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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1899)
fllh MuKMNi; .MulUAN. WKl.N'ttMt.U , NOYKMHKK 1, !!(;. 1 1 v a J q tin it crs for hi y tiooJs on the lowvf tolniobui CULLISON & CO. thf a. nmmv. r Uurl.vlll-,.K.rx.l, o,v 1 1 Cl U I 1 1 1 VI I K.) IX Ul UlVl O FANCY WORK e.s; vi i,' cn vt'un rit deuce lor pro- ! I.k. tl,.., ..i.ltlltb. U.l ilil j ltliiK ftv iu,v mm i i j ' Embrolvierinj;, Ka ttl.iRo, troc'ictiny ; lc tHiIlrt'" 1'iqbro'Jcrv i , ! IIhij lloMcr ' The iiMOi omul, i e nc mu y . .. .. . ! i. - ,...1 ll.n'l .,.. It In I l" " i;i 1 1 liiuinm ... n- - - UiiUUi L C U T d 01 ifwJC ILT the kind of oic 'not bum through ui,J Imv it Nttmo it;. EiubroiJcrcd Pieces Revju r- "i. i it .!. ami n-iisi Iv of kmhI li (i to fc'ive sitif rl 11 Ours win iNir. lur) are lucnaru iiiu'i best hand-woven anJ jras blenched Roods. Kodak and Doylte Holders Of uieely flnishsl ami tinted card- nif..t .lervwuon tiitliit. .n - i t-. i ,s v- t i in v iiminnn., nM ki inohuiiTit which cm m- i rj i.i-v v desired, kttlila up thf Yurus In fclmu A full T.irict. of ': im in Ci. ruiMii, Ciermaiitottn, iin- . .. I !. WI....I 1 -....I ... 1 IKiriCHi on.mii. titin iiiuii mi'i mm i BISHOP SCOII ACADEMY IVunilrd lH'tl. J. V. Illll. U. U- I'rlnrliial. lion, Spanish yum, Flenr tie Li ami : ckriitHii xvrm Oina spt. la. imm. i.t wool. Crochtt threads in full assortment. FUND OPENS TODAT. Beginning the Edward C. Young Mem- tng to the Astortan. encloses sub stantlal check and adds: "Permit me to say, relative to the proposed fund, that It haa my hearty sympathy and approval. The move Is A BVwrdlnc mi Dir So boot Unito pnwll n.n.fmnt lno Mrs. For nul4iM or IntormiUea tdilrMa lb rtnolixl. J W UlLU U. IX. P. U. ilnnr IT INwiUhit. Or. Primary. Preparatory and ActtJcmlc Dpaii kmc Collro l'rrrlloo. Mllltam DlMlpllM. kuHl TruniDa. Uot l U fm MOM. IVril.uitl. Oi't'mi. ?', li The Bi Rlillinery Store ..0f Portland.. The Largest Assortment The Lowest Prices TKIMMKP MAT AT ALL I'KICI'.S ALL XCK LATR I'ATTKKNS ALL RXCLISIVB STYLES orial SubecrlpUon, ! perfectly proper from the fart that the Sow5r wlJ G,r,- ch 171 : Wl9('- l6,:,ReflUt!fljl Tomorrow the Astorian win begin) AKricuuurai lollege -a Intensely loyal! Burkholdor, 151: Hardeey. 139. j - w t a- a. 1 1 m publishing the of contributors tO M demonstrated when she svnt so the Edward C. Young library memorial j many fwm . :t ta Many have already called with tfceirj inie flttn hat u,e movemrtlt 8houM quoto, but arrargemenu were not com-, emanate from Astoria, aa one of our pldted and It waa demed best to wait country's fallen heroea w at once a WILL BS ACCOMMODATED. CHICAGO, Oct. 31. A party of stud ents from the university of Chicago Millinery . . . But everything Is now ready and the; -udent n ,b fc jt of 'a'tfnrifln'wln rA acknowleu J tit .i.,.r lav kA mAwnvtit sKi on to a! will o to the Kentucky mountain I wi.vaw ..... a . rVOkUl It T I receipt of any amount left at tins omce for tha tnemorlal It Is desirous that the list to De puo- ..j H aCKERMAN, "JIM. uccejwfu! termlnaUon It th wish of, wher the mnt f3 bave oc i "Yours truly, , . u mounttin; MRS. ROSS. life as retained by the mountaineers, At prices nitliiu die reach of all. Tall and examine the new "Superintendent Public Instruction." Professor Ackerman, by rakson of his office. Is ex-ofddo regent of the Oreg in Agricultural college, and his life-wort Is along educational lines. His appre ciation and endorsement are very grat ifying. 183 lllb Street. llshed tomorrow tie a brave one, a gen erous and representative one, but If one man should end in his mite the list will be started. "Great oaks from little acorns grow." However, there will be more than one contributor for the movemeJt Is gen eirally and warmly commended and every Asaorian if) willing to do his share. The project has attracted gen eral attention throughout the state and the showing that Astoria makes will be observed by all the newspapers. The Oregxiian, In commenting upon the movement, said: "Edward C. Young, of Astoria, was a student at the agricultural college at Oorvallls when the war with Spain broke out and volunteers were called for. He went with the Second Oregon. port,and Koad Club Aheed on a Cl0ee but did not return. To Edward C. Young, one, of the noble young fellows Contest, who gave their lives for their country and for humanity, the Astorian pro- Speeial to the Astorian. poses a memorial, in the form of a jjy Oct. 31.-In the games LLL. library, for the use of the agricultural jlkp. tonight for the Feldenheimer trophy,) The fact that tne UDrary is ror me a scoria won ine nrw. giuiie mm uv FIRE AT SINO SING. Every Hand SING SING. N. Y., Oct. 31. One of the most stubborn flrvs that Sing Sing Today subscriptions will be received. has ever witnessed broke out at S:30' Any amount w ill be properly receipted j tht8 morning in Sing Sing prison. The for and applied to the purpose for, flr ,tarted tn ,te bake shop near the which it is offered. Twenty-five cents. ....,. . ,.n . .. . . i .1 - in w i hoe-rital building and within a few min or twenty-flve dollars. It will help swell the fund for the memorial for an As-j tues spread to the hospital. Twenty toria boy who died In the service of his : eight patients were in the hospital, and country- ! all were gttn out with safety. The fire is under control, but still burning. ASTORIA LOST. Fl Millinery. I MISS McREA Corner Tenth and ! Commercial streets. Nut Butter. K RCerenl. state agricultural college, where it will Roaj ciUD the other three. Astoria might have won the third firanoc. i Honltli Crackers, Niitcnc. remain for the use of students from it nt thp idAtp. la a further reason, in action to the the desire to Ifame tut for Hardesty's M. honor a fallen hero, why the project streak, he making five goose-eggs, then should receive support from every four in succession. i quarter. The Oregonlan seconds the foowlng te the by gameg; : A.lnrlnn'. nnnpftl in Lhig behalf to the . ... . ... I Are a few ol the Health TOikIS SOU) t)J (ilutcn. Maltosia Astorian's appeal in this behalf to the people of the state." Prof(sor J. H. Ackerman, state su- Astoria, 234, 240, 248, 242; total. 946.' Road Club, 218, 24. 2B, 29; totaV, 1,09. KNAI'P BROS., Kccclvcd an Elegant Asortmct Xew Street Hots Stltch- H Pelt Tarn CruwnM, In The New Shapes. We handle these Good Direct Trum our oa Maoufactor. The only store In Portland that carry these delusive Styles Chlldrens and Misses Hats all Styles. MAIL OKDCKS I'KOHITLY flLLEl). The Wonder Millinery Co., MILLIXEKY KETAILEI) AT WHOLESALE I'KICES Corner Morrison and First Sin., I'OUTLAND, ORKGON. I Posing a Specialty. The Photographer Reaches for the delicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS made at The Spa Candy Factory The larestt line of I.owney's Famous Chocolates ever brought to Astoria. N. V. Comer Seventh ainl WaKliinutnn PORTLAND. ORKUON Holmes' English AND Business College 414 Yamhill St., Portluml, Oregon. SIX DKPART.MI-NIS I'liKlish, BookkccPinu. perintendent of public instrurtion, writ- Individual totals w?re: Burroughs, i lit. A L, I II HHili l,o, I'uriiuiia. tr a. is. h M.l: I . I rup r. I'linne aW The Lightest Store in Astoria j Wise's Customers See What They Duy s prevents the il i ' -nt of tunny youu people wl 0 ponuru all other elements necci ry to jicerd. The remedy lies In their own hands entirely. It is Never too Late to Learn." ; We admit students of all t;rs, for a full court or for a few branches oaly We tr.u li Spelling, Crvmiuar, Arithinrtir, i'enmaiiiihip, Letter Writing. Commer cial Law, Bookkeeping, Office Work, Shorthand, Typewriting, ihninm I'oims, Miiifnliliii)(, lite. ts""Aruntrong'i Couibinrd Theory tud Practice of Hook kerpinc" makes that branch easy. Investigate. It will pay. Call, or write. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong;, Prln. Open all th: year. Students may enter at any time. llusincM, Shorthand SluirtliunJ, Typewriting, j and English department. Private or cIju inntruition. Catalogue free. 1'ciiiiiuiiHliip, Ait. Semi fnrcirenliirtt. j (TfTirTBbTTC I TUB I5I0GI;K Tllli TRADE. I 0i n n 9 111 PI rri If U L-3 U P n 0 11 J3 zj D Why? A funny juesti(n you tliink None of my busiii'.-s you -ay lint it dui-.s concern you Whether his clothes fit Whether hisj elothe-i wear 'Whether heJiiiT-'jiiiid to much for them If he has bought them from WJSK T11KY ARK RIGHT 1 : j -. I T'-7-.1, ii-ii ,V,7.1tW 1.1 :i.i i c . 1 1 . t.6 d a mm ''hi 5 C! " s ' ''.V. 3; : This is Why! All 10 Suits or Overcoats, now $ 8.15 - II 1 2.50 Suits or Overcoats, now 10.00 All 15.01) .Suits or OvcicohIs, now 12.00 ' All 17,50 Suits or Overcoats, now M.00 All 20.00 Suita or Overcoats, now Ki.OO All 25.00 Suits' or Ovnreoats, now I. '.. ' ;. 20.00 20 per cent Reduction on Boys' Suits, etc. 20 per cent Reduction on Hats. 20 per cent Reduction on Underwear. 20 per cent Reduction on Pants. 20 per cent Reduction on Mackintoshes. 20 per cent Reduction all 'round.. HERMAN WISE: THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER ASTORIA, OREGON