh'tla will not tx rf B f,.w of the Health Food .old by allowed to lake 'u at at nil "r that Ik will bv fXi--IIed fnun U. after the housv has had the report if a com-niit'- ami Ii -tirl luh skI-s ot the case. Mr. ltotTt will not ! w ithout n- supl!es on 0i' !hr. The tchnlcul failed to secure Ualan, the matter has not : d- feiwe which h. ts up m.vta the been before the president. j approval f "e f the m.-mta-rs and n.,.,t.,i;. iro nf IPinniH ho he will mit Ik- wl'hout chAinilons al.l isvpic.uiai - v KNAPI' IIKOS., 1 1 F A 1. 1 1 1 IOOD Co. Portland. Or arm rnnruinnr) La'uvruvvvaru 1 Columbia Electric & Repair Go SttcccHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoIlerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock it.i.l t iiuikc a nti-'UiK tl k h c In" his U'half. The ppvvedlntr over his ca- In I fair to u crsh i l'iv in lrit-r -t tl- pr"-IiS!-U rin.inclal Iftrisliitioii, tin- ii.-ftl u of operations are thus summarized by an . pnl Binoe lDt, American commissioner official: "Aguiualdo's army isdispersed; mem bers of hu cabinet and conjresi and the president of hi conre are prisouers, j wjj chairman of the committee on; and Aifiiiualdo, with a small remaant of I foreijfn affairs during the coming con-( his followers, is a fugitive. The rail- j ress, speaking of the report said : j road connecting Manila and Iagnpan is ; j cannot conceive why we should seek ! governments hBve been established along jltjonBl territory in the Crroline group. : lol y if lht, l;ilit ,! llnil ,.v,.ry the line. The oa-upation of territory : re now have possession of Guam, one of j UIM,.r nmt,,.r tna, m ,.,Ww -trv the extending from Manila to Lingsyen gulf, ; lDe richest and beet of the Caroline ial- j hnu.s.- ut th- :-kiiiiiImk of tlu- nes.Mluu. Just hut the character f t!i-s- will !. no .ne at prea4it knows. Whtth-i ur in.t .Mr. K.o-rta- will le preVMitil fpm taking his -at at all when the other nvmbers of the house are sworn In will il-cnl v-r' large ly upon the action of Mr. lleiMlin. as speak- r. Mr. Hnl-i-n haa not t 140 miles from Manila, and the gsrri- SQj.i anj meets all the requirements Soning of the provincet is complete. Itj0ftne United States st present. It is is not meant that these provinces sre en-1 piMe that Germany might desire such tirely pacified, for this could not be the 1 an iChange, but I seriously question case, but the insurgent force therein las been broken, and except for small bands, has 8ed, principally to the province of Zambalaa' to which General MacArthur will now devote attention." Considerable interest is being aken in official circles as to the disposition of j Aguinaldo in case of capture. Some persons say the best solution wunld 1 ; whether the United States has any inten tion of accepting such a proposition. THE SEATING OF ROBERT3. I hat's W hat Wc arc trying todo- cat. Ii the eyr of the public. We are doing it, too. This is slioan by the mi ml st of the imhlic who ciune to st us about their individ ual eyes. Skill, cure and honesty is a combination that must win. Northwest Optical Co., 'I'lia I tlctac.. Hvc-oncl Mini Vnli'niit..ii His ltitii ji'j.4 fllKTLAMI. OHKIiUM. XAiAAAAururAAAririAAtni Most Important Question That Will' Irtlmat'-d what course Iu- will pursu... Come Before the Coming The hous... h;i fnm tlm- to time re- Congrs. I fu.o'ij to ullow Men to tw sworn In " when th-re wt-re confll iting cr"l-n- SEW YORK, Nov. 2T.-A spe Ial to' tiulyi but th..r. niut nl.vr ., his death in action, but this is not ex-1 the Herald from Wa-hlngtcm says: j ln Icted. Should he be captured. General I Though comparatively few of thel , li,llt,,. Otis will undoubte.lly await instructions r-pr-sentatlves-el-t have arrived' s,.m,., A misplaced swlich la apt to wreck a woman's train of thoU(ht. l-OKitlng Knulncn lltilll nml Ucpnlrtl Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole .Manufacturers nf the rnsurpnHct! ... " Harrison Sccton" Propellor Wheel ... Conlrurtors for Klii-tric l.ilit.s uml 1'owtT I'latiU CHAS. HEILBORN .5: SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In all aims and stylist. Wr iliall ron Ii mis to sell Iron and Ilrnaa lltilateada at the same l ow l'rlcet rK-rdlfa of the raise In the price of iron and hraaa i . . . . i- .1 t,9 (hiuA from Washington as to the treatmeut Le la Washington, im wi- . i.i o-.r,l him Should Atf.iii.aMo1 ho are here make It v-ry apparent I escape to Hongkong, the United Mates WOMAN'S RIGHTS MAINTAINED. i conld uot m a mutter of right ask for , I his surrender, iud the presideut would From the Waverly Magazine. therefore doilbthss determine to leave i The fam exprvss on the Yavapai . . M, ,,,., ; Tonibston? railroad was bowling m-r-' rily along oer the Arizona ,.f : In conuec'ioi. with the disya,ition of that there will be a Urge majority of the members of the house opposed to allowing Rrigham H. Rob-rts, of T'tah, to sit with them. Interviews with th'W who have ftr- wMih th-r- a r-fusl to ad- PJ v(iT il.-.'.-r th- oath to a man who pre- fyj, I l-kSlfC l-d a c t-tKl, ate of 11. m in il.if ll lle OIHIUIIij if) tougu ana Monsumplion form an.l atnolm-ly uncirtili-Kt.Hl by rival applicant for 'h.- -ftt. Aguinaldo in cife of capture the autLor ! ities would have to cou-id'-r tlie effect of I The Future of pand and cactus. I'erhaps th sun beams had warped the track, or pr imps a petrified 'r-e ha.l falk-n acrosa it, but at all events, as it ?p-d by the , tl.e rx.lioy upon the n.-itiven. side of a parched river, the train sud-' When the iii'-'irreetion i iicailv sub deniy left the tra-k and roU-J down j d(lei a ci.,li;l r ;1 ,.muUAu ,! W the banks of the .so-called str-am like! a chil;l at Plav. laridiiiir l:i thr f.t ,,r! sent to govern the Philippine-. JV water with a spla.-h.' and tauins a wia'ful inixup ,'f th- pa.-- -nii--rs. cush ions, iKiKgas- and sh,- joxt-s full of lunch. The occupant. "f one car extri cated th.-.-ins 'lv-!J from the h Jg p'jdg.' And s-iUght for livans of y.., whll.? stanching a- Ix st they could the cuts received from broken glass. Hut all places of et,Tr-si s-eni-i Jammed tight. Then arose a woman's voice i:i moha!- ic d.nui.d: A child's life may be ejt you don't i.-t m- r;ht out of udhtoA Kv ihe tkee. of here I'll b.-ak a window.- -j vouin, sucn as lcel5, which is characterized by weak bones or crooked spine, and inability to stand or walk steadily, or Maras mus, that wasting disease characterized by paleness and emaciation, or Scrofula, a constitutional disease of the glands and neck. THEY CUT TO FIT. Y'-p they Jo ar.d the Btyle and finish they slve to me.i's HUlt.s, rank ih'.se gentl-meii as expert practical mer chant tailors. The niatnial they US'! is also ih' very Ust and you will al ways Pud them busy at 269'i Yamhill St., Portland. Get your rext suit ther, and get It now. THli SKCUET OF TilF. .STRAIT. Another expiilition is g.ji'ij,' in quest of ' the secret of the strait." F,,r il0u years tho H..-cret hau remaiii..-l unsolv ed. Nowadays, g-eoio-isls aril geogra phers do not ihink water connections exist between the Atlantic and Pacific. Thai the time was when th two conti nents were apart, thes? scientific peo ple believe. There are p-ople who find the secret of health as hard to And. Three words tell the way a healthy stomach ThP secret Is Hotettr'; Btomaoh Bitters. It cures coiifltirwtion. indigestion, dyspepsia and ail liver and kidney ailments. It cures them per manently. And It brings relief at once. All druggists kep it, and a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. Scott's Emulsion of pure Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda will prevent and cure these diseases. It supplies just the material needed to form strontf bones, rich red blood and solid flesh. It will also reach the infant through the moth ers milk, and be of the greatest benefit to both. Al all druggists ; soc. ind li.o SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemlsU, New York. Famous Wedgevvood Ware Bargains. It's Worth Your Coming; Just to See. Great American Importing Tea Col FTOItES 100 IN NUMBER PKICES AWAY UNDER 571 Commercial St., Astoria. li.auiy may 1; only Hkin h-p but he plump girl g;n the most tandem ridcH. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED P.y local application, a they cannot reach the dineaaed portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafneni, and that Is by constitutional remedle. Deafness in caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eu tachlan Tube. When this tube la In flamed you have a rumbling aound or Imperfect hearlnfr. and when It Is en tirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unices the inflammation can be taken out and this tube reetored to Its nor mal condition, hearing will be deirtroyed forever; nine casea out of ten are caured by catarrh, which Is nothing b'll nn Intlamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wh will (five One Hundred Dollars for any ca!e of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall'i Catarrh i'ur. Rnd for circulars; free F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sol.l by drUKl'B, 25c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A widow Is not always Inconsolable merely ;i i h. Hh'- remains uncon-BOled. Cure i Thin i hryntifl ri'imMnn the trioit fttu nl ( in(h Mf!t fitii rvrr kfi'ivvi fn mirrtiT; a i w I.h iti v.if '.;, (".ire trip wfvt t '"ih, i roup un-1 lit ii' hit,, winic us won- 1rr!ul uti i -h in Itir itiif nf ) otittitnpt "ti i w i 1 1 1 1 j t it jmr Itllrl in t h' fitt"1 ol nir-'lu'inr. hiri(r it i! v ovti it hu Ix-rn mil'l ti a v'M:itnnt u tft hi h no o'iitr tnr!n Inn ;tt) Dfant If y-m hnvf 11 ( oiii-li, wr i-itriTi'ly fi'k V"U tn tt it . In ii it'.) " :iiin unl ('nm'ta ".' , N'c nn-1 t (-1, an'l in I- ii-luri'l . -M , -S. -M utw in h S.C.WELLS&Cai I LEROY. N Y. HAMILTON.CAN. PREVENTED BY 1MH The mot effective sk in purifying anil beau tifying '. W('" aB purent ami BwiwUwt, for toilet, bath, and inirHery. It striken at the run""! of h"l eoiiipleiioiix, red, rough li.iiid.4, rilling hair, an'l huby blemislies, viz , the Iotr',"l, irritat-l, inflamed, over voi Ued, or nlunui-U I'oKM. H-.ul .v-rrwllr. P'rT.K Itum AKO CHrii Chip., !-,. Hln. I'.-. . BrttUll dM: V- N. .i.unxl, UuwUitunrimHw'IrM. No More Back Ache M V ant?T JFl MP fir CRAVEL'Tq)v- J t t NORGARD & PETTERSON, Merchant Tailors Yamhill Street Rctkcrs Mrtf ti 4th... Portland, Oregon Tlciliin (run llliiclt P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators I.ntcnt and HcMt FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, ShipChandlery, Etc. Constipation, INFLAMATIOMoffHt BLADDER. AiD 5 ALL KIDNEY DISEASES. Purifies the blood by eliminating all poisonous matter, ntlmulatlng the se cretions, reflating the bowel and aid ing nature In throwing off that which maks a yellow skin. The effect on the COMPLEXION is quite pronounced, as a few days' use will demonstrate. FIERVSTA PILLS Restore Vitality Vljjnr and Miuihood. Cure Impoiciu ' .Niiiht KmintiionHanj wasting di-if.-iHi-rt, all clkctK of self- fv, !J aim-", ur cxcchs and lndis V yj'1' '( m iIi.:i. A iiarvn tonic and ridood l.:iililT. l!rins the , V Vypinlf lo p-'ile checks and jrjr ri-'toi-iM tin; lire of youth. A rv1 My in -i i! r,()c per box, boxes for $'J.r0; with u written (runran tee tiM iirri or ri'l'tind the money, bend for circular. AddrcsH, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton tt Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL Fur Bale br Charleg Itoaart. Drucvlst. Aateri. Oregon. W. B. Edwards I. very variety of Knuli and inner, uoorH, Windows, Moulding'' anJ Cedar Shingle. rrr (,"m'on Slab, Bark, Fir, WXJKJU Mciiilock.Alder.l'oleOiik Office Seventh Street Dock LOOK MERE, YOUNG MAIN! Mm dr. i . rt Of Hi old Ml J , Knr.'l Dlipi' Tm.r lh oil on rou. Can kwp II arrtl Mill lufor li t l . u tiiil ' or wrlia la Ib.t old dwi liir. IU his txn tmailni iiieh cm tor our Id) ri, nd It prfwilr roll.)l. I'urnlii!t hl own nti e'm and lalla no laica. KtSSLER Iuli Mrdlrat and D'luury. z.1uw I ami, III airnri, I'orllainl, ur., poalllvtly uar antral Iu culf. DC1VATF t'i". Tli" dorlor f nrunirri to Mirt nr rriTrtiu r, f Hyplilin, l.,n.,rrii". iliii. S'rituia ruirl, no dirirr-ma hew long mun1i.ia. Hiiorn.aiiirr niaa, l.o . ,r Miui.i'M.,1 ur Nialiih Ktti..,,n, rtirrd nnni.4. irm ly 'iltt luliil ut HeK-AOmr rii. lu4iiy currd Iu a al urt llmr Yf'llVfi Mf:N 1lm" r'T"' n,1 fulllra if yuiiili van h viit r,,,,,,), and Ihia "Id d-winr "III rlva uu w!i inina advir and I'tiia you nmka you parfautly air ng and liali.iy You will la atuaard at hit aun'rna n curlna Siirrin.Ken hem Kr.nliml, Nnhily Kiniiiiuna, and oilier rlc. I'ulli.nli lrfin in any pari of tha uju.nry by his noma wyaMm. A'riia run purilrulara, lnt-iit ID 'iu atama, and lit will anawrr you pnnnpily. Ilundrala txaaltd al burnt who art unablt la oomt to lht oily. READ THIS Tiht altar boll It al bwlllma and arlnau n th fcnitl, tat aiida and look al It In lht mornliif. If II la cloudy or l.aa a rloudy lllnt In tt, you hart auni aldna? or tladdar dlaaaM, and thou Id bt altandtd to bofira rou H aa lawar abl ulwaaa, aa bundrada dla tvary rar fraaa uVtibx'a Al. aaa uf KlJntya. lojoi MirmAiiTMpjr,;ia'?nrrrji4 vtii tnmsivw i inar.'iyf.'mn:i a.iunwisiis'aasw iJWIaW.aCTaMW-wrMaamyaarjav-ijnnrwy an unaM Mormon tfir.nopt;' ruia ""- Oiurrh ud Unn l.ll.iw,.. l',.Mitiy c irr liern it; utfl ,.i -r -i y,'iii ly the I' litrit til (lie MiifiMI irrt Ilia w .,.1 ,u,... i. l I n'l v kiiiit irKltia from affMUi cm w., iir.,,. ,m,,k,i,J. ournt Lost Mnnhood. Im Ponrmnrorrhoaa) Insomnia, Talna inmn I'lM. narvoua vi lli l Utrntn, VntlooqaJa, nurao, atopa nap iiil.Kl vii'iit tti'l nulenir ca HrMorri iniAll, unilrretoptd ttl Iui-1A1M, UlOllMl, Eotwncy, tort Powrir, Nljht-Lnaa, Pnnrmr . Back, Kll Oaa.rna. aminnl Cmlaninna, lltv. Haadnoria.Unl Itnaaa to Marrv. oaa nl or Cdnwlpailon, Btpna QuiknaB of Ola voua TwItohlnB of kyalldi. i i'k Iimwihm, aieiy funrtton. lionr uH im..mI i,,, a curt b It. Ii.ntl, 11 US Stlmalllat Un liri.a and nervt ccnlan, , a f, 0 f.f ! o l'r nill. mMmtS A wrlltrw aiiirlnltt. to cara at smtrariuixitd, wtih t bm, ciKuiui Ut, Adilraaf ""ihn Rmady Co., hnn Pranolaeo, Oak rr ataJa tr ciu&uoe Rooaiw.