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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1899)
NIK MOItMM) AM0HIAN ll'lHAV. !S'"VKMilc.ll T, Mail ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN It Will l-ay You To look up tli baraln I am oftr lug in my orockry tock. IBvory (IiIiir I Inoludtd at -rnt dlaoount r rpulr prlc. Kverylliln In plain anil tourmd war; th fam tun l.uatlo Lraiid, KimlUh inaki. It will nay you to look H over. CIIAH. LAHHON. U Common!! Hlreot TO ASTORIANS. Th KAII.V A1TOIIIAN will l found ii u ulii In 1'iirilmnl lit llm wnll-hnuwti linn. i huuu of J. V, llmiiMnjr (;. Mill Wh.IiIhkIiiii Klrl. Orilmi for lr Main Willi this II in will ratwlt iruinit Alloiillun. TODAY'! W BATHER, poiitlani. Nov. 7. wuiinKt"n. ciivgmi mill Mulio, orourlonul rulu to day. AROUND TOWN. Crawflnli, oookrd In win, At th N' llonul Caf. I MU I'JiiKnln lwl frli-iiil In rurtlaiiil. llwy'ro I'tipiilur Nw llav you idvii my aortment of bonv brutioT Tlmy wro pur- cIumiI direct from Nw Yoik. and. ar vary popular. Am constantly, Mr. Nlo Troyrr rviunivii nwlvliif nw good. Conn and wo nn frM vUll In I'ih-IIiumI tntm. O. W. BMITH. Th Loading Jwlr, III CuninitrtltU Btrwrt. I vlHltlng iul M'lio l)o Your I.uuuJi) .' Mi. Merry ami duugliur huv r turned from vlull to rortlund. Drink K. Is. Cereal; Eat Nut butter W claim, and will nrov to, and Jlumtii J oofl ana lit nappy. tvery onu, niai w and mowt up-lo-dal laundry on thnj Coatl. A trial order will oonvlnc tlio niont particular. If you want inat, prompt work, try lh CITY HTICAM LAUNDKT, F.2I Franklin Avinu. XI. 8CHIM1TI2IIMAN, J'rop. Our Spcclnl Hiii HiiliiM W hav nma broken lima of tin war which w will oke out at bar lain prior. Wa art alio making pedal prion on itimi brokon line of canned frulla and rellnhoa, pick tli. table dellraol and aauov. Then art A No. 1 gooda, and can bt had at low prion. JtuHH. 1IIU01N8 CO. Mr. Krunk I'm ton and wlfo lft liwt evi'iilng for NVw York to be abnerit a niontti. Hubert Whldby, who I rmployed In i'ortUind. apBiit Humlay at III hum tn Aatorlu. A Clan in Spun ixli l.imt night Mnx I'ohl rlmix-rom-d a luirly of young ladlea and goiitli'invn on it imftflidi hunt. Mr. Muyhun and winter, Ml Kthel Hllimuii, were piuMi-ng-Tt on but night' truln from Portland. R T. Allen k Bon art elllnf Em- ! boned Wall Paper a low aa 10 ocnta Will bt ttarted. to mwt tvtning ai r r(J. lmporlt4 Engltah. 7H centa. tin liomea of tht membert. Plan ( ' Two Ivtmiiia a week, M oenta a le-i on, tight month eounw. A. H. Halliird, ndv.rlHliiK muimg.T Conault by mall or call at tht f ,,e Amllnn t'ompiiny, of New York. chool after f.W p. m. W. W. PAYNE. Principal of High School. I Ixt ni l ine I'mtM cIIhh And at better than Portland price, li t a faet. They are the oelbrated Pollmer-Cliigg makt; handtome, durible illk umbrwllaa. Don't make tht mletakt of buying eleewhert. 1L EKBTHOM. Tht Jeweler. MO Commercial Slrwt ItUUr TIiiiii I vcr The Pond Btreet Flth Market la better than ever prepared to uppiy fifth and toll flail of all kind. Clooda delivered to any part of the rltv and aalliifaotlon guaranteed. PONU HTHEET FISH MAHKKT. 417 Ilund Ptreet .Millinery Novwltlc I dclrt to further call the atten tion of tht ladle to my handaomt tock of trimmed millinery. It com print the latet creation of the millinery art. and I am offering re duced rate for tht net 10 day. MISS McllAE. Dr. T. N. Ilull DENTI8T. 67S Commercial 8treet. ASTORIA, ORE. Over BchtUMel'a Clothing Store. la In the i-tty on bunlm for hi com pany. A. U. Cyru hn nmvid hi Real E tuto and Iimuruti") olllco to 136 Coin iikmvIiiI utrevt, npiHwltt tlw Aatorliin Ollllf. For the fund-t'iiU'iialiiment tomor row night. Tlrkot. 60 ciTiitu; rhlldn'n. Ji i-i-nlii. lteerve ai-ula at Orlllln & Iteod'a. Wanted Hul'.e of furnlnhed Iiouivf-kei-plng nHiin, ground floor pn-fernil; HiiiHt be reaotinablo. Addn-H 11, care Antorlun. t'apluln lllgn.-y mviit yeaterday In Port hind. While tln cnptiUn remain In the Ity h. will Ik- the gul of Mr. fliHiiner. Eugene Hnmuel, on tlie nwd for the Enultftblo Life. pent Saturday In Aa torlu and look the evening train for Clntiiknnle. Pur whUky Harper Perfect whUky Harper every bottl guaranteed Har per. Bold by Ford A Stoke Company, Aitorla, Oregon. The imie conducted by the Iridic' tlulld of Hly IniuMvnt Chapel will tie held Haturdiiy, NowmN-r :.". at the old ai hool hoiiHo. noaiyn coal lt longer, U cleaner J and make lei trouble with itovci and chimney fluo than any other. George W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1311. Wiwlefl Woman to do light boiiiw wwk In family of thrMi on ranch four mile from twn; good home; kind tro-itment. Call DM Fnuikllii avenue. You can help the. memorial fund and thoroughly enjoy ynunHf at th ame lime tomorrow night. Ttu HhHd com pany eiit'-rittlniiient are ever ucoi ful. The re'Tve wat al for the Young memorial fund by tin- Bhluld coiiiiny at Flher' opi-ra hou tomorrow 26 (H'tit. ReiK-rv-'d iK-at at Orillln Ileed. Tak teamer Halley Oalaert of White Collar lln for Portland and way point. Fare, ZS oenta; room, 76 cent; upper or lower berth, 60 cents; fCtloii btirth, 26 cent, Hoftlyn col I tht bet and moat eco nomical coal for houhold uite In A torlx Try It once and you will havt no other. Oeorg W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1SU. "The man with the gun" held up a Portlund atrei car Sunday evening and robbed the conductor and mtor man of their watehe and 112 In coin. The car hod no paAmmge"'. The Iioat Puller' Club gave a danc. log parly Saturday night In thi halt over the No. 3 engine houm;, It wo well atlend-d. and lh young people thoroughly enjoyed thviimvlve. Th-Tv will le a ikkIiiI given liy the Junior league of the M. E. church thin evening at ah reldenie of Dr. T. L. Hull on Commercial mrit. The llule x-oplv are Invited to utb-nd. A "rttlly-" nu-ln u given by the Fpworth League In the auditorium of thtf M. E. church m Bunduy evening prior to the pniu-liliig wnlc. The mei-tlng wa well attended, ond pnjved to lie one of rulng Intennt. Mr. Dement and family will noon move from Atorltt to California there t,.i renuiln on IndeflnlUi time. During their abeme Mr. C. R. Hlggln and wife will occupy their nuldene, at the corner of IS ond Exchange ir.-.u. A meeting of the FonMgn Mliwlonary ..jy of the M. E. church u held ymtenlny at the realdence of Mr. Churle Wright on Alr Htre.t. After a bUhineiw eflou, rvfrehiiwnta m rved an.l th ladle pawed an hour In a friendly noclul way. Mr. Sherman Swagi-it, a prominent young SiMitllelte, ha accepted a por tion a manager of the ehlngle depart ment which U alxut to U Introduced In the C'lotaop mllUi of this city. Mr. Swogert 1 at pre -nt uperintendlng the placing of the machinery In the new works. mill a relationship, although Mr. Ixrwy of the Louvre do- not alvertliu.' the fai l, It I evident that he xiiM.iwte the Dewey common Tie. Tomorrow night r-nUtl(! Ncemw Hi.cotid Oregon regiment In thi field, II return home; Dewey at New Tork; the mounter parade; otht'v pbimltig feature; a funou reciter; muilcul program, prominent concert olotti; brlKlil'-et and beat (iitertoinment ever given In Antorio, Itiitervw your fti at (Irlllln & Jtwd . In the police court ymterday two member of the Jv family were ar rulgneii for mlMbi huvlor. John wa up for an Indecent act, and a he had erved two day In Jail he wa not fined but wa udvlNed to leave the city. He cxpnuM'-d bin w lllingiw-iM to go. Ml Doe wa charged with drunkenn ond added 'j to the city' fund. Hainui-I 1!, Donnelly, pnnl(bMt of the International Typographical Union, vi in In lyrtUtnd Kuiunluy and Sunday. He mu well entertained, and Sunday afternoon a bunlnen meotlng of the Multnomah union wa held. Mr. Don nelly mode the principal oddn, up holding union labor when organized and conducted along lawful line. All AMtorlan who vlilt Portland and denlre tpendlng a pleoaant evening In company with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled musical program, should go to the. Fredericks burg. Ik-tide vocal and Instrumental election there are mi.iy other at troctioiii to delight the vlaltors. The new ijiai:ngeuicn! I making the Frcder Ickxburg a well-merited uccc. Tv.o offieloii young men attempted to hov i, i Joih-4 how :o run hi bUHiiio at the demt rn Sunday even big and the prompt and pcrf-ctly un rnuiantli: manner In whb-h thut gentle man oiitik-d th'm from the ticket of fice, where they had forced an en trance, gave the bold upwart plenty of foiwl for thought for llwlr Journey to Portland. Mls Slgne Patmberg. r?cently arriv ing from the Eat, deiilre to announce to the ludlea of Astoria that she ha opened droHBmaklng porlor on Ninth Htrett, near Commercial, next door to Delllngw' printing ollce. MIh Palm beri; h:i ' .-d "sfugh experience In ciutl'ig oml Ilttlng ladU-a' garments of all kii.d.i, particularly tailor-made suits i, d cloaks of the Ixtost and most fash ionable dentins. Letters addreiwd as follows re mained uncalltd for at the Astoria poHtofllce Novemh.-r : Benjamin, E. A.; Lush, Mr.; Hurr, Rev. J. J.; Gat., Charles: Crimes, Royal; Harrison, W. A.; H el 111.1, Mr. Rose; Hlatt. Frank; Jordan, W. W.; Mullen, Thomas; Pet erson, Mrs.; I'eternon Bros.; Blgle, Miss Niche. Foreign Anderson, P.; Bos trin. Mis Selmoj Kare, K. Herra Mat tl; Schulii, Jiihn,. Over I) members of the Washington regiment were In Portland yesterday Perhap not many As'.oriatm riuiv(m. w.m. that there I a ix-wey living in Astoria j.o.d entertained royally, as well they who I related to the Admiral. The! might be, for there was not a better rvlotlon.hlp I not Immediate but It I leylmont In the Philippines than these r.iii e Washlngtonlans. The remainder M . I of the regiment are on their way to -wr eyryryyyrryyyyyyyTvsTTTjvi Seattle on the steamship Queen, and .SkXX..Vv.S.-S..N..S.-.-S.-V.t.--v --cu yij () r tinie whtfn thiy Portland l Astoria .. FREE.. To jirovidt) tlio citizens of Astoria mul vicinity with tlio same mlvantafios as tho ppoplo of Portland, we will, iluring the continuance, of the prevailing rates, furnish round trip tickets from Astoria to Portland and Return Absolutely Free By giving one round trip ticket with each Suit or Overcoat, purchased of us, no matter what price the garment, This will enable those desiring to visit rortland to do so without cost and at tho same timo to tuko advantage of our enormous selection of FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS Vnrfon IWh n nd Children. All our iroods are markod in plain hcures. V 1VIIU 'J w o - CUT VUT THIS "AD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and i . . ,i ;j ...jii. i i -f r i an auiunsion W llio exnosmon wiiu cacii nurcnasu oi u oun or vvercuut. Moyer Clothing Co. Tli Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Manager 3rd and Oak Streets, Portlard ; Mr. I,. O. rollnnd and wife and Mr, : August Lai. -en, Mn. Larson and their ditunhtcr Thora. b-ave today for Eu ! rope. They will be Joined at Chicago ly Miss I.und and will sail from New : York on the 15th, taking the steamer ' Oceanic. The party will make its head ' qunrters at Gutenburg. Sweilen, but j w 111 visit different sections of Norway : and probably the Psrls exposition, i They oxiect to return In r.bout a year, ' . . a. j When the Olympla steamed down the river Saturday and nassvd by the city, It seemed that Astortans gitve vent to every patriotic yell In them, but they either iU not or else In the meantime recuperatM t hemes! ves, for on Sunday, before !h Pennsylvania got fairly within hearing and after she got be yond, whs w rung, whlsitleB W ' iii' u iiiki Hpiu simpiy yeued, (Jj sln.wlnpr tlint s; 11 that Is necessary to llr up patriotism In Astoria Is the i sight of a transport. ' x" yesterday awarded j the contrail of transporting the mater i lul for the construction of the road be yond tho 1 oung's bay bridge. This dooa not Include tho laying down of th. planks. That part of the work will be made the subject of another contract which will be awarded later. Mr. Sale will get the material for the road from the Goss trestle on Young's bay. He will bi obliged to secure about three hundred thousand feet and his terms are 95 cents a thousand. The regular county teachers Insti tute v !". : '.ouurrow morning at the High school building with County School Superintendent Lee presiding. State Superintendent Ackerman will arrive on the noon train and will pre side at all the meetings from that time. The principal themo for discussion dur. lug the progress of tho Instkute will be the course of study prop .wed by Profes sor .vucniuiii iii iiie public schools of Oregon. Evening session will be held In the M. E. church and will consist of adiliosita Ljr .cuing educators of the state, exhibitors of model class work by different grades In the city and niu-sle furnished by local talent. Mrs, Bailey, national speaker and or ganizer for the W. C. T. U., has Just closed a very successful series of ad dresses In this city. Sunday afternoon she spoke to a large, audiencd at the M"ih'ilit hun:h. on one evening he M'ldren.! an amll.oie In Union Town, Till mi'KtlriK wuh largely altetti-d and tho piiipln were, very pronounced In lHr fliianclal reeognltlon of the speak er tffort. Yesterday afu-rin.on Mrs. Ilailey eonduetirl 'ivllm' m-tlng at Hi JSupllwt church. Mm. I'jil,-y np-akn with a onvlutlon and oorneMtiieMi thai I ve-ry fureeful and demands tlw at u utiori (rf all thoughtful lUUM-rs. Iter addr'-M. show a wl 1 rang of travel and tiueli pnlu:"Jve olmervaUoiia of tliij dlferent K'Opl anvmif whom she ha moved tn that h I ull to draw mroTiK cinnpariiwri and enumerat II lUNtrntloiui that can not fall to prove the Plea nhe I advancing. The local V, C. T. V. I mu;h trerigthen;d by hr vIkIi and I more determined than ever to puch with -ixTgy the work ft hux boen to a:comp!lsh. HUHhIA'S I'OVVEH. Th? recnit rw ronferencc bring the vimi-r of th Cxar of Itussla frei to mind. Ill sulJei look to him for food, helu-r, raiment, ven life It self. In no country Is a monarch power rnoro uls'Wuu-. Hut far-ra.:hlng um lis lnilu-iK- Is It canm oe com pared to that which the human U,ma:h ha over the morals and health of the HVeruge mortal. H'mO-tter Htomai h Hlttcm cure crnstl nation, dyspepsia, bllliiines, rMTvourHs arl all dls- ens- arising from an Inactive liver or weak kidneys. Try It If you have nlomnth trouble of any sort, and see for ynurs' if. It will bring yai bak to health and happliiMi. It will make you Htrong by making your stomach strong. A private Revenue Htamp should cover the iii-ck or the bottle. Wednesday Night The Shield's Company . At risher's Opera House J A Ilclined v l'lii;litftil Knter ' tainmetit. F'rogram of Pleasing Novelties For reueGt o( Edward C. Young, Library Memorial.; i i " P A OPEN DAY E,ti-'U:rfd ijj AND NIGHT... E. House's Cafe, lS Third S rrfl, F.rlhnl, lr?i. . J T!ie Bet Cup of Ceflie orCocoa lathe fit y. Cream siiit Milk y, (rem eur own ranch f Hnnio nude I'let nd i-ke. I f ' ' Vrnt' Tailor, I, D. Boyer, merchant Tailor . IrHo-Date 1 i'inrth St., rOMLMD, ORE. r n i r., BROWN'S RESTAURANT A first-class place at moderate prices lJoonis for ladies and private parties Open nil Night... 10S Fourth St., near Washington I-0KTUND, OREGON. Jackets! Jackets ! Jackets! $ Km 6.00 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY WE (JIVE SPECIAL I'KICESON IIKJII-fiKADE JACKETS...; fine Tailor-made Jiicket reduced from $12.00 to 10.00 to ft.0()to An Unusual Opportunity to Get an Elegant Jacket at a Bargain. Have You Seen Our Fall Line of Winter Mack Drva Good 1'oplyw, Venetianff, Whipcords, Camel 'a Hair and Ocpon ' THE -BEE -HIVE HATS GIVEN AWAY ! With every Suit, even if the Suit cohta no more than I'HONli BLACK 1833. Columbia Tboiif 21. kAJCJUUUUt1 The Portlntid Reatowrant K. 11. riTTHk.ll, . I'loj.rioi. r. I'rivalf Rooms tir Ladies. SOS Washing ton St , ue;ir otti PORTLAND 5.00 (We have good Suits for this price) No lottery. Every One Treated Alike. Boy also (tet a Hal with a Sail, ami we have good mm 8aiU Upward fiom aTjpS5 1 KJ You buy the Bait, we give the Hut. The bettr the Suit the better the hat. No toy Ijeio given away, bat something nw-fal. Huvidk low rent we can do this. WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE Dealer ia Mea's tad Boys' Clothing and rariisbing Goads, tad flea's Boys', Ladies' aid Children's Sboes. 2'.'3 florrisoa Street p c STRICTLY A3 a.lCHICAX CLOTHING STOKE Betweea Tirst aad Soeoad 5 hit !!! EARNEST MILLER Fresco Decorators: and Scenery Artist ALSO DEALER I.V Latest Designs Wall Papers VST RECEIVED . . , . J27 First Street, Portland i We Rent New Typewriters. Many New Improvements Added-SEE OTJR LATEST Smith Prentier Typewriter 'A-r'-r$2 1 & X. 4.FKNDrR A CO., Pi.onc Main 574 4' Excluoive Pacific Coast Dealers. 245 Stark SL Portland f(JffS Hoefler's Bonbonniere Where tire finest Candies in the State are Trepared and Always In Stock 543 C0.1.ICRCIAL ST.. ..AST0H1A. 0REG0S 5!i'' (it g) WATSON BKOS., Propr s, romliictod on tlu check system, there- fore pttrohi piiy hit wlmt they order gj and no more. 1V Claim tbe Larjrest, tomnt, Brsl tnd (luirlest Senite in the Jortlwest. X 11U and 111 Fourth St. Open 6 a.m. to p.m. PORTLAND 3S) BLANK BOOKS Of Every Description Made to Order. Largs Line of Stock Books for 1900. Attractive Prices. loose leal Ledgers and Transfer Cases. Tiip in till II UfinCrtU PA Order Blanks Holders and Binders. H L I II if iil'M U UOUil UU. Commercial I'rinting in all branches. nr-Liirreitt Eaubiirtunimt in th Woit. First and Salmon Sts., Portland. 55ivjijl) DO YOU BATHE? NO. t t a a m (.j BecatiBe at our house we Lave neither a bathtub, nor hot water humly. ,. . Theo go to the Russian Baths at 217 Astor St. '. 25 cents is the price. Private apartments for ludies. Only the better class of patronatfe la catered to. Try one and you will come regularly. f (S i(!X(SS3