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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1899)
4 l'HK MORNING ASTOIUAN 1TEWA.. NOYEMBEIl 7, I8M. gaily gUtortau. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. """" DAILT. Bent by mail, per year Kent by mll, per month Served by carrier, per month W laagte that equally r rwults have ' f.illnwvd it ue In Africa. It l the be j Uef of ur ar dopartmont that thortte j will prvve a grvat a sucwus lydlt. ! aiiJ work much gronter eH-utl.n than the fleli gun now In service. The ad vantage of the new Mplortvt Is that a few pounds hAve many time the d' tructlvenes of imnpi der. and thai a much mIU'r quantttiy prvHlucrs far gTvater eaVot. In AfrK-a the English sre S-tm h shells, but In the Phtl iiplm it Is rspetd that our sh.'lls will be slightly sttnlU-r, at any rat at Art. SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mall, per year. In advaoc 110 f - Potag free to aubacrtbera. ' aMKRIOAN TOOLS IN THE ORIENT. j That American t 1 aiv vh'ited to All communication Intended for pub- .lay an Important part in the Industrial licatlon thJuld be directed to th edl-; swak.-n'ng of Vhir. I cfc-arly shown tor. Buslneaa communication of all J in the rapid building of the Chinos Itlndi and remittance muat be addres- . Eastern railway. d to "The Aitorlan." That this remarkable enginevrlng ec- th principal If that waa the contract rt It may he that the city warrant only betr non-rvtntrart Intervet. In which csw the dii.tlU"tLiii I make will not apply. Hut In all case of private contract fir interest In execs of logal Interest, this difference between the contract and the non-conlraot rates of Interest will make the question raised of no practical Importance. It will be to the debtor's Interest to have his In terest calculated according to Mr. H.'f vlJ-fashioned style. Tlila statua of the ras I on premise of the merchant' custom of calculating Interest on In terest, and It mlnlAe the Importance of tne problem In this state, confining it to caves where a special rale of In-let-em is not contracted. Put there I another prtiicipiti k4 luw that may be involved In favor of the city, or debtor. It s the principal of application of payment. At the tlnie a payment Is made the debtor ran direct Its application either to the principal or Interest, a he chooses. If he applies Orient. The Honolulu had cargo of coal from Australia for the Spanish navy, and th captain saw the Intended consumer rink by the Tnnkee guns, but he rejoiced, with the that did re- Jolce, and sold hi coal to ivwey. teqrte ha been pushed with a rapid- ! ity never approached In railroad 1 11 w ,h Principal the. effect will be to construction Is largely due to Amerl- can ingenuity and American tools and Th Astorlan guarantees to It ad- Yeruser we large" - mach,nery. according to Alexander newspaper published on the Columbia wh rlr. in MoClure's M wraxine for November, l and describes m.-wt e-rnvrtainingly the I difficulties encountered by a member of Advertising rate can be had on P- the Engineer s Club of New York CHy plication to the business manager. i in Inducing the Russians t. try he i Atrwrkan tools. In his starch for the avoid compound Interest by making a n-?w principal, and a smaller one than by the other way. If he falls to direct the application the creditor can apply it as he pleases. Now right here Is where the custom of merchants will come In to help the debtr. A well settled custom enters Into the Inten tion of th parties to a contract. Jt will be prima facie presumed by the the custom merchant. " -"r- L " " 'country never before entered by a the Hamilton-City interest question, it n.ts man He Anally overhauled would seem that the city' answer j them, but they at fir refused to listen should be amended to set up speclrtcally ; to what they regarded as hia fabulous , tales ox the superiority of American tows "and machinery for railroad con- " 1 st ruction. They were finally pursuaded Will the Orconian y where it be- t( ,nm a tria lnj -a-tth the ar lleves a drydock should be constructed rival of the first invoice of American on the Columbia river? Does it be- tovls a new era began in railway con , - ... . structioa in the far East." Siberia and lieve the commerce of Oregon wiJ be ,. , as well subserved by building eucn jAmerlcan manufacturers of pickax-s. structure on the shifting bank of th..' ( hammers, shovels and handcars, and Willamette river as at th entrance to; befxe the close of navigation in No- the river on the deep harbor of Astoria? engineers of the rod he explored the j 'aw. th absence of special appropri wild of Manchuria and parsed through at Ion. that the debtor and creditor vember, l?y, ship loads of American I raiK Iccoinotivrs and cross ties arrived at Yladivostock and were sent Into I Central Manchuria. The r.usslans The present activity of the Astoria fciUml that America could deliver bet- chamber of commerce will meet with ' ter gxlg at a lower price than Euro universal approval among our citizens, j Pn countries and could furnish them T. , ... .. , t ,h, ! in one-half the time. England. Belgium It is a satipfaotlon to know that leading ... and Germany were practically driven business men are now coming forward rym tJje fie!i In the Interest of the city's advance- T,ig gUccessful invasion of far-ofT Si ment who once held aloof (Mm thj ' beri and Man' huria by an enterprising chamber of commerce or regarded Its American engi la but one of the , . , ,. . , many demonstrations of the ability of proceedings with Indifference. With . " . American tixls and machinery to drive such men on his prominent committees, out all cmp-ty,, ln any market on President Van Dusen ought to be able the gli be wbvre the peple have an op to show tome splendid results bofure 1 pjrtunity to test their merits. Of the ... . . millions of dollars' worth of railway the close of the year. , , . , - . material yet to be used to complete the Chinese Eastern raiisay it Is believed It is a significant fact that while none ,hM mon (han y.. T cent of the states admhted to be doubtful can be spnt to the best advantage in in today' contest has ever been relied ; the I'nited States. In fact, an Amer on as safely republican, while two of ' ican firm ha already secured the con , ,. . . tract for supplying the bridges for this them, Kentucky and Maryland, up to r nd. When the road is com- the time of the last presidential contest. ; pttj ,he establishment of a dl were never looked upon otherwise than , rect steamship line between San Fran as strongly democratic under all cir-! cls anl VladlvuMock will bring the enmstances. Yet if the republicans - " and Germany to a rich country of 10. fall to carry all these doubtful states M population, opening up vast trade today, Bryan and his followers will set possibilitir. for th- Pacific ost. up a shout that the policy of prosper!- ty and expansion has been rebuked and a great uprising againt the ad ministration indicated. Of course the questions of tariff, the gold s-.andard and the war in the Philippines are not real issues in any election h-ld to-lay, but the evident purpose of the man agers of perhaps both national partis , Thr toivn whih Issued the wat-r to nroclaim the r-sults a f.eaM (,fb"nl ' t"ay a big, bustling city. meant the custom of merchants should be followed, and that the payment should be applied to the principal in stead of the Interest. It is true the "custom of merchants" Is technically to compute interest on the partial payments. But the result Is the same as when the payntent is deducted from the principal. So. on the whole, I believe the final construction of law (upon this principle of appropri ation of payments) must sustain the custom of merchants, which is gener ally found to be based on sound rea son. So much so, lnde.-d, that. In a limited sense, the- common law holds the custom of merchants to be actual law. SIDNEY DKLL. THEY LOVE OUR MUSIC. Fillpino!i Readily Adopted Airs. American Ai'MTin.WL LWAL. The American soldier had not tx-en long in Manila before the FillpiiKM, who are natural .nudcia-is, began playing American airs. The natlvs hae tands and orchestras, and !h- du?liy. catchy Yankee tunes were exactly to their taste. The little boys and rls delight In "playing soldier, " and they drill Ith a precision anl go thrugh the manual of arms with the wooden guns or broomsticks ln a manner that always compelled the admiration of the "Americano." They always wind up th-lr play by one of the boy blowing "r"treat" on a tin whistle. Th-n a tiny American dag, which they have b4sled on a pole, Is slowly drawn down, the whistle playing "Star Spangled Ban ner," and all the' Utile Filiplmis stand ing at "attentlon"wlth bared heads. Anywhere one would go ln the city of Manila, which Is as large as San , Frarcisco, he could hear "Hot Time."; "Honolulu Lady," "Wabash" and the! other popular airs. But the melody of "Just as the Sun Went Down" proved' the most Irresistable. Jt captured Ta- . They nun DRIFTWOOD. Football Isn't a piirlor game. It Is not a gentle, ladylike pastime. Its his tory U dotted here and there with ac counts of broken limb and even U4 lives. Yet for all that It grows In fvir and It so ought. Whh nil Its roiiKhnctw It d" nt make ruttlans. The game develop character as well as muscle niut 'the youth who piny a gd game of football a god player Is never a "slusger" Is n.t usually n w.nkllng In nny sense. Mr. Hamilton and the school bird are evidently not In love with each other. This much the public under stands and It might be well for the In cident as eh" at that point. We.she and I. a wager made. It was I hive klses on the side. I said "I win" she blushing paid and then, all penitent, I cried "I told you false 1 kst. On me devolves the debt and not on you." I then returned her klsw thr.v and paid her what I owed her. tov. J' v!" Many men with some of the seeminu attribute of greatness are woefully rx poMwhen they st-t In high place. One of the demi-gmls of the Oregon republicans Is fast Kvotnlng common clay very, very common. s?' Twlay a battle of the Iwtllot Is on In full vigor in several of the states. Ex pansion Is In a measure at issue, but th--re aie so many l.val Issue Involved that only 'a i. t i led sliiinp one way or the other will show the tval sentiment of the people on national matters. y Agmnaldo, It s-t-iiis. will soon have to ly from another "capitorf." Mulolm and and on-' or two iith-rs have lvn do si rted as ih- dr-tid ap. proaeheil and three columns aiv heiul el fir Tarlac Tut a little thing that doesn't N-ther a man w h.-n Ik' Is used to it. y The anti- -x;iriM'iiilsls miclit put up Kmll Agulnaldo a tlo-ir candidate for president. If training count i for any thing he Wiuld niiike a good run. 7 . . ,. Jt' 4t aO,.1a i-M NORGARD & PETTGRSON, Merchant Tailors 2io, Timhill Street IWlatf iliii till 4tb... Portland, Oregon rlllon Ortiiml MlncU 4 A . . i tv v NOT k POISONOUS Utl BICACH But a true Iv.mtiticr, Wing the otilv prrp- ! station soM uii.ler pitive guitrnutcc of ; fl.IKH) tll.(t It Coli:.llll ol a TMn or! fraction thereof ol i,,..noti or drlctrrl- I ous sidt,tncc. l!iil.irl I'V the tuot ctrlcbratcil tuti-tr ol the nc ami malic sUkic tTcotmiicttilrrl ly rininntt 1 phvMCUiiH. and pronounced hannlcMt by , lradittK chitiut WiSOCMS riW RCBERTINI. It I tbf OHlv pfTtmtHthHt IH Bwl t fallH'IVaM Ulir to jtj tiuir U'4'iitlu! ktiiti.Vi-ti i Ak y-otii t1ruiit lot ti nil I 1' .h c iIuh( to Uk Bythuig vr rur " crtii Kr toti ( up TIionc, MAGAZINES You linvo aUitit your lionic anil liavs Ihcm mn.le Into llnnilsome I looks. Old lK)ka retioiiiul Mini lumlo us gixnl a nrw. We ninke nil kinds til books and lisvo Hie only Ikaik llindcry In Asltula. Will lie plcasist to nliniit mllinali. J. S. DF.I.I.IMil'K, (air. Mntli a ii J Coiiiiiicrclul SI. P. n. Slmrple's Cream Separators Latent (inrl Heat EW BUSINESS LOCALS Do you want a good m'l when you visit Portland? If so, go to the Tort- land restaurant. JC5 Washington street, i If you want any Health Food that your gmeer doe not have, writ Knapi Pros. H-ai:n Food Co.. Eat Pi Ore. FISHER BROS. General Supply Mouse for Family Groceries onunT Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, ShipChandlery, Etc. Kinpp Itro. Health Food Company, l ast Portland, carry a full line th iut;Ie Creek Sanitarium' Food. inpany. .- Pacific Sheet Metal Works E. House' Caf at IM Third street.1 Portland. I regarded by many peopl as the leading restaurant In th Pa cific Northweat. ! -' : Cslmnn Encyclopedia Brittanlca, SI vol.. ,4U" h.ep, W- llest teacher' Blbl. now, Vft'ttafclr JOc. at Eyland' IJr.' Book Store. 6fc,","' Portland. Pee advertisement. FrUlt MANIFACTL'RERS OF ...CANS... spice and Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Sm Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Falrhavcn. Wasli. Astoria, Ore. Write Us for Prices curate, up-to-date printing, promptly delivered. All work gulo and Maccabebe. Jmmd It. Cditi'.ue fro u Fae 8, thing SMme fiele.ted. day. the future tendency of the people gives these elections an inten-st and imp.r- and the lKnds are at a premium. The r reditors who got the bonds made mon- i ey by the New York bank's failure. Mr. tance which will cause the i-turns t.-xixn di not stite wha.t he g'Jt for be uatched and aaitel from one end , the Kloiida property, but it is doubt- of the country to the (her. W a v-ry small sum An account of the terrible u-structive- j mss of the Englinh artillery aaint the ; Boers In South Africa is published in , another column, and It will be of inter- est to know that the United Stan is THE INTEREST CASE. whistled it, played It on piano, guitar J and mandolin, and their bands and ' j orchestras enjoyed giving the melodl So the lands wwejom sounds to the tropic aJr. j I i fie auiiior oi iua.i pi(uKLr book, Jak Keating, has ben engaged for the "memorial fund" entertainment ti be given Wednesday night under the management of Mr. Edw. Shields. H is a pianist of the popular school, and plays right Into the hearts of his hearers. The admission to the ent-rtainnr-rrt has been fixed at 50 cent: childn-n, 1'. cents. Scat can be reserved at Grif fin & Reed'. :F C0D-UVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept In the house for the fol lowing reasons: fJRST Becau. ff any member of the family has a hard cold, it will cure It. SECOND - Pecause If the chil dren are delictte and sickly, It will make them strong and well. TfflRD Because, if te father or mother is losing flesh and becom ing thin and etnaciaiel It will bulid j thought of the day. many book on ub them up and give irwm flesh and strength. FOURTH- Became jt h the standard psrred in u throat and lung affect.or.j. No ho'j-hoi-f should be without It. It can be Uiten in summer as well as in winter. IO0TT V BOWSE, Chnui.. StwTork. A g'd meal with meat rich In flavor anJ one you will enjoy with a relish. I Just what you get at the Cn-ameii restaurant, 171 Washington ativet. ner Third. Try It when you go to Portland. If you are going up to PortUnd and mUs gon to the Creamerie Uestau rant, ;n Washington Pt.. you may con sider that your trip will not a ur cess, in others .v 1 1 1 tell you. who do not mls It !ln::t! ' English and Huslne Col teg,, ni Vi 4! I Yamhill treet, I'ortland. l to acrnniniodat a larg oin l.-r ,,f pupil this year. Already' the rsie are -ell crowded, a fact' hnt ..''i' ite the excellent character of the l:ntitUtton. : Mr. N. R. Ilrldg-Mi. late of the Ellis Priming Company of Po.tland. has as sumed th management of the Astorlnn . Job printing department, and I pre- HeutZealand Fife Insuranee Go Why la Watann'a restaurant In Port-1 land patronised by thousand of peopl! dally? Simply because It I the largest, . finest and best equipped eating resort on the Paclrle coast. Watson' restau rant ha sixty-eight whit employes on it pay roll. Remember the location. Fourth street. j All kinds of reading! There Is only one plnce we know of In Portland' win-re you ran find all th latest book And ph.ttnplet on the most advanced Of New Zealand. San KmnciHco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subwribtsl Cajiital ... Pnil-U Cupitul AssttU ..... Assets in United .States Surplus to Tolicy Holilors f.1,000,000 1,000,000 2.54.MN .100,000 1,718,792 lla lccn Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovt r Twmtv-two vears. SAHUEL ELMORE Sc CO., ReHldent ArntH, Astorin, Oregon j.-rts of ndvanced up to date topic not! to b found in other tok stores can j be obtained here. It I worth your! while to call when In Portland and se for yourself. Jones, Alder Bt., ! Portland. j Pacific Navigation Com pany ilr. Dell Distunes the Question From an Imartlal standpoint. Astoria, Nov. C Editor Aitorlan : going to try a new explosi ve in the war j The h-jt tirs of controversy over the againHt the Fllipiiw. With tn xc-p- Hamilton-Astoria Intrent quetlrn stir tion of this government every or e of the '. lo an M"a "n tnl lmrtanl , i . . 'public, not private; problem. It Is an i'l'.a that might 'In ore view) settle Helu artill-ry. rh- i.nush .yd.t-. th maU(,ri pra.-tlcally, in Oregon in the French melinite and the Germans a . l.i .or of the Hamilton side of the dls- imiliar explosive miLtiufa''."tur''d at tb.'ir i ptt'. .Mr. H. says inU-rest muat be own arsenels. These explosives are said acl'ied to the principal up to the first ! pavnient which is thn to tf deduftetl to be practically identical in comnokl- ,,, . . , , , . . ' from the total, making a new principal tion, but the exact details are a secret. ,t which interest is to be computed, with the Inventors. The I'liited Statee and so on for oat.h partial payment, has U-vn experimenting for some ti.,r:-:!Tne '" ''' 1;" anr say the con- . v, , ,. ... ; tract intetcst shfiUid (by the custom of to find a suitable explosive, and at last1 . rne' hants for a quarter century) be ha. determined to prove the utility of , t.0iputS( on th. prlnr.lpaj t0 dale of thorite the Invention of a (.iuzen ofiflral payment, and then interest at a Tauotna under service condition. The lilte ate, should le computed on each payment up to tame time, deducting war department has Just ordered Lieu tenant Parker to go to the Philippines to superintend the manufacture of thorite, and with him will go the In ventor. Lydlte now used by the Brit ish in South Africa is said U be fright ful it: its destructive effects. It was al io used by the British in their last Sou dan campaign, and from the reports siade by the military exports, accom plished fearful execution. When the Dervishes charged down on the British Hnes at Omdurman and at the Albara ntlre battalion were mowed down by tie exploding lydite shells, and it Is evi dent from the account elsewhere of ke artillery at Glencoe and Elands- total from the total principal and In-ter-ft. The former way gives Mr. H, considerably more by allowing Interest on interest, or compound lnteret. The latter way was invented by merchants to avoid that compound interest. Mr. H' way has lieen the practice In the court for ages and is found In all the arithmetics old and new. The city treasurer's or merchants' way of com puting the interest, though, run up against one practical difficulty, viz: The contract rate of lnterrest In Oregon may be ten per cent while the non-con-i tract rate I ( per cent and was S per cent during these payment. Ho It the clty'g lalm Is correct, only 8 per cent could be computed on the partial pay ment In the absence of a contract, while 10 per ceut could be figured on The ehlp Crown of England arrived In Sunday. The ship St. Mungo came down the nver yesterday. The steamer W. K. Harrison has left out for Tillamook. The British Bernlcla is alongside the O. E. A N. coal bunker. The two transport Olympia and Pennslyvanla left out Sunday. The British bark Lorton and tAe Ger man hlp Ferdinand Fler have passed out. Steamer State of California arrived in early yest'-rday mornfng from San Francisco and two hir later left up for Portland. The steamship Gunsey, Norwegian, left out yesterday morning for China. She has a cargo of lumber. The Brltlsk schooner Honolulu ar- rived In port yesterday from Mexico. The Honolslu witnessed the naval bat tle of Manila bay, having entered but a day or so before Dewey took hi fleet In to aemolish Spain' power ln the THBT CUT AND FIT. Two Fashionable Furrlw Who Are Earning Well-Merited Approval Good wrk, correct style and perfect fit speak louder (or the furrier than any advertisement that can be written. Appltaih A Prasll. the faahlonable furriers, at US Third treet, between Alder and Morrison, guarantee abso lute satisfaction In every cas? where a purchase I made at their establish-m-nt Both gentlemen are practical cutters and fitter, who have been em ployod In some of the largest houses In the principal cities of the United Stat.-. Thore Is a style and finish to all work tumid out by this Arm that stamp both gentlemen exp-rts In this buslress. Garments will be taken to be msde over or repaired, and the work turned out with the least possible- delay. HTKAMKHS ' It. P. Elmore W. II. llnrrlMon A tailoring establishment of som I pretention, located on Washington i street, Portland, claim to have mad 47 suits for dressy Astortan during th! past six month. Thla statement I de-j nld by the firm of Povey St Bircha.l, at 'fiAIJIBALni r.7 Washington street, near the Im-, ONLY DIHKCT LINK ASTOItl A to TILLAMOOK IJAY CITY perlal hotel, who ar patronized by thi grat majority of outside customer. I Povey Sc Blrchall make the swell suits i for most of the stylish Portlndera, and I feel that they are not excelled by any! Portland firm for out of town patronage. IIOHHONVILLB Connecting at Astoria with the Oretiou I U 1 1 road A Narigatlon Co. for Sao Francisco, I'ortland and all (tointa vast. For freight anil passen- THE LWVKK. Strangers visiting in the city wiil liud the Loiwe an attractive resort wherein to sjietiil the evening. The Amnio Mister Ladies' Orelii-n'm Mill on the bills ulid present nightly a musiial prourHiii of exceptional merit. Handsome pool mid billiard rooms n'e a fi-nlnre in connection wilh the lion.e. I'nliitHhle lunches will be served lit all nonrs ger rates apply t, COHN kCO Agents, TILLAMOOK Ire. A POEM ON MANKIND. Like what Is man, but tike a sprouting weea, That grow and ripens but to cast Its seed Among the thistles and the tares of life And then to see It strangled In the stif: Or like the clouds that wander with the brec;:e And pas unnoticed from a life of eas -? Or like a mushroom, sprung to life, alas! To starve or strangle ln the tangled grass r These are thoughts that are apt to come to many people at time, espe cially when they are sick and have to pay big price for medlclm. But there Is one drug store In Oregon whore you can save from 10 to 25 per cent on everything you buy, and that I J. A. Clernenson's Drug Store, at 227 Yam hill street, Portland, Ore. At that store you can get Hood's Sarsapaiilla at 70c; Mellen's Food, $1 lie, 65c; Bromo Selt zer, II size, 70c, and everything else at the same low rate. Tou can get red trading stamps there, and If you need the Natural Body Brace, you can get It there. FOR SALE. Improved ranch, conslstlt.g of 120 acre, on Young' river. Apply to John L. Hnyseth, Wle, Or. FINE OPENINO. The North Pacific Dental College, whos vlvertla?ment appear In anoth er column, opened Its door October 6, 'lth 78 tu dent on it roster. The col lege la well equipped with every facil ity to graduate student In all the late knowledg3 of dentistry. A, R. Baker, D.D. S 1 demonstrator In charge, and Is well qualified to Instruct all student wno are id tni college. Harrtuel Bltnore & Co. f rl Agent. AHTOIUA, ORE. Oregn .llroarl Navigatiou Co., lOWTLANI), Ore. State Normal School MONMOUTH. OKKQON Training School for Teacher. New Buildings New Department. Ungraded Country School Work, Graduates Secure fiomlf Positions. STRONG C0UR8Ea-WlI equipped training departments, Normal court, quickest and best way tu Stat Carttflcfcte. Expenses for year from 1120 to $180; Board U 80 to per weeks Tultloa. Ml per term of to wk. FaU term begin September th; Summer trm Jun to September 1. Foe catalogue address p. l. CAMPBELL. Presides. or W. A. WANN. So ofFoulty. WHERE TO EAT. Why at 'The Eastern,' of course. 170 Third St., Portland. You can get a good layout for 15 cents here, which will satisfy your hunger and bring you back again to the same place. Remem ber the Eastern. NORTH PACIFIC Dental College loth and Couch Sts I'ortland. Member of National Association of Dental Paculties. Pormcrly Ta:oma Collcije "F Dcnta Surgery. Dental Infirmary open dally from a. m. to I p. m. Free oral surgical cllnUi Saturday. 1:30 p. m, to I p. m. A. R. Baker. D. D. 8., Demonstrator la charge. Student deilrlng Information, ad dress North Paclrte Dental Collega, Fifteenth and Couch street. Port!uid,i Oregon. 1 KOPP'S BEST r A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paoiflo Brewery, of which f Bottled beer for family use or keg MrJohnKopp Is proprietor, make beer beer npplicd at ony time. dllvrv In for domes io and export trade. the city free. florth Pacific Brewery